#Maureen Donaldson
forever-blondie · 6 months
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Debbie Harry photographed by Maureen Donaldson, 1979
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ornithorynquerouge · 10 months
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Debbie Harry by Maureen Donaldson. 1979
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on American actress/scream queen Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie Strode back in 1978, wearing the infamous William Shatner mask from the set of the first "Halloween" (1978) film, co-written & directed by John Carpenter. 🎃 📸: Maureen Donaldson.
Source: www.picuki.com/media/3450797346369664901.
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velveys · 1 year
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Debbie Harry by Maureen Donaldson (1979)
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lovesthe1980s · 7 months
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Debbie Harry - photo by Maureen Donaldson
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cinemaocd · 3 months
the irony that it was the closeted gay ghost writer of that shitty Maureen Donaldson No Homo/Cash Grab memoir that finally confirms that Grant actually talked in detail and graphically about his relationship with randolph scott...
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Who is the Sexiest Fictional Podcast Character?
After a Round 2 which saw 28,069 votes on 32 polls, we are on to Round 3 of the tournament! This time we are finally bringing in characters from Welcome to Night Vale.
Round 1 Masterpost
Round 2 Masterpost
Round 3:
Scripted Bracket
Isabel Lovelace (Wolf 359) vs The Witch Queen A.K.A. Daughter Dooley (Old Gods of Appalachia)
Sir Caroline (The Penumbra Podcast: Second Citadel) vs Alé (The Penumbra Podcast: Second Citadel)
Peter Nureyev (The Penumbra Podcast: Juno Steel) vs Antigone Funn (Wooden Overcoats)
Mabel Martin (Mabel) vs Oleta (Within The Wires: Season 1)
Everyone from the Strange Case of Starship Iris vs Static Man (Archive 81)
Mina Murray (Re: Dracula) vs Georgie Crusoe (Wooden Overcoats)
Yaretzi (Hello From The Hallowoods) vs Hera (Wolf 359)
Tim Stoker (The Magnus Archives) vs Renée Minkowski (Wolf 359)
Unscripted Bracket
Glenn Close (Dungeons & Daddies) vs Taako (The Adventure Zone: Balance)
Lup (The Adventure Zone: Balance) vs Chine (Friends at the Table: Sangfielle)
Gable (Campaign: Skyjacks) and Nicky Close (Dungeons & Daddies) vs Fourteen Fifteen (Friends at the Table: Twilight Mirage)
Killian Fangbattle (The Adventure Zone: Balance) vs Suvirin “Suvi” Kedberiket (Worlds Beyond Number: The Wizard, The Witch, and the Wild One)
Tender Sky (Friends at the Table: Twilight Mirage) vs Moonshine Cybin (Not Another D&D Podcast: Bahumia)
Amber Gris (The Adventure Zone: Ethersea) vs Ibex (Friends at the Table: COUNTER/Weight)
Ver'million “Millie” Blue (Friends at the Table: PARTIZAN) vs Kravitz (The Adventure Zone: Balance)
Adelaide Tristé (Friends at the Table: Seasons of Hieron) vs Hella Varal (Friends at the Table: Seasons of Hieron)
Night Vale Bracket:
Cecil Gershwin Palmer vs Steve Carlsberg
Erika vs Francis Donaldson
Deb, a sentient patch of haze vs John Peters (you know, the farmer?)
The Glow Cloud (Sr.) vs Josh Crayton
Dana Cardinal vs Susan Wilman
Earl Harlan vs Dr. Sarah Sulton
City Council vs Amelia Anna Alfaro
Hiram McDaniels vs Joseph Fink
Dr. Carlos Dave Robles the Scientist vs Lee Marvin
Huntokar vs Nazr al-Mujaheed
The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives In Your Home vs Eunomia the General
Michelle Nguyen vs Fey
Kevin vs The Man in the Tan Jacket
Maureen Johnson vs Kareem Nazari
Station Management vs Leonard Burton
Old Woman Josie/Josefina Ortiz vs Simone Rigadeau
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WTNV quick rundown - 89 - Who's a Good Boy? Part 1
For the other episodes, please click here or check the tags on my blog!
[moving from baby talk to a dog, to a serious, urgent question] Who’s a good boy? Who’s the good boy? Who is it? Who is it? Welcome to Night Vale.
The strangers have taken over the town, destroying anything they can, seemingly for absolutely no reason than to destroy things. Cecil has taken his reporting to the streets. Carlos and his team of scientists are holed up in his lab trying to find a solution. Steve, Abby and Janice are also there and is it the 'safest place'. Carlos gets increasingly frustrated at his inability to find a solution using science but refuses to take a break.
Cecil notices that Dark Owl Records is untouched. Michelle and Maureen are smoking candy cigerettes outside of the store. He asks them how they escaped the destruction. Maureen says that she commanded the army to not attack this place and quit her leading-an-army 'internship' due to feeling misled and not liking her boss. She still has some irritation towards Cecil but admits that she thinks he's just clueless, which he doesn't understand. Maureen says Chad is trying to reverse the ritual he did. Michelle and Maureen are not putting a label on their relationship.
Lusia explains how the 'beast' (the beagle puppy) controls people because it's so cute you would do anything for it, anything at all.
Cecil enters the house of Frances Donaldson. He finds that she has become a Stranger. She speaks to him through inanimate objects including his own shoe. She states that when you are 'made strange' you are transported to a cavern. The cavern is dark and full of mud whose quantity chances and although you can hear what might be other people, you can never reach them or even call out. Eventually, after years of wandering like this, slowly losing yourself, you end up wanting what the master of this place wants, and he wants nothing. That's why they are destroying NV, because they want nothing, but they also don't want a why they only want nothing. Even though Cecil can see Frances, she insists that she is still in the mud.
Cecil meets Louie Blasko, who urges him to say 'weather' (the weather plays) and then is turned into a Stranger. He also meets the man who is not tall and the man who is not short. They say that they have nothing to do with this, that the only real question is 'Who's a good boy?' and also steal Cecil's pen.
At City Hall, Cecil finds that City Council have fled and that Trish Hidge is fleeing from the Beagle Puppy. Cecil comments that the puppy is no longer cute. In fact it is changing, stand upright, becoming elongated and mishappen. It tells Cecil that he is the good boy and that he rules the wet caverns of Hell. He says he wants nothing and he will get it.
Weather: "Plunder" by The Felice Brothers
Cecil is finally ready to admit that Steve loves Abby very much and that they have a good family together.
Carlos apparently likes to play Bloodbourne to relax.
France's mailbox is 'killed and skinned'. Make of that what you will.
Despite stating that he's 'not on the radio' right now, he still adds the community calender and a sponsored spot. Cecil could be simply compelled to do these things as part of his reporting even when the reporting is 'physical'.
There is no sign off for this episode.
Proverb: "Remember to compliment-sandwich when critiquing. Example: "That’s an okay shirt you have on. Everything you wrote is bad. You’re wearing a shirt."
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denver-carrington · 7 months
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Happy Birthday to Jack Coleman (Steven), who turned 66 today. Photo by Maureen Donaldson.
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forever-blondie · 3 years
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Debbie Harry photographed by Maureen Donaldson, 1979
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20th-century-man · 3 years
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Debbie Harry / photo by Maureen Donaldson, 1979.
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breteastonellis · 4 years
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Debbie Harry of Blondie
Maureen Donaldson, 1979
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mrepstein · 4 years
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The Beatles pose with Maureen Donaldson (née Payne) [pictured left] and Val Sumpter at the Beatles Fan Club headquarters, circa 1963. 
In 1989 Maureen published a memoir, An Affair to Remember, about her four-year relationship with Cary Grant. In the memoir she briefly mentions her time working in the Beatles Fan Club offices, and later for Brian Epstein’s NEMS Enterprises. You can read her account below:
Like millions of girls around the world, I had discovered the Beatles in 1963. I liked them all, but Paul McCartney was my favorite. His long lashes and sexy chestnut eyes stirred something within me that no real-life boy could hope to ignite.
The more I saw Paul on television and the more I saw his picture in the magazines, the more determined I was to meet him. I was convinced that once he met me, he would see I was unlike all the other girls who adored him. And he would marry me.
But turning that fantasy into reality was going to take some work. It took one bus and two train rides just to get me to the North End Music Stores (NEMS) offices in London. That was the company owned and operated by Brian Epstein, manager of the Beatles. Every day after school I’d embark on this long trip and arrive on the NEMS doorsteps. I asked anyone there for any kind of job. I wasn’t proud. Just so I could be close to Paul.
The girls in the front office took pity on me and let me stuff envelopes and do other assorted tasks. There was no pay, but I felt useful and somehow connected to Paul. I just knew I would meet him if I kept pushing in this direction.
My determination finally caught Brian’s eye. He gave me a job for about eighteen dollars a week at the Beatles Fan Club offices. I would answer the telephones and also help out sorting through the mail, which contained thousands of jelly beans, supposedly the boys’ favorite.
When I went home to share the good news with my parents, I didn’t quite get the reaction I had anticipated. I informed them (as well as a visiting neighbor, Elsie Grunsell) that I was leaving school at age sixteen to begin work the following Monday for the Beatles. The three of them had been sitting there enjoying their tea when I unleashed this particular bombshell. Rising slowly, my father stood ramrod straight and said firmly:
“You’re not going to work - I repeat not - for those... those yobos!”
I started crying. I had to take that job because that was my only route to Paul. When my parents saw how determined I was and what it meant to me, they relented. Years later they told me they hoped I would come to my senses and get bored with life with the Beatles. Actually, it was the beginning of an odyssey that would take me all the way to America.
I began work at the fan-club office on a Monday. Four days later I met Paul in the flesh. He had dropped by to take all us hardworking girls to a Chinese lunch. I was so awestruck being in the same room with Paul I simply couldn’t eat. I just picked at my plate. Besides, I didn’t know how to eat with chopsticks.
Instead I feasted on the sight of Paul, who actually had a bit of a shy streak. But when he kept talking about Jane this and Jane that, I poked one of my coworkers in the arm and said: “Who is this Jane?”
I was told all about Jane Asher, a pretty red-haired actress who was Paul’s steady. I was crestfallen at first. But I was too busy for disappointment. London in the early sixties seemed to be the center of the universe, and I was now part of it. Mary Quant was revolutionising fashion on Carnaby Street; the Beatles and the scruffier Rolling Stones were changing the sound of rock music; and a stick-thin fashion model named Twiggy was making thin “in.” Fortunately I had begun to lose all my baby fat and got swept up in the excitement and intensity of all the changes London was going through.
I had been at my new post in the fan-club offices for about three months when I answered the phone one day. It was Brian. “Who’s this?” he asked. “This is Maureen Payne,” I said shyly. “Well, I’d very much like to see you in my office tomorrow at ten o’clock.”
“Me?” I said, simply astounded.
“Yes, You!” he barked from the receiver. “I’ve got a job for you.”
It turned out Brian liked the sound of my voice and wanted me back at the NEMS offices, where there was an opening for a receptionist. There was not only a raise of approximately fifteen dollars a week but also the opportunity of assisting Brian in the press office with its blizzard of press releases and bulletins released almost daily to the media.
Brian was a mercurial man - one minute up, the next down. But he was always buzzing about the place like a hornet, trying to find some new way to keep the press interested in “the boys.” Then one day I helped to oil the publicity machine in my unique way.
Sometimes the girls and I in the NEMS offices would get restless, so we conducted elevator races. There was a rickety old elevator in dire need of repair; we would cram into it and push the buttons like crazy. It would take forever for the contraption to reach the next floor, but we didn’t care - we’d be laughing and screaming so hysterically we would hardly notice. Of course, this all happened when Brian was out of the office.
But one day some of Brian’s other clients - including Billy J. Kramer and the Dakotas, and another group called the Fourmost - dropped by, and we were especially bored. It was raining outside, one of those dark days that needed a little juicing up. So we girls invited the boys to get into the elevator with us. We wanted to see how many of us the silly thing could hold without expiring.
The answer: not many. About eight of us had gotten in when the elevator crashed. It fell down only a few feet, but a fire truck had to be called and firemen sent in to retrieve us. Since this occurred at the Beatles offices, it showed up on the evening news.
So there we were, being pulled out of the lift by the firemen and escorted in the pouring rain into a truck waiting to take us to the hospital to be checked for any possible injuries. Only our pride had been hurt. We were horribly embarrassed later, when the boys took special delight in telling us that the firemen had huge grins on their faces as they “rescued” us, because they could see up our miniskirts!
The next day Brian called us into his office and threatened to dock our pay because of the incident. He was just bluffing, though, we heard him laughing the minute we left his office.
- An Affair To Remember: My Life With Cary Grant by Maureen Donaldson and William Royce (1989)
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rolloroberson · 4 years
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Debbie Harry photographed by Maureen Donaldson.
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Cary Grant, 1978
Foto: Maureen Donaldson
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bitchtoss · 3 years
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Debbie Harry photographed by Maureen Donaldson, 1979
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