#Mary was for the weird little girls who were left unloved
scaredy-draws · 6 months
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A Babe Stuck In the Womb
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no-te-lo-voy-a-dar · 5 years
Sibling Jealousy - Chapter 3
Fic’s Summary: Reader has known the Winchesters for a long time, almost two years before Cas entered their lives. After that, since Reader was the only one actually teaching the angel about humanity customs and stuff like that, properly, they developed a closer relationship, on the parent-kid way. But it was never verbally acknowledged. Now, with Lucifer’s child on the way, life stabs some sense and realizations onto Reader, but there’s no time for feelings in this house.
Author’s Note: This is mainly a fic with the purpose of developing a family relationship with the characters, of mutual support, and I don’t plan on adding romance for Reader, because that’s not my final goal.
Pairings(?): Castiel/Reader (Parental like), Jack Kline/Reader (Platonic/Sibling like), Dean and Sam Winchester/Reader (Platonic/Friends)
Warnings: Usual canon violence and conflicts, as well as injuries and blood mentions, emotional struggles such as feeling unloved, like an outcast, low self-esteem issues and if you think something else should be mentioned let me know.
<<Last Chapter — Next Chapter>>
Chapter’s Author’s Note: Guys, you have no idea how happy seeing the notes go up make me. This is getting more attention than I expected tbh, and I can’t thank you enough. Not even 24hrs had gone by and the second chapter already had 30 something notes! That was almost three times faster than the first chapter! So, just because this was done already, I’m giving you the next part!
Chapter Three: He’s just a kid!
Word Count: 1,868
Turns out Castiel wasn’t coming back. And neither were Mary nor Crowley. The good thing is that Lucifer was successfully trapped on the other universe…if that counted as a win.
But you haven’t had time to let it really sink.
After Sam was a little in the room with you, Dean came rushing too, and was quick to point a gun to Jack, and even with you trying to tell him not to shoot him he did and Jack, out of fear you were sure, did some…nephilim magic shit and sent all three of you floating and then crashing against the walls, knocking you out.
The time on the Impala was awful, Dean was angry out of sadness, Sam was worried and trying to reason with him and you were on autopilot. Finding Jack was the priority, you could mourn Cas later.
Sam went inside the fast food place you found on the road, you stayed outside, doing guard as usual, and after some time, Dean got up and went to the back of the store. At first you thought he went there to check too, but when he came back, his knuckles were bloody. He let out some frustration and anger at…whatever is going on.
You also needed to let out some steam or you were going to cry soon, but punching walls wasn’t your thing. A box costal maybe, but not a wall. No, right now for you, punching something and slaying heads might be the best.
…okay, maybe you needed help, but there wasn’t such a thing as a hunters counselors.
Sam got info and found out Jack was on the police station, so you all jumped on the car again after telling hang over girl to let you pass.
Not even an hour later you found yourself on a cell with Sam and Jack, who now had some clothes on, and Dean was talking to the local sheriff.
Sam started talking to Jack, and kind of apologized for hurting him (as well as apologizing for Dean’s bullet, even when you were sure the other man wasn’t sorry). You learned angel radio made his head hurt and whatever he was listening to scared him, making his powers coming out in a weird (dangerous) and self-preserving way.
“They are just being the feathered jerks they usually are.” You were salty about them ditching humanity, leaving Castiel and then taking him back just to torture him or make him feel less and then you were just mad at the universe.
“(Y/N)!” Sam was probably reprimanding you for your language, probably.
“What? Most of them are anyway. There are, or, well, were exceptions obviously, like Castiel, Anna for a while, the sporadic neutral angel and even Gabriel.” When most of the ordeal with Gabriel took place you were at Bobby’s, but you came across him in a solo hunt you once took. A salt and burn that happened to take place at the town he was hiding at the moment.
Anyway, Jack seemed to be sure that Castiel was his father, because that’s what Kelly told him, and following the logic on how he called you his sibling as well, he was the proof of how babies did know of the stuff going out outside while they were on the womb. Or maybe that just happened to him because he’s a Nephilim.
Dean entered the cell room, saying how you were allowed to leave, when angels took over the place.
Dean was fighting hang over girl on the main office, and Sam and you were stuck with two others. You put Jack behind both of you and thanks to you being thrown over Sam your hit wasn’t as severe, which allowed you to stand up fast and kill one of the angels.
When you were finally thrown to the wall, Sam took care of the other by using a sigil, which just seemed to hurt Jack a little yet not banish him, and just as you were getting outside the cell, ready to flee, hangover girl appeared. After a few words, she was quick to stab Jack on the chest.
You killed the angel and noticed how Jack pulled the angel blade out of his chest and how quickly he was healing, the weapon doing nothing to him.
You chuckled a little and let out a “Dude, that’s some sick Wolverine healing factor the one you’ve got there.” which just earned you a frown from Dean and a chuckle from Sam. Jack was just utterly confused.
But, the slight light mood was soon over because you went back to the lake house, to burn the bodies of both Kelly and Cas…
You helped with the wood, because you couldn’t look at Cas’ corpse laying, lifeless, graceless, just…dead. He was…gone.
Chopping wood and setting it right kept your mind focused. You left Dean to cover the angel’s body and Sam and Jack took care of Kelly.
Sam tried to explain to Jack what you’re supposed to say at moments like this, and Dean made a sharp comment, making the mood awkward, at least for a while, because not even on your head you could muster a simple thought for Castiel.
You started somewhere and your mind took multiple lines on remembering him, or wanting to say something about certain issues, but you ended on some kind of mental crash because nothing left and you didn’t realize how much you’ve been standing there until Sam tugged at your jacket to get on the Impala, the wood and fire already consumed, along with the bodies over and inside them.
There was no risk at the fire spreading, nor their bodies being used or they becoming ghosts.
At some point, you and Jack fell asleep on the back of the Impala, Jack resting his head on your shoulder and you had an arm over him. You only found out because Sam told you, and when you asked for the picture (because it was a thing to have something to blackmail each other) he said he didn’t take one because it slipped his mind while convincing Dean to find a motel to stay in and get some rest.
While eating you and Sam noticed how Jack was imitating Dean while they talked, and weren’t sure what to say when Jack took from a beer bottle, because even if he looked like a teenager, he was, what did he said? 3 days, something hour and…little more than 3 days old.
It was when they came back on the middle of the night and Dean complaining that you found out they tried to give Jack an anti-possession tattoo, but after it was done, his body healed itself, leaving his skin as clean as when he was running naked on the forest.
Donatello caught up with you and helped you find Jack when he went missing due Asmodeus taking him trying to open a gate to Hell.
Luckily you were finally at The Bunker, and went straight to take a shower with warm enough water that left you feeling like you were really clean.
When you came out looking for any of the brothers or Jack, you saw Dean leaving with a bloody knife one of the rooms.
You went to the room Dean left, to find Jack with his shirt shredded and with blood spots around what seemed to be stab marks. But his skin was fine, just like it was after the angel blade and the tattoos try.
So why…
“Jack? Are you alright? Why is…why is your shirt like that?” Did Dean tried to kill you? Was a question you didn’t want to ask but was, hopefully, implied.
“Okay, wrong question. Did Dean do this to you?” Not so lucky after all.
“No, I, I tried to see if I really couldn’t die. I don’t want more people to get hurt.” After burrowing his eyebrows, Jack added “But Dean did say he would kill me if I, if I went evil.”
Of course he did, the sonofabitch.
You sighed, and went to sit on the bed on the room, patting the place besides you so Jack could sit. He hesitated before joining you, but eventually sat besides you, actually looking you at the eyes. That’s a good sign, maybe.
“Ok, first of all, you shouldn’t go around trying to see what actually hurts you, because some day, you could come across something that does hurt you and if you were stabbing yourself on the chest, that’s not gonna be a good thing.” You took a pause, trying to see a way of phrasing the next thing.
“If we want to protect you, we might need to know what harms you and your healing factor doesn’t fix as quick as everything we’ve seen so far. Just so we can keep you away from those. But stabbing yourself on the chest is a big no, okay?” It was like knowing what harmed Castiel to actually have that in mind while hunting.
“But they don’t want to protect me. Dean said-” oh no, you weren’t allowing that.
“What Dean says right now, is not that much of importance. He still doesn’t know you, so he’s talking out of fear…mainly. And he did say if you go evil. Which you won’t. I hope. I’ll do my best to avoid it.” Great, mumbling and hesitation might not be the best you can offer him right now.
But his face seemed to light up at that idea.
“You mean, if I’m a good person, Dean might, like me?” Oh Chuck, he was really just a kid and so much has been thrown at him already.
“That’s the idea. He’s still kind of an explosive character, but you can warm up to him.” You patted his shoulder as he nodded and were ready to leave, when you heard him talking to you again.
“(Y/N), what do you mean by ‘warm up’ to Dean?” He asked with that head tilt.
You used all of your strength not to sight because that tilt reminded you so much of Cas and you haven’t even cried for him yet, and the fight against angels just let you leave some stress out.
Instead, you turned around from the doorway you were already at, and tried your best at explaining the concept.
He used fancier words when he repeated what you told him or phrased it to what he seemed to understand, which you attributed to the angel side.
“That’s right, and please, don’t think too much about it, just, stay safe. I’m going to my room to sleep, but if you need anything you are welcome to knock on my door…maybe I should show you which one is mine. Come on.” The light brunette boy stood up and went to walk besides you until you signaled him to walk alongside you.
You took him to and from your room, to give him more time to memorize the way. Afterwards, you finally went to sleep, to rest.
You were so tired your mind and body didn’t even focus too much on the fact Castiel wasn’t alive anymore. He was gone.
You were left…alone.
Sibling’s Tag List: 
(If you wanna be added, please say so in the comment’s section of THIS post)
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callmeakumatized · 6 years
Hey, Jealousy - Ch. 2
ch.1 Ao3 ff.net
For Rose. Nebs helped. 8)
Chat Noir was fuming.
Who did Luka think he was, talking about Marinette like that!? 'Amazing'!? Of course, Marinette's amazing! She's way more than just amazing! She's kind and strong and funny and…!
…well, she's kinda weird too, but in an attractive way, if that was a thing. Which was good for Adrien, since she tended to be that way more often than not around him.
Chat paused in his pacing and smirked to himself. Was it bad how self-satisfied he felt when he could get her flustered enough to elicit some of those crazy responses? Was it bad how often he maybe did it on purpose?
Chat took a few steps to lean on the railing of the rooftop he had stopped on to look to the balcony across the way. The lights of the Tour de Eiffel shone brightly, bathing the scene in a replica of yellow moonlight, giving the shared space a charming, almost ethereal glow. The scene was rendered to near perfect by the excited buzz of couples and tourists buzzing around in the parc by Marinette's house and the motorists hurrying along to enjoy the views of the Ville de l'Amour, 'City of Love'.
But all Chat Noir could concentrate on was how he had already been rejected by the girl of his dreams, and now, too suddenly for him to be able to properly wrap his head around, found the girl he himself had rejected had become something of an exhilarant to his insides.
"Marinette! Really? Love m-me!? I…I mean, I don't know what to say…. No, Mar, I don't feel the same way…
"I'm sorry."
He hated that he remembered every word of that conversation.
It was unfair.
So, once again, Chat Noir tried to reason with his stupid brain about the situation.
Because it wasn't like he was actually attracted to Marinette. Sure, there were certain qualities she possessed that were attrac-tive, but he never had considered himself actually attrac-ted to her. Like, he hadn't ever seriously thought of the two of them being together. Entertained the idea one or twice? Maybe. A dozen times might, in reality, be a more accurate number. Or even a dozen times a week, but who was really counting!? Thinking about it was safe, because it wasn't like anything would ever happen between the two of them! It was just, like, a fantasy or – no, NOT 'fantasy', that's not…that's not the right word. Imaginings of a love-starved boy? Yeah, that's all. Because, even though Plagg had whined about how cliché it was for him to say it (which was about 99% of why he was Chat Noir right now, so he didn't have to listen to the ornery cuss any longer), Adrien was still hopelessly devoted to Ladybug!
His Lady…
The one who didn't see him in that way at all.
"Chat, you know how I feel about staying strictly professional in the suit. We don't have that luxury, so I've never entertained the idea. Sorry, Chaton, but we can't be together…ever."
He remembered every word of that conversation too.
Chat growled suddenly, pushing off the railing and turning around to cross his arms and pout. Ville de l'Amour? More like Ville des mal-aimés, 'City of the Unloved'…
(…okay, maybe that was a little melodramatic.)
It took a few minutes for a still-scowling Chat's ears to finally twitch enough to draw his attention to the familiar sounds of a certain girl who had just come out from her balcony. When he turned, both cat ears turned too, concentrating everything on her.
"…Luka, that sounds, uh, that sounds grood! I mean goot! I mean, I can't wait! Heh, yeah, 7:00 is fine. Okay. Yeah, see you then. Bye."
"New boyfriend?"
Chat was a little satisfied in the terrified scream Marinette had let loose. He easily caught the phone she'd thrown at him and looked down to see a picture of her and Luka on her screen in an open text box.
"Chat!" she finally whisper-shouted at him, hand still clutching her chest from residual fear…though she did have mind enough to march over and snatch the phone out of his hands. "What are you doing here?"
"You didn't answer my question," Chat responded instead, leaping down from where he had snuck onto her balcony railing and getting close enough to lean over her smaller frame. She maintained eye contact with him, surprise at his antics giving way to a small smirk. He felt his pulse rise compulsorily at the splendid sight of her needing to peer straight up at him in their close proximity, with that look on her soft features.
"Since when is it any of your business who I date, Chat Noir?"
Playful Marinette?
…yes please.
"I thought you liked the Agreste boy," Chat shrugged, "yet, it didn't sound like that's who you were talking to, Princessa. Just wanting to know if I need to protect you from another boy Akumatized because of his unrequited love for you."
This actually made Marinette laugh, though it was tinged with a bit of sadness. "Thanks for thinking so highly of me, really, but I can promise you 'Adrienette' – " she used air-quotes with her fingers to emphasize the word – "won't happen."
"Adrien…Marinette…." She slapped her hands together. "'Adrienette'."
Oh. Never happen, huh…?
It stung, but Chat couldn't really think of – or maybe couldn't bring himself to admit – why. He cleared his throat a little, trying to ignore it all and get his head back in the game.
"But you like this guy? Luka?" Chat leaned on the rail and leaned in a little closer. "Like, actually like him?"
"Yes, Chat," she said simply. "I wouldn't exactly have agreed to go on a date with him if I didn't."
Marinette blinked, apparently not expecting that response.
(Neither was Chat.)
"Why? Why what?"
"Why do you like this guy all of a sudden?"
"Why does it matter?"
"Indulge me, mon Mari-Cherie," he said quietly.
Why this was so important, he couldn't be sure. It could be something simple and dumb, like reassurance. It could be – and probably was – something else. Either way, for some reason, the answer to this question seemed like the most important thing in the world right now.
"I…" Marinette sighed, looking away. "Well, he's nice, Chaton. And, well, he likes me. Like…" Marinette smiled to herself. "Like, he actually likes me. For me. As I am. Not because I'm –" Marinette's eyes suddenly snapped wide eyes back to Chat, searching his face like he suddenly could guess what she had been about to say. "That is, I mean, not because I'm someone – something! Else. Someone I'm not. 'Cause I don't like to act like someone or something I'm not. And, well…" She wouldn't look up at him now. Pointedly. "That matters more than you might think."
It felt like she was blaming him for being a person that would do that, and…Chat didn't know what to think. What had he done – or, more likely, said – that would have caused her to act that way to him now? He refused to think about how Adrien had turned her down for Ladybug, so what was it about Chat that had tainted her opinion of him? The fact that he had told her that he loved Ladybug before? Didn't he have a right, as one superhero to another, to have a "celebrity crush" on His Lady as Marinette had had for him?
Marinette sighed, the sound shaking Chat from his stupor. Without looking back, she walked quietly to her trapdoor, opened it, and slipped inside, pausing when only her head and uplifted arm could be seen. She looked over her shoulder at him.
"Goodnight, Chat Noir." Her smile was soft, maybe even a little sad. As he watched, unable to look away, and equally unmatched for any more conversation, Marinette's small smile turned up in the corner slyly.
"Don't stray too far, Minou. You're always welcome to my rooftop."
A quick wink – a wink – and she was gone. And Chat Noir was left to stew in his own mind, swimming in the confused goop that used to be coherent thoughts and steady emotions.
…I'm in trouble.
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