#Market Potential of Fancy Yarns
tsasocial · 4 months
Rieter at ITM 2024
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In the face of the spinning industry’s daunting labor and cost challenges, automation and digitization offer powerful solutions to raise the bar on mill performance. Rieter’s goal is to further strengthen the competitiveness of its customers and to help unlock growth opportunities through smart technology, recycling innovations and leading-edge expertise. To this end, Rieter presents a range of compelling solutions at ITM 2024 designed to automate, digitize and optimize operations, so that mill owners can successfully address the current market situation and expand their competitive advantage. Rieter’s digital spinning suite ESSENTIAL plays a key role in helping mills realize their full potential.
ROBOspin – enhancing profitability and optimizing labor management
Each week in spinning mills across the globe, ROBOspin pieces more than 1 000 000 yarn breaks, resulting in a reduction of about 2 000 working hours for operators. Automated piecing for ring and compact-spinning machines with the fully automatic piecing robot ROBOspin is the key for increasing profitability and streamlining labor management.
SSM DP5-T – high quality air textured filament yarns
To meet the needs of the region’s strong air textured yarn market, Rieter through its subsidiary SSM offers the DP5-T for processing partly-oriented yarns and fully-drawn yarns into unique air textured yarns. With a variety of exclusive fancy options, DP5-T unlocks limitless creative possibilities for customers in the final application.
C 81 – outstanding carding results thanks to intelligent sensors
With high production rates and excellent sliver quality, the card C 81 gives spinning mills a strong position in the market. Intelligent sensors make this possible by consistently setting the carding gap to the ideal size and monitoring in real time the trash level of the card infeed and the sliver that is produced.
Newest draw frame generation – superior sliver quality and efficiency
The newest draw frame generation of single and double head draw frames RSB-D 55, SB-D 55 and RSB-D 27, SB-D 27 upholds the tradition of superior sliver quality and efficiency. It features reduced operating and maintenance costs. Thanks to innovative technical solutions, recycled fibers can be processed to optimum effect.
G 38 – highest production in ring spinning on the market
The latest generation of the ring spinning machine G 38 offers highest spindle speeds of up to 28 000 rpm in combination with significantly reduced machine downtime. This breakthrough is owed to a doffing-cycle time of less than 90 seconds, 12% faster cop transport with the reshaped cop transport system SERVOdisc as well as a reduced ends down rate based on balanced yarn tension peaks.
Autoconer X6 – unrivalled splicing quality, flexibility through automation
The automatic winding machine Autoconer X6 stands for efficiency, quality and flexibility. The splicers with the state-of-the-art open prism technology OZ1 and OZ2 ensure the highest levels of splice quality. With the Multilink and Multilot material flow configuration, automation becomes even more flexible and cost-effective.
Recycling toolbox – increasing recycled ring yarn quality
Rieter is introducing three tools that enable customers to achieve a high yarn quality from mechanically recycled cotton fibers that matches the standard of an average carded ring yarn made from 100% virgin cotton: pre-carding for full cleaning, combing to improve yarn quality, compacting to add the finishing touch.
Key technology components to make the difference
Key technology components from Accotex, Bräcker, Graf, Novibra, Suessen and Temco are what make the difference in the economic efficiency of spinning mills. The right components guarantee maximum machine performance, productivity and minimal maintenance – and thus an excellent return on investment.
Türkiye – unlocking growth for a leading market
Since 1974 the sales agency Erbel A.S. and service engineers and technicians from Rieter have been working together in a common mission to strengthen the competitiveness of Turkish customers. This year Haluk Erbel and Rieter are celebrating 50 years of this unique collaboration that forms the basis of the lasting success in Türkiye.
In a move to further improve its customer support, Rieter After Sales opened its first spare parts warehouse in Istanbul, Türkiye, in April 2024. The new building enables door-to-door deliveries for locally stocked spares within only 48 hours.
Rieter is pleased to present its latest innovations at ITM 2024 in Istanbul, hall 7, booth 702. As a major player in the region’s vibrant textile market, Rieter is committed to shaping its dynamic landscape with cutting-edge solutions.
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textilelearner · 3 years
Fancy Yarn: Types, Properties, Manufacturing Process and Application
Fancy Yarn: Types, Properties, Manufacturing Process and Application #fancyyarn #fancyyarns #noveltyyarn #yarneffect #typesoffancyyarn #snarlyarn #loopyarn
What is Fancy Yarn? The term ‘fancy yarns’ may be taken to cover all fancy and novelty effects, while ‘fancy doubled yarns’ covers yarn and fiber effects. Color effects and effects based on metallic components are also available. While some are important for the embellishment of plain fabrics, many are used with great success as components in ‘fancy fabrics’ or as design elements within an…
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ebottcatacombs · 5 years
Not-Fancy Dates To Take The Boys On
The skelebros’ favorite not-fancy dates. Dedicated to @popatochisssp, whose writing inspired me to make this blog
UT Sans -
Late night shopping cart races. While it’s true he loves a good night’s sleep, he also enjoys staying up late on occasion if some fun times are involved. That being said, he doesn’t care much for fancy restaurants or crowded theme parks, but grocery stores are tame and full of potential entertainment material. Plus, there’s a sort of giddy feeling he gets seeing a place that’s usually full of people so empty. It’s a strange sort of giddy, bordering on fear. Like when you ride a roller coaster.
Ideally, the date consists of pushing each other in carts (he’ll urge you to make the “nyoom” noise when you push him) eating free samples (he brought disguises you can sneak extras) and goofing off in the kid toy section until you get asked to leave. Then he’s content to loiter in the parking lot, staring up at the stars with your hand in his.
UT Papyrus -
Fashion show! Like Sans, Pap’s ideal date happens in a store. However, he prefers unique clothing stores or big bustling malls. They’re so exciting! You better believe he’s bringing a boom box full of fashion-montage beats. You pick outfits for each other to try on and take tons of pictures. Papyrus is full of compliments the whole time, praising how well you wear each outfit and how this one scarf brings out the color of your cheeks when you blush. Compliment him back and he’ll be beaming the rest of the day.
You two usually don’t end up buying anything. If you see something you really like, Papyrus will look for ways to improve the design and you something similar but better (usually covered in flames) because let’s face it, clothes are expensive, and there’s no need to spend all that money when it’s more fun (and usually cheaper) to sew something. After the date, he takes you to get smoothies.
UF Sans -
At first, UF Sans tried to take you to one of those couples pottery classes. He was quick to get annoyed with the teacher, though, and you ended up leaving early. Now craft dates are held in his garage. He tries to mix up what you do, getting clay for sculpting and modgepodge for greeting cards, but when it’s his turn to choose the craft you two end up tinkering with car parts or making something more practical than knick-knacks or post cards. He likes to feel productive, and he likes using his hands.
He won’t ever say it, but he loves when you ask him for help. Not in a creepy way — he respects your independence and loves to see you thrive on your own — but if you ask his expertise on something you’re making it boosts his confidence and makes him feel useful. He loves when he gets to sit behind you and help position your hands the right way, murmuring directions in your ear as he walks you through steps.
UF Papyrus -
While this man definitely appreciates a classy resturant, UF Papyrus can’t resist the allure of a cozy bookshop. The smell of coffee and paper soothes him, and even such a loud guy can appreciate the quiet. The date usually starts with pastries and fancy coffee. He likes to impress you with his super refined coffee taste (you can tell by the look on the barista’s face he orders something simple in a complicated and round-about way) and depending on what you order he’ll make a teasing comment about your sweet tooth. By the third date, he knows your order by heart.
Usually Papyrus will give you time to look around by yourself while he writes in his journal. Or you can sit beside him and read yourself, or write. But he enjoys the quiet moments between you two when you just enjoy each other’s presence.
By far his favorite part of the date is the journey to the romance section. He grabs some classics off the shelf and looooooms close to you, lowering his voice and reading off some of the sweetest words you’ve heard. He is absolutely preening and puffing with pride once he’s got you blushing. Get him back by reciting a love poem to him. Make sure it’s super corny and tooth-rottingly sweet. He will be the blushiest boy.
US Sans -
Gym dates or park dates. Really, any date where you two can burn up some energy. He enjoys roller skating and treadmill dancing, so expect him to show off. Boy can also lift like no one’s business. If you’re not particularly sporty, no worries! He’s happy to lead you in some yoga or just take a walk with you. He also finds pushing you on the swing irresistibly romantic, the nerd.
It’s important to say that while he’ll encourage you on these dates, he’ll never push your limits. If you don’t feel comfortable in a gym that’s fine, and if you can’t keep up with his excessive amount of energy he understands. As far as dates go, he’s super flexible and accommodating. You want a chill picnic? Perfect! He knows the spot. You prefer an arcade over the roller rink? No worries, watch him destroy his high score on Dance Dance Revolution! Overall, his main focus is showing you a good time.
US Papyrus -
You might just be surprised by the amount of energy US Papyrus has on your date. It’s by no means as intense as his brother’s idea of a workout, but he enjoys exploring the outdoors. Impromptu dates happen quite often, as he has a habit of staring out of the window, and if he sees a bird he needs in his journal he’ll ask if you’re up for an adventure. He has an impressive collection of drawings and pressed leaves in his book. Once you come along, he’ll also pick flowers and thread them in your hair.
If you two are going on a planned excursion, you’ll need boots, water, snacks, and a machete. Papyrus doesn’t care to follow paths, so you’ll make plenty of your own. Sometimes you go with a goal in mind (an abandoned fort he heard a rumor about, a certain type of mushroom he’s never seen before) and sometimes you just walk. He’s an excellent conversationalist, and you find talking to him feels easy and natural. You two don’t take any pictures, but Papyrus likes to sketch your adventures. You’re in all of his drawings.
SF Sans -
Given how busy SF Sans is most of the time, he actually prefers simple, easy-going dates. As much as he loves to get dressed up and show you off, taking you to fine art museums and treating you to expensive drinks, homey dates will always be his favorites. He enjoys a good game night with you. Gin rummy, bananagrams, chess. Something stimulating but not tiring (like his job.) You two often break out games and puzzles on the weekends, enjoying a dinner of delivery whatever (veggie pizza is his favorite) and whatever alchohol you can scrounge from the cabinet.
As the night goes on, the games usually turn to things like truth-or-dare and twenty questions. You play ‘never have I ever’ and take shots from those paper mouthwash cups. It’s his favorite part of the week. He gets to unwind with you, and he doesn’t even have to drive anywhere. He doesn’t even have to wear pants! He is honestly so relieved to be out of his royal guard uniform you do not even know. He insists pajamas are necessary for maximum date coziness (plus you look adorable and extra soft.) The date ends with you falling asleep on top of each other.
SF Papyrus -
Blanket fort dates. Look, SF Papyrus is... not fancy. Please don’t make him be fancy. He’s depressed and has little energy, so this is the perfect date for him. Crowds overwhelm him and he already has a tendency to nest, plus you two can fall asleep all cuddled up. He also puts a lot of effort in the blanket fort. Fresh-baked cookies, fairy lights, teddy bears, the works. He makes them functional and beautiful, and you always get to pick the movies. Often times he feels like he should be able to take you on a better date, even if you insist this is more than fine, so he tries to make everything extra perfect to show you he cares and is willing to put work into your relationship.
Papyrus also has an old record player he’ll set up on these dates. Once you two start to wind down for the evening he’ll put on a gentle tune and gather you up in his arm, cuddling you to his chest as he sings. His voice is soft and warm, just a bit scratchy, and you can smell something smoky and sweet on his teeth. He massages your head until you fall asleep.
HT Sans -
At the end of every month the community holds a farmer’s market, and every month Sans takes you on a farmer’s market date. Usually crowds make him nervous, but this is a decidedly tiny meet-up, mostly consisting of people just trying to get by, people trying to continue a family tradition, people just starting out in their passion, that sort of thing. To your surprise, Sans isn’t as reserved as usual the first time he takes you to the market. He cracks jokes, talks to vendors, buys a kid a yarn doll. Deep down, he’s a real people-person who loves to see others smile.
The people at the farmer’s market love you. They coo over what a cute couple you and Sans are. You’re offered a free sample of organic lotion and collect some soup recipes. A little kid introduces you to their teddy bear. One lady tells you about what a joy Sans is, how he always buys something from each of the vendors, encouraging them and giving them hope. They’re so glad the two of you are happy together.
You look forward to the end of every month.
HT Papyrus -
Gardening dates, all the way. On the surface gardening quickly becomes a passion of HT Papyrus. The king and queen used to garden, he tells you, planting golden flowers next to a patch of tulips. And isn’t gardening lovely? It’s an endless circle of food, it looks pretty, and plants are such good listeners. You are also a good listener and very pretty, he tells you. You blush. He puts a hand over yours, helping you pat the soil down nice and snug.
Papyrus has a green thumb, you find out. He’s attentive to the needs of the different types of plants, and is patient while waiting for things to grow. He encourages his plants constantly (“you can do it, I believe in you, you’re the loveliest vine!”) One day you two set up an irrigation system, and between figuring out how much water should go where and how to adjust the system for when it’s time to rotate crops, you two became so very confused. Stumped, you laid in the sun, tossing solutions back and forth. You were growing frustrated, but when you looked to Papyrus he was smiling. When you asked him why, he simply replied he hasn’t been this excited to solve a puzzle in a very, very long time.
You smiled back at him.
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lodelcar · 5 years
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picture: modern lace worker, Brussels
I have written this text to share it with my postgraduate students from the VUB. They start a year of International Trade and Investment full of courage from various nationalities and from various study backgrounds. They do this with a great deal of diligence and dedication but often find that they do not master the premises: the fact that the course deals with doing business, producing, trading, buying and selling. For many of them, who are at the start of a professional life, even the theoretical knowledge about this is lacking.
That is why I have decided, during an hour and a half, with many examples, to try and guide them in doing business.
1. Doing business
Doing business takes only three forms: it is either about producing something or about purchasing items and then reselling them, or about selling one’s own knowledge and skills to third parties. People sometimes need material for the latter, but they don't sell it. People only sell their workforce and intelligence. The latter are called services. Although they account for between 75% and 80% of the economic activities in most countries, in this article I will deliberately limit myself to agriculture and the manufacturing industry. Because in this presentation we want to end up at trading with foreign partners, and this is primarily about tangible products.
Two stories can support this:
The company F.E. T* 2011, 100 km from the Ukrainian capital Kiev has 2000 ha of land, which it owns partially and leases mostly (long lease 50 y). 80% of the farm’s turnover comes from traditional crops, such as wheat and corn. In order to make future oriented products, the farmer started to develop an entire line (30 items) of dairy products from goat milk, to yoghurt and kephir and even ice cream since 2016. Today the income of this activity line is good for 20% of the turnover. The farmer aims at reaching 50% over 5 years. The goats have been purchased in France and a breeding process started. They now have 1500 goats and intent to increase the amount to up to 3000 goats. They have a milk production capacity for up to 7000 l/day. They are at 2000 l/day. The equipment for milk treatment is Israeli, as well as the milk production supervisor. Cheese production equipment comes from France and Italy as well as their cheese making consultant. The ice cream consultant comes from Italy. The farmer goes yearly to a large goat fair Caprina in France where he learns about gear and equipment and meets potential consultants. This dairy line is a typical example of vertical integration. The production is entirely mastered by the farm from the breeding of goats, the collection and distillation of the milk, the production of the dairy products, the production of the bottles out of small plastic objects purchased in China, the bottling, the development of logo and packaging design, the packaging and the transportation to the retailers. Important is that the farm does and finances market research, developed its own brand Z*, as well as its own design with colour codes. They even intend to create in the future a second high-end brand. These steps enables them to grow organically and in a sustainable way. They declined until now to produce for private labels of retailers. Even with Auchan, with whom they negotiate now, they declined the private label production.
The company W* close to Chisinau in Moldova sells tractors and agricultural equipment from the brand C*, of which they have a dealership agreement during 3 years in Moldova. Before they had a dealership with the Italian M* G*.  They also sell equipment from the Swedish brand V*. The company recently built new premises as rep office for C*. They built a state of the art show room and offices with workshop for repairing. The company also sells fertilisers and pesticides as well as seeds for crops. They don’t sell liquids but solid boxes. Their suppliers are BASF, Bayer, Pioneer for the seeds. They produce also seeds themselves (sunflowers).
Services companies are often related to ICT development. Until five years ago, ICT focused primarily on processes and their management. Because of our increasingly complex society, which demands more transparency, which requires faster and more thorough reporting, and which is monitored more and more, large companies have to manage such large volumes of data that they can use help for this. Data is becoming very important, now even more for large, say, listed companies. But medium-sized companies will suffer the same fate in the future. The engineers at the -nowadays “unicorn”- company C* in Brussels are active in data governance and in data stewardship. In this way they do not address the IT departments within a company, but rather the business people themselves..  There are 20 potential customers in Belgium. That is why they had resolutely gone international from the start. They are mainly talking to banks, insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, etc. But also large governments, large public companies, universities.
2. Import and export
Import and export are often activities that go together in the same company. A company often needs products that are not present in its own country or that are present at too high a price or of poor quality. The company needs these products both to make its own products and to sell them to other customers. He will therefore have to import them. A company is sometimes approached at a trade fair or thanks to its website via e-mail by foreign companies who are convinced that they can use the semi-finished products or raw materials that our company produces in their own production process. In other circumstances our company finds a foreign-interested company at a trade fair that is convinced that there is a market for our company's products in its country and that it wants to sell it there.
3. Producing and selling products.
A company from the manufacturing industry needs raw materials or semi-finished products to make its own products. Depending on the type of quality that they wish to deliver, they must determine where they will purchase their raw materials. Are these present in the country itself or do they have to import them? They also need machines to manufacture their products. Depending on the quality that they are trying to deliver, on their financing options and on the number of staff they have at their disposal, they will purchase their machines, either abroad or domestically but often from abroad.
The company O* in Obuchov,Ukraine has machinery for 2 types of products: polyamide and cotton for women and children socks. They are the second producer in Ukraine. The cotton comes from Turkey, the polyamide from Italy, the elastane from Korea through Poland, the yarn from Italy.
The company D* in Chisinau, Moldova produces fiberglass mesh for construction, especially walls and insolation. It produces 1,2 M m²/month. Thanks to a new machine of the K* from Chemnitz they will be able to double their production to 2.5 M m²/month. They export 90% of his product to Romania, Bulgaria, Germany, Spain and Italy. The company has 100 staff members and is looking this to extend by recruiting 40 new staff members. They have difficulties to find qualified staff. The raw material comes by 80 % from Bielarus, by 20% % from Germany, Switzerland, Latvia and Poland.
4. Buying and selling products
This activity is often performed by a permanent sales representative in a region or a country. This person or company can be established as self-employed in the country (agent, shop / webshop), or can be established as a subsidiary of the foreign company (sales office, shop / webshop) with its own legal status. A representative on the payroll of the foreign company may also be located in the country: he may sell the products but the deal is concluded by the main house abroad and the invoice also comes from the main house. The company W* described above, also houses the rep office of the company for whom they do the sales in the Chisinau region.
Why are companies entering and selling products from abroad? There can be several reasons for this. It is possible that a specific type of machine or product is not produced on the local market because the size of the country is too small for it. It may also be that the importer can deliver in a cheaper way than the products already on the market. It may also be that the new products are much more sophisticated and can therefore make them work much more productively. It may also be that products have built up such a reputation or became a brand that is in demand throughout the world. This last one is the case for many fancy clothing brands like Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Dior etc.
Which products do companies offer abroad? That can be anything: from raw materials such as seeds for agriculture, yarns for textiles or fiberglass for construction, to semi-finished products such as fabrics for clothing, goats for milk and cheese production to finished products such as luxury clothing, refrigerators but also cooling installations for cold storage.
The company V* – Groups Ltd  in Kiev, Ukraine is a trader. He buys cereals and looks for opportunities. He does business with Sri Lanka, Myanmar, India and many other countries. His warehouse capacity was insufficient and obsolete. He stocked on the ground floor. With a bank loan he has been able to construct 2 grain silos of 3,018 tons capacity each. The silos are erected close to a railway platform, thus avoiding logistical problems and damage to the goods. He found a new business opportunity with Sri Lanka for sale of split yellow peas and next requires an optical sorting machine.
5. The production or purchasing process and its financial aspects
A production company might purchase raw materials or semi-finished products from elsewhere. Before the production of their new product is finished, several weeks or months sometimes pass. And then the new product must still be put on the market, sold and the invoice must be paid. A company therefore needs a financial buffer: that is called working capital. Chocolate producers in Belgium and Switzerland who supply products for the Chinese New Year, which often takes place in February, start their production in September of the year before! Companies often purchase large quantities of raw materials at times when they are offered cheaply and stock them for later production. The same applies to a store: it purchases finished products to resell in the store. There is also a lead time of several days, weeks or months. Here, too, the store needs a buffer called working capital.
The company O* in Ukraine makes pavement tiles out of concrete with artistic top layers. They  produce 300 different types of pavement in 60 different shapes. They also produce stone levelling machines of the brand W*. They have offices in Lviv, Ukraine but have their production is set-up 80 km further, where they have 4 separate plants. During winter season, because of the cold, the production is stopped. They received a loan from the bank over 3 year for working capital, since January 2017. The additionality of this loan type for O* is the tenor: 3 years’ working capital enables a company to plan strategically: buy raw material when prices are low and stock it in order to produce through a longer period. And also have a 5-month buffer stock in times of scarcity through political crisis. They have large storage capacities (70.000 tons) for as well raw as finished material.
But those companies also need machines for their production, storage areas, large stores for their sales, trucks for their transport, tractors to work their land. They purchase them or build them with a bank loan. The cost of that loan must be passed on in the selling price. These loans, which are usually of a longer duration, are called investment capital. A company can also invest with its own resources.
The company K* , a wine production company in Georgia specialises in making wines for the lower and medium segment, priced at USD 5 to 8 /bottle. 75% of its production goes to the former CIS countries, of which 50% to Russia, where they have a distributor with the necessary connections, the remainder goes to Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia. The  final 25% goes to China, US and recently, the UK. In 2016 the company invested in new reservoir tanks, fermentation facilities, refrigerators, a steam generator and a filling & labelling line. The client received in total a loan from BoG. In 2017, the company reapplied for a second loan for land, construction, production facilities over 36 months. Additionally,  they invested in health and safety procedures for the workers, environmental protection (by reducing ozone depleting substances), low voltage machinery, electromagnetic compatibility and in measures for materials that come in contact with food. Thanks to the investments the company increased its production volume from 4,6 m litres in 2016 to 6 m litres in 2017, an impressive 35% increase. In labelling and bottling they were able to increase production by 50%.
6. Access to finance
All research reports around the world reveal that access to finance is the aspect that most often blocks the growth of SMEs. Working capital is usually requested for relatively short periods, such as three, six or twelve months. However, the amounts required are often important. The duration of the loan for capital goods is longer: this depends on the price and durability of the good: a computer is outdated after 4 years, a car or light truck starts to show signs of wear after 5 years, machines will certainly be operational during 10 to 20 years, industrial buildings as well. But do the banks have any loans with this duration for all those terms?
A bank's assignment is simple and difficult at the same time. A bank collects money from people who can spare the cash for a certain period of time and gives a fee for this. In Western Europe and North America, this allowance has been peanuts for several years. In Eastern Europe, Africa, large parts of Asia and Latin America, this allowance is quite substantial. Yet most of these “savers” are wary of leaving their money with the banks for too long: they want to buy things with it, or they do not trust the monetary policy of their country and are always afraid of a devaluation of their currency. With the money that banks collect from citizens and companies, they finance loans. They earn their profit through the spread between the interest rate they give for the savings and the interest rate they charge for the credits. But it is difficult for them to grant 10-year loans if they can only collect one-year savings. Moreover, there are few citizens who put away savings for 20 years. The only ones that do that are the pension funds. But what if there aren't any in a country? Which is the case in many countries. The international financial institutions such as African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Investment Bank and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development offer longer-term loans to local banks, that can then transfer them to their customers. Only: most of those loans are in dollars or euros. Again a problem. Because the citizens and companies of the country usually do not have repayment capacity in dollars or euros but in the local currency. And if that local currency is not stable and has a tendency to devalue frequently, local banks are not keen to withdraw long-term dollars or euro loans. Hedging is the only option that remains. Hedging is a type of contract that a bank concludes with a specialized institution to mitigate the risk of devaluation: the contract foresees the exchange rate of euro / dollar to the local currency at the time of repayment, even if the local currency has meanwhile been devalued. Hedging in this case can be considered as a type of insurance. And there are now some companies that also dare to hedge "exotic" currencies. The price ,for this insurance is important though: up to 7 % of the amount.
Banks also do not like to take risks. It is often the central bank of the country that obliges them to be very restrictive in giving loans. Because they have been confronted in the past with bad loans to large outdated government companies that were poorly managed and therefore worked with losses. Governments that have to bear such a burden then hit back with the blunt ax and prevent any loan that is not covered by collateral. Where all statistics indicate that lending to SMEs is much less risky!
Therefore: collateral. In many countries, the way collaterals can be offered to guarantee credit is limited to tangible assets: buildings, land, machines. Intangible assets like the company’s goodwill are  not accepted. The valuation of the tangible assets is by law done by the Association of property evaluators. These experts apply the principle of “market value coverage”. Based upon their valuation the size of collateral is put by the bank. It mostly comes to 140% of the loan. Once a credit is taken, the bank declares it to the central credit reporting system. Based upon the regularity of the reimbursement a company is classified class 1, 2, 3 or 4.  Class 1 is all payments are done on a regular basis. Class 2 is a company of which arrears were limited from  30 to 60 days. Companies with arrears of between 60 and 90 days are class 3. Companies with arrears of more than 90 days are sent to recovery as class 4. Recovery is compulsory and taken from the profit automatically and can therefore jeopardise the existence of the company. In certain cases the collateral will be sold without warning.
7. Difficulties to tackle
Managing a company goes further than ensuring that people and machines work, that stocks are replenished, that bills are paid and that sales run smoothly. There are constant obstacles that need to be overcome: the financial aspect, the transport aspect, the legal aspect and - once a company starts exporting - the political aspect.
7.1. The banking aspect
A company is practically obliged to work with a bank: it has to make payments and it often needs funds for working capital and for investments.
Payments go faster and smoother nowadays thanks to automation and now also thanks to fintech applications. There are payment cards and credit cards that allow customers to pay without cash and give the collecting company the assurance that the money will be in the account. There are international transaction systems such as SWIFT or the European IBAN that create uniformity between banks and countries and thereby make payment transactions run faster and more efficiently. The currency aspect remains a stumbling block. Although more and more currencies are freely exchangeable, there are still a lot of them that are not convertible. Contracts with companies from such countries are therefore often in USD, EUR or CNY. Banks that operate in those countries are not always considered reliable by the others and must therefore be patterned by an internationally respected confirming bank. There are even countries with which the US in particular are in conflict. They then oblige all banks in the world not to do transactions with banks from that country. Iran, Cuba and North Korea have been assigned such a fate. There are always solutions, but they are complicated and time-consuming.
We have already explained the credit aspect: the fact that in many countries long-term loans are far more the exception than the rule. The extravagant guarantees that are requested. The non-customer-oriented thinking of banks that only wait until a loan is repaid and have no eye for the growth of companies and the usefulness that these can have for the further development of a country. But also the positive role for SMEs that IFIs play such as African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Investment Bank.
Last but not least is the interest charged on loans. In many countries, the interest rate is a double digit, and companies think this is freakish. Where do those freak interest rates come from? The Central Bank of a country offers its banks short-term loans to banks that need them to clear a deficit for one or a few days ("overnight" or tomorrow-next day = “tom-next”). The Central Bank itself is able to provide with these loans because it borrows money on the international money market and pays interest for that. The interest rate the central has to pay for that depends on the country's rating, which is the appreciation of the economy and the way a country makes economic progress. That appreciation is indicated depending on the rating agency with numbers and letters and reflects on the local currency. The lower those ratings are, the more risk premium a central bank has to pay on the international money market. She therefore passes on the risk premium to the local banks, which naturally also pass it on to their customers. Hence countries where the banks demand a double digit interest, when they provide with loans in local currency.
7.2. The transport system
Goods must reach the customer from the workplace. That requires transport. Road transport and train transport are usually the first choice for domestic transport. River transport is still very limited in Europe, is much more present in Asia. When it comes to transport to foreign destinations for import or export, the nature of the product - its weight, its durability, the urgency of the customer - determines the choice between truck, train, ship or plane. All these means of transport have their own international documents, luckily. International rules have also been worked out that determine who becomes the owner of the goods and when. These rules are called the Incoterms, and there are so 11 containing 3 letters each. There are RULES FOR EVERY TYPE OF TRANSPORTATION and there are RULES FOR OVERSEAS AND INLAND TRANSPORTATION BY VESSEL.
Import and export is also about customs and import duties to be paid. It is important to realize the value of customs zones such as the EU and free trade zones such as NAFTA, Mercosur, ECOWAS or ASEAN. The service provider that is most approached by companies to steer this aspect of transport in the right direction is the freight forwarder.
Transporting also entails risks: goods can be damaged or stolen, incidents such as harbor strikes can occur, so that perishable goods do not reach the customer in time. There are insurance policies for these types of problems, but they obviously cost and there is not always room to pass them on to the end customer.
7.3. The legal aspect
Trading within the same country offers few surprises once one knows the legal framework in which one operates. Foreign managers are often surprised that things are not treated in the same way everywhere. Anglo-Saxon legislation is based on a completely different approach than the European continental one. A contract based upon Anglo-Saxon law contains minimum 30 pages, a continental European one can be limited to three-four pages because everything is in the law.  In the other continents, the laws were partly inspired by Americans and partly by Europeans. A treacherous aspect in the U.S. is, for example, the principle of litigation: one is going to provoke newcomers and then be able to sue them for not respecting the legislation.
A second aspect is the lack of certain pieces of legislation such as the law on bankruptcy, the law on pledging commercial goods, the law on claiming goods and objects, the mortgage legislation.
A third aspect is the independence of the courts. This is essential if the rule of law is to work objectively. But in many countries, judges are nationalistic, so a case brought to court by a foreign company, or where the foreign company needs to defend itself, is lost in advance.
7.4. The tax aspect
Taxes are the deepest expression of the deepest emotion of a country: there are hundreds and they take different aspects everywhere, even within a country. Brazil, the US and India are federal countries in which the states can collect taxes. And do so with pleasure. Informing yourself in advance is of the utmost importance because it can drastically influence the price worked out by consultants to the end consumer. And one must also know that the principle of VAT is not used all over the world, especially not in the US. Tax declarations are another aspect that one needs to check beforehand. In the US, certain spontaneous declarations are assumed, the consequences of a non-spontaneous declaration can be horrendous.
The last aspect that should be taken into account are the double taxation treaties. Thanks to this, a company only has to pay tax once, either in its home country or in the trading country. That is, for example, the reason why Belgian companies trade with China via Hong Kong.
7.5. The business development aspect
The Access to finance aspect has many consequences. Opportunities can pass because companies in a country have insufficient production capacity. This requires heavier and more efficient machines that cannot be purchased due to the lack of collateral.
The pharmaceutical production company I* in Cape Verde, Africa exported since 1995 to Angola and Mozambique. Those markets became too large and the company’s production capacity was unable to produce the required quantities based upon the governmental tenders they won. The quality is good, but the production capacity is not adapted to large markets.
The same goes for the printing sector in Rwanda, Africa who cannot fulfill orders to print packaging material on time because the local industry is unable to produce cardboard of the correct quality. All packaging cardboard has to be imported. And transportation over road in Africa is perilous and time consuming.
Another aspect that triggers problems is the cultural one. Our company I* in Cape Verde limits its export to Portuguese speaking countries, because otherwise they have to print several packaging types and product information, and they can’t stock it. Coca Cola has been active in China since 1995. That does not mean that the first years of the sales effort were a success. The Chinese were not used to drinking ice-cold drinks: their preference was for hot drinks. So it took Coca-Cola a lot of marketing effort to convince them that ice-cold drinks could quench their thirst. Eastern European wine producers from Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova have had to put a lot of effort into adapting their wines to Western European tastes. Eastern Europeans simply like semi-sweet wines and do not touch dry wines. In Western Europe, semi-sweet wines can only be sold to a very limited segment. It has therefore required a great deal of investment in new storage and maturing capacity (wooden or metal barrels) to produce specifically for Western Europe at a competitive price.
8. Geography and geopolitics
An International Trade and Investment student can be expected to find countries on a map. He can also be expected to realize that there are numerous free trade agreements between countries and groups of countries such as EU, NAFTA, Mercosur, ECOWAS, East-African Community, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN countries).
While a customs union and a free trade area are similar in some ways, they are also different. A customs union represents a higher level of economic integration than a free trade area does. The key distinction between customs unions and free trade areas, however, involves their approach to non-treaty nations. While a customs union, by definition, requires all parties to the agreement to establish identical external tariffs with regard to trade with non-treaty nations (those nations that are not signatories to the agreement), members of a free trade area are free to establish whatever tariff rates with respect to foreign imports from non-signatory nations that they deem necessary or desirable. An example of a customs union is the Southern African Customs Union (SACU). An example of free trade area is the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA). Members of the EU, the largest and most productive customs union in existence,, have agreed to, among other criteria for membership, maintain a common external tariff system with respect to outside nations. Free trade areas, like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), are less cohesive to the extent that each of the three member nations, the United States, Canada and Mexico, are free to establish tariff policies distinct from each other.
But it is also important for him to grasp that some organizations and initiatives are not only created or organized inspired by goodwill. Certain organizations have been established for power reasons. Some have old-colonial some have also neo-colonial intentions. They exist, one has to work with them and sometimes for them, one can do business with them. One should not necessarily respond enthusiastically to them.
Students are invited to study the background, objectives and history of the following organizations: the Road and Belt initiative, Eurasian economic union, USAid, Eastern Partnership Agreement + DCFTA, Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) , Organization international de la Francophonie (OIF), the Commonwealth of Nations.
Do you want to import products from non EU countries into the European Union?
If you want to import a product from a non European country into the European Union, you need to comply with import rules and taxes.
The Trade Helpdesk is specially designed for businesses based outside the EU or importing into the EU.
You’ll find all you need to know about exporting to the EU, including:
health, safety and technical standards you’ll need to meet
customs duties you’ll need to pay at the border
internal taxes in each of the 28 countries
the rules of origin that define where a product is from and whether it profits from preferential duty rates
forms to send with your shipments
Find your way on the Trade Helpdesk through the 6 easy steps for importing into Europe:
Open the search box.
Browse the classification tree or type a keyword.
Define your product, the exporting  country and the importing country.
Check ‘Requirements’: the health, safety or technical standards your product needs to meet
Check the ‘Internal taxes’: the VAT or excise duties for your product in the importing country.
the standard rate of EU import duty for your product
a possibly reduced rate if the exporting country has a trade agreement with the EU or benefits from a preferential scheme
any quota or antidumping duties
they indicate the minimum processing your product must undergo in your contry to be considered as ‘originating’ there
the origin depends also on where the inputs you use for your final product are from
the customs offices at EU borders will verify your origin certificate
find out how much other countries are already exporting to the EU of your kind of product
more on product codes
chambers of commerce and customs offices in  each EU country or
additional      information for your country
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bumblingtravels · 6 years
3. Paris
There and Back Again… an Interrailing Story
8 cities, 6 countries, 4 weeks, 2 rainbows, 1 camera
PART ONE — Paris
May 29th, 2018
Well… what a day. The summary of said day is definitely: rain, bombs, thinking, rain. Really that about sums it up, don’t know if I even have to write this entry, but I suppose it gives me something to do while I wait for the pasta to boil. So here we go… section one: rain.
After waking up to our alarms and promptly deciding ‘fuck it Morpheus take me’, we managed to leave the apartment at a reasonable time, definitely compared with the 16:00s of Edinburgh, though thats another story for another time. In juxtaposed dresses and corresponding white cardigans we left the apartment and immediately opened our umbrellas - seems last nights thunderstorm wasn’t done with us yet. Managing to buy the right RER train ticket this time, we made our way to Saint Michel’s Notre Dame.
We emerged from the underground towards the surface of Paris for our first day in the City of Love, and of course… because life hates me like that, it was pissing it down. We managed to snap a few snaps of Notre Dame and the Seine River before, belly rumblings reminded us that humans tend to need to eat. Our noble quest for sustenance took us down quaint little market streets, boasting a never ending supply of restaurants; a surprise number of which were Greek but none a simply good old-fashioned french bakery.
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Continuing on our quest (I’m warning you it’s about the length of the second Lord of the Rings movie… extended edition), we were quickly put on alert by thresher amount of police riot vans and general police presence. Shrugging it off as a potential quirk - you know, Paris: bakeries, Mona Lisa, frog legs, Eiffel Tower and police vans - we continued in the direction of ‘that-a-way’. As with Egg Man yesterday, a spotting of a Deliveroo driver kicked our student instincts into gear; and after a quick search (on the ready installed app) we headed in the direction of Smith’s bakery, but not before a quick stroll through a park with bicycles strategically placed to create the best aesthetic.
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Smith’s bakery itself was an adorable slice of flour heaven and we came out bearing one cheese and ham toastie, one baguette sandwich and two eclairs (chocolate and caramel for precise recollection). Deciding it best to find a nice park somewhere and eat our breakfast-cum-lunch, we headed in the direction of Luxembourg gardens.
Now, here’s the thing. Macron? Apparently not a nice guy. Remember that police presence I was talking about? Yeah, apparently ‘bad president + police riot vans = protest’. Our first view of Luxembourg was through the clouded view of tear gas and smoke bombs interspersed with hi-vis vests of police and to the cadence of protest. Not exactly a situation ripe for two young girls from Cheshire. we aimed to skirt around the protest - our travel insurance doesn’t cover political uprising I don’t think, although I always did fancy myself an Enjolras. As we got closer the smoke bomb warning *bangs* caused us to back track and head away. No harm, no foul as we found a cute little bench to eat our Smith’s bakery delicacies.
Side-note: those eclairs where amazing and Tescos seriously needs to step up its eclair game.
We plotted a route to the Museum D’Orsay and detoured quickly though a cute photography market and exhibition. Along the way, we purchased our snow globe and shot glass collectibles before continuing ‘on to Art’. This particular museum’s lines were ridiculously long and so, deciding that life is too short we instead plotted a course for one of my main picks: Rodin’s Museum.
Rodin’s museum ended up being a sculpture garden and all it took was a trip to the toilet to bring the sun back in full force (rip Meg’s shoulders). Getting in for free (all EU students) was a lovely bonus that you Brits will regret after Brexit. First stopping the aptly named sculptor garden: The Thinker.
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Created by Rodin, The Thinker is a mighty big old geezer sitting on a rock in his birthday suit having a good old think in a pose recreated by me every time I have a shit. This work of art was the first test to the previously mocked selfie stick to varying degrees of success. Regardless of our white-girl selfie skills, the sculpture itself is breathtaking and the first thing on this trip to be ticked off the bucket list. After a quick snap of our rainbows, and several ‘thinking’ puns later, we continued on our way. 
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The whole gardens are beautiful: sculptures scattered around, a beautiful fountain and capped by the Thinker and the Gates of Hell on either side. The Gates of Hell being another highlight for me and a breathtaking piece of art.
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Leaving the sculptures, Hades’ world and thinking puns behind, we spotted the Eiffel Tower and decided ‘yep’. A quick detour saw us walking past the Grand Plais and the snazziest bride you have ever seen.
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 We also undertook a pilgrimage of sorts for Meg as we visited The Flame of Liberty, erected in honour of Princess Diana above the tunnel where she died.
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Tourist worthy pictures were taken on the bridge opposite the Eiffel Tower (complete with our bee rainbows pictures of course), before we ventured over to Paris’ crowning jewel. Countless lyrics have been waxed poetical and thousands of yarns spun about this iconic sight so I’ll keep my descriptors short and silly say my first thought: ‘didn’t realise it was brown’.
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A quick bench stop outside the tower saw us realising it was 7pm and we should probably start hustling. After waiting for 30minutes at a public restroom, that cleaned itself after every use - a good idea but not exactly economical or environmental - we went to one train station to find it closed so ventured to the next. After a quick stop to get some postcards - 10 for €2 don’t mind if I do - we got on our double decker metro and headed home. A shower each and two heaped bowls of pesto pasta saw us flopped down like beached seals. So here we are 22,604 steps and 14.4km later, bone-tried and in need of a nap. I’ve rambled on and on and it’s time to embrace Morpheus so I shall wish you goodnight.
— Mira Sophia
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sorav93 · 3 years
Fancy Yarn Market 2021-2027 Size, Share, Trend, Key Palyers with Products
Market Overview
At the beginning of a recently published report on the global Fancy Yarn Market, extensive analysis of the industry has been done with an insightful explanation. The overview has explained the potential of the market and the role of key players that have been portrayed in the information that revealed the applications and manufacturing technology required for the growth of the global Fancy Yarn Market. 
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This report is quite popular as the different industries use the Fancy Yarn Market demand analysis. It helps to understand how much consumer demand exists for a particular product or service for a period of 2021-2027. The best thing about this analysis is that it allows the management to determine if their business could effectively enter a market. It also helps the company to generate enough profits that could be beneficial to advance its business operation. It is essential for the business to understand the market demand for a particular product and services to help them make an effective business decision. And market demand analysis is the perfect process that helps to understand the customer demand for a product or service in a target market. 
Key market players  
You may find a number of key players like customers, suppliers, competitors, and much more in the market. Such market players' main roles are to influence the demand and supply of a particular product and services in the Fancy Yarn Market. For the growth of a business, it is important the industries must understand the key market players. And these reports also offer a better understanding of how to make search marketing work for your business. The key market players' analysis helps the business keep running. You must know that the top performers who employers prioritize their resources. Moreover, the key market players' skills and specialties could bring added value to its success in the Fancy Yarn Market. 
Key players  
Huayi Yarn Fan Xuan Yang Tiantianrun AA GLOBAL Woolen Co. Changzhou Elite Consinee Tongxiang Import and Export Damodar Amarjothi Sulochana Loyal Textile Mills Reliance Weaving Mills Rajvir Industries Sujata Synthetics BK International Group Monticolor Lanificio dell'Olivo Lane Mondial Adriafil Muradim NORD CINIGLIA Torcitura Padana GB filati Karbel Etoliplik KONGKIAT Laxtons
Market Segmentation:
The regional summarization of the global Fancy Yarn Market offers competitive strategies in different regions across the globe. Moreover, the market's key players are contributing to the market growth that tends to maximize the profits through the partnership in several places. The regional reports of the global Fancy Yarn Market aim at the assessment of the regional market dimensions and future growth potential across the mentioned regions like Latin America, the Middle East, North America, and Africa with the possibility of future market expansion. The Fancy Yarn Market research is done broadly with the mentioned region to embrace the outlook and the latest trend with the prospects in the given period of 2030.
Drop an Enquiry @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/enquiry.php/(COVID-Version)-Global-Fancy-Yarn-Market-2021/73547
Market Classification:
The global Fancy Yarn Market manages diverse regional vital players and individuals to make this market prevailing at a tremendous rate. The global Fancy Yarn Market is orchestrated into a couple of things, including different classes according to the regions and their demands. These sorts are quite comparable to one another, as shown by the collecting parts and applications. 
As exhibited by the market assembly, the global Fancy Yarn Market is developing tremendously and turns the overall model precisely while the application use will increase in different associations. Likewise, it has been limited to be used, and it utilizes various kinds of information as per the market classification in different zones. Moreover, multiple regions have used these things to refresh business endeavours. 
At last, the end-clients settle down on the ideal results demonstrated by the necessities and fundamentals to fulfil the conditions of the market. A couple of regions are recorded at the summit due to the leeway upgrade to improve the demands. North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and some different spaces are also mentioned in the report. But meanwhile, North America is at the top position on the rundown in delivering the best return out of a large number of regions.
Statistical analysis 
The primary purpose of the statistical analysis is to use data analysis and descriptive statistics. It helps to summarize data from a sample using indexes like mean or standard deviation and inferential statistics. This report includes information and statistics on price levels, location of the product, and demand for the product. The best thing about the statistical analysis report is that it allows businesses to make decisions in terms of consumer preferences and purchasing power. Moreover, it provides demographic information like the number of potential customers in a geographical area, income level, consumer preferences, and much more. With the help of Fancy Yarn Market's statistical analysis, the market could get crucial information on how the collected data and samples will be analyzed. 
Fusion Market Research is one of the largest collections of market research reports from numerous publishers. We have a team of industry specialists providing unbiased insights on reports to best meet the requirements of our clients. We offer a comprehensive collection of competitive market research reports from a number of global leaders across industry segments.
Phone: + (210) 775-2636 (USA) + (91) 853 060 7487
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fusion-kunal · 3 years
Fancy Yarn Market Global Trends, Market Demand, Industry Analysis, Opportunities 2021-2027
Fancy Yarn Market 2021-2027
A New Market Study, Titled “Fancy Yarn Market Upcoming Trends, Growth Drivers and Challenges” has been featured on fusionmarketresearch.
This global study of the Fancy Yarn market offers an overview of the existing market trends, drivers, restrictions, and metrics and also offers a viewpoint for important segments. The report also tracks product and services demand growth forecasts for the market. There is also to the study approach a detailed segmental review. A regional study of the global Fancy Yarn industry is also carried out in North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the Near East & Africa. The report mentions growth parameters in the regional markets along with major players dominating the regional growth.
Fancy Yarn Industry 2021 Global Market Research report presents an in-depth analysis of the Fancy Yarn market size, growth, share, segments, manufacturers, marketplace expanding, technological innovations, revenue and technologies, key trends, market drivers, price, cost structure, challenges, standardization, deployment models, opportunities, future roadmap, and 2027 forecast.
Request Free Sample Report @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/sample_request/Fancy-Yarn-Market/41349
This report contains market size and forecasts of Fancy Yarn in global, including the following market information: Global Fancy Yarn Market Revenue, 2016-2021, 2022-2027, ($ millions) Global Fancy Yarn Market Sales, 2016-2021, 2022-2027, (MT) Global top five Fancy Yarn companies in 2020 (%)
The global Fancy Yarn market was valued at 3966.6 million in 2020 and is projected to reach US$ 4660.9 million by 2027, at a CAGR of 4.1% during the forecast period.
Fusion Market Research has surveyed the Fancy Yarn manufacturers, suppliers, distributors and industry experts on this industry, involving the sales, revenue, demand, price change, product type, recent development and plan, industry trends, drivers, challenges, obstacles, and potential risks.
Competitor Analysis The report also provides analysis of leading market participants including: Key companies Fancy Yarn revenues in global market, 2016-2021 (Estimated), ($ millions) Key companies Fancy Yarn revenues share in global market, 2020 (%) Key companies Fancy Yarn sales in global market, 2016-2021 (Estimated), (MT) Key companies Fancy Yarn sales share in global market, 2020 (%)
Further, the report presents profiles of competitors in the market, key players include: Huayi Yarn Fan Xuan Yang Tiantianrun AA GLOBAL Woolen Co. Changzhou Elite Consinee Tongxiang Import and Export Damodar Amarjothi Sulochana Loyal Textile Mills Reliance Weaving Mills Rajvir Industries Sujata Synthetics BK International Group Monticolor Lanificio dell’Olivo Lane Mondial Adriafil Muradim NORD CINIGLIA Torcitura Padana GB filati Karbel Etoliplik KONGKIAT Laxtons
Total Market by Segment: Global Fancy Yarn Market, By Type, 2016-2021, 2022-2027 ($ Millions) & (MT) Global Fancy Yarn Market Segment Percentages, By Type, 2020 (%) Chenille Yarn Gimp Yarn Loop Yarn Knop Yarn Slub Yarn Others
Global Fancy Yarn Market, By Application, 2016-2021, 2022-2027 ($ Millions) & (MT) Global Fancy Yarn Market Segment Percentages, By Application, 2020 (%) Garment Industry Garment Accessory Carpet and Others
Global Fancy Yarn Market, By Region and Country, 2016-2021, 2022-2027 ($ Millions) & (MT) Global Fancy Yarn Market Segment Percentages, By Region and Country, 2020 (%) North America US Canada Mexico Europe Germany France U.K. Italy Russia Nordic Countries Benelux Rest of Europe Asia China Japan South Korea Southeast Asia India Rest of Asia South America Brazil Argentina Rest of South America Middle East & Africa Turkey Israel Saudi Arabia UAE Rest of Middle East & Africa
Ask Queries @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/enquiry.php/Fancy-Yarn-Market/41349
Table of Contents
1 Introduction to Research & Analysis Reports 2 Global Fancy Yarn Overall Market Size 3 Company Landscape 4 Sights by Product 5 Sights by Application 6 Sights by Region 7 Manufacturers & Brands Profiles 8 Global Fancy Yarn Production Capacity, Analysis 9 Key Market Trends, Opportunity, Drivers and Restraints 10 Fancy Yarn Supply Chain Analysis 11 Conclusion 12 Appendix
Fusion Market Research is one of the largest collections of market research reports from numerous publishers. We have a team of industry specialists providing unbiased insights on reports to best meet the requirements of our clients. We offer a comprehensive collection of competitive market research reports from a number of global leaders across industry segments.
Phone: + (210) 775-2636 (USA) + (91) 853 060 7487 (APAC)
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kellycrawford93 · 4 years
the fashion supply chain
the fashion supply chain is comprised of 4 sections
First section is Design, second section is Raw material, third section is Manufacturing and the fourth one is the Retailing.The product development team, which consists of designers, sample makers and salespersons. they meet to discuss what to design and produce and that would have an advantage of to make sure that the result would be marketable. once the ideas are agreed, the designers can use computer-aided design system to draw the design, create pattern, cut fabric, and sew up the samples.And of course, the cutting up of the fabrics and the sewing up of the samples will be done by the sample room, not the designer herself or himself. Then samples are made. Some companies may introduce the collection to potential buyers through fashion shows.
SPINNING: the second section of the fashion supply chain is materials.We have several types of manufacturing processes, we have spinning, we have weaving, we have knitting, and we also have dyeing and finishing. cotton can be spun into cotton yarn like this however Many different types of materials are used in spinning. And they can be generally classified as natural, synthetic and regenerated, natural fibre includes cotton, ramie, bamboo, wool, silk, leather, fur and etc. Polyester and nylon are synthetic fibre, which are byproducts of petroleum. And there are also regenerated fibre such as viscose, rayon. industrial machines are used in the spinning mill,
WEAVING: After the cottons are spun into yarn, then the next step is to weave it into fabrics. a shuttle, which is used for the weaving, The shuttle moves horizontally and interlaces with the yarn and creates woven fabric. Woven fabrics are commonly used in making men's shirts, wedding gowns and jeans.The original design of a weaving machine is to interlace the warp yarns and weft yarns to form a fabric when the fabric is manually woven by human workers, it is very expensive.They are used in Japanese kimono and Chinese qipao. Creating the graphics on the fabric is a very complex and expensive process. It can take a master a long time and effort to disperse dye the image into points that represent the weaving pattern. Then the workers need to carefully arrange the yarns and to weave accordingly. Industrial weaving machines replace the manual method and the efficiency is much higher. To speed up weaving the graphics, punched cards are used to control the weaving pattern. Of course, nowadays we can use computerized control rather than the punched cards. In modern time, high-speed weaving machines use air to blow and carrie the yarn across the weaving bed instead of a shuttle. It is so fast that we cannot see it with our eyes.
KNITTING: in the knitting workshops yarn is used to knit fabrics, which are commonly used in sweater and t-shirts. flat knitting machines and circular knitting are used in industry, as well as the computerized knitting machines. on the flat knitting machine the needles form loops, and many loops for knitted fabric. This method is different from weaving. there are flat knitting metal panels which is similar to a weaving bed, except the yarns are looped together instead of interlacing. A piece of black weight is attached to a knitted fabric to prevent the fabric from curling.Sweaters are commonly flat knitted. However, it is very clear that flat knitting is very slow. And logically, the next step is to change the knitting motion to a circular motion.T-shirt and underwear are commonly made of circular knitted fabrics. If complicated graphics patterns are needed, computer-aided knitting machines are indispensable. In fact, these computerized knitting machines are so sophisticated that they can knit a whole garment in one single process. Finally, knitting movement can also be vertical and which is called warp knit. These warp knitting machines can produce lace and other fancy knitted fabrics.
And so when the fabrics are ready, its sent to the dying and finishing section there are many processes that we can put on a fabricFor example, dyeing, printing and washing. And so we can create different effects on the fabrics. once it is done, the next part will be in the sewing process.
a dyeing machine can fix dyestuff to fabrics and give colour to the garment eventually. heat, chemical, and times are crucial factors in production and end result. Different materials require different processes and machineries to create different effects. One technique is called the screen printing, and it is very popular and easy process and technique often used to design own t-shirts. If you look at the graphics pattern on the fabric, you can see very solid image on both the right side and the wrong side. Then this fabric is not printed. It is woven with coloured yarns, and of course later on in the course, and we shall introduce another methods that can print on both sides of the fabric. Finally, for washing machines, the domestic washing machines and the industrial washing machines are very different in terms of their power and efficiency and durability.
after the fabrics have been treated with dyeing and finishing, they will be transported to the factories. next is the sewing workshop, there are special types of machinery as well as pressing techniques to finish a garment. When the design is ready, we need to sew a sample so that the sales team can show them to the buyers. When your order is confirmed, the manufacturing process will start with ordering the materials, then we do cutting and sewing of the garments. Garments can be sewn by stitches or by ultrasound seaming. And there are actually many ways to treat the seams. There is a special type of decorative sewing and which is known as embroidery. embroidery machines are often used to make logos then there is the full-body press machine, which is not common to the household. It can steam the whole jacket or dress at the same time while pressing.
the last stage is the retailing process. however, a demanding question nowadays is What are you going to do with your garments that you no longer wear? Give it to others? Throw it away? a garment recycling system?
The garment to garment recycling system is a mini production line used to process post-consumer garments into sanitized recycled garments. The system uses no water, no dyeing is needed. It involves eight steps that are carried out in a 40-foot container. First, used garments are sanitized in an ozone chamber to remove micro organisms on the clothes. The used garments so then shred it into their constituent yarns and fiber particles in a fiber opening machine. Next, the shredded material is divided into clumps of fiber and impurities attached to the clumps are removed in a cleaning machine. The clumps are then carded and aligned in the same orientation and so become fiber web. The next step involves the fiber web being formed into slivers and a number of slivers being drawn together to form straightened units with improved evenness. A number of these drones slivers are fed into a high speed rotor and spun into single yarn. Two single yarns are then combined, and this double yarn is fed into a twister machine, which converts the yarn into ply yarn to enhance strength and balance torque.
Finally, either new garments are made using a whole garment knitting machine or knitted fabrics are produced by a flatbed knitting machine. The system design is compact and easily installed. The entire process takes place in a standard 40-foot container. With its anti vibration noise and dust control design, the production line minimizes noise and disruption to nearby businesses. And so is configured for operational compatibility within community spaces such as shopping malls. The process is waterless, which adds significantly to the systems environmentally friendly properties. These features mean that the system blueprint can be readily adopted by interested parties globally, such as fashion brands or retailers. The first Garment to Garment recycling system was set up in Hong Kong in 2018 and demonstrates how post-consumer garments can be recycled into clean and wearable clothes. Members of the community can view the entire process and are thus able to experience and be inspired by a novel recycling process.
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chronical-angel · 7 years
Alternative Stim Toys
Alternative Stim Toys: So last night I was having hardcore insomnia and needed to stim. Unfortunately I have no conventional stim toys.But I’ve become pretty good at seeing the stimming potential of everyday items. So today I’m doing a thread of alternative stim toy ideas. Featuring things you can turn into stim toys and things that can totally be stim toys but are not marketed as such. Here it goes!
(If you would like to read this in a twitter thread format go here)
1. Carabiners - This is what I ended up using to stim myself to sleep. There are many sizes & colors so you can pick what's best for you. Carabiners click which can be good but a strategically placed piece of tape, rubber band, or hot glue dot, can mute it for you. You can also make chains if you were to get enough of them. I attached mine to a silicone bracelet so I wouldn’t lose it as I was sleeping. Small Rainbow Carabiner Clips (20PCS) http://a.co/3T7iiVU  Bigger Rainbow Carabiner Clips (10PCS) 3" http://a.co/bf3mqwv Jumbo Color Variant Carabiner Clips (1PC) http://a.co/7xHEAqd
2. Cases- So when I first ordered my phone case, I never thought of stimming with it until after it came (and I had bit a scar in my finger) I realised it was perfect for stimming. For one thing, it’s silicone so you can bite it if that’s how you need to stim. You can also clip a safety pin into the back for easy stimming while reading something on your phone which is what I did. There are a lot of decorative silicone cases on the market so this is very customizable. 
3. Chewing necklaces- There are some of these specifically for stimming but I’ve come across a bunch of chewy jewelry meant to be for mothers. This lets their teething babies chew on it.  They look like real jewelry and are less than the ones meant to be stim toys that I’ve seen. They come in fancy, casual, cutesy, & nerdy styles for whatever you need. 
Fancy: http://a.co/e8eztrV Casual: http://a.co/ad4cPdn Nerdy: (DC comics themed) http://a.co/5ITATx2 (Resembles Captain America’s shield) http://a.co/0HfaunU
4. Yarn- I remember being like, seven, and going to church. My aunt had taught me how to finger crochet & using my hands helped me focus. It may not come to mind thinking about stim toys, but I think it has potential. It comes in different colors & textures for your preference. You can use tools like crochet and knitting needles or go with knit, crochet, or braid using only your hands. $10 yarn sampler: http://a.co/bxhjPK0
5. Beauty tools- Idk about others, but I stim with my hair. I wouldn't like having short hair bc I mess with my hair and it helps calm me. I also paint my nails to help calm me down and I can stim when I need to by picking off the polish.
If you liked this and want to help me, here is my amazon wish list: http://a.co/6I1pXzP I don’t have crowd funding bc I am only 17. But you can send an egift card (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004LLIKVU/) to [email protected]
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Nanotechnology Trends in Fashion and Textile Engineering- Juniper Publishers
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Nanotechnology is a growing interdisciplinary technology often seen as a new industrial revolution. It is offering a novel means of processing fabric that could transform the clothing industry. The expectations ofmodern day consumers regarding the textile products they use have increased dramatically; consumers want textiles that suit their taste and are comfortable, hygienic and eco-friendly. The ever-increasing demand for sophisticated fabrics with special features and exceptional comfort drives the need for the use of nanotechnology in this industry. It is now a very important parameter for the textile industries to reconsider the technologies and chemicals used towards the rich group, so that they can satisfy environmental and consumer requirements. There comes nanotechnology, which brings extremely promising and significant developments for textile industries. Nano-textiles is an emerging and interesting application of nanotechnology. It involves dealing with nano fibers at the atomic and molecular levels in order to tweak their properties. For example, Nano-Tex, a leading company in the field, has developed processes that make traditional cotton and silk fabrics resistant to spills that would normally ruin clothing. Fashion and technology are an astonishing and will inevitably intermingle into one another. The biggest technologists like Apple, Google, and Amazon are curious to create their own path into the world of fashion; however, the interest is mutual. For example, Apple Company is so consistent in doing fancy wearable smart tech like watches; Google hit the market with conductive smart fabrics embedded in a jacket; and Amazon with voice recognition devices and a platform for shopping.
The inclusion of nanotechnology in the textile industry results in next-generation materials with multifunctional properties such as UV protection, anti odour, antimicrobial, antistatic, breathability advanced durability, improved softness, better tear strength, water/spill repellency and wrinkle- resistance. It is used to develop desired characteristics in textile materials without disturbing the inherent properties of the textiles including flexibility and washability. Nanotechnology also offers numerous advantages over the conventional process in term of energy saving, economy, eco-friendly, packaging, and control release of the substance. The main applications of nanotechnology in textiles are nano-finishing, nano-chemicals, nano-coating, nanosilver as smart material for textile materials. The most frequently or commonly used nanomaterials incorporated into textile materials are silver, gold, silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, aluminium hydroxides, nanoclay, carbon nanotubes, carbon black, graphene, copper, and iron hydroxides. In this communication/opinion we like give our views on nanotechnology trends in fashion and textile engineering.
Nanotechnology in fashion
To modernize the clothing industry, nanotechnology offers a new approach for the processing of fabric materials. The nanotechnology embedded fabrics can be designed in a way to do almost everything viz; resist liquids, fight off wrinkles, quick drying and breathe. Unlike topical treatments (which wear off eventually), the effect of nanotech in fabrics will be long- lasting because the chemicals used in nanotechnology results in a molecular bonding with the fabric materials. By embedding nano-sized particles or fibres with fabric results in an improved fabric properties without significant changes in thickness and weight. For instance, Nano-Tex (a leading nanotechnology company), developed a technology for stain repellent cotton and silk fabrics. Similarly, lightweight water and spills resistant pants were produced by incorporating nano-whiskers into fabrics. Once a material becomes tiny, it begins to perform in different ways [1].
Nanotechnology in textiles
The conventional methods used in fabrics to impart different properties fails to impart permanent effects and thus leads to losing their functions after wearing or washing/laundering. Consequently, nanotechnology-based textiles or nano textiles gained promising commercial values and are in great increasing demand for the development of sophisticated fabrics with amazing features. Nano-additives can offer higher durability for fabrics because it tweaks their properties in atomic and molecular levels. Accordingly, the first generation of nano embedded textiles results in incredible surface properties of fabrics such as water or stain repellence, wrinkle resistance, dirt-free, colour durability, odour-less socks, flame retardancy with enhanced thermal performance and smart clothes that can perform climate control. In addition, these nano-fabrics wear longer between washings and also will not affect the breathability or hand sense [2].
The nanoparticle coated textiles and clothing results in the production of extremely active surfaces for UV-protection and self-cleaning properties. These nanofabrics are also having antimicrobial and antistatic properties through nanometal and metal oxide coatings. The silver (Ag) nano particles possess antimicrobial activity naturally and thus extensively used as coatings in sports clothing to eradicate odours from sweat. Similarly, Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles incorporated in polymer matrices like soluble starch are used as functional nanostructures for anti-bacterial coatings in inner wears and medical textiles. However, they also cause a great risk to the consumers and the environment as well [3]. As per the study of Rickard Arvidsson on wastewater treatment plant in Gothenburg (Sweden), nanosilver in clothing is found to be largest sources of silver ions in wastewater. They are also found to be injurious to microbes and aquatic organisms even at low concentrations and thus lead to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria [4].
Smart textiles
Smart textiles are defined as fabrics that symbolizes the next generation of textiles likely for use in numerous fashion and technical textile applications. Smart textiles have been developed and designed to fuse technologies (integrated computing power) that can able to sense and react to environmental conditions or stimuli. The incorporation of smart materials and technologies into fabrics paves the way to achieve numerous potential applications such as communication between devices, conduct electricity or energy, sense, react and protect from hazardous environments. Smart textiles are not only for clothing and apparels but also have extended applications in many fields such as robotics, space, automobiles, medicine, aircrafts, surgery and military/defence battlefields which virtually can act as a life saving materials. Smart textiles also used for releasing moisturizer or medication into the skin [5]. Moreover, smart textiles control the body temperature, muscles vibration in athletic activities and can potentially change light and colour in patterns, pictures and video. The recent examples of smart textiles are energy-scavenging fabrics (charged through ordinary body movements), self-powered smart suits (recharged by sunlight), the nano electronic circuit on folded paper and gloves, energy storage textiles (graphene yarns), and graphene-coated 'e-textile' that sense poisonous gases [6].
Waterproofing with Nanotechnology-Researchers from the University of Zurich made this fabric from polyester fibres that are coated with minute silicone filaments. Swiss chemists have developed a water proof nano-fabric that does not get wet, it was also claimed to be the fabric which is the most water- repellent clothing material available in the market to date. Actually, it revolves around the idea that has been taken from naturally water-repellant surfaces such as lotus leaves, which have a similar combination of tiny nanostructures and (super) hydrophobic substances.
Intelligent textiles
Intelligent textiles are capable of think for themselves and act accordingly For example, it will keep us warm in wintry environments or chill in hot environments in our normal day today activities. It is not only confined to the clothing sector, it can be used in protection and safety applications. The most significant examples of intelligent textiles materials are:
a. Phase Change Materials (PCM).
b. Shape Memory Materials (SMM) /wrinkle free materials.
c. Chromic materials (Colour change).
d. Conductive materials and
e. Electronics incorporated textiles.
Wearable textiles
Wearable textiles are the combination of sensors and small flexible light emitting displays. It enables the warning signal (displayed or sent) as a result of stimuli from the body. The sensors monitor the heart rate, temperature, respiration, and pulse oximetry readings [7]. If signals were below significant values, a wireless communication system automatically could send a distress signal to dial telephones or pager messages in a remote location. For example, Smart Shirt™ System developed by Sensatex exclusively for the protection of public protection personnel viz; police officers, firefighters, and rescue teams. The health and safety of public safety personnel or victims who trapped in a building and the exact location can be monitored by Smart Shirt™.
Present status
As on date, there are around 30 countries in the world are working on innovations and development of nanotechnology- based textiles materials. At present, the application of nanotechnology is in sportswear and spacesuits become one of the greatest emergent segments [8]. The most popular application of nanotechnology in textile is sharkskin suit based on a plasma layer enhanced technology. Speedo's Fastskin® swimsuit was developed by means of V-shaped fibres which imitate the ridges present on the skin of a shark and it helps a trouble-free gliding through the water. Similarly, nanomaterial functionalized textiles are developed specifically to protect exposure from UV radiation, anti-allergenic, absorbent and antimicrobial products used in medical health applications. The moisture management systems incorporated fabrics are used for swift evaporation of sweat, reflective textiles, insulations and resilience fabrics for water-based activities. Nano-textiles are also used in the healthcare industry in the form of smart surgical gloves and gowns. Clima Ware developed a fabric material which turns into a personal climate control systems (personal ACs or heaters in shoes, jackets, and helmets) by incorporating nanotechnology.
Anti-bacterial/Anti-microbial fabrics
The microorganism's growth on fabric causes a range of unwanted effects, not only on the fabric itself, but also on the user. These effects include the generation of unpleasant odor, reduction in mechanical strength, stains and discoloration and an increased likelihood of user contamination. Microbial contamination is a great concern, mainly for textiles used in hospitals as medical devices or for health and hygienic care, but also in sports clothing, water purification systems, animal feed and the food industry. The infections acquired in hospitals may be caused by several bacterial/microbial species, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, and Acinetobacter baumannii. Therefore consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the implications on personal hygiene and the health risks associated with some microorganisms, the demand for antimicrobial textiles has presented a big increase over the last few years.
Aloevera is an important biomaterial extracts are commonly used in cosmetics. It also possesses antimicrobial properties, especially against gram-positive bacteria. A textile specimen fabric treated with aloevera showed antimicrobial activity that could withstand even after several washings. Extracts from Ricinus communis, S. auriculata and Euphorbia hirta in the ratio of 1:3:2 showed excellent antibacterial activity. Meconopsis napaulensis D.C. leaves were used to dye cotton fabric to impart antifungal properties with activity over 75% for Alternaria brassicicola and Leptosphaerulin trifoli fungi and 46% antifungal activity against Trichodermasp. Senna auriculata and Achyranthes aspera are used to finish cotton fabric to impart antibacterial properties. Dystar Auxiliaries developed a textile finishing agent comprising set of vitamins, aloevera and jojoba oil in a silicon matrix for UV protection [9].
Go to
Future Trends and Outlook
Future trends of nanotechnologies in textiles and fabrics will be in two ways. Firstly, the advancement of existing characteristics and their performances in textile materials. Second, development of smart and intelligent textiles materials with extraordinary functions [10]. In future, advertisements, the music and phone calls can be managed seamlessly with the help of control panel placed externally on your sleeve. Similarly, one-touch phone control panel and one-touch iPod control panel connected jacket and the phone will be used for controlling the voice calling (caller ID features) and music (track controls) with an LCD panel present in the sleeve. Some new functions with textiles to be developed may include,
a. Wearable energy storage devices and solar cell.
b. Wound healing and healthcare systems.
c. Sensing abilities and information transferring technology
d. Self-cleaning and self-repairing functionalities etc.
e. Sophisticated and diverse protection.
There is no doubt that nanotechnology holds enormous opportunities and will break through into every area of textile industry in the next few years.
In the last few years, the customers desire for comfort, hygiene and well-being, concerning odor control and microorganisms protection, has created a large and rapidly increasing market for the expansion of antimicrobial textiles. Presently, industries are trying to adopt advanced technologies and increase the use of sustainable materials for manufacturing processes. Research working for the above parameters too nanotechnology in fashion and textiles to improve and categorize as Smart Textiles, Intelligent Textiles, Wearable Textiles, Anti-bacterial/ anti-microbial fabrics. Application of nanotechnology and other technologies in textile finishing will certainly show promising outcomes and can also reduce the consumption of chemicals, energy and water [11].
The application of plant extracts in textile finishing has a wide scope in healthcare textiles. The textile industry is currently not operating in an entirely eco-friendly and sustainable manner; however, there are numerous methods utilizing nanotechnology ways some parameters can be improved. Integration of modern chemistry principles, physical methodologies and advanced technologies may play a major role in developing smart, intelligent and wearable textiles.
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omkeshwari-blog · 5 years
The Comprehensive structure of Global Fancy Yarn Market 2025 and topmost key players:  Huayi Yarn, Fan Xuan Yang, Tiantianrun, AA GLOBAL, etc.
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Extensive evaluation of Global Fancy Yarn Market,  underscoring product values, growing demand, considerable revenue, and escalating CAGR. The global  Fancy Yarn Market 2019  is comprehensively and Insightful information in the report, taking into consideration various factors such as competition, regional growth, segmentation, and Fancy Yarn Market size by value and volume. This is an excellent research study specially compiled to provide the latest insights into critical aspects of the Fancy Yarn market. The report includes different market forecasts related to market size, production, revenue, consumption, CAGR, gross margin, price, and other key factors. It is prepared with the use of industry-best primary and secondary research methodologies and tools. The study on the Global Fancy Yarn Market strives to offer significant and profound insights into the present market scenario and the emerging growth dynamics. The report on Fancy Yarn Market also provides the market players as well as the new contenders a complete view of the market landscape. The comprehensive research will enable the well-established as well as the emerging players to establish their business strategies and achieve their short-term and long-term goals. The report also presents a significant evaluation of the scope of the regions and where the key participants might find potential growth opportunities in future. Request Sample of Global Fancy Yarn Market @: https://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/sample-request/157048/ Top Companies Covered in the report: Huayi Yarn, Fan Xuan Yang, Tiantianrun, AA GLOBAL, Woolen Co., Changzhou Elite, Consinee, Tongxiang Import and Export, Damodar, Amarjothi, Sulochana, Loyal Textile Mills, Reliance Weaving Mills, Rajvir Industries, Sujata Synthetics, BK International Group, Monticolor, Lanificio dell'Olivo, Lane Mondial, Adriafil, Muradim, NORD CINIGLIA, Torcitura Padana, GB filati, Karbel, Etoliplik, KONGKIAT, Laxtons.
By the product type, the market is primarily split into :  Chenille Yarn, Gimp Yarn, Loop Yarn, Knop Yarn, Slub Yarn, Others
By the end-users/application, this report covers the following segments: Garment Industry, Garment Accessory, Carpet, Others The main sources are mainly industry experts in the core and related industries and manufacturers involved in all sectors of the industry supply chain. The bottom-up approach is used to plan the market size of Fancy Yarn based on end-user industry and region in terms of value. With the help of data, we support the primary market through the three-dimensional survey procedure and the first interview and data verification through expert telephone, determine the individual market share and size, and confirm with this study. Read Table of Content of Fancy Yarn Market at @ https://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/industry-reports/fancy-yarn-market/157048/ Regions covered in the market report: North America (United States, Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia etc.), Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa) The Objective of the Study: To study and forecast the market size of Fancy Yarn in Global To analyze the Global key players, SWOT analysis, value and Global Fancy Yarn Market share for top players. To identify significant trends and factors driving or constraining the growth of the market. To analyze competitive developments such as extensions, contracts, new product launches, mergers, and acquisitions in the market To strategically analyze each sub-market in regards to the individual growth trends and their influence in the Fancy Yarn Market. Some of the major questions are answered: What are the different types of Fancy Yarn Market? What are the market trends and major developments patterns equipment’s and products? Who are the key industry pioneers and what is their overall share in the global Fancy Yarn Market? What are the multiple used case scenarios considered under various end-users and applications for the market? What are the different sales, marketing, and distribution channels in the global industry? Ask for discounts @ https://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/discount-request/157048/ Our experts and analysts evaluate the vendors in the Fancy Yarn market and provide understandings to articulate current and future market trends, innovation, customer expectations and competitive forces. The overviews, SWOT analysis and strategies of each vendor in the market provide understanding about the Fancy Yarn market forces and how those can be oppressed to create future opportunities.
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textiletoday · 6 years
There are some recurring buzzwords around the latest news from Intertextile Apparel – new, comprehensive, high-quality – which, when put together, illustrate booming potential at the fair, held from 12 – 14 March. The reputation of Intertextile Apparel’s Spring Edition has established a global flagship for apparel sourcing. Exhibitors and visitors alike will benefit from product zones with clear themes, from high-end wool to original designs, as the one-stop locations aim to make it easy for visitors to locate more potential business partners. This year’s Spring Edition sees larger product zones and country pavilions – proving the fair’s growing recognition from worldwide suppliers who view these zones as gateways to the apparel market. New exhibitors add to comprehensive product range “Shanghai is a great city for a business with original prints, and Intertextile is one of our busiest fairs. It’s a good place to find new clients,” explained Jane Han Zhang, Founder and Creative Director of British design studio Fairbairn & Wolf Studio, at last year’s Verve for Design, a product zone for original designs from all over the world. With an increase in floor space and four new international exhibitors joining the zone this year, including Dessin & Cie from France, Linestudio from Italy, DMD Amsterdam from the Netherlands and Her Studio London from the UK, it’s evident that Verve for Design is enjoying increased popularity amongst worldwide exhibitors who view Shanghai as a prime business platform. The Milano Unica Pavilion, which features high-quality Italian exhibitors, has also increased in size and will include a new exhibitor, Tessitura Marco Pastorelli. Meanwhile, outside of the pavilion, another new Italian exhibitor Ibieffe will present cotton fabrics. This year also includes more suppliers at the larger Turkey Zone, with new exhibitors including: Bunyem, displaying jacquard and plain fabrics for ladieswear; Kotonteks and their fancy woven fabrics for ladieswear; Ramnur offering jacquard and brocade; and Unlu Transfer, who will bring their digital printed, coated, foiled and embossed fabrics. High-quality European suppliers on offer For those seeking more European exhibitors, SalonEurope continues to bring the best of the European textile industry to China. Countries include Austria, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Turkey, and the UK. SalonEurope offers an ideal meeting platform for brands from all over Europe, which in turn attracts high-quality buyers. “It is our first time here and I am very impressed with how great the visitor quality is. Although we sell high-end products, buyers here are still very interested, and on the first day, we met with over 30 buyers. I think a large amount of them will place orders. Compared to other fairs, I think there are more serious buyers here,” commented Irina De Giorgi, Sales Manager of Ideas by Glarotex AG from Switzerland, at last year’s edition. Due to the diversity of buyer natures, both cost-effective and high-end products generate plenty of interest at the fair. The Premium Wool Zone is regarded by domestic buyers as an ideal place to source high-end wool textiles – a product category with high demand, as China’s high-end tailoring market continues to thrive. Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics is the ideal place to observe domestic trends in China, and the Premium Wool Zone is no exception, with highly-regarded European brands Huddersfield & Cloth, Abraham Moon & Sons, and Stylbiella returning to Shanghai to access the China market for another year. With the Spring Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics spanning six halls at the National Exhibition and Convention Centre (Shanghai) this year, there’s plenty of room for comprehensive product zones and display areas to inspire the next season of apparel sourcing. The fair will be held concurrently with Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles, Yarn Expo Spring, PH Value and CHIC. Online pre-registration is now open for visitors worldwide. To pre-register and download a mobile e-badge prior to the fair, visitors may visit http://sh.intertextileapparel.com. Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Spring Edition 2019 is co-organized by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Textile Information Centre.
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skqq-net · 5 years
DesignEvo Review – The Best Online Logo Maker?
Should you comprise a area or a gifted social media yarn on your trade, a tag is a should. That’s how of us will discover your tag, take your manufacturing, firms and merchandise, and share your announce.
However throughout the market corpulent of sexy tag designs, an reasonable may probably probably nicely not decrease it. And hiring a gifted dressmaker may probably probably nicely label a exiguous bit 1000’s.
So how scheme you win a tag with out panicked your funds?
Fortuitously, firms and merchandise fancy DesignEvo supply a instrument to perform a tag your self. And to scheme that expenses absolutely nothing – or so it says.
On this DesignEvo overview, we examined the symbol maker, its components, 1000’s of designs, and the pricing. So should you might be having a discover to perform your comprise tag on your undertaking, let’s initiating.
What’s DesignEvo?
DesignEvo is a expert on-line tag maker. It empowers each net web page and trade proprietor, blogger, and social media supervisor with a simple to make the most of instrument to perform your comprise tag.
The corporate claims that it is free and easy to make the most of – it’s a must to at all times be prepared to go away the placement along with your tag novel tag in exactly some minutes.
It components 1000’s of pre-made but absolutely customizable designs, sexy fonts, icon galleries, and additional. Within the accomplish editor, you’ll probably be able to customise all the problems from fonts to colors – DesignEvo will construct all the problems throughout the cloud storage so which it is probably you may win entry to your designs at any time.
So how does all the problems work and is DesignEvo primarily free? Let’s uncover.
DesignEvo Pricing
You possibly can initiating the make the most of of and truly win your created tag absolutely free. Nonetheless, that comes with some phrases and stipulations.
So should it’s a must to a gifted excessive-quality tag, you may probably probably nicely should exhaust a $24.99 one time fee. Should which it is probably you may fancy vector data and copyright possession, it should label $49.99. 
Should you largest should place your tag on the trade social media yarn or one factor an similar – the free methodology is larger than sufficient. Mix it with a free net web page builder and as well as which it is probably you may construct a amount of cash.
However should you make a tag that may probably probably stand on its comprise, you’ll should make investments. And whereas the pricing may probably probably nicely appear extreme, overview it to a gifted dressmaker.
Now you’ll be able to not discontinuance up with the symbol you deal with and exhaust an full bunch if not 1000’s. For that purpose DesignEvo basically is a gargantuan totally different. This is what’s included in each of the alternate selections:
The Free threat capability you could kind and win a tag with out value. That includes low-quality 500px JPG and PNG photographs.
The Conventional threat for $24.99 will get you excessive-quality tag data together with clear PNG, enhancing and re-win apart from lifetime DesignEvo beef up.
The Plus threat for $49.99 will comprise not largest excessive-quality data nonetheless furthermore vector PDF and SVG downloads. You possibly can win font data too apart from copyright possession.
All in all, DesignEvo is methodology extra reasonably priced than a gifted dressmaker. And which it is probably you may furthermore accomplish a tag your self – taking as noteworthy time as it’s a must to.
That will with out a doubt even be enjoyable. Right here is how all the problems works.
DesignEvo Capabilities
DesignEvo has heaps of components to perform designing a tag proper right into a enjoyable and easy task.
That includes 10,000 pre-made templates so which it is probably you may merely combine’n’match the colours and fonts and comprise a tag prepared. There are furthermore an full bunch of fonts and icons to take from and as well as which it is probably you may furthermore initiating from scratch – it is miles absolutely customizable.
Your each introduction will probably be saved throughout the Cloud-primarily primarily based storage, so which it is probably you may win entry to it, edit, and re-win. One high price favor methodology which which it is probably you may re-accomplish your tag every time it’s a must to.
So let’s get a discover on the DesignEvo components in further element.
Fairly and Educated StAMP Templates
You possibly can each take some of the 1000’s of templates or initiating absolutely from scratch.
We began our DesignEvo overview by shopping via the already made templates. Whereas the templates have been primarily effectively-notion and excessive of the variety, there aloof turned one factor off – that is why which it is probably you may customise each of the designs your self.
So should you might be having a discover on the designs, take the one you fancy probably the most. There are a lot of them for a quantity of industries – from coaching and sports activities actions to politics and know-how.
In relate so that you can kind your comprise accomplish, which it is probably you may merely scheme it by clicking on the Provoke from Scratch button.
After selecting the accomplish or starting from scratch, you’ll probably be taken to the symbol accomplish editor.
Interactive StAMP Editor Instrument
It’s an intuitive instrument the place you’ll probably be able to rearrange tag points, add textual content, change colors and additional.
So so as to add a novel ingredient, which it is probably you may merely sure and drop it from the menu on the left. Trustworthy fancy which it is probably you may sure an app to your cell phone to place it in a very totally different set aside aside.
The menu opens a quantity of potentialities. That’s fonts – from primary designs to textual content art work, colors (which it is probably you may additionally add the present gradient), accomplish points, and additional.
So with all the points, there may be nothing to stop you from creating an perfect-making an attempt tag.
Tips, Instruments, and Purchaser Toughen
Should you’re feeling caught, DesignEvo would not fade away you to your comprise. To again out, it has buyer beef up, a weblog with probably the most up-to-date traits and suggestions for logos, and even a data immoral.
The rules immoral is concise but there may be greater than sufficient data on make the most of the platform.
The weblog is constantly up so a long way. This can provide you suggestions on your subsequent tag, stage to probably the most up-to-date traits, and supply the machine to tag your organization.
Purchaser beef up is available for everybody at no label. There’s constantly a stay chat button throughout the underside proper nook should you might be enhancing your tag. You possibly can furthermore email correspondence the DesignEvo should it’s a must to additional again. And as a long way as verbal change goes, the meat up does know scheme their job.
By taking an additional step to current again for its prospects, DesignEvo primarily exhibits that it cares about its prospects. It is miles not largest simple to make the most of on its comprise nonetheless it with out a doubt furthermore helps you with discovering suggestions and making a present tag for today’s market.
DesignEvo Assessment – the Verdict
As we came upon out from our DesignEvo overview, it is a gargantuan tag maker that includes 1000’s of pre-made tag templates, accomplish points, and a great deal of customization alternate selections.
The largest fragment is, which it is probably you may put it to make use of with out value. Though selecting a paid mannequin will expose you ideas to win excessive-quality data and re-win an edited tag at any time.
The platform furthermore presents an all-round again – from tips and traits to proper buyer beef up.
So should you might be having a discover to kind a tag on your net web page or social media and avoid dropping cash, DesignEvo is with out a doubt a platform for you.
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lavenderhyrdrangea · 6 years
Strange Neighbors
One thing Zanetta had learned from being a part of clan that moved from place to place was that you had to quickly learn how to maneuver around your new “neighbors”. The approaches were different depending what the scouts would being back. If there was  word that suspicion and hostility were in the air, then Keeper Deshanna would reconsider that piece of land as a home. If she decided that yes they would live there for the time being, she would go over what behaviors were self persevering and weren’t. Once it was noticed that others walked along a certain path at a certain hour, the clan  was to choose a different path until later in the day to avoid detection.They were to whistle low then high if someone was coming towards the settlements. This will give the clan time to gather their things and leave.They were also to be careful about accidentally leaving  items about their evacuated settlement as it would surely gain  attention if someone stumbled upon it. In the event that they ran into a non-hostile group, which were usually traders that didn’t care who their potential customers were as long as they had sovereigns, Deshanna advised the clan to relax themselves.
 It was a such nerve-wrecking yet easy thing to categorize what type of neighbor they got and how conduct themselves in response to the different types—Until recently
Running across him was a surprise. The scouts had combed through the area multiple times to make sure it was clear, but after they set up their tents there was a large she—human man at a distance hefting what seemed like his entire life across his back and guiding a halla by the reins. At first, Zanetta thought he was a traveler making his way across the expanse however days passed  and he still roamed around. She had half the nerve to tell him to go take a hike elsewhere but the man had done them no immediate wrong. He kept his distance and they kept theirs for a time. Then one afternoon he came ambling towards them.
“Am I correct in assuming you’re also a trading clan?” He asked.
Tavarus, her brother, emerged with his mace slung over his shoulder from the edge of settlement where the clan hunters had gathered. “And just what gives you that impression?”
The man slowly swept his gaze over the carved wooden figures, hand crafted jewelry and hunting traps laying on crates and trees stumps that were all set up in practice for the next traders market set to happen in the next village over.
She felt  herself mentally drop her head in the palm of her hands.
Deshanna came in right on time as always. “That we are. What would you like traded?” She called out as she walked out of her tent.
“The armor of some of your scouts are impeccable.” He said, eyeing the very armor he was speaking of.
“I’m afraid we’re a tad low on the ore needed to craft armor. It’s why we don’t have any prepared to be on display.”
“That’s fine. I have no need for new armor.”
He moved hand about his chest in demonstration “The gleam. It’s nearly blinding. It’s a very nice polish job.”
“I hope it is. We try to take pride in our appearance even in battle.”
Deshanna beamed and Zanetta couldn’t blame her. It felt amazing to have anyone appreciate all your efforts.  She wouldn’t have been surprised if it turned out the whole clan was smiling too.
“Do you offer services for such things? I’m willing to pay a great deal of sovereigns for your best work if so.”
“Not normally. As you can imagine it’s very difficult for us, “ Deshanna  raised  her brows, inviting him to read between the lines. “to trade services as oppose to the usual crafted goods.”
“The ears and the markings don’t bother me any. A good polish is a good polish. I’ll pay double to put an ease on your nerves.”
They learned that the man was named Barnaby and that he had plenty of armor to polish. Being the best of the best when it came to such a thing in the clan, her mother was put in charge of these pieces. Through a mixture of relation and process of elimination Zanetta was put in charge of making the delivery to him. Deshanna had tried to insist that he could simply come back and pick it up but she  supposed he saw that in spite of his compliments and  reassurance he invoked wariness just by standing there. He gave a schedule of where he’d be throughout the day and that was that.
“He can wield a sword and shield. Keep that in mind”  Her brother said as he watched their mother load her down with the supplies like she was some pack mule.
“How do you know that?”
“When I walked up I saw the odd way he moved. He flexed like he was bracing to get into a defensive stance. He must’ve trained to constantly be prepared for battle, so must so that even in his downtime he’s ready to take whatever or whoever comes  at him. ”
“I was too busy waiting on Deshanna’s word to have seen that.”
“Deshanna won’t always be near, so you mustn't do that.  Be as willing to lead as you are to follow.”
With the yet another bag strapped to her back, she managed this through a groan:“That’s not contradictory at all.”
She could’ve fallen through the ground with how cumbersome everything was. Her mother  saw this and stepped back to see how she could even the weight distribution. “What’s it matter anyway. My baby’s going so weighted down she’ll be dead if he does try to attack her.”
“Eyeing my daggers are you?”
“ You don’t have to be dead for me to take your daggers.” She dropped her voice to  a whisper. “I’m more partial to your brother’s mace. After all, It was mine to begin with it.” At the end of sly smile, she straightened. “Now, try to walk. I don’t want you breaking your back .”
Stepping forward then back again made Zanetta’s body strain under the pressure of what she had been carrying. It was not ideal but all that mattered was that she was able to move.
“You can carry it but just barely. You’ll have to take breaks.” Her mother noted.
Their tent flaps opened and in came her father. He  grimaced at the display.
“The shem’s just got here and already he’s flinging orders at us like we’re common slaves.”
“And this is why you aren’t the one making the delivery.” Her mother chided.
“And me? I can easily lift that load.’’
Zanetta sprang in. “I’m not sure Ser what- gives- you- that- impression.”
“I was trying to scare him.”
“And I’m sure you did an excellent job.” A familiar voice said. It was both a blessing and curse that everyone in the clan could waltz in and out of each other’s tents whenever they fancied.
“Coming to send me off, Keeper?”
“That and to impart some additional advice. Though it has been determined that you’re best suited for this job you are not without faults that could compromise it.”
Tavarus snickered and she suddenly wished he was closer so she could kick him.
“Though we’re unsure of the reason behind this man’s lifestyle.  it’s not the appropriate time to start digging just yet.”
Zanetta bristled under Deshanna’s well-knowing gaze.
So what if she had a little trouble getting people to talk? Was it really something to  bring up whenever she set out to go on a diplomatic task? The thing was that she could get people talking. It was just that  one way or another she would push too hard, and the person would become aware of her games then grow cold or wary, or even try lodge  a knife into her eye.
“Right, right. I’ll try to keep any conversation we have light.”
“That would be appreciated. I would also appreciate if you kept your brother’s observations close to mind.”
Zanetta did her best to avoid Tavarus’ smug grin.
“I though this was a diplomacy run.” She said.
“I value common sense and heedful behavior as much as  much I value diplomacy.”
“So go easy on the talk and stay on my toes. Any other pointers?”
Deshanna shook her head.
“Dareth shiral, Dalen.”
Barnaby was where he’d said he be at the time--on a small grassy hill. He was already awake and stirring something in a huge pot which was over a low fire. His halla was free and sniffing and then chomping on every single patch of thick grass he came across. She half-expected him to have him tied to a tree.
“Up early?”  She asked.
“Up all night.”  The hoarseness in his tone and the drag in his speech wasn’t surprising but she recoiled.
He watched his furry companion attentively. Even with tenderness in his eyes, the dark, droopy rings around them were apparent. What had kept  him up all night? It wasn’t like he had many outside influences that could stir him. Perhaps he was lonely but that still made little sense because unlike most he could slip back into any town in Thedas with ease if he ever tired of his current endeavor. It was a shame many of her questions would never be answered if she were to consider Deshanna’s advice.
“I have your things.”
He gathered an eyeful of all the weight she was carrying.
“You and the lad back at your settlement have a proclivity for stating the obvious.”
As he lifted the load from her shoulders, she gave his camp a once over. Bags upon bags of grain were piled into a corner. He must brought them well before his journey  and being that she saw just grain and no spices or meats he more than likely intended to stick to porridge or it’s equally bland cousin, gruel. Hopefully, he  would venture forth for some seasoning at a market or forage about for some honey combs or something to add flavor.
“Have you eaten?” He asked.
“Yes,” She said a little too quickly. Scrambling to save herself, she blithered out. “I’ve eaten a very big meal before setting out for you. Also, I packed my own snacks.”
He stared.
“I’d feel awful if I ate any of your food.”
At least that bit hadn’t been a lie.
She tried to busy herself by observing more. Her focus fell on a ball of yarn with the loose end spun around a needle.
It was his turn to be flustered.
“I thought it would brighten my sour mood. I can’t knit to save my life though.”
“Then why do it?”
“It’s something new.”
She smiled. “You could’ve taken a risk and asked for knitting lessons from of us.”
“I realize I’m better off sticking to old reliable. I always feel better after my armor is taken care of.”
“So? Do you feel any better now?”
“It brings me  joy to see such a sight again.” He said slowly.
“I think it should bring you more than a simple joy.”
After a certain idea struck her, Zanetta told him to pick his favorite armor set out of all the polished pieces and to don it. Hesitance pulling at his every step, he chose a simple yet majestic steel set with the pauldrons  shaped into dragon heads.
For the second time that day she carried his heavy things, this  time his plain wares and knick-knacks, to help him implement her suggestion of moving his little settlement closest to a river.      
“Look at  you all fit for duty.” She said when they finally got there.
Barnaby peered at his reflection in the water.  Her mother’s work really brought out the shine. His mouth dropped open and he fell to his knees. With every second of silence that passed she became more and more concerned. Was his reaction good one?
His eyes wandered over her reflection before he said, “May Sylaise keep your hearth ever burning.” His pronunciation was ridiculous. It sounded like he said Sigh-lease. The effort, however, was adorable.
“Thank you.  Andraste watch over you.”  She didn’t know if he was Andrastian but she figured it would complete the exchange.
Barnaby became a clan secret. No one would interact with him unless he had another task that he would pay for but if they  ran into him while hunting, on a mission or at a market, they wouldn’t tense. Instead, they would nod or smile; He was treated like an outsider yet was at the same time given the greeting of an insider.
He was the strangest neighbor they ever had.
*                                                     *                                                        *
A/N: I’m going to be honest-- This thing nearly killed me. I was going for some  fluff and I’m not quite sure I hit the mark. I still finished it though and everything I write will help me get better at writing.
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gethealthy18-blog · 6 years
26 Non-Candy Halloween Treats Kids Will Love
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/news/26-non-candy-halloween-treats-kids-will-love/
26 Non-Candy Halloween Treats Kids Will Love
Halloween and I have a complicated relationship, at least since I became a mom. Take trick-or-treating, for instance. It’s a fun tradition, but there certainly aren’t too many healthy Halloween treats (or even close to it). Easter and a few other holidays require some similar soul-searching.
So what’s a health-conscious mom to do? As I see it, I have a couple of options:
Option #1: Ignore Halloween Completely
Yep … I did this!
I’ll admit it: when my kids were all really young, I just pretended Halloween didn’t exist. We didn’t do the trick or treating thing or the costume thing. In fact, we usually just turned out the lights and went to bed early on trick-or-treating night.
I just didn’t like the idea of already grumpy toddlers staying up late to go to strangers’ houses and ask for candy packed with food dyes.
As my kids get older and want to dress up, trick-or-treating is harder to avoid. On the one hand, I completely understand the fun tradition of wearing a costume and spending time with friends. On the other, I don’t love the idea of them getting bags upon bags of candy (that will make them crazy and rot their teeth out).
Since I’ve learned a thing or two about balance and moderation over the years, we’ve moved on (a little reluctantly) from this option.
Option #2: The Candy Fairy
Opinions differ on whether or not receiving a mountain of candy in one night provides a natural opportunity to learn self-control. I’m all for kids having these life lessons, but I’m a big believer in giving kids choices within certain boundaries set by the parent. (Hence my love for Montessori.)
The Candy Fairy (or Switch Witch, take your choice) visits our house after trick-or-treating and the kids don’t seem to mind a bit. We switch out the majority of the candy for a fun grab bag of treats. Since they come from our home, this also gives me the chance to throw some tasty edibles from better sources.
Option #3: Offer Healthy Halloween Treats
I know, I know … handing out a treat other than name-brand candy is a surefire way to get your house rolled. I promise, I’m not suggesting handing the kids an apple or a carton of bone broth.
Still, since childhood obesity rates are around 17% in the U.S. (and thankfully holding steady for the last few years), wouldn’t less candy given to kids be a positive change?
In fact, there plenty of reasons to consider giving out non-candy treats:
Food Allergies – Food allergies are on the rise and many popular types of candy contain peanuts and other allergens. I know quite a few moms who can’t let their kids trick or treat because of potential peanut exposure. (Proof this is a real trend: The Teal Pumpkin Project.)
Too Much Sugar – With high rates of obesity and other health problems, especially among youth, I can’t in good conscience hand out tons of sugary candy. The 80/20 rule is great and there may be a time and a place for treats. The problem is that time seems to be all the time. And the place seems to be everywhere. Kids get candy at the bank, the doctor, school, and almost everywhere they go. Do they really need bags of it?!
Dye Sensitivities – Many kids are sensitive to food dyes and it is tough to avoid them in most types of candy.
Orthodontics – Candy and sugary snacks aren’t good for teeth and can stick to braces and other mouthpieces.
Easier on Parents – When you give out non-candy Halloween treats, you save parents the trouble of checking for anything harmful in the candy.
True, non-candy treats may not make your house the most popular stop in the neighborhood, but there are some really fun alternatives to candy that are definitely kid-approved. And all the other families who are trying to limit sugar or who are sensitive to food dyes will thank you!
Ideas for Non-Candy Halloween Treats (Kids Actually Like)
These are the top healthy Halloween treats I keep in my stash. Bonus: If you have some leftover, most of these will keep until next year!
1. Glider Airplanes
Surprisingly, mini airplanes are inexpensive and a great alternative to candy. My brother loved these when we were little and would have taken one of these over candy any day!
2. Organic Juice Boxes
A consumable Halloween treat that is practical. After walking around the neighborhood, kids may be thirsty. It still has sugar and isn’t an everyday thing for us, but it makes a great treat.
3. Natural Fruit Leather
In my opinion these taste way better than artificially flavored fruit candies! Buy them in bulk for the best price. I’ve seen them at Costco for a good price, or they’re available from Thrive Market or Amazon for a good price.
4. Bouncy Balls
My kids love bouncy balls and we don’t usually have them around the house because of all. the. bouncing. Grab a pack of 100 for cheaper than a big bag of candy and call it a day! They even make creepy eyeball bouncy balls!
5. Local Honey Sticks
My oldest son brought home a bunch of these from a beekeepers’ meeting one time and they were an instant hit with his siblings. Ideally find some from a local beekeeper, or order online. These are still a sweet treat, but the beneficial properties in honey make it a healthier alternative to candy.
6. Stamps
My littles spend hours stamping pictures on paper and they gave me the idea for this candy alternative. Stamps are also cheaper than candy when you get them in bulk.
7. Apple Cider Packets
I’m hoping it will cool down by Halloween, and if it does, kids will love something to warm them up after walking around. Even better, this brand uses pretty decent ingredients!
8. Carabiners
A novel and practical kid favorite! Carabiners top the list of practical gifts that can be reused, and as a bonus… they are plastic free!
9. Mini-Flashlights
A practical idea for kids walking around after dark! Keychain flashlights are fun for kids and a good candy alternative if you don’t live in a busy neighborhood. Order them in bulk for a good price.
10. Pumpkin Oranges
Feeling crafty? Get some organic oranges and use a natural marker to draw some pumpkin faces on the peel. This is probably best for a group of friends or close-knit neighborhood where people trust an unwrapped offering.
11. Organic Candy
If you just can’t fathom the idea of giving out something besides candy, opt for a better kind of candy. This brand of organic lollipops is dye-free and contains vitamin C.
12. Fake Mustaches
Kids love these hilarious fake mustaches. I brought a few packs of fake mustaches to a costume party for adults once and the next morning we woke up and found all of the kids in mustaches too! For a holiday that requires a costume, these are fun to give out!
13. Stickers
I have to say, kids have ruined stickers for me. They seem to think it’s a great idea to plaster stickers on any surface to make it more festive. (There is still sticker residue on their bunk beds to prove it.) Since Halloween is about fun for the kids though, I’ll be a sucker and order 1000 of them really inexpensively for treats to give out.
14. Bubbles
Bubbles are a fun activity that every kid loves. My children will play with these for hours a time!
15. Mini Notebooks
My daughters keep these mini notebooks in their mini purses so they can draw and take notes.
16. LED Light Up Rings
Forget Ring Pops! These rings light up in crazy colors and are a fun way keep kids safe in the dark.
17. Skeleton Bone Pens
Possibly the coolest item on this list! These bone-shaped pens are really cool and practical too!
18. Wikki Sticks
A great inexpensive Halloween treat to give out that stimulates creativity. Wikki Sticks are made from yarn and natural wax and are a mess-free creative way for kids to draw and build pictures.
19. Lego People
Want to be the coolest house on the block? Give out little Lego compatible figures!
20. Glow Bracelets
I don’t usually get glow sticks because of the plastic, but I’ll pull them out as a special treat or candy alternative. Glow bracelets are the most practical option because they also make kids easier to see in the dark while out trick or treating! I’ve never seen a kid leave disappointed when receiving a glow bracelet instead of candy.
21. Puzzle Balls
The downside? They are plastic. The upside? Puzzle balls are a reusable treat that encourages critical thinking.
22. Fancy Crayon Pens
Practical but still cool. These crayon pens have multiple tips and encourage creativity.
23. Slap Bracelets
Slap bracelets were all the rage when I was a kid. Maybe they are outdated, or maybe, like many poor fashion trends of decades past, it’s time for them to come back!
24. Mini Play Dough
We usually make our own play dough, but pre-made mini play dough containers are a good alternative to candy!
25. Spooky Spider Rings
Another plastic toy, but when store-bought candy is at stake I’ll compromise. This kid pleaser adds to the spooky fun. Warning: they’re as bad as Legos … inevitably I end up stepping on them in bare feet around the house for months after.
26. Punch Balloons
I remember punching these with great glee as a kid (probably in the direction of my brother’s face). This perennial party favor comes in Halloween-themed colors and encourages kids to be active and have fun!
If You’re Going to Hand Out Candy…
Opt for pre-packaged treats from reputable companies who use organic or natural ingredients with few to no additives. These are my favorite healthier candy “compromises” since their ingredient lists are a lot less… scary!
What’s your policy on candy on Halloween? Which healthy Halloween treats would you like to see your kids bring home?
Source: https://wellnessmama.com/128061/healthy-halloween-treats/
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skqq-net · 5 years
Best Email Marketing Practices to Boost E-Commerce Business in 2019
Whereas you had requested me in regards to the categorical time to originate an ecommerce trade, I might enjoyment of talked about NOW.
The realm is becoming digital and the popularity of on-line corporations is rising at a fast poke. With all respects, that could be a expansive time to originate your e-commerce trade. With the property accessible, you’ll be able to with out issues develop your horizon to additional potentialities and AMPlify conversions.
The precept two issues to take into yarn to fabricate your e-commerce trade is to make use of a applicable kind internet host and blueprint a applicable kind trying retailer. The precept might presumably presumably even be achieved by doing a diminutive bit analysis and the latter might presumably presumably even be achieved with the help of a applicable kind on-line internet web page builder.
So now that you just’ve received location up your on-line retailer, it’s time to reel in potentialities and blueprint product sales. There are a substantial amount of techniques for doing so, nonetheless the explicit one is thru electronic message advertising.
On this publish, we will focal degree on marvelous E-mail Advertising and advertising Ways that might presumably presumably bewitch your ecommerce trade to the next degree
Let’s get hold of issues rolling…
1. Ship Customized Emails
By making your emails private, you arrange a connection between your trade and the shopper. As an alternative of addressing them as merely “Costly Recipient” or “Costly Purchaser,” strive utilizing their first title.
That it’s seemingly you will blueprint the identical for the sphere line. Attempt to include their title throughout the area collectively with some applicable kind key phrases fancy “winner,” “bonus,” or the ultimate weapon – “free.” All these changes will positively toughen electronic message opening fees, click on on-through fees, and conversion fees.
2. Use E-mail Sequence
By sequence, we level out sending a buyer a sequence of emails devoted to a express line of movement. For exAMPle, a recent buyer signup to your on-line internet web page. Beginning up a welcome sequence of emails starting with a thanks message and blueprint them in fact really feel fancy a section of a big neighborhood. Then you’ll be able to originate sending emails about all completely different types of merchandise you enjoyment of, and completely different little print about your e-store.
That it’s seemingly you will originate a sequence of emails after a collect dispute is made. Beginning up this off with an electronic message of dispute affirmation. Then expose them about delivery little print, ask for opinions, good buy gives, equal merchandise, and hundreds others.
3. Use Viewers Segmentation
It is a long way principally higher to be express, in place of generalizing. By segmenting the goal market, you enjoyment of a probability to coronary heart of consideration on teams of shoppers in sustaining with their wretchedness facets. Intention segments counting on Age, Area, Previous Purchases, and completely different little print you enjoyment of managed to accumulate.
4. Ship Cart Abandonment Emails
Typically prospects neglect in regards to the whole merchandise of their carts. Don’t let this occur. There’s a probability of a ability sale. Ship emails in regards to the whole objects they enjoyment of left of their cart, and this gracious might presumably presumably finish in some product sales. That it’s seemingly you will even suggest a terrific buy, or a reduction on collect to accumulate additional product sales.
5. Emails with Wishlists
Right here is objective like with Abandoned Carts. Members depart merchandise of their wishlists and neglect about them. Remind them just a few product that they in fact want and you’ll enjoyment of higher potentialities of accelerating the probabilities of getting a sale.
6. Upsell by way of Urged Merchandise Emails
Someone buys a cellular cell phone out of your on-line internet web page. It’s seemingly you will even make sure that that could be a nice buyer to coronary heart of consideration on for added cellular cell phone gear. Intention him/her with merchandise which might presumably effectively be “most steadily bought collectively” with their already made purchases. That it’s seemingly you will showcase some equal merchandise, or indicate some upgrades to merchandise they earlier bought.
7. Ship Reward Guides
We enjoyment of all confronted situations once we don’t know what to offer to our conclude household and visitors people. So if the vacation season is arising, take note to fire up your electronic message advertising marketing cAMPaign with some strategies on merchandise that may blueprint for superior presents.
8. Promotion Affords
We enjoyment of thought-about time and time but each different time, that product sales AMPlify when there might be a promotion or good buy. Buy applicable kind use of this mentality to your potentialities and originate sending out promotional emails.
These types of emails will assuredly cling good buy gives, coupon codes, gives on referring a buddy, together with to alerting potentialities when recent merchandise hit your retailer.
9. Ship Loyalties by way of Emails
Those who increase out of your e-store most most steadily are a contributor to your success. Intention them in fact really feel treasured by rewarding them. Not greatest will this AMPlify their potentialities of sustaining conclude ties along with your service, nonetheless this might presumably enchantment to completely different people to blueprint additional purchases to your internet web page to change actual right into a member of the membership.
These rewards might presumably presumably even be throughout the manufacture of presents or additional conventionally redeemable facets for future purchases. Nonetheless, whereas you occur to in fact want to thrill your buyer together with to AMPlify additional product sales then gracious supply them some unfamiliar cashback supply. Works fancy a allure!
10. Ship Transactional Emails
Transactional emails level out the emails you ship your potentialities after they enjoyment of made an dispute or canceled one. This portion should not be to declare you that these manufacture of emails are vital, as a result of they’re, and also you should all the time supply affirmation emails to all their transactional actions to your retailer.
Nonetheless, we’re proper right here to highlight that these transactional needn’t be mere files-essentially based mostly totally principally emails. Actually, you’ll be able to embody some merchandise and completely different little print additional favor the particular person. For exAMPle, in case of dispute cancellation, ship a transactional electronic message with a guidelines of equal merchandise.
In Conclusion:
Hope you liked the best emailing techniques to toughen your on-line trade. Permit us to know the plan your cAMPaigns turned out, and depart some additional pointers and techniques you understand about throughout the feedback portion. Your fellow readers will fancy your contribution.
Moreover Detect:  Use Social Media to Enhance E-mail Subscribers in wordpress
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