#Max Zorn
diemelusine · 2 months
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Portrait of Martha Liebermann (née Marckwald, wife of painter Max Liebermann) (1896) by Anders Zorn. Zorn Collections.
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Franz Tunder (1614-1667) - Wend' ab deinen Zorn, lieber Herr, mit Gnaden ·
Rheinische Kantorei · Das Kleine Konzert · Hermann Max ·
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brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Birthdays 6.6
Beer Birthdays
Ernest G.W. Woerz (1834)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Bjorn Borg; tennis player (1956)
Thomas Mann; German writer (1875)
John Trumbull; artist (1756)
Colin Quinn; comedian (1959)
Diego Velazquez; Spanish artist (1599)
Famous Birthdays
Monty Alexander; jazz pianist (1944)
Torsten Andersson; Swedish artist (1926)
V.C. Andrews; writer (1923)
Ruth Benedict; anthropologist (1887)
Sandra Bernhard; comedian, actor (1955)
Gary U.S. Bonds; pop singer (1939)
Max Casella; actor (1967)
Pierre Corneille; French writer (1606)
Sarah Dessen; writer (1970)
Ninette de Valois; Irish dancer (1898)
Bill Dickey; New York Yankees C (1907)
David Dukes; actor (1945)
Robert Englund; actor (1947)
Harvey Fierstein; actor (1952)
Edgar Froese; German artist, electronic musician (1944)
Paul Giamatti; actor (1967)
Nathan Hale; American patriot (1755)
William Ralph Inge; English writer (1860)
Aram Khachaturian; composer (1903)
Uncle Kracker; rock musician (1974)
Edwin G. Krebs; biochemist (1918)
Josie Lawrence; British comedian (1959)
Ted Lewis; jazz bandleader (1890)
Tony Levin; rock bassist (1948)
Jimmie Lunceford; jazz bandleader (1902)
Gianna Michaels; porn actor (1983)
Holly Near; folk singer (1949)
Cam Neely; Boston Bruins RW (1965)
Amanda Pays; actor (1959)
Alexander Pushkin; Russian poet (1799)
Tom Ryan; cartoonist (1926)
David Scott; astronaut (1932)
Robert Falcon Scott "of the Antarctic;" British explorer (1868)
Robert Cedric Sherriff; English writer (1896)
Richard Sinclair; rock musician (1948)
Richard Smalley; chemist (1943)
Yukihiro Takahashi; Japanese rock musician (1952)
Dwight Twilley; country singer (1951)
Steve Vai; rock guitarist (1960)
Danny Webb; actor (1958)
Max August Zorn; mathematician (1906)
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ink-long-dry · 2 years
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send in the clowns!
My funny little clown Au Ra tribe that I conjured up one day. I call them the Kamea tribe!
Inspired by the Continental Circus, chameleons, masked carnivales, and Zorn & Thorn from FFIX, this tribe is neither Xaela nor Raen—hells, they might not even be of the Spoken races! More lore under the cut, for length.
This tribe by and large are around the same height--by which I mean they're quite small but knowing clowns.) Max height is 5'. Scales grow in intricate, "unnatural' patterns because-surprise! They are voidsent glamouring with a vague concept of Au Ra in mind. Close but not quite.
Their color changing scales are a product of properties related to "something unlike aether." It's possible that some of them may have learned to adapt a bit better to society and can blend in with other Au Ra, so they may walk among others unbeknownst to their true nature.
Some Fun Design Notes:  - Scales should cover 60% of their face as mask motif - Horn shape is unconventional (blue has heart, red has diamond) - Base scales are dark (xaela) or light (raen) but change color - No height dimorphism, they’re all small - No actual gender
Basically if you want to create a Kamea Au Ra, start with a chameleon, mix in some funny lil jongleurs, and pretend like you've never actually seen an Au Ra before. These are voidsent that have maybe heard of an Au Ra once and thought "I could do that."
The origin of this tribe comes from one elder voidsent who delights in molding and altering the shapes of others... Lore to come for that tomorrow. :)
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nananieshitpost · 6 months
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Antike (ca. 2000 vChr. bis ca. 500 nChr.)
Homer: Ilias, Odyssee
Äsop: Fabelsammlung
Caesar, Gaius Iulius: Der gallische Krieg
Vergil: Aeneis
Ovid: Metamorphosen
Tacitus, Publius Cornelius: Germania
Augustinus, Aurelius: Bekenntnisse
Herodot: Historien
Mittelalter (500-1500)
Murasaki Shikibu: Die Geschichte vom Prinzen Genji
1001 Nacht
Gottfried von Straßburg: Tristan
Wolfram von Eschenbach: Parzival
Chaucer, Geoffrey: Die Canterbury-Erzählungen
Renaissance (1500-1600) und
Barock (1600-1720)
Boccaccio, Giovanni: Das Dekameron
Brant, Sebastian: Das Narrenschiff
Machiavelli, Niccolö: Der Fürst
More, Thomas: Utopia
Rabelais, Franois: Gargantua und Pantagruel
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de: Don Quijote
Grimmelshausen: Der Abentheurliche Simplicissimus Teutsch
Aufklärung (1720-1785)
Hobbes, Thomas: Leviathan
Fielding, Henry: Die Geschichte des Tom Jones, eines Findlings
Voltaire: Candide
Sterne, Laurence: Leben und Ansichten von Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: Emile oder Über die Erziehung
Kant, Immanuel: Kritik der reinen Vernunft
Sturm und Drang (1765-1790)
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: Die Leiden des jungen Werthers
Bürger, Gottfried August: Münchhausen
Klassik (1786-1832)
Defoe, Daniel: Robinson Crusoe
Swift, Jonathan: Gullivers Reisen
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: Die Wahlverwandtschaften
Kleist, Heinrich von: Michael Kohlhaas
Romantik (1798-1835)
Arnim, Achim von/Brentano, Clemens: Des Knaben Wunderhorn
Grimm, Jacob und Wilhelm: Kinder- und Hausmärchen
Austen, Jane: Stolz undVorurteil
Eichendorff, Joseph Freiherr von: Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts
Andersen, Hans Christian: Märchen
Gogol, Nikolai: Tote Seelen
Balzac, Honore de: Verlorene Illusionen, Glanz und Elend der Kurtisanen
Bronte, Charlotte: Jane Eyre
Bronte, Emily: Die Sturmhöhe
Huge, Victor: Die Elenden
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Biedermeier und Vormärz (1815-1848)
Heine, Heinrich: Buch der Lieder, Deutschland. Ein Wintermärchen
Büchner, Georg: Lenz
Droste-Hülshoff, Annette von: Die Judenbuche
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Moderne (1850-1968)
Melville, Herman: Moby Dick
Beecher Stowe, Harriett: Onkel Toms Hütte
Keller, Gottfried: Dergrüne Heinrich
Dickens, Charles: Große Erwartungen
Dostojewski, Fjodor: Der Idiot
Tolstoi, Lew: Krieg und Frieden
Mark Twain: Tom Sawyers Abenteuer
Storm, Theodor: Der Schimmelreiter
Wilde, Oscar: Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray
Lagerlöf, Selma: Gösta Berling, Nils Holgersson
Fontane, Theodor: Effi Briest
Mann, Thomas: Buddenbrooks, Der Zauberberg
Proust, Marcel: Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Zeit
Joyce, James: Ulysses
Babel, Isaak: Die Reiterarmee
Fitzgerald, Francis Scott: Der große Gatsby
Kafka, Franz: Der Prozess, Das Schloss
Woolf, Virginia: Mrs. Dalloway
Hesse, Hermann: Der Steppenwolf, Das Glasperlenspiel
Döblin, Alfred: Berlin Alexanderplatz
Remarque, Erich Maria: Im Westen nichts Neues
Roth, Joseph: Hiob, Radetzkymarsch
Traven, B.: Das Totenschiff
Fallada, Hans: Kleiner Mann - was nun?
Mann, Klaus: Mephisto
Steinbeck, John: Früchte des Zorns
Orwell, George: Farm der Tiere
Machfus, Nagib: Die Midaq-Gasse
Camus, Albert: Die Pest
Greene, Graham: Der dritte Mann
Dürrenmatt, Friedrich: Der Richter und sein Henker
Nabokov, Vladimir: Lolita
Tomasi di Lampedusa, Giuseppe: Der Leopard
Frisch, Max: Homo Faber
Aitmatow, Tschingis: Dshamilja
Grass, Günter: Die Blechtrommel
Solschenizyn, Alexander: Ein Tag im Leben des Iwan Denissowitsch
Wolf, Christa: Der geteilte Himmel
Bulgakow, Michail: Der Meister und Margarita
Garcia Märquez, Gabriel: Hundertjahre Einsamkeit
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Gegenwart (ab 1968)
Lenz, Siegfried: Deutschstunde
Kertesz, Imre: Roman eines Schicksallosen
Eco, Umberto: Der Name der Rose
Jelinek, Elfriede: Die Klavierspielerin
Kundera, Milan: Die unerträgliche Leichtigkeit des Seins
Morrison, Toni: Menschenkind
Vargas Llosa, Mario: Das Fest des Ziegenbocks
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personal-reporter · 1 year
Biennale Musica 2023 a Venezia
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Biennale Musica 2023 si terrà a Venezia dal 16 al 29 ottobre, con come filo conduttore la Micro-Music ed è diretto per la terza volta da Lucia Ronchetti, una delle principali compositrici italiane di oggi. Il programma del Festival è dedicato al suono digitale, tra tendenze stilistiche e ricerche creative innovative sulla scena musicale internazionale. Installazioni, performance e forme online: numerose prime assolute commissionate dalla Biennale di Venezia e coproduzioni con i principali festival internazionali. La Biennale Musica si compone di sei diverse sezioni, Sound Microscopies; Sound Installations/Sound Exhibitions; Stylus Phantasticus-The Sound Diffused by Venetian Organs; Club Micro-Music; Sound Studies e Digital Sound Horizons. L’evento prevede le prime assolute di opere di Brian Eno, che darà qui inizio al suo primo tour da solista e riceverà il Leone d’Oro alla carriera 2023 per la sua ricerca della qualità, la bellezza e la diffusione del suono digitale, accompagnata dalla concezione dello spazio acustico come strumento compositivo. Il progetto Shipse Nothing Can Ever Be The Same   prevedono una retrospettiva di Eno attraverso interviste, progetti di videoarte, conferenze, performance, documentazione del backstage di concerti ed eventi artistici. Miller Puckette riceverà il Leone d’argento 2023 per l’ideazione e lo sviluppo dei software Max/Msp e Pure Data, due dei più importanti programmi per il trattamento del suono in tempo reale e la sintesi di suoni digitali. Saranno inoltre presentate l’opera dell’ingegnere e compositore Robert Henke (Commodore cbm 8032), più una nuova produzione del ciclo Professor Bad Trip di Fausto Romitelli. Il concerto inaugurale sarà aperto da As I Live And Breathe di Morton Subotnick, che elaborerà in tempo reale il suo respiro e i gesti vocali secondo tecniche avanzate di esecuzione elettronica così da creare un ambiente tecnologico unico. Andrea Liberovici e Paolo Zavagna (Sound Of Venice Number Two) presenteranno un nuovo progetto che indaga il paesaggio sonoro veneziano, ispirandosi all’iconografia e ai documenti d’archivio. Anche Anthea Caddy e Marcin Pietruszewski (Love numbers), Tania Cortés (1195), Alberto Anhaus (Colonization – Sea Invasion), Louis Braddock Clarke (Weather Gardens) parteciperanno con opere sonore per specifici spazi della città di Venezia. Dieci nuove produzioni di College Musica faranno parte del programma del Festival in una sezione autonoma, intitolata Digital Sound Horizons, che  esplorerà il presente e il futuro dei confini dell’interazione tra scienza, tecnologia e creatività musicale. Wolfgang Mitterer, John Zorn, Andrea Marcon e Luca Scandali si esibiranno nelle Chiese di San Giorgio, San Salvador e San Trovaso e nel Conservatorio Benedetto Marcello tra gli organi costruiti a Venezia da Gaetano Callido, Pietro Nacchini, Franz Zanin e Jürgen e Hendrik Ahrend. Quattro lezioni su Rai Radio3, a cura di Paola Damiani e condotte da Giovanni Bietti, indagheranno il repertorio organistico della Scuola veneziana del Cinquecento. Infine, ci saranno progetti in forma installativa, programmi compositivi online ed eventi in forma di concerti che vedono l’utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie legate al suono digitale a cura di Jaehoon Choi, Lydia Krifka Dobes, Fabio Machiavelli, Estelle Schorpp, Severin Dornier, Leonie Strecker e Alexis Weaver, Brigitta Muntendorf, il collettivo formato da Guy Ben-Ary e Nathan Thompson. Read the full article
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fostersffff · 1 year
I just got to Disc 3 of Final Fantasy IX.
I should start this by saying that I totally get why some people really adore Final Fantasy IX, especially if they played it when it was new and it was the most visually stunning video game ever made. I think that rumored anime has the potential to be excellent, because the story and characters lend themselves readily to an episodeic (read: more than 12 episodes) anime, and I'm optimistic about how the rumored remake could be handled as well, and I'll probably show up to give that a shot if/when it exists.
With all that said: I might wind up ranking this game lower than Final Fantasy II.
The weapon/spell-use-based levelling system in FF2 sucks, and will always suck, but this equipment-based ability acquisition system sucks even fucking more, and is made worse by the infrequent and obtuse equipment synthesis system. If you're not grinding, you have to choose between losing access to abilities by equipping better equipment, or sticking with older equipment until the abilities are maxed. Also, you can't sell any old equipment because maybe it might possibly be relevant in synthesis later in the game, so if you need more money: grind.
The game actively wants you to be stealing with Zidane (or whoever has steal in the event Zidane is not in the party), so unless you know you don't need anything in advance you're going to be spending anywhere between "two" and "infinity" turns not attacking with one of your four party members, which sucks because everyone takes a minute to fill up their ATB bar. Also, it fucking sucks not attacking with Zidane, because it seems like he's the only goddamn character who can get weapons from synthesis.
Quina's Blue Magic/Eat mechanic would be fine if, again, it didn't take five years to fill up the ATB bar and also hope you have Garnet in the party so you can scan the enemy's HP and gauge whether or not they're in Eat range, and either way occasionally you're gonna have to just inch them into range with a spellcaster, which takes even more time.
Trance is the worst Limit Break mechanic since FF6's "you'll do a special attack with a cool animation if you use the Attack command at low HP past an arbitrary point in the game", and I only don't say "worst ever" because I haven't played enough subsequent FF games to know for sure.
There is not a single compelling antagonist in this game. Zorn and Thorn sucked, Queen Brahne was an obvious stooge, and Kuja is fuckin' lame "ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE" man, which I knew going in, but fuck. There is no one I look at and think "oh man, they pose a credible threat and we need to get stronger to overcome them!" Speaking of which:
I liked Beatrix so much more before playing this game and realizing that she's not actually an execution of the "General Leo" archetype. That would be the case if General Leo was directly responsible for the poisoning of Doma and then felt bad about it later but otherwise had the exact same arc. The fights with her aren't even cool because she doesn't actually overpower you, she just does an animation after an invisible timer runs out.
The main cast, as a whole, is just below the "endearing line". I like all of them fine, and they each have at least one funny moment. Like, I can't see Freya having any more storyline relevance since everything about her was wrapped up when Cleyra got Zentetsuken'd, but at least she did the riverdance and looks cool. They're all kind of actively harmed by how much Zidane is just Disney's Aladdin. Also Amarant; why even bother with this fuckin' guy?
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hamsolo · 1 year
“☄️” and I’ll write a description/ story of your life as a Jedi
(note: Star Wars and any recognizable characters/ settings/ ideas do NOT belong to me.)
Thank you for being patient with me as I worked on this, Max. Hope you enjoy it!
send me an emoji and I’ll write you as a SW character
The heat, the smoke...I can still feel it. The screams, the blaster fire...I can still hear it. It's been almost a week, but it feels like it's been seconds.
But I'm getting ahead of myself, I should start at the beginning...after all, it's not like I have anywhere to be. Hah!
My fellow Jedi, Mikko Anturr, and I were scouting the cliffs on a forest planet. What planet? I forget the name. Mikk was always better with names. Our troops were with us of course, led by Commanders Zorn and Carnin.
It was all the usual shenanigans; play fighting, me teasing Mikk about his crush and he teasing me about mine.
"I do not!" I huffed. I could feel my cheeks burning up, all the way to the tips of my ears.
"Yes, you do! I'm sorry, Maxin, you're just not good at hiding your feelings around them! You're always stumbling about around Corin...it's embarrassing actually, I'm embarrassed-Hey!"
I'm swinging my lightsaber at him; a green blur cutting through the morning haze in the humid forest. I swing again, goading him. Luckily for me, Mikk takes the bait.
An orange blade cuts off my third swing and soon we've dissolved into laughing fits. It's a wonder that neither of us has managed to attain the rank of Jedi knight at all.
"Sirs, one of the men has found something!" Commander Carnin, waves us over.
"I'll get you next time, Max."
"Wanna bet?" I smirk. "You only appeared to have the high ground because-."
"Sirs, please!"
After that, it was business as usual. Don't get me wrong we could goof off but we could be serious as well. We were truthfully both knighted by Grand Master Yoda. We just had a little bit more fun than some of the other Jedi.
All of a sudden a shot rang out and Mikk froze, gasped, and then collapsed. Just dropped like a sack of droid parts. Behind him, Commanders Zorn and Carnin raised their blasters.
I was still processing what happened to my friend when I heard Commander Zorn, who was like a friend to me call out, "One target down, one more dead ahead."
Target? What target?
With another shot, the blaster fire whizzed right by my head. I could smell burnt hair.
Oh, Force. My stomach dropped. It's me. I'm the target.
Another shot, more burning. They were getting closer. So I did the only thing I could think of, I turned and ran.
My heart was hammering in my chest and blood pounded in my ears. I tried not to move a single muscle, sitting in the trees. Watching as the troopers. My men, my friends. Watching as they searched for me, not to rescue me but to eliminate me. Permanently.
What was going on? Years later I would discover what exactly possessed these men to do this. Now? Now, I was searching, searching the Force for answers, and receiving none.
It felt like hours before all the men left the immediate area. My only hope of survival and making my way back to the ship was that Clone troopers were not Force-sensitive.
Step by step, careful to not make any sounds, I crept back to the clearing where we landed.
Two of the three moons were high in the sky when the ships came into view. Glancing around and sensing no one, I slid down. Just as I carefully moved between trees, I carefully moved over the dirt, rocks, plants, and fallen tree limbs.
I was halfway to the first ship when...BOOM! A detonator was set off and I was thrown back. Dirt kicked up and debris flew all over the clearing. The ship was no more.
"Freeze! The less you resist, the less painful it will be."
"Are you saying that to me or the troops, Commander?"
"To you, Sir."
"Are you so sure?"
Igniting my lightsaber once more, I took a deep breath. "Trust in the Force," I told myself "It's gotten you this far."
Commander Zorn calls out to the troops surrounding the clearing, and by extension, me.
But he doesn't get to complete the command, I begin swinging my lightsaber around every which way. My goal is to get to the second ship, Mikko's ship. This cannot be the end for me. I am meant for more...
At first, I am only blocking the shots, waiting for my men to snap out of it. But they're not my men anymore...not really. By the time I'm next to the ship, I'm full-on attacking. Slicing and chopping and cutting. Fighting for my life.
I've made it, my hand curls around the handle to the side hatch.
"Not so fast, Jedi." I shot rings out. He misses again. He won't miss a third time. "Stand down."
I turn to face him, Commander Zorn. A man I once called a friend. We broke bread together on dozens of planets, faced the Separatists together, and shared many stories. I knew his quirks and habits; everything from his favorite food to how he held himself in battle.
His posture.
The man in front of me was not that man, he was too rigid, too tight. there was something wrong deeply wrong. So wrong that I almost felt bad about what I was going to do. Almost.
My lightsaber clashed with Zorn and his scream is something that I won't ever forget. High-pitched until it wasn't. Until it was silence after the thud of a body hitting the ground. Dropping like a sack of droid parts.
I immediately engage the engines and initiate the take-off sequence on the ship. I don't where I want to go next, just someplace quiet. Someplace where no one knows who or what I am.
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doggieheaven2008 · 1 year
Why am i surprised max makes zorn with hus wife as if etf doesng hqve songs like situations. I have no desire to see his ween though i saw his buttcheeks once and that was enough 😬
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artbyaine · 2 years
Artist Research - Max Zorn
Max Zorn is a Dutch artist who uses tape as a medium. By layering brown packing tape, Zorn is able to create images with depth and contrast when illuminated. His work can be seen on the streets of Amsterdam, taped to lampposts. However, due to his popularity, many of these pieces are often stolen. He also does larger scale pieces on windows and, at one point, even the windshield of a car.
His use of light and tape as an unconventional medium has inspired me to take a different approach to my project by exploring light as a medium. I am attracted to the idea of art pieces that can not be fully experienced without the inclusion of a vital element such as light or movement.
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lorenzlund · 2 years
‘... die mitgliedslose Gesellschaft der Erde ... es wird sie bald vielleicht nur noch so geben!!’ Max-Anton Raiter (in einer seiner auch eigenen öffentlichen größeren Ansprachen u. Reden vor dem zaratrainischem Volk)
Max-Anton Raiter wurde erstmals auch selber vielleicht zum großen Philosophen dadurch plötzlichen ... für andere!!
“Zwar bin ich nicht zu 100 % einer von euch, genauso wie ich nicht nur zu 100 % von der Erde stamme, auch bin nicht unsterblich wie die allermeisten von euch ...”. 
(Aus dem Auftakt zu dieser erwähnten Rede von mir, der erste Satz.)
*Der/ein Komponist u. Stückeschreiber, gilt er halbwegs begabt, er wird selber immer auch Auftakt dazu sagen, er spricht nicht etwa stattdessen von Beginn oder vom Beginnen, würde sich das dafür auswählen!)
“Sehen sie sich denn nicht durch Hölderlins Schicksal gewarnt??”
“Hölderlin war Philosoph??’
“Dichter sind es zeitgleich irgendwie fast immer noch genauso auch!!’
*Wird die Frau, wird die Frau von der Erde also dazu bereit sein eines Tages sogar alle Männer vielleicht unisono abzuschaffen ... vor lauter Zorn auf sie, und weil er nie wirklich ganz bei ihr aufhörte?? Solange es nur einen dieser Männer auch weiterhin noch auf ihr gibt!
Schon wären wir ein weiteres Mal bei der Philosophie vielleicht angelangt dadurch!
*Im Universum wird geglaubt: Ja! 
Denn auch die Frau sei nicht nur rational, oder verhielte sich beständig allein nur so!!
Eher geschehe es uns dann auf der Erde im Versehen! Weil sie es zu lange Zeit schlicht mit all dem übertrieb!
Der Erde drohte die Gefahr, dass sie eines Tages sogar insgesamt dabei ausgelöscht würde, aus lauter Versehen, mitsamt der auf ihr lebenden Bevölkerung!!
Die fortlaufende Zahl neuer Kriege sie spräche dafür! 
In der Hauptsache werden sie, würden sie deswegen geführt!!
(Und so hieß man mich deswegen eigens nur deswegen nochmals auch an meinen Schreibplatz zurückkehren! Nur spassig, oder das es sich bei ihr vielleicht  allein nur um Spass gehandelt hätte, sollte meine Bemerkung gar nicht gewesen sein vorherige!)
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maria-magnolia2 · 4 years
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Birthdays 6.6
Beer Birthdays
None Known
Five Favorite Birthdays
Bjorn Borg; tennis player (1956)
Thomas Mann; German writer (1875)
John Trumbull; artist (1756)
Colin Quinn; comedian (1959)
Diego Velazquez; Spanish artist (1599)
Famous Birthdays
Monty Alexander; jazz pianist (1944)
Torsten Andersson; Swedish artist (1926)
V.C. Andrews; writer (1923)
Ruth Benedict; anthropologist (1887)
Sandra Bernhard; comedian, actor (1955)
Gary U.S. Bonds; pop singer (1939)
Max Casella; actor (1967)
Pierre Corneille; French writer (1606)
Sarah Dessen; writer (1970)
Ninette de Valois; Irish dancer (1898)
Bill Dickey; New York Yankees C (1907)
David Dukes; actor (1945)
Robert Englund; actor (1947)
Harvey Fierstein; actor (1952)
Edgar Froese; German artist, electronic musician (1944)
Paul Giamatti; actor (1967)
Nathan Hale; American patriot (1755)
William Ralph Inge; English writer (1860)
Aram Khachaturian; composer (1903)
Uncle Kracker; rock musician (1974)
Edwin G. Krebs; biochemist (1918)
Josie Lawrence; British comedian (1959)
Ted Lewis; jazz bandleader (1890)
Tony Levin; rock bassist (1948)
Jimmie Lunceford; jazz bandleader (1902)
Gianna Michaels; porn actor (1983)
Holly Near; folk singer (1949)
Cam Neely; Boston Bruins RW (1965)
Amanda Pays; actor (1959)
Alexander Pushkin; Russian poet (1799)
Tom Ryan; cartoonist (1926)
David Scott; astronaut (1932)
Robert Falcon Scott "of the Antarctic;" British explorer (1868)
Robert Cedric Sherriff; English writer (1896)
Richard Sinclair; rock musician (1948)
Richard Smalley; chemist (1943)
Yukihiro Takahashi; Japanese rock musician (1952)
Dwight Twilley; country singer (1951)
Steve Vai; rock guitarist (1960)
Danny Webb; actor (1958)
Max August Zorn; mathematician (1906)
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nettculture · 5 years
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Amazing tape art from Amsterdam based Dutch tape artist Max Zorn @maxzorn-blog at https://www.maxzorn.com/ "Worlds End", © Max Zorn
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lemagasingeneral · 6 years
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slowestlap · 3 years
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Max Verstappen makes his 2022 racing debut in an Alpine showdown against Austrian ice speedway star Franky Zorn [x, x]
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