#Marie Claire Mukangango
bylagunabay · 1 year
Prophecy for the End Times
(2-min read)
People who have bothered to read of the Church-approved apparitions in Kibeho (Rwanda) in 1981 are aware that Our Blessed Mother warned of great dangers to the people of Rwanda and of the world. Many have heard that Our Lady described with startling accuracy the events of the ethnic genocide that engulfed that country some 13 years later. But what many people do not know is that Our Lady also made an urgent appeal to the whole world! She brought messages of maternal love and warning that speak directly to each of us in our own countries and our own lives. It is these messages that we would do well to consider closely.
The diocese of Ginkongoro, where the apparitions occurred, has summarized the messages given to Alphonsine Mumureke, Nathalie Mukamazimpaka and Marie Claire Mukangango by our Blessed Mother as follows:
“Repent, repent, repent! … Convert while there is still time."
"The world is rebellious against God It commits too many sins. iI has neither love nor peace."
"The world hastens to its ruin, it will fall into the abyss … It will be plunged into innumerable and unrelenting disasters."
"If you do not repent and do not convert your hearts, you will fall into the abyss."
The visionaries saw the Virgin Mary crying on August 15, 1982. The Mother of God was very saddened because of people’s unbelief and lack of repentance. She complained of our bad way of life, which is characterized by the slackness in our faith, the predilection to evil, and the continuous disobedience to God’s Commandments.
These mysterious words were repeatedly spoken by Mary to Alfonsine at the beginning of the revelations. She was asked to repeat them to the other people.
This subject is among the most important among the revelations in Kibeho, particularly for Natalie Mukamazimpaka. Suffering, which is unavoidable in this life, is necessary for Christians to attain eternal glory.
On 15 May 1982, Mary said to her visionaries, especially to Natalie, “No one will reach heaven without suffering.”
Suffering is both a means of compensating for the sins of the world and participating in Jesus’ and Mary’s sufferings for the salvation of the world. The visionaries were invited through this address to live very specifically, accepting suffering through faith in love, mortifying themselves and denying themselves pleasures for the conversion of the world. Thus, Kibeho is a reminder of the role of the cross in the life of a Christian and the Church.
People are not praying, and those who do pray, do not pray as they should. Mary begs the visionaries to pray in abundance for the whole world, to teach others to pray, and to pray for those who do not pray themselves. Mary begs us to pray with greater zeal and purity of heart.
To be expressed through devout and regular praying of the Rosary.
The visionary Marie Claire Mukangango said to have received revelations about the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows of the Virgin Mary. The blessed Virgin loves this Rosary. It was well-known in the past but it has been forgotten by Catholics. Our L:ady of Kibeho desires for it to be renewed and spread in the Church. However, this prayer does not replace the Holy Rosary.
Seven Sorrows Chaplet: https://www.immaculee.com/pages/7-sorrows-rosary-prayer
This request was made on  January 16, 1982 and recurred many times in the course of the year.
Many troubles will besiege the Church in the coming years so we must always pray for the Catholic Church as our Blessed Mother emphatically requested Alfonsine on August 15, 1983 and on November 28, 1983.
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angeltreasure · 4 years
Our Lady of Kibeho
If you have some time to spare, I definitely recommend watching this. I had no idea there was a Marian Apparition there. 💙 Very sweet but also very sad story.
“The very first Marian Apparitions on the Continent of Africa recognized by the Holy See. These apparitions took place at Kibeho, the small village of southwestern Rwanda. It was on November 28, 1981, that the Virgin Mary visited Rwanda to deliver her message to the whole world. She appeared to three girls who were students in high school (Alphonsine Mumureke, Nathalie Mukamazimpaka, and Marie Claire Mukangango.) She appeared to them several times between 1981 to 1989. She Identified herself as "Nyina wa Jambo"(Kinyarwanda for "Mother of the Word".) On June 29, 2001, after a long time of investigations, His Excellency Most Reverend Augustin Misago, the bishop of the Diocese of Gikongoro, declared the authenticity of those apparitions after the approval of the Holy See. The Marian Sanctuary at Kibeho was named "The Shrine of Our Lady of Kibeho" in 1992. The main message of Our Lady of Kibeho was an urgent call to conversion of hearts and an urgent call to a constant prayer without hypocrisy. For more information visit www.kibeho-sanctuary.com”
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lizdesouza · 4 years
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#sixsaintsfanarts 1- NOSSA SENHORA DE KIBEHO (Fonte:Wikipedia) “Nossa Senhora de Kibeho é o nome dado às aparições marianas a algumas adolescentes, na década de 1980 em Kibeho, Ruanda . As aparições transmitiam várias mensagens para as crianças em idade escolar, incluindo uma visão apocalíptica de Ruanda caindo em violência e ódio, possivelmente prevendo o genocídio de 1994 em Ruanda . Em 2001, o bispo local da Igreja Católica reconheceu oficialmente as visões de três crianças. Kibeho é uma pequena vila localizada no sudoeste de Ruanda. As aparições começaram em 28 de novembro de 1981, em um momento de crescente tensão entre os grupos tutsi e hutu . Ao longo dos anos 80, a Virgem Maria apareceu para três jovens, identificando-se como Nyina wa Jambo ( Kinyarwanda para "Mãe da Palavra "), que era sinônimo de Umubyeyi W'Imana (" Mãe de Deus "). Os videntes adolescentes relataram que a Virgem pediu a todos que rezassem para evitar uma guerra terrível. Na visão de 19 de agosto de 1982, todos relataram ter visto violência, cadáveres desmembrados e destruição. A série mais longa de visões foi atribuída a Alphonsine Mumureke, que recebeu a visão inicial logo após sua admissão na Kibeho High School, em outubro de 1981, após a educação primária e a última em 28 de novembro de 1989. Anathalie Mukamazimpaka foi a próxima a ter visões, que durou de janeiro de 1982 a 3 de dezembro de 1983. Eles enfatizavam intermináveis orações e expiação, com a Virgem instruindo Mukamazimpaka a realizar penitências através da mortificação da carne. Marie Claire Mukangango, que havia inicialmente intimidado Mumureke na escola por causa das visões, experimentou aparições que duraram de 2 de março a 15 de setembro de 1982. A Virgem disse a Mukangango que as pessoas deveriam rezar ao Terço das Sete Dores para obter o favor do arrependimento. Um fato incomum relacionado a essa aparição foi a capacidade das videntes ficaram por longos minutos olhando fixamente para o sol, sem lacrimejar e sem queimar a retina.” #ourladyofkibeho #NossaSenhoradeKibeho #catholic #procreate https://www.instagram.com/p/B_qWpokKT1F/?igshid=6npw2ilhltj2
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anthonychiozza · 5 years
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     The Seven Sorrows Rosary is not incredibly well known among most Catholics. Some know about the Seven Sorrows devotion to Mary, also know as the Seven Dolors, but are unaware of the Seven Sorrows Rosary, which Mary herself has asked we pray in our modern times. “It was on 3rd March 1982 that this Rosary was introduced at Kibeho, during the apparition when the Virgin Mary promised Marie-Claire Mukangango that she would teach her. The Virgin Mary taught this prayer to her children after repeatedly asking them (in the apparitions to Alphonsine and Nathalie) to accept the pain and to be converted without delay.” This apparition has been approved by the Bishop of Kibeho, and thus is worthy of belief. (1) This meditation on the suffering of Mary and Jesus in the Seven Sorrows Rosary inspired the well known film directed by Mel Gibson, “The Passion of The Christ.” We are all called to carry our own cross, which the Lord has fit to our shoulder specifically, and will lead to our salvation, given we cooperate with His Grace. There are seven meditations, and there are seven very powerful promises granted by the Lord, through Our Lady, for those that utilize this devotion. The final promise is the most powerful of all. The seventh promise is the closest thing you will ever see to being assured of salvation in the Catholic Faith.
     “According to the visions of St. Bridget of Sweden (1303-1373) our Blessed Mother promises to grant seven graces to those who honor her and draw near to her and her Son every day by meditating on her dolors (sorrows) and entering into her grief.”
"I will grant peace to their families."
"They will be enlightened about the divine Mysteries."
"I will console them in their pains and will accompany them in their work."
"I will give them as much as they ask for as long as it does not oppose the adorable will of my divine Son or the sanctification of their souls."
"I will defend them in their spiritual battles with the infernal enemy and I will protect them at every instant of their lives."
"I will visibly help them at the moment of their death-- they will see the face of their mother."
"I have obtained this grace from my divine Son, that those who propagate this devotion to my tears and dolors will be taken directly from this earthly life to eternal happiness, since all their sins will be forgiven and my Son will be their eternal consolation and joy." (2)
    Why are we being called to this devotion in our particular time? We are surrounded by the culture of death, and the snares of the devil are more prevalent in our age than before the Great Flood. The worst sins dragging those to hell are sins of the flesh. This is confirmed by the apparition of Our Lady of Fatima, which is not only Church approved, but has its own feast day as well! (5) When people are addicted to fornication, death is sure to follow in the form of war. Further, gravely disordered perversions have arisen in society. What else could we expect, but millions of dead babies through abortion, when such perversions reign in mans’ heart? For those that believe that the creative power is their power to use as they see fit, one only need read Pope Paul VI encyclical letter, Humanae Vitae from decades past. The document reads like a prophecy when we compare his warnings to what has unfolded in society regarding the destruction of the family. (3)
    The second Sorrow in the Seven Sorrows Rosary devotion asks us to meditate on the flight of Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus into Egypt. Egypt was a pagan culture, much like the culture we find ourselves in today. Is this meditation a prefiguration of the culture of death and abortion? Consider in Scripture we see King Herod ordering the death of all of the baby boys in order to try and destroy the Christ Child. “...And an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there till I tell you; for Herod is about to search for the child to destroy him.‘ And he rose and took the child and his mother by night, and departed to Egypt, and remained there until the death of Herod. This was to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet, Out of Egypt have I called my Son‘‖ (Matthew 2:13–15). However, unlike in our times, when women and men celebrate the death of babies, the women spoken of in Matthew weep.
“A voice was heard in Ramah,
Lamentation, weeping, and great mourning,
Rachel weeping for her children,
Refusing to be comforted,
Because they are no more.”
    Recall that king Herod’s future son, and future king, would have John the Baptist’s head put on a plate because John dared to speak the truth regarding the indissolubility of marriage. Do you think the son just happened to pick up the sins of lust and fornication, or did his father pass these thorns on to him? We have the same situation today with skyrocketing divorce, hearts left shattered, and human sacrifice of the most vulnerable of our society to satan’s altar, all in the name of the “god of freedom.” Free love isn’t love, but lust on fire for temporary pleasure, even when the cost is death.
    Why should you start the Seven Sorrows Rosary devotion? The real question is why wouldn’t you? You are assured the Graces you need to make it to heaven by spreading this devotion. The easiest way to start is to say this devotion with your children, and have them pass it on to their children. Through this chain of roses to Our Lady we will not only fall in love with Jesus, but save our souls, and transform this culture of death. Our Lady of Kibeho, pray for us!
Diocese of kibeho. Kibeho Sanctuary.http://kibeho-sanctuary.com/index.php/en/liturgy/holy-rosary Accessed January 2016.
Accessed January 2016
(3) Pope Paul VI. Humanae-Vitae.
Accessed January 2016.
(4) Knights of Columbus. Seven Dolors.
Accessed January 2016
(5) Matthew Pearson. ChurhcMilitant.
Accessed January 2016.
PHOTO BY: Anthony Chiozza
WRITTEN BY: Anthony Chiozza
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anastpaul · 6 years
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Our Morning Offering – 28 November – The Memorial of Our Lady of Kibeho
Official Prayer to Our Lady of Kibeho
Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Word, Mother of all those who believe in Him and who welcome Him into their life, we are here before you to contemplate You. We believe that you are amongst us, like a mother in the midst of her children, even though we do not see You with our bodily eyes.
We bless You, the Sure Way that leads us to Jesus the Saviour, for all the favours which You endlessly pour out upon us, especially, that, in your meekness, You were gracious enough to appear miraculously in Kibeho, just when our world needed it most.
Grant us always the light and the strength necessary to accept, with all seriousness, your call to us to be converted, to repent, and to live according to your Son’s Gospel. Teach us how to pray with sincerity, and to love one another as He loved us, so that, just as You have requested, we may always be beautiful flowers diffusing their pleasant fragrance everywhere and upon everyone.
Holy Mary, Our Lady of Sorrows, teach us to understand the value of the cross in our lives, so that whatever is still lacking to the sufferings of Christ we may fill up in our own bodies for His mystical Body, which is the Church.
And, when our pilgrimage on this earth comes to an end, may we live eternally with You in the kingdom of Heaven. Amen.
Our Lady of Kibeho requested that we pray the Seven Sorrows Chaplet – here: https://7sorrowsrosaries.com/pages/seven-sorrows-rosary
During Mary’s apparitions to Marie-Claire Mukangango, she assigned the young visionary a mission to reintroduce this special rosary to the world. Before her untimely death, Marie Claire did just that, traveling widely to teach it to thousands of people, who then taught it to thousands of others. (Marie-Claire was killed in the genocide of over a million people in Rwanda, a tragedy that was foretold through visions of rivers of blood that the young people in Kibeho received several years before the killings.)
(via Our Morning Offering - 28 November - The Memorial of Our Lady of Kibeho)
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nyundoyouth · 3 years
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Ku ya 28/11/1981, nyuma y'isomo ry'Ubumenyi bw'isi (Géographie), Alphonsine yumvise afite ubwoba atashoboraga gusobanura, abimenyesha bamwe muri bagenzi be. Umwe muri bo agerageze kumwumvisha ko yenda ubwo bwoba bwaba butewe n' isuzuma (interrogation) ry'iryo somo bari bamaze gukora. Isaha y'amafunguro igeze, Alphonsine ajya kumeza yicaranagaho na Marie Claire Mukangango, ari na we wayoboraga abicaraga kuri ayo meza. Uwo munsi rero Alphonsine ni we wari utahiwe mu guhereza bagenzi be (kubarurira, abashyirira ku masahani). Igihe yenda kurangiza guhereza bagenzi be yumva ubwoba bukomeza kwiyongera ariko buvanzemo n'ibyishimo. Akimara guhereza bagenzi be nka saa 12h 35 yumvise atakigenga ingingo ze z'umubiri, ndetse ahita yibona ahandi hantu wenyine, atakiri kumwe na bagenzi be. https://www.instagram.com/p/CW0aA22rbM2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thewahookid · 4 years
Our Lady Of Kibeho
Our Lady of Kibeho The very first Marian Apparitions on the Continent of Africa recognized by the Holy See. These apparitions took place at Kibeho, the small village of southwestern Rwanda. It was on November 28, 1981, that the Virgin Mary visited Rwanda to deliver her message to the whole world. She appeared to three girls who were students in high school (Alphonsine Mumureke, Nathalie Mukamazimpaka, and Marie Claire Mukangango.) She appeared to them several times between 1981 to 1989. She Identified herself as "Nyina wa Jambo"(Kinyarwanda for "Mother of the Word".) On June 29, 2001, after a long time of investigations, His Excellency Most Reverend Augustin Misago, the bishop of the Diocese of Gikongoro, declared the authenticity of those apparitions after the approval of the Holy See. The Marian Sanctuary at Kibeho was named "The Shrine of Our Lady of Kibeho" in 1992. The main message of Our Lady of Kibeho was an urgent call to conversion of hearts and an urgent call to a constant prayer without hypocrisy.
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