#Marie Antoinette did do wrong // OOC
xkitcharmont · 2 years
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♛・*˚ EXTENDED INTRO: Kit Charmont 💝 
( OOC: This is the extended, much more detailed, paragraph-ed version of his history and character profile. I had a lot of feelings about this smart boi. Beware if you read below the cut !! )
Kit, dear Kit, darling Kit.
One of the first inspirations I drew from for Kit (though not in his final inspo list) was the Marie Antoinette (2006) movie. The aesthetic. The music. The quiet scenes of Marie just floating down the river or spending time in her villa ...
Of course Kit is very different to Marie Antoinette, but looking at their contexts, I started seeing similarities — both being French royals, both subject to so much tradition and regulation, and then thrust into leadership sooner than planned. Both looking for the quiet moments in life (at least in the movie hehe). And one thing I realised as well was their joie de vivre. While both went about it in different ways (Kit would never tell his subjects to just ‘eat cake’ rip), there is still that part of Kit that wants to enjoy life.
He feels like he hasn’t been able to, and rip, it feels like people don’t expect him to. He’s responsible, he’s the smartest, the wisest, he’s Kit. What do you mean he’s a silly billy sometimes?
Let’s be real, Kit doesn’t have the time to be silly. But he needs to be a little silly otherwise he’ll go crazy. So he wears pink socks with his formal suit. And he spends all night baking a cake that he’ll eat all by himself. And he has little dance parties with his two cats.
Kit wants to do absolutely everything because he doesn’t want to regret one day that he didn’t. Unfortunately, this means he’s spreading himself too thin.
> loving son, watchful brother.
Kit Charmont has memorised the script. As the eldest and the heir, he knows his duties : watch out for his brothers, watch out for the kingdom. Growing up, seldom was there anything Kit wasn’t given responsibility for. Philip’s riding lessons? Do check on him, dear. Florian’s partying? See that he comes home all right. And don’t get him wrong, he took on each duty with the utmost seriousness — but he also learned how to ‘go with the flow’ and how to apply the ‘sandwich method (criticise-praise-criticise)’ from a very early age.
He figured out how to support Philip’s adventurous heart and how to bring his head down from the clouds. He mastered his father’s moods. And Florian … he was a bit more difficult but became the most important lesson — to not be angry or hurt at his brother’s apparent resentment towards him.
Looking back on it now, he wonders why he never said ‘no’ to any of these things. ‘No’ never seemed to be in the script. Why was it that other kids were told they could be whatever they wanted to be? That the world was their oyster? But he never questioned this in his youth, and only did so when his mother died and everything seemed to happen all at once.
> “kit! kit, it’s kit, just kit!” (ie. kit the renaissance man)
In his twenties, he struggled with feeling torn and not knowing himself. His brothers were still young, but everyone seemed to forget that Kit was still young too. Ever prepared and self-aware, he figured that he needed to be something other than prince, brother, and son. Who was he outside of these roles?
When he proposed this to his father, the king was surprisingly understanding and supportive of the idea. But only as long as he could still fulfil his role as Crown Prince.
        “How can you rule when you have not lived?” he said with a hearty chuckle.
So he had about 5 or 6 years where he tried to live a ‘double-life’. He fulfilled his princely duties, then after ‘clocking off’ for the day, he wanted to see if he could be someone else.
Kit lived as much as he could. He travelled wherever he could (only after filing appropriate leave, and never more than a week somewhere), and he took on little hobbies and studies to keep himself entertained and enlightened at home. He met many people and learned new languages. He tried everything from the violin to embroidery to coding to woodwork. What stuck was a new love for spelunking, rock-climbing, and baking.
The guy became a genius with his calendar. And piled up those frequent flyer miles.
And when he finished all this self-learning and soul-searching, the King welcomed him back with open arms — and Kit tried not to think about how that hug felt so final, like a chain being put around him: thank goodness that’s all done. He didn’t have the heart to tell him that he only decided to stop pursuing these passions of his because of his father’s deteriorating health. Otherwise, he still might be balancing his work week between Ulstead and flying to the Alps for another climb.
> king of our hearts (body and soul, oh-oh-oh)
As soon as he returned, with this unspoken promise to be nothing else but Crown Prince Kit, the King locked down on his eldest son. More responsibility, taking on the daily duties of King, and marriage. Lists of eligible princesses. Powerpoint presentations of their traits. Even teachers for courtship and romance (Kit dismissed them as soon as politely possible). And to make matters worse, Kit was meant to lock down on his brothers as well.
          “While you may be the next king, your brothers will be your support. You three will be the pillars of this kingdom, the sentinels of your people.”
But he didn’t want to, much to his father’s chagrin. King Hubert wanted him to demand more of his brothers, but Kit refused. He could see his brothers were growing into different people. Philip now had Aurora, Florian was becoming more distant. His brothers were intelligent, kindhearted men. They would rise to the occasion when they were ready. Telling them to do more things would only divide them further, and for the first time, Kit fought against his father’s wishes. The argument seemed to echo around the palace that day, continued and spread by whispers of the castle workers.
(nevertheless, there are still moments when he reaches out to his brothers with regards to their duties. kit keeps precise minutes of every meeting, and sends a weekly email to his brothers, lovingly titled ‘ulstead uppity updates’. he always invites their opinion before a big decision is made. the UUU continues even in elias.)
Travelling and hobbying proved amazingly useful, as now Kit felt more ready to devote himself to his family and to his people. He got his hands dirty and helped with the harvest. He helped build new buildings. He baked cookies for the orphanages and read them bedtime stories. Things that he only had half an idea on, he now went full-force. All his learning taught him a new philosophy to live by: he hesitated with nothing. He focused on improving the livelihood of Ulstead, and even tried figuring out the roles his brothers could play too — including what would happen if Florian ever chose to abdicate his throne.
The marriage thing was still a work in progress. So far, Kit’s prerogative was to try and convince his father that he did not need someone. Oddly enough, he felt that a partner should come naturally and not invited specifically to Saturday’s ball.
          “If I’ve come this far without someone by my side, then surely I can keep going a little bit more? I beg you, Father. Call off the ball. Love doesn’t just waltz in through the door exactly when you need it to.”
Except, of course, it did. And, of course, he did not hesitate to fall in love with her.
> and then came maleficent >:((
A witch invading the kingdom he loved so dearly? Striking fear into the hearts of his people, and threatening his family? He had never held his sword with such conviction, nor was he so ready to command the King’s army, the people he had trained, laughed, fought with.
Nothing equaled his anger that day.
Until the day King Hubert told his sons to run.
He was the last to leave his kingdom, his brothers going to Elias first. Still talking strategy, they practically had to drag Kit out of the castle and force him into the private plane that would take him away from his beloved kingdom.
Now in Elias, he lives alone (with his pets) and keeps himself busy, feeling more like a robot than a prince. As much as he appreciates the kindness of the city, and the sudden time to do more things for himself again … Kit is terribly homesick and wracked with worry. There was only so much that emails, Zoom calls, and notion pages could do. He needed to find a way to defeat Maleficent quick. He needed to get back home.
At least, that was the plan, until his little brother got cursed.
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
Any tips on how to write Revali? I have a hard time writing his dialogue and making it sound like him without seeming too ooc. Any pointers would really help! -k
I certainly struggle with dialogue myself, but I will try to tell you what I know!
TL;DR: Revali is a character that I would describe as blunt, but not straightforward. He speaks in a way where he gets to the point, stating his opinion, but is said in a manner that has several uses. His dialogue is multi-purposeful, serving to both tell his opinion while at the same time undermining someone else, highlighting his talents, or otherwise. Use “complex” words and make use of subtext, subtly, and even sarcasm when writing for him, but don’t do it too the point where he sounds like a reincarnated Marie Antoinette, as his dialogue should only be “complex” enough for him to boast of his intelligence, he’s not a fancy noble.
For example, if we analyze this line:
“With proper utilization of my superior skills, I see no reason why we couldn’t easily dispense with Ganon. Now then, my ability to explore the firmament is certainly of note...but let’s not—pardon me for being so blunt—let’s not forget the fact that I am the most skilled archer of all the Rito.” (Revali, Revali’s Flap Cutscene)
We can see that this piece of dialogue is filled with character, which you can tell because message of the dialogue isn’t the only focus. In fact, if you were to break this down, and I rewrite this for the inherent message alone...
“We can defeat Ganon with my great skills. While my ability to fly is important, also we shouldn’t forget—sorry for being blunt—we shouldn’t forget that I am the best Rito archer.”
Both of those pieces of dialogue tell the same message, but it is the way that the first one is crafted with diction, connotation, and subtext that make it more “Revali,” but really, you can use the things I’m about to say for any character.
Diction is the choice of wording. Obviously there are millions of words that can all tell similar things, but it’s your choice as the author to understand the power of certain words. Are you going to say use or utilization? Are you going to use sky or firmament? Scrap or dispense? Sorry or pardon me? Essentially, what I’m saying is that the diction for writing for Revali should reflect his desire to appear superior to others, and his efforts to try and prove that to others (and himself) can usually be reflected through his more complex word choices. He would revel at the notion that he might have to talk down to a certain confused knight if he asked what the word “firmament” meant.
Connotation is the feeling or associating ideas that come with a word. This typically goes hand-and-hand with diction, but they are two separate things. Connotation typically deals with the deeper meaning of a word, further than its textbook definition. Think of the word unique vs the word peculiar. Both essentially mean the same thing, but you usually associate peculiar with negative or strange things, while unique is associated with positive or special things. This is the positive and negative connotation that you can use to give character. Think of stingy vs saving, vintage vs old. It’s not just limited to positive and negative either. When writing for Revali I try to use words that have a connotation that expresses wit. Use superior vs better. Intelligent vs smart. Asinine vs stupid. Of course vs sure or yes. Your choice of words (diction) should not only depends on the sentence structure, rhythm, or alliteration, but also on the connotation.
Finally, subtext is the underlying message of dialogue that is not outright said by a character. Easiest example, sarcasm. You say one thing but mean another. “Ah yes, let’s explore the not-at-all creepy and disturbing catacombs that are sealed deep beneath the castle for mysterious and unknown reasons. I’m sure it will be fine, and the smell of corpses only adds to the growing desire I’m getting to die today. Hurrah!” Revali is the type to use sarcasm, do I even need to explain that? However! Sometimes, that’s the extent that people will go into for subtext, when you should really be using it for nearly every scene you will ever write. Subtext is the bread and butter of interesting scenes, of conflict and tension.
Looking back at the example, Revali says “pardon me for being so blunt.” This line is fantastic not just because of the use of diction, but also because it plays into the dynamic between Revali and Link. Revali think’s Link is unworthy of being the hero, he doesn’t respect him and it’s a blow to his ego that someone seemingly so much worse than him is of higher rank. Revali has no respect for Link. That’s the basic dynamic, and that’s what plays into the subtext. If you read “pardon me for being so blunt” just off the fly, or from some other character, you wouldn’t get the full picture. You might think it’s a fancy butler, the lack of tone might set you off into thinking someone is actually apologetic for something.
But that’s not the case here, the writer for this weaponized the reader’s knowledge of Revali and Link’s dynamic to establish his character. Revali’s not sorry for shit! Have you seen this asshole? I love him. This line was completely unnecessary, but it’s addition to the dialogue not only clued in readers/players to the dynamic between the two, but further enhances character.
Use subtext, let the rule and scenarios you create play into interesting dialogue. Do not, for the love of me, do not just let you character’s outright say what they are doing, which is unfortunately something that Breath of the Wild does a bit too often. Sarcasm, obviously, is one of the more popular forms, but don’t just stick with that. Use the dynamics between characters to create banter, use tension to mask insecurity. Don’t let your character just say “I’m mad at you. I wish you would do this” but please weave that “message” between interesting subtext and I promise your dialogue will be 400% better. Are they going to say “I’m mad.” or are you going to make them talk about something slightly out of their character traits to indicate that something is wrong. Are you going to let a character explain “I wish you would...” or, are you going to let them go off on a witty tangent, where they complain about the things that another character does. Subtext is so much more efficient too! Look at this bit of final screenplay for American Beauty.
Jane: Mom, do we always have to listen to this elevator music?
Now, in the original screenplay, was
Jane: I want us to change the music that we listen to at dinner all the time
The second one sucks, and the reason is subtext. The only information we are being given in the original screenplay is that Jane wants to change the music that they listen to at dinner with their family. In the final screenplay, the dialogue tells us
Jane hates this kind of music
Jane wants to change the music they listen to
The mother has the power in this dynamic
The music is a typical thing this family goes through
Not only that, but the way in which this was said was far more interesting. Elevator music is an insult to her mothers choice of music. In the movie, even the tone in which is actress said this line implies that she was not asking politely, but in a tone that expresses her distaste for the situation.
I could go so far into subtext and dialogue but really you should just watch these videos which will explain it infinitly better than I could:
How To Write Great Dialogue [The Closer Look]
American Beauty (Part 1) — The Art of Character [Lessons From The Screenplay]
On Writing: The First Chapter [hello future me]
Inglorious Bastards — The Element of Suspense [Lessons From the Screenplay and this movie is one of my favs and the first scene is just a masterclass of subtext *chef’s kiss* I love it and also they punch Nazi’s and who doesn’t love a good Nazi punching watch the movie before watching anything else please it’s great unless you’re like thirteen in which case why are you on tumblr]
Final note before I end off yet another fucking essay, wow I write more about writing than actually writing my fics I have a problem, but anyhow, do not think of your characters as individuals. Don’t think, “Oh they can’t say this because that might be out of character,” because while that might be true to an extent, it is ultimately you that determines the circumstances. You are the one crafting the character, don’t rely on the canon always. This character didn’t exist beforehand, there’s no textbook for you to double-check as see “Yep! Right as rain they’re allowed to say that!” No, it’s your job as the writer to justify the words that come out of their mouth by establishing their character, and creating fitting scenarios that fit towards your theme or overarching story. This goes not just for dialogue, but for writing any dynamics, romances, or world building. You could make me believe that Bolson got together with Bularia if you as the writer did a good enough job crafting compelling dialogue, and more importantly character.
Also, don’t write “realistic” dialogue, write believable dialogue
Rant done, pardon me for being so blunt. :P
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clemkaplan · 4 years
[ CLEMENTINE KAPLAN. 32. CIS FEMALE. SHE/HER ] is here! They’ve lived in Silver Lake for [ TWO MONTHS ] and are originally from [ BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS ]. They are an [ EVENT PLANNER ] and in their downtime love [ GARDENING ] and [ HORSE BACK RIDING ]. They look a lot like [ LUCY BOYNTON ] and live [ ON SILVERWOOD TERRACE ]. (ooc: nel, 20, she/her, pst )
hlo besties, i’m nel and this is clementine !! she’s inspired by marie antoinette and is a new muse, but i’m super stoked to be playing her !! this all got a bit long, so love you if you read it all <33
here’s her pinterest board xx
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tw: drugs, overdose, death
the youngest of four children, clementine kaplan was used to being spoiled. she loved her mom. she loved her dad. she loved her brothers. she loved her sister. it was the perfect life.
she was a jester, wanting to make her family laugh, whether that was creating dances or one woman plays, she wanted to entertain. they’d indulge her, congratulating her and encouraging her.
her heart was full. full of love and toys and dresses and bows and friends. she got everything she asked for. one glance of her big, blue eyes and the world fell into her hands. it was all she knew, not knowing how lucky she was. her older siblings protected her and guarded her, keeping her safe from the pains of the world, while she skipped through fields and picked the neighbors’ flowers.  
she did well in school, but she was always distracted by her friends. if they wanted to go to the park, she’d drop everything to go with them. and when they were in high school and the park turned into a party, she’d be the first to say yes. she danced the most and laughed the loudest and smiled the widest, capturing the attention of everyone around her. it was bestowed upon her like a crown created only for her head. she was indulgent. she was wasteful. but she didn’t even realize it was wrong. she left a trail of hearts in her wake, from friends and lovers alike, growing bored after she filled her stomach. it wasn’t meant to be hurtful, but she only wanted to be so full of joy that it was leaking out of her ears.
she was accepted into boston university for hospitality administration. it was the best news. she could stay home and live with her family forever. her jubilation was tampered as her sister sophie started dating alex. he was trying to take her precious sister away as she spent more time with him than with clementine.
at the last second, she decided to stay in a dorm at college and that spurred her long nights of drinking and doing drugs. she was gluttonous, ravenous, and completely blind to the fact that she had a problem. she’d come home high. she’d go to class high. by some kind of miracle, she managed to graduate with her b.a. and moved back home, where her parents accepted her with open arms. she was their baby after all.
it all came to a head when sophie announced her engagement. that was it. that was the end. she had found a new family. she went to the club with her boyfriend at the time, and the next morning, she woke up in a hospital bed. she had overdosed. she cried for hours after her parents told her, sending them out of the room. she was embarrassed to have been brought so low.
clem went to rehab and was there for a month. her parents gave her a job working at their event management firm. it was low responsibility, but her first true responsibility nonetheless. she went n.a. meetings and started gardening. she went back to riding horses, her sport of choice from elementary to high school. she was doing well. she was stronger than before. she still went out with her friends and she still danced, but the only high she got anymore was from all eyes being on her.
the world came crashing down when sophie died. sophie. her sister. her best friend. one day she was there and the next day she wasn’t. close to relapsing, one of her brothers found her before she could. she went about her daily life as a ghost. it was like a raincloud followed her wherever she went. clem threw herself into work as a distraction and moved up the ranks of their business. she cherished every time she got to talk to someone. she reached out to everyone she met and tried to be kind, but she was always dragged down by her own problems.
it’s been hard for her. it still is hard for her, but she worked so hard, her parents have put her in charge of their expansion to l.a. she packed up her bags and moved, excited at the prospect of a fresh start.
being the baby of the family, she was sheltered growing up, getting what she wanted when she wanted. she knows she’s privileged, but so used to this, she can be a bit insensitive sometimes because she doesn’t always grasp the extent. she is selfish and likes to take, but she is kind and inclusive. she is confident and outgoing and blunt, but she is scared of outright calling someone out. though, things don’t always come out the way she means them. she enjoys having fun and meeting new people, but she can be a bit of a flake because she wants to constantly be entertained, and can’t properly communicate about wanting a relationship to end. she’s a hard worker, but she also loves not having to work.
her love language is acts of service.
since she just moved out here, she doesn’t have a pet, but she always had dogs growing up. her parents would end up taking care of them, but she always called them hers.
she is incredibly lucky. will find twenty dollar bills on the ground. has a collage with all the four leaf clovers she’s found hanging up on her wall. she can still drink without wanting to relapse.
every morning, she goes for a walk on the beach. she likes to start her day off with fresh air and the feeling of sand beneath her toes.
every sunday night, she takes a bubble bath and does a face mask. she finds it relaxing and thinks it’s the perfect way to start her week off right.
she actually hates clementines. she only likes berries.
does NOT talk about her past drug problem.
she was closet with sophie. she’d understood clem in a way no one else did because she understood her heart, and seemed to always knew what she was thinking. she’s trying to be her happy self again, but it’s hard without sophie, made even harder knowing that alex is out there alive and well. it’s not fair, and she and the rest of the kaplans still blame him. she’s hell-bent on never forgiving him and never letting it go, the one grudge she has and one she’ll nurse until she’s six feet underground like her sister.
she hasn’t been here long, so she probably won’t have a ton of established connections.
enemies: someone who is jealous of her because she lives in her own little bubble, and it rubs them the wrong way that she so easily gets what she wants.
friends: coffee buddies or bar buddies or walk buddies, etc
neighbors: maybe she’s tried to recruit them to help with her garden.
someone who has known her from her past. friends from boston. enemies from boston. exes from boston. someone who knew her in college and saw how wild she got. people who knew her sister.
a plot based on this!!!
i’m so down for not plotting nd just seeing how the thread goes <33 bt also if any of y’all have a dream plot you really want nd think she could fit, i’ll be so down for it. or if you wanna plot bt don’t have ideas, i love quotes nd applying them to rp situations, so hmu if that’s what you want !!
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chvrrybaby · 5 years
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*itzy  vc*  hey  hey  hey   !   (  i  see  that  i’m  icy  )   what’s  up,  i’m  diana,  i’m  nineteen,  and  i’m  ur  resident  girl  group  stan.  i  reside  in  the  est  timezone  &  go  by  the  pronouns  she/her.  now,  finally  introducing  ...  loona    !!   jk,  her  name  is  blair  &  u  can  learn  abt  her  under  the  cut   !   my  discord  is  lana del rey is coming <3#5522   (  stream  her  new  album  august  30th  ),  so  feel  free  to  message  me  there  or  through  tumblr  im’s  if  u  prefer  that   !   otherwise,  i’ll  come  to  u <3
—  kim doyeon. she/her. cis female. | was that blair ryu i just saw in the hideaway lobby ? i hear the nineteen year old spends most of their time working as a sugar baby/studying classic literature and women’s studies, but i’ve always just seen them writing in her dream journal. they live in 5A and i often see them in the halls. they always give me a vibe of loosely curled hair, cherry lip gloss, the lingering scent of vanilla in the air.
(    𝑩𝑨𝑪𝑲𝑮𝑹𝑶𝑼𝑵𝑫.   )
born on october 5th, 1999  ( this is literally a day before my bday ooc but anyway ajkdhsjdh )  in rochester, new york, blair’s first impression of the world was a crisp autumn day
she was her parents first and only child. her mother was an elementary school teacher, while her father worked at a nearby power plant in ontario
the family never made too much money, but they were able to get by, at least at first
she had a fairly happy childhood, though it was a lonely one. her father was always working odd hours, and with her mother gone during the day, she spent most of her time with a babysitter and the family golden retriever
eventually, she herself started going to school. she immediately excelled in the english department and fell in love with reading. blair realized early on how much she enjoyed escaping reality with a novel, immersing herself in a story so exciting compared to her dull life
almost everything was fine until her high school years. aside from the fact that she never had a present father figure, she was closer to her mom and still loved by both of her parents. however, when her high school years came around, her father lost his job
her father was the families main provider, and her mothers salary alone would not be enough to take care of the entire family. while he searched for another job, they had to give away the family golden retriever to one of blair’s aunts because they couldn’t afford the extra cost :(
on top of losing her beloved pet, the loss of her father’s job prompting the family to pick up and move their entire life
already in the midst of high school, blair had to leave her life as she knew it behind. the family moved to statesboro, georgia, and her father found a job at the nearby power plant
the transition to life in georgia was not easy for blair. though she didn’t exactly have trouble making friends, she didn’t feel like she could truly connect with anyone
once again, blair turned to losing herself in a book to pass the time
shortly after the move to georgia, her parents experienced some difficulties within their marriage. they ended up separating, and blair spent the remainder of her high school years living with each of them for half of the time
she did not mind her parents separating, as she knew it was for the best. however, her father found a girlfriend fairly quickly, and blair would eventually find out her father had been having an affair
her father spent most of his free time with his new girlfriend and her family. blair was upset at how he prioritized his the new people in his life over her when he was barely ever around for her growing up
meanwhile, her mother was having trouble adjusting to being alone, so she moved back to new york to live with her sister
blair stayed behind in georgia to finish high school, but knew she wanted to go elsewhere for college. she wanted to get as far away from her father and his new life as possible
once blair turned eighteen, she began to sell pictures for money. she wanted to earn as much as possible so she could afford to go away for university. she created an alias and began to sell pictures and videos of her feet. eventually, she expanded her horizons once she realized how much money she could earn
she never went as far as sleeping with her clients, but she would go on dates with them and spend the days with them to earn more money ( kind of like ludovica/chiara in the italian show baby on netflix minus sleeping w them )
she dated a few people throughout her high school years, and began to more “seriously” date a guy during her senior year in high school, though she knew the relationship wouldn’t last. despite appearing as a more serious relationship, to her, it wasn’t really anything of the sort, and she mostly wanted a relationship for senior prom and other trivialities
after senior year ended and she had accepted admission into uni in seattle, she basically cut ties with everyone in georgia aksdjskdjh she said good bye forever ! rip poor unnamed boyfriend he didn’t see it coming ...
her father also did not see it coming because she didn’t even tell him where she applied. but at the same time, did he ask ? no :/
once she left for uni, her relationship with her father became very very estranged. she still speaks to her mom on a pretty regular basis, but even then, she has a whole secret life and doesn’t feel particular close to either of them sjkdfhskdjh
and that’s that for background !
blair is a libra sun leo moon ( rising sign & other placements tbd )
she is definitely a friendly/sociable person. she can be pretty outgoing and loves to be around people. idk her mbti yet but she is def an extrovert ! ( she does tend to keep her feelings to herself tho )
despite her friendly demeanor, she does have a fiery spirit. if u wrong her she will hold a grudge against u until it gets settled/sorted. she can be more on the mean side when she’s upset, but even then she does not have a bad heart at all
when it comes to relationships, blair is all over the place. she can be very flirty/charismatic and is constantly hopping from one relationship to the next. she hasn’t quite been able to settle down, but it is possible. she kind of thinks being in a real relationship means losing her freedom, because that’s kind of what she saw happen with her parents, so she doesn’t really want to be tied down to someone in fear of losing herself in a way. does this make sense ? maybe ? ok !
blair has a fairly strong sense of self, but she’s still very young so she’s still growing and changing. she is the type of person to know what she wants and go after it ( yes, even with ppl ! ). she will stop at nothinggg to get what she wants ( oop ). u could say she loves the chase, but kind of gets bored afterwards unless u have more to offer !
omg she literally loves 2 be the center of attention. i mean, who doesn’t love attention ? but blair takes it 2 another level. she gets all :( if she’s being ignored or isn’t receiving enough attention
kind of bouncing off the whole attention thing, blair loves a good party ! she’s young and here for a good time. she def loves to drink at parties and stuff even tho she isn’t legal here in the us, why should that stop her am i right ? when it comes to drugs, she’s a veryyy casual user and doesn’t do anything crazy. a social weed smoker n will do pills here and there
being a libra sun with a leo moon, i think it’s safe to say she can be a bit dramatic at times ( i mean, as a libra sun with a leo venus i am not one 2 judge xx ). she reads 2 much and watches 2 many movies like ajkdhsjkhd life rly isn’t that serious but she can b a lil overdramatic sometimes whew ! we told u this was melodrama ... lorde stans make some noise !
blair’s fav books are anything by jane austen and les liaisons dangereuses by pierre choderlos de laclos, aka the book cruel intentions was based on ( which happens 2 be one of her fav movies )
shows she loves: gossip girl ( she shares a name w blair so she probably used 2 call herself queen b in high school or something ), desperate housewives ( no wonder this binch is so dramatic ), big little lies, pretty little liars ( the early seasons only ), the netflix show baby, and buffy the vampire slayer
movies she loves: clueless, almost famous, thoroughbreds, moulin rouge, palo alto, marie antoinette, coyote ugly, american beauty, cruel intentions, and valley of the dolls ( to name a few )
her fav colors are pink, red, and white !
u can find her pinterest board here.
she is bisexual babey !!
party buddies - this is pretty basic and self explanatory, but someone blair can go out and have fun with. their friendship might be more surface level, or started that way at least, but it’s possible they’re closer friends ( maybe she opened up under the influence and it brought them closer aksdhsdjh drunk blair def would )
ex-fling/gf/bf - blair relationship hops, so she could have quite a few of these. we can plot it however, there can b feelings there, they can hate each other, of they can be just friends now, u name it !
unrequited crush -  ur character could have feelings for blair, but maybe she doesn’t feel them back or is unaware that they like her. this could develop into her eventually having feelings for ur muse or not, whatever we want ! OR blair could def have a crush on someone who does not like her back. maybe that person is super non-committal, or they simply do not like her back. we could plot this out however <3
current fling/friends w benefits - someone she is currently seeing/sleeping with. could be no strings attached, or there could b some feelings there. maybe they don’t want to make it anything serious, or maybe they’re ready to take it to the next level. maybe one person is ready to go further, and the other isn’t.
enemies w benefits - imagine the tension!!! they started out hating each other, but ended up hooking up. maybe it was a one time thing, or maybe they can’t stop going back to each other. i think it would b cool if they kept it a secret, they don’t want anyone else to know. this could develop in soooo many ways !
ex-friends - someone she used to consider a close friend, but they had a falling out for whatever reason n maybe they hate each other now. maybe they want to re-kindle their friendship but don’t know how
sibling-like friendship - someone she sees like a sibling. they’re there for each other and look out for one another, always have each other’s backs. being an only child and not really close to her parents, blair would love a friend that she could basically call family !
dynamic duo - basically like her current best friend. this person is prob one of the closest people to her and knows her very well ! they could b a power duo, always looking out for each other 
take care - someone who kind of looks after her ?? maybe when she parties a lil too hard and drinks a lil too much, someone who kind of takes care of her n makes sure shes ok ! they would be someone she trusts a lottttt
confidant - someone who confides in her or someone she confides in, or they confide in each other. they don’t necessarily have to be the closest friends ever, but they get along, trust each other, and maybe they talk more in private
rivals - they hate each other for whatever reason. maybe it’s jealousy or their personalities just clash, but for whatever reason they do not get along. i love a good enemies plot. they can just b nasty to each other !!! maybe they bring out a really bad side to blair that most ppl dont see. someone who makes her act like blair waldorf ( i’m def kidding abt the blair waldorf part )
bad influence - blair isn’t a goody-two-shoes by any means, but doesn’t really do anything crazy, so i’d luvv for someone to kind of influence her to do shit she normally wouldn’t on her own
these are all the plot ideas i can think of for now, but i’ll prob make a plots page later on and add more stuff !
so this is everything !! this has taken me longer than it should have but i’m finally done whew,,, cheers 2 me <3 anyway i would absolutely luv to plot, so feel free to hit me up on discord or tumblr im’s, or i can also come to u ! i’m so excited to get started <333 i’m gonna b logging off now most likely, since it’s 3 am my time, but i’ll be back in the morning
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