#Mariana Aparicio
ilovetheater-nl · 2 years
De jaren van Eline Arbo pakt je en laat je niet meer los
De jaren van Eline Arbo pakt je en laat je niet meer los
Recensie: Mieke van der Raay Afgelopen donderdag 3 november was de première van De Jaren van Het Nationale Theater, in het Spui theater in Den Haag De jaren is de nieuwste voorstelling van regisseur Eline Arbo, naar de Europese bestseller van Annie Ernaux, winnaar van de Nobelprijs voor de literatuur 2022. Met een all-female topcast bestaande uit Hannah Hoekstra, Nettie Blanken, Tamar van den…
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One of the things I really appreciated about Las Aparicio and the story between Julia and Mariana is something that needs to be said more because people have set their minds about this is not always like people think.
To give a little of context, Las Aparicio is a mexican Novela where three sisters have to live their lives with a special curse. One of the sister, Julia Aparicio, gets a love story with her best friend Mariana Almada.
And one of the best things in the novela is the relationship between Mariana and Julia's mom, which eventually would be her mother in law.
This relationship and their scenes together were sometimes the best part of the story for me, and are so important that people don't realize.
Because at the same time, there's a character called Ileana that is a teen that is incredibly homophobic. Is weird, but they made a old lady super supportive that even in one scene was gonna get in a fight with a homophobic man; and a young girl was the one with all the prejudgment and ignorance.
And this is so important because in internet you see the majority of the people thinking that young are the ones that are allies and understand and support us and all the old are conservatives and hate us and that's not the true in a lot of aspects.
To say that in a personal level, my grandma of 92years at the moment was way supportive, and my 15year old cousin stop talking to me when I came out in the family as bi.
My grandma in her own way(spanish) told me she didn't care if I get a gf or bf or whatever; that what she wanted is to teach me how to cook so I don't depend on other people to live.
And my cousin cancelled a trip we had together after I told her.
And I'm pretty sure something like this has happened to a lot of other people.
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boomgers · 1 month
Qué tan lejos llegarías para servir, rescatar y sobrevivir… “Familia De Medianoche”
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Inspirada en el premiado documental homónimo, la serie sigue a Marigaby Tamayo, una ambiciosa y talentosa estudiante de medicina de día, que pasa las noches salvando vidas en la ciudad de México a bordo de la ambulancia privada de su familia. Junto a su padre Ramón y sus hermanos Marcus y Julito, Marigaby atiende a una población de millones de personas haciendo frente a emergencias médicas extremas para ganarse la vida.
Estreno: 25 de septiembre de 2024 en Apple TV+.
La serie cuenta con las actuaciones de Renata Vaca, Diego Calva, Sergio Bautista, Joaquín Cosío, Óscar Jaenada, Yalitza Aparicio, Dolores Heredia, Mariana Gómez, Itzan Escamilla y José María de Tavira.
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Detrás De Cámaras
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devosopmaandag · 2 years
Deze week zag ik met vriendin A de theatervoorstelling 'De jaren'*, gebaseerd op het gelijknamige boek van Annie Ernaux, en enkele dagen later 'She said'**, de film over twee journalistes van The New York Times die onderzoek doen naar Harvey Weinstein. Eerder las ik het boek van Ernaux en langer geleden zag ik documentaires over Weinstein en over Jeffrey Epstein. Feit, fictie, werkelijkheid, kunst – vrouwenlevens.
Ik las het boek in grote bewondering. In een ingehouden stijl schrijft ze over haar eigen geschiedenis, die ook de geschiedenis van Frankrijk is en andersom, kortom: een collectieve autobiografie. Zij doet dat met precisie, zachtheid en scherpzinnigheid. Het boek appelleerde vooral aan mijn reflectieve aard. De gebeurtenissen in haar andere boeken zijn rauwer, emotioneler, maar altijd geschreven in haar onmiskenbaar eigen stijl, die sommigen misschien als koel omschrijven. Het toneelstuk, in de regie van Eline Arbo, was het tegendeel: in ruim twee uren speelden vijf actrices van uiteenlopende leeftijden samen de vrouw van het boek. Niets werd geschuwd: verkrachting, masturbatie, abortus, moederliefde, verlangen, angst, spotternij, euforie, bezinning. Alle theatrale middelen werden ingezet: er werd wonderschoon gezongen, rook ingezet, licht, muziek, nepbloed, tafelkleed na tafelkleed werd beklad, bemorst, bevlekt. Ondanks mijzelf misschien wel, maar vooral dankzij de spelers en de regie, werd ik meegesleurd een vrouwenleven in. Na afloop was ik enigszins uitgeteld – en zeer onder de indruk.
Dan was er die goed vertelde, niet sensationele film, waarbij ik vaak moest denken aan documentaires over Weinstein en Epstein, waarin een lange rij van vrouwen vertelden over wat zich binnenskamers bij die twee machtige mannen afspeelde; verhalen die weerzinwekkend zijn en op een bepaalde manier ook stompzinnig. En hoe die gebeurtenissen hun leven bepaalden. Ze zeggen ook iets over de soms onvermijdelijk lijkende kwetsbaarheid van vrouwen en over hoe wel erg veel mannen hun macht laten gelden en die in zijn lelijkste vorm tegenwoordig 'toxic masculinity' heet.
Ernaux zet haar kunstenaarschap, haar gevoeligheid en haar intellect in om niet slachtoffer te zijn maar de protagonist in haar eigen leven. Een verkrachting op jonge leeftijd, een pijnlijke abortus, hopeloze relaties met een getrouwde man en een veel jongere man, de bekrompenheid van haar jeugd, de opwinding en idealen van '68, de daarop volgende deceptie, het consumentisme, de ouderdom, dat alles vormt het materiaal om haar verhaal te vertellen, om te zeggen: dit is de vrouw die ik ben. Maar niet iedere vrouw is een Ernaux.
* 'De jaren' | regisseur Eline Arbo 2022 | Het Nationale Theater | naar het boek van Annie Ernaux | vertaling Rokus Hofstede | met Hannah Hoekstra, Nettie Blanken, Tamar van den Dop, Mariana Aparicio en June Yanez.
** 'She said' | regie Maria Schrader 2022 | scenario Rebecca Lenkiewicz | met Carey Mulligan en Zoe Kazan 
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aaroncutler · 9 months
Two Year-End Lists
January 7th: This post contains links to two sets of year-end lists, both in the Spanish language, and both of which include my contributions (as have multiple past editions). One is “La Internacional Cinéfila” (“The International Cinephile”), a polling of various people that work with cinema in different contexts (primarily critics, filmmakers, and festival programmers) that is organized annually by the Argentinian critic and programmer Roger Koza through his website, Con los ojos abiertos ("With open eyes"). The other is a polling of a wide range of film personalities (that additionally includes scholars and moving image-based artists who work primarily with expanded cinema) for the website desistfilm that was organized by the site's editor, the Peruvian critic Mónica Delgado.
As I allude to in both of my contributions, I watched an unusually low number of new films this year, the vast majority of which were seen through preview screeners with my attention wavering – the major reason, of course, being the presence in my and my wife Mariana’s lives of a newborn daughter named Ava who has been recently joining us at the cinema. Under such circumstances, I find it hard to feel bad about falling behind, including because certain recently premiered works that I have not seen and that are beloved by peers (for example, Victor Erice’s Close Your Eyes) will almost certainly stand the test of time.
As I have done in the past, I chose to send different lists of films to the two publications for the sake of drawing attention to a greater number of worthy works. I feel a few immediate reactions now as I peruse the two documents overall. One is the feeling of simple amazement at perceiving how many important films premiered in non-competition slots at the most recent edition of Cannes, including the latest works by vital contemporary filmmakers such as Erice, Lisandro Alonso, Pedro Costa, Jean-Luc Godard, Steve McQueen, Kleber Mendonça Filho, Martin Scorsese, and Wang Bing – a gathering that could credibly serve as a “year’s best” list unto itself. For all its problems (which have been discussed by critics elsewhere), to me this gesture of simultaneous consolidation and marginalization on the part of Cannes's organizers offers the hope of reminding cinephiles of the importance of looking beyond a narrowly defined center.
Otherwise, I was pleasantly surprised to see how many colleagues in the “La Internacional Cinéfila” gathering shared my regard for María Aparicio’s Undefined Things, a nuanced Argentinian metafiction about an older female film editor in crisis that observes its characters keenly and with tremendous love. And, although I wasn’t especially surprised at the outcome, I was nonetheless gladdened to see the top spot in both aggregate polls go to a film that appeared on my desistfilm list, Aki Kaurismäki’s Fallen Leaves (which indeed premiered in Cannes’s main competition).
I find a charming and even heroic quality in the Finnish filmmaker’s decision to present something like a 1930s Hollywood urban romance for our own particular modern times. The film inspires with its commitment to human values and envisioning of a reality in which people continue to consciously regard each other in spite of the innumerable forces that tell them to look away. As has almost always been the case for me with Kaurismäki’s work, I find the care that the filmmaker takes with his actors on multiple levels (casting, framing, editing, directing) to be especially extraordinary. The key idea in the film, for me at this moment, is the necessity of living one’s life with full attention on the local. And, as is pointed out in Mónica Delgado’s marvelous review of Fallen Leaves for desistfilm, that attention has always been present on Kaurismäki’s part. The changes that have made his new film land so firmly with so many spectators, perhaps, lie with the contemporary needs that it addresses. In any case, we are fortunate to continue to find artworks that argue in favor of a more humane world.
On that note: One of the chief pleasures of perusing best-of lists, of course, is reading about great works of which one was not previously aware. I look forward to discovering these films for myself, both in 2024 and beyond.     
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ivanreydereyes · 1 year
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..y no olvidar q hINDU_RAIN [cuyos hijos son hINDU_RAIN LOPEZ] único en ganar 5 TOUR DE FRANCIA seguidos [al q vi entrenar en agosto 1993 como a las 8 AM x la autovía de CIRCUNVALACION de BENIDORM cuando venia con mi FORD FIESTA ROJO XR2i con asientos RE_CARO hasta arriba d COPAS tras estar en disco PENELOPE=CRUZ..frente disco KM=Kylie Minogue..q hacia Shows PORNOS para atraer clientela..junto a Fernando DIZ q vive en EL PALMAR DE TROYA que tiene su propio VATIKANO en base a unas supuestas apariciones MARIANAS en los 50 y donde veneran FRANCO]..se impuso en la PORTADA del ABC x ganar el GIRO DE ITALIA al PAPA ROMANO JUAN PABLO II cuando fue a SEVILLA, EL ROCIO y MADRID a CONSAGRAR LA CATEDRAL DE LA ALMUDENA mientras en sala DIVINO AQUALUNG el Suicidado o accidentado en una practica masturbatoria con auto_axfisia [como IVAN HEYN el sub_secretario de comercio de Cristina FDEZ DE KICHNNER presidenta de ARGENTINA tras morir su malogrado marido] ..Michael HUTCHENCE de INXS [q dedico SUICIDE BLONDE de cd X a KYLIE MINOGUE] me daba su cerveza mexicana CORONA y tim FARRISS su pua [x cierto..la última q me han dado ha sido la de Ander APARICIO de los Vascos THE RETROS en el I KNEW LOVE FEST como teleneros de VICTORIA LERMA en sala WURTLIZER en calle TRES CRUCES...tras la q me dieron en sala EL SOL tanto MALDITERIA +LOS SEX mientras VIRGINIA MAESTRO actuaba en sala GALILEO GALILEI invitando a NAT SIMONS=millonario judio filantropo contra el CAMBIO CLIMATICO y amigo de bill GATES a cuya conferencia en diciembre 2001 en hotel EUROBUILDING fui porque mi padre me dio su INVITACION..a la q vi en VITORIA tras la demora x TORMENTA q me hizo comprar PARAGUAS DE CAMUFLAJE a un CHINO con camiseta de APOCALYPSE en calle SIERVAS DE JESUS]..
X cierto..no olvidar el lema del HINDU o de la INDIA=LA VERDAD SOLA TRIUNFA=HINDU TIMES del cd QUIMICA PAGANA o anterior al cd NO CREAS LA VERDAD de OASIS antes THE RAIN
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booasaur · 2 years
have you heard about Julia and Mariana? the first mexican wlw couple on tv before juliantina?
I have, I remember the one actress was in Sense8 as well!
I started watching their scenes some years back, and then I think I got distracted by another ship and as you know, once I get pulled into something new, it's hard to get me to go back. It's not off my list or anything, I just have to make my way back to it at some point.
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n89y · 7 years
Sufro como Mariana en busca de un amor bonito
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To the anon who ask you about Las Aparicio, I've seen it! I haven't gotten to watch all the girls story lines because I'm not fluent in Spanish. But I was able to watch Julia's and Mariana's (the wlw couple) plot. I do recommend it to you Stuck if you have the time (or want to).
Thanks for the rec anon :)
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yquesomostiburones · 4 years
Bueno, a mi me gustaría hacer como un masterpost con parejas lesbianas hispanohablantes, entonces estoy buscando más parejas para que pueda hacer el post con links y información para que más personas puedan conocerlas. Tengo por ahora: Marisa y silvina de Central 099 Maca y Esther de Hospital Central Flor y Jazmín de Las Estrellas Pepa y Silvia de Los Hombres de Paco Ana y Teresa de Amar en Tiempos Revueltos Luisita y Amelia de Amar es para Siempre Brenda y Marisa de Sos mi Hombre Agustina y Valeria de Los Vecinos en Guerra Alejandra y Verónica de El Embarcadero Isabel y Cristina de Tierra de Lobos Mercedes y Barbara de Perdona Nuestros Pecados Juliana y Valentina de Amar a Muerte Grita y Paloma de El Elegido Julia y Mariana de Las aparicio Maite y Camino de Acacias 38 Tengo algunas que he visto por YouTube unas escenas pero no sé si son mesmo parejas o que. Malena y unas chicas de Para Vestir Santos Vis a vis creo que hay una pareja Inés y Belen de Cuentame como Pasó Amparo y Encarna de 14 de abril La republica Tengo algunas webseries: Chica busca chica Notas Aparte Al final juntas Café sin leche El contacto cero Porfavor, si saben de más parejas o mas webseries con temática lesbianas, podrían acrecentar aquí para que yo pueda buscarlas y acrecentar al post. Gracias.
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valeaparicio · 3 years
Grupo 5: Proceso para generar un mapa cartográfico de sitios web.
Como resultado final hemos podido representar las páginas de uso propio, de cada integrante del grupo. Teniendo así una red que conecta todas las páginas con los países de mayor uso de la aplicación.
Amarillo: Valeria Aparicio
Morado: Matías Fernández
Verde: Mariana Rubin de Celis
Azul: Cristian Palenque
Rojo: General
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Tagged by @warningsine​
Last song: I avoided listening to this song, but I finally heard Mitski’s cover of Let’s Get Married and I’m annoyed at how much I enjoy it. However, I’ve been listening to Me and the Devil on repeat. My wife is just happy I’m giving Coeur de Pirate a break.
Last film: I made my wife watch Notting Hill when I was feeling particularly sad and realized she hadn’t seen it in her Russian-ness.
Currently watching: Hilda, His Dark Materials, looking for recommendations.
Currently reading: The Hive by Bee Wilson. Before that, I read An Unkindness of Ghosts by River Solomon.
Currently craving: Gingerbread cookies. PG Tips Gold tea. Things better left unsaid - like seeing friends and family and the ability to leave my house.
List 10 different female faves from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people!
Oh dear. Freestyle out of order, going a little old school.
Lyra from His Dark Materials. I have loved this book since hard back.  
Utena and Juri from Revolutionary Girl Utena. Baby’s first “yes this is the angst I was looking for.” 
Joan Watson from Elementary
Gail Peck from Rookie Blue
Mariana from Las Aparicio - for my telenovela representation 
Sophie Webster from Coronation Street - for my soap opera representation. 
Korra from The Legend of Korra
Nell Crain from The Haunting of Hill House
Okoye from Black Panther
Elise Wasserman from The Tunnel
Dana Scully from The X-Files
Carol Aird from Carol since it’s coming on new years
After seeing Fast Colors and Summer, my wife is trying to stop me from planning a Gugu Mbatha-Raw marathon this winter. I’m not sure if that counts or not.
I’m crum at tags, so pick it up whoever wants to have a go at it. Maybe @dreiser7? 
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Latin American telenovelas are doing so much with so little.
Like I'm aware there's so much couples to mention, but Flozmin, Juliantina and Julia are so amazing in their own way.
Amar a muerte, Las Estrellas and Las Aparicio are so good.
The casting, the performance, the storylines(even the complicated parts), the fact that ALL of the novelas hace specific scores/tunes in their soundtrack for the couples.
Is the pining. That yearning is so great.
Seriously, the latin american telenovelas and kdramas are the best to create romantic yearning.
And that's the best part of any queer relationship.
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britdomg · 5 years
Also guys, I want you all to acknowledge the power in numbers.
Juliantina are getting A MOVIE.
The only other couple from a tv show/telenovela that I can think of that had a movie was Juliana (Julia & Mariana from Las Aparicio), about ten years ago.
That’s HUGE. Both queer couples, in a such conservative place.
It’s all because of you guys.
Just like with juliantina.tv and the vpn situation, back when Las Aparicio was airing, they’d upload the episodes on the Cadena 3 page, for free. And you had people from all over the globe trying to watch that storyline.
That happened because of the fanbase. This is happening because of you guys.
Queer stories are worth telling. People are listening. The fight is not done, queer representation needs to improve worldwide, but these are the baby steps we need.
Thank you, guys.
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tenemos-que-hablar · 5 years
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In streaming services, the internet, and even in traditional TV, there is an increase in characters from the LGBTTTI community
“The fans have helped me to realize the responsibility that this character has brought me...for that reason I am willing to do whatever is necessary to continue spreading this message of inclusion." 
-Bárbara López
This 2019 will mark 41 years of struggle for the rights of the LGBTTTI community in Mexico City and in that time only a couple of television productions have ventured to tell stories about sexual diversity on national TV.
It was addressed in 2010 when a national melodrama touched on the topic in "Las Aparicio", a soap opera in which Erendira Ibarra (Mariana Almada) and Liz Gallardo (Julia Aparicio) played a gay couple.
It took eight years for the telenovela "Mi marido tiene familia" to show a gay teen couple falling in love and living their story in the midst of acceptance but also the rejection of those around them.
The success of the now phenomenon called “Aristemo” was imminent and led to a spinoff that became a series with this duo as the protagonists.
At the same time Juliantina emerged, the name given to the couple created by Valentina (Macarena Achaga) and Juliana (Bárbara López) in "Amar a muerte".
What is needed so that diversity becomes standard on Mexican television? Visibility. At least that's what Bárbara López believes.
"The more productions there are on TV with diversity the more we can normalize it, because it has been proven what we don’t see or what is hidden causes disapproval. The important thing is to talk about it so from that we can begin to be more tolerant," López told EL UNIVERSAL.
That Billy Rovzar announced that he will make Juliantina the movie is the result of the success that same-sex couples have had on Mexican screens.
Juliantina were not the main characters, but they managed to exceed the popularity of the love story between Angelique Boyer and Michel Brown.
"He always talked about what he wanted to do and the public asked for it.  In the end the decision was made for a film, we want to give the public what they deserve to return all the love they give us," she said.
Although Barbara knows that stories such as the one she portrays help fight against hatred and homophobia, she also knows that it is not easy and has been targeted by the hatred of those who do not agree with these kinds of stories.
"In the beginning, I responded to the hate messages but the fans asked why I wasn’t answering them but the hatred instead. The fans have helped me to realize the responsibility that this character has brought me, for me it’s had great consequences and a great impact, for that reason I am willing to do whatever is necessary to continue spreading this message of inclusion."
For the actress and daughter of the producer Reynaldo López, series, telenovelas or movies should not have labels and that's what she says she will look to accomplish in the movie.
"We shouldn’t have to be pigeonholed, it is important to not only talk about homosexuality, we have to talk about all the stories. In reality (Juliantina) is a plot that seeks to unite all the public and not a particular one. We do not necessarily like to be based on cliches. in love there are no cliches and that is exactly what this is about,” she said.
Janet Mérida and Ariel León
June 29, 2019
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padremax · 4 years
En Youtube, versión editada, ideal en cualquier app o plataforma:
En la descripción del video podrás ver la lista completa de las intenciones del día de hoy. Si te suscribes recibirás aviso del último video publicado en nuestro canal.
El Padre Max Güerere celebró la misa de hoy, y puedes participar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtUcfsPedZ0
Ofrecida por las siguientes intenciones:
~ En Acción de Gracias a Dios, nuestro Padre, por la intercesión:
- del Sagrado corazón de Jesús por una intención especial de la Familia Tulli Durán, por la sanación del Dr Juan Osorio y Tito de Jesús Villalobos (9/10), y por favores concedidos.
- Jesús de la Misericordia.
- de la Virgen María en las advocaciones: del Rosario, Rosa Mística y del Carmen.
- de la Virgen Desatanudos por las intenciones de Rosa Janeth, Víctor Hugo, Mario Andrés Durán.
- de Santa Rita de Cassia, por la Salud y pronta recuperación de Santiago.
- de San Maximiliano Mª Kolbe por los obispos y sacerdotes que celebran hoy su aniversario sacerdotal.
- por el cumpleaños del Padre Silverio Osorio.
- Por el trabajo de Antonio y Maria Antonieta.
- Por las intenciones de: la familia González Parra, la familia Parra Díaz y Patricia Carolina Dagnino Méndez.
- Petición a San Expedito y San Judas Tadeo.
~ Pedimos por la salud de:
• enfermos del Covid-19 y por los que trabajan por su sanación.
• por los que laboran en el Hospital Coromoto.
• Padre Danilo Calderón, Padre Silverio Osorio, Padre Alberto Gutierrez, Hno. Thomas Smith.
• Gabriela Aparicio, Tito Villalobos, Joancy del Valle Vasquez Acosta, César Lugo Villasmil, Mariana Capitel, Alfredo Picaza, Andrés Cordero, Juan Rincón, familia Marciales Julia Raquel Nestar Pacheco, Elena Victoria Nestar Pacheco, Mariana Capinel, Gloria Marciales de Aguilera, Nuris Montero y José Alejandro Delgado Rodríguez.
~ Por los bienhechores de nuestra Parroquia, del Seminario, de la Fundación Cura de Ars y Fundación Comedor Santa Ana.
~ Por el descanso eterno de:
+ Melquiades Antonio Oquendo Guerra.
+ Roberto Ramón Petit Pimentel.
+ Osman Enrique Cardenas.
+ Osman Enrique Cadenas (en su cumpleaños).
+ Carlos Alberto Romero Sarcos.
+ Gonzalo Berdugo.
+ Esther Teresita París Perez.
+ Gilberto Juvenal Larreal Herrera.
+ Ana Isabel Rhode de Alcalá.
+ Difuntos de la familia Leonardi López.
+ Orlando Guariato (1/9).
+ Angel Plaza (1/9).
+ María Auxiliadora Terán (2/9).
+ María Carlota Suárez (6/9).
+ Lilia Beatriz de Plaza (6/9).
+ Norma Enríqueta Noriega de Zamora (7/9).
+ Fernando Enrique Lara Ruiz (7/9).
+ Ricardo Nuñez (7/9).
+ Adafel de Jesús Rodríguez (9/9).
+ Antonio José Cordero Ball (18/30).
+ Constantino Jesús de Freitas (18/30).
+ María Dos Santos Gouveia de Freitas (18/30).
+ Rigumberto Urdaneta (18/30).
+ Rigoberto Urdaneta Romero (18/30).
+ José Joaquín Urdaneta Fernández (18/30).
+ Julio Arraga Zuleta.
+ Nora Montiel de Russo.
+ Giuseppe Russo Graziano.
+ Alexis Raúl Bracho Martínez.
+ Hérmilo Paez Ávila.
+ Carlos Alberto Ortiz Ochoa.
+ Gregorio de la Rivera.
+ Alexandra del Pilar Yánez Quintero.
+ Chichi Quintero.
+ Javier Antonio Barrueta.
+ Bernardo Larreal Herrera.
+ Nelson Enrique Sthormes.
+ Luís Marín.
+ Jorge Romero Martínez.
+ Julián Guanipa.
+ Marisela Machado de Hernández.
+ Sili Hernández Belloso.
+Animas del purgatorio más necesitadas.
Para anotar intención de misa, escribe por whatsapp o SMS al +58-424-6293617‬. Para transferir ofrenda voluntaria a la cuenta de Max Güerere, C.I. 10.918.893, BOD # 0116-0103-1500-2623-9345.
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