#Markazian Android ((Andy))
morganasirennether · 1 year
New tag dump post because I can't add anything to the old one~
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morganasirennether · 2 years
Tag dump post~
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morganasirennether · 1 year
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((A-01 or, as he's also known as, Andy Starlight. Hector's android son who's built to resemble a Markazian. Went ahead and gave my android boy a new look and it turned out okay-ish.
He be a short droid, standing only at 5'0", but also freakishly strong. Like, he could easily take on Neftin in a fight if he wanted to, that's just how strong he is.))
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morganasirennether · 6 years
@rowdyboysofpolaris continued from x
The android sighed at the apology, allowing his frustration and anger to fade away so he could relax. Slowly shake his head before he said, “It’s okay, guess he got himself to blame for that. The guy wasn’t really nice anyway.” Why did people always have to be like that whenever he told them what he was?
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