#Mariotto Albertinelli
artandthebible · 22 days
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The Sacrifice of Isaac
Artist: Mariotto Albertinelli  (Italian, 1474–1515)
Genre: Religious Art
Description: The Binding of Isaac
Medium: Oil on Panel
Date: c. 1509-1513 
Collection: Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut
The Binding of Isaac, or simply "The Binding", is a story from Genesis 22:1-19. In the biblical narrative, God orders Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac at Moriah. As Abraham begins to comply, having bound Isaac to an altar, he is stopped by the Angel of the Lord; a ram appears and is slaughtered in Isaac's stead, as God commends Abraham's pious obedience to offer his son as a human sacrifice.
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granstromjulius · 4 months
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Mariotto Albertinelli
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pomegranatetemples · 2 years
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Visitation (1474) - Mariotto Albertinelli
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lahija-del-molinero · 22 days
La historia, relatada en Génesis,​ afirma que Abel se dedicaba a pastorear ovejas y su hermano mayor se dedicaba a la agricultura. Caín hizo una ofrenda de frutas y verduras mientras tanto Abel sacrificó los primogénitos de sus ovejas. A dios le desagradó la ofrenda de Caín y aceptó la de Abel. 🥺
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Mariotto Albertinelli Sacrifices of Abel and of Cain ca. 1510
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pwlanier · 10 months
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Mariotto Albertinelli, Italian (Florence, Italy 1474 - 1515 Florence, Italy)
The Sacrifice of Cain and Abel 1510
Harvard Art Museum
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harvardfineartslib · 2 years
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Happy Birthday to Mariotto Albertinelli who was born on this day in 1474.
Albertinelli was an Italian Renaissance painter who was born and active in Florence.
Mariotto Albertinelli (1474-1515). 1504-1515. Nativity. Place: The Courtauld Gallery, London, Provenance: Gambier-Parry, Mark; bequest; 1966. https://library-artstor-org.ezp-prod1.hul.harvard.edu/asset/ACOURTAULDIG_10313599441
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marioclubart · 21 days
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ALBERTINELLI, Mariotto Italian painter, Florentine school (b. 1474, Firenze, d. 1515, Firenze) Circumcision 1503 Oil on wood, 23 x 50 cm Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence The predella of the altarpiece with the Visitation shows three stories from the life of Christ: the Annunciation, the Birth of Christ and the Circumcision. Despite the small size of the three compartments, Albertinelli succeeds in constructing austere, essential spaces which display a great formal balance. The small, full figures are firmly and vigorously placed in scenes which respect the most rigorous perspective laws of the Florentine Quattrocento.
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jacopocioni · 8 months
Andrea del Sarto, pittore
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Andrea Vannucci detto del "Sarto" d'Agnolo, meglio conosciuto come Andrea del Sarto mestiere esercitato dal padre. Non c'è sicurezza sul cognome. A volte si trova scritto Vannucci altre con Vannucchi, ma forse il suo cognome è Lanfranchi, come è scritto in un documento riguardante suo fratello. Vi è scitto: Francesco detto "Spillo" Lanfranchi pittore. Nacque a Firenze nel 1486. Al tempo in cui iniziò il suo periodo di apprendistato come narra nelle "Vite" il Vasari presso una bottega di orafo, presto in quell'ambiente manifestò la sua inclinazione per il disegno. Venne mandato a formarsi nella bottega del pittore Gian Barile. Ma questo dopo poco tempo si accorse di non essere all'altezza delle capacità di Andrea e lo convinse ad andare dal pittore Piero di Cosimo. All'inizio del XVI° secolo nella nostra città si trovavano artisti del calibro di Leonardo e Michelangelo, ai quali si affiancò superandoli in poco tempo. Fu influenzato dal Perugino, Raffaello, Fra Bartolmeo e Mariotto Albertinelli. Abitando in Santa Maria Novella fece amicizia con un altro pittore Francesco di Cristofano detto "Franciabigio". I due giovani nel 1516 aprirono una bottega in piazza del Grano, dopo poco tempo si trasferirono vicino alla Basilica della Santissima Annunziata e come tutti i pittori, per poter lavorare dovette iscriversi all'Arte Maggiore dei Medici e Spezali.
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I frati Serviti nel 1509 lo incaricarono di affrescare il Chiostrino dei Voti con le storie di San Filippo Benizzi. Iniziò con i frati un rapporto di lavoro distinato a protarsi nel tempo. Ebbe rapporti di committenza con gli Eremitani Agostiniani di San Gallo e i Benedettini Vallombrosani dove già lavorava il "Franciabigio". Nella loro bottega aprirono la "scuola dell'Annunziata" dove ebbero come discepoli Jacopo Carucci detto "Il Pontormo" e Giovan Battista di Jacopo di Gaspare detto "Il Rosso Fiorentino". Nel 1515 insieme al "Franciabigio" inizia a dipingere un ciclo decorativo delle Storie del Battista al Chiostro dello "Scalzo" nella chiesa della Compagnia dei Disciplinati di San Giovanni Battista detta dello "Scalzo" (durante le processioni il portatore della croce sfilava a piedi nudi), il lavoro venne terminato nel 1526.
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Per la chiesa di San Francesco dei Macci, dipinge la Madonna delle Arpie (oggi conservata agli Uffizi), sposa Lucrezia di Bartolomeo del Fede, divenuta in breve tempo la modella delle sue opere. Realizza i dipinti per la camera nunziale Borgherini; Le Storie di San Giuseppe; l'Infanzia, Giuseppe interpreta i sogni del Faraone. Per Francesco I° in Francia realizza molte opere quasi tutte andate perdute, rimane solo "la Carità" conservata nel Museo del Louvre. tornato a Firenze riprende a dipingere al Chiostro dello "Scalzo".
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Per la villa Medicea di Poggio a Caiano inizia l'affresco "Il Tributo di Cesare", rimasto incompiuto e finito da Alessandro Allori. Dipinge per i Convento di San Salvi "Il Cenacolo" iniziato nel 1519 e terminato dopo dieci anni nel 1529. Su questo bellissimo affresco c'è un aneddoto che racconta: durate l'assedio di Firenze con l'approssimarsi delle truppe dell'Imperatore Carlo V°, venne deciso di abbattere il convento di San Salvi come era stato fatto con San Gallo e San Giusto. Ma i guastatori incaricati della demolizione, si rifiutarono di abbatterlo colpiti dalla bellezza dei suoi colori. Andrea è ricordato per essere come il più bravo fra i grandi artisti dei suoi tempi. Il Vasari nelle "Vite" lo ricorda cone il "Pittore senza errori", le sue figure erano di somma perfezione, per la capacità di creare composizioni formalmente ineccepibili armoniose e ben bilanciate. Fu un eccellente decoratore di affreschi e autore di bellissime Pale d'Altare e ritratti. Morì di peste causata dall'assedio il 29 settebre 1530, solo e abbandonato dalla moglie.
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Alberto Chiarugi Read the full article
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yes-bernie-stuff · 9 months
La Visitation
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Luc 1:39-45 Marie partit et salua Elizabeth
La Visitation,
Peint par Mariotto Albertinelli (1474-1515),
Peint en 1503,
Huile sur toile
© Galerie des Offices, Florence
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 10.13
Astronomy Day
Azerbaijani Railway Day
Blame Someone Else Day
Bonn Phchum Ben (Ancestors’ Day; Cambodia)
Chuuk (Teachers’ Appreciation Day; Micronesia)
Clean the Crumbs Out of the Broiler Oven Day
Cold Turkey Day
Dashain Festival (Nepal)
Dia del Respeto a la Diversidad Cultural (Argentina)
Doi Taikomatsuri (Japan) [13-15]
Durga Puja (a.k.a. Dasain (Sikkim, India)
Dussehra (a.k.a. Durga Ashtami; Parts of India)
English Language Day (UK)
Festival of Unmediated Play
Geologic Map Day
Ghatasthapana (Nepal)
Global Fertilizer Day
Good Samaritan Day
The Great Memorial Day (Thailand)
International Cassette Store Day
International Civility for the Girl Child Day
International Day for Failure (a.k.a. National Failure Day)
International Day For Natural Disaster Reduction (UN)
international Day of Education in Prison
International Plain Language Day
International Skeptics Day
International Suit Up Day
John Peel Day
Karva Chat (Himachal Pradesh, India) [Women’s Festival Only]
King Bhumibol Adulyadej The Great Memorial Day (Thailand)
Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day
Modern Mythology Day
National Chess Day
National Erection Day
National Guinea Pig Day (Peru)
National Herpes Awareness Day (Australia)
National Motorcycle Ride Day
National No Excuse Day
National ‘That’s What She Said’ Day
National Transfer Money to Your Son Day
Navy Establishment Day
No Bra Day
Oilfield Prayer Day (Oklahoma)
Paramedics’ Day (Poland)
Peach Day (French Republic)
Prince Louis Rwagasore Day (Burundi)
Railway Day (Azerbaijan)
Rwagasore Day (Burundi)
Silly Sayings Day
Swiftie Day
Templars Day
Train Your Brain Day
Treat Yo’ Self Day
Wan Tamruat (a.k.a. National Police Day; Thailand)
White House Day
Witches’ Festival (Elder Scrolls)
World Bank Action Day
World Cage Free Day
World Thrombosis Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Friday the Firkenteenth (Grey Lodge, Pennsylvania)
National M&M Day
National Peanut Day
National Pumpkin Day
Yorkshire Pudding Day
2nd Friday in October
Durin’s Day (The Hobbit) [When Last Moon of Autumn & 1st Sun of Winter Appears in Sky Together]
Forest School Day (UK) [2nd Friday]
International Children’s Palliative Care Day [2nd Friday]
International Foster Carer Appreciation Day [2nd Friday]
National Boss Day [Weekday closest to 10.15]
National Haunted House Day [2nd Friday]
Vet Nurse Day [2nd Friday]
World Day Against the Death Penalty [2nd Friday]
World Day of Botanical Gardens [2nd Friday]
World Egg Day [2nd Friday]
Feast Days
Aequinoctium Autumnale VI (Pagan)
Alan Turing Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Alexandrina of Balasar (Christian; Blessed)
Allan Ramsay (Artology)
Arrabiata Sauce Day (Pastafarian)
Campanella (Positivist; Saint)
Colman (Christian; Saint)
Daniel and companions, of Ceuta (Christian; Saints)
Edward the Confessor (Translation of the Relics Day)
Fautus, Januarius, and Martialis (Christian; Martyrs)
Fontanalia (a.k.a. Fontus; Old Roman God of Wells & Springs)
Gerald of Aurillac (Christian; Saint)
Maddalena Panattieri (Dominican Order of Preachers; Christian; Blessed)
Mariotto Albertinelli (Artology)
Miracle of the Sun
Moley the Mole (Muppetism)
Our Lady of Fatima (Roman Catholic)
Seven Friar Minors (Christian; Martyrs in Morocco)
Theophilus of Antioch (Christian; Saint)
Very Saucey Day (Pastafarian)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Unlucky Day (EU, US) [Friday the 13th] (2 of 2 for 2023)
Unlucky Day (Canada, Germany, Ireland, UK, US) [Friday the 13th]
All About Eve (Film; 1950)
The Babysitter (Film; 2017)
Badlands (Film; 1973)
Batman: Death in the Family (WB Animated Film; 2020)
A Bear Called Paddington, by Michael Bond (Children’s Book; 1958)
Bee at the Beach (Disney Cartoon; 1950)
Billy Elliot (Film; 2000)
Code of the Samurai: A Modern Translation of the Bushido Shoshinshu of Taira Shigesuke, by Daidōji Yūzan (History Book; 1943)
Crimes and Misdemeanors (Film; 1989)
Fat Bottomed Girls/Bicycle Race, by Queen (Songs; 1978)
Fly with von Drake (Disney Animated TV Special; 1963)
The Foreigner (Film; 2017)
Goodbye Christopher Robin (Film; 2017)
Harvey (Film; 1950)
The House of Mirth (Film; 2000)
Jane the Virgin (TV Series; 2014)
Linda McCartney’s Sixties: Portrait of an Era, by Linda McCartney (Book; 1992)
Look Who’s Talking (Film; 1989)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (Animated Film; 1993)
…Nothing Like the Sun, by Sting (Album; 1987)
Riley’s First Date? (Pixar Cartoon; 2015)
The Rum Diary (Film; 2011)
The Scarlet Letter (Film; 1995)
The Seventh Seal (Film; 1958)
Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It), by Beyoncé (Song; 2008)
Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (Concert Film; 2023)
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, by Edward Albee (Play; 1962)
Wide Sargasso Sea, by Jean Rhys (Novel; 1966)
Yankee Dood It (WB MM Cartoon; 1956)
, by Prince (Album; 1992)
Today’s Name Days
Eduard, Gerald (Austria)
Bogoljub, Eduard, Romul, Teofil (Croatia)
Renáta (Czech Republic)
Angelus (Denmark)
Ebba, Ebe, Epp (Estonia)
Taija, Taina, Tanja (Finland)
Géraud (France)
Andre, Eduard, Koloman (Germany)
Agathoniki, Chrysi, Florentia, Florentios, Karpos (Greece)
Ede, Kálmán (Hungary)
Benedetto, Edoardo (Italy)
Irma, Mirga (Latvia)
Eduardas, Edvardas, Mintaras, Nortautė, Venancijus (Lithuania)
Tarjei, Terje, Torgeir (Norway)
Daniel, Edward, Gerald, Geraldyna, Maurycy, Mikołaj, Siemisław, Teofil (Poland)
Agatodor, Agatonica, Andrei, Carp, Papil (Romania)
Koloman (Slovakia)
Eduardo, Fausto (Spain)
Berit, Birgit (Sweden)
Eddie, Eddy, Eduardo, Edward, Edwardine, Ned (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 286 of 2024; 79 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 41 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Gort (Ivy) [Day 11 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Xin-You), Day 29 (Jia-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 28 Tishri 5784
Islamic: 28 Rabi I 1445
J Cal: 16 Shù; Twosday [16 of 30]
Julian: 30 September 2023
Moon: 1%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 6 Descartes (11th Month) [Campanella]
Runic Half Month: Wyn (Joy) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 20 of 89)
Zodiac: Libra (Day 20 of 30)
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 10.13
Astronomy Day
Azerbaijani Railway Day
Blame Someone Else Day
Bonn Phchum Ben (Ancestors’ Day; Cambodia)
Chuuk (Teachers’ Appreciation Day; Micronesia)
Clean the Crumbs Out of the Broiler Oven Day
Cold Turkey Day
Dashain Festival (Nepal)
Dia del Respeto a la Diversidad Cultural (Argentina)
Doi Taikomatsuri (Japan) [13-15]
Durga Puja (a.k.a. Dasain (Sikkim, India)
Dussehra (a.k.a. Durga Ashtami; Parts of India)
English Language Day (UK)
Festival of Unmediated Play
Geologic Map Day
Ghatasthapana (Nepal)
Global Fertilizer Day
Good Samaritan Day
The Great Memorial Day (Thailand)
International Cassette Store Day
International Civility for the Girl Child Day
International Day for Failure (a.k.a. National Failure Day)
International Day For Natural Disaster Reduction (UN)
international Day of Education in Prison
International Plain Language Day
International Skeptics Day
International Suit Up Day
John Peel Day
Karva Chat (Himachal Pradesh, India) [Women’s Festival Only]
King Bhumibol Adulyadej The Great Memorial Day (Thailand)
Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day
Modern Mythology Day
National Chess Day
National Erection Day
National Guinea Pig Day (Peru)
National Herpes Awareness Day (Australia)
National Motorcycle Ride Day
National No Excuse Day
National ‘That’s What She Said’ Day
National Transfer Money to Your Son Day
Navy Establishment Day
No Bra Day
Oilfield Prayer Day (Oklahoma)
Paramedics’ Day (Poland)
Peach Day (French Republic)
Prince Louis Rwagasore Day (Burundi)
Railway Day (Azerbaijan)
Rwagasore Day (Burundi)
Silly Sayings Day
Swiftie Day
Templars Day
Train Your Brain Day
Treat Yo’ Self Day
Wan Tamruat (a.k.a. National Police Day; Thailand)
White House Day
Witches’ Festival (Elder Scrolls)
World Bank Action Day
World Cage Free Day
World Thrombosis Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Friday the Firkenteenth (Grey Lodge, Pennsylvania)
National M&M Day
National Peanut Day
National Pumpkin Day
Yorkshire Pudding Day
2nd Friday in October
Durin’s Day (The Hobbit) [When Last Moon of Autumn & 1st Sun of Winter Appears in Sky Together]
Forest School Day (UK) [2nd Friday]
International Children’s Palliative Care Day [2nd Friday]
International Foster Carer Appreciation Day [2nd Friday]
National Boss Day [Weekday closest to 10.15]
National Haunted House Day [2nd Friday]
Vet Nurse Day [2nd Friday]
World Day Against the Death Penalty [2nd Friday]
World Day of Botanical Gardens [2nd Friday]
World Egg Day [2nd Friday]
Feast Days
Aequinoctium Autumnale VI (Pagan)
Alan Turing Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Alexandrina of Balasar (Christian; Blessed)
Allan Ramsay (Artology)
Arrabiata Sauce Day (Pastafarian)
Campanella (Positivist; Saint)
Colman (Christian; Saint)
Daniel and companions, of Ceuta (Christian; Saints)
Edward the Confessor (Translation of the Relics Day)
Fautus, Januarius, and Martialis (Christian; Martyrs)
Fontanalia (a.k.a. Fontus; Old Roman God of Wells & Springs)
Gerald of Aurillac (Christian; Saint)
Maddalena Panattieri (Dominican Order of Preachers; Christian; Blessed)
Mariotto Albertinelli (Artology)
Miracle of the Sun
Moley the Mole (Muppetism)
Our Lady of Fatima (Roman Catholic)
Seven Friar Minors (Christian; Martyrs in Morocco)
Theophilus of Antioch (Christian; Saint)
Very Saucey Day (Pastafarian)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Unlucky Day (EU, US) [Friday the 13th] (2 of 2 for 2023)
Unlucky Day (Canada, Germany, Ireland, UK, US) [Friday the 13th]
All About Eve (Film; 1950)
The Babysitter (Film; 2017)
Badlands (Film; 1973)
Batman: Death in the Family (WB Animated Film; 2020)
A Bear Called Paddington, by Michael Bond (Children’s Book; 1958)
Bee at the Beach (Disney Cartoon; 1950)
Billy Elliot (Film; 2000)
Code of the Samurai: A Modern Translation of the Bushido Shoshinshu of Taira Shigesuke, by Daidōji Yūzan (History Book; 1943)
Crimes and Misdemeanors (Film; 1989)
Fat Bottomed Girls/Bicycle Race, by Queen (Songs; 1978)
Fly with von Drake (Disney Animated TV Special; 1963)
The Foreigner (Film; 2017)
Goodbye Christopher Robin (Film; 2017)
Harvey (Film; 1950)
The House of Mirth (Film; 2000)
Jane the Virgin (TV Series; 2014)
Linda McCartney’s Sixties: Portrait of an Era, by Linda McCartney (Book; 1992)
Look Who’s Talking (Film; 1989)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (Animated Film; 1993)
…Nothing Like the Sun, by Sting (Album; 1987)
Riley’s First Date? (Pixar Cartoon; 2015)
The Rum Diary (Film; 2011)
The Scarlet Letter (Film; 1995)
The Seventh Seal (Film; 1958)
Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It), by Beyoncé (Song; 2008)
Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (Concert Film; 2023)
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, by Edward Albee (Play; 1962)
Wide Sargasso Sea, by Jean Rhys (Novel; 1966)
Yankee Dood It (WB MM Cartoon; 1956)
, by Prince (Album; 1992)
Today’s Name Days
Eduard, Gerald (Austria)
Bogoljub, Eduard, Romul, Teofil (Croatia)
Renáta (Czech Republic)
Angelus (Denmark)
Ebba, Ebe, Epp (Estonia)
Taija, Taina, Tanja (Finland)
Géraud (France)
Andre, Eduard, Koloman (Germany)
Agathoniki, Chrysi, Florentia, Florentios, Karpos (Greece)
Ede, Kálmán (Hungary)
Benedetto, Edoardo (Italy)
Irma, Mirga (Latvia)
Eduardas, Edvardas, Mintaras, Nortautė, Venancijus (Lithuania)
Tarjei, Terje, Torgeir (Norway)
Daniel, Edward, Gerald, Geraldyna, Maurycy, Mikołaj, Siemisław, Teofil (Poland)
Agatodor, Agatonica, Andrei, Carp, Papil (Romania)
Koloman (Slovakia)
Eduardo, Fausto (Spain)
Berit, Birgit (Sweden)
Eddie, Eddy, Eduardo, Edward, Edwardine, Ned (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 286 of 2024; 79 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 41 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Gort (Ivy) [Day 11 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Xin-You), Day 29 (Jia-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 28 Tishri 5784
Islamic: 28 Rabi I 1445
J Cal: 16 Shù; Twosday [16 of 30]
Julian: 30 September 2023
Moon: 1%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 6 Descartes (11th Month) [Campanella]
Runic Half Month: Wyn (Joy) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 20 of 89)
Zodiac: Libra (Day 20 of 30)
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koredzas · 3 years
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Mariotto Albertinelli - The Sacrifice of Cain and Abel. 1510
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jeannepompadour · 3 years
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"Madonna and Child" by Mariotto Albertinelli (1474–1515)
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artesplorando · 4 years
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Mariotto Albertinelli-Visitation, 1503, Oil on wood, 232 x 146 cm, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence
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ars-videndi · 5 years
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Fra Bartolomeo (1472 - 1517) and Mariotto Albertinelli (1474 - 1515), Annunciation, 1497. Altare della Madonna del Rosario, Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta (Duomo di Volterra)
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Cudowny maj...
Cudowny maj…
Cudowny maj kończy jeszcze cudowniejsze wydarzenie historyczne i biblijne, czyli spotkanie dwóch najważniejszych kobiet w dziejach świata i dwóch najważniejszych postaci Mężczyzn w dziejach naszej cywilizacji. Nawiedzenie Świętej Elżbiety przez młodziutką Maryję, która dowiaduje się, że urodzi syna. I to jakiego syna. Podobnie Elżbieta. Nie było większego narodzonego z niewiasty od Jana… Jak mamy…
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