#The Shrine of Our Lady of Kibeho
ongolecharles · 30 days
DAY #02 of our Daily Scripture Readings Group pilgrimage took us to Rwanda's University town of Butare where we spent a night. (photos/videos)
The group's annual Kibeho-Rwanda trips began in 2016 and are fully organized by the group's leadership. During the pilgrimage, the group reflected on the messages of Nyina Wa Jambo, Our Lady of Sorrows, who emphasized the importance of suffering in the Christian life. The pilgrimage reminded the pilgrims of the place of the Cross in the Christian and Church life.
■ The next pilgrimage is scheduled for the Feast of the Annunciation from March 23rd to 26th, 2025. BOOK NOW: +256789566733/+256751540524, #CharlesOngole
The Lord be with you!
Charles Ongole John
DSR 📚 Group founding administrator & Pilgrimage Coordinator
Uganda Martyrs Catholic Shrine
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angeltreasure · 4 years
Our Lady of Kibeho
If you have some time to spare, I definitely recommend watching this. I had no idea there was a Marian Apparition there. 💙 Very sweet but also very sad story.
“The very first Marian Apparitions on the Continent of Africa recognized by the Holy See. These apparitions took place at Kibeho, the small village of southwestern Rwanda. It was on November 28, 1981, that the Virgin Mary visited Rwanda to deliver her message to the whole world. She appeared to three girls who were students in high school (Alphonsine Mumureke, Nathalie Mukamazimpaka, and Marie Claire Mukangango.) She appeared to them several times between 1981 to 1989. She Identified herself as "Nyina wa Jambo"(Kinyarwanda for "Mother of the Word".) On June 29, 2001, after a long time of investigations, His Excellency Most Reverend Augustin Misago, the bishop of the Diocese of Gikongoro, declared the authenticity of those apparitions after the approval of the Holy See. The Marian Sanctuary at Kibeho was named "The Shrine of Our Lady of Kibeho" in 1992. The main message of Our Lady of Kibeho was an urgent call to conversion of hearts and an urgent call to a constant prayer without hypocrisy. For more information visit www.kibeho-sanctuary.com”
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anastpaul · 6 years
Our Lady of Kibeho:   is the name given to Marian apparitions concerning several adolescents, in the 1980s in Kibeho, south-western Rwanda.   The apparitions communicated various messages to the schoolchildren, including an apocalyptic vision of Rwanda descending into violence and hatred.   The visions may be regarded as an ominous foreshadowing of the Rwandan Genocide, and particularly the second Kibeho Massacre in 1995.   The school where the visions occurred became a place of slaughter during the Genocide as dozens of children were shot and hacked to death by Hutu terrorists. In 2001, the local bishop of the Catholic Church officially recognised the visions of three schoolchildren as authentic.   The feast day of Our Lady of Kibeho is today, 28 November, the anniversary of the initial apparition to Alphonsine Mumureke in 1981.   The Marian sanctuary at Kibeho was named “Shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows” in 1992.   The first stone was laid on 28 November 1992.   In a 2003 agreement between the local ordinary and the Society of the Catholic Apostolate (Pallotines), the rectorate of the Shrine of Our Lady of Kibeho is entrusted to the Pallotine Fathers.   The rector is appointed by the local bishop and the Regional Pallottine Rector.
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(via Memorial of Our Lady of Kibeho - 28 November and of the Saints)
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thewahookid · 4 years
Our Lady Of Kibeho
Our Lady of Kibeho The very first Marian Apparitions on the Continent of Africa recognized by the Holy See. These apparitions took place at Kibeho, the small village of southwestern Rwanda. It was on November 28, 1981, that the Virgin Mary visited Rwanda to deliver her message to the whole world. She appeared to three girls who were students in high school (Alphonsine Mumureke, Nathalie Mukamazimpaka, and Marie Claire Mukangango.) She appeared to them several times between 1981 to 1989. She Identified herself as "Nyina wa Jambo"(Kinyarwanda for "Mother of the Word".) On June 29, 2001, after a long time of investigations, His Excellency Most Reverend Augustin Misago, the bishop of the Diocese of Gikongoro, declared the authenticity of those apparitions after the approval of the Holy See. The Marian Sanctuary at Kibeho was named "The Shrine of Our Lady of Kibeho" in 1992. The main message of Our Lady of Kibeho was an urgent call to conversion of hearts and an urgent call to a constant prayer without hypocrisy.
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ongolecharles · 4 months
DAILY SCRIPTURE READINGS (DSR) 📚 GROUP, Wed May 22nd 2024 ... Wednesday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time, Year B....Catholic Pilgrimage
Pilgrimages are my favorite spiritual practices. Whether it’s a trip to Namugongo shrine or Kibeho (https://youtu.be/UJYDFmHcztY?feature=shared), the land elected by our Blessed Virgin Mary, I absolutely adore them. There’s just something about engaging in a purely tangible Catholic experience that appeals to me.
Some version of pilgrimage exists in most religions. I believe this is because we are hardwired to view faith as a journey, making travel a natural companion to at least some form of our religious expression. In the Catholic Faith, we have the added example of Christ and Our Lady. Immediately after the Annunciation, the Blessed Virgin left to visit her cousin Elizabeth. In Luke 2, Mary and Joseph brought the child Jesus to Jerusalem. I’d like to go on, but this would be a very long post if I mentioned every pilgrimage in the Bible. Trust me. There are loads.
On top of that, we also have examples throughout Church history of saints making pilgrimages. St. Augustine wrote a whole piece on pilgrimage in "The City of God", but the idea gained popularity in the Middle Ages, as anyone who has read Chaucer’s "Canterbury Tales Will Know".
(And a quick side note: After the dissolution of the monasteries in England in the 1500s, the newly created Anglican church condemned pilgrimages for being “too Catholic“, which strikes me as a great reason to endorse them.)
Pilgrimages are still happening today. We have our own sites here in Namugongo-Uganda and in Kibeho, Rwanda. Many more are scattered around the world. Now that you and i are going to Kibeho for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I ask that we do the following:
Just as we offer Rosaries and Masses for others’ intentions, we can offer our pilgrimages. In fact, during the Middle Ages, Catholics used to go on pilgrimage to bring about change of some kind and as an act of penance. Today, it’s common for pilgrims to post onto their social media accounts something like “I’m going on pilgrimage to Kibeho tomorrow. How can I pray for you while I’m there?”
The idea is that you either write down the intentions in a notebook or take time each day of your pilgrimage to pray for all or part of the people on your list. Gathering these intentions and beginning to pray for them has the added bonus of helping you to prepare for your trip.
Many pilgrimages involve visits to relics, and it’s more interesting to venerate a relic when you know about the saint it belongs to. In fact, the whole point of the relic is to provide a tangible connection to that saint. So do some research! We make stopovers at Kitovu, Masaka or Ruhango-Rwanda. Know something about Msgr Ngobya, Sr Amedeo or Genocide at Ruhango so when you are there, you know how to say your prayers and intentions appropriately. Also use Church approved prayers at these stops that have been compiled for you in our Kibeho Pilgrimage Booklet.
This also works well on regular vacations to new places.
A pilgrimage is an allegory for our journey to heaven. That means we should invite heaven into it. If you’re doing a planned pilgrimage, there will likely be many religious experiences built into it such as praying through the Seven Sorrows at Kibeho, bathing in the waters at Lourdes or using water from Martyrs Lake, Namugongo.
You should still make time for the ways that you, personally, are drawn to pray, as much as your accommodations will allow. Spend a transnight at Kibeho Apparitions Chapel, do Adoration in Ruhango, pray Divine Mercy at Cana-Nyarushiishi, remember your family at the Nativity Monument, or make time to meditate on Scripture. For others, it can mean journaling, praise and worship, spiritual reading—whatever works for you.
And regardless of all this, make sure to make time for the sacraments! Fortunately for our Kibeho pilgrimage, we have a priest as a Spiritual Director so Confessions and Mass are always good provisions. A pilgrimage novena is also on the cards as part of our preparation.
Again, all these are palpably and beautifully laid out in our Pilgrimage Prayer Booklet.
But not all is rosy with pilgrimage. Some things will go wrong. Transport, meals, accommodation may disappoint one way or other. We’ve had our bus get lost inside Rwanda just hours to Assumption Mass. Once, it rained on us the entire chilly early morning at the border. Some pilgrims had to share beds when our lodging was oversubscribed. Name a problem, it has happened on a pilgrimage. But that’s OK.
Pilgrimages are a good thing, but you don’t always feel like they’re a good thing. If you’re completely caught up in frustration over things not going as planned, then you are guaranteed not to notice and receive the graces. Let's look at pilgrimage as a fast for our faith; mortification that Mother Mary says is indispensable if her children are to go to heaven!
But regardless of the pain, pilgrimage winds up being a beautiful, prayerful experience. To date, my journeys of prayer to Kibeho are one of my happiest travel memories because they were showered in grace.
Your pilgrimage may be rough and you may cry owing to illness, family and personal hurts, hateful people, poverty, joblessness, and even miscommunications. But in the end, to the extent you persevere believing in Jesus Christ, you'll still be glad you went.
We have seen holy places that energized our Church for millennia. We have offered our sufferings for others on trips. But most importantly, Jesus had it rough (to put it mildly) during his time on earth. I might not have been happy at the end of my pilgrimage, but I knew him a little better, which equipped me to love him better. I call that a success.
No one gets to go on a pilgrimage by accident, or completely by their own design. I had to keep reminding myself of that fact. You don’t get to go because you’re super holy, or rich, or good at Church mobilization, or any other reason. You go on a pilgrimage because he has something to show you. It’s a gift. And every single pilgrimage comes with special and abundant gifts.
May God bless you on this pilgrimage to Kibeho, Rwanda. May Mother Mary accompany you wherever you may go!
【Build your Faith in Christ Jesus on #dailyscripturereadingsgroup 📚: +256 751 540 524 .. Whatsapp】
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