#Matsu s2 spoilers
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That’s it, that’s the episode
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artflicker · 7 years
ch...choromatsu trying to teach karamatsu to be less timid was so sweet though.... 😭
good suiriku content 💚💙
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scarletttbitch · 7 years
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hey so was anyone else uhh really into the Boys in their pjs because uhhhhhh💦 
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redwylde · 6 years
Give me a character: ChoromatsuWhy I like them: His straight-man humour is absolutely hilarious, he’s completely relatable, he’s the mother hen we all deserve.Why I don’t: This is much less a Choro problem and more a writing problem, but sometimes I’m a little hmmmm when the Staff sacrifice Choro’s character for a fap joke, as if they’re not all Fappymatsus. Matsu bullying is very funny but don’t skimp out on his actual character in favour of a shallow fap joke pls.Favourite episode (scene if movie): Probably the Suiriku ep. We saw a WHOLE lot of Choro we don't tend to see because he’s such an anxious, tsundere mess lmao How he went out of his way to make sure Kara was alright, took him to the side so they could talk about his problems privately, coached him into telling his brothers no and valuing himself more, and stood behind him for emotional support when the time came (only to be thrown under the bus by that fucking asshole KARA WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS xD). A lot of people think Choro is this unfeeling, horrible person so it was nice to see his nurturing side~ Also calling Kara his “dear, sweet niisan” to try and appeal to his big brother instincts as he was walking away was PRICELESS. Kara damnit!! lmaoFavourite season/movie: I loved Choro in both seasons, he was absolutely perfect in both~ I do have to say I am grateful to Season 2 for developing Choro that bit more - he’s not as walled up and proud as he used to be, he talks about how he’s truly feeling and let’s his brothers in. He’s opening his little green heart and I love it ^^Favourite line: Literally..... I can’t, just any times he opens his mouth I’m reeling. I especially love when he screams, Kamiyan destroys his vocal chords constantly to give that frog a voice and WE DON’T DESERVE HIM. I miss him saying his ass hair is on fire, tho, that was such a good line lmaoFavourite outfit: I love his S2 tracksuit, his idol manager suit, whenever he wears that green duffel coat, whenever he’s depicted as a nurse in hospital AUs and he wears scrubs - I can’t BELIEVE how good he looks in scrubs, JADE!!!!, his F6 outfits and BELPHEGOR!!! Belphegor gets amazing outfits~OTP: CHORODAYO. She’s the only one who’s any good for him, down with shipping him with these fake ass bitches who don’t give him the time of day. Plus, they’re relationship was total chemistry and he wasn’t thinking about her purely as some sort of graduation method. They’re perfect y’all and deserve better!BROtp: Suiriku!! or Wakaba~Headcanon: Everytime I think of Choro getting a job, I see him in a manga shop. It’d be perfect and I don’t know why the Staff keep depicting him as a boring salaryman or something. Come oonnn, it’s possible to get jobs you like too! He’d be able to recommend you the perfect manga just hearing three of your preferences, if you can’t decide on what to get and need a second opinion, he provides you with a short, spoiler-free review that ultimately convinces you to buy. Like a superpower, he’ll notice you looking at something and promptly swap it for something better. He’d be SO good at his job there, let him use his otaku powers for good! lmaoUnpopular opinion: People who say Choro is unlikable because of how he doesn’t practice what he preaches are weak. If you’ve never set a goal for yourself and then never got around to it because adult life is hard, you lie. He’s still finding himself, he’s trying!! Also Oso is more dangerous around women than he could ever be and that is a FACT.A wish: I want him to meet Dayoko again~ I want a sign that he misses her and I want them to make up after the way they separated the first time. It wasn’t exactly the best feeling thing in the world and I want them to always be happy. Let them meet! Let her come to the surface!An oh-god-please-don’t-ever-happen: Hmmmm. Can’t think of anything off the top of my head.5 words to best describe them: Anxious, Frog, Pure (of heart), Scream, Delinquent.My nickname for them: CHORO-CHAN, Chorizo, Choroski.
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It’s almost 6AM and I haven’t slept yet but I just had a thought re: Jyushi flinging Eitaro and his girlfriend into the sun at the end of the skit
So, Eitaro was able to make friends by using the gags and antics that Matser Jyushi taught him - and that means, he used those same gags and antics to win the heart of the little girl who’s now his girlfriend.
What if Jyushi didn’t fling Eitaro into the sun just because he got a girlfriend
Because remember, Jyushi used his gags and antics to win the heart of a girl before too
But instead of getting a girlfriend, she just got away
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s2ep10: a little respect
♪ So-o-oul, I hear you call-iiiiiing Oh baby, pleeeease... Give a little respe-ect, toooooo meeeeee! ♪ - “A Little Respect” by Erasure, which seems to be this week’s theme song :P
The first of this week’s three skits is “Karamatsu and Brothers”, which I know nearly everyone was looking forward to. After all, Kara’s the fan favorite both here and in the Japanese fandom, where recently he’s won the top spot in a recent magazine’s favorite characters poll; does it live up to everyone’s standards?!
The skit opens with Totty asking Choro to buy him a soda, which Choro refuses to do in a very aggressive manner. I like how Totty described Choro here - “You act like an honor student, but you’re really just a delinquent!”; it succinctly summarizes Choro’s character well enough :P 
Luckily for Totty, Kara comes to the rescue and offers to buy his soda for him! And after Totty gets his soda, he calls Kara “nice” and “reliable”, which makes Kara feel very happy and sparkly :P
Then everyone else starts asking Kara to do things for them: Starting with Oso, who asks Kara to do his chores in his stead; then Jyushi asks the same thing, then Ichi, then all of a sudden everyone except Choro is asking Kara to do something for him. And Kara says yes, he’ll do them! He’ll do anything his brothers ask him, they can rely on him!!
At this point Choro steps in, and scolds the others for putting so much on Kara. He even scolds Kara a bit for not standing up for himself. Honestly these little moments of Choro stepping in for his family members’ sakes (approaching Matsuzo about his problem in S2Ep4, now telling the others to lay off Kara in this ep.) are very nice; he really can be a good son and brother, after all ;v; And to the other brothers’ credit, they do feel bad for piling so much on Kara after realizing it - but then Kara protests and assures them no, it’s okay, he likes it when the brothers ask him to do stuff, it’s perfectly fine!! And with that assurance, the others go back to treating him like a work horse :P
Later, up on the rooftop, Kara confesses to Choro the truth - he actually hates it when the others ask him to do so much for them, so much that he could either die or kill them. When asked about why can’t just say “no” to them, Kara puts on the cool act and says that it’s because he’s such a nice guy~ But Choro quickly gets that the real reason Kara can’t say “no” is because beneath the painful guy act, he’s really just a timid wimp who can’t stand up for himself :P
Honesty Tidbit # 1: I never thought I’d actually say this, but... Kara’s situation was oddly relatable to me in some aspects. My family members - especially my sister - ask me to do things for them, get things for them, etc. all the time. And even when I don’t want to do them, I do them anyway orz (The difference between me and Kara is that unlike him, I usually complain first before doing them :P) To be fair, since I’m a NEET and no one else is, I guess it makes sense that I’m asked to do things for everyone while they’re doing work or resting from work. But still, it’s annoying...
Honesty Tidbit # 2: I can already see the annoying part of the fandom latching onto the fact that Kara’s a bit of a pushover and using that to further push the “pwecious sad woobie” fanon interpretation orz I’m really not looking forward to it...
So Choro tries to be a good brother again and offers to help Kara practice saying “no” to his brothers. However, he ends up getting sidetracked haha :P I find it interesting that Kara actually can’t recognize Choro’s caricatures of the others, even with each one’s more obvious attributes (”horse races” and “boobs” for Oso, “cats” and “killing you all” for Ichi, “baseball” and “BOEH” for Jyushi) mentioned. It makes me wonder, does Kara view and identify his brothers differently from how Choro (and the audience) does? If that’s the case, then how does he view and identify them? ...Or maybe Choro’s caricatures just too exaggerated for him haha
In the end, though, they go and tell the brothers Kara’s true feelings on the matter. And in a very nice moment, the brothers actually backed off once they knew that Kara didn’t actually like being asked what to do (they even said, “Why didn’t you tell us that you wanted us to stop?”), recognized that they really did keep asking him because they knew he wouldn’t say no, and sincerely apologized for it and promised not to do it anymore. Despite what fanon tends to say, the brothers really do care for Kara after all. I’m very glad that’s the case ;v;
...and then the others proceed to make Choro take Kara’s place as the errand boy :P Choro angrily protests, asks for Kara’s help... and Kara refuses and leaves him to fend for himself with a “Good luck~” PFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. Of all times for Kara to decide to say “no”... I guess no good deed goes unpunished when your name’s Matsuno Choromatsu :P
This was a good skit! A good Choro, good Suiriku interaction, the brothers proving fanon wrong... What’s not to love? :’)
The second skit, “New Employee Totoko”, is exactly what it says on the tin - in an office AU, Totoko is the newly hired employee, with Totty being her superior. The skit is already interesting to me because of Totty having the role of the boss/leader/department head in this skit; he doesn’t usually take on these roles IIRC. It fits the ambitious side of his personality though, so I’m not complaining :) He’s also taking his job really seriously in this skit, and certainly acts like how you’d expect a boss/leader/department head to act. It ends up making him a pretty good tsukkomi to Totoko’s antics :P
Speaking of Totoko, she was pretty neat here too! For one thing, her hairstyle as a newbie employee is really nice ;v; It’s her first day working in Akatsuka Tradings, but already she’s causing problems for her superior - first off, she won’t come over when Totty calls her over to his desk. Her excuse is that nobody told her that that’s what she had to do, so she didn’t do it :P Then Totty gives her a document to work on, which he tells her should be finished before lunch - but she doesn’t finish it at all by then, her excuse being that she hasn’t used the programs before, hasn’t done this sort of computing before, etc. Totty ends up having to do the work himself. Then, since Totty did her work for her, Totoko ended up spending her office time updating her social media and sleeping on the job... Again she uses her inexperience as an excuse... Yeah, Totoko’s not exactly the ideal employee for anyone working as a department head :P
I wonder if I can say that I’d be like Totoko if I were in an office setting? :P Again I’m a NEET so I don’t have any job experience... But if my memories of school, college, the two-week internship I had when I was in college, etc. are anything to go by, I know I’d be utterly useless when left to my devices and would always have to ask for help and instructions before I could be set on doing anything orz That, and I get distracted easily, I lose motivation easily, I stay up late... Yeah, Totoko is rather relatable here as well and I’m not proud to admit it orz
Totty ends up having to give Totoko a stern talking to, saying that since she’s new he’ll do his best to help her, but she’s still gotta put in the work herself. They agree to work hard, their conversation ends on a good note, Totty shows off his own version of Kara’s bishie eyes...
...and at the end of the day, Totoko quits her job :P Though Totty begs her to stay, and after his begging she says she’ll stay and even starts saying these cheesy, so-cliche-that-they’re-clearly-bullshit lines about how she’ll do a good job from now on... And then she ditches her job without saying goodbye :P Totty’s very upset about this. Ichiko and Jyushiko (?!) showing up and proving to be better employees doesn’t really help matters either, and it proves at the end that Totty won’t accept “uggos” and wants to work with a cute girl like Yowai-kun :P Ah, classic Totty
And finally, the last skit, “Dubbingmatsu-san”. A couple of unknown people who do unknown work in the Osomatsu-san anime enter a lavishly decorated room filled with food, comfy sofas, and pretty girls in bikinis. What’s all this for? It’s to receive the sextuplets, who are coming in to dub the anime of course! The sextuplets enter wearing various things to conceal their identities to the public - each one increasingly ridiculous than the last - and after a few minutes’ rest, they start to read and practice their lines before they start recording. And during practice, it never seems to be good enough...!!
It becomes clear that this skit actually isn’t about the boys at all - it’s a meta piece about their seiyuu, with the boys kinda-sorta acting as the main six seiyuu’s avatars instead of being themselves. Or at least, that’s how I like to think of this skit :P There are references to seiyuu having to take care of their voices - the boys have humidifiers with them to keep their vocal chords working, and even have back-up surgery implants for their throats in case the worst happens! 
And then the boys start practicing their lines and beating themselves up for not meeting their own high standards - the part I really lost it was when Totty yelled, “What did I go study abroad for?!”, which is a reference to Miyu Irino going abroad earlier this year to pursue his theatre studies. It makes me wonder now if the stuff the others were saying while they were beating themselves up were references to their own seiyuu themselves?? Meanwhile Ichi’s/Jun’s just practicing his stabbing skills. Good job Ichi/Jun Also can we please exploit Miyu Irino’s English skills in S2 already
Then recording’s about to begin - with the boys completely naked of course, can’t risk any clothes ruffling making any noise! - and after some chants, they start dubbing over the provided images. And apparently, they’re so good that they can ad-lib and almost change the script entirely, and it’d be okay! They didn’t even need to do any retakes - the boys/seiyuu are just that good!! They’re professionals!!!
It’s interesting to see Ososan’s (fictionalized and exaggerated for comedy’s sake) take on the recording process of anime. It certainly matches up with some of the things I remember reading in interviews with the seiyuu before. In the end, this skit is a silly and irreverent but affectionate love letter to the guys who bring our loveable six same shitheads to life. I can’t help but wonder how Sakurai/Nakamura/Kamiya/Fukuyama/Ono/Irino all felt while recording this skit. Were they embarrassed? Happy? A little proud? I hope someone asks about that skit either in an interview or in a post-Cour 1 commentary reel, like last season’s.
Finally recording ends, and the boys head home - each going home with a hefty sum of yen in one hand, a pretty bikini girl on one arm, and in each one’s personal private helicopter. I... am pretty sure this bit is an exaggeration, there’s no way anyone would actually go home in a private helicopter unless they’re that stinkin’ rich and famous :P But hey, the boys did a good job, they’re happy, the anime staff is happy, we get a quality anime because of everyone’s hard work, therefore everyone’s happy.
“Who would’ve thought such professionals were behind those shitty episodes that air on TV?” “Makes you respect them even more.”
So in conclusion, thank you to Sakurai & Nakamura & Kamiya & Fukuyama & Ono & Irino (& don’t forget Suzumura & Kokuryu & Endo & Saito & Ueda & Tobita & Inoue & Kujira & Yamashita &...) for everything that you do for this shitty anime!! \( ; v ; )/ It wouldn’t be the same without you, thank you for your hard work! ♥♥♥♥♥♥
All in all, this week’s episode was pretty great! I enjoyed it thoroughly and was invested all throughout. I think my favorites would be a tie between “Karamatsu and Brother” (surprisingly!) and “Dubbingmatsu-san” - on one hand, we have solid Suiriku and brotherly care on many sides; on the other we have meta and a silly but sweet nod to the professionals who make the anime come to life. But even “New Employee Totoko” is solid for the roles the characters play alone! So yes, all in all, this week was a good week, and I’m greatly looking forward to next week’s fare ^^
I’m actually really, really excited for next week because - HORROR(HOUSE)MATSU!!! While I’m not really big on the horror genre as a whole, I like the idea of throwing out favorite NEETs into scary situations. And a haunted house is perfect for it >:) The title is “Chibita’s Revenge”, so Chibita's definitely gonna have some sort of hand in all of the spooky shenanigans... Does he have friends on the other side?! :0
Aaaaah, next Matsu Monday can’t come soon enough! ♥
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s2ep11: matsu hunting, matsu hunting, so much fun...
Which Matsu will be next... the hell...?
Surprisingly enough, this week’s episode is one of those episodes where only one skit is featured throughout the whole thing. No other skits, not even a super-short Cavematsu opening or anything; it’s just “Chibita’s Revenge” all throughout. And because of that, it becomes so much more fun~
The trouble begins when, tired of the sextuplets just eating from his place and never paying their tab, Chibita decides not to serve them anything for the night. Unfortunately for him, the brothers immediately start flattering him - and as it turns out, flattery is Chibita’s biggest weakness. So having fallen for the boys’ compliments, Chibita serves them anyway, but he reminds them to please pay their tab. And the boys say they will!
(Also one thing to note about this scene is that they used the “Jyushimatsu Falls in Love” theme near the end of it... My heart skipped a beat when that happened even though the placement of the song has nothing to do with the events happening, nor does its usage concern Jyushi and/or his Homerun Girl so lol ;v;)
But then the next day, Chibita finds out that the boys have been using their money on pachinko and horse-racing - money that they could’ve used to pay their tab instead. Of course this makes Chibita angry! And he gives chase! He manages to get Choro for a bit (and again Kara promises to save him, only to not do anything and just leave him for dead lol) and attacks, but the other boys come back for Choro and a skirmish ensues (while Totty cheers his brothers on lol) - 
- and the skirmish ends with someone pulling out Chibita’s solitary strands of hair. Whoopsie. Chibita starts to cry over his pulled-out strand, the boys make hasty apologies and run for their lives. And after that, Chibita swears revenge...
Fast forward to the next day; it’s a dark and stormy night afternoon, so dark and stormy that smartphone signals don’t work, the TV goes on static, and the lights flicker on and off. Oso, Kara, Choro, Jyushi and Totty wonder about what’s going on. They also note that their parents seem to have disappeared...
...but where’s Ichi?
Matsu hunting, Matsu hunting, so much fun, the purple Matsu got it in the mouth... Which Matsu will be next... the hell?
Good news is that they find Ichi; bad news is that they find him stuffed into the wall of their room, with a giant bump on his head and all of his hair shaved off. It’s a scary sight. Kara guesses that Chibita’s the one behind this as a result of what happened the day before - a guess that’s confirmed by Ichi puking out various oden foods after a brief convulsion - and the remaining five Matsus, now scared out of their wits, blockade the entire house. (Jyushi meanwhile tends to Ichi, aww ;v; Best of boys and best of brothers continue to be the best.) There’s no way Chibita will get in now!
The boys proceed to wait things out until it’s safe. But then everyone has to go pee, but wouldn’t go due to being too scared to lol. Honestly, I don’t blame the boys - imagine being in a house all by yourselves, with someone out to get you lurking around, and then you have to go to the bathroom all by yourself, while the toilet’s far away from everyone else... it’s a very unnerving situation ;; And to make things worse, the lights finally die out due to the storm, leaving them all alone and vulnerable in utter darkness... (Also we get a little callback to last week’s ep, lol. “Where did the kindness you showed last week go?!” Nah, Kara, I don’t think Choro would want to show you any more kindness after you left him for dead both last week and yesterday :P)
Oso finally tries to brave the dark and loneliness by heading to the bathroom himself... But he’s easily spooked all throughout lol. Then Choro, Totty and Jyushi (with his best brother’s corpse in tow) show up, giving Oso even more spooks. Which everyone except Oso laughs off because Niichan’s suffering is fun!
...but where’s Kara?
Matsu hunting, Matsu hunting, so much fun, the purple Matsu got it in the mouth, the blue Matsu got it in the ears... Which Matsu will be next... the hell?
Kara is discovered hanging upside down from the ceiling, a bump on his head and oden sticks in his ears. There’s scary writing all over the walls too - that could only mean that Chibita’s already inside the house! The remaining four boys try to get out of the house, but it turns out their blockades worked a little too well - because now they can’t get out themselves! So they go into hiding, while Chibita shows up in the shadows, walking around and singing a little song...
You know, if this show wasn’t actually a comedy show, Chibita’s slow stalking of everyone while singing his little Matsu hunting song would actually be genuinely scary, or creepy at the very most. Most of the episode in general is actually really tense, especially with the darkness of not only the house but of the rain and clouds outside when the boys actually do manage to leave the house later... The atmosphere is good for horror, and even when you know no one’s actually getting hurt (and that the Matsus actually kinda deserve it...), you still feel scared for the brothers anyway. 
The scariest, tensest part is when Totty, finally too scared to be stuck in the house, runs out of his hiding spot to the boys’ shared room and tries to get out. He uses Jyushi’s baseball bat to knock down the barriers he and his brothers placed in - only to find that someone’s locked the window with a steel door. So he has no way to get out... The poor guy then eventually resorts to crying and calling for his eldest brother like a scared kid. I don’t blame him... (And Miyu Irino’s voice acting again is really good in this part... Totty’s voice breaking when he calls for Oso... ;^; )
...and then he’s caught.
Matsu hunting, Matsu hunting, so much fun, the purple Matsu got it in the mouth, the blue Matsu got it in the ears, the pink Matsu got it in the nose... Which Matsu will be next... the hell?
Totty is found by the remaining three Matsus hanging outside of their house with oden stuffed up his nose. Oso, Choro and Jyushi promptly make a run for it. They go to Iyami’s place, of all places - and it turns out, Iyami got his house back! So that’s good. Iyami initially refuses them, but the boys force themselves in lol. They beg Iyami for help, and then Iyami eventually concedes to let them stay for the night. He even gives them green tea to warm up from the storm! Also Iyami’s dating Dobusu now, I think.
Oso, Choro and Jyushi are relieved. Wow, Iyami’s such a nice guy! ...wait a minute, Iyami’s never this nice to them, ever. And that’s when they realize that it was a trap! Chibita finally catches up with them (after paying Iyami and Dobusu to let him inside the house), wearing a military uniform(?) and brandishing a giant razor in one hand and cutter(?) in the other. The three Matsus briefly try pleading with Chibita, but Chibita has decided that, because they removed his only strand of hair and therefore made him just like every other bald person out there, they should die!! Extreme? Yes! Par for the course in Osomatsu-san? Absolutely!!
The boys try to escape, only to get cornered. Oso tries to use Choro as a shield, then Jyushi then Choro and Jyushi both use Oso as a shield lol. (”You bastards betrayed me! You’re terrible people!” “You have the nerve to say that?!”) This leads to Chibita headbutting Oso, which leads to Oso limping onto the ground and growing a big bump on his head. lolwhoops
So Choro and Jyushi hightail it out of there (with Jyushi carrying his older brother bridal style out of there, it’s very cute! ;v; ), with Chibita in hot pursuit! The two remaining boys try to outrun Chibita and duke it out against him, at one point throwing various items at him and even using a missile launcher!. Is this the Wakaba I wanted? It’s a short moment but it has my favorite boys helping each other out, so I’ll take it wholeheartedly!! :’D Sadly Chibita is a fast and resilient guy, and he eventually manages to take Choro out cold. So now that leaves one Matsu left...
Matsu hunting, Matsu hunting, so much fun, the purple Matsu got it in the mouth, the blue Matsu got it in the ears, the pink Matsu got it in the nose, the green Matsu got it in the eyes, the red Matsu got it up the ass... Which Matsu will be next... the hell?
The final showdown occurs at the rooftop of a love hotel (yeah, that’s a love hotel), with Chibita and final girl Matsu Jyushi duking it out. It’s revealed that it was actually Jyushi who pulled out Chibita’s single hair at the skirmish yesterday, and so Chibita really has it in for him. So the two charge against each other for a final battle - but then Chibita gets to Jyushi quickly, and defeats him! Let’s see that again in SLOW MOTION: The two charge against each other for a final battle - and then Dekapan, Dayon and Hatabou intervene within a split second by stopping Jyushi in place and pulling down his pants, allowing Chibita to hit him where it matters most (y’know), and then Chibita pays them and they leave - so Chibita gets to Jyushi quickly, and defeats him! Chibita has won the battle, and so his revenge is complete!!
Chibita celebrates his victory by bringing the unconscious-but-still-alive (all naked, all shaved bald) sextuplets to his stall and shoving spicy mustard on their body parts! EVERYBODY NOW!
Matsu hunting, Matsu hunting, so much fun! The purple Matsu got it in the mouth, the blue Matsu got it in the ears, the pink Matsu got it in the nose, the green Matsu got it in the eyes, the red Matsu got it up the ass, the yellow Matsu got on his Matsu down below! And now it’s complete... the hell~!
He leaves the boys to hang outside their house, just in time for their parents (who just came home from vacationing in Hawaii) to see them! The parents have no idea what happened to their sons, but they figured that they did something to deserve it lol so they go home happy. And Chibita’s happy too! 
Then someone comes along and calls him Baldy - which at first Chibita takes offense to; but then when it turns out that it’s Totoko - and when it turns out that Totoko thinks that Chibita’s new baldness is adorable, and that it suits him well - he ends the episode very happy! :’D Chibita really is weak to compliments after all, that loveable little scamp~
This was a really fun episode this week! :D The first half was a tense and spooky ride, like going through a haunted house maze during Halloween; the second half lingered in the spookiness for a while but then turned into an action-packed romp. We got to see the boys in a situation where they’re genuinely scared (Horrormatsu fanart and fanfic makers, take note!), we got Osokun homages (according to some Osokun fans, this episode seemed to be a reference to a chapter in the manga where Chibita did the same thing to the boys + Iyami IIRC?), we got callbacks to good moments in S1 and S2, we got (a bit of) Wakaba - what’s not to love? :D
I’m not the biggest fan of horror, but I think this episode is the closest thing to legit horror that the show has given us and I loved it :’D Tbh I’m looking forward to all the spooky fanart and stuff that’ll inevitably spawn from this episode haha~
Next week’s episode is gonna be a bit of a puzzler, I think :0 “The Eitaro Family”, huh? Who are the Eitaros? Are they an Osokun reference? Could this be the family of a returning character? Or will they all be new characters? So many questions :0 I guess there’s only one way to find out!
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s2ep12: ooh, i wanna be like yo-o-ou~
I wanna walk like you, talk like you, too~ You'll see it's true, someone like me can learn to be like someone like you~! - “I Wanna Be Like You” from Disney’s The Jungle Book, which kinda suits this week’s main skit :P
Not gonna lie, when the previews for this week’s ep. were released I grew very concerned. Mostly it’s because of the little boy in the preview, Eitaro - I, and a lot of other people, was thinking that he kinda-sorta-really looked like a certain homerun girl. And then theories were going around, especially one that she was the little boy’s mom... So I got myself a little really worried haha ^^; 
But as it turns out, I had no reason to worry at all orz And I actually really enjoyed this episode, especially little Eitaro’s skit! But we’ll talk about him and his family later.
Let’s start first with the first skit, which is yet another entry in the Totoko-and-Nyaa-(with-Chibita) series. It actually comes in right before the OP! So in this one, Totoko and Nyaa are at Chibita’s stall once again. Totoko is rather troubled, and she makes a big deal out of it, irritating Nyaa. But after some brief contradictory behavior on Totoko’s, we find out what’s bugging her: She wants to... quit being an idol?! Nyaa is shocked - and is actually willing to listen to Totoko’s reasons and maybe help her out! This sudden friendliness and willingness to work out their issues scares Chibita. And I don’t blame him, lol :P To be continued!
(Also, Chibita grew his single strand of hair back! I guess Totoko’s “you’re cuter bald!” flattery from last week didn’t stick much lol. But it’s nice to see his hair again.)
After that comes “The Eitaro Family”, a really cute and silly skit for the most part. We open with Jyushi playing with a little boy with Eitaro in the playground. Eitaro is the most adorable thing, a happy and energetic grade school boy who thinks every silly thing Jyushi does - from burrowing into the ground to extreme biking to dressing as a bird - is awesome! He wants to be just like Jyushimatsu, and Jyushi can’t help but feel flattered and play along. Call him Master (and you’ll get a candy if you do)!
While Jyushi and Eitaro are hanging out, Ichi and Totty spy on them. Apparently Eitaro really, really looks up to Jyushimatsu, and hangs out with him a lot to the point of waiting outside the Matsus’ house every day just to hang out and play. Ichi and Totty think the kid’s looking up to Jyushi for all the wrong reasons; and, well, considering that it’s Jyushi, it might not be too far-fetched to worry about that. (Though to be fair, any child looking up to a Matsuno is probably looking up to them for the wrong reasons too :P)
Jyushi and Eitaro’s friendship is the cutest thing, like oh my goodness ;w; Jyushi clearly enjoys Eitaro looking up to him, and he really tries to make himself look good in the eyes of his little friend. To the point that he’ll even lie about what a NEET is (”It’s a baseball position!”) and what a cherry boy is (”I really like cherries!”) just so that Eitaro would still keep thinking he’s cool haha :P So I guess even Jyushi gets self-conscious! But not entirely, I suppose - he still shamelessly shares the Final Fart Rush technique to his little disciple. And yeah, it’s just as stinky as it sounds :’P But Eitaro finds it super cool!! (And surprisingly enough, while it was still gross, the fart joke didn’t really bother me as previous toilet humor jokes in the last few episodes did. Not quite sure why...)
A week passes, and suddenly Jyushi finds himself in Eitaro’s house, sitting face to face with his mother - who isn’t Homura btw, but is instead an older-looking woman with short hair and a low and really familiar-sounding voice. (No seriously, I feel like I’ve heard Eitaro’s Mom’s VA somewhere else before! But where...?) Eitaro’s been imitating Jyushi lately, and his mom is understandably concerned about who her son’s hanging out with, so she asks Jyushi some questions. Throughout the whole thing Jyushi is very, very self-conscious and embarrassed about some of the questions; and little Eitaro, earnest and excited about his “master” as he is, isn’t really helping Jyushi much lol (“EI-TA-RO-KUN!”)
It’s interesting seeing Jyushi in a place where he's embarrassed of what he’d normally be like, and is instead trying to make himself look presentable. One would think that he wouldn’t care about these sort of things, but he does... I think that really adds to his character and makes him a lot more multi-faceted. It’s interesting. (And so every single Matsu  - except maybe for Oso??? - cares about what other people think of him...)
It then culminates to Jyushi ending up having to demonstrate his Final Fart Rush technique for Eitaro’s Mom. We don’t see the gag itself, but we do see the aftermath - Jyushi’s face got beat up pretty badly, to which Eitaro’s Mom apologizes for. She isn’t really mad at Jyushi though, and instead she wants to ask him a favor.
That favor, as it turns out when Jyushi talks to Ichi and Totty about it, is that Eitaro’s Mom wants Jyushi to spend more time with her son and be his friend. Since Eitaro’s dad’s job makes the family move around a lot, the poor kid never really gets to make any friends; so prior to meeting Jyushi, he was a sad and lonely child. What is it with Jyushi befriending sad brown-haired people and helping them cheer up? This is the second time it’s happened, though the context is worlds different from the previous instance :P Anyway, that being said, Ichi and Totty think - and Jyushi agrees - that what Eitaro really needs is to make friends his age in school, not just depend on Jyushi for friendship all the time.
This is an Otoutomatsu skit!! This is an Otoutomatsu skit and I’m super happy that it is :’D While Ichi and Totty aren’t exactly supportive-supportive, they’re there for their brother when he needs to talk to them and they give pretty decent advice. I love love love the Otoutomatsu combo and I’m very happy to see the three of them (and just the three of them, sorry niichans :P) interacting.
So with that, Jyushi resolves to teach Eitaro even more of his gags and antics. (Including others’ gags and antics... Jyushi, the SHEEH is Iyami’s, not yours, even your own brothers point that out :’P) Surprisingly enough, Eitaro’s Mom goes along with it, and she’s very supportive of her son and his teacher. She even made Eitaro his own yellow Jyushi parka!! Ichi and Totty, on the other hand, are decidedly more tsukkomi about it :P Still, all four adults are there outside the school building when Eitaro shows off his newly-learned gags and antics to his classmates...
...and it turns out to work!! Eitaro has made friends with everyone in his class by the end of the day, and it’s all thanks to Master Jyushi teaching him the ways. Eitaro’s Mom is proud of her son, and Jyushi especially is proud of his little disciple! It’s the cutest, sweetest thing ever!!
...until Eitaro reveals that his newfound gag talents also landed him a girlfriend. Cue Jyushi expelling him from his tutelage and flinging the boy and his mini-Kanojochan into the sky :P ...And instead of getting mad, Eitaro’s Mom finds that awesome and begs Jyushi to be her master too. Jyushi refuses. It won’t stop her from waiting outside the Matsus’ house in a Jyushi parka though. Poor Ichi and Totty :P
So this skit wasn’t what I expected at all, and I’m happy! Aside from the fact that JyushiHomu wasn’t sunk (:P), we got Jyushi having an adorable friendship with an equally adorable little boy, more of his self-conscious side, 110matsu, Otoutomatsu, and a lot lot more!! This skit is very worth it and you should definitely watch it ;v;
After that, we have “Give Them Back”. It’s a Dekapan and Dayon skit. Dekapan’s bored one day, so Dayon has the perfect solution - he rips off Dekapan’s pants. He then has Dekapan chase after him and his pants all over the lab, which makes the old man quite happy again... at first. But then Dayon takes the pants with him and runs everywhere else, forcing Dekapan to run after him completely naked. And the skit is just that, really - Dekapan giving Dayon chase all while yelling at him to give his pants back.
To be honest, there really isn’t much to say about this one, because the premise pretty much stays the same all throughout. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it! Some notable moments in the skit come to mind:
While running, Dayon and Dekapan come across the other characters, and the two prove to be quite the nuisances :P There’s Totoko and Hatabou, where Totoko becomes scared for her life after seeing the “pervert” Dekapan be completely naked; there’s Oso and Ichi, who lost at pachinko and ended up being spun around by Dekapan and Dayon’s chase; there’s Jyushi and Eitaro, with the latter begging Jyushi to be his master again before they too get spun around by the chase; there’s Kara and Choro at the fishing hole, who end up getting tangled in their fishing lines as a result of Dekapan and Dayon running around them; there’s an Iyami cameo in the escalators of a shopping mall. Tbh the cameos make one of the most memorable parts of this skit
At one point, Dekapan gets tired of the chase and cross at Dayon for all his shenanigans. Dayon tries to get Dekapan to chase him again, waving the old man’s pants in front of him - but Dekapan dramatically gives Dayon the cold shoulder, swatting the pants away and walking away into the sunset. This part was played so seriously and dramatically that it made me laugh. Eeyup.
Near the end of the skit there’s suddenly an art shift into a pixel RPG style. And then an acid trip style. Of all skits to go into art shift, why this one
And it ends with Dayon still running with the pants, and Dekapan yelling at him to give them back, he’s not ever gonna forgive him for this, etc. Dekayon is becoming intense, guys :P
Then finally, we have the last Totoko & Nyaa skit. It looks like Totoko has bared her whole problems to Nyaa, who seems to be listening and sympathizing, so at first it seems to be going well...
...but then Nyaa goes and throws boiling hot konjac on Totoko’s face :P Totoko retaliates by throwing hot daikon slices onto Nyaa’s eyes. Another fight ensues, complete with wrestling tackles and suplexes, and it ends up destroying Chibita’s stall all together. The skit ends with Totoko and Nyaa name-calling and beating each other up, all while Chibita stares ahead... And his regrown stand of hair flies away with the wind, proving it to be fake all along. Ososan’s sense of continuity never fails to amuse me :P
So this week’s ep is a fun one! It’s not the best of the episodes we’ve got so far, but I enjoyed almost every minute of it. “The Eitaro Family” is the crowning jewel of this episode. Hooray for Jyushimatsu and his adorable friendship with Eitaro!! While I think he and his mom would just be oneshot characters, it’d be nice to see them again later down the line. (Also now I want Eitaro to show up in JyushiHomu fanworks ;v; Let Homura and Eitaro interact; I bet she’d love the little guy ♥) (Also I think Dekapan and Dayon might need some couples counselling lol Dayon’s becoming increasingly shadier in this season and I dunno what’s up with that) All in all, thank you for this episode, base-stealing home run!
There’s been some discussion earlier in the stream on whether or not we’ll be having an episode next week. Christmas day falls on a Monday, but I don’t really think it’s considered a day-off day in Japan. According to my research, Christmas Eve is more celebrated there than Christmas day. That being said, there was a tweet made by the official Ososan Twitter account about Christmas some time ago... People are saying it’s about a delay or something. I dunno, we’ll have to see I guess.
Whether or not we’re getting a new episode next week though, we are getting a new episode! And it’s about New Years! “We still celebrate the end of the year,” Totty says in the voiceover. Is that showing on the last day of the year? Well, it turns out New Year’s Day 2018 also falls on a Monday... Will this be what welcomes us into the New Year? Will this be the last episode of the first cour, or the first episode of the second cour? :0 Hmm. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.
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So does that mean that, in the AU the third skit is set in, Choro and Jyushi co-host a weekly radio show
and Totty does musical theatre every now and then
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s2ep9: be considerate of others!*
This week’s moral is brought to you by Ichimatsu the Good Brotherly Relationships Cat!
* You better do it, or else Ichimatsu the Good Brotherly Relationships Cat will come into your bedroom at night and make sure you do.
Before we begin, I’d just like to report that no, this episode is not a rehash of S1Ep9, i.e. it’s not a tragic/heartbreaking/otherwise feelsy ep. Instead, it’s a lot sillier.
The first skit is “Campaign Starting Now!”, and if anything it’s more similar to “Please Let Me Sleep” from S1Ep3. It’s bedtime, and the brothers are all lying down on the futon already. Ichi wants to sleep, but the others - specifically Oso, Totty and Choro - are too busy doing things and won’t turn off the light. Ichi tries to put up with it, but he really can’t sleep with the light on, and the others absolutely refuse to turn the light off, and they even have the gall to call him “selfish” for wanting the light turned off - that gets Ichi absolutely livid, and eventually he decides that the others should all be more considerate of the others. So he starts the “Since We’re Brothers, We Should Be More Considerate Of Each Other” campaign, which he follows up with very strictly. It’s a pain for everyone at first - but in the end, as it turns out Oso is the one who gets hit the hardest. And everyone's okay with it when Oso’s the one getting the short end of the stick :P
Basically this skit made me think of this:
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Honestly I don’t have much to say about this one ^^; It’s a pretty interesting relationship study between the brothers (as well as a scathing callout for people who tend to be inconsiderate of others in their lives. Including myself, I’m ashamed to say orz), and the funniest bit for me was at the end when nobody sided with Oso against the campaign :P
It’s the smaller things for me that are of note, I think - we have Oso, Choro (yes) and Totty being the biggest banes of Ichi’s existence in that moment; we have Choro crying over light novels (He’s such a sap!! I love him ;v;) and not using tissues for shiko-ing; we have the Iro dynamic still being the same; we have that little bit of Suuji when Ichi tries to get Jyushi to go back to sleep (and then that part where they’ve become too considerate with each other to the point that “they’re practically strangers now” broke my heart a bit :’( ); everyone silently picking on Oso with their decision at the end... There’s a lot to take note of when you look more closely at it.
(Also, Shouei-san made a small cameo in Ichi’s cat counting! It was nice but also disturbing!)
The second skit is “Arcade Iyami”. After fishing under the vending machines for some coins, Iyami goes to the local arcade looking as if he was trying to get with the cool kids nowadays.
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But then he actually does some cool stuff - like getting the highest ranking on the hardest level of the arcade’s Whack-a-Mole, then doing the same with another arcade game that I didn’t recognize, then winning all the tokens from the arcade’s rock-paper-scissors game! All the kids are amazed and even want to be adopted by this cool old man! But then Chibita and Hatabou (who work in the arcade for some reason) give Iyami a challenge - to win the prize from an impossible claw game. And Iyami does it, proving himself to be the Arcade God!!!
...except he doesn’t really and in reality all he’s doing is desperately clinging onto the machine and pretending he’s doing it. It’s very pitiful, really :P
There’s been a lot more Iyami in this season, and that’s pretty cool! They’re doing a lot more with him, and so far it’s been fun. I can’t help but wonder if this entire skit is a shout-out to something; it feels like it. Iyami practicing rock-paper-scissors by losing to everyone in the main + main secondary cast (as well as random people, and even a crab) was pretty silly, too.
Finally, we have the second “Totoko and Nyaa” skit. Nyaa has Instagram and uses it to announce to the world that she is having oden. Totoko then blinds her with oden broth and uses her Instagram to broadcast Nyaa’s pain as a funny cat video. They continue to fight, and being Chibita continues to be suffering. It’s pretty short, and not much to write about either. But it’s a “To Be Continued”, so we’ll see. (The use of #hashtags is pretty funny though, and somewhat satirical as well.)
Honestly, I... didn’t feel this episode much? I dunno if it was because I was feeling bad (over a personal manner) while I was watching the ep, but I didn’t feel much of a connection with this one. I did feel called out in the first skit (maybe I should start going to sleep earlier so everyone else can sleep better, for starters... orz), but other than that I felt a little emotionally cut off from this ep. as a whole ;; I feel bad about that... Maybe I can try rewatching the whole thing again later the week when I’m not feeling bad? And hopefully that emotional connection will be back come next week, too. Sorry about how short this week’s review post is orz
But if I’ll be painfully honest, next week has got me a little worried. “Karamatsu and Buraza”... Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against a Kara-centric skit, and on it's own I’m okay with a skit that's gonna explore his relationship with his brothers; but... I’m worried that it’ll cause another surge of “pwecious & sad overly-woobified Kara” fanon misinterpretations, especially if it’s gonna be a feelsy episode of any sort orz I’m really, really hoping that’s not the case here... *sighs* Next week can’t come any sooner.
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s2ep8: I become Iruka?
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Before we start, I would like to report that thankfully, there wasn’t a single hint of dolphin bestiality in Jyushi’s skit as I feared! :’D But I’ll get to that skit later.
The first skit came as a surprise - “Synthesis”. And it handles the concept of fusions! Yeah, kinda like the Steven Universe ones except not really. Dekapan creates a machine capable of fusing two things together into one thing. But then it falls into Dayon’s hands... and things go crazy from there :P
The best - and also most horrifying - part of this skit is just how bizarre and creative the fusions are. Sure, we start with a simple curry rice... but then we get to the Dekapan+fly fusion, then the Oso+Iyami fusion (which was oddly adorable btw), then the Chibi+Hata fusion, then the Suiriku fusion, then the Otoutomatsu fusion, then the Nyaa+Shonosuke Hijirisawa fusion (EEYUP), then the Totoko+baseball alien fusion... it just goes on and on and holy crap these fusions have to be seen to be believed, they’re the weirdest things but as terrifying as they were they were also a delight to behold :’) Or maybe I’m just weird haha
The skit’s end is taken to it’s most logical conclusion when Dayon, having become a power-hungry megalomaniac, decides to fuse the entirety of Akatsuka Ward together... and the end result is merely a single piece of pink poop. Well then.
(It’s the same case as in S2Ep6, wasn’t it? Iyami shouted “Evil should die!” and his words ended up leveling the entirety of Akatsuka Ward. That and this is continuing proof that Akatsuka Ward is a shithole full of shit people. How unfortunate :P)
Then comes the second skit, the one we’ve all been waiting for! “Jyushimatsu and a Dolphin”. In this one, Jyushi tries to sign up to work with dolphins in the local aquarium/marine show. However, he’s not interested in being a dolphin trainer like the Girlymatsus are - he wants to be a dolphin. As in, an actual dolphin that performs in these shows. The Girlymatsus of course are having none of that.
(And yes, the Girlymatsus are indeed here as dolphin trainers! Everyone except Jyushiko has been accounted for. It was good seeing the girls again, and even as dolphin trainers nothing has changed much in their interactions with each other. It was pretty funny seeing them basically being the tsukkomi to Jyushi’s antics haha)
But just then, someone steps in to help Jyushi out! She offers to train Jyushi to achieve his dream of becoming a real dolphin. And guess who it is--!!
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Although I must point out, in this skit she seems to be acting as if she and Jyushi never met, or at least that the way that they met was different? It’s almost as if she's a completely different character in this skit. Actually considering the lack of other Matsus and the lack of Jyushiko, some have speculated that this skit is actually an AU skit of sorts, with the other Matsus playing the roles of the Girlymatsus instead of their regular selves; and I’m kinda sorta inclined to agree with it. I feel like, if this were a true continuation of the timeline where “Jyushimatsu Falls in Love” happened, they would’ve at least acknowledged it (and the other brothers would’ve showed up). But they didn’t (and they didn’t), so. Hmm. She didn’t even laugh her famous laugh here :(
Anyway! Homura offers to train Jyushi to become a dolphin. And her training is absolutely brutal. Jyushi drowns several times and pukes out raw fish several times. It was very weird watching this bit at first without subs, mostly because HOLY CRAP HOMURA’S SO DIFFERENT HERE. It created such a disconnect between how I’ve been writing her and how she was portrayed in this episode, and I felt super confused orz But watching it with subs, I found that she still sounded like herself and I could still incorporate this side of her with how I’ve been writing her in my fics, so XD
Sadly, no matter how hard Jyushi and Homura worked, Jyushi still can’t act like a dolphin. So the two are rejected and fired from the marine show. Even Homura admits that Jyushi can’t be a dolphin, no matter how hard he tries. But Jyushi stubbornly won’t give up. So they have a brief fall-out here and I got sad :( (Though it was much more worrying watching them argue without subs, geez orz I’m glad their argument wasn’t actually as bad and ship-sinking as I feared it would be)
But then, with a little help and night-training from the dolphins themselves, Jyushi learns how to be a dolphin - and so, at the show the next day, he makes his debut!! Everyone from the Girlymatsus to Iyami and Dekapan to Homura is shocked at the development! But it was a glorious moment, and Homura felt so proud of Jyushi that she cried happy tears!!! Aaaaah the JyushiHomu is still very strong in this AU skit and I’m glad ♥♥♥♥♥
The skit not only ended with Jyushi’s dolphin victory, but it also had a song to go along with it! “Jyushiruka”!!! Unfortunately, I ended up missing the subbed lyrics for reasons, so I wasn’t able to see the song translated... I’ll have to rewatch it soon :’)
And finally, we have the post-credits skit, all about Totoko and Nyaa-chan! Except, well, not much can be said about it really, other than that Totoko and Nyaa really don’t like each other, and Chibita really needs a vacation :’P It was still pretty silly watching the girls fight, though. (This is the ideal BGM for it IMO ;P) 
Oh, and at the end it said “To be continued”, so I guess there’s more to Totoko and Nyaa’s shenanigans next week! I hope Chibita is saved by then :P
All in all, this was a solid episode! I loved both “Synthesis” and “Jyushi and a Dolphin” - and of course, most of all I love Jyushi and love love LOVE Homura-chan!!! My love for her increased a hundredfold watching this ep ;v; ♥♥♥♥♥ I wonder, since this skit felt more AU-y, if later down the line we’ll actually see her again - as in, with the events of “Jyushi Falls in Love” properly acknowledged, therefore making it a true reunion. I kinda really hope we do!!! There’s still a lot that could be done, I feel ;v; I’ll also be looking forward to the fish vs cat rivalry continuation! I wonder if Totoko and Nyaa could ever be friends haha
And next week’s preview... Something about Oso and hedges keeping friendships green... And the futon... And poor Ichi looks like he’s gonna have a hard time sleeping. Oh dear ;;
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I demand fics where Oso and Kara snark towards each other now, thank you
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Someone please edit 打上花火 by DAOKO and Kenshi Yonezu onto the fireworks scene from this week’s ep
Thank you
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s2ep5: GOOD SUMMER!!!!!!
Happy Halloween!! Except no, we’re not celebrating Halloween today - we’re celebrating SUMMERTIME!! Even though summer has long passed everywhere in the world except in the Southern Hemisphere!!!
This episode is the kind of ep where there are several skits within it, as opposed to the episodes where we usually only get one or two major skits. All, of course, with the same “summer” theme - several staples of summer in Japan/anime show up here like fireworks watching, festivals, going to the beach, cicadas, how bloody hot summer can get... I think most if not all of the Japanese summer experience is represented here. And in true Ososan style, the characters ruin everything :P (But in the best ways possible, of course :’D)
Notable things about this week’s sizzling stories (one main bullet point per skit):
Asshole cicadas. That is all.
Jyushi really is a force to be reckoned with - not only can he make tornadoes, but he can summon thunderstorms too!! Actual airbender Matsuno Jyushimatsu, I’m proud of him :D
A Jaws parody that features - Schoolmatsu!Totty and Jyushiko together?! :0 I guess that means the Matsus’ AU versions all exist in a verse separate from the canon one? Or perhaps they all exist in the canon verse along with the Matsus...? Or perhaps we’re all just overthinking it. Oh, and also Hatabou. And sharks.
Iyami and Chibita prove to be oddly relatable when they’re suffering from the hot ‘n’ humid summer sun. I hate how hot summer can get, and it’s always a relief to get any source of cooling sensations to stave it off. Although, perhaps a VR machines that not only exposes your brain but overrides your sensations and perceptions to the point that you could be literally on fire and not at all realize it... I think I’ll pass on that solution, thank you :P But it was still pretty funny watching Iyami and Chibita be ridiculously oblivious to their real surroundings haha
(If you were uncomfortable with the Innardmatsus from S2Ep2, you’ll be just as uncomfortable, if not more so, with this skit, so please exercise caution)
(Also Dayon yet again did something that he insists didn’t do... I wonder if that’s gonna be a running gag from now on)
G O O D B Y E  T O T T Y
“He is a criminal, please do not save him”
So I wonder then if that means that Totty’s friends with Aida and Sacchi again? Or maybe they’re different girls that look and sound like them (after all, Totty asked for Aida’s/”Aida’s” contact info the third time it happened, shouldn’t he have had it back then in Sutabaa...?)
Also Miyu Irino’s voice acting in this part is superb, as always
The fireworks scene could’ve been so lovely... Could’ve. It was so nice seeing everyone there in the crowd though (Nyaa’s still married to her IT husband!! Or at the very least, they’re still together!) ...And then those fireworks happened pffft
There’s a good deal of Dekayon in this episode and I’m not sure whether to feel happy or horrified about it
SUMMER KAMEN!!! Surprisingly enough, this skit was super nice! It’s refreshing to see Kara take the lead and actually do something that his brothers appreciate (and even thank him for!) as opposed to being the butt-monkey of the skit. I like the direction S2 has taken with Kara in general - he’s more assertive, a bit more of a dick, and while he’s still embarrassingly painful (seriously what the hell was Summer Kamen wearing) he seems to command a lot more respect and presence. It’s just so nice to see after being bombarded with too many ‘innocent abused woobie Kara’ interpretations during the hiatus ahaha orz
Also - The Christmas Couple got married!!!!!! They got married and they’re expecting a child!!!!!!!!!!!! It was such a nice surprise to see them again, and seeing them be happy and together and starting a family was so aaaaaaaaaaaa I wanna cry happy tears \( ; v ; )/ Congratulations you two!!
I love Totoko-chan (and you should too!)
The last skit was the one that, upon rewatch, had me laughing the hardest. It’s so painfully obvious that these boys have no idea how to talk to girls that aren’t their mom or Totoko lol But it was endearing to watch! (Especially Oso going forward but then ending up just standing there, also Choro rising yet again, also Ichi trying to insist that he doesn’t need his brothers’ pity only to end up proving them right pffft). It was funny seeing how each brother balked from actually approaching any pretty girls in his own way. And then the final attempt to get attention just ended up giving them more attention than they wanted, and not even the right kind of attention. Aww, poor boys ;;
One very important detail to note in this particular skit that I absolutely must talk about - THEY MENTIONED HOMURA!!! THEY REFERENCED EPISODE 9!!!!! When that came on in the subs, I was so surprised and my heart swelled with joy. Not only did this prove that S2 is indeed some sort of continuation from S1 and not some timeline reboot, but - they remember her!! They remember her and that skit made such an impact and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I’m just glad that they referenced her again ;v; (Though Kara’s line about Jyushi possibly “finding new love” made me sad... Then it turned out Jyushi just wanted to pee in the ocean)
In general this episode was just really fun and enjoyable, with so many small but very welcome surprises. And that’s not the only surprise - the ED for this week’s ep is a little different, and very very special. Especially if you’re a fan of the 1980s’ Osokun series ;) Even though I didn’t watch any of the previous Osokun anime I recognized the reference and aaaaaah, it was just lovely ;v; Everything about this ep. (apart from a couple of small pee jokes) was just lovely and I’m just very happy right now.
The preview for next week’s ep was very strange, though... People in the stream were joking about mpreg. So, uh, yeah, that should tell you something. Also I think they might reference S1Ep24 in that next ep, but it’s just me speculating based on a short scene in it. So who knows, really.
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Thanks for speaking positively for greenmatsu. I honestly love that skit and how it showed the reality of having awkward moments even if you're family. And, you know choro, he's all talk but when it comes down to actually doing something, he is not the type to act/do something. It's the joke of the series! His "flaw" (Well, i greatly relate to him in that sense hahahaha)
You’re welcome ;v; I honestly don’t believe that he’d actually do something like the stuff he talked about, even if he’s talking from his “true” shitty side. Like you said, Choro’s all talk and no action. That and I think it’s clear that he knows that the stuff he was talking about in that ep is shitty, which is why he was talking about them in the first place (to assure Ichi that no, I’m not that “proper”, I’m not any better than you are, no need to be intimidated by me!!) 
All in all, I think people are just either being too harsh on him, taking him too seriously or both. Hopefully it’ll mellow out even just a bit as S2 goes on!
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You know, watching the raws, I was worried that JyushiHomu was gonna be sunk and that Jyushiruka was gonna be the one true OTP 
but after watching the subs, I ended up finding a new OT3
sorry Ichi
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