#Mav would be on the drum set
29625 · 5 months
I’m always thinking about my Slider’s music taste…like, is it ooc if he liked The Cars? New Order? Bauhaus?
Then I look at this picture of Rick Rossovich and be like nvm he looks like someone from new wave/goth bands
I mean look at how gorgeous
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team-mavericks · 1 year
[ Last post before I conk out, but y'all are aware that the Mavs perform as a band as one of their job functions, right? I feel like I've mentioned that before, but just in case:
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Jet is on Drums, but offers extra Background Vocals if needed.
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Morgan can play Saxophone, Trumpet, and is on Secondary Vocals.
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Rin is lead guitarist, and on Secondary Vocals unless the song they are playing is Metal or needs some screaming.
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Makoto can play Harmonica, but she is mainly the Female Lead Singer.
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Michael is the secondary guitarist, the Male Lead Singer, and Violinist.
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Electric Banjo... I'm not even fucking with you. Like, SPECIFICALLY, Electric Banjo. Not that useful in a band setting, so Gatz is usually on sound and effects control.
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Haku is an excellent Bassist, and he also offers Background Vocals.
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Gil can play piano/keyboard, but truth be told he would rather be working. He's trying to convince Makoto to learn to take his place.
Roy, Tamako, and Sofia don't know any instruments, so they'd be on tamborine duty if needed. Although, Roy can absolutely kill it as a country singer. Too bad he's never with the group though.
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So there you go. That's the band. Now you can imagine they are who you are listening to when you listen to music like I do. And with that, GOOD NIGHT. ]
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musicarenagh · 2 years
Lowtones Sets The Record Straight With Radio Just before the world came to a halt in February 2020, Oliver, Jack, Tim and George felt a musical connection between and this prompted them to join their forces and form the nascent band Lowtones in Norwich. Originally a four-piece, Jack and George are brothers and went to High School with Mav. George and Tim met playing football together. We have all played in groups together over the years, but mainly just for fun. Mav studied in Brighton and moved back to Norfolk at the beginning of 2020 got in touch with Jack and George about starting playing music together again. George knew Tim and got him involved. Simple as that. Listening to music from lowtones one would agree to the fact the band makes creating good song looks easy, as they effortlessly keep creating music, that is on par with their predecessors. Although the band blends different styles to make each song unique, the ethos of the band still remains the same and haven’t changed, or side tracked as they simply express the hardships of modern life and love The current single from Lowtones 'Radio' combines razor-sharp guitar riffs, driving bass-lines, lyrics dripping with intent, and drums that punch you in the gut. In a band were Oliver 'Mav' Mavilio is the main vocalist, Jack Abbott and Tim Cary plays the Guitar, while George Abbott blasts the drums, this is what everybody would expect from the quadruple. Follow Lowtones on Facebook Spotify Soundcloud Youtube Instagram
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bounnostra · 5 years
ch. 3 || TRIAL 3.3 || SCOURGE || [ re: ORWELL's question, sorta ANA + MAVERICK ]
When PIP yells out, SCOURGE cringes -- briefly, they drop their pen and their hands hover over their ears. While their expression had previously been largely passive, they’ve finally started to take on something of a grimace. Sure didn’t take very fucking long for something to make their head ring this time around.
As they pick up their pen once more, they consider, very heavily, voicing some complaints. They’re talking about BOOTS because they’re relevant -- sharing information, trying to get a clear picture of what happened. Only focusing on the evidence in Sonya, with Amita, would only give them half the idea. 
But it’s not worth it. They’ll just get a shit ton of other people jumping down their throat for being ‘an asshole’ and not ‘respecting people’s feelings’ or whatever. Like they have a reason to do that during a murder trial.
Whatever. ORWELL’s talking to them again.
“It was over several different occasions. I’ve seen ‘em shift into multiple things in the same conversation, but never lasted very long. Can’t give you an exact time, but pretty sure none of the shifts I saw lasted more than ten minutes, if that. Most of ‘em much less.” They pause, resting their chin in their free palm. “Either way, got the vibe that after a certain amount of transforming, they had to rest. Running outta energy or whatever.”
They hope that clears some things up. And also think it’s a little weird that they’re getting asked for more clarity about BOOTS’ shapeshifting, out of anyone, but hey. They’ll take it.
“Moving on. Think Mav’s probably got the right idea with same murderer. ‘Specially considering Amita’s weak point with her torso, she definitely couldn’t’ve made the walk from Sakamochi to Sonya if she was already all fucked up like we found her.”
Claw marks, huh. They give Ana a small nod for clearing that up.
“...Well. ‘Less someone’s holding something back, no one’s said anything ‘bout finding a multi-pronged weapon. So, for now, I’m tempted to bank on the scrapes being claws, then.” They drum their fingertips against their jaw, musing. “Wish I could say for certain whether or not the scrape marks were in Sonya too, but, unfortunately, I couldn’t really tell with the snow.”
“Neither of the sets of footprints in Sonya were running, but, when the two sets of tracks came together, they were all kinda… chaotic? Jumping around, prints overlapping. Like at some point shit got tense.”
“If Amita and the killer were the ones working together, maybe they disagreed in the end ‘bout what they wanted -- or Amita was starting to get cold feet after seeing what happened to BOOTS. Killer thought she might turn on 'em. Something happened to set the killer off.” They sigh. “If Amita and BOOTS were the ones working together… well. There’s possibilities for that too. Just doesn’t make sense to me why Amita wouldn’t go hide in her room in that case, but. That's me.”
SCOURGE sighs tiredly. In an idle motion, they’re starting to draw circles in the margins of their notebook.
“And. Who's got winter clothing includes something that’s dark brown? Or literally any clothing. The fabric of that color is still unaccounted for.” A pause. "My winter coat's black, for the record. My wardrobe doesn't have any dark brown at all."
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thisislakewoodnews · 5 years
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One evening, over at Raphael Stone’s home.
Characters: @raphael-stone, @mavstone, @naomixstone, @hckerstvne.
Below the cut is plot information to be led prior to the upcoming event.
Raphael Stone: Raphael had been sitting in the kitchen, laptop open and USB turning over and over between his index finger and thumb. “To get it to work, you put it in the computer.” Was the snark from his sister in the corner of the Kitchen, as he rolled his eyes. “Not yet, Noami.” She knew—she knew his intention, knew where his mind was at. Perhaps they’d always understood one another, Raphael and Naomi. As the sudden sound of the front door opening, the chime of the alarm, he stood up straight, eyes locking with his brother. “We’re just waitin’ on Lil to get her ass over here.” He commented.
Maverick Stone: There's a moment of hesitancy as Maverick stands on the other side of the door, contemplating his fate and future. Stepping through the threshold would change everything and he knew once he left, it wouldn't be the same ever again. With a breath, his hand went to door knob and the alarm announces his entrance before he can. His older brother is given a simple nod, the years of resentment seeming to vanish because there were more important matters to attend to. Naomi, on the other hand is greeted more warmly before Mav takes a seat. "How much time we got? This could take awhile." He teasingly responded.
Lily Stone: She was ready. She was ready to learn what was on the USB that almost costed Lily her life. The urge to sneak into Raphael's office and take it is finally going away as she began to feel anxious. Popping a pain killer into her mouth Lily powered through the pain she felt and made her way down the stairs. Arriving into the kitchen to see all three of her siblings is when the youngest Stone realized this is the first time they've all been together since Colleen Stone's funeral. "Sorry I'm late," she clears her throat. "I uh had to take my medicine." The hacker knew if she didn't a certain Doctor would be on her ass abut it. Ignoring the presence of Maverick for Lily was still furious at him, she takes a seat beside Raphael. Her eyes glued to the USB in her President's hand.
Raphael Stone: Did he just come right out and say it? His siblings in the room, as he drummed up a small smile—rare in its form for his brother through all their previous tension—and to Lily, who now sat at his side. “We’re looking at this—“ He murmured, holding up the USB. “It’s got incriminating footage, so we assume,” He gestured to Naomi behind him, as she drank his liquor cabinet dry. “But—It’s uh…” Raphael shrugged his shoulders. “Seran’s dead. Body found—I confirmed it was him a few hours ago.” Was there a time to mourn, yes. Completely. But not now. “I—we’re out a Vice President, and we cannot be.” He’d been looking around the room to his siblings, as hues settled on his brother. “We need a Vice President, Maverick.” Was Raphael making his point clear?
Maverick Stone: Blue eyes shifted to the USB that would be the answer to all their questions and the source of all their problems. Such a small subject possessed enough power to bring all four Stone siblings together for the first time in years, excluding their mother's death. It was enough to make Maverick less of a pessimistic shit. His eyes moved from the drive to Raphael as he began to speak, explaining the entire situation that led to this moment. Seran was a huge loss but, with everything as they are now, the family wasn't in a position to look vulnerable. "And I accepted." He added to Raphael's point, eyes gauging his sister's expression to gauge their reactions...because he knows there will be one. "It was time. There's too much shit going on and we can't afford to look weak and divided."
Lily Stone: Hearing the death of Seran was no loss to Lily personally, not really, but to the cartel? Big loss. Before Lily could tell Raphael she is sorry for the loss of his vice president and to ask how he met his demise she found herself biting her bottom lip. How eager Lily felt to see what was on the USB quickly became replaced with one emotion; rage. No longer able to keep her mouth shut, the youngest Stone looks to her President. "You want him as your Vice President?" Lily felt as if she should've seen it coming, but she didn't. Without realizing it Lily stood up out of her chair to tower him. "He fucking left Lakewood and the cartel all behind because he got his feelings hurt by that bakery princess." Oh there was so much more Lily wanted to say about all of this. "Give it to Lucien or--" the young Stone found herself choking on her words. "--or someone else who didn't abandon us or the cartel!" That is when she finally looked to Maverick with a burning rage in her eyes. "When I left, I left to gather Intel--not be a glutton for punishment in Vegas like you did." If anyone where to ask Lily, she saw it as if she should get the promotion not Maverick. Did she want to be the VP? Hell no. She wanted to be what she always wanted; a soldier and work her way up to Lieutenant and Bodyguard.
Raphael Stone: Didn’t he expect just that? Someone would have something to say, as he raised a hand, sunken silence. Lily was laying it on—Naomi’s personal opinion would come, but now wasn’t the time. “Get over it—“ Raphael snapped, looking at his little sister. “You’re not the only one he left. He left me. Mom, dad, Naomi—“ He spoke, gesturing to his other sister. “Maverick fucked up—and I know where he’s coming from. If it had been me…” Silence fell for a moment, as he sighed. “I would’ve done the same thing. It was suffocating. I stayed, but I didn’t like it any less. I knew what was being held over my head. He had more freedom.” Raphael stood, USB still gripped tight. “But the only way we’re all looking at this, is if we all agree to accept what I’m saying—“ A lull. “Or don’t, I don’t care. I’m the President of this Cartel, I’m making him the Vice President.” Maverick was right. It was time. “We’re family.” He looked to Lily. “That understood?”
Maverick Stone: Maverick saw that reaction coming from a million miles away. Lily wasn't exactly known for being subtle or for her lack of dramatics. His eye simply arched at the younger Stone as she climbed onto the chair, throwing a fit -- which, in a way, was warranted. Attention shifting from Lily to Raphael, the tone in his older brother's voice said it all. It wasn't really a question, despite him giving the siblings an option, it was a command. "I already apologized for what I did." Maverick stated, even though he'd do it all again in a heartbeat. "That was then and this now. You wanted me here, Lil, I'm fucking here and stepping up to the plate." Better late than never, he figured. "If Raphael and I can put our shit to the side to make this work, then so can you." He noted. "It's time to let it go. That was the past and there's a lot more important shit happening right now that we need to focus on."
Lily Stone: When Raphael stood and towered over Lily she stood her ground against him. She never has been one to back down so easily, so why start now? Lily knew they were right and found it difficult in herself to put this bullshit aside. "Fine. I'll play along with him being the Vice President." then something came to her mind. "Since you are clearly giving out promotions--then promote me to being a soldier." The youngest Stone knew she shouldn't even have to say why. Taking a deep breath she looks back over to Maverick with anger still residing in her eyes. Though she lost her breath when she felt a sudden sharp pain in her abdomen; the stab wound. Acting as if she weren't in pain Lily held her gaze on Maverick. "I'll be a good little warrior and keep my mouth shut for now on about you becoming VP, but for what you did to me as my brother? You got a long way to fucking go for that." She declares. With that Lily sits down and crosses her arms over her chest before looking to Raphael. "Now can we see what is on that damn USB? I about died from being gutted over that fucking thing."
Raphael Stone: Raphael didn’t even hesitate to her quip. “No.” His voice was sound and strong. Don’t question him, don’t barter him. This wasn’t some clubhouse, no form of government or diplomacy. It was a god damn crime to do as they did—what he says, goes. “You’ll stay where you are, Naomi is staying where she is, I’m bringing someone in, not shifting the fucking pyramid.” Didn’t he expect an argument from Lily? Sure. But he wasn’t about to lift her up to justify some vendetta she was hanging over Maverick’s head. “Lily, I swear to fucking god, pull your foot out of your mouth and listen to me,” Raphael rubbed his temples momentarily. “I run this show—so when you’re speaking to Maverick from here on out, you better do it with some fuckin’ respect.” There was another lull. “He’s not just your brother—he outranks you now.” Was it a silent warning to Naomi as well, should the equally vibrant-with-words have an opinion? Possibly. Maybe with her sullen silence she knew not to push Raphael. “Now,” He murmured. “We watch this once, and Maverick and I will decide what to do.” He eyed his little sister as a warning—no smart remarks. Plugging the USB in, as the CCTV footage came to light. Raphael’s mind was trying to remember the familiarity of the scene. Set outside of Tito’s, a familiar spot for the Stone family—“Oh my god,” Naomi’s long hair almost shielding the wide screen as she leaned in, even the awe striking her tone. “Look at the date—“ She pointed to the corner of the screen with a finely manicured hand. “This was the date Mom died…” Did he hone in, finally pay attention to the scene that had been—gunshots went off, silence on the film, but the bright light moved in. “Move,” Maverick murmured, as he reached for the laptop. Raphael cast a ‘keep quiet’ glare to Lily. “We can zoom in on—“ His words stopped, , as the screen was moved back, shifted for Raphael to see as clearly as they could make out on the black and grey screen: Dominic Moretti. Gun in one hand, gunning the gas of his motorcycle in the other. “Oh my god,” Naomi broke the silence first, as he felt her place a hand on his shoulders. “You know what this means, Raph…” He stayed silent for another moment. “I know,” He looked to Maverick. “The Castro cartel didn’t kill mom—the Rinaldi’s did.” [END]
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itsworn · 6 years
This Blown, Injected 1971 Ford Maverick is More Than Most Can Handle!
Car Craft’s mantra of Loud, Fast, Real embraces the real-world budget-oriented approach to car building for the average working individual. It is with that simple criteria that we look for cars to feature each month, however, there is that rare occasion when it comes knocking on our door. That’s exactly what happened with Scott Rodgers and his 1971 Ford Maverick. On a whim, he emailed us some photos of his car along with a back-story and specs. It was a home run in our books, checking all the right boxes.
Scott is—as you can probably guess—a die-hard Ford guy. His interest in the Blue Oval brand started at an early age. “I was fourteen at the time when I inherited a car from my dad,” he says. That inheritance was a 1966 Mustang that that had been originally purchased for his sister, and subsequently damaged beyond repair. Scott recalls: “For the next three years I tinkered with that car, and about five years in with all that tinkering I actually got it back on the road. That’s where my love affair with Fords, Mustangs, and old cars in general started.” After the Mustang, a 1971 Maverick Grabber entered the picture. “I drove it home with the intention of messing with it,” he explains. “I was still living at home at the time and I ended up making the big mistake of tearing that car apart in the back yard. I had this big grand plan of what I was going to do with it. At twenty-one, with no money, and it sitting dormant in the yard, my dad ended up having it towed away. That broke my heart when it happened. He knew I wasn’t going to have the money to do anything with it and it became an eye sore, so he decided that it had to go.” Beyond the loss of the car, it equally put a strain on their relationship for some time.
As he entered his twenties, his professional life kicked into high gear in the automotive repair sector as a collision tech. It also marked the starting point in a chain of Fox-body Mustangs that he would tinker with over the years. Much of his spare time was spent working out of a 12 by 20 garage at home doing bodywork on other folk’s rides, so his own projects were just ideas that never really gained any traction. That changed in 2014 with the encouragement of his wife Karinna, when he went looking for something to properly tinker with for himself. He didn’t have anything specific in mind, but he says, “In the fall of 2014 I saw a Grabber Green Maverick parked in a tiny car lot—you know the kind of lot—cars falling apart all over the place, but in the corner there it was. I went back and looked at it twice. When I went back a third time, it was gone.” In the Spring of 2015, news of a Maverick with a blown transmission for sale showed up on his radar screen, so he went to take a look. “It was the same car that slipped away months earlier. When I saw the car it instantly brought me back to the memories of the one I once owned.” The Maverick was conveniently up on jack stands, so it was easy to inspect and it proved to be in excellent condition. The deal that was cut for the car involved the installation of a working C4 transmission and the Fox-body Mustang that he was driving.
Once the Maverick was in his name, it didn’t go under the knife right away. He drove it for a solid year before any work was done to it. Having learned from the mistakes of his youth, the car came together on paper before anything was actually purchased and installed. “I had a plan for what I wanted to do with the car as far as fuel injection, blower, and just about everything else that was needed. I pretty much had it planned out from front to back before I ever touched it.” It was driven on and off for two years as it was being mechanically sorted, until it came time to do the body. For that, Scott parked it and blew it apart down to a bare shell, which he then spent months massaging back. The Grabber Green paint gave way to a 2016 Chrysler color called Hydro Blue. Under the hood he went with a 302 cubic-inch block that was stroked to 347 cubic inches. It was stuffed with an Eagle steel crank, Trick Flow aluminum heads, FiTech EFI, and a Vortech blower, all backed by a C4 transmission. The Maverick was wrapped up and put back on the road in March of 2018.
We eventually got together with Scott to get the Maverick shot for a feature in May of 2018. We managed to get the engine and interior done until the heavens opened up, which meant a later date was needed to wrap things up. That later date was put on the back burner when he called telling us that the engine had grenaded itself. The diagnosis was a block cracked into four pieces—the age-old culprit of too much boost on a stock 302 block. He went back to the tried-and-true method of mapping out a new engine on paper before buying parts. Bigger and better was the idea, so he spent the next eight months putting a new mill together to the point we could finally get together.
The end result is a testament to what can be accomplished at home, and proof that the average guy can still build a kickass ride with a modest budget.
Tech Notes Who: Scott Rodgers What: 1971 Ford Maverick Where: New Castle, DE
Engine: Scott originally started with a stock Ford 302 block that he stroked to 347 cubic inches. As a result of running more boost than was advisable, that combination eventually failed. It didn’t make any sense to reinstall the same components because it was clear that he was pushing things more than they were designed for. As with the previous approach, it all started with a clean sheet of paper before any parts were acquired. When the foundation for the new mill was purchased, the task of doing all the machine work was entrusted to Ed Thomas Performance in St. Georges, DE. Their starting point was a brand new Ford Performance Big Bore version of the BOSS 302 block stuffed with Ross 9.0:1 forged pistons and H-beam connecting rods rotating on an Eagle stroker forged crank that pushed displacement out to 347 cubic inches. On the top end, a set of Trick Flow aluminum 170 cylinder heads is provisioned with Manley valves, Lunati chromoly valve springs, Ford Racing 1.6 stud-mount rockers, and Trick Flow hardened push rods. Camshaft choice was a Comp Stage 5 billet hydraulic-roller unit. After the long block was ready, final assembly was performed by Scott at home.
Induction: Fuel delivery is handled by a Spyder EFI ported aluminum intake and an Edelbrock Renegade upper elbow mated to an Accufab 90mm throttle body. Sixty-pound Deka injectors were also installed, along with Spyder EFI fuel rails, and an Aeromotive boost regulator. The other side of the induction puzzle comes from a Vortech V1 T-Trim blower and a modified Fox-body intercooler.
Electronics: Sparking the engine to life comes from a Ford TFI distributor, MSD 6AL ignition box, and an MSD TFI-style coil.
Transmission: The C4 transmission that came with the car when it was purchased is still in place. Scott had the crew at Pro-Formance in Newark, DE do the rebuild, which consisted of a manual valve body and a custom Dynamic 10-inch 3,200-stall speed converter. A Gear Vendors under/overdrive unit was also installed.
Rearend: The Maverick still retains the original Ford 8-inch rear housing that came with the car. With the addition of wider rubber, Scott narrowed it three inches and added Moser ends, Moser axles, and a PowerTrax 3.80:1 posi unit. The plan is for a full rear upgrade in the near future.
Chassis/suspension: With the increase in horsepower, Scott decided that the body was in need of some stiffening, which was accomplished with a set of Chassis Engineering subframe connectors. On the suspension side, up front he installed adjustable Viking Warrior coilover shocks and springs, and heavy-duty upper control arms. At the rear, Viking adjustable shocks, relocated Calvert leaf springs, and CalTracs traction bars complete the upgrades. The stock Ford manual steering box was also retained.
Brakes: Scott wanted discs at all four corners, so up front he swapped out the stock 1971 spindles with a set from a 1976 Maverick. At the rear, with the addition of the Moser ends, it allowed him to install brackets from a 1998 Explorer to do the drum-to-disc swap. These changes allowed him to install 11-inch Baer rotors and stock Maverick calipers up front, and 11-inch Bear rotors with 1998 Ford Explorer calipers at the rear.
Wheels/Tires: At the front Scott opted for a set of 15×4 Billet Specialties Street Lite wheels wrapped in Classic All Season 185/80R15 skins. At the rear he installed 15×10 Billet Specialties Street Lite wheels shod with Mickey Thompson ET Street 275/60R15 rubber.
Paint/body: The body on the Maverick was in exceptionally good condition when Scott went to look at it. Since his job involved doing metal work for a living, a quick examination of the underside of the car told him all he needed to know. The car was never hit and it was still wearing all of its original sheet metal. When he finally took the body apart and stripped it down to bare metal, the only repairs that were needed were to the lower sections of the quarter panels. He also widened and lengthened the rear wheel wells out to the frame rails. While all the prep work took place at home, the space limitations of his garage didn’t allow him to also lay down the paint, so he ended up taking the car to his buddy Rich Smith at Carman Collision Center in New Castle, DE for the paintwork. As part of his carefully mapped out plan, the original Grabber Green color was ditched in favor of a 2016 Chrysler color called Hydro Blue. A set of 1971 Ford Maverick Grabber stripes from Graphic Express in Inverness, FL was installed at that time as well.
Interior: After the car returned from the paint shop, when it came time to reinstall the interior, it was given a full makeover. A new carpet, headliner, gaskets, and weather stripping were installed. A thinner rear seat and wider rear side panels from a 1975 Maverick were added to accommodate the enlarged rear wheel housings. Up front the stock seats were ditched in favor of a set of Procar Elite units wrapped in black vinyl. The original dash pad was past its prime so Scott was able to replace it with an NOS unit that he found in Brazil. Custom door panels were also ordered from there. Door handles and window cranks are from Ring Brothers, the steering wheel is from Billet Specialties, and the instrumentation from Auto Meter.
The post This Blown, Injected 1971 Ford Maverick is More Than Most Can Handle! appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
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Live review // Factory Floor - XOYO - 11th August 2017
Appeared in issue 88 of Loud and Quiet. Read online.
It’s 20 years since Erol Alkan started staging Trash at Plastic People’s original home in Soho, and 10 since the cult club-night finished its successful run at now-defunct West End venue The End. During their decade together, Alkan and fellow DJs James Dickie, Rory Phillips, Mavs and The Lovely Jonjo became renowned for their discerning, era-hopping sets, which showed the same reverence to contemporary movements electroclash, dance-punk and new rave as they did to glam, post-punk, industrial and techno. To borrow a reference from Trash-favourites LCD Soundsystem, Alkan succeeded in uniting the rock-nerd narrator of ‘Losing My Edge’ with the “kids coming up from behind.”
Alkan has applied the same eclectic approach to this summer’s To The Rhythm residency at XOYO, programming a schedule that extends from Detroit producer Jimmy Edgar to reformed shoegazers Ride. Bridging the gap between the two extremes are Factory Floor. Certainly, had they existed prior to 2007, Trash would surely have been the spiritual home for their punk mix of minimal techno, acid house, and abrasive, no wave experimentalism.
Though reduced to a duo following Dominic Butler’s departure, Nik Colk and Gabriel Gurnsey are no less ferocious live than they were before the release of 2013’s eponymous debut. In fact, they’re arguably even more intense. Often obscured by billowing smoke, flashing lights and erratic lasers, the DFA-signed duo are positioned side-on to the audience, facing one another, Colk behind a bank of modular synthesizers and Gurnsey installed at the drum kit. The only communication between them is the eye-contact via which they take their musical cues. Gurnsey’s taut, live percussion – which was markedly less prominent on last year’s LP ‘25 25’ – provides a hypnotic vehicle for dead-eyed vocal intonations that are distorted to the point of being indecipherable and acid squiggles that singe your synapses. As the set ends, Alkan stride past, grinning.
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bounnostra · 5 years
3.6 || moss trial || re: mav, orwell || stop making time puns moss i swear to god
Moss drums their fingers on the table, a hard feat to do when you've got mittens on, listening to what Maverick and Orwell have to say- and as they talk, a thought dawns on them. Perhaps a thought that amounts to nothing at all, but... a thought.
"Just- a minor bit of speculation. If-"
They really do not want to give Boots any credit here. They fucking hate her, for reasons beyond simply 'killed our friend', but at the same time- At the same Time, Amita was also responsible for Masaki's death. So they frown and continue to talk.
"If we are going to entertain a scenario where it was Amita who betrayed- or, tried to betray- Boots, then... that does make a lick of sense. We were wondering why these notes were so poorly concealed; if they were deliberately set to make us suspect Boots, as Maverick said, that's a fairly valid reason. So what would drive Amita to do this?"
They scrunch up their face a little.
"Earlier- when we found her corpse- we had thought, 'at least someone who had a chance to live a fuller life than the rest of us was killed'. But as people have been bringing up the fact that... apparently, as she was trapped in a fairy world for many years, she probably didn't get a chance to live a full life at all. And now here she was, in the Great Gambino, trapped again in a purgatory for an unknown amount of time. That desperation to get out before any more of her years are wasted... that would be motive enough for someone to do anything. So, on Amita's end- that might be it."
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