#Marie Pommepuy
balu8 · 7 months
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Beautiful Darkness
by Fabien Vehlmann/ Marie Pommepuy and Kerascoët
 Drawn & Quarterly
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artmialma · 9 months
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Kerascoët is the joint pen name of the French illustrators, comics and animation artists Marie Pommepuy (born 1978) and Sébastien Cosset (born 1975).
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sabinahahn · 2 months
I am delighted to share that I Am a Dragon! has been named to the Pennsylvania Center for the Book's 2024 Baker's Dozen: Thirteen Best Books for Family Literacy!
Here is the list ( I am in such a good company!): - “10 Dogs” by Emily Gravett - “ABC and You and Me” by Corinna Luyken - “Bear with Me” illustrated by Kerascoët, Sebastien Cosset and Marie Pommepuy, - “The Concrete Garden” by Bob Graham - “How to Count to ONE (And Don't Even THINK About Bigger Numbers!)” by Caspar Salmon and illustrated by Matt Hunt - “I Am a Dragon! A Squabble and a Quibble” by Sabina Hahn, published by HarperCollins. - “If I Was a Horse” by Sophie Blackall - “The Kitten Story” by Emily Jenkins and illustrated by Brittany Cicchese - “Mr. S” by Monica Arnaldo - “Night in the City” by Julie Downing - “Ruffles and the Cozy, Cozy Bed” by David Melling - “Simon and the Better Bone” by Corey R. Tabor - “You Go First” by Ariel Bernstein and illustrated by Marc Rosenthal
#iamadragon #booklist #pennsylvaniacenterforthebook
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shorlibteens · 7 months
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This spring! Check out these cottagecore reads:
Graphic Novel
The Girl From the Sea / Molly Knox Ostertag; color by Maarta Laiho
Beautiful Darkness / Marie Pommepuy and Fabien Vehlmann
Magic Fish / Trung Le Nguyen
Mooncakes / Suzanne Walker ; illustrated by Wendy Xu
The Prince and the Dressmaker / Jen Wang
Flowerheart / Catherine Bakewell
The Ghosts of Rose Hill / R.M. Romero
Most Ardently / Gabe Cole Novoa
The House in the Cerulean Sea / T.J. Klune
The Davenports / Krystal Marquis
The Wind in the Willows / Kenneth Grahame
Braiding Sweetgrass / Robin Wall Kimmerer
Goblin Mode / McKayla Coyle; illustrated by Marian Churchland
Engangled Life / Merlin Sheldrake
Devotions / Mary Oliver
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fawnydoe · 10 months
it's kind of a shame that beautiful darkness (the one by marie pommepuy and sebastien cosset) slipped under the radar for a lot of readers. while i think some of the writing choices do lean on being comically edgy, the visuals are gorgeous and stick with you, especially the ending.
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campsis · 2 years
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Kerascoët (@kerascoet_)
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protytwo · 4 years
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Art from L'Extraordinaire abécédaire de Zoé Marmelade by Marie Pommepuy who is also half the art team of Kerascoët.
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dynamobooks · 7 years
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Fabien Vehlmann & Kerascoët: Satania (2016)
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soph950 · 5 years
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Beautiful Darkness
Marie Pommepuy and Sébastien Cosset
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bookscritique-blog · 5 years
Review of the graphic novel “Beautiful Darkness”
The utterly different and morbidly fascinating graphic novel “Beautiful Darkness” written by Fabien Vehlmann and illustrated by Marie Pommepuy and Sébastien Cosset was published 2009 by Drawn and Quarterly.
Do not be fooled by the deceptively cute, childlike drawings. Do not buy it for your children, for you may scar their minds for a long time. And if you are sensible to violence and horror then this comic is certainly not for you.  
Everyone else who likes to be shocked by seemingly cute stories and is overall perceptive for disturbing images then is “Beautiful Darkness” the right comic for you! The contradiction between the cute and naïve demeanour of the little people, who are the centre piece of the story, and their cruel and jealous behaviour have certainly a profound effect.
For all the praise I have for this graphic novel, there is also some criticism. From the very first pages are raised several questions which are not answered throughout the whole story. There is certainly a lack of exposition. The unanswered questions leave the story with an air of serene desolation. I was a little dissatisfied with the open questions. But that is maybe even a good thing. Life and the Universe are full of mystery. We barely know anything if you look at the whole picture. This graphic novel captures through its storytelling the uncertainties which we encounter every day. Most of the time there are no answers.
The main protagonist of “Beautiful Darkness” is a petite girl named Aurora. She is like all her friends and acquaintances very tiny. Their size is comparable with that of a fly or other similarly small insects.  
The reader gets thrown directly in the story when Aurora enjoys some tea with her beloved Prince Hector. Suddenly their home begins to ooze with some unknown pinkish goo. Aurora and Hector, as well as many others are chased away from their home.  
As it turns out, they lived in the body of a little, supposedly human girl, who is dead now.  
Now the tiny people must cope with the outside world which is a forest full of different animals and insects. Given the small size of the people their life is threatened by those whose prey they become. They also need to build shelters for themselves, find food and do anything else to survive in the unknown environment. The protagonist helps out by gathering and providing food for the others and befriends many of them thanks to her kindness.  
Amidst them is another girl named Zelie who is terribly spoiled, manipulative and downright vicious. She has many worshippers who follow her everywhere and indulge her every whim. Little naïve Aurora falls also for Zelie’s manipulation and suffers the loss of some of her dear friends and her beloved Prince.
During their life in proximity of the girl's corps, lots of the tiny creatures find their deaths in many, often violent different ways. Greed, jealousy, murder and cannibalism also take part in the graphic novel.  
Thanks to Zelie’s antics and the ignorance of the others, Aurora finds herself lonely and abandoned. She tried so hard to help everybody, but they discarded her. Now disillusioned she leaves them and finds a new unexpected home. But when her new-found tranquil life is disturbed by her former friends, she “repays” them manifold.
The ending is not particularly surprising given the whole situation before. But it was a logical conclusion to this story in my opinion.
--There will be spoilers ahead. --
At the end there are no answers given regarding the existence of the tiny people. How did they live in the body of the little girl? Have other humans also tiny people in their bodies? Where came the furniture and cutlery from which they used inside the girl? Etc., etc....
Also, we will never learn why the girl died, whether she was murdered or not, why nobody is looking for her or why she was never noticed by anyone. It would have been interesting to know her story, too. It is certainly a pity that the mystery of her untimely death will never be revealed.
--End of spoilers --
All in all, I enjoyed “Beautiful Darkness” a lot. The direction the story took was certainly a surprise, but not an unpleasant one because I love horror novels/comics/movies. It is somehow strange to see such lovely and cute drawings filled with all this remorseless cruelty. The connection of those two elements (cuteness and cruelty) make the atrocities depicted there even more shocking (which was the intent behind it I guess).
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terrecorse · 3 years
Territoriales 2021 : "Campà Megliu in Corsica-Vivre Mieux en Corse"
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Les candidates et candidats de la liste présentée par le PCF (Photo du Haut Ajaccio photo du bas Bastia)
Présentation originale en 2 lieux différents pour tenir compte des mesures sanitaires mais avec une liste de 63 noms. La première à ce jour.
"Campà Megliu in Corsica-Vivre Mieux en Corse", nous faisons le choix d’intituler ainsi la liste de la gauche sociale et écologiste, à partir de cette phrase que l’on entend souvent dans la rue : « un si pò piu campà, on n’en peut plus ».
C’est une protestation qui nous parle, qui parle aux Corses !
Ecouter cette parole qui vient du peuple, c’est pour nous la meilleure façon d’aborder cette élection et de la relayer sur le terrain politique, le lieu où elle doit trouver un écho et des éléments concrets de réponse.
Ce mot d’ordre « Campà megliu in Corsica, Vivre mieux en Corse », est d’une actualité brûlante. Aggravées par la crise sanitaire, les inégalités explosent, en Corse comme ailleurs ! La pauvreté s’étend. Les responsables publics sont interpellés.
Faute d’orientations clairement inscrites dans les besoins populaires, la déception et la résignation risquent d’éloigner les citoyens des urnes ou de dévoyer leurs colères légitimes vers des impasses politiques.
Nous voulons offrir des perspectives de résistances et de luttes à toutes celles et à tous ceux qui souffrent, qui en ont assez des querelles politiciennes et du matraquage idéologique en lieu et place de la justice sociale et de l’efficacité économique. Ouvrir une perspective de changement social et écologique, c’est le sens de notre engagement de communistes, de citoyen-ne-s de sensibilités de gauche et écologistes, de militants syndicaux et associatifs, et de simples citoyens de gauche.
Notre liste s’appuie sur de jeunes candidates et candidats pour qui c’est souvent le premier engagement public à l’échelle du territoire insulaire, aux cotés d’autres plus anciens. Elle exprime le renouvellement. Elle est riche de personnalités diverses, actives dans le domaine syndical ou associatif, et pleinement inscrites dans les batailles de notre temps, sociales, écologistes, culturelles, antiracistes, féministes porteuses d’espoir.
Elle rassemble parce qu’elle ressemble aux Corses qui aspirent à une juste répartition sociale des richesses produites, à accéder aux créations culturelles et exigent une ambition politique à la hauteur des enjeux environnementaux de préservation des ressources naturelles et de la planète.
Elle rassemble parce qu’elle ressemble aux combats démocratiques et progressistes ceux d’une gauche qui résiste à l’ultra libéralisme.
Candidates et candidats sur cette liste, communistes ou non, elles et ils, comme leurs engagements quotidiens le montrent, proposent d’agir avec celles et ceux qui veulent "Vivre mieux en Corse-Campà megliu in Corsica".
Cette force politique utile à gauche et au peuple doit être présente à l’Assemblée de Corse.
                                                                       Bastia Ajaccio le 02 05 2021
Site internet : michelstefani2021.com/michelstefani2021.corsica
Liste "Campà megliu in Corsica-Vivre mieux en Corse"
1 STEFANI Michel Ancien Conseiller Assemblée de Corse et président des Chemins de Fer (SAN MARTINO)
2 AMZIANE Anissa-Flore Directrice adjointe association environnement (AJACCIO)
3 ALARIS Nicolas Directeur camping social Conseiller municipal de SARTENE
4 OLIVESI Josépha Conseillère Principale d’Education (BASTIA MOCA CROCE)
5 PERRAUDIN Julien Postier Syndicaliste Conseiller municipal de BARBAGGIO
6 SORO Catherine Secrétaire ancienne attachée de groupe Assemblée de Corse (CARGESE)
7 MUSELLI-COLONNA Pierre-Ange Privé d’emploi (AJACCIO)
8 CONTRUCCI Marie-Jo Cadre de santé militante associative (FURIANI)
9 ROSSI Pascal Enseignant militant associatif (LINGUIZZETTA)
10 SOGNO Emilie Auto-entrepreneuse esthéticienne (CUTTOLI-CORTICCHIATO)
11 LEROY Marc-Antoine Assistant d’éducation (ALATA)
12 MEDAILLE Karine Employée Syndicaliste (VENZOLASCA)
13 MARIANI Emmanuel Infirmier hospitalier BASTIA
14 MONDOLONI Jeanine Ancienne directrice d’école Conseillère municipale de SARTENE
15 SANTAMARIA Mickaël Agent CCAS Syndicaliste (AJACCIO)
16 VIGNAROLI Annonciade Retraitée enseignement (VALLECALLE HAUT NEBBIU)
17 FAZZINI Maxime Agent EDF Ancien élu Assemblée de Corse des jeunes (FURIANI)
18 TARQUINY Sophie Chirurgienne-dentiste (PIETROSELLA CALENZANA)
19 TRAMONI Michel Maire de BILIA
20 MAZEAU Sandrine Aide à domicile Syndicaliste (BASTIA)
21 BERNARD Nicolas Ouvrier manufacture Syndicaliste (MOROSAGLIA)
22 LOVIGHI Catherine Cadre Activités Sociales de l’Energie (SARTENE)
23 BASTELICA Etienne Conseiller municipal d’AJACCIO Ancien Président de groupe Assemblée de Corse
24 MASON Séverine Infirmière hospitalière Syndicaliste (BASTIA)
25 BARTOLI Auguste Docker Syndicaliste (BIGUGLIA)
26 BIANCARELLI Viviane Educatrice spécialisée Ancienne conseillère Assemblée de Corse (PORTOVECCHIO)
27 FERRANDINI Jean-François Agent EDF Syndicaliste Conseiller municipal de PETRETO-BICCHISANO
28 LUCIANI Marina Agent territoriale Ancienne conseillère municipale de BASTIA
29 USAI Gilbert Professeur de musique (BASTIA)
30 AGOSTINI Hélène Directrice de camping social (PORTO-VECCHIO)
31 CHIOCCA Laurent Artisan forestier (TASSO)
32 PRUVOT-ROL Sonia Enseignante Militante associative environnement biodiversité Ancienne conseillère Assemblée de Corse (SISCO)
33 BONFANTI Joseph Postier Syndicaliste (BASTIA)
34 FIORI Marie-Pierre Agent hospitalier Syndicaliste (AJACCIO-CALACUCCIA)
35 JOURDAN-MURACCIOLE Antoine Ouvrier menuisier (AJACCIO)
36 MINICUCCI Manon Préparatrice en pharmacie (SISCO)
37 PENCIOLELLI Jean-Marc Conseiller Principal d’Education (CORTE)
38 RASORI Marina Animatrice socioculturelle (SARROLA-CARCOPINO)
39 MURRONI Baptiste Coach sportif (ALATA)
40 MORACCHINI Marie-Ange (TALASANI) Cadre commerciale SNCM ancienne conseillère municipale BASTIA
41 TOMEI Louis Agent territorial Syndicaliste (BASTIA)
42 BARTOLI Françoise agent fonction publique territoriale militante associative (BASTELICACCIA)
43 MATTEI Jean-Marie Agent de la Poste Syndicaliste (AJACCIO-Plaine de CUTTOLI)
44 DEVOTI Toussainte Ancienne adjointe au Maire de BASTIA militante associative
45 GUGLIELMACCI Dominique Retraité SNCM (CALVI)
46 MERCURI Angèle retraitée fonction publique territoriale (AJACCIO)
47 BIONDI Jean-Michel Syndicaliste (AJACCIO-LETIA-VENACO)
48 FILIPPI Valérie Infirmière (ROGLIANO)
49 GIL Jean-Jacques Intermittent du spectacle (BASTIA)
50 PIMENOFF Natacha Ancienne conseillère municipale d’AJACCIO Ancienne Vice-présidente de la CAPA
51 AMIDEI Jean Louis Infirmier libéral Ancien adjoint au maire d’AJACCIO
52 POMMEPUY Eve Employée (BASTIA)
53 DELAVALLE Pierre-Jean Militant associatif Président association RUTONE (AJACCIO-GHISONI)
54 PASQUA Christiane Cadre Education Nationale (CAURO- AJACCIO)
55 ZEDDA Louis Agent territorial (SARTENE)
56 DEVICHI Gisèle Retraitée enseignement (CARDO)
57 RIOLACCI Francis Ancien adjoint au Maire de BASTIA
58 POLI Marthe Agent hospitalier EHPAD de GUAGNO Ancienne conseillère municipale d’AJACCIO
59 LUCIANI Paul Antoine Ancien 1er Adjoint d’AJACCIO Ancien Président de groupe à l’Assemblée de Corse
61 VITTORI Dominique Retraité INRA 1er Adjoint de VESCOVATO
63 BUCCHINI Dominique ancien Président de l’Assemblée de Corse (SARTENE)
Présentée par le Parti communiste français
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bellafadiploma · 6 years
The Exquisite Narrative
to start off this project, we were given a postcard to start our narrative off with. I recieved this vintage postcard of what seemed to be a family surrounded by giant sheafs of corn and pumpkins.
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I immediately started brainstorming ideas; the vegetables featured seemed to be particularly autumnal, so I started researching different autumn celebrations, specifically pagan ones. I also did some other thumbnails with little people dancing with various vegetable heads.
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(here’s feedback I recieved on that)
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At this point in time, I had on loan from the library, the graphic novel Beautiful Darkness, by Marie Pommepuy and Sébastien Cosset, whose names combine to form their pen name Kerascoët. In this book, many small faerie-like people live in the body of a dead girl in the forest. When she dies, they are forced to find other places to live, in birds nests, under leaves etc. This really influenced my idea to use the vegetables as homes for little faeries. I was also inspired by the work of Sally Gardner, a children’s author and illustrator who does a lot of work with faerie imagery. 
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So, I worked on some initial designs, and although I took much inspiration from Beautiful Darkness, I did not take its undertones of horror and violence, and instead stuck to a very wholesome and happy world of faeries and mice and frogs who are all friends. I suppose I took a lot of inspiration from Beatrix Potter too. I toyed with some different drawing styles for the animals, swapping between more realistic and cartoon-y. I settled for more cute and cartoon-like as they appeared more friendly.
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We then got a second postcard. Mine was this:
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I started sketching ideas that combined both my postcards and I settled on the idea of an older lady who looks after all the creatures and faeries in her garden. I thought this idea was very sweet and made me very happy. However, I didn’t finish a sequential illustration based on the second postcard as I ran out of time.
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I finished my first sequential piece based just on my first postcard and the ideas I got from it. I decided to use watercolours to evoke the happy and whimsical feeling I wanted to. I’m actually very happy with it and although the dialogue is very simple and basic I’m still very happy with how cute it is. I feel like it was very therapeutic for me to create something so joyful and kind, as my mental health has been very hard to deal with recently.
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wasabjpg-blog · 8 years
☆ List of graphic novels and comic books I am currently reading or want to read ☆
Currently reading: ▹ Paper Girls Author: Brian K. Vaughan Illustrator: Cliff Chiang ▹ Saga Author: Brian K. Vaughan Illustrator: Fiona Staples
Want to read: ▹ Low Author: Rick Remender Illustrators: Greg Tocchini, Dave McCaig ▹ Sky Doll Authors: Alessandro Barbucci, Barbara Canepa Illustrators: Alessandro Barbucci, Barbara Canepa ▹ The Wicked + The Divine Author: Kieron Gillen Illustrator: Jamie McKelvie ▹ Rat Queens Author: Kurtis J. Wiebe Illustrators: Roc Upchurch, Tess Fowler, Owen Gieni, Stjepan Šejić Colorist: Tamra Bonvillain ▹ Nimona Author & illustrator: Noelle Stevenson ▹ In Real Life Authors: Cory Doctorow, Jen Wang Illustrator: Jen Wang ▹ Lumberjanes Authors: Noelle Stevenson, Grace Ellis, Shannon Watters, Faith Erin Hicks Illustrators: Brooke A. Allen, Brittney Williams, Aimee Fleck, Faith Erin Hicks, Becca Tobin, Carolyn Nowak, Felicia Choo, T. Zysk Colorist: Maarta Laiho Letterer: Aubrey Aiese ▹ Giant Days Author: John Allison Illustrators: John Allison, Lissa Treiman, Max Sarin ▹ Snotgirl Author: Bryan Lee O’Malley Illustrator: Leslie Hung ▹ ApocalyptiGirl: An Aria for the End Times Author & illustrator: Andrew MacLean ▹ Tokyo Ghost Author: Rick Remender Illustrator: Sean Murphy ▹ Monstress Author: Marjorie Liu Illustrator: Sana Takeda ▹ Descender Author: Jeff Lemire Illustrator: Dustin Nguyen ▹ Injection Author: Warren Ellis Illustrators: Declan Shalvey, Jordie Bellaire ▹ I Hate Fairyland Author & illustrator: Skottie Young ▹ The Beauty Authors: Jason A. Hurley, Jeremy Haun Illustrator: Jeremy Haun ▹ This One Summer Author: Mariko Tamaki Illustrator: Jillian Tamaki ▹ Anya’s Ghost Author & illustrator: Vera Brosgol ▹ Beautiful Darkness Authors & illustrators: Fabien Vehlmann, Marie Pommepuy, Sébastien Cosset
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uiarazagolin · 6 years
Natal na Galeries Lafayette com tema "Fábrica de Sonhos"
Natal na Galeries Lafayette com tema “Fábrica de Sonhos”
O TEMA ‘FÁBRICA DE SONHOS’ INSPIRA O NATAL DA GALERIES LAFAYETTE, QUE TERÁ SUA TRADICIONAL ÁRVORE MONTADA PELA MAISON PIAGET Combinando tradição e magia, o aguardado décor da loja de departamentos parisiense atrai multidões de clientes e turistas a cada ano e será inaugurado em 7 de novembro
  A comemoração do Natal na Galeries Lafayette é um evento que já faz parte do calendário de Paris.
A cada…
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campsis · 3 years
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Kerascoët = Marie Pommepuy et Sébastien Cosset (@kerascoet_)
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vermiculated · 7 years
new year, new tag
in fact, the SOLE descriptive tag to this whole apparatus
Minus 148 - Art Davidson 
Long Way Down - Jason Reynolds 
Ghosts of the Tsunami - Richard Lloyd Parry
True Prep - Lisa Birnbach
Dunbar - Edward St Aubyn 
Passing Strange - Ellen Klages
Strange Practice - Vivian Shaw
What She Ate - Laura Shapiro
The Power - Naomi Alderman
Cubed - Nikil Saval
Rose Bride - Elizabeth Moss 
Home Fire - Kamila Shamsie (vg)
Absent - Katie Williams
Beautiful Darkness - Marie Pommepuy et al
Lando - Charles Soule et al
Alias Grace - Margaret Atwood
The People in the Castle - Joan Aiken
A Natural - Ross Raisin
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