#Maxime J. Durand
random-bookquotes · 1 year
“You know what they say, sister. Love them, leave them, kill them.” The mermaid shrugged.
Maxime J. Durand, Apocalypse Tamer
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marigoldispeculiar · 1 year
Hi there! Its Week 1 of the Sunday Writeblr Ask-A-Thon! I'm Athena, my question for you is: Have you ever been inspired by another writeblr or author not on tumblr/twitter?
Since I am pretty inept with social media, this is an easy one for me lol.
While I haven't read much of them yet, I am really inspired by the BL community on Scribble Hub! I really wanna emulate their enthusiasm and generosity with putting their works out there!
I'm also totally in love with Shisi's stories, Little Mushroom (which has an official translation!), #1 Prettyboy of the Immortal Path, and C-Language Cultivation. She has an incredibly tight control on pacing and tension in her works; as a reader, it drives me up the wall in the best possible way, and as a writer, I'm still not sure how she does it. She also does a lot of that thing where she layers metaphors on symbolism on allusions until a sentence can go off like a bomb.
I could come up with more if I weren't currently tired, but Diana Wynne Jones, MXTX, Maxime J. Durand, Minna Sundberg, Little Baldy, and also so many mangaka whose names I can't remember but whose stories are still inside of me.
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justwriteyoudummy · 11 months
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My Top 10 of 2023!
Getting this out there a little early this year because I'm about to be super busy with work. Started my yearly reading goal at 35 books and have almost since doubled it! I'm SO grateful for audiobooks as that's been the main way I've been able to get through so many on my drive to work and on my lunch breaks. It's nice to be able to take a pause and read for a little bit. . This list does NOT include all the Manhua, Manga and Webcomics I've read so I'll do a separate post for that later when I have more time. . . I've started thinking on my reading goal for next year and I might try to finish the whole of my physical TBR collection on my shelves. Not sure yet but I definitely want to attempt it at least! Either way this was such a fun year of reading for me and I absolutely loved the books I was able to get through. There were a lot of books that got put into the "Come Back To Later" pile as I'm a big mood reader so I hope I can eventually come back to them to finish them out! . . I know it's still early but what's been your favorite read of 2023 so far???
[ID: Photos of a foggy forest landscape with little dots of color from the out of focus flower buds. /end ID]
My Top 10:
1: The Perfect Run by Maxime J Durand. 2. Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson 3. All the Skills by Honour Rae 3+1. Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao 5. Mark of the Fool by J.M.Clark 6. House of Leaves by Mark. Z. Danielewski 7. The Billionaire's Fake Fiance by Annika Martin 8. Death Loot and Vampires by Benjamin Kerei 9. Cursed Cocktails by S.L.Rowland 10. Dungeon Crawler Carl 6: Eye of the Bedlam Bride
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sin-scape · 1 year
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The Perfect Run, by Maxime J. Durand.
Ryan "Quicksave" Romano is an eccentric adventurer with a strange power: he can create a save-point in time and redo his life whenever he dies. Arriving in New Rome, the glitzy capital of sin of a rebuilding Europe, he finds the city torn between mega-corporations, sponsored heroes, superpowered criminals, and true monsters. It's a time of chaos, where potions can grant the power to rule the world and dangers lurk everywhere.
Ryan only sees different routes; and from Hero to Villain, he has to try them all. Only then will he achieve his perfect ending... no matter how many loops it takes.
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The Perfect Run is what The Boys wishes it was. That is all.
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fb20202021 · 4 years
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Décor-Export / Pascal Osten https://www.facebook.com/groups/1938237242977933/ Et merci aussi aux 320 contributeurs, on s'est tellement marrés, :-) / Thank you to the 320 contributors , we laugh so so much guys! DÉCOR EXPORT - Eric Tabuchi & Nelly Monnier >https://bit.ly/2XuCVcm
Martine Aballéa, Guillaume Abgrall, Steve Abraham, Marc Adi, Juli Aïko, Guillaume Alarm, Pascal Anders, Philip Anstett, Pepe Anta, Emmanuel Aragon, Sébastien Arrighi, Guillaume Aubry, Chloé Azzopardi, Héloise Bariol, Alex Barrow, Kasper Barrow Tabuchi, Antoine Barth, Grégoire Bassinet, Nicolas Baudouin, Caroline Bauer, Lionel Bayol-Thémines, Pierre Belouin, Laura Ben Haïba, Yoann Bergouts, Mai-Li Bernard, Manuel Bienven, Bernadette Blasco, Luc Boegly, Philippe Boisnard, Jacques Bon, Sandrine Bonami-Redler, Jean Bonichon, Guillaume Bonnal, Karine Bonneval, Cécile Bouffard, Capucine Boureau, Christophe Bouvier, Anne-Laure Boyer, Bonnie Broc, Stéphane Bruchet, Magali Brueder, Alain Buhot, Hervé Cabine, Corinne Caule, Martine Chiarappa, Philippe Caillaud, Cédric Canaud, Martin Cares, Johanna Cartier, Fabrice Cazenave, Garance Chabert, Oriane Charvieux, Mylène Chevalier Despicht, Julie ChOvin, Thierry Chantegret, Marion Chopin, Carole Cicciu, Gaëlle Cognée, Marianne Colombani, Daphné Comte Lefebvre, Alexandre Contesse, Bastien Contraire, Leïla Couradin, Gilles Courtinat, Daniel Clauzier, Arthur Crestani, Karin Crona, Béatrice de Crécy, Alexandra Czmil, Simon de la Porte, Béatrice Darnal, Claire Daudin, Corinne et Max Delort, Gaëlle Delort, Paul D’Haese, Fabien Dendiével, Stéphanie Deneux, Joséphine Derbru, Simon Desloges, Olivier Despicht, Hugo Deverchère, Julie Digard, Nicolas Dubreuil, Rémi Dubroca, Maxime Dufour, Myriam Dugast, Matthieu Duperrex, Philippe Durand Editions de l’Obsession + Mathilde Luguet, Cédric Esturillo, François-Noé Fabre, Marie Farge, Quentin Faucompré, Sébastien Fayard, Marianne Ferrand, Edwige Fontaine, Bruno Fontana, Morgane Forsberg, Alain François, Fred, Romain Gamba, Jill Gasparina, Hortense Gauthier, Franck Gérard, Hughes Germain, Thierry Girard, Nicolas Godin, Emmanuel Gonzalez, Julien Gorgeart, Françoise Goria, Pauline Gouablin, Jeremy Gouellou, Fabien Granet, Jérôme Gras, Simon Grass, Dan Gregory, Fabrice Grelat-Mabime, Céline Guichard, Charlène Guillaume, Jill Guillais, Victoria Guinet, Maïwenn Hamon, Sophie Hasslauer, Vincent Herlemont, Peter Hill, Hippolyte Hentgen, Olivier Hodasava, Taeyang Hong, Chourouk Hriech, Anabelle Hulaut , Olivier Huz, Audrey Jamme, François Jenssard, Nathalie Jover, Xavier Julien, Jean Pierre Junqua, Alexandre Jutard-Verdon, Katia Kameli, Thomas Karges, Frédéric Khodja, Dorine Knecht, Perrine Lacroix, Angèle Là-Dessus, Damien Lajeunesse, Cendrine Lassale, Stéphane Laurent, Pierre Lazare, Pierre lazare, Olivier Leclercq, P.-Nicolas Ledoux, Dominique Le Duff, Paulin Lefeuvre, Laurence Lefèvre, Loïc Le Gall, Mériol Lehmann, Julien Lelièvre, Philippe Lenepveu, Stéphane Leroy, Corentin Lespagnol, Laure Letinois, Hélène Letteron, Valery Levacher, Loïc Le Verche, Julien Lévy, Sophie Liados, François Lichté, Paul Lisse Partout, Julien Lombardi, Alexandre Longeot, Jiali Lou, Fred Maillard, Fabrice Maintoux, Denis Malbos, Gilles Malatray, Marion Mallet, Gabrielle Manglou, Evelyne Marchive, Martial Marquet, Eve Martin, Léna Martinez, Roberto Martinez, Mariette Marty, Geoffroy Mathieu, Lucia Mazzucato, Matière Production, Fanette Mellier, Catherine Merdy, Thierry Merré, Vanessa Messalti, Cécile Meynier, Eric Michel, Nicolas Milhé, Tanguy Miniclash, Jean Moal, Cyrielle Monnier, Nelly Monnier, Théo Monnier, Margaux Montigny, Sandra Moreaux, Armand Morin, Juliette Morel, Xavier Morlet, Sophie Mouron, Alice Mulliez, Philippe Munda, Nicolas Nadé, Olivier Namias, Boris Nauleau, Julien Nédélec, Macula Nigra, Vincent Nirvalet, Laurie Noyelle, Sian O’Keeffe, Baldo Ortas-Peretti, Pascal Osten, Clément Paradis, Hervé Paraponaris, Didier Paris, Hélène Paris, Julien Pasteau, Ariadna Pastorini, Anne-Marie Pernot, Antony Pesrin, Véronique Pérus, Mathias Pfund, Emmanuelle Pidoux, Virginie Piotrowski, Nicolas Pincemin, Juliette Plisson, Rémi Pollio, David Posth-Kohler, Eric Pringels, Bostjan Pucelj, Clara Pugliese, Mickaël Puiravau, Judith Quentel, Florent Quignon, Annakarin Quinto, Simon Rayssac, Manon Recordon, Tony Regazzoni, Marguerite Reinert, Mathieu Renard, Serge Renaudie, Marie-Hélène Richard, Ben Riollet, David Ritzinger, Yann Rondeau, Laetitia Rouiller, Patrick Roussel, Alex Roux, Linda Roux, Olivier Ruffinetto-Delhaise, Alex Rx, Mickaël Salvi, Patrice Santa Coloma, Benoit Santiard, Thomas Sauvin, Julie Savoye, Nils Savoye, Alice Sawicki, Mike Saxenhammer, Bruno Scotti, Olivier Seignette , Michaël Sellam, Vadim Sérandon, Rémy Sergent, Mathieu Siméon, Sylvain Simon, Jerome Sother, Olivier Soulié, Sophie Soum, Charline Sowa, Dominique Spiessert, Sammy Stein, Vincent J. Stoker, Karin Szabo-Detchart, Eric Tabuchi, Jean-Jacques Tardif, Cédric Teisseire, Denis Thomas, Bénédicte Thoraval, Julien Tiberi, Nicolas Tourre, Nicolas Tourte, Giulia Turati, Jack Usine, Euqinimod Uthagey, Julie Vacher, Olivier Vadrot, Yannick Vallet, Claire Van Der Meulen, César Vayssié, Erwan Venn, Bénédicte Vidal, Colas Vienne, Aurélien Villette, Héléna Villovitch+ Anne Laplantine, Laure Waast, Adrianna Wallis, Hazel Ann Watling Xtr, Patricia Welinski, Marion Wintrebert, Zed Zardoz, Yves Zbinden, Amata Zdiziobeck, Philippe Zulaica
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random-bookquotes · 1 year
“You shame a stranger in public, you get shamed in public.”
Maxime J. Durand, Apocalypse Tamer
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random-bookquotes · 10 months
A girl? Fine by Basil. He was a true feminist: the kind that would hit a female monster as hard as a male one.
Maxime J. Durand, Apocalypse Tamer
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random-bookquotes · 10 months
“Wealth isn’t about utility,” Shellgirl argued, “it’s about bragging rights!”
Maxime J. Durand, Apocalypse Tamer
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random-bookquotes · 1 year
“Our universe is full of powerful beings that like to present themselves as omnipotent and worthy of our worship,” Walter explained. “They pretend, sometimes rightfully, that they are deities. That as mortal beings weaker than them, they are entitled to our veneration. But their power only comes from our perception of it. Any creature that demands your respect without earning it is not worthy of anything. For this creature is insecure. It knows it is vulnerable, physically or emotionally, so it projects strength where it is lacking.”
Maxime J. Durand, Apocalypse Tamer 2
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random-bookquotes · 1 year
“It’s only terrorism if we don’t have the government’s backing, Plato,” Basil replied with a smile. “Otherwise, it’s property damage.”
Maxime J. Durand, Apocalypse Tamer
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random-bookquotes · 1 year
“This is a democracy,” Basil reminded him. “Which means I’m willing to pretend to listen, and then explain to you why I was right all along.”
Maxime J. Durand, Apocalypse Tamer 2
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random-bookquotes · 1 year
“Our universe is full of powerful beings that like to present themselves as omnipotent and worthy of our worship,” Walter explained. “They pretend, sometimes rightfully, that they are deities. That as mortal beings weaker than them, they are entitled to our veneration. But their power only comes from our perception of it. Any creature that demands your respect without earning it is not worthy of anything. For this creature is insecure. It knows it is vulnerable, physically or emotionally, so it projects strength where it is lacking.”
Maxime J. Durand, Apocalypse Tamer 2
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random-bookquotes · 1 year
“Don’t mind them, I’ll clean tomorrow.” In student slang, ‘tomorrow’ meant ‘never.’ Basil had learned this subtle difference to his dismay when he last shared an apartment.
Maxime J. Durand, Apocalypse Tamer
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random-bookquotes · 2 years
When somebody threatened you, you had to strike back even harder; or else you invited further bullying. Strength was peace.
Maxime J. Durand, Apocalypse Tamer
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random-bookquotes · 2 years
Mediocrity is a quality all of its own, Karim. Mules are mediocre, but they work hard and make the world go round. Great men stand on the backs of mediocre masses. I know that someday, you’ll lift up someone destined to do great things.
Maxime J. Durand, Apocalypse Tamer
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