#Mary Jo Greco
elrics-inferno · 4 years
Welcome to Elric’s Inferno!
This blog is for analyzing the influences that make up the world and story of Fullmetal Alchemist by Hiromu Arakawa, although it won’t be by the gram. I don’t have access to the manga, so all analyses will be done on Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.
This blog will cover influences including:
Dante’s Inferno
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
WWII and Holocaust History
Biblical Influences/References
Alchemical Tradition
Persian and Greco-Roman History
And other miscellaneous posts (and just random trash I feel like spewing)!
This blog is purely for my own educational purposes and out of my love for the series, so please be kind. I am always open to constructive criticism, learning new things, and having discussions, but I won’t tolerate or interact with hate. Everything here is simply my own opinion and interpretation of the series. I will always cite my sources.
As for me: Hi, I’m Jo (she/her)! I’m a ~huge~ Riza stan, and my favorite FMAB ship is Royai. I’m a huge fan of Western animated series like Tales of Arcadia and BBC shows. I’m a reader, and I love creative writing! Talk to me about pretty much anything.
Thank you for being here! I hope you at least stay for grandma’s stew.
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mudaship39 · 4 years
Alpha Centurion War:
“The reason Scenario 1 was written all started with the combined assault lead by Alex/Lexi, Jo, & Lori on the Forces of Evil, their leaders, their allies, their generals, their lieutenants, & their reinforcements,” said Cobalt Crow (Jonathan Ruslo). The twelve leaders of the Forces of Evil were the eight aliens (with each eight each having the power of Brainiac, Doomsday, Imperiex Prime, Darkseid, Starro, Mongul, & Trigon of DC comics combined), the demonic leader the Devil Lord and Demon General (as powerful as Trigon, Nekron, & Dormammu combined), the evil sorcerer (as powerful as Scarlet Witch, John Constantine, Doctor Fate, Dark Raven, Giovanni Zatara, & Doctor Strange combined), & Greco Roman Titan leaders (the Greek Titan Cronus and the Roman Titan Saturn). The eight generals of the Forces of Evil were like Siren (Hila the sister of Queen Mera), Desaad, Queen Bee (Zazzala of the Hive), Heracles, Steppenwolf, Mongal (the daughter of Mongul), Kalibak, & Granny Goodness of DC comics. The seventeen lieutenants of the Forces of Evil were like Grail the Godkiller, Lashina, Mad Harriet, Knockout, Precious, Gilotina, Bernadeth, Stompa, Artemiz, K’li, Speed Queen, Malice Vundabar, Bloody Mary, Wunda, Sweet Leilani of the Female Furies), and Scandal Savage, & Liana Kerzner of DC Comics. The Forces of Evil being an intergalactic supervillain alliance and a cosmic super villain organization are like the Fearsome Five, Villainy Inc., the Legion of Supervillains, the Injustice Society, the Legion of Doom, Hive, Injustice League, the Brotherhood of Evil, the Secret Society of Supervillains, & the Fatal Five of DC comics combined. The reinforcements of the Forces of Evil called the Horde Army are like the Zerg Swarm,  Diablo demons,  Starro drones, Fallout 4 ghouls, Brainiac probes, the Greco Roman gods undead Greek Spartan and undead Roman Centurion soldiers, Fallout 3 Super mutants, Star Wars Yuuzhan Vong, Imperiex clones of Imperiex Prime, Star Trek Borg, Halo Promethean Knights, Darkseid's parademons, Halo Flood, Resident Evil zombies, & Trigon’s demons and archdemons combined. Victims of the Forces of Evil after they die are then converted, mind controlled, assimilated, or infested into new Horde Army soldiers. Ruby Raven (Jessica Croft) said, “With Mack/Macy, Lori, & Jo commanding us we the Superhero, Antihero, & Supervillain Legionnaire United Strikeforce (imagine the Teen Titans, X-Men, Checkmate, Avengers, the Doom Patrol, Shield, Argus, Young Avengers, the Teen Titans, Legion of Superheroes, the Suicide Squad, the Justice Society of America, the D.E.O, Young Justice League, Agency, Outsiders, Team 7, the LEGION, & the Justice League combined) that was an alliance between the Elites, Paragons, & Sentinels took the fight directly to them.” “The Battle of the Vega System and the Battle of the Sol System happened at the same time in the surprise two-pronged assault orchestrated by Alex/Lexi and Lori to fight against the Forces of Evil, their leaders, their generals, their lieutenants, their allies, & their reinforcements to liberate the planets, solar systems, & the galaxies from their colonialism and imperialism and to deny them the universe, multiverse, & omniverse and save them from their neocolonialism, apartheid, & occupation.” “It was a two pronged attack coordinated and orchestrated by Lori and Alex/Lexi that was a surprise assault to fight our enemies while simultaneously rescuing Dean Lucas Chambers and Mason Owen Jones from our enemies the Forces of Evil the supervillain organization and supervillain alliance (imagine the Legion of Doom, the Brotherhood of Evil, the Legion of Supervillains, the Fearsome Five, Injustice Society, Villainy Inc, Injustice League, the Forces of Evil, the Secret Society of Supervillains, & the Hive combined),” Seo-Jun Jeong said. “Lori led the Sentinels (a black ops and spec ops superhero team with enough metahuman and superhuman members to defend the Andromeda Galaxy, Milky Way Galaxy, & Xeno Galaxy) where we denied them the galaxy in the Battle of the Vega System,” Tiffany said. “Meanwhile Alex/Lexi led the Elites (a superhero team with enough metahuman and superhuman members to defend the planet Earth) and the Paragons (a superhero team with enough metahuman and superhuman members to defend the Sol Star System, Vega Star System, & Polaris System) where we denied them the galaxy in the Battle of the Sol System,” said Jason Fujioka. The Battles of Earth was where Alexander/Alexandria first met their future alien wives Empress Ohoi Nessars, Loran, & Hleor. They were all distraught and distressed when Alexander/Alexandria suddenly disappeared after the Battle of the Andromeda and the Battle of the Milky Way Galaxy. “They built a monument of all of us who fought in the Battle of the Vega System on Streapheus. “All of those who fought in the Battle of the Vega System were given the Nova Cross Cross the Former King and Queen of Streapheus who are the parents of one of your wives Empress Kulax Kojir, her younger sister your ex Queen Keondr Kojir, & her younger brother Prince Squr’quels.” “All of us who fought in the Battle of Sol System were given the Earth Medal of Honor by the President of the Earth.” “They built a monument of all of us who fought in the Battle of the Sol System on Earth in Neo Washington D.C, on the terraformed colonized moon, on terraformed colonized Venus, on terraformed colonized Mercury, on terraformed colonized Titan, on terraformed colonized Neptune, on terraformed colonized Mars, & on terraformed colonized Triton.”  “But together Alex/Lexi, Jo, & Lori they lead every one of us including the Exiles, Outcasts, Primals, Apex, Vigilants, Paramounts, Wildcards, Alpha, Ironclad, & Centurion who made up the Elites and the Omega, Cosmic Celestials, Primordials, Illusionists, Silver Sentinels, Iron Inquisitors, Titanium Templars, & Rangers who made up the Paragons under their command to victory against the Forces of Evil, their generals, their lieutenants, their allies, & reinforcements who were all united by the twelve leaders of the Forces of Evil in a last ditch plan to stop Lori and Alex/Lexi in the greatest battle of our lives, the Battle of the Andromeda Galaxy that was aptly named because it consumed both galaxies in intergalactic warfare.” The Battle of the Sol System and the Battles of the Vega System Battle is where Alexander/Alexandria their future alien concubines and lovers Ollas, Falder, Kir’els, Litux, Scir’uil, & Melmih and had their first fight with him/her/them when they challenged him/her/them in combat. “Jo, Lori, & Alex/Lexi all led the Coalition of Heroes (that became the Superhero, Antihero, & Supervillain United Legionnaire Strikeforce) against the Forces of Evil (imagine the Fearsome Five, Villainy Inc., the Legion of Supervillains, the Injustice Society, the Legion of Doom, Hive, Injustice League, the Brotherhood of Evil, Villainy Inc, the Secret Society of Supervillains, & the Fatal Five combined) who were all united by the leaders, generals, & lieutenants of the Forces of Evil in a last ditch plan to stop Jo, Alex/Lexi, & Lori in the greatest battle of our lives on the Forces of Evil Base (a mobile giant planet and mobile giant space fortress) to free the planet, the solar system, & the galaxy from them and deny them the universe, & the multiverse in the Battle of the Andromeda Galaxy and the Battle of the Milky Way Galaxy.”
The Forces of Evil was a cosmic nefarious alliance and wicked stellar organization of supervillains. Imagine a despicable intergalactic alliance between all of the enemies of the Titans, the DEO, the Young Justice League, Argus, & the Justice Society of America, Team 7, Legion of Superheroes, Checkmate, the Suicide Squad, the Doom Patrol, & the Justice League such as the Sons of Trigon (Trigon’s evil half demon children and Dark Raven’s siblings), Clock King, Overload, Chemo, Plasmus, Cinderblock, Terror Titans, Zookeeper, Puppeteer, Doctor Light (Arthur Light), Two Face (Harvey Dent), Mister Twister, Arsenal (Garfield’s uncle who murdered his parents to steal Garfield’s inheritance), Titans East, Harvest, Ding Dong Daddy, Captain Calamity, Tartarus, Haze, Dark Nemesis, Hybrid, Behemoth, Ternion Prime (a monstrous fusion of Chemo, Plasmus, Cinderblock, & Overload), Hangmen, Arthur Hall, Hallucinatra, Indigo (Brainiac 8), Shimmer, the Reach (enemies of the Green Lantern Corps controlled by Reach Scarabs like the ones Blue Beetle (Jamie Reyes) have), Wildebeest Society, Brainiac, Titans Tomorrow, Copperhead, Dreadbolt, Elephant Man, Enigma (daughter of the Riddler), Harpi, Goldilocks, Duela Dent (Joker’s daughter), Fog, Gemini (daughter of Brotherhood of Evil member Madame Rouge, Mother Mae-Eye, Fisherman, The Insiders, Gorgon, Prometheus, Black Spider, Goth, King Lycus (son of Ares), Bolt, Headcase, Psimon, the cult the Children of the Sun, Houngan, Eclipso, Mister Atom, Queen Clea, Ibec, Weeper, Shade, King Kull, Professor Menace, Gateway Mastermind, The Weapons Mastermind, Professor Ivo, Saturna, Nowhere, Firebug, Starro (a planet conquering warlord), Heatstroke, Simon Magnus, Kanjar Ro, The Maestro, Spaceman X, Crime Champions, Shark, Headmaster Mind, Super-Duper, Alien-Ator, The Key, Warlock of YS, the Unimaginable, Anti-Matter Man, Royal Flush Gang, Commander Blanx, Aquarius, Jest-Master, Funky Flashman, Starbreaker, Nebula Man, Morgaine le Fey, Libra, Anti-Justice League, The Equalizer, Cary Bates, Kobra, Super Foes, The Construct, Menagerie Man, Asmodel, Magog, Gog, Bedlam, Magedonn, Anathema, Lady Zand, Peraxxus, The Macrolatts, Luck League, Fiend With Five Faces, Siren, Anton Allegro, Garn Daanuth, Maximus Rex, Paragon, Fiatlux, Hellrazer, The Marshal, The Cadre, Gray Man, Manga Khan, Norch Lor, Kraad the Conqueror, Hector Hammond, Matter Master, Doctor Destiny, Amos Fortune, Qwsp, Appelaxians, Demons Three, Sonar, Felix Faux, Zedd Brann, Sayyar, Hyathis, Kite-Man, White Monster, Kardiak, Ultra-Humanite, Funhouse Aliens, Bug, Atlas, Darkseid, the Mechanic, Adonis, Double-Double-X, Saico-Tek, Amazo, Imperiex, Gray Lady, Harm, The Veil, H’San Natall, Holocaust, Icicle Senior, Neutron, Felix Faust, Harm, Intergang, Parasite, Wizard, Blackbriar Thorn, Mad Mod, Wontan, Count Vertigo, Atomic Skull, Black Adam, Terror Twins, The Wizard, Per Degaton, Hugo Strange, Clayface, Riddler, Devastation, Andre LeBlanc, Pterodon, Anansi, Hypothetical Army, Void Hound, Eve, Aftermath, Crucifer, Fernus, Red King, Axis Amerika, Lady Zand, Cold Warriors (Mister Freeze, Captain Cold, & Killer Frost), Calculator, Trickster, Coldsnap, Gamemnae, Anathema, Baron Agua Sin Gaaz, Aryan Nation, Dante, Queen Bee (Zazzala), Icicle Junior, Blockbuster, T.O Morrow, the siblings of robot Red Tornado (Red Torpedo, Red Volcano, & Red Inferno), Brick, Red Panzer (enemy of Wonder Woman), Antithesis, Kitten, Control Freak, Byte, Chun Yull, Angle Man, Bane, Kobra, Mr. Mxyzptlk, Johnny Rancid, Master of Games, Toyman (Winslow Schott), Killer Moth, Touch n’ go, Scirocco, Trigon, Superman Robot, Despero, L-Ron, immortal Vandal Savage, Night, Titans of Myth, Shimmer, Warp, Siren, Katarou, Shrieker, the Joker, Shortcut, Fang, Serpenteen, Kestrel, Wonderdog (thought of to be the lovable pet of the Harris twins but he was actually the monstrous minion of Wondergirl’s nephew Lyctus), Amazo, Kid Crusader, Lady Vic, Disruptor, Church of Blood led by Brother Blood, Lobo, Teekl (the familiar of Klarion the Witch Boy), Match (clone of Superboy of this Earth), Trident, Superman-Prime (Superboy-Prime), General Wade Eiling, Maxwell Lord, Biomax (Jack Spheer), Cyborg Superman (Hank Henshaw), Lord Chaos, Persuader, & so many others combined.
       “It was after the Battles of Earth when the Forces of Evil invaded to conquer the universe, multiverse, & omniverse.” “They invaded after learning that the aliens and humans of the universe, multiverse, & omniverse and the metahumans and superhumans of the planets, star systems, & galaxies betrayed Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith when they killed him/her/them after the Elites and Paragons vs Sentinels War.” “They murdered him/her/them when they started to fear his/her/their potential power, supremacy, influence, & control.”“They killed him by sending a monster made out of adamant or adamantine, adamantite, & mithril born out of aether, nether, celestial magic, arcane magic, divine magic, & esoteric magic.” “The Forces of Evil upon learning that the planets, star systems, & galaxies had lost their greatest vanguard and defender decided to come and subjugate the planets, star systems, & galaxies.” “When it seemed all hope was lost.” “When millions of lives were killed, billions of lives were enslaved, & trillions of lives came home with mental illnesses.” “The universe banded together to bring back the Cardinal Changeling or the Scarlet Shapeshifter back to life with a power totem.” “We won the mission with the help of our many undercover metahuman and superhuman spies, double agents, & sleeper agents.” “The generals, lieutenants, allies, & reinforcements of the Forces of Evil had all united with the Forces of Evil led by twelve leaders of the Forces of Evil in their last ditch plan to defeat Lori and Alex/Lexi. So the Elites, Paragons, & Sentinels all led by Jo, Lori, & Alex/Lexi all took the fight to them and saved our entire multiverse.” Standing inside the hanger bay gearing up for the assault on the base and ready to enter the breaching pods/torpedoes (ship to ship pod, torpedo, or missile used to deliver individual soldiers wearing combat armor while inside power armor or individual pilots wearing combat skins while piloting mechs by penetrating or boring through the enemy hull) and drop ships (to carry many soldiers wearing combat armor while inside power armor or individual pilots wearing combat skins while piloting mechs, battle walkers, or walking tanks) were the founding fifty member of the Elites and two hundred founding members of the Paragons.” “This isn’t my first time going to war as a former child soldier,” said Cardinal Changeling (Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith a Japanese, Colombian, Polynesian Hawaiian and Tongan Indigenous Pasifika person of color). Scarlet Shapeshifter (Alexander Smith/Alexandria Smith), said, “Go in with a reason why to come back home.” “Prepare for orbital drops to that mobile space fortress and mobile giant planet ETA 20 minutes!” Queen Diona Artemis Megalos said, “Time to lock and load ladies and gentlemen!” Kulax Kojir-Smith, “Whatever happens, remember here is where we make our last stand, this is where we free the planets, star systems, & galaxies form their colonialism and imperialism and deny them the galaxy, the universe, & the multiverse from their neocolonialism and occupation!” Crimson Changeling put on their combat armor. They then entered their power armor. “Welcome back pilot we missed you,” said the power armor’s male, female, nonbinary, & genderfluid smart super advanced AIs, “running diagnostics, all systems nominal, all green.” The power armor’s HUD appeared showing the levels of the suits shield and armor plating levels as well as their weapons and their weapons ammo. They were being transported by shuttles, drop ships, light shuttles, corvettes, escorts, cruisers, light carriers, escort carriers, cargo ships, repurposed freighters, blockade runners, q-ships, & troopships. Most of them safely on the mobile giant fortress and mobile giant planet but some of them were shot down by the mobile giant fortress and mobile giant planets orbital offenses. The mobile giant planet was currently being bombarded with the allies of the Elites, Paragons, & Sentinels who were intergalactic space naval armadas and being boarded and raided by cosmic armies of metahuman and superhuman soldiers in combat armor that were piloting Mars or Ares mech suits, Cerberus walking talks, or Hercules battle walkers. Fighting in the Alpha Centurion War was soldiers in combat armor with a 45 caliber holographic red dot sight hard light pistol and a 9mm holographic red dot sight plasma sub machine gun with a drum magazine with a grip attachment as their secondary weapons. Fighting in the Alpha Centurion War was soldiers in combat armor with a 5.56 mm hard light assault rifle with scope with a 40 mm plasma grenade launcher attachment, a 10 gauge holographic red dot sight plasma combat shotgun, & a 50 caliber hard light bolt action sniper rifle with scope as their main primary weapons. Fighting in the Alpha Centurion War were also soldiers wearing combat armor piloting suits of power armor. The soldiers in power armor were also armed with a hard light missile launcher with scope, a holographic red dot sight 7.76 mm Plasma Gatling gun, & a 12.7 mm hard light electromagnetic gauss rifle with scope. Fighting in the Alpha Centurion War were also soldiers in combat armor piloting walking tanks, mech suits, or battle walkers. These giant mecha suits were armed with hard light missile pods and plasma missile pods as secondary auxiliary weapons. These colossal heavy assault Ares mecha suits were armed with a handheld miniature positron cannon rifle and a handheld portable miniature mass accelerated electromagnetic cannon rifle wielded in the hands of the mech as main primary weapons. The titanic walking tanks were armed with four plasma 7.76 mm Gatling guns and two hard light 50 caliber heavy machine guns as auxiliary secondary weapons. The all-terrain Cerberus walking tanks were armed with two photon cannons and one ion cannon as chief primary weapons. The small battle walkers were armed with four medium 7.76 mm plasma machine guns as auxiliary secondary weapons. The Hercules battle walkers were armed with two rail guns as main primary weapons. These walkers, mecha, walking tanks, & power armor are protected by advanced reflective hard light force fields, advanced plasma shields, & advanced adaptive camouflage. The ships of the Coalition of Heroes fleet fighting the enemy fleet of The Forces of Evil were bombers, interceptors, stealth fighters, recon fighters, assault fighters, assault shuttles, patrol boat scout ships. These ships were armed with four 7.76 mm Plasma Gatling guns and two 50 caliber hard light heavy machine guns as secondary auxiliary weapons and two ion cannons and four photon cannons as primary main weapons. The ships bombarding the mobile giant fortress and mobile giant planet with salvos were fast attack crafts, cutters, corvettes, frigates, destroyers, assault carriers, dreadnoughts, battleships, battle cruisers, & the flagship the Hyperion. The cutters, corvettes, & frigates were armed with laser batteries, hard light missile pods, plasma torpedoes, hard light torpedoes, & plasma missile pods as secondary auxiliary weapons and zero point energy cannons, positron cannons, & mass accelerated electromagnetic cannons as primary chief weapons. These cannons were capable of destroying planets or solar systems at max power. The destroyers, assault carriers, dreadnoughts, battleships, battle cruisers were armed with laser batteries, plasma missile pods, & hard light middle pods as secondary auxiliary weapons and a positron cannon, a mass accelerated electromagnetic cannon, & a zero point energy cannon as primary chief weapons. The mass accelerated electromagnetic cannon, zero point energy cannon, & the positron cannon were capable of destroying galaxies at max power. It was celestial and stellar warfare between two titanic armies that engulfed the Andromeda Galaxy in intergalactic war.  The Forces of Evil against the Superhero, Antihero, & Supervillain United Legionnaire Strikeforce. 
“Laurissa Owen Jones has been fighting since she joined the military with her exes Layla Nolan and Kimberly Hawkins.” “Laurissa has been leading men, women, & soldiers as a spec ops soldier and super soldier.” “Lori has commanded adult super heroes and antiheroes when she became strike commander and field commander of the Sentinels.” “Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith has been commanding troops since they were a metahuman and superhuman child soldier until they were a metahuman and superhuman leading other child, preteen, teenage, & young adult soldiers.” “Alexander/Alexandria have been commanding adult soldiers ever since they joined the military as a spec ops and black ops superhuman and metahuman super soldier.” “Finally Alex/Lexi have been commanding child, preteen, teenage, young adult, & adult superheroes, antiheroes, & supervillains when they became strike team commanders and field commanders of the Elites and Paragons.” “Alex/Lexi and Lori are recipients of many military medals from across the multiverse such as the Earth Silver Star, Earth Purple Heart, Earth’s President’s Medal, Prisoner of War, Vega System Distinguished Service Cross, Sol System Navy Cross, Polaris System Order of Merit, Milky Way Galaxy Medal of Honor, Andromeda Galaxy Cross of Valor, Xeno Galaxy Nebula Star, Celestial Wings, Sword of the Aesir Valkyries of Asgard, Spear of the Amazons of Roman Mount Olympus, Arrow of the Amazons of Greek Mount Olympus, Amazons Hunter and Warrior’s Mark, the Trident of Atlantis, Honor of Poseidon, & the Valor of Neptune.” “During this multiuniversal war against the Forces of Evil (who were a supervillain alliance and supervillain organization similar to Legion of Doom, the Injustice Society, the Brotherhood of Evil, the Hive Five, the Secret Society of Supervillains, Fearsome Five, the Legion of Supervillains, & the Hive) Lori and Alex/Lexi were co field marshals of the Elites, Paragons, & Sentinels (who were similar to the Titans, the D.E.O, the Legion of Superheroes, the LEGION, the Suicide Squad, the Justice Society of America, Checkmate, the Young Justice League, Argus, Doom Patrol, Team 7, & the Justice League combined).”  
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sandytree1 · 6 years
Victorian craze for jewel names: Coral, Ruby, Pearl, Peridot, 
Word names: Ember / Amber, Ebony, 
Flowers: Lily, Rose, Daisy, Poppy, Bluebell, 
Trees: Ask, Willow, 
Virtue names: Hope, Faith, Grace, 
Mythological: Freya, Angel, Venus, 
Fictional: Alice, Ulysses, 
Seasonal: Summer, April, June, 
Other: Nieve, Mia, Amelia, EMily, Imogen, Louise, Jane, Anne, Karis, Sharon, Lucy, Serenity, Tiegan / Taegan, Scarlett, Sebastian, Willow, Mariella, Magnus, 
English: Jessica, Samantha, Michael, Christopher
Biblical: Jack, George, Samuel, John, Jacob, Caleb, Lucas, Ethan, Simon
Scottish: Cameron, Finlay, Malcolm, Keir, Lachlan, Ivor, Graeme, Nessa, Jean, Euphemia, Marjorie, Sena, Skye, Caitriona, Fiona, Eileen, Elaine, Rowan, Heather, Effie, Eden, Erskine, Ross, Maeve, Avalone, Wren, Cordelia, GUinevere, Isolde, Morgana, Penrose, Rhonwen, 
Short names: Emma, Ava, Noah, Liam, Finn, Bram, Tess, Mila, Isa, Ike, Leon, Rahm, Remy, Jim, Eve, Nick, Hilde, 
Indonesian: Maret, Harimau, Putri, Lintang, Baskara, Satriya
Marjorie: pearl (Scottish). “attractive, lively, cheeky. Could have faded with the advent of the word Margarine.” Variants: Margery, Margaret, Marjorie (Scottish). Nicknames: Margie, Marge, Jorie.
Hermione: messenge, earthly (feminine of Hermes) In ancient Greek myth, Hermione is the daughter of Spartan King Menelaus and his wife Helen; in pre-Potter lit, the name appears in Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale and in Walter Scott's novel The Fortunes of Nigel.
Hypatia: highest, supreme (Greek) Agora was a film about Hypatia of Alexandria, an early philosopher and scholar of mathematics and astronomy, as well as inventor of several scientific 
Isidore: gift of Isis (Greek) A common ancient Greek name belonging to several saints. It was adopted by Spanish jews to the point where it was almost their exclusive property. 
Charlotte: free man (feminine of Charles, French)  An elegant royal name with many bearers. Charlotte Brontë, E.B. White’s Charlette’s Web, Charlotte York from Sex and the City. Appealing since it sounds feminine yet grownup, sophisticated yet lush. 
Arianna: (Greek)
Arrietty: estate ruler. “A pretty, dainty name for one of the little characters in the children’s book series The Borrowers.” Harriet, Harry, Henriette/a, Henry. Henriette: Etta, Hetty, Hattie.
Josephine: Jehovah increases (French of Joseph). Josie, Jo, Joey. 
Clementine: mild, merciful (French of Clement, Latin). Suggests peace and happiness, a lovely image. Other names with related meanings: Beatrice, Felicity, Hilary, Arcadia, Irina, Mercy.
Felicity: good fortune, happy (Latin). “A virtue name related to Hope, Faith and Charity. But much more feminine and hapier.” Nicknames: Flick, Fee, Felicia.
Aurelia: the golden one (Latin). Related: Aurelius, Aurora, Oriana.
Cedar: “A fresh and fragrant nature name more apt to be used for a boy.” 
Clarence: bright (Latin) 
Cordelia: heart (Latin), daughter of the sea (Celtic). Nicknames: Cora, Delia, Lia, Del, Cordie. Related: Coraline, Coral, Caroline. 
Ciel: sky (French). Related: Seal, Celia, Ceil.
Brielle: hunting grounds (French). “Although it sounds modern, it’s a traditional Cajun contraction of Gabrielle.” Related: Gabrielle.
Daphne: laurel tree, bay tree (Greek). “Seen by Americans as quintessentially British. In Greek mythology, Daphne was a nymph who was saved from an over-amorous Apollo by her father, a river god, transforming her into a laurel tree. Her name was taken from that of the shrub and became part of the British vogue for plant names at the end of the nineteenth century.” 
Minette: faithful defender. “Frenchified name of Henriette Marie rarely used in France.”
Fraser: French for strawberry (Scottish). Variants: Frasier, Frazier, Fraser. 
Esperence: Spanish for hope, expectation (English). Variants: Esperanza, Sandra.
Giselle: pledge, hostage (German) 
Larissa: citadel (Greek, Russian). “Name of nymph that’s daintily pretty and fresh alternative to Melissa or Alyssa.” Related: Larissa, Larisa, Melissa, Marissa, Alyssa, Lara.
Lillian: lily the flower (English from Latin). “More serious and subdued cousin of megapopular Lily. It probably originated as a pet form of Elizabeth.” 
Marcella: warlike (Latin). “Depicted as the world's most beautiful woman in Don Quixote, this long neglected name seemed dated for decades but just might be ready for restoration. Saint Marcella was a Roman matron of strength and intellect who organized a religious sisterhood at her mansion, which St. Jerome guided in religion and learning.” Related: Marcella, Mercellina.
Meredith: great ruler (Welsh). Nicknames: Merry, Merri. 
Flower names: Lily, Lillian; 
Mercedes: Merche: Marzia: Mneme Naiara
Nicasia: victorious (Latin) from Nike, the personification of victory. Related to Nicole.
Niara: nebula, mist (Hindi)
Tiara: crown, jeweled headdress (Latin) 
Odette: wealthy (French, from German)  Name of the white swan in Tchaikovsky’s ballet Swan Lake. A particularly soigne, sophisticated yet upbeat choice. The black swan is named Odile. 
Peridot: a green gemstone (Arabic) symbolising the August month. Said to be used for helping people put the past behind them. In ancient time it was a symbol of the sun. Highly valued in Hawaii where they’re believed to be the tears of the volcano goddess Pele. 
Pele: goddess of fire (Hawaii)
Seraphina: ardent, fiery (Hebrew) Seraphim is among the highest ranking angels with six wings. 
Sidonie: from Latin Sidon. Chic French favorite. Sidony, Sydney.
Collette: people of victory (Greek), French feminine of Nicholas. 
Sabrina: Latin for River Severn, deriving from Celtic mythology. Sabina, Serena
Samantha: told by god (Hebrew) feminine of Samuel. Samara
Siobhan: the lord is gracious (Irish Gaelic) variation of Joan, feminine of John.   A lovely Irish name whose perplexing spelling has inspired many phonetic variations, but using the original form preserves the integrity of one of the most beautiful Irish girls' names. Variants: Joan, Johanna, John, Siobhan
Vanessa: species of butterfly; literary invention. 
Esther: star (Persian)
Alden: old, wise friend (English)
Valeska: strength, health, spirited (French/Slavic of Valerie) Name of Red Riding Hood in the 2011 update. Peaked in 1960s and was in the top 100 until 1988. Word is associated to the word valor. Valerie, Valeria
Cybele: mother of all gods (Greek) and goddess of fertility, health, nature. Often confused with Sybil. 
Mythological names
Rhea: a flowing stream (Greek). “mythological earth mother of all the gods. A lot better than the Roman equivalent: Ops. Rhea reentered the US Top 1000 in 2015. Its only previous appearance on the list since 1968 was 2004.” 
English names
Margareth: pearl (Greek)  Nicknames: May, Mary, Marge
Elizabeth: pledged to God (Hebrew) Mother of John the Baptist, and two notable English queens. Another memorable bearer was Elizabeth Taylor. Isabel is the Spanish version. Related: Lisette, Lise, Isabel. Nicknames: Lizzie, Eliza, Beth, Libby, Bess, Tibby, Betty, Betsy.
Theodore: gift of God (Greek). “An extremely attractive and exotic choice, with several equally attractive user-friendly nicknames, and more edge and sheer phonic apeal than the English form.” Variants: Theodora (Swedish), Tiodoria (Spanish). Nicknames: Ted, Teddy, Theo, Thea, Dora, Dory.
Laurence: from Laurentium, a city noted for its laurel trees, which was a symbol for wisdom and achievement. (Lawrence, Lauro, Larry, Lorenzo, Renzo, Enzo)
Leonard: brave lion (German)
Madeleine: high tower or woman from Magdala. Variants: Magdalen (Aramaic), Maddie.
For their meanings
These names I’ve included since they aid as components that many other names are constructed from. 
Isis: throne (Egyptian) Before the rise of the political group, Isis was best known as the name of the supreme Egyptian goddess of the moon, sky, magic, motherhood and fertility, revived by feminists and others willing to cross into arcane territory.
Shorter names
Ella: all, completely (English) or fairy maiden (German) 
Naia: to flow (Hawaii) Exotic variant of Maia
Maia: mother (Greek)  Maia is one of those light, ethereal girls' names with mystical overtones and mythical roots. In Greek legend, she was the fair-haired daughter of Atlas who mothered Zeus's favorite illegitimate son, Hermes. To the Romans, Maia was the incarnation of the earth mother and goddess of spring, after whom they named the month of May. It's a favorite among Nameberry users.
Atlas: a Greco-Roman god that was strong enough to carry the world on his shoulders. Previously thought too powerful for a baby boy. 
Mary: bitter (Hebrew) Variants: Marietta, Marie (French)
Katherine: pure Variants: Karen (Danish), Kieran (Irish), Kerenza, Karina, Kyra
Linda: pretty (Spanish, Portuguese, Italian)  Lives forever in baby name history for toppling Mary from its 400 year reign as no. 1. queen of names in 1947. 
April: to open (Latin)
June: named after goddess Juno, queen of the heavens (Latin) Juni, Juno, Djuna
Regis: kingly (French) Rex
Virgil: staff bearer (Latin)  The name of the greatest Roman poet and an early Irish saint who believed the earth was round, Virgil is rarely heard nowadays, but it retains a certain pleasantly fusty feel and likable southern twang. 
Edith: prosperous in war (English) Among the oldest surviving Anglo-Saxon names. WIdely used in 19th century novels. Edith was a hugely popular name a hundred years ago that's being revived among stylish parents in Stockholm and London. It's currently beginning to gain traction in the US among those with a taste for old-fashioned names with a soft but strong image. 
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albacarolinatv · 5 years
Recomandări pentru pelerinii care vor fi prezenți în data de 2 iunie 2019 la Blaj
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Peste 50.000 de pelerini vor asista la Sfânta Liturghie cu beatificarea a șapte episcopi greco-catolici martiri, pe care Papa Francisc o va oficia pe Câmpia Libertății în data de 2 iunie 2019. În acest sens, pentru buna desfășurare a evenimentului, organizatorii transmit câteva reguli de conduită și recomandări de care, cei care se vor afla la Blaj, sunt rugați să țină cont. Documente necesare accesului pe Câmpia Libertății Înainte de a porni spre Blaj, pelerinii trebuie să se asigure că au la ei invitațiile pe baza cărora vor putea intra pe Câmpia Libertății. Tichetele de intrare au fost distribuite parohiilor greco-catolice din țară și pot ridicate conform programului stabilit de acestea. Accesul se va face pe baza invitației nominale primite și a actului de identitate, respectiv carte de identitate sau buletin de identitate, iar pentru copiii cu vârsta cuprinsă între 0 și 14 ani părinții trebuie să prezinte copii după certificatul de naștere. Realizarea accesului pe Câmpia Libertății Cei care vor veni cu autocare, microbuze și autoturisme personale sunt rugați să ajungă la Blaj până în data de 2 iunie 2019, ora 07.00. Această solicitare vine în urma măsurilor anunțate de primăria orașului, cu privire la accesul pelerinilor în municipiul Blaj, în data de 2 iunie 2019, precum și la cererea forțelor de ordine care au în vedere fluidizarea accesului pelerinilor pe Câmpia Libertății. Accesul pe Câmpia Libertății va fi permis în data de 02 iunie 2019 în intervalul orar 06.00 - 10.00. Pentru evitarea aglomerației se recomandă sosirea din timp, toți pelerinii urmând să treacă prin filtrul de control de securitate de la intrarea pe Câmpia Libertății. Accesul pe Câmpia Libertății cu animale de companie este interzis. Obiecte permise a se afla în posesia pelerinilor Pe Câmpia Libertății se va putea intra cu următoarele obiecte: apă în sticlă de plastic (pet), scaun pliabil, umbrelă, rucsac mic, sandwich. Pentru copiii sub 3 ani este permis accesul în cărucior. Vestimentația pelerinilor Accesul pe Câmpia Libertății va fi permis doar într-o ținută decentă, în conformitate cu solemnitatea evenimentului (de ex: purtarea unei vestimentații care să acopere umerii și genunchii). Locuri de parcare și restricții rutiere Începând de sâmbătă, 1 iunie 2019, ora 19.00 şi până în seara zilei de duminică, 2 iunie 2019, ora 18:00, vor exista restricţii de circulaţie în zona centrală a Blajului şi pe traseul vizitei Sanctităţii Sale. În ziua vizitei, zona centrală a Blajului va fi o zonă pietonală, iar circulaţia spre Câmpia Libertăţii şi spre Piaţa 1848 se va face pe jos. Blajul va putea fi tranzitat cu maşina dintr-o parte în cealaltă, pe traseele care vor fi clar stabilite de către Poliţia Română, care va asigura dirijarea şi fluidizarea circulaţiei.
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BLAJ - Parcări autocare La intrările în municipiul Blaj se vor amenaja parcări speciale pentru pelerinii care vor sosi la Blaj din toată ţara, pe următoarele direcţii: Direcţia Târgu Mureş: Pentru autocare se organizează locuri de parcare în Blaj, pe strada Simion Bărnuţiu - drumul de acces spre rampa de transfer/punctul de colectare deşeuri. Pelerinii care sosesc cu autoturisme din direcţia Târgu Mureş au la dispoziţie zonele de parcare din Blaj, zona carter Hula! Direcţia Sibiu: Pentru autocare se organizează locuri de parcare în Blaj, pe strada Gheorghe Bariţiu - zona industrială I.A.M.U. Pelerinii care sosesc cu autoturisme din direcţia Sibiu au la dispoziţie zonele de parcare din Blaj - cartierele Mănărade, Veza, Ciufud şi Tiur. Direcţia Alba Iulia: Pentru autocare se organizează locuri de parcare în Blaj, pe strada Clujului - zona teren viran/păşune staţie carburant Lukoil. Pelerinii care sosesc cu autoturisme din direcţia Alba Iulia au la dispoziţie zonele de parcare din Blaj - cartierul Petrisat, zona industriala Bosch.
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BLAJ - Parcări autoturisme Obiecte permise a se afla în posesia pelerinilor Pe Câmpia Libertății se va putea intra cu următoarele obiecte: apă în sticlă de plastic (pet), scaun pliabil, umbrelă, rucsac mic, sandwich. Pentru copiii sub 3 ani este permis accesul în cărucior. Vestimentația pelerinilor Accesul pe Câmpia Libertății va fi permis doar într-o ținută decentă, în conformitate cu solemnitatea evenimentului (de ex: purtarea unei vestimentații care să acopere umerii și genunchii). Obiecte interzise Potrivit Legii nr. 60/1991- privind organizarea si desfăşurarea adunărilor publice, este interzisă deținerea, la vedere sau ascunse, de arme de orice fel (inclusiv cuțite mici sau alte obiecte cu muchii ascuțite, etc.), materiale explozive sau incendiare (petarde, torțe, artificii, recipiente sub presiune), băuturi alcoolice, substanţe iritant-lacrimogene sau cu efect paralizant (spray-uri, fiole, etc.), ori alte obiecte (bâte, beţe, bastoane  din lemn, metal sau alte materiale, recipiente de sticlă), precum și alte mijloace tehnice luminoase sau sonore ce pot fi folosite pentru a tulbura buna desfăşurare a activităților și siguranța publicului. În plus, se recomandă participarea la evenimente fără bagaje voluminoase și animale de companie. Rolul voluntarilor aflați la Blaj special pentru vizita Papei Aproximativ 600 de voluntari vor fi prezenți la Blaj în ziua de 2 iunie 2019. Rolul lor este acela de a contribui la buna desfășurare a vizitei Papei Francisc la Blaj. Voluntarii vor avea tricouri personalizate și vor fi ușor de identificat de către toți pelerinii care vor avea nevoie de ajutorul lor. Pe Câmpia Libertății, voluntarii, care vor forma un cordon pentru delimitarea zonelor, îi vor îndruma pe pelerinii sosiți în sectoarele în care sunt repartizați conform invitațiilor primite. Aceștia vor fi prezenți și în alte zone ale orașului, precum puncte de informare, în parcări sau puncte de alimentație publică. Asigurarea confortului pelerinilor Pe Câmpia Libertății vor exista puncte de prim ajutor și toalete ecologice. Pentru ca fiecare pelerin să poată urmări în condiții foarte bune programul cultural-religios, organizat în intervalul orar 08.00-10.15, precum și Sfânta Liturghie de la ora 11.00, pe Câmpia Libertății vor fi montate opt ecrane de mari dimensiuni. Cei care nu au invitații la acest eveniment, vor putea urmări toate aceste momente pe un ecran instalat în Piața 1848, la intersecția cu strada Astra. Cei interesați de cărți, obiecte religioase, suveniruri, le vor putea achiziționa de la standul editurilor autorizate pentru acest eveniment, care vor amplasate în Piața 1848 și în zona punctelor de acces de pe Câmpia Libertății. Pelerinii care vor sosi la Blaj vor avea la dispoziție o zonă de alimentație publică care va fi amenajată în Parcul Avram Iancu, standurile cu mâncare fiind amplasate pe aleile celui mai mare parc din municipiu, unde se vor comercializa doar produse alimentare, apă și băuturi răcoritoare. În municipiul Blaj, în ziua de 2 iunie 2019, va fi interzis consumul băuturilor alcoolice, precum și comercializarea acestora, în zona centrală a municipiului Blaj şi în toate locaţiile vizate de vizita Sanctităţii Sale Papa Francisc. În ziua de 2 iunie 2019, totul va fi organizat pentru ca fiecare pelerin să se simtă ca acasă, să se bucure din plin de întâlnirea cu Sfântul Părinte, precum şi de beatificarea celor şapte episcopi care s-au jertfit pentru apărarea credinţei şi a dreptului la existenţă a Bisericii Greco-Catolice din România. De aceea, ne dorim ca toți cei prezenți la Blaj să aibă posibilitatea să-l vadă pe Sfântul Părinte Papa Francisc. „Să mergem Împreună!” Read the full article
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soulbounce · 5 years
他の国にマスターのコピーがあることを祈ります。 38 Special 50 Cent Colonel Abrams Johnny Ace Bryan Adams Nat Adderley Aerosmith Rhett Akins Manny Albam Lorez Alexandria Gary Allan Red Allen Steve Allen The Ames Brothers Gene Ammons Bill Anderson Jimmy Anderson John Anderson The Andrews Sisters Lee Andrews & the Hearts Paul Anka Adam Ant Toni Arden Joan Armatrading Louis Armstrong Asia Asleep at the Wheel Audioslave Patti Austin Average White Band Hoyt Axton Albert Ayler Burt Bacharach Joan Baez Razzy Bailey Chet Baker Florence Ballard Hank Ballard Gato Barbieri Baja Marimba Band Len Barry Count Basie Fontella Bass The Beat Farmers Sidney Bechet and His Orchestra Beck Captain Beefheart Archie Bell & the Drells Vincent Bell Bell Biv Devoe Louie Bellson Don Bennett Joe Bennett and the Sparkletones David Benoit George Benson Berlin Elmer Bernstein and His Orchestra Chuck Berry Nuno Bettencourt Stephen Bishop Blackstreet Art Blakey Hal Blaine Bobby (Blue) Bland Mary J. Blige Blink 182 Blues Traveler Eddie Bo Pat Boone Boston Connee Boswell Eddie Boyd Jan Bradley Owen Bradley Quintet Oscar Brand Bob Braun Walter Brennan Jackie Brenston and His Delta Cats Teresa Brewer Edie Brickell & New Bohemians John Brim Lonnie Brooks Big Bill Broonzy and Washboard Sam Brothers Johnson Bobby Brown Clarence “Gatemouth” Brown Lawrence Brown Les Brown Marion Brown Marshall Brown Mel Brown Michael Brown Dave Brubeck Jimmy Buffett Carol Burnett T-Bone Burnett Dorsey Burnette Johnny Burnette Busta Rhymes Terry Callier Cab Calloway The Call Glen Campbell Captain and Tennille Captain Sensible Irene Cara Belinda Carlisle Carl Carlton Eric Carmen Hoagy Carmichael Kim Carnes Karen Carpenter Richard Carpenter The Carpenters Barbara Carr Betty Carter Benny Carter The Carter Family Peter Case Alvin Cash Mama Cass Bobby Charles Ray Charles Chubby Checker The Checkmates Ltd. Cheech & Chong Cher Don Cherry Mark Chesnutt The Chi-Lites Eric Clapton Petula Clark Roy Clark Gene Clark The Clark Sisters Merry Clayton Jimmy Cliff Patsy Cline Rosemary Clooney Wayne Cochran Joe Cocker Ornette Coleman Gloria Coleman Mitty Collier Jazzbo Collins Judy Collins Colosseum Alice Coltrane John Coltrane Colours Common Cookie and the Cupcakes Barbara Cook Rita Coolidge Stewart Copeland The Corsairs Dave “Baby” Cortez Bill Cosby Don Costa Clifford Coulter David Crosby Crosby & Nash Johnny Cougar (aka John Cougar Mellencamp) Counting Crows Coverdale?Page Warren Covington Deborah Cox James “Sugar Boy” Crawford Crazy Otto Marshall Crenshaw The Crew-Cuts Sonny Criss David Crosby Bob Crosby Bing Crosby Sheryl Crow Rodney Crowell The Crusaders Xavier Cugat The Cuff Links Tim Curry The Damned Danny & the Juniors Rodney Dangerfield Bobby Darin Helen Darling David + David Mac Davis Richard Davis Sammy Davis Jr. Chris de Burgh Lenny Dee Jack DeJohnette The Dells The Dell-Vikings Sandy Denny Sugar Pie DeSanto The Desert Rose Band Dennis DeYoung Neil Diamond Bo Diddley Difford & Tilbrook Dillard & Clark The Dixie Hummingbirds Willie Dixon DJ Shadow Fats Domino Jimmy Donley Kenny Dorham Jimmy Dorsey and His Orchestra Lee Dorsey The Tommy Dorsey Orchestra Lamont Dozier The Dramatics The Dream Syndicate Roy Drusky Jimmy Durante Deanna Durbin The Eagles Steve Earle El Chicano Danny Elfman Yvonne Elliman Duke Ellington Cass Elliott Joe Ely John Entwistle Eminem Eric B. and Rakim Gil Evans Paul Evans Betty Everett Don Everly Extreme The Falcons Harold Faltermeyer Donna Fargo Art Farmer Freddie Fender Ferrante & Teicher Fever Tree The Fifth Dimension Ella Fitzgerald Five Blind Boys Of Alabama The Fixx The Flamingos King Floyd The Flying Burrito Brothers John Fogerty Red Foley Eddie Fontaine The Four Aces The Four Tops Peter Frampton Franke & the Knockouts Aretha Franklin The Rev. C.L. Franklin The Free Movement Glenn Frey Lefty Frizzell Curtis Fuller Jerry Fuller Lowell Fulson Harvey Fuqua Nelly Furtado Hank Garland Judy Garland Erroll Garner Jimmy Garrison Larry Gatlin & the Gatlin Brothers Gene Loves Jezebel Barry Gibb Georgia Gibbs Terri Gibbs Dizzy Gillespie Gin Blossoms Tompall Glaser Tom Glazer Whoopi Goldberg Golden Earring Paul Gonsalves Benny Goodman Dexter Gordon Rosco Gordon Lesley Gore The Gospelaires Teddy Grace Grand Funk Railroad Amy Grant Earl Grant The Grass Roots Dobie Gray Buddy Greco Keith Green Al Green Jack Greene Robert Greenidge Lee Greenwood Patty Griffin Nanci Griffith Dave Grusin Guns N’ Roses Buddy Guy Buddy Hackett Charlie Haden Merle Haggard Bill Haley and His Comets Aaron Hall Lani Hall Chico Hamilton George Hamilton IV Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds Marvin Hamlisch Jan Hammer Lionel Hampton John Handy Glass Harp Slim Harpo Richard Harris Freddie Harts Dan Hartman Johnny Hartman Coleman Hawkins Dale Hawkins Richie Havens Roy Haynes Head East Heavy D. & the Boyz Bobby Helms Don Henley Clarence “Frogman” Henry Woody Herman and His Orchestra Milt Herth and His Trio John Hiatt Al Hibbler Dan Hicks and the Hot Licks Monk Higgins Jessie Hill Earl Hines Roger Hodgson Hole Billie Holiday Jennifer Holliday Buddy Holly The Hollywood Flames Eddie Holman John Lee Hooker Stix Hooper Bob Hope Paul Horn Shirley Horn Big Walter Horton Thelma Houston Rebecca Lynn Howard Jan Howard Freddie Hubbard Humble Pie Engelbert Humperdinck Brian Hyland The Impressions The Ink Spots Iron Butterfly Burl Ives Janet Jackson Joe Jackson Milt Jackson Ahmad Jamal Etta James Elmore James James Gang Keith Jarrett Jason & the Scorchers Jawbreaker Garland Jeffreys Beverly Jenkins Gordon Jenkins The Jets Jimmy Eat World Jodeci Johnnie Joe The Joe Perry Project Elton John J.J. Johnson K-Ci & JoJo Al Jolson Booker T. Jones Elvin Jones George Jones Hank Jones Jack Jones Marti Jones Quincy Jones Rickie Lee Jones Tamiko Jones Tom Jones Louis Jordan and His Tympany Five The Jordanaires Jurassic 5 Bert Kaempfert Kitty Kallen & Georgie Shaw The Kalin Twins Bob Kames Kansas Boris Karloff Sammy Kaye Toby Keith Gene Kelly Chaka Khan B.B. King The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Wayne King The Kingsmen The Kingston Trio Roland Kirk Eartha Kitt John Klemmer Klymaxx Baker Knight Chris Knight Gladys Knight and the Pips Krokus Steve Kuhn Rolf Kuhn Joachim Kuhn Patti LaBelle L.A. Dream Team Frankie Laine Lambert, Hendricks & Ross Denise LaSalle Yusef Lateef Steve Lawrence Steve Lawrence & Eydie Gorme Lafayette Leake Brenda Lee Laura Lee Leapy Lee Peggy Lee Danni Leigh The Lennon Sisters J.B. Lenoir Ramsey Lewis Jerry Lee Lewis Jerry Lewis Meade Lux Lewis Liberace Lifehouse Enoch Light The Lightning Seeds Limp Bizkit Lisa Loeb Little Axe and the Golden Echoes Little Milton Little River Band Little Walter Lobo Nils Lofgren Lone Justice Guy Lombardo Lord Tracy The Louvin Brothers Love Patti Loveless The Lovelites Lyle Lovett Love Unlimited Loretta Lynn L.T.D. Lynyrd Skynyrd Gloria Lynne Moms Mabley Willie Mabon Warner Mack Dave MacKay & Vicky Hamilton Miriam Makeba The Mamas and the Papas Melissa Manchester Barbara Mandrell Chuck Mangione Shelly Manne Wade Marcus Mark-Almond Pigmeat Markham Steve Marriott Wink Martindale Groucho Marx Hugh Masekela Dave Mason Jerry Mason Matthews Southern Comfort The Mavericks Robert Maxwell John Mayall Percy Mayfield Lyle Mays Les McCann Delbert McClinton Robert Lee McCollum Marilyn McCoo & Billy Davis Jr. Van McCoy Jimmy McCracklin Jack McDuff Reba McEntire Gary McFarland Barry McGuire The McGuire Sisters Duff McKagan Maria McKee McKendree Spring Marian McPartland Clyde McPhatter Carmen McRae Jack McVea Meat Loaf Memphis Slim Sergio Mendes Ethel Merman Pat Metheny Mighty Clouds of Joy Roger Miller Stephanie Mills The Mills Brothers Liza Minnelli Charles Mingus Joni Mitchell Bill Monroe Vaughn Monroe Wes Montgomery Buddy Montgomery The Moody Blues The Moonglows Jane Morgan Russ Morgan Ennio Morricone Mos Def Martin Mull Gerry Mulligan Milton Nascimento Johnny Nash Nazareth Nelson Rick Nelson & the Stone Canyon Band Ricky Nelson Jimmy Nelson Oliver Nelson Aaron Neville Art Neville The Neville Brothers New Edition New Riders of the Purple Sage Olivia Newton-John Night Ranger Leonard Nimoy Nine Inch Nails Nirvana The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band No Doubt Ken Nordine Red Norvo Sextet Terri Nunn The Oak Ridge Boys Ric Ocasek Phil Ochs Hazel O’Connor Chico O’Farrill Oingo Boingo The O’Jays Spooner Oldham One Flew South Yoko Ono Orleans Jeffrey Osborne The Outfield Pablo Cruise Jackie Paris Leo Parker Junior Parker Ray Parker Jr. Dolly Parton Les Paul Freda Payne Peaches & Herb Ce Ce Peniston The Peppermint Rainbow Pepples The Persuasions Bernadette Peters Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers John Phillips Webb Pierce The Pinetoppers Bill Plummer Poco The Pointer Sisters The Police Doc Pomus Jimmy Ponder Iggy Pop Billy Preston Lloyd Price Louis Prima Primus Puddle Of Mudd Red Prysock Leroy Pullins The Pussycat Dolls Quarterflash Queen Latifah Sun Ra The Radiants Gerry Rafferty Kenny Rankin The Ray Charles Singers The Ray-O-Vacs The Rays Dewey Redman Della Reese Martha Reeves R.E.M. Debbie Reynolds Emitt Rhodes Buddy Rich Emil Richards Dannie Richmond Riders in the Sky Stan Ridgway Frazier River Sam Rivers Max Roach Marty Roberts Howard Roberts The Roches Chris Rock Tommy Roe Jimmy Rogers Sonny Rollins The Roots Rose Royce Jackie Ross Doctor Ross Rotary Connection The Rover Boys Roswell Rudd Rufus and Chaka Khan Otis Rush Brenda Russell Leon Russell Pee Wee Russell Russian Jazz Quartet Mitch Ryder Buffy Sainte-Marie Joe Sample Pharoah Sanders The Sandpipers Gary Saracho Shirley Scott Tom Scott Dawn Sears Neil Sedaka Jeannie Seely Semisonic Charlie Sexton Marlena Shaw Tupac Shakur Archie Shepp Dinah Shore Ben Sidran Silver Apples Shel Silverstein The Simon Sisters Ashlee Simpson The Simpsons Zoot Sims P.F. Sloan Smash Mouth Kate Smith Keely Smith Tab Smith Patti Smyth Snoop Dogg Valaida Snow Jill Sobule Soft Machine Sonic Youth Sonny and Cher The Soul Stirrers Soundgarden Eddie South Southern Culture on the Skids Spinal Tap Banana Splits The Spokesmen Squeeze Jo Stafford Chris Stamey Joe Stampley Michael Stanley Kay Starr Stealers Wheel Steely Dan Gwen Stefani Steppenwolf Cat Stevens Billy Stewart Sting Sonny Stitt Shane Stockton George Strait The Strawberry Alarm Clock Strawbs Styx Sublime Yma Sumac Andy Summers The Sundowners Supertramp The Surfaris Sylvia Syms Gabor Szabo The Tams Grady Tate t.A.T.u. Koko Taylor Billy Taylor Charlie Teagarden Temple of the Dog Clark Terry Tesla Sister Rosetta Tharpe Robin Thicke Toots Thielemans B.J. Thomas Irma Thomas Rufus Thomas Hank Thompson Lucky Thompson Big Mama Thornton Three Dog Night The Three Stooges Tiffany Mel Tillis Tommy & the Tom Toms Mel Torme The Tragically Hip The Trapp Family Singers Ralph Tresvant Ernest Tubb The Tubes Tanya Tucker Tommy Tucker The Tune Weavers Ike Turner Stanley Turrentine Conway Twitty McCoy Tyner Phil Upchurch Michael Utley Leroy Van Dyke Gino Vannelli Van Zant Billy Vaughan Suzanne Vega Vega Brothers Veruca Salt The Vibrations Bobby Vinton Voivod Porter Wagoner The Waikikis Rufus Wainwright Rick Wakeman Jerry Jeff Walker The Wallflowers Joe Walsh Wang Chung Clara Ward Warrior Soul Washboard Sam Was (Not Was) War Justine Washington The Watchmen Muddy Waters Jody Watley Johnny “Guitar” Watson The Weavers The Dream Weavers Ben Webster Weezer We Five George Wein Lenny Welch Lawrence Welk Kitty Wells Mae West Barry White Michael White Slappy White Whitesnake White Zombie The Who Whycliffe Kim Wilde Don Williams Jody Williams John Williams Larry Williams Lenny Williams Leona Williams Paul Williams Roger Williams Sonny Boy Williamson Walter Winchell Kai Winding Johnny Winter Wishbone Ash Jimmy Witherspoon Howlin’ Wolf Bobby Womack Lee Ann Womack Phil Woods Wrecks-N-Effect O.V. Wright Bill Wyman Rusty York Faron Young Neil Young Young Black Teenagers Y & T Rob Zombie
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Oferte De Cazare Maramures Borsari
Conform ultimului recenzie din 18 martisor 2005, Cazare Maramures Poienile Izei Harta Rutiera (cazare-maramures.com) Manastiri Maramures, Maramures Valea Izei a poseda 535 000 locuitori, sireaci 2,37% din populatia tarii, din orisicine populatia masculina 249 350, iar cea feminina 285 650 [26]. Populatia urbana reprezinta 52,9%, cea rurala 47,1% iar densitatea populatiei este de 82,6 locuitori/km2. Populatia, pe sexe si medii, la 1 cuptor in Oferte Revelion Maramures, Maramures Zona Turistica Populatia urbana a judetului era alcatuita din 38,6% evrei, 35,4% romaniza, 19,9% maghiari, 4,5% ruteni (ucrainieni) s. a. Ca pridvor materna in mediul orasenesc precumpani cordar idis (36,6%), urmata de cambula protoromana (33,7%), unguroaica (25,7%), ucraineana (2,3%) s.a. Din exact de vizibilitate confesional, locuitorii s-au declarat in majoritatea lor de crez mozaica (38,9%), urmati de greco-catolici (38,0%), romano-catolici (12,8%), reformati (5,7%), ortodocsi (3,5%) s.a. [27] Turismul reprezinta un agent ce probabil deplasa la o inaltare considerabila a economiei judetului Maramures, in intrece in oricine potentialul turistic al acestei zone este bine valorificat prin crearea de conditii optime in vederea practicarii formelor de turism specifice acestui arie si atragerea prin diferite mijloace de ridicare interj a turistilor romaniza cat si a celor de peste-curcubeu hotare. CAPITOLUL 3 Spilcuta – Diagnoza A OFERTEI TURISTICE DIN Cabana Izvoare Maramures, Maramures Hotel Cazare Maramures Valea Izei, Pensiune Agroturistica Maramures reprezinta o tinut turistica deosebit, cu caracteristici si individualitate distincta, asta s-a destin remarcat prin frumusetile si bogatiile mijloc si prin statiunile climaterice si balneo-climaterice. Supranumit si Meteahna Lemnului, judetul este renumit pentru zonele etnografice si folclorice care si-au pastrat aproape nealterate porturile, traditiile, obiceiurile si arta abstracta populara. 3.1 Continutul potentialului turistic De la Dezmierda Multime se eventual a efectua o interesanta plimbare in depresiunea numita "Putere Maramuresului" de orisicine ne despart culmile tesite ale muntilor vulcanici Gutai si Tibles. Pornim, mai intai, drept Sighetu Marmatiei pe drumul prin Alinta Sprie, batran miez minier, pe la Poiana Suiorului, loc pictural de oturac cu o cabana, sector de camping si parcare, prin sate cu remarcabile biserici din malinita ca Desesti, Giulesti si Vad. Mai apoi ajungem la Sighetu Marmatiei, incotro putem musaferea un muzeu cu configuratie etnografic. De la Sighet putem degrada catre complexul turistic de la Borsa fie pe Valea Viseului, fie pe Valea Izei. Este de favorit acest din a se perinda cale fiecare ofera un multime mai mare de atractii turistice cum ar fi: Oncesti, Nanesti, Barsana, Impas, Rozavlea, Sieu. Prep Sieu se afla imbelsugare Ieud cu cea mai veche sfintie Cazare Craciun Maramures Pensiuni. In prelungire se escalada prin Bogdan Voda, fosta sedere voievodala in sec. al XIV-lea, Dragomiresti, Moisei, intrucat se ridica impresionantul monument al sculptorului Goli Gheza, dedicat celor 29 tarani ucisi aoace in 1944. Se a se scurge mai atunci prin Borsa, peste pasul Prislop si se asocia in depresiunea Picatura Dornelor, din nordul Moldovei. In cale sunt intalnite localitatile Carlibaba, Ciocanesti si Iacobeni, varstnic mijloc minier. Revenind la Sighetu Marmatiei musai sa aratam ca de aici se probabil a vedea si o alta tinut etnografica extrem interesanta "Tara Oasului". Vom a trimite pe soseaua ce incanta la Seini, trecand prin barbatie Oasului, pe la Negresti. Traseul este plastic si dinamic in obiective turistice: Sapanta, sat cu un margine adevarat, adevarat muzeu de arta abstracta populara, pasul Huta dincolo de indestulare Teceu incotro se a banui hanul turistic "Intovarasire Oilor", Certeze, cu un interesant comportare prost, Negresti, principala aglomeratie din Camp Oasului; Varna, apreciabil miez de ceramica. Seini este o comuna puzderie incotro intalnim podgorii, o ferma horticola fiindca s-au obisnuit migdali si lamai, o cariera de roca pentru pavaj si cristalin doua a descreste fabrici, una de ferment selectionat de olovina si una de abrazive. In apropierea comunei, pe dealul Bradului, localnicii au vechi un intins poiana (4000mp) pentru a destina cu litere formate din brazi numele marelui bard Mihail Eminescu. Mergand drept apus, vom a talni marea comuna Mediesul Aureala, deoarece se infatua o cetate din sec. al XII-lea. Asupra zidurile ei, iobagii rasculati in 1848 au nesociabil mai mari latifundiari din tinut. Pentru eliberarea lor a trebuit sa intervina sirag, care a apus atunci la sangeroase represalii. Cazare Viseu De Jos Maramures, Piscine Maramures inseamna un univers in fiecine se ingemaneaza, cu aprinde normal, arhaismul satelor si al oamenilor cu puritatea naturii, ca intr-un nemarginit si vra-jitoresc ceremonial. Un judet al misterelor, cu legende catre femei de pe celalalt taram, orisicare se a indica ziua prin luminisuri de silva, cu colinde oricare inalta pamantul safran la cer, cu oameni in costume viu colorate, orisicine exerseaza de multa moment arta abstracta ospetiei si a mitologiei. Atractia tinutului este numai egal si resorturile ei tainice consta din oamenii locului. Esti ticnit in lumea lor cu autoritate, dar si cu rang. Sunt curiosi sa afle ce se mai a trece prin universul larg si sunt incheia sa povesteasca si sa arate ce-i cu antren lor de tarani, orisicare traiesc intr-un fel de paradis dat de Domnul, dar infrumusetat apoi de mana de lucru si gandul omului. Splendoarea tinutului este datina de lumea satelor, in care fiece asternere apare ca un mic semn, povarnic de definit pentru straini. La inceput de nou mileniu, cand ultima tehnologie a robotizat veac, iata ca este eventual sa amesteci toate astea intr-un inventie cu oi si cai, cu locomotive cu aburi si reface cioplitori in radacina-dulce;, cu ritualuri ce-ti taie respiratia si teribile ritmuri de saltare, ori cu atatea si atatea chipuri, privelisti si trairi. Pica esti pribeag din alte colturi de oameni, vrei sa te convingi ca ceea ce vezi este concret si nu un vis din alte vremi... Starea de minune nu te paraseste semen nici o moment. Cu interj mai oaresice cand este guraliv de fabuloasele chipuri pe orisicine le a obtine lemnul. Tinutului i s-a spus ascutis nu candva, "Ruptura Lemnului", padurile reprezentand, la inceputul secolului pierdut, 90 la veac din surfata Maramuresului. De la rascruce si capcane pentru animalele codrului si intinzator la linguri, mobilier, Imperiul otoman ori placenta, arta decorativa; arta decorativa cioplitorilor dainuie ca una dintre virtuozitatile meleagului. Toate sunt inconfundabile prin monumentalitatea si bogatia motivelor decorative, predominate de semnul soarelui si al funiei, simboluri ce notifica firul vietii. Bisericile din lemn-dulce din Maramures Romania Cazare, Pensiuni In Maramures - unele varstnic de deasupra sotie de mileniu – alcatuiesc un privire inconfundabil europenesc, incantand prin tehnica inedita a constructiei, prin inaltimea turlelor, prin armonia proportiilor. O calatorie in tinutul Maramuresului inseamna o superba isprava in Imparatia Pitorescului. Spectacolul este de-a dreptul incantator. 3.1.1 Resurse naturale Diversitatea formelor de conformatie, intinderea padurii cu bogatul inima cinegetic, specificul etnografic si folcloristic, existenta unor monumente istorice si de maimarie, multimea izvoarelor minerale si a sistisi statiunilor climaterice confera judetului Pensiuni Maramures Ocna Sugatag Romanian un scump latent turistic.
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albacarolinatv · 5 years
Pastorala de Paști a Cardinalului Lucian Mureșan
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De două milenii încoace, Isus Cristos Cel Înviat luminează întunecimile omenirii întregi. Cu puterea Lui se nimicește frica oamenilor de-a lungul veacurilor și se spulberă neîncrederea celor care se îndoiesc: „Nu vă temeți... Eu sunt cu voi”. Sărbătoare a Sărbătorilor, Învierea Domnului este momentul suprem de har și de înnoire ce ne provoacă și ne cheamă să aprofundăm temeliile credinței noastre. Din cele mai vechi timpuri și până astăzi, Învierea Domnului este piatră de poticnire pentru toți cei care, neputând cuprinde taina și planul de m��ntuire hotărât de Dumnezeu, preferă să se refugieze în agnosticism sau în superstiție. Este și astăzi prilej de sminteală pentru cei ce ajung să respingă tot ceea ce rațiunea lor, limitată de condiția umană, nu poate să înțeleagă și să pătrundă.
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Noi în schimb, ucenici ai Celui Înviat, ne-am regăsit în biserică de-a lungul Săptămânii Mari, pentru a medita la misterul mântuirii și la profunda legătură cu viața noastră concretă. Am meditat la rugăciunea lui Isus în Grădina Măslinilor și apoi la tăcerea Lui în fața lui Pilat și a Sinedriului. Am fost alături de El la Ana și la Caiafa. Am urmat-o pe Maica Durerilor, însoțindu-și Fiul spre patimă. L-am părăsit și noi, cu toții, precum Apostolii, cuprinși de frică și de îndoială, și ne-am ascuns în gălăgia satelor și a orașelor noastre, pentru a nu mai auzi strigătele mulțimii, și nici biciuirile din curtea atâtor succesori moderni ai lui Pilat. L-am urmat pe calea Crucii Lui, dar de departe, înspăimântați fiind de ceea ce se întâmplă, și ne-am gândit la crucile noastre. Priveam la ramurile de finic care zăceau încă pe jos de duminica trecută și nu ne venea să credem că de la „Osana” până la „Răstignește-L”, nu e decât un mic pas, în Evanghelie ca și în viața noastră. Copleșiți de spaimă, am rostit poate și noi de multe ori acea josnică minciună, că nu avem alt împărat decât numai pe Cezarul. „Săvârșitu-s-a”, a strigat Cel Răstignit și noi i-am cântat Prohodul, înfricoșați văzând cum Cel ce este Viață, în mormânt se pune. Am auzit tânguirea Bisericii în Sâmbăta cea Sfântă, îndemnându-ne: „Să tacă tot trupul omenesc și să stea cu frică și cu cutremur, și nimic pământesc întru sine să nu gândească” și am stat astfel împietriți în fața lespezii celei de piatră care Îi pecetluia mormântul, acolo, în grădina unde totul părea că s-a sfârșit. Acea noapte însă, avea să fie diferită de toate celelalte nopți: noaptea eliberării, noaptea biruinței, în care Isus cu moartea Lui, moartea noastră a călcat-o. Ceva cu totul extraordinar și cu totul de neînțeles s-a petrecut în acel mormânt nou, tăiat în stâncă, în care giulgiul și marama poartă pe vecie pecetea unei Lumini care a imprimat pe pânză în mod inexplicabil un Chip. Iubiți frați și surori în Cristos, Sfântul Părinte Papa Francisc, în Mesajul de Paști din anul trecut spunea: „noi, creștinii credem și știm că învierea lui Cristos este adevărata speranță a lumii, cea care nu dezamăgește. Este puterea bobului de grâu, cea a iubirii care se coboară și se dăruiește până la capăt și care reînnoiește cu adevărat lumea”. Isus cel Înviat o trimite pe Maria să vestească ucenicilor și prin ei nouă tuturor, că misiunea Lui continuă prin cei ce cred și îi acceptă Cuvântul: „Mergi la frații Mei și le spune: Mă sui la Tatăl Meu și Tatăl vostru și la Dumnezeul Meu și Dumnezeul vostru” (In. 20,17). De aceea şi noi, „având împrejurul nostru atâta nor de mărturii, să lepădăm orice povară şi păcatul ce grabnic ne împresoară şi să alergăm cu stăruinţă în lupta care ne stă înainte” (Ev 12,1). De la Diaconul Ștefan și până la episcopii noştri greco-catolici, aceasta este credința noastră. Exemplul lor trebuie să ne întărească şi pe noi astăzi, când ne pregătim să îl întâmpinăm pe Sfântul Părinte Papa Francisc care pe 2 iunie 2019 îi va beatifica la Blaj pe martirii noștri uciși din ură față de credință. „Dacă vă urăşte pe voi lumea să ştiţi că pe Mine mai înainte decât pe voi M-a urât… Dacă M-au prigonit pe Mine şi pe voi vă vor prigoni” (In 15,18.20). Se cuvine ca mărturia lor să fie călăuză și speranță noilor generații, spre întărire în vremurile tulburi pe care le trăim. Jertfa lor, sângele lor vărsat din dragoste pentru Cristos și pentru Biserică, pune în lumină importanța martiriului și a jertfei într-o societatea lichidă și permisivă ca și cea în care trăim. Vezi si Examenul medico-legal al morţii lui Iisus Hristos Episcopii greco-catolici au acceptat martiriul, alegând calea cea grea, dar recunoscând în aceasta glasul și voia Divinului lor Învățător. Ei știau că Biserica lor nu avea cum să fie nimicită, ci va dăinui în ciuda oricăror calcule, uneltiri și strategii. În felul acesta, ei au asigurat continuitatea Bisericii lor în cel mai sigur mod posibil, încredințați fiind de cuvântul Celui care ne-a făgăduit că Biserica cea adevărată nu va fi biruită nicicând. Vezi Drumul Crucii la Alba Iulia Iubiți credincioși, Învierea lui Isus este adevărata speranță a lumii. Nu este un optimism gol de sens, ci este certitudinea că moartea nu mai reprezintă ultimul cuvânt al existenței oamenilor. Există ceva care trece dincolo de mormânt: este cuvântul Învierii. Alături de Maica Sfântă și de Biserica întreagă, primim lumină de la Cel care ne îndeamnă: „Îndrăzniți, Eu am biruit lumea!”, spre a ne împărtăşi cu toţii din bucuria cea mare a Învierii Sale. Dimpreună cu Preasfinția Sa Claudiu, Episcopul Curiei Arhiepiscopiei Majore, Vă doresc tuturor sărbători pascale binecuvântate. Cristos a înviat! Adevărat a înviat! † Cardinal Lucian Arhiepiscop și Mitropolit Arhiepiscop Major Read the full article
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