#Marketing Fundas
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Yikes! Look at the new design of this home in the Netherlands. It's been on the market for 3mos., so I wonder why no one bought it, yet. Listed as a condo, the 3bd, 7 floor home, remodeled between 2001-2010, is listed for €980K - $1.070M. Let's look around inside.
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There seems to be a foyer ahead, leading to the ground floor, and immediately to the right, stairs to the upper levels.
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This is great for entertaining right on the first level- there's a kitchenette and table in the living room. It's convenient b/c the kitchen is on the top level.
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Here we can see the entrance foyer from the sunken living room.
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This is unusual- it looks like remnants of the old building were worked into the new design.
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Original walls were painted white, but it still retains a cave-like appearance.
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A home office. I'm impressed that it still has the original architectural features.
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Small bedroom with wood paneling and built-in shelving.
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The spiral stairs are a bit small.
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View of the street.
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Larger bedroom with shelving and a porthole window.
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They've done a small sink and stainless steel shower in this bath.
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This bedroom has a skylight over the bed.
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Nice enclosed terrace.
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Very compact kitchen, but it's got a table that can fit 4. Wish there was a small elevator or dumbwaiter for bringing groceries all the way up here.
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Plus there's a roof-top deck with a table and chairs.
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The layout is narrow with 1 or 2 rooms on each of the 7 levels.
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I'm going to guess it's a hard sell b/c the rooms are so small, there are so many stairs, and the kitchen is tiny and all the way on the top floor.
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chandramurty · 2 years
॥शुभ प्रभात ! जागो हे ग्राहक देव॥
आज एक आमंत्रण मिला है, अल-सुबह शहर की गलियों में भटकते हुए, नये ग्राहकों को खोजने का ! इसके पीछे परिकल्पना शायद ये लगती है कि गर जुलू�� की शक्ल में बैंकर्स गलियों में पर्चे बाँटते दिखेंगे तो नये ग्राहक गुड़ के पीछे चींटों की तरह या Pied Piper Of Hamelin के चूहों की तरह, मंत्रमुग्ध शाखाओं में घुसते चले आयेंगे !!
लगता है कि हाल में एक बैंक प्रबंधक के हाथ में Megaphone ले सावधि जमा के प्रचार की तस्वीरें महामहिमों को भा गयी हैं।शायद अब कुछ दिनों तक जनता की सुबह की मीठी-मीठी नींद विभिन्न बैंकों के अधिकारी हराम करने वाले हैं।क्यूँकि सारे बैंकर्स किसी भी नये Marketing Funda के पीछे ज़ोर-शोर से लग जाते हैं, तब तक, जब तक कि कोई दूसरा और भी Fantastic Funda ना आ जाए !!
अब ज़ाहिर है कि सुबह के ग्राहक संपर्क अभियान के कारण कई बैंककर्मी देर- सबेर अपने कार्यालय पहुँचेंगे।वर्तमान ग्राहकों को थोड़ी असुविधा तो होगी पर दूर के फ़ायदे के लिए नज़दीक का थोड़ा नुक़सान तो उठाना ही पड़ता है ! अब ये दीग़र मसाईल है कि कई ग्राहक त्वरित सेवा ना मिलने के कारण दूसरे Megaphone वाले बंधु के तरफ़ आकर्षित हो जायें।पर करें क्या, नये ग्राहकों को आकर्षित करने की नवीनतम प्रक्रिया में कुछ तो Collateral Damages होंगे ही ! एक पुरानी कहावत थी कि एक संतुष्ट ग्राहक दस ग्राहकों को साथ लाता है।लगता है कि अब यह प्रासंगिक नहीं रह गया है।
ग़र Mobile Screen पर के WhatsApp messages में व्यस्त ये बैंकर बंदे, नज़र उठा कर सामने देखें तो कई नये, पुराने एवं भावी ग्राहक दिख जायेंगे।पर करें क्या, प्रभात फेरी की रिपोर्ट भी तो, In triplicate, 11बजे तक भेजनी है ! Vigilance Awareness की प्रभात फेरी वाली रिपोर्ट तो अभी तक Pending है ! उपर से 1करोड़ से बड़े ऋण प्रस्ताव वाले भावी ग्राहकों को भी खोजना है।साथ ही, सामने जो 10 लाख से 99 लाख के ऋण वालों की भीड़ जमा है उनको अगली गली वाली “दुकान” में Divert भी करना है !!
एक संत कबीर का दोहा, इस प्रसंग में समीचीन लगता है “मोको कहाँ ढूँढ़े बंदे , मैं तो तेरे पास में । ना मैं देवल ना मैं मसजिद, ना काबे कैलास में।ना तो कौने क्रिया - कर्म में , नहीं योग वैराग में । खोजी होय तो तुरतै मिलिहौं , पलभर की तलास में ।कहैं कबीर सुनो भई साधो, सब स्वासों की स्वास में॥”
जहां तक आमंत्रण का मसला है तो "मोमिन" का एक शेर बड़ा ही मौज़ूं है कि “उम्र सारी कटी इश्क़-ए-बुताँ में 'मोमिन',अब बुढ़ापे में क्या ख़ाक मुसलमाँ होंगे..!!”
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hvlstxn · 2 years
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( ariana grande ) Pelos portões do Acampamento Júpiter podemos ver entrar uma nova esperança. Halston Maddox, filha de Netuno, com seus vinte e tres anos, será a nova luz ao nosso lado.
[ Karma ] Um machado de duas mãos feito de ouro imperial, com pequenas safiras cravejadas na base da arma. Se transforma em um presilha de cabelo quando não está em uso. Habilidade adormecida: A cada cinco acertos, dá uma pequena sensação de afogamento no oponente.
Nascida de imigrantes irlandeses, Maeve não teve tanta dificuldades na vida como filha de imigrantes que pouco falavam a língua oficial do país. Os cabelos loiros brilhantes atraíam olhares de multidões, assim como os olhos escuros deixavam todos intrigados pelos mistérios que a jovem escondia em sua mente.
Sempre foi uma aluna exemplar e surpreendeu a todos quando recusou uma bolsa em Harvard para se juntar à marinha americana. Porém para o alto escalão das forças armadas, eles viram na pequena moça uma oportunidade de marketing, promovendo que a marinha, assim como as outras armas do país não eram machistas, usando Maeve como modelo, lucrando em cima da jovem.
Ela sabia bem que era tudo um jogo para eles, mas mesmo assim fez seu melhor trabalho, sendo rapidamente promovida para cargos melhores. O seu amor pelo mar e seus mistérios atraíram o olhar do deus romano Netuno, que sabiamente a seduziu e gerou nela uma filha. Halston, pedra sagrada, a criança seria o pilar da vida de Maeve, e por uma década realmente foi, até que a almirante se perdeu no mar, abandonando a filha.
Halsey estava presente no naufrágio do navio, sendo uma das poucas sobreviventes. A menina acabou ficando por dois dias no mar, até que a maré a levou para uma praia, hoje ela sabe que foi Netuno que a levou em segurança para a terra, mas na época a Halston ficou completamente traumatizada, não confiando em águas mais funda que uma banheira, literalmente.
Algumas semanas depois, ela finalmente chegou no acampamento Júpiter, precisando passar um tempo na casa da Loba, como de costume. Seu tempo com Lupa foi duro, mas Halsey persistiu e logo pode se juntar a legião, recebendo uma carta de recomendação para a II coorte. Tirando o desafio de ser uma filha de Netuno com fobia de mar, a jovem rapidamente se destacou como legionária, realizando diversas missões e logo recebendo o posto de centuriã, aos dezesseis anos, onde ficou por alguns anos até finalmente chegar ao cargo de Pretora, que atua até hoje.
                      𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐲 . 𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 . 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝
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rafiq-mia · 28 days
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How to Boost Your Video's Ranking with YouTube Video SEO
Boosting your video’s ranking on YouTube with SEO involves optimizing various elements of your video to ensure it’s more discoverable by both YouTube’s algorithm and users. Here's a guide to help you improve your YouTube Video SEO:
1. **Keyword Research**
Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, TubeBuddy, or Ahrefs to find keywords relevant to your video topic.
2. **Optimize Video Title**
Place it near the beginning of the title.
Your title should be attention-grabbing while accurately describing the content of the video.
3. **Craft a Descriptive Video Description**
Use the main keyword within the first few sentences and sprinkle related keywords throughout the description.
Offer a brief but detailed summary of the video content.
Include links to related content and use timestamps to segment the video into chapters.
4. **Tags**
Include your main keyword, related keywords, and broader terms.
Tools like VidIQ and TubeBuddy can help generate effective tags.
5. **Thumbnails**
Use high-quality images with engaging text overlays.
Make sure your thumbnails have a consistent style to build your brand identity.
6. **Engagement Metrics**
Ask viewers to engage with your content.
Keep viewers engaged throughout the video to increase watch time, a key ranking factor.
Engaging with your audience can improve your video's interaction rate.
7. **Closed Captions and Subtitles**
 This helps with accessibility and can boost SEO.
Offering subtitles in different languages can broaden your audience.
8. **Video Content Optimization**
Create valuable, informative, and entertaining content.
The first few seconds of your video should be captivating to retain viewers.
Longer videos tend to perform better as long as they maintain high viewer retention.
9. **Playlist Creation**
This increases watch time by guiding viewers to related content.
Use keywords relevant to the content in the playlist.
10. **Promotion**
Promote your video across all your social channels.
Increase visibility by embedding videos in relevant articles or blog posts.
Partnering with other YouTubers can help you reach a broader audience.
1. **Monitor Analytics**
 Use YouTube Analytics to monitor video performance, such as traffic sources, watch time, and audience demographics.
Refine your SEO strategy based on what’s working and what’s not.
By following these steps, you can improve your video’s visibility, attract more viewers, and ultimately rank higher on YouTube.
If you need any further assistance or consultancy, please let me know your availability, and we can arrange a suitable time for a discussion.
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citynewsglobe · 3 months
[ad_1] As of as we speak, there are roughly greater than 6.5 billion smartphone customers throughout the globe and with this market share, all people must suppose that cell platform safety could be very a lot vital. On this case, individuals have to have a great understanding of the depth of integration with cell gadgets in order that lapses of safety will probably be eradicated and the cybercriminals will be capable of take care of issues very effectively. Smartphones have gotten extremely advanced and the consultants from the home of corporations like Appsealing very effectively advocate the organisations to concentrate on cell platform safety. Cellular platform safety comes with in depth options that need to be accessed to take a look at the elements to make sure that functioning has been correctly achieved and from the previous few years cyber criminals have improved the extent of their recreation because of the supply of extremely refined and coordinated cyber-attacks. The cyber threats on cell platforms might be broadly labeled into 4 main classes which will probably be malicious cell functions, cell network-related threats, web-based threats, and cell device-related threats. Among the frequent conceptions that you'll want to learn about Cellular platform safety have been very effectively defined as follows: Creating the cell utility very effectively requires a very completely different strategy quite than testing for utility safety points and it is very important perceive the excellence between each of those phrases so that individuals can guarantee utility safety.  As of as we speak, android and iOS are completely coming with a big variety of security measures together with biometric safety, utility permission, and different related issues however on the floor, these are sufficient to decrease you right into a false sense of safety.  All the options of safety are persistently going a great distance by way of preserving the gadgets secured and in case you are curious about going deeper into all of them then you definitely undoubtedly want to appreciate that security measures will improve the burden of safety on the ultimate buyer. on the similar time the appliance themselves will probably be having a big variety of safety loops that you'll want to keep in mind Usually it has been believed that builders could have an concept in regards to the within the clear and bug coding factor however truly, it isn't so as a result of individuals have to rigorously analyze the design of the event proper from the start in order that they'll lose the proper functions  Software shops will probably be offering a really protected reliable utility and Google and Apple shops on this specific case need to be taken under consideration to take care of issues very effectively. This will probably be useful in ensuring that drivers of tasks will probably be sorted out in order that issues are accordingly achieved in the fitting path  A strong framework means a sturdy layer of safety and sadly, this can be a huge loss. Framework will by no means be capable of give you a assure of safety for the appliance as a result of it is going to be merely defending the issues and the way you can be implementing the safety is a very powerful step to be taken under consideration on this situation.  So, as cell utility builders the very fundamental crux of the story is to make sure that functions are developed with the absolute best security practises which are out there as we speak and a few of the finest practices for The Cellular agency safety have been justified as follows:  It is very important concentrate on writing protected and safe code: Writing very protected and safe code and testing issues for bugs is essential in order that every thing will probably be carried out in a scientific strategy with none problem of reverse engineering. Bettering the safety of the coding from the strong working system is vital so that individuals can get pleasure from a powerful diploma of safety within the gadgets. 
It is very important concentrate on encrypting the information: Employment of the encryption wherever potential is unquestionably vital as a result of even when the information is stolen it is going to by no means be misused except the cybercriminals have the decryption keys.  Utilizing very high-level authentication: As a developer, it will be important for individuals to design the functions in such a way that they are going to be accepting these sturdy passwords, and biometric safety with multi-authentication in order that issues are very effectively sorted out and possibilities of issues will probably be paid minimal all through the method  It is very important stay minimalistic with the privileges of utility: Any sort of well-designed utility will enhance the safety and additional individuals have to have a great command over the related permissions. All people can go for uninstalling the functions if the particular utility will probably be designing the permissions to enhance the private knowledge contacts or different related issues.  It is very important suggest the mood detection strategies: Utilizing the anti-tempering and mood detection strategies within the coding is vital for corporations as a result of this will probably be useful in minimizing the possibilities of tempering into the coding proper from the start  Performing penetration testing: Testing your coding factor for any sort of challenges related to the injection assault is vital in order that it is possible for you to to benefit from the confidence that every thing will cowl your foundation with none downside. Issues on this case will probably be proficiently undertaken in the fitting path as a result of the penetration testing will probably be offering individuals with a assist issue  Therefore, to enhance the cell utility safety options, getting in contact with the consultants at Appsealing is essential as a result of the cell utility safety platform will probably be useful in ensuring that every thing will probably be backed by extremely knowledgeable selections together with a runtime utility self-protection system. This won't solely cease the cyber-attacks on cell functions however may even be useful in recording the information on the hacking try in order that organizations might be extremely knowledgeable selections in real-time. On this method, corporations will be capable of launch the proper apps within the trade and additional will be capable of have a great maintain over the safety idea proper from the primary day. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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pazaryerigundem · 3 months
Zuchex'e bu yıl 2 binin üzerinde marka katılıyor
Zuchex'e bu yıl 2 binin üzerinde marka katılıyor
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Informa Markets tarafından Züccaciyeciler Derneği ZÜCDER işbirliğinde 34.’sü düzenlenecek olan Uluslararası Ev ve Mutfak Eşyaları Fuarı Zuchex’te, 2 binin üzerinde marka, en yeni ve trend ürünlerini vitrine çıkarmaya hazırlanıyor.
İSTANBUL (İGFA) – 19 Eylül’de kapılarını açacak olan fuar için Tüyap Beylikdüzü’ndeki tüm salonların dolduğu bilgisini paylaşan Informa Markets Fuar Direktörü Funda Kunduz, dışarıda outdoor & bahçe mobilyalarına ayrılan kısımlar dahi dolduğunu, hiç boş yerlerinin kalmadığı için satışları kapattıklarını açıkladı.
“Türkiye’nin dört bir tarafından gelen yerli üreticilerin yanı sıra Zuchex’te Çin, Mısır, Tunus ve Hindistan pavilyonları yer alıyor. Ayrıca Portekiz, Almanya, Endonezya, Malezya, Polonya, Ürdün, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri ve Lübnan’dan katılımcılarımız var” diyen Kunduz, Uluslararası satın almacı programı Hosted Buyer ve alım heyeti uygulamalarıyla dünyanın dört bir tarafından nitelikli ve yüksek bütçeli satın almacıları, Zuchex 2024 katılımcılarıyla bir araya getireceklerini belirterek, her zamankinden daha fazla ticaret hacmine ulaşmayı hedeflediklerini açıkladı.
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BU Haber İGF HABER AJANSI tarafından servis edilmiştir.
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gonzalo-obes · 4 months
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Día Mundial de la Bicicleta, Día Internacional del Sommelier, Semana Internacional de los Museos, Año Internacional de los Camélidos.
San Carlos Luanga y Santa Clotilde.
Tal día como hoy en el año 2018
Entra en erupción el Volcán de Fuego en Guatemala, causando más de 100 muertos y 200 desaparecidos, a demás, gran parte de la población se ve afectada por daños materiales.
Ocurre el atentado yihadista de Londres de junio de 2017, en el que tres atacantes atropellan con un vehículo a varios viandantes y luego acuchillan a otras personas. En el puente de Londres y en Borough Market, resultando un total de 11 muertos y 48 heridos.
Descarrila un tren de alta velocidad cerca de la aldea de Eschede, en el distrito de Celle en Baja Sajonia, Alemania. 101 personas murieron y alrededor de 100 resultaron heridas, siendo el accidente más grave de tren de Alemania y el de la alta velocidad hasta la fecha.
Ocurre el incidente del 'Chip Defectuoso' en Estados Unidos, en el que un chip defectuoso alerta de un ataque nuclear inexistente y casi desemboca en la Tercera Guerra Mundial.
Explota el pozo petrolífero Ixtoc, al sur del Golfo de México, provocando la pérdida de crudo más grande de la historia con entre 0,7 y 1 millón de toneladas de petróleo.
Mao Zedong, líder del Partido Comunista Chino, inicia la Revolución Cultural en China, argumentando que elementos burgueses se habían infiltrado en el gobierno y en la sociedad para restaurar el capitalismo.
El astronauta estadounidense Edward H. White, en órbita terrestre a bordo de la cápsula espacial Gemini 4, realiza el primer paseo espacial estadounidense, de una duración de 20 minutos. Los soviéticos ya han dado este paso anteriormente. White morirá, junto a Grissom y Shaffee, el 27 de enero de 1967 a bordo del Apollo I, como consecuencia de un incendio ocurrido durante la realización de simulaciones de vuelo en Cabo Cañaveral. (Hace 59 años)
En Viena, Austria, y con el objetivo de evaluar a Kruschev, descubrir sus puntos de vista sobre la carrera nuclear y otros asuntos, así como tener una impresión sobre su personalidad, se reúnen por primera vez el presidente estadounidense, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, y el primer dirigente soviético, Nikita Kruschev. Al finalizar el día 4, el encuentro no supondrá ni una victoria ni una derrota sino algo "útil" y "necesario", según las palabras de ambos dirigentes. (Hace 63 años)
Se inaugura en Monte Palomar (California, EEUU) el telescopio más grande del mundo con una abertura de 5 metros. (Hace 76 años)
Durante la II Guerra Mundial, se crea en la ciudad de Argel (Argelia), el Comité Francés de Liberación Nacional, siendo nombrados copresidentes el General Charles De Gaulle y el General Giraud. En la misma fecha del año siguiente, este Comité de Liberación, pasará a llamarse Gobierno Provisional de la República Francesa. (Hace 81 años)
En el transcurso de la II Guerra Mundial, 300 aviones de la Luftwaffe alemana bombardean la ciudad de París. Las bajas civiles se cifran en 900 personas. (Hace 84 años)
El gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América, reconoce a la República de Liberia, establecida en África con esclavos libertos. (Hace 162 años)
Para determinar la distancia existente entre la Tierra y el Sol, en Tahití, el navegante británico James Cook observa y estudia el paso de Venus frente al Sol que se produce este día. (Hace 255 años)
Se funda en Amsterdam (Holanda) la Compañía Privilegiada de las Indias Occidentales, de la marina mercante de los Países Bajos, que se convertirá en un poderoso monopolio comercial, con su capital dividido en acciones que se establecían en Bolsa de Ámsterdam, una de las más antiguas de Europa. Operará entre los siglos XVII y XVIII. (Hace 403 años)
Tras haberse constituido el 25 de enero, hoy se inician los cursos por primera vez en la Real Universidad de México. (Hace 471 años)
Las tropas de la Primera Cruzada, que en la madrugada del 2 al 3 han capturado Antioquía (Turquía) organizan una matanza de toda la población turca que es exterminada, sin perdonar la vida a los ancianos, mujeres o niños que habitan la ciudad. El saqueo y pillaje se extenderá hasta ya entrada la tarde del día siguiente. Con posterioridad, el 5 de noviembre, Antioquía será asignada a Bohemundo de Tarento, entrando a formar parte del Principado de Antioquía, en medio de la oposición de Raimundo IV de Tolosa, que será el único que insistirá en cumplir con el juramento de fidelidad prestado al emperador Alejo I, pero que los otros cruzados se negarán a cumplir, al no haberles prestado el emperador la ayuda prometida durante el asedio de la ciudad. (Hace 926 años)
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aykutiltertr · 5 months
İnsafsız - Mustafa Ceceli & Irmak Arıcı ✩ Ritim Karaoke Orijinal Trafik ...  Ayrıcalıklardan yararlanmak için bu kanala katılın: ( Join this channel to enjoy privileges.) ✩ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqm-5vmc2L6oFZ1vo2Fz3JQ/join Şarkının Orijinal Versiyonunu Linkten Dinleyip Ritim Karaokesiyle Çalışabilirsiniz. ✩ https://youtu.be/2ZOX8ZXkhiM Aykut ilter Ritim Karaoke Kanalıma Abone Olun Beğenip Paylaşın. İnsafsız - Mustafa Ceceli & Irmak Arıcı ✩ Ritim Karaoke Orijinal Trafik (Fantezi - Arabesk) Söz-Müzik: İbrahim Erkal Düzenleme: Mustafa Ceceli Ud,Cümbüş: Ali Yılmaz Yaylılar: İstanbul Strings Klarnet: Aykut Sütoğlu Darbuka, Tef: Erdem Dalkıran Gitar: Mustafa Ceceli Mix/Mastering: Koray Püskül Yapım: Ulus Müzik Prodüktör ve Genel Yönetmen: İskender Ulus Yapımcı: Funda Ulus VP, Dijital Media & Marketing: Alper Ulus Supervisors: Canan Günçer, Sinem Aksoy Türkmen Sosyal Medya Yönetimi: Rebel Zone - Esra Gençkaya & İzmir Medya - Emrah Arslan Radyo İletişim ve PR: Emre Duymaz Kapak Tasarım: Daire Creative Lyric Video: Derin Baysal Bm                          C Sen canımdan da candın Bm                     C Hiç bitmeyecek sandım Bm                          C           Bm Kapıldım bir kere, seyrine sevdanın Am       D#       Bm Nefes bile almadım Em                       D Bir sana yandım ben Em               D Bir sana kitapsız Em                    C Bir sana aldandım Bm         Bir sana insafsız Bm                      C Bu sevda böyle bitmez Bm                     C Yarın düne kâr etmez Bm                          C           Bm İnceden inceye, kavrulur savrulur Am       D#       Bm Gönül sahillerinde Mustafa Ceceli Madde Tartışma Oku Değiştir Kaynağı değiştir Geçmişi gör Araçlar Vikipedi, özgür ansiklopedi Mustafa Ceceli Genel bilgiler Doğum 2 Kasım 1980 (43 yaşında) Ankara, Türkiye Tarzlar Pop Meslekler Şarkıcı · aranjör · albüm yapımcısı Çalgılar Piyano · klavye · bateri · darbuka · gitar · ud · perküsyon Etkin yıllar 2003-günümüz Müzik şirketi DMC • Ceceli İlişkili hareketler Sezen Aksu Resmî site mustafaceceli.com Mustafa Ceceli (d. 2 Kasım 1980, Ankara), Türk şarkıcı, aranjör ve albüm yapımcısıdır. Ceceli, müzik hayatına 2003 yılında başlamasının ardından yaptığı müzik düzenlemeleri büyük beğeni toplamıştır. 2007 yılında Enbe Orkestrası'nın albümünde konuk sanatçı olarak Sezen Aksu'nun Unutamam şarkısını seslendirdi. 2008 yılında Ceceli "Limon Çiçekleri" isimli ilk single çalışmasıyla dinleyiciyle buluştu. Kasım 2009'da kendi adını taşıyan Mustafa Ceceli albümünü yayımladı ve albüm MÜ-YAP'tan altın plak ödülü aldı. Bununla birlikte birçok müzik platformlarda ödüllerle dönmüştür. Sanatçı kendi albüm çalışmalarının yanı sıra aranjörlük işine de devam etmektedir. İkinci stüdyo albümü Es'i ilk olarak dijital müzik platformlarda yayınladı. Albümün ismini taşıyan şarkısı dijital platformlarda tüm zamanların özellikle TTNet Müzik'te 9 milyonluk rakam ile en çok dinlenen ikinci, albümde bulunan "Sevgilim" şarkısı 7 milyon dinlenme oranıyla sekizinci sırada yer almaktadır. Ceceli'nin diskografisinde ayrıca bir derleme ve iki remix albüm bulunmaktadır. Aralık 2014'te üçüncü stüdyo albümü Kalpten'i diskografisine eklemiştir. Sanatçı Lara Fabian ile Ağustos 2014 tarihinde proje single olarak yayınladıkları "Al Götür Beni" şarkısını Mustafa Ceceli yeni albümüne yer vermesi ile Kalpten albümünden çıkan tekli single niteliğini de taşımaktadır. Hayatı ve kariyeri 1980-2002: İlk dönem 2 Kasım 1980’de Çankırılı bir baba ile Romanya göçmeni[1] bir annenin oğlu olarak Ankara’da dünyaya gelen Mustafa Ceceli'nin müziğe olan ilgisi ailesi tarafından çok küçük yaşlarında fark edildi. 6 yaşında piyano ile tanışan Ceceli’ye, almış olduğu 2 yıllık piyano eğitimi sonrası öğretmeni konservatuvar eğitimi almasını önerdi. 8 yaşında TRT'de yayınlanan Köy Doktoru adlı bir dizide 13 bölüm rol aldı.[2] Daha sonra da UNICEF için hazırlanan "Can Suyu" adlı bir filmde oynadı. Lise yıllarında amatör olarak düzenlemeler yapmaya başladı. Üniversite sınavında Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Hekimliği bölümünü kazanan Mustafa Ceceli aynı dönemde arkadaşlarının kurmuş olduğu bir grupta klavye çalmaya başladı, bir taraftan da albüm yapmak isteyen sanatçılara demo kayıtlar hazırladı. Fakültenin 3. yılında tekrar üniversite sınavına girerek Yeditepe Üniversitesi İşletme Bölümü’nü kazandı ve Ankara’daki müzik hayatını noktalayarak İstanbul’a geldi. Irmak Arıcı Madde Tartışma Oku Değiştir Kaynağı değiştir Geçmişi gör Araçlar Vikipedi, özgür ansiklopedi Irmak Arıcı Genel bilgiler Doğum 17 Ekim 1995 (28 yaşında) İzmir, Türkiye Tarzlar Pop Meslekler Şarkıcısöz yazarı Çalgılar Vokal Etkin yıllar 2019-günümüz Müzik şirketi ZulaDMCMahzen Media Irmak Arıcı (d. 17 Ekim 1995, İzmir, Türkiye), Türk şarkıcı ve söz yazarı. "Gece Gibi Gönlün" ve ardından Mustafa Ceceli ile düet yaptığı "Mühür" şarkılarıyla tanınmıştır.[1][2] "Mühür", müzik listelerinde 1. sıraya yerleşmiştir.[3] Diskografi Single'ları Yıl Adı Plak Şirketi Tarih
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rotterdamrental · 6 months
Doeltreffende Tips voor Succesvolle Woningverhuur in Rotterdam: 10 Onmisbare Tips
Welkom in Rotterdam, de levendige stad waar wonen en werken hand in hand gaan. Als u van plan bent om uw woning te verhuren in Rotterdam, is het essentieel om de juiste stappen te zetten om succesvolle verhuur te garanderen. In dit artikel zullen we u voorzien van 10 onmisbare tips die u zullen helpen bij het succesvol verhuren van uw woning in Rotterdam. Of u nu een ervaren verhuurder bent of nieuw bent in de markt, deze tips zullen u helpen uw verhuur avontuur te optimaliseren en uw rendement te maximaliseren.
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Van het bepalen van de juiste huurprijs en het vinden van bekwame huurders tot het opstellen van een waterdicht huurcontract en het onderhouden van goede communicatie, deze tips zullen u begeleiden bij elke stap van het verhuurproces. Bovendien zullen we u ook voorzien van waardevolle suggesties over het inrichten van uw woning en het omgaan met eventuele juridische kwesties.
Rotterdam is een bruisende stad vol kansen op vastgoedgebied. Met deze 10 onmisbare tips bent u klaar om uw woning in Rotterdam te verhuren en succesvol te zijn in de steeds groeiende markt van residentiële verhuur.
Inleiding tot woningverhuur in Rotterdam
Rotterdam staat bekend om zijn diverse en levendige huurmarkt. Of u nu een appartement, een eengezinswoning of een studio wilt verhuren, het is belangrijk om vertrouwd te raken met de lokale huurmarkt. Door het begrijpen van de trends, de vraag en het aanbod, kunt u strategische beslissingen nemen die uw verhuuravontuur ten goede komen.
Om te beginnen, is het handig om te weten welke wijken in Rotterdam het meest in trek zijn bij potentiële huurders. Buurten zoals het stadscentrum, Kralingen, Delfshaven en Hillegersberg-Schiebroek zijn populaire keuzes vanwege hun gunstige ligging en voorzieningen. Door uw woning in een gewilde buurt aan te bieden, vergroot u uw kansen op succesvolle verhuur.
Realistische huurverwachtingen vaststellen
Het bepalen van de juiste huurprijs is een cruciale stap bij het verhuren van uw woning in Rotterdam. Een te hoge huurprijs kan potentiële huurders afschrikken, terwijl een te lage huurprijs uw rendement kan schaden. Het is belangrijk om een balans te vinden tussen een eerlijke huurprijs en een aantrekkelijk rendement.
Er zijn verschillende factoren die de huurprijs van een woning in Rotterdam beïnvloeden, zoals de locatie, de grootte, de staat van onderhoud en de voorzieningen. Het vergelijken van vergelijkbare woningen in de buurt kan u helpen een realistische huurprijs vast te stellen. Daarnaast kunt u ook een professionele taxateur inschakelen om een nauwkeurige schatting te maken.
Voorbereiding en onderhoud van de woning
Voor het verhuren van uw woning is het essentieel om ervoor te zorgen dat deze in goede staat verkeert. Dit omvat niet alleen het uitvoeren van eventuele noodzakelijke reparaties, maar ook het zorgen voor een goede presentatie. Een schone, goed onderhouden woning trekt meer potentiële huurders aan en kan u helpen uw woning sneller te verhuren.
Begin met het inspecteren van uw woning en identificeer eventuele gebreken die moeten worden verholpen. Zorg ervoor dat alle apparaten goed functioneren en dat er geen zichtbare schade is. Daarnaast is het belangrijk om uw woning grondig schoon te maken en eventuele achterstallige onderhoudstaken uit te voeren.
Effectieve marketing- en advertentiestrategieën
Om potentiële huurders aan te trekken, is het belangrijk om effectieve marketing- en advertentiestrategieën te gebruiken. Het plaatsen van een advertentie op online platforms zoals Funda, Pararius en huurwoning.nl is een goede manier om uw woning onder de aandacht te brengen. Zorg ervoor dat uw advertentie aantrekkelijke foto's bevat en de belangrijkste kenmerken van uw woning benadrukt.
Daarnaast kunt u ook overwegen om samen te werken met een professionele verhuurmakelaar. Een ervaren makelaar heeft de kennis en het netwerk om uw woning snel en efficiënt te verhuren. Ze kunnen u ook helpen bij het bepalen van de juiste huurprijs en het vinden van geschikte huurders.
Screening en selectie van huurders
Het screenen en selecteren van huurders is een belangrijke stap om ervoor te zorgen dat u betrouwbare en capabele huurders in uw woning heeft. Dit omvat het uitvoeren van een grondige achtergrondcontrole, het controleren van referenties en het verifiëren van het inkomen van potentiële huurders.
Een van de beste manieren om de kwaliteit van huurders te waarborgen, is door een gedegen selectieproces te volgen. Stel duidelijke criteria op voor potentiële huurders en voer een gestructureerd interview uit om hun geschiktheid te beoordelen. Het is ook raadzaam om een huurderscreeningsbureau in te schakelen om een uitgebreide achtergrondcontrole uit te voeren.
Opstellen van een solide huurovereenkomst
Het opstellen van een waterdichte huurovereenkomst is essentieel om uw belangen als verhuurder te beschermen. Een goed huurcontract bevat alle belangrijke voorwaarden en bepalingen die relevant zijn voor zowel u als uw huurders. Het is belangrijk om alle aspecten van de huurovereenkomst, zoals de huurprijs, de duur van de huurovereenkomst, de opzegtermijn en de verantwoordelijkheden van beide partijen, duidelijk te definiëren.
Het is raadzaam om juridisch advies in te winnen bij het opstellen van een huurovereenkomst. Een ervaren advocaat kan u helpen bij het begrijpen van de lokale wetten en regelgeving met betrekking tot huurcontracten en ervoor zorgen dat uw huurovereenkomst juridisch afdwingbaar is.
Beheer van huurderrelaties en communicatie
Het onderhouden van goede communicatie met uw huurders is essentieel voor een succesvolle verhuurervaring. Zorg ervoor dat u regelmatig contact houdt met uw huurders en dat u snel reageert op eventuele vragen of problemen. Dit bevordert een goede relatie en kan bijdragen aan het behoud van huurders op lange termijn.
Daarnaast is het belangrijk om duidelijke communicatiemiddelen vast te stellen, zoals een telefoonnummer of e-mailadres waar huurders u kunnen bereiken. Overweeg ook het opzetten van een online portal waar huurders documenten kunnen indienen, betalingen kunnen doen en onderhoudsverzoeken kunnen indienen.
Juridische overwegingen en regelgeving in Rotterdam
Als verhuurder in Rotterdam is het belangrijk om op de hoogte te zijn van de lokale wetten en regelgeving met betrekking tot woningverhuur. Dit omvat zaken als huurbescherming, huurprijsregulering en onderhoudsverplichtingen. Het is raadzaam om juridisch advies in te winnen om ervoor te zorgen dat u aan alle wettelijke vereisten voldoet.
Daarnaast moet u ook op de hoogte zijn van de rechten en plichten van zowel u als uw huurders. Dit omvat zaken als het recht op privacy, het recht op onderhoud en het recht op een veilige leefomgeving. Door op de hoogte te zijn van de juridische aspecten van woningverhuur, kunt u mogelijke geschillen voorkomen.
Conclusie en laatste tips voor succesvolle woningverhuur in Rotterdam
Het verhuren van uw woning in Rotterdam kan een lucratieve onderneming zijn, mits u de juiste stappen neemt. Door de tips in dit artikel te volgen, kunt u uw kansen op succes vergroten en ervoor zorgen dat uw verhuuravontuur soepel verloopt.
Onthoud dat het belangrijk is om realistische huurverwachtingen vast te stellen, uw woning goed voor te bereiden en effectieve marketingstrategieën toe te passen. Daarnaast is het essentieel om zorgvuldig huurders te screenen, een solide huurovereenkomst op te stellen en goede communicatie met uw huurders te onderhouden. Vergeet ook niet om op de hoogte te zijn van de juridische overwegingen en regelgeving in Rotterdam.
Met de juiste aanpak en een goede dosis inzet kunt u succesvol zijn in de woningverhuurmarkt van Rotterdam. Veel succes met uw verhuuravontuur!
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The Power of Backlinks
In the vast landscape of digital marketing, backlinks stand as pillars of authority, guiding the flow of traffic and boosting the visibility of websites across the internet. Understanding how to acquire backlinks effectively can significantly enhance the online presence of any site. In this guide, we delve into the intricate art of obtaining backlinks, exploring strategies, tactics, and best practices to elevate your website's SEO prowess.
1. Crafting Quality Content: The Foundation of Backlink Acquisition
Creating Compelling Content That Earns Links
Crafting compelling, informative, and engaging content is the cornerstone of any successful backlink strategy. High-quality content naturally attracts attention from other websites, increasing the likelihood of earning valuable backlinks. Focus on producing content that adds value to your target audience, addressing their needs, concerns, and interests.
Utilizing Visual Assets to Enhance Linkability
Incorporating visual assets such as infographics, videos, and interactive tools can significantly enhance the linkability of your content. Visual elements not only make your content more appealing but also increase its shareability across various platforms, enticing other websites to link back to your site.
2. Leveraging Outreach and Relationship Building
Engaging in Strategic Outreach Campaigns
Proactive outreach to relevant websites and influencers within your niche can yield fruitful backlink opportunities. Personalized outreach emails, guest blogging offers, and collaboration proposals can help establish mutually beneficial relationships, leading to valuable backlinks from authoritative sources.
Networking and Building Relationships within Your Industry
Building a robust network within your industry is essential for acquiring backlinks organically. Engage in online communities, forums, and social media platforms frequented by industry professionals. Participate in discussions, offer valuable insights, and establish yourself as a reputable authority, thereby increasing the likelihood of receiving backlinks from credible sources.
3. Harnessing the Power of Content Syndication and Aggregation
Syndicating Content Across Relevant Platforms
Syndicating your content across reputable platforms and content aggregators can amplify its reach and increase its chances of attracting backlinks. Submit your articles, blog posts, and press releases to content syndication networks, ensuring that your content reaches a wider audience and garners attention from potential backlink sources.
Submitting to Industry Directories and Resource Pages
Submitting your website to industry-specific directories and resource pages is an effective way to acquire backlinks from authoritative sources within your niche. Research and identify reputable directories and resource pages relevant to your industry, ensuring that your website is listed prominently, thus increasing its visibility and credibility.
4. Monitoring and Capitalizing on Unlinked Mentions
Tracking Brand Mentions and Unlinked References
Regularly monitor online mentions of your brand, products, or services using tools like Google Alerts or Mention. Identify instances where your brand is mentioned but not linked back to your website. Reach out to the respective website owners or content creators, politely requesting them to add a backlink to your site, thereby harnessing the full SEO potential of these mentions.
5. Embracing the Power of Social Proof and Testimonials
Leveraging Social Proof and Testimonials
Harness the power of social proof by soliciting testimonials and reviews from satisfied customers, clients, or industry experts. Display these testimonials prominently on your website, especially on high-traffic pages. Websites featuring your testimonials may often include backlinks to your site, enhancing its credibility and authority in the eyes of both users and search engines.
Mastering the art of acquiring backlinks is fundamental to achieving sustained success in the realm of SEO. By crafting quality content, fostering relationships within your industry, leveraging content syndication, monitoring unlinked mentions, and embracing social proof, you can establish a robust backlink profile that elevates your website's visibility and authority. Implement these strategies diligently, and watch as your website ascends the ranks of search engine results, driving organic traffic and fostering long-term growth.
Q1: What are the benefits of acquiring backlinks?
A1: Backlinks serve as endorsements from other websites, signaling to search engines the credibility and authority of your site. They enhance your website's visibility, improve its search engine rankings, and drive organic traffic.
Q2: Are all backlinks created equal?
A2: No, not all backlinks hold the same value. Backlinks from authoritative, relevant websites carry more weight in terms of SEO benefits compared to those from low-quality or unrelated sites.
Q3: Is it possible to acquire too many backlinks?
A3: While a diverse backlink profile is beneficial, acquiring an excessive number of backlinks from low-quality or spammy websites can harm your site's SEO performance. Focus on quality over quantity when acquiring backlinks to ensure long-term success.
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noragaur · 7 months
Balancing the Technicals & Fundamentals in Investing with Mr. Vivek Mashrani
Join Mr. Vivek Mashrani in this engaging course as he unveils the art of Tecno-Funda investing - a fusion of technical and fundamental analysis that can revolutionize your approach to investment. This course goes beyond the conventional methods, teaching you the power of patterns and analysis, optimal entry points identification, navigation in investments, and a deeper understanding of the market. Get ready to enhance your investing skills and unleash your inner investing guru under the guidance of an industry expert with a wealth of experience in both Technical and Fundamental analysis. Let Mr. Vivek Mashrani empower you with the right financial insights to make informed investment decisions and elevate your investment game to new heights.
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sonyclasica · 7 months
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Eleva tu experiencia SF 6 con la Banda Sonora Original de Street Fighter 6 Edición Coleccionista en Vinilo. Sumérgete en ritmos palpitantes en cuatro discos transparentes de 180 g, con 180 minutos de música. Disponible el 23 de febrero.
Resérvalo AQUÍ
Esta excepcional colección incluye los mejores temas de la banda sonora original de Street Fighter 6, incluyendo el épico tema principal y temas específicos de los personajes que definen el universo Street Fighter.
Este conjunto de ensueño para coleccionistas viene en una caja premium, con cada LP en su propia funda. Este set incluye un libro de arte visualmente cautivador con ilustraciones de los personajes, exclusivas del libro de 24 páginas, que destacan a los 18 personajes iniciales de SF6. Una exclusiva alfombrilla para el tocadiscos con un diseño de zoótropos de Drew Tetz y un paquete de pegatinas con seis diseños exclusivos de Street Fighter completan el contenido.
Esta obra maestra de edición limitada, perfecta para los fans de élite de Street Fighter, es una pieza imprescindible de la historia de los videojuegos.
Yoshiya Terayama
La banda sonora de Street Fighter 6, influenciada por el hip-hop, está compuesta por Yoshiya Terayama y el grupo CAP-JAMS. Entre los colaboradores se encuentran GRP, Shigeyuki Kameda, Daniel K. Solovitz, Chris B. Harris, Yasumasa Kitagawa, The Sound Room, Haruki Yamada y Katsuhisa Asari.
La carrera de Terayama tomó vuelo con el lanzamiento en 2016 de Monster: Hunt Stories para Nintendo, pero es conocido por su trabajo en Street Fighter 6. Terayama también ha trabajado en Devil May Cry 5 y Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition (2020). Con créditos en seis juegos y una reputación cada vez mayor, Terayama se erige como una estrella emergente en el mundo de la música de videojuegos.
Contenido del Set:
1.    Not On The Sidelines - Street Fighter 6 Main Theme
2.    Reinvent the Game - Variation A
3.    Fighting Ground - Menu
4.    Fighting Ground - Menu Composure Remix
5.    Fighting Ground - Menu Burning Remix
6.    Genbu Temple - Stage Battle
7.    Down & Out - Extreme Battle
8.    Back & Forth - Extreme Battle
9.    Rules & Regulations - Extreme Battle
10.  Heaven & Hell - Extreme Battle
11.  Smash & Grab - Extreme Battle
12.  Normal Battle - Extreme Battle
1.    World Tour - Menu Hit The Streets
2.    Body Shop
3.    World Tour - Tutorial
4.    Metro City (Day)
5.    Metro City Downtown - Stage Battle
6.    One and Only
7.    All Over the World
8.    Colliding Forces - Bosch's Theme
1.    Taking Aim - Luke's Theme
2.    Mr. Top Player - Jamie's Theme
3.    Walk With Grace - Manon's Theme
4.    Ninjastar Pop - Kimberly's Theme
5.    Bushin Ninjastar Cypher - Kimberly's Super Art
6.    Pankration - Marisa's Theme
7.    Diosa Del Sol - Lily's Theme
1.    The Plunderer - JP's Theme
2.    ÅrachniD** - Juri's Theme
3.    All Right! - Dee Jay's Theme
4.    R.E.D. - Zangief's Theme
5.    Kumadori - E. Honda's Theme
6.    zilra zilra - Blanka's Theme
1.    Viator - Ryu's Theme
2.    Sharpened Sonic - Guile's Theme
3.    OverTrip - Cammy's Theme
4.    Spirit Of The Flame - Ken's Theme
5.    Not A Little Girl - Chun-Li's Theme
6.    The Great Sunlight - Dhalsim's Theme
7.    Training Room - Stage Battle
1.    Battle Hub
2.    Battle Hub - Stage Battle
3.    Carrier Byron Taylor - Stage Battle
4.    Ranger's Hut - Stage Battle
5.    Barmaley Steelworks - Stage Battle
1.    Bathers Beach - Stage Battle
2.    Dhalsimer Temple - Stage Battle
3.    Old Town Market - Stage Battle
4.    King Street - Stage Battle
5.    Tian Hong Yuan - Stage Battle
6.    Thunderfoot Settlement - Stage Battle
1.    Fête Foraine - Stage Battle
2.    Colosseo - Stage Battle
3.    The Macho Ring - Stage Battle
4.    Suval'hal Arena - Stage Battle
5.    Bushin Ninjastar Cypher - Instrumental
6.    Not On The Sidelines - Instrumental
7.    Reinvent the Game - Instrumental
8.    All Over the World – Instrumental
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onlyalperend · 7 months
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Ashes — Erdem Tepegöz
February 12, 2024
That hunk in the romance novel you’re reading — what if he was real and ready to mingle? That’s the entertaining and confident premise of Ashes, the newest film from experienced Turkish director Erdem Tepegöz. A pretty, married woman reads a smutty book and scopes out the patisserie where the hot lead — he even has a neck tattoo! — in the spicy book spends his time when he’s not in his carpentry shop. The book’s mysterious author promises that “M” changes the lives of everyone he touches. The shop is real and she, Gökçe (Funda Eryigit), quickly finds out that the book blurs fiction and reality. Her book boyfriend becomes her illicit (and explicit) amour fou in an affair she doesn’t even bother to cover up. Metin Ali (Alperen Duymaz) is the “real” person behind “M” found in Kül (or Ashes), the book in question having been written by a former lover. But what begins as a thrilling romance between Gökçe and Metin morphs into a mystery as Gökçe’s husband, Kenan (Mehmet Günsür), who runs a publishing house where his wife weeds out the literary chaff, becomes suspicious.
The script, courtesy of Erdi Isik, walks on thin ice. A lot could have gone wrong quite quickly here — particularly by tiptoeing in embarrassment around the film’s inherent connection to sensual romance novels usually marketed at and consumed by women — and stereotypically, by women in monogamous heterosexual relationships — but Ashes has enough confidence and sincerity to stave off any such concerns. The samples we overhear from Kül are not that spicy in all honesty, and the erotica crowd would probably shrill at the label being applied here, but Gökçe’s reaction to the book (and especially its sex scenes) reasonably reflects the conventional image of a woman sneakily devouring spicy books in a self-made labyrinth of secrecy. To that end, Ashes mostly embraces the sexy appeal of what it is, albeit within the constraints of the Turkish Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK)’s conservative standards. In fact, it wouldn’t surprise at all if it later comes out that Ashes pushed the limits of the censors with its BDSM-light scenes featuring both whipping and choking.
Tepegöz and grizzled veteran cinematographer Hayk Kirakosyan both compel as visual stylists. In addition to being a well-accomplished feature director, Tepegöz also has a graduate-level academic background in visual anthropology. This academic expertise, combined with his personal interest in photography, primes him to excavate meaning in his images. Take, for instance, the red glow that all but screams “danger” and highlights the faces of the forbidden lovers during their first kiss in the film’s most romantic moment. This simple scene contains layers of complicated romance, sex, danger, and judgment; the latter comes across only via cinematography as Gökçe carries little guilt, and the filmmakers return with frequency to the reflective imagery of mirrors and the refraction of faces gazing into them from certain angles (or when broken) — the sheer number of mirrors in the film had to overwhelm the production designer. But for the viewer, it never overwhelms or tires, with the film’s hyper-focus on the line between fiction and reality earning the symbolism.
Some will certainly complain that Ashes is too twisty, a complaint that this critic doesn’t disagree with in principal. The film’s final 15 minutes tugs the viewer in one direction, but as soon as it gets them on board, it quickly pivots and moves in a new direction at almost dizzying speed; but in fairness, Isik telegraphs this arc from the beginning if one listens closely enough. Ending and all, then, Ashes arrives as a strong, savvy effort, and Netflix executives can only blame themselves when it comes and goes in the blink of an eye, even in the linguistic and regional industry it targets. Of course, it’s not surprising that Netflix didn’t market or back a film like this in any meaningful way, but in this environment, one may as well be grateful Ashes didn’t end up being a corporate tax break.
DIRECTOR: Erdem Tepegöz;  CAST: Alperen Duymaz, Funda Eryigit, Mehmet Günsür;  DISTRIBUTOR: Netflix;  STREAMING: February 9;  RUNTIME: 1 hr. 40 min.
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rafiq-mia · 4 months
What is YouTube Video SEO?
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YouTube Video SEO (Search Engine Optimization) refers to the process of optimizing your videos to rank higher in YouTube's search results and increase visibility to your target audience. Just like traditional SEO for websites, YouTube SEO involves various strategies and techniques to improve the visibility and ranking of your videos on YouTube.
Here are some key aspects of YouTube Video SEO:
1. **Keyword Research**: Identifying the right keywords and phrases that your target audience is searching for on YouTube is crucial. You can use tools like Google Keyword Planner, YouTube Autocomplete, or third-party tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs to find relevant keywords.
2. **Optimized Titles and Descriptions**: Crafting descriptive, keyword-rich titles and detailed descriptions for your videos can improve their visibility in search results. Include your target keywords naturally in both the title and description while providing valuable information about the content of your video.
3. **Tags and Categories**: Adding relevant tags and selecting appropriate categories for your videos helps YouTube understand the context and content of your video, which can improve its visibility in search and related video recommendations.
4. **Engagement Metrics**: YouTube considers various engagement metrics like watch time, likes, comments, shares, and subscriber count when ranking videos. Encouraging audience engagement through compelling content and calls to action can positively impact your video's ranking.
5. **Optimized Thumbnails**: Eye-catching thumbnails can increase click-through rates and attract more viewers to your videos. Make sure your thumbnails are visually appealing, relevant to the video content, and accurately represent what viewers can expect.
6. **Video Length and Quality**: Longer videos tend to perform better in YouTube's algorithm, provided they maintain viewer interest and engagement throughout. However, prioritize quality over length, and ensure your videos are well-produced, clear, and engaging.
7. **Annotations and Cards**: Utilize YouTube's annotation and card features to add interactive elements to your videos, directing viewers to other relevant content on your channel or external links.
8. **Channel Optimization**: Optimizing your YouTube channel as a whole, including your channel description, branding, and playlists, can improve the overall visibility and discoverability of your videos.
9. **Promotion and Distribution**: Promote your videos across various channels and platforms, including social media, email newsletters, and your website, to increase their reach and engagement.
By implementing these YouTube Video SEO strategies, you can improve the visibility, ranking, and overall performance of your videos on the platform.
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barcadlyservices · 10 months
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pazaryerigundem · 5 months
Eylül’deki fuarın yüzde 85’i şimdiden doldu
Eylül’deki fuarın yüzde 85’i şimdiden doldu
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Firmaların aylar öncesinden yerini aldığı Zuchex 2024’e 1.200 markanın katılımı bekleniyor. Fuarda bu yıl, Çin ve Mısır pavilyonları da olacak.
İSTANBUL (İGFA) – Informa Markets tarafından, Züccaciyeciler Derneği ZÜCDER işbirliğinde 34.’sü gerçekleştirilecek olan Uluslararası Ev ve Mutfak Eşyaları Fuarı Zuchex, yurt içi ve yurt dışındaki sektör firmalarından yoğun ilgi görüyor. Başlamasına aylar kala büyük bölümü dolan Zuchex’te, sofra ve mutfak eşyalarından pişirme ekipmanlarına, plastik ev eşyalarından elektrikli ev aletlerine kadar binlerce tasarım bir arada sergilenecek. Ayrıca bu yılki Zuchex’te Bahçe Mobilyası, Ev Tekstili ve Dekorasyon ürünlerine yönelik özel alanlar da oluşturuldu. Böylece, özellikle bu ürün gruplarına ilgi duyan daha çok sayıda sektör profesyonelinin fuarı takip etmesi bekleniyor.
  150’den fazla ülkeden 45 bin profesyonelin ziyaret etmesi hedeflenen Zuchex 2024, aralarında ev ve mutfak eşyaları endüstrisinin dünya markalarının da olduğu sektör firmalarından yoğun talep görüyor. 1.200 markanın katılımı beklenen fuara, Türkiye’nin yanı sıra Porkekiz, Almanya, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri, Endonezya, Tunus, Fas ve Ürdün’den firmalar da yerlerini aldı. Zuchex 2024’deki stant alanların yüzde 85’lik bölümünün şimdiden dolduğu bilgisini paylaşan Fuar Direktörü Funda Kunduz, bu ilginin altındaki temel nedenin, fuarın ticaret gücü olduğunu vurguladı. Düzenlendiği her yıl Türkiye Ev ve Mutfak Eşyaları sektörünün ihracatına doğrudan katkı sağladıklarını belirten Kunduz, “19 – 22 Eylül tarihlerindeki 34’üncü buluşmada, ortalama 2 milyar dolarlık bir ticarete ev sahipliği yapacağımızı öngörüyoruz” dedi.
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Zuchex 2024’te; cam, porselen, seramik ve melamin sofra takımları ile mutfak eşyalarından çatal & bıçak setlerine, tencere ve tavalardan çelik, granit ve emaye pişirme ekipmalarına, plastik mutfak gereçlerinden saklama kapları ve organizerlere, fırınlardan ısıtıcı ve soğutucular gibi farklı bir çok elektrikli ev aletlerine uzanan binlerce tasarım bir arada sergilenecek. Fuarda bu yıl dekorasyon ürünleri, bahçe mobilyaları ve ev tekstil ürünlerine yönelik özel bölümler de olacak.
Profesyonel satın alma heyetleri, zincir mağazalar, e-ticaret firmaları, bağımsız perakendeciler, toptancılar, bayi ve distribütörler, HORECA sektör temsilcileri, catering ve organizasyon şirketleri, kurumsal hediyelik eşya firmaları ile uluslararası ticaret firmalarının sektördeki tüm yenilikleri bir arada görebileceği Zuchex’in online ziyaretçi kayıtları devam ediyor.
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