#V: Demon!Angels
morganasirennether · 1 year
New tag dump post because I can't add anything to the old one~
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snek-eyes · 1 year
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Can we go back to this for a sec? To Aziraphale having to explain the concept of being in love to the other angels? Because I cannot imagine what a trip it has to be, falling in love with someone when that is literally not something you are supposed to be able to do. When it is something you barely understand. When the object of whatever this is isn't supposed to be able to feel this way either, except as time goes on you start to realize it's happening to him too. And neither of you can actually talk to each other about it.
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iavulture · 5 months
Idk why but I just like Hare of Inaba's regular attack animation
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Also Hare of Inaba (from the Megaten subreddit):
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sailoryooons · 8 months
Shadow of Mine | Teaser | KTH
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☾ Pairing: Demon!Taehyung x human!reader
☾ Summary: As one of the few humans in the world without a guardian angel to protect you, you’ve learned to take care of yourself - until you realize that perhaps you haven’t been as alone as you always thought.
☾ Word Count: TBD
☾ Genre: Supernatural, angst, smut
☾ Rating: 18+ Minors are strictly prohibited from engaging and reading this content. It contains explicit content and any minors discovered reading or engaging with this work will be blocked immediately. 
☾ Warnings: TBD
☾ A/N: This was written from this writing prompt by @writing-prompt-s for the Angels and Demons Fest! Hoping to get this out in the next week or so! Happy WIP Wednesday!
Disclaimer: All members of BTS are faces and name claims for this story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment or representation of real-life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in works are not representative of real-life scenarios.
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“How can you harm other people if they have guardian angels, then?” you demand, the spatula in your hand pointed at the man. “What can hurt a guardian angel?”
His grin is wicked and mischievous. He leans forward on the counter and you take a step back, watching as he runs one long, ringed finger through the cake batter and brings it up to his rosebud lips. You stare intently as his tongue snakes out, licking the batter sensually before he wraps his lips around the finger and sucks. 
Your stomach flips and you mentally curse yourself, ashamed at how attractive you find it. 
“I’m an Arch Demon,” he purrs, a smirk on his face. He looks you up and down. “Guardian angels are only two steps above the cherubim. They’re a match for most things that want to do unseemly things to humans, but certainly not me.”
“What the fuck is an Arch Demon?”
“My mother is one of the Seven Kings of Hell.”
“We don’t care so much about gender titles. That’s a human construct.” 
“Right.” You hesitate, spatula wavering as your arm grows tired. “What’s your name then, Mr. Arch Demon of Hell?”
“Taehyung.” He eyes your spatula. “And put that down. I cannot harm you any more than you can harm me. I am your shadow, Blue. And you are mine.”
“The song you like to sing. Blue, oh so lonesome for you.”
Taehyung's voice is beautiful. A haunting baritone that is smooth as velvet and makes your eyes flutter. You hardly expect a demon's singing voice to be so lovely - perhaps crackle and flames - but it's immediately soothing.
You blink, realizing Taehyung means the LeAnn Rimes song that you put on and sing when you’re feeling more alone than ever. The information makes your throat tighten and you slowly lower the spatula in your hand, staring at the demon who watches you with equal parts curiosity and something that looks like sadness. 
If he knows that you like to sing that song… 
“Were you always there, then?” He cocks his head to the side. “Since I was a child? You were there?”
“Of course. Your life began, thus did mine. It is the way of the world, sometimes. Many demons are-”
“Get out.”
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sculkshrieking · 8 months
hoffman as a little angel 😊
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i didn't want him to be lonely so i gave him a friend to play with <3
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mlady-magnolia · 23 days
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New AU alert…?
Very heavily inspired by Welcome to Penacony ! on bilibili <3
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 4 months
Hello. And I NEED your take on this. Okay, so you know that Angel, Alastor, and Vaggie are the consistent core people she's paired with in official arts/merch. And how 2/3rds of the Vees have warped, toxic sexual interests in them. Vox having a one-sided crush on Alastor and Val being sexually abusive to Angel. Here's my prediction: Velvette will develop a similar toxic "affection" for Vaggie. Thoughts?
Charlie's gonna kill her.
(poor Vaggie, isn't Lute being obsessed with her enough????)
(fans of the V's im sorry i killed them off at some point during this, i do NOT want them dead in canon, pls read with care or scroll past thank u)
Set up: why Velvette would notice Vaggie at all-
Hey look, two woman who want to fight heaven and are the manager / backbone of their respective social group. More abrasive than charming, blunt and straight forward- if Velvette's a little in love with herself then maybe she sees a bit of herself in the angel that heaven scarred and thinks hmmmmm, potential alliance time~ Maybe she picks up on Vaggie's self hatred and takes it personally, bitch how dare you not fucking love yourself, girls like us are fucking BADASS just ditch the stupid moral high ground self flagellation crap and embrace the urge to flip all the shit, fuck up the old world order and MAKE a new one!
And or if we're going off the vibes that Velvette's rivalry with Carmilla is more personal / hate crush in territory, then add the whole thing of Carmilla bonding with Vaggie bc of how similar they are in some ways (sharing TWO motivation songs about fighting for the people they love) then hell, maybe Velvette is jelly of Vaggie first, seeing the interest Carmilla has in her, the RESPECT Carmilla shows her. Maybe she was pissed seeing someone so like HERSELF falling in step with CARMINE's old crowd. So Velvette marks Vaggie as a target and Carmine weak spot, an example to be made or a play piece to snatch....
aaaaaand then that spirals into Velvette also noticing how similar the two are, except VAGGIE has an even shorter temper, less experience with manipulations, is a much worse liar- which makes her like, an easier and more instantly gratifying version of Carmilla. While ALSO still being a Carmine weak spot. Two for one!
Or maybe it's just another emotionally constipated violent attachment to Vaggie.
Maybe Velvette and Lute could start a Fuck Vaggie hate group. And neither of them knows for sure which way they mean it.
Side idea about the V's theme naming, and Vaggie's trend of having HER name said wrong: imagine Velvette trying to hide her interest by calling Vaggie a nickname like… Aggie or… Argent or Agatha. Deliberately avoiding her actual name- maybe later enjoying how that gets Vaggie riled up, gets her attention on Velvette a little in SOME way.
V's and their A's, yeah? Kinda funny
Anyway, to address the Charlie in the room-
Charlie barely held back on hell fire cooking Valentino- who had the safeguard of owning shares in Angel Dust's soul and that whole messy history to save him from her (for now). Lute got Demon Charlie Deathglare treatment while disarmed and crying, just bc Charlie was holding her gf and presumably THINKING about what Lute did / tried to do to Vaggie.
But Velvette's not safely up in heaven and doesn't so far have any claim on a soul Charlie specifically cares about. An overlord like HER tries anything with Charlie's girlfriend? Makes Vaggie scowl with flirty looks, maybe tries an unnecessary touch during a meeting with the overlords... WANTS to see Vaggie lose it just like Lute did- (doesn't actually like Vaggie as she is, wants something from her, that part of herself Vaggie is trying hard to move past)-
Mm. Death. I think death would be hard to avoid. Just as like a kneejerk protective reaction thing.
Charlie did not hold her girlfriend's freshly stabbed through hand after the hotel battle just to sit quietly and not set fire to stuff when someone else tries messing with Vaggie again. She did not yell at all of heaven's ruling angels just to bite her tongue and play nice for some uppity sinners down in hell. She's their princess. They'll all edge back a step when she tells Velvette to kindly Back. Off.
honestly an AU where Charlie kills / tries to kill someone in a blind protective rage (think her right after Pentious' death) would be pretty juicy...
I feel like this AU wants to become a dark comedy tho
heck, we could go full symmetry and have each of the As eventually kill off one of the Vs, but not their own.
Porn star Angel Dust knocking off Vox and winning his TV empire. The irony. He knows enough about good scripts to've had his soul crushed by Charlie's adorably horrible attempts at it. And Angel Dust would make a great TV host personality. Now he can make all of hell see his smug-ass face as well as his amazing holes. Gods can you imagine him with a TALK SHOW???? Doing interviews? Diva Angel Dust's self esteem TV masterclasses- how to love the loser you are and lose the lovers who don't respect ya. HOW does he kill Vox- idk... maybe Vox was about to tear through Husk to weaken Alastor and Angel Dust threw a drink over his TV head, smashed him with a bottle from the bar, then stomped on him with the heavenly steel stilettos he commissioned from Carmilla. Why not.
Alastor finds out the Vs tried / are trying to use Niffty against the hotel and him, doesn't wanna give Vox the satisfaction of being the one to kill him, doesn't see Val as enough of a threat to bother with, takes out Velvette instead. Probably using Niffty to do it, for it's own kind of irony. Niffty is now a social media manage! She posts dead rat pics and cochroach hunt livestreams from a go pro on her head, and it creeps out hell at first but people slowly get honestly drawn into it, start naming the dead rats, making them fan pages... posting hearts emojis in the pest control live stream chats- suddenly this dead former brainwashed housewife has thousands of online fans who love her weird creepy af interests and are eagerly LISTENING to HER while she posts about knifes and poison and tips on taxidermy stitching. Eventually she get a stuffed Vox as the centerpiece of her Bad Boy shrine now and Alastor is a little hurt and envious of this.
Vaggie kills Val. Yes I am just saying that bc I want her soaking up his dead demon butterfly energy and getting her moth motif for real. She'd wear that fluffy ruff WAY better than him, in my gay opinion. If I have to make another excuse tho, let's say Val gets real pissed and panicky about the hotel being rebuilt and the increasing number of public disses that Angel Dust's been throwing at him- so he's making those studio moments LITERAL hell, the hotel crew picks up on it, CHARLIE picks up on it.... confrontation, Vaggie's there this time, stops Demon Charlie from skewering Val in a blind fiery rage to keep her gf from being a FULL OUT murderer... comes back later, alone. Asks Val one last time to ease up / free Angel Dust. Answer is no, and, she kills him. Tells him she's killed tons of people more innocent than him. Tells him, he's too dangerous to keep around- for Angel Dust yeah but mainly for Charlie, he's putting her gf at risk of doing something terrible- so Vaggie will do it for her. Stab.
We can squeeze some angst out of that. More passive secrets / not actively told lies to Charlie, not volunteering the fact she killed him... eventually HAVING to admit to it so she can undo the soul pact she inherited from him with Angel Dust (maybe has to work on slowly rebuilding that friendship after promising him she wouldn't let Chalrie kill Val, only to technically keep the word but break the meaning when SHE kills Val instead), and all the other enslaved souls- that little fact of who protects and employs all Val's people now, with him gone? Who keeps his turf?
Maybe Cherri Bomb steps up (is the only one Angel Dust can stomach and trust with his old life and the slow changing of it), trades the souls with Vaggie for a promise not to hurt them, becomes the new overlord to the sinners too suspicious of the hotel to accept a broken contract (an overlord who has your soul has a personal interest in vaguely caring if you stay alive) but gives them free rein to fuck off and work for Carmine, or in Rosie Emporium, or Angel Dust's new media company, or check in at the hotel- whatever really- while she guards the new turf with the rebuilt and repainted airship the last Egg Boi fixed up for her. She ends up with a full crew anyway, all volunteers. Cherri Bomb's buccaneers! Up in heaven Sir Pentious is shedding all the tears of admiration and pride, wailing over not being on her crew himssssself
Maybe Charlie's angry and upset, not with Vaggie but with HERSELF for honestly WANTING Val dead- for knowing Vaggie wasn't wrong about that, had already had to physically stop her from killing him- and why was Val different to her when she could let Adam live? What's WRONG with her- Charlie and the sad, honest heart to heart with Vaggie (physically changed by all this) about how Adam was an impersonal general asshole, part of distant, bigger, uncaring threat, while Val was actively every day hurting one of Charlie's friends. Of course she'd feel different about them. Of course he'd press on her protective nerves in ways Adam didn't.
Vaggie and the sinking, sickening, private feeling she keeps from Charlie- only spills out maybe to Carmilla- that she's scared she's too much like the other angels. How she hears what she said to Val ringing in her head, and she thinks of Sera, culling sinners to save heaven, hiding it from Emily to save her sister the pain (and herself the shame) and is that who Vaggie is? Deep down? Too ready to murder for the sake of those she loves, when she feels it's the RIGHT thing to do? How could she spare Lute, be so ready to keep fighting her, and not Valentino...?
Maybe Carmilla points out to her the same things she said to Charlie, with a twist. How Lute was a danger to Vaggie mainly and she is used to that- but Val was a danger to Charlie in a way Vaggie couldn't easily protect Charlie from, so she got scared and... love isn't a kind or fair thing. It's an edge for them to fight for AND with, shaped by their choices. Next time, Vaggie can choose differently.
(Vox, Val, and Velvette don't get that choice anymore and it's a nauseating thing Charlie and Vaggie won't be able to forget- not because they were any more worth giving a second chance too than any other sinner, but because they just as worth that second chance as anyone else.)
(and now it's gone. They're gone. The fight for redemption is a long backsliding slog for all sides and they'll have to do better, next time)
(they'll have to live with what they've done either way)
Maybe Vaggie wonders what it might have said about Velvette, that she (in this AU) took an interest in people like her and Carmilla. If she was so into shaking things up and challenging the way things are, maybe, if she'd come to the hotel...
maybe there's a world out there somewhere where seeing a bit of herself in Vaggie got Velvette thinking. A bigger picture shake up than just who is top overlord of a shitty hell.
maybe she's never a good person to anyone not useful or important to her, and shit to them anyway half the time, but if ONE of the people in that group IS trying to be good, then, there's a limit to what she'll do too. There'll be at least one moment she drags the Vs kicking and screaming away from delicious revenge and towards something that'll help them all rise up more, in the long term
a broken clock is right twice each day. people who mean badly can do good and helpful things. a one-sided toxic yuri situation can help save a lot of people, maybe
....or just kill a fuck ton of angels. honestly, if said angels are murderous exorcists, vaggie would probably appreciate a gesture like that
she still wouldn't date a friend of Valentino's tho
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pumpkinrootbeer · 1 year
how am i supposed to watch a show were theres an unholy abomination trying, desperately, to earn an angels trust and not think they should make out.
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crayonverse · 3 months
cw abuse implications
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been awhile since drawing anything canon adjacent lmao anyway heres ein and his manipulative father figure who hates him
wanted 2 go with some holy imagery bc of that line ein has in s6 where he says the only person worthy of respect is Michael n yeah. he has some issues
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elusivehoney · 1 year
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Red Dwarf 30 Day Challenge Redux: Day 4 👀 Favourite Red Dwarf moment?
“He's cruel! He's selfish! He thinks... terrible things.”
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nerd6log · 8 months
Can we just talk about the Demons and Angels episode where the guys from the bad ship are supposed to be reflections of--
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--are they saying this depraved sadistic lecher(?) is something that lies within the real Rimmer? As in Rimmer, who seems so naive to the who sex thing, might in actuality secretly be the most kinkiest fucker ever?
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wolvesbaned · 1 year
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parrot boy sorely needed an update lol
(old turnaround under the cut, if you're into seeing comparisons. done about a year ago!)
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moonetta · 2 months
This angels and devils arc is so weird
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iavulture · 3 months
A somewhat wild thing (or two) happened when I first got to Shinagawa
Okay, so does anyone remember my posts about Angel and Archangel in Demon Haunts (the "7.8/10 too much sand" and the "kill all the demons" posts)?
Bc I got a few updates
(Story hidden for spoilers for the Vengeance route!)
After defeating Lahmu and Sahori and Tao were killed by Lilith (and Tao was subsequently revived), I was sent to help rescue the students in Shinagawa. Since I had some demons that wanted to talk with me, I immediately headed to the Demon Haunt.
I spoke with Aogami to get my stat increases, then I spoke with my other demons who gave me items and had new dialogue.
Lastly, I spoke with Angel and Archangel (who I nicknamed Bob and Joe respectively; short for Bobiel and Joiel (idk, I was thinking of the most average and silly names)).
1. Joe told me to get back to looking for the missing students (you're not my mother!)
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And 2. Bob concerns me a bit. Either he's actually unhinged...
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... or he's just broken and I need to call the angelic IT department (to which they'll most likely say "Hath thou tried turning him off and on again?").
tl;dr I have WAY too much fun with Demon Haunts. 10/10 game so far.
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monster-noises · 11 months
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Got some Horns Gender = Affirmed.
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lovmura · 1 year
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💗 | comms | twitter | twitch  | youtube | kofi name labeled oc image under here
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