#Maybe I'll spend some time drawing people in the streets.
littlebitsalt · 7 months
IM SO HAPPY MY REQUEST (the catboy one) TURNS MORE THAN MY EXPECTATION(≡^∇^≡) im so happy you make it story, i thought you wouldnt understand with my words(T_T) and i love your drawing of him! :D
Yandere catboy x reader
Note: this is a continuation of part 1
Summary: 5 short stories about the catboy
Blake dreamed of this moment. Snuggling next to you, on your bed.
He had to be in his cat form in your house, and he had a new name, but it didn't matter that much.
He actually changed into his human self again to unlock the door to your room. It was a close call and he almost got caught by your brother who got thirsty at night. When he went inside your room, you were sleeping peacefully. He looked at you, occasionally touching your face, smiling.
He knew he had to turn back to Tux if he wanted to keep it safe. However, he also wanted to feel you against him in his human form for a little bit longer. He lay beside you, his eyes half closed because of exhaustion.
He knew well not to fall asleep as Blake, but he drifted off to sleep.
Blake woke up the next day, his eyes opening right up looking around the room fast. Luckily, you were asleep. After checking the time, Blake quickly changed to his cat form.
Blake had a busy day. He pretended to be a stray cat taken in by your family at day. He also had to stay right beside you, watching your every movement(and he loved it). And after you drifted off to sleep, he had to go to his own house, just to do things he missed at daytime.
No one really cared if he was in his house. Maybe no one really was in the house is more accurate.
Blake crawled away from your bed and went out of the house. It was midnight, and the streets were empty.
In his cat form, Blake walked to his own home. He wanted to stay with you for the night, but he couldn't. He slept in his cat form the first few nights, but he couldn't stay that way forever. Changing into his cat form was not something to do for hours.
Blake's house was empty and quiet. There was no one in the house as expected. Blake changed back to his human form and looked around. He had stuff to do, normal things he needed to take care of. He didn't want his family member to find out he is changing into his cat form regularly only to see you.
He spent the entire night awake. It was tiresome, but he managed. It was better than you waking up and finding him on your bed because he couldn't manage to stay in his cat form.
At school, all Blake did was sleep. He slept through all classes. It didn't matter to him anyways(he could catch up by studying at night). Maintaining a life as your cat was his top priority right now.
All he needed to do was get close to you as Blake, and somehow make you open up to him.
"I know there's something going on with you and Blake.*
You had to admit your friend has great insight when it comes to relationships between people.
"What? No."
"Don't lie to me."
"I'm not lying"
There was something going on with you and Blake, but it was not something normal.
"I'll prove you wrong at some point."
Your friend said, as she walked to another direction home.
You walked past where the cats usually hang out. You were listening to music through your earphones when you felt a familiar touch.
It was Blake. You knew it was him easily.
"Did you miss me?"
Blake asked, smiling.
"Why did you skip school today?"
You asked.
Blake looked surprised.
"Were you sick? An appointment?"
You asked again. Blake chuckled at your genuine questions.
"No, I was with my family member. Well uh.. he visits once a month to check if I'm doing ok. I spend time with him when he comes to my home."
You remembered now that Blake always skipped school once a month for some reason.
"That explains it... uh.. what do you mean by family member?"
You realized you knew nothing of Blake while Blake almost knew everything about you. Blake never told you about his story.
"... uhm.. he's my uncle. I live alone so he comes once every month to see if I'm living like a decent human being."
"Oh, okay.. that seems a bit.. lonely."
"Then you can spend time with me, and hug me back every time."
You guessed Blake's family was either super cool about him wandering around or too busy, but you didn't know Blake was that lonely.
"What did you do today? I hope you didn't get closer to anyone else, because.. I can't let you do that- well.. uh.. we practically live together, and you can't deceive me.."
"You know well I don't have much friends."
Blake held your hand until you arrived in front of the door to your house.
"Are you going to turn into a cat again?"
".. I guess so."
"You can turn into human again in my room, so don't worry."
That day was limit and Blake know that well now. Staying as a cat in your house was too much to handle. Staying awake all night and wandering around all night made stress unbearable to his body.
So when you came back home to greet Tux, Blake couldn't control himself.
And that made all his work into nothing. Now you knew he was not the cat you imagined and you cared of. You now avoid him in school, hanging out with someone else when he's right there, looking at you.
Blake raced to your house and turned to a cat before he was too sick to do so. He waited for you to come home, and see him as Tux again.
You never rejected him harshly or directly so Blake thought that if he push you farther it would work. You might accept him. Then he'll be beside you, as Blake.
"That explains everything. Why you turned into a human so suddenly, and why you always sleep in class-"
You say giving some snacks your mom bought to Blake. Blake was sitting at your desk while you unpacked your school bag.
"... but don't you think it'll be better if you.."
You stopped for a moment. You acknowledge Blake's lonely(or you assume), but does that mean you should let him be with you all day..?
"I mean.. I think staying with one person all day won't be the best idea."
You finished your sentence.
"Why not? I don't have anything to do in my house, and I love you. I want to be beside you."
Blake frowned at your statement. Standing up from the chair, he continued,
"I don't understand why you're so distant. You loved it when Tux was with you 24/7, and now you don't like the idea of me with you all day.."
Blake was now right behind you.
"... uh.... I mean that you should find something else to uhm.. accompany you."
You said.
"You're getting it all wrong. What else would I accompany when I do not have you in the first place?"
Blake was persistent about staying with you all day. You could feel that from his tone. You turned around to face Blake.
"Then... what about you come over to my house after dinner time and sleep in my room?"
"You can stay at your place and do your own things. And after dinner.. maybe about 7 or 8, you can come over to my room, and we can spend some time with each other. You can sleep in my room also."
Blake seemed to be hesitant but nodded.
".. but what will you tell your family if Tux is gone?"
Blake asked.
"I don't know.. I'll just tell them the cat ran away. I think they'll believe it. I'll pretend to be shocked about the disappearance too."
You replied, looking at Blake, who had the best expression on his face.
Blake said, his hand wrapping around your body hard.
"Okay, okay- don't hug me too hard-"
You turned off the lights and plunged onto your bed. It was been almost a week since Blake came to your room to spend time with you. Blake seemed to be enjoying the whole situation. You were sometimes tired of Blake's affection, but you managed.
"I feel like we're a married couple."
Blake said suddenly.
"You should stop daydreaming."
You said, turning your body to the opposite side of Blake.
"It's not daydreaming."
"I'll make it happen someday. You wait and see."
"We're already so close to each other, so I think it's only a matter of time."
Blake said with confidence.
"You always accept me. You only need some time."
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francis-writes · 10 months
As I said, I made first chapter!
Summary: Frollo is resurrected and back to Paris, seeking revenge.
You can also read 1st chapter here:
I'll be back I guarantee
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Then they all fell to their knees and begged that drifter
Begged him please, as he raised his fist before he spoke
I am the righteous hand of God
And I am the devil that you forgot
And I told you one day you will see
That I'll be back I guarantee
And that hell's coming, hell's coming
Hell, hell's coming with me
Hades kept massaging his temples.
"It can't be like that" he muttered under his breath "I dealt with a lot of shit during last millenias but after I met him, I have enough of immortality"
Gaston shrugged.
"I may beat him up. Man makes me ashamed to be French"
"I thought you out of us all would like him" Maleficent raised her eyebrow "After all you both got rejected by a girl. Same tragedy" she said in tone suggesting that this specific tragedy is the greatest source of amusement for her.
Gaston snorted.
"I am NOTHING like him. He's an old man with a stick in his ass. I am the most popular man in the village, I have looks-" He flexed his biceps proudly "-and a whole wall of my hunting trophies"
Before anybody managed to comment Gaston's desirability as a potential husband, Jafar raised his palms to calm the room.
"returning to the most important topic, we need to get rid of that whining priest. The question is: how we do it?"
"Off with his head!" Yelled Queen of Hearts.
"It would be a good idea" Jafar said with mockery "if not the fact that he's already dead. He can't be more dead"
Hades raised his head, suddenly smiling.
"He can't be more dead but he can be alive again"
Everybody looked at him in utter shock.
"You're gonna bring this asshole back to life? Out of all of us? He doesn't deserve this"
"Listen" Hades stood up "either living have to deal with his shit or we. And I won't spend one moment more listening that I am a false God and I shall burn in Hell. I am already burning here, I am ruler of this place, remember?"
The room fell silent, villains were considering Hades' proposition. No one liked the idea of giving Frollo chance for revenge, but having him around was even gloomier idea.
Sun was shining in Paris. It was a beautiful spring morning and Frollo could already feel the smell of flowers blooming on the trees. He looked around. It was one of the less frequented districts of the town and there were almost no people on the street. Now that he regained life and freedom - because, as those wizards and demons said, he didn't deserve damnation (which was absolutely true) so they decided to help him have a new chance - he had to make a plan for what he was going to do. This time there could be no option of failure. He was going to get his revenge on all the traitors and whores who pushed him into flames.
There a few obstacles in the way. All the town thought that he was dead and they probably chose new minister of justice. It could be hard to convince his old guards to listen to him but there was always a chance of intimidating some of them. Or maybe it would be better to avoid drawing attention. Perhaps he wasn't young anymore but he still had some strength in him. And what’s even more important, Frollo had his mind full of grand schemes. Killing someone wasn't that hard in itself but he wanted them to suffer.
For now, he was going to rent a room and hide in the town, collecting informations about what his enemies were up to recently. He already got some new clothes to better mix in the crowd. Claude felt weird without his robe, he had an impression that those tight pants were a little too revealing and immodest but after all, most well-dressed men wore them and he didn't want to stand out. He even put on a loose shawl to hide his face, after all, rather well-known in all Paris.
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hey! here’s a few character quotes! hope your awesome secret project goes well
I see an annoying girl running toward me from the distance, waving her arms in the air like she's totally oblivious to any attention she might draw to herself. That girl is Sayori, my neighbor and good friend since we were children. You know, the kind of friend you'd never see yourself making today, but it just kind of works out because you've known each other for so long? We used to walk to school together on days like this, but starting around high school she would oversleep more and more frequently, and I would get tired of waiting up. But if she's going to chase after me like this, I almost feel better off running away. However, I just sigh and idle in front of the crosswalk and let Sayori catch up to me.
“hhh...haaahhh...I overslept again! But I caught you this time!"
“Maybe, but only because I decided to stop and wait for you."
"Eeehhhhh, you say that like you were thinking about ignoring me! That's mean, [player]!"
"Well, if people stare at you for acting weird then I don't want them to think we're a couple or something."
"Fine, fine. But you did wait for me, after all. I guess you don't have it in you to be mean even if you want to~"
"Whatever you say, Sayori..."
"We cross the street together and make our way to school. As we draw near, the streets become increasingly speckled with other students making their daily commute."
"By the way, [player]... Have you decided on a club to join yet?"
"A club? I told you already, I'm really not interested in joining any clubs. I haven't been looking, either."
"Eh? That's not true at all! You told me you would join a club this year!"
"Did I...?"
I'm sure it's possible that I did, in one of our many conversations where I dismissively go along with whatever she's going on about. Sayori likes to worry a little too much about me, when I'm perfectly content just getting by on the average while spending my free time on games and anime.
"Uh-huh! I was talking about how I'm worried that you won't learn how to socialize or have any skills before college. Your happiness is really important to me, you know! And I know you're happy now, but I'd die at the thought of you becoming a NEET in a few years because you're not used to the real world! You trust me, right? Don't make me keep worrying about you..."
"Alright, alright... I'll look at a few clubs if it makes you happy. No promises, though."
"Will you at least promise me you'll try a little?"
"Yeah, I guess I'll promise you that."
Why do I let myself get lectured by such a carefree girl? More than that, I'm surprised I even let myself relent to her. I guess seeing her worry so much about me makes me want to ease her mind at least a little bit - even if she does exaggerate everything inside of her head.
The school day is as ordinary as ever, and it's over before I know it. After I pack up my things, I stare blankly at the wall, looking for an ounce of motivation.
Sayori wants me to check out some clubs. I guess I have no choice but to start with the anime club...
Sayori must have come into the classroom while I was spacing out. I look around and realize that I'm the only one left in the classroom.
"I thought I'd catch you coming out of the classroom, but I saw you just sitting here and spacing out, so I came in. Honestly, you're even worse than me sometimes... I'm impressed!"
"You don't need to wait up for me if it's going to make you late to your own club."
“Well, I thought you might need some encouragement, so I thought, you know..."
"Know what?"
"Well, that you could come to my club!"
"...There is no way I'm going to your club."
"Eeeehhhhh?! Meanie!"
Sayori is vice president of the Literature Club. Not that I was ever aware that she had any interest in literature. In fact, I'm 99%% sure she only did it because she thought it would be fun to help start a new club. Since she was the first one to show interest after the one who proposed the club, she inherited the title “Vice President”. That said, my interest in literature is guaranteed to be even less.
"Yeah. I'm going to the anime club."
"C'mon, please?"
"Why do you care so much, anyway?"
"I kind of told the club yesterday I would bring in a new member... And Natsuki made cupcakes and everything... Ehehe..."
“Don't make promises you can't keep!"
I can't tell if Sayori is really that much of an airhead, or if she's so cunning as to have planned all of this out. I let out a long sigh.
“Fine... I'll stop by for a cupcake, okay?"
“Yes! Let's go~!"
And thus, today marks the day I sold my soul for a cupcake. I dejectedly follow Sayori across the school and upstairs - a section of the school I rarely visit, being generally used for third-year classes and activities. Sayori, full of energy, swings open the classroom door.
"Everyone! The new member is here~!”
"I told you, don't call me a 'new member--'"
Eh? I glance around the room.
"Welcome to the Literature Club. It's a pleasure meeting you. Sayori always says nice things about you."
"Seriously? You brought a boy? Way to kill the atmosphere."
"Ah, [player]! What a nice surprise! Welcome to the club!"
All words escape me in this situation. This club......is full of incredibly cute girls!!
“What are you looking at? If you want to say something, say it."
The girl with the sour attitude, whose name is apparently Natsuki, is one I don't recognize. Her small figure makes me think she's probably a first-year. She is also the one who made cupcakes, according
"You can just ignore her when she gets moody~"
Sayori says that quietly into my ear, then turns back toward the other girls.
"Anyway! This is Natsuki, always full of energy. And this is Yuri, the smartest in the club!"
“D-Don't say things like that..."
Yuri, who appears comparably more mature and timid, seems to have a hard time keeping up with people like Sayori and Natsuki.
"Ah... Well, it's nice to meet both of you."
"And it sounds like you already know Monika, is that right?"
"That's right. "It's great to see you again, [player]."
Monika smiles sweetly. We do know each other - well, we rarely talked, but we were in the same class last year. Monika was probably the most popular girl in class - smart, beautiful, athletic. Basically, completely out of my league. So, having her smile at me so genuinely feels a little...
“Y-You too, Monika."
“Come sit down, [player]! We made room for you at the table, so you can sit next to me or Monika. I'll get the cupcakes~"
"Hey! I made them, I'll get them!"
"Sorry, I got a little too excited~"
"Then, how about I make some tea as well?"
The girls have a few desks arranged to form a table. As Sayori mentioned, it's been widened so that there is one space next to Monika and one space next to Sayori. Natsuki and Yuri walk over to the corner of the room, where Natsuki grabs a wrapped tray and Yuri opens the closet. Still feeling awkward, I take a seat next to Sayori. Natsuki proudly marches back to the table, tray in hand.
"Okaaay, are you ready?...Ta-daa!"
Natsuki lifts the foil off the tray to reveal a dozen white, fluffy cupcakes decorated to look like little cats. The whiskers are drawn with icing, and little pieces of chocolate were used to make ears.
"So cuuuute~!"
"I had no idea you were so good at baking, Natsuki!"
“Ehehe. Well, you know. Just hurry and take one!"
Sayori grabs one first, then Monika. I follow.
"It's delicious!"
Sayori talks with her mouth full and has already managed to get icing on her face. I turn the cupcake around in my fingers, looking for the best angle to take a bite. Natsuki is quiet. I can't help but notice her sneaking glances in my direction. Is she waiting for me to take a bite? I finally bite down. The icing is sweet and full of flavor - I wonder if she made it herself.
"This is really good. Thank you, Natsuki."
"W-Why are you thanking me? It's not like I...!"
(Haven't I heard this somewhere before...?)
"...Made them for you or anything.”
"Eh? I thought you technically did. Sayori said--"
"Well, maybe! But not for, y-you know, you! Dummy..."
"Alright, alright..."
I give up on Natsuki's weird logic and dismiss the conversation. Yuri returns to the table, carrying a tea set. She carefully places a teacup in front of each of us before setting down the teapot next to the cupcake tray.
"You keep a whole tea set in this classroom?"
"Don't worry, the teachers gave us permission. "After all, doesn't a hot cup of tea help you enjoy a good book?"
"Ah... I-I guess..."
"Ehehe, don't let yourself get intimidated, Yuri's just trying to impress you."
"Eh?! T-That's not..."
Insulted, Yuri looks away.
"I meant that, you know..."
"I believe you. Well, tea and reading might not be a pastime for me, but I at least enjoy tea.”
”I'm glad..."
Yuri faintly smiles to herself in relief. Monika raises an eyebrow, then smiles at me.
"So, what made you consider the Literature Club?"
I was afraid of this question. Something tells me I shouldn't tell Monika that I was practically dragged here by Sayori.
"Well, I haven't joined any clubs yet, and Sayori seemed really happy here, so..."
"That's okay! Don't be embarrassed! We'll make sure you feel right at home, okay? As president of the Literature Club, it's my duty to make the club fun and exciting for everyone!"
"Monika, I'm surprised. How come you decided to start your own club? You could probably be a board member for any of the major clubs. Weren't you a leader of the debate club last year?"
"Ahaha, well, you know... To be honest, I can't stand all of the politics around the major clubs. It feels like nothing but arguing about the budget and publicity and how to prepare for events... I'd much rather take something I personally enjoy and make something special out of it. And if it encourages others to get into literature, then I'm fulfilling that dream!"
“Monika really is a great leader!"
Yuri also nods in agreement.
"Then I'm surprised there aren't more people in the club yet. It must be hard to start a new club."
"You could put it that way. Not many people are very interested in putting out all the effort to start something brand new... Especially when it's something that doesn't grab your attention, like literature. You have to work hard to convince people that you're both fun and worthwhile. But it makes school events, like the festival, that much more important. I'm confident that we can all really grow this club before we graduate! Right, everyone?"
"We'll do our best."
”You know it!"
Everyone enthusiastically agrees. Such different girls, all interested in the same goal... Monika must have worked really hard just to find these three. Maybe that's why they were all so delighted by the idea of a new member joining. Though I still don't really know if I can keep up with their level of enthusiasm about literature...
"So, [player], what kinds of things do you like to read?"
"Well... Ah...
Considering how little I've read these past few years, I don't really have a good way of answering that.
I mutter quietly to myself, half-joking. Natsuki's head suddenly perks up. It looks like she wants to say something, but she keeps quiet.
"N-Not much of a reader, I guess..."
"...Well, that can change..."
What am I saying? I spoke without thinking after seeing Yuri's sad smile.
"Anyway, what about you, Yuri?"
“Well, let's see..."
Yuri traces the rim of her teacup with her finger.
“My favorites are usually novels that build deep and complex fantasy worlds. The level of creativity and craftsmanship behind them is amazing to me. And telling a good story in such a foreign world is equally impressive."
Yuri goes on, clearly passionate about her reading. She seemed so reserved and timid since the moment I walked in, but it's obvious by the way her eyes light up that she finds her comfort in the world of books, not people.
"But you know, I like a lot of things. Stories with deep psychological elements usually immerse me as well. Isn't it amazing how a writer can so deliberately take advantage of your own lack of imagination to completely throw you for a loop? Anyway, I've been reading a lot of horror lately..."
"Ah, I read a horror book once..."
I desperately grasp something I can relate to at the minimal level. At this rate, Yuri might as well be having a conversation with a rock.
"Really? I wouldn't have expected that, Yuri. For someone as gentle as you..."
"I guess you could say that. But if a story makes me think, or takes me to another world, then I really can't put it down. Surreal horror is often very successful at changing the way you look at the world, if only for a brief moment."
"Ugh, I hate horror..."
"Oh? Why's that?"
"Well, I just..."
Natsuki's eyes dart over to me for a split second.
"Never mind."
"That's right, you usually like to write about cute things, don't you, Natsuki?"
"W-What? What gives you that idea?"
"You left a piece of scrap paper behind last club meeting. It looked like you were working on a poem called--"
"Don't say it out loud!! And give that back!"
"Fine, fine~"
"Ehehe, your cupcakes, your poems… Everything you do is just as cute as you are~"
Sayori sidles up behind Natsuki and puts her hands on her shoulders.
"I'm not cute!!"
"Natsuki, you write your own poems?"
"Eh? Well, I guess sometimes."
"Why do you care?”
"I think that's impressive. Why don't you share them sometime?"
Natsuki averts her eyes.
"You wouldn't...like them..."
"Ah...not a very confident writer yet?"
"I understand how Natsuki feels. Sharing that level of writing takes more than just confidence. The truest form of writing is writing to oneself. You must be willing to open up to your readers, exposing your vulnerabilities and showing even the deepest reaches of your heart.””
Do you have writing experience too, Yuri? Maybe if you share some of your work, you can set an example and help Natsuki feel comfortable enough to share hers."
"I guess it's the same for Yuri..."
"Aww... I wanted to read everyone's poems..."
We all sit in silence for a moment.
"Okay! I have an idea, everyone~"
Natsuki and Yuri look quizzically at Monika.
“Let's all go home and write a poem of our own! Then, next time we meet, we'll all share them with each other. That way, everyone is even!"
"Yeaaah! Let's do it!"
"Plus, now that we have a new member, I think it will help us all get a little more comfortable with each other, and strengthen the bond of the club. Isn't that right, [player]?"
Monika smiles warmly at me once again.
"Hold on...there's still one problem."
"Eh? What's that?"
Now that we're back to the original topic of me joining the club, I bluntly come forth with what's been on my mind the entire time.
“I never said I would join this club! Sayori may have convinced me to stop by, but I never made any decision. I still have other clubs to look at, and...um...”
I lose my train of thought.nAll four girls stare back at me with dejected eyes.
"I'm sorry, I thought..."
"Y-You all..."
I...I'm defenseless against these girls. How am I supposed to make a clear-headed decision when it's like this? That is, if writing poems is the price I need to pay in order to spend every day with these beautiful girls...
"...Right. Okay, I've decided, then. I'll join the Literature Club.”
One by one, the girls' eyes light up.
"Yesss! I'm so happyyy~"
Sayori wraps her arms around me, jumping up and down.
"You really did scare me for a moment...”
"If you really just came for the cupcakes, I would be super pissed."
"Then that makes it official! Welcome to the Literature Club!"
"Ah...thanks, I guess."
"Okay, everyone! I think with that, we can officially end today's meeting on a good note. Everyone remember tonight's assignment: Write a poem to bring to the next meeting, so we can all share! [player], I look forward to seeing how you express yourself. Ehehe~"
Can I really impress the class star Monika with my mediocre writing skills? I already feel the anxiety welling up inside me. Meanwhile, the girls continue to chit-chat as Yuri and Natsuki clean up their food.
"Hey, [player], since we're already here, do you want to walk home together?"
That's right - Sayori and I never walk home together anymore because she always stayed after school for clubs.
"Sure, might as well."
With that, the two of us depart the clubroom and make our way home. The whole way, my mind wanders back and forth between the four girls. Sayori, Natsuki, Yuri, and, of course, Monika. Will I really be happy spending every day after school in a literature club?Perhaps I'll have the chance to grow closer to one of these girls... Alright! I'll just need to make the most of my circumstances, and I'm sure good fortune will find me. And I guess that starts with writing a poem tonight...
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glitchsam · 3 months
Into The Pit - Breakdown and Analysis
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Part 1
Main Character: Oswald - 5th grader
On his way to his last day of school before summer break
After ~the mill~ that employed the majority of the town closed down, people moved out and their local economy suffered, many stores closed down; less things to do = boring
Oswald's dad used to work in the mill, now he has no other option than to work part-time at the deli counter of the Snack Space; Oswald is embarrassed that his dad works there and would rather him not wear his work vest when dropping him off at school
Oswald's best friend, Ben, also moved out of town because his parents found new jobs elsewhere, Oswald has no other friends and is dreading summer break
Dad tells him, "when I was ten, I wasn't home in the summer until I got called in for supper. I rode my bike and played baseball and got into all kinds of trouble." (Foreshadow)
Oswald liked to draw and "got lost" in drawing like he "became part of the scene he was creating. It was a welcome escape." (Foreshadow)
Oswald didn't know why but he found himself drawing mechanical animals - bears, bunnies, and birds.. (Is he being influenced by something he isn't aware of? How?)
Dad suggested a summer plan for Oswald: go to the library then get lunch at Jeff's Pizza where his dad could pick him up so he wouldn't have to be home alone all break
Zendrelix vs Mechazendrelix- Movie Oswald watches, described as an "old Japanese monster movie." (Reference to Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla - 1974 - the two monsters face off as Godzilla attempts to defeat his mechanical imposter)(Foreshadow)
Oswald wished for something interesting to happen ...
Oswald has a conversation with his mom about new friends, that maybe a new friend would move into town, Os says why would anyone move here, she replies "you never know. Or maybe somebody cool already lives here. Somebody you don't even know yet." (Foreshadow)
Jeff's Pizza is described as weird with big empty space; cheap yellow paint attempting to cover up old mural- can still see some shapes underneath it; stage that never got used; ball pit in a a rectangular pen with yellow netting, roped off with a sign saying "do not enter"
Jeff - appeared to be the only person to work there; looked as if he hadn't slept in a week; dark hair sticking up; alarming bags under his bloodshot eyes; stained apron with new and old tomato sauce; looked "tired and miserable" even when being nice; looked 100 years old but was probably just thirty; slow speech and movements like a zombie pizza chef
After a few weeks of this routine, Oswald started getting tired of it
"Dad had to remind him that the Important Thing Was That They All Got to Spend Time Together." - this part of the sentence has each word capitalized.. why? (In contrast to the depictions of fatherhood in the games, wealthy men who could afford to do anything with their children but spent all of their time working instead and neglecting their families)
They watch a remake of an old sci-fi movie as a family- dad says it wasn't as good as the originals, "it was set in the same universe as the real version, but it was kind of a cheap knockoff of the one that came out when I was a kid." (Might be foreshadowing to how the bunny will be a knockoff of him or/and could also be commentary oh how these stories are happening in the same universe as the games)
When Oswald retorts that at least the SFX are better in the remake, dad says, "I'll take a puppet or model over CGI any day." (Foreshadow)
Oswald wakes up in a bad mood one day, lashes out at his dad for not being able to give him an exciting summer/ not having more money; says of his dad leaving him at the library every day, " everyday you toss me out on the street like garbage. If this is the best of things, I'd hate to see the worst!"
On that particular day Oswald decides he wants to pull a prank on his dad that forces him to come looking for him and make an effort- decides he's going to hide in the ball pit
Part 2
Oswald thought the pit looked disgusting but forced himself to go inside; the pit looked obviously untouched for years; some of the balls were sticky but he didn't wanna know why
the dust tickled his nose and he sneezed three times (there is a superstitious belief that sneezing three times means your wish is going to come true- Oswald wished for something exciting to happen)
When he arose from the ball pit he was suddenly somewhere new/ somewhere else; kids were yelling, electronics were beeping, flashing lights/ vivid colors;
says to himself, "Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore" (referencing the Wizard of Oz- Dorothy going from a boring black and white world to a colorful and lively one)
Recognized the games as ones his dad said were from his childhood
The animatronic band on stage were the animals he had been drawing...
Saw that before Jeff's Pizza, this was Freddy Fazbear's Pizza
He bumped into someone and felt it- which means he couldn't be in a dream, but it was as weird as one; the kid he bumped into was about his age and his name was Chip, he also introduced Oswald to his friend, Mike; They invited Oswald to hang out with them
While walking around the arcade with his new friends, Oswald noticed a person in a yellow rabbit suit standing around being creepy, but no one else noticed it so Oswald decided to ignore it too
He wasn't sure how long he'd been in the pit so he decided he needed to go back to Jeff's, he compared himself to "some kind of mixed-up guy Cinderella" (Cinderella is also experiencing an illusion that tricks others and that eventually runs out); When he came back up from the pit, he realized no time had passed (was it in his head? time in our heads moves differently)
The next day Oswald ditched the library and went straight for the ball pit; he went in, counted to 100 and arose to the place he had been to yesterday; while roaming he caught a glimpse of a calendar pinpointing the year to 1985; the yellow bunny is still standing around being creepy
Oswald and his new friends talk about things that they used to like as kids but are creepy now; Mike says he used to have a stuffed Freddy but now the animatronic band gives him the creeps; Chip said clowns; Mike says or dolls like the ones in his sisters room that he feels stare at him; (These things they find creepy also connect to circus baby's and the funtimes; In the games Mikes sister turns into a giant doll and his little brother walked around with a talking stuffed Freddy)
One day the guys are talking about movies they like; Chip said the Eternal Song (1938 Yiddish film based on the song A brivele der mamen - a song about a mother who's son is going away- their financial hardships and wishing the best for him); Mike likes Back to the Future (which coincidentally starts off in 1985, tries to get back home); Oswald panics and says E.T. (about an alien trying to get back home)
Oswald feels guilty that he doesn’t have his own tokens to play with and tells his friends he’ll sit that one out, his friends tell him that they don’t mind and want to play with him anyways, but when Oswald stands up, he suddenly feels tokens appear in his pockets (how did this occur- implies this is more than just Oswald traveling in time- he’s in a space where things can just happen, like magic)
Oswald asks his dad how old he was in 1985 and if he remembered Freddy’s ; he said he was a couple years older than Os is now and that yes, he remembers it but it closed down; dad seemed nervous and like he didn’t want to talk about it (Does he know what happened? How much does he know? Was he there?)
This time, as Oswald arose from the pit, he didn’t experience the sights and noises he had become accustomed to, there instead was chaos- screaming/ running/ despair/ yells for help; he was scared but curious and despite knowing whatever was happening was bad, he wanted to know what it was; he also convinced himself that he couldn't be in danger in a time before he existed (but could he be in danger in a memory?);
"in front of him stood the man in the yellow bunny costume... if it was a man under there." (there likely isn't, its prob an agony monster in the shape of springbonnie); Oswald followed him through a door labeled "private"; he let the bunny lead him like a terrifying version of alice in wonderland (also taking place in a dream-like world); They entered the party room- half a dozen kids propped up in sitting positions, none older than Oswald, all wearing party hats, all dead, Oswald knew the rabbit was responsible and wanted him to see his work and maybe be his next victim
After seeing the kids, Oswald screamed and ran out of the room, straight for the pit; the yellow rabbit lunged for him and followed; Oswald arose back at Jeff’s - his dad finally doing what Oswald wanted him to do when he pranked him; His dad pulled him out of the pit, and leaned over it to inspect how gross it was- this is when the bunny grabbed him and pulled him under; after a moment of both the bunny and Oswald's dad being under the pit, the bunny arose alone, no sight of his dad, and guided him toward the exit
Oswald expected Jeff to notice he wasn't with his dad but he didn't, the bunny got Oswald into his dads car and drove him home - somehow knowing how.
Part 3
"Somehow the bunny was standing right in front of him" - (moving impossibly fast- not human/ real?)
Jinx (Oswald's cat) hissed at the bunny- knowing it wasn't dad
Oswald texted his mom, letting her know something terrible has happened; when she finally came back home she didn't understand what Oswald was talking about, she couldn't see the bunny- she saw dad; Oswald was confused but wanted to trust his mom, Jinx didn't and refused to leave his spot under the bed
The bunny drove him to school the next morning, everyone else treated it as if it was dad, Oswald decided the only way to get through it was to play along
"the yellow seemed to think it was his father" (but did it? why is it doing this? what does it want?)
A girl sat with Oswald at recess, a girl with black curly hair and big brown eyes named Gabrielle holding a thick book of greek mythology that she reads when she needs to be brave, that day she needed to be brave because it was her first day of school (Gabriel of the MCI? CC? Described similarly and holds an item that helps her be brave); Oswald realizes he needs to be brave too
Once home Oswald did his chores and tried to act like everything was normal, the bunny was doing chores too; later the bunny led him to the kitchen, he had prepared lunch for Oswald- pizza and punch. (the bunny is also trying to act like everything is normal)
First Oswald thought it was a guy in a suit, then that it could be a highly sophisticated animatronic animal, then maybe a real flesh and blood giant bunny.... (which was it? What was he?)
Oswald waited till night to sneak out and he ran towards Jeffs Pizza to look for his dad, he went straight into the pit- Inside he felt a body, he had found him; He was unconscious and while trying to help him up, the bunny appeared and tried to grab Oswald- Oswald fought back (did the bunny travel there or did he just appear?)
"it unhinged its jaws to reveal double rows of fangs as sharp as scimitars." "Mouth open freakishly wide." "Its jaws wide open, like a snake" (Double row of sharp teeth like the nightmare animatronics? Is this a nightmare?) (scimitar= sword with a curved blade, mainly used in the past)
Eventually the bunny got itself tied up in the ropes and was hung, he couldn't get himself free, looked as if he was grasping for air, he struggled for a moment and then went still, Oswald blinked and hanging was only an empty bunny suit (where did he go? was he real? like in the wizard of oz when the witch dies in the beginning, she disappears leaving behind only her socks and shoes)
Oswald's dad awoke and couldn't remember what had happened, he could see the costume hanging too; Jeff was just there cleaning (had he not heard anything? Did he know what was happening? Was he in on it?)
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
My We Happy Few Bobby OC.
Lionel F. Edwards
(I'll add more to this periodically.)
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(If I could draw I would draw him, but I can't so we'll just use this picture, and imagine the changes I've made lmao.)
Notable features - Lionel has sandy blond hair, which is a little longer than most of his co-workers, but he keeps it swept back and proper. His right eye is a crystal blue, while his left eye is a honey brown. Under his happy mask he hides several scars, which he obtained from a downer some time ago. He has several other scars littering his body, but the worse he has, aside from his face, is on his ribs, and he can't remember how he got them. For someone that spends so much time outside Lionel is pretty pale. His ears are pierced, and he has no idea when it happened, or who might have done it, and no one seems to even notice the silver studs in his ears.
Personality - He's surprisingly shy, at least when he is around someone he either finds attractive, or just straight intimidating. Super sweet with the ones he loves. Will be a teddy bear and total cuddle bug with his SO. He's honestly nicer than most other bobby's. Freak in the sheets, gentleman in the streets! Loves autumn and winter like so much. He just loves the cold because of how high his body temperature always runs. Man's a walking furnace, like seriously. Loyal AF, he'd do anything and I mean anything for his SO. A bit insecure about his scars, and even his height, so he relishes in any reassurance his SO gives him. Loves playfully spooking his SO, but doesn't startle very easily himself.
Age - 32 his birthday is December 6th.
Height - He's a tall man, even compared to his co-workers. Standing at a staggering 7'3". (The bobby's and doctors are very tall, some people have guessed that they are 7'0" or taller.)
Build - Broad shoulders, bit lanky like most of the other bobby's, but Lionel is also pretty strong, not quite shredded mind you, but still surprisingly muscled. Heavier than he looks as well.
Scent - He smells of vanilla, honey, and his natural manly musk, with earthy and cherry undertones.
Love interest - (Y/n) (Y/l/n).
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Interests - Joy, music, (Y/n), art, uncle Jacks shows, mystery books, photography.
Dislikes - Downers, talk of plague, yams, and vanilla Joy because it leaves a funny aftertaste in his mouth.
Weaknesses - Fresh pie, grapefruit juice, and of course (Y/n).
Sexual interests - Breeding kink, size kink (and no, I'm not talking about him being tall.), food play, light bondage, biting, praise, body warship, public sex, he's naturally dominate, but he kinda really loves when (Y/n) takes control.
District - St. Georges Holm.
Favorite flavor Joy - Chocolate was always his favorite, but he's grown a liking for the new coconut flavor Joy.
Hobbies - Painting/drawing, reading, and spending as much free time as he can with (Y/n), and taking pictures with his Polaroid, especially pictures of (Y/n). (Man's madly in love y'all)
Friends - Really only friends with (Y/n), and a co-worker named Frank. (However Franks been on holiday for some time now.)
Family - Can't honestly remember any. Maybe he had a sister? Or a brother perhaps?
Favorite song - ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
Favorite color - Purple is his all time favorite, but he also loves bright orange, and sea green.
Favorite foods - Lionel is a simple man, so a V-meat sandwich, with a side of blue currant berries is divine in his book. Also loves dipping apple slices in honey. And coffee yogurt, he's not really supposed to have it, because it messes with his belly some, but he loves it regardless and will suffer the rumblies for it.
Fears - Spiders, puppets, and loosing (Y/n).
Miscellaneous notes - His hands are huge, soft and littered with small scars. He has freckles that dust his shoulders. His right ear rings almost constantly, after the fight with the downer that he got his facial scars from. His hands shake a little, but they always still the moment he picks up a brush or pen. The F in his name stands for Francis, and he hates the name, so much so he was even reluctant to tell (Y/n) what his middle name is. Even with Joy Lionel suffers from nightmares, he suppresses them, but with (Y/n) by his side, his nightmares don't plague his mind. He loves loves, loves playing with (Y/n)s hair.
How (Y/n) met him - "Miss what are you doing out here?" The Bobby asked approaching the woman watching the sunset. "It's beautiful." She muttered... Continue reading story here.
When Lionel asked (Y/n) out - His hands shook as he approached her with a bouquet of beautiful flowers, sweat beading on his forehead under his happy mask... Continue reading story here.
(Y/n) receives a bad batch of Joy, and can no longer take it - Lionel had very few options. Turn (Y/n) in, hide her, join her, or get out of Wellington Wells with her... Continue reading story here.
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Can I commission someone to draw Lionel for me? You perhaps? Or someone you know? I'll happily pay for drawings of him. (💚ω💚*)
Anyways I'm gonna be writing some stories with Lionel soon, so keep an eye out for that in the near future.
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madebycassandra · 2 years
*whispers* hi
okay, i've decided to create an account on tumblr (also known as the only one social where i have not been tracked and found by my close ones... yet), so heeeey
i am a young lady from eastern europe -> english is not my mothertongue. my interests include creating barely useful lists, being anxious, bringing vibrant colours onto the streets and paying different people to talk to me (literally, my therapist is my best friend at this point, this shit is embarrassing). i also read, write, draw/paint, dance and sing occasionally. i would not call these my hobbies exactly but let's say I like expressing myself creatively blah-blah-blah
so far i did not vibe with any other social media, but after spending some time here while silently observing the place, i've decided to try
i'm still figuring out how everything works, so we'll see, maybe i'll change this post later to something else (I bet I will)
hope you have a nice "whatever part of the day is ahead of you"
see you later, i guess
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meelomb · 2 years
I genuienly don't know what possesed me to write this, it started out as a funny story between me and a friend while playing overwatch, but then i had the urge to write the entire thing out, but I'm lazy and didn't want to write it tooo detailed
i might draw it though
maybe a couple other things too
sorry you had to read this
Cw: Extremely unneeded detailed violence
Twenty years ago, I worked at an ice cream parlor. I was serving this child an ice cream. He wanted a single vanilla scoop with chocolate sauce, sprinkles and toe nails. I didn't question it, I just did it, and when i handed it to him, he said ew and threw it on the floor and left, he didn't even pay, he just left. Even after I spent ten minutes wandering around on the street asking people for their toenails. And then I stood there, wondering to myself "Why would he do that?", and then I thought more and realized I was thinking. I couldn't think so why was I thinking? And that's when it hit me, I'm meant to do something more. So I left. I left and didn't look back, not even as the building was slowly engulfed in flames from the hamburger and fries I had left on the grill and fryer. But I didn't care, I just needed to do something. Along those twenty years I had done all sorts of things, but that's a story for a different time. Now, here I stand in front of that kids house twenty years later with his wife and three kids. I will feed him that ice cream he ordered twenty years ago, and I will take the 3.55 that he owes for it. 
Master, I don't think..
Quiet Genji, I'm doing big things. This is my pupil Genji, he doesn't believe that this actually happened, so I've brought him along. And I couldn't bring Ramattra along because he didn't want to come, which is why I'm facing him at 3 in the morning.
Master, is it really necessary to record this? You're breaking and entering over some ice cream.
Genji be quiet, Ramattra's still not answering we're going to do this without him.
Master wait-
*Zenyatta kicks open the door*
Now, his bedroom is up on the second floor, the third room on the left.
How do you know this!?
I have my ways, let's go.
*They both head towards the room*
Master please I don't-
*Zenyatta kicks open the door*
Woah- What the!? Who the hell are you two!?
Greetings. I am Zenyatta. This is Genji, my pupil.
What the fuck are you doing in my house!??
Twenty years ago, when you were 12 years old, and you had ordered from Patrick's Ice Cream and Burger Parlor, you ordered an ice cream cone with a single scoop of vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce, sprinkles, and toe nails. I'm here to give you that ice cream.
What the fuck are you saying!? Get out of here before I pull you apart!
*Zenyatta pulls a ice cream cone from his scarf and hands it to the man*
Here, eat this in front of the camera and then I'll leave.
*The man looks at the cone is slight awe and horror*
Wh-where are the nails?
Oh yes, you've just reminded me of that, just give me one second
*He leaves the room leaving Genji alone with the man and his wife*
………………….so how are you feeling
How the fuck do you think I'm feeling!?
It could be worse, he could've forced you to eat it in front of everyone you know.
He what!?
*Zenyatta returns with a pair of nail clippers*
If you would politely remove your footwear and clip your nails please.
*Genji stares at Zenyatta before turning to the man who's frozen in horror while the wife sleeps through this entire ordeal*
You want me to do what!? 
I spent ten minutes looking for toe nails on that day, now you will spend ten minutes cutting your nails so that way I can add it to the ice cream.
Won't the ice cream melt master?
Yes you're right, go put it in the freezer.
*Genji takes the ice cream from the man and leaves the room thankful to not be in the room while this happens*
Now, please wait one moment while I start a timer.
Why the fuck would I ever do this!?
*The man stands up and begins to move towards Zenyatta who promptly pulls a fake gun that shoots orbeez but still looks real and points it at the man*
Because I will shoot if you do not do it.
Woah!- H-hey man take it easy okay, I just, I won't do anything drastic if you don't do anything drastic, okay?
*Zenyatta motions to the pair of clippers abandoned on the bed and the man picks them up*
You have ten minutes to clip all twenty of your nails, after that I will have Genji bring the ice cream back so that I may finish the ice cream for you to eat.
*The man sits on the bed and shakily begins clipping his nails while Zenyatta stares into his head, starting the timer and holding the gun with extreme precision it would put Widowmaker to shame. An agonizing ten minutes pass by and the timer goes off. Zenyatta stares at the man as he drops the clippers and looks at the small pile of nail clippings and he slowly lowers the gun and stops the timer.*
*Downstairs a door is slammed open and frantic running can be heard coming up the stairs, Genji soon appears at the door frame, winded and exhausted from seemingly having to run a long distance*
Why are you sweaty Genji
I..I had to..Run….And get a new…Ice cream…because…I dropped the…old one..
This is why your brother killed you. Now hand me the ice cream
*Genji hands over the ice cream and Zenyatta takes it while grabbing some nail clippings and sprinkling it onto it before handing it to the man while picking up the camera from the floor*
Now just eat this and we'll just be on our way.
…No way, I'm not doing this.
Oh for fucks- Hold this.
*Zenyatta shoves the camera into Genji's hands before grabbing the ice cream and forcefully shoving the ice cream into the man's face who desperately tries to escape his grasp, but in doing so he disturbs his wife in her sleep and wakes her up, and in a daze of half anger and drowsiness and rises from her sleep to see two strangers with one of them screaming obscenities at her husband while shoving something into his throat while another stands there shocked recording it all with a camera and she lets out a scream, startling the one with the camera who sets it down on a nearby dresser and tackles her, attempting to keep her quiet as to not wake anyone else up, but his attempts are futile. Soon two small children appear at the doorway watching this all go down, with their father desperately writing in pain and fear trying to get away from a strange robotic man and their mother being restrained, screaming and crying as their father slowly fades away in the man's arms. Eventually, Zenyatta releases the man who stumbles up and chokes and coughs before Zenyatta picks up the gun and begins shooting at the man, pink orbeez shooting out and striking the man repeatedly before Zenyatta tosses the gun and kicks the man out of the window, shattering the glass as the children and wife watch as their father and husband fall out of the window onto the ground outside.*
Genji, let's go, our job is done here.
Was that really necessary?
He was getting on my nerves. And I wasn't over the fact I spent ten minutes of my life doing something like collecting nails.
*Genji walks over to the dresser and picks up the camera and they both depart from the room and downstairs, Genji leaving a few words of advice to the children as they stand there horrified at the two men who more than likely murdered their father*
Hey wait, what about that 3.55 you were going to take?
Oh right, it completely slipped my mind.
*Zenyatta and Genji spend the next 20 minutes or so looking for a wallet or a source of money in order to take, eventually finding a navy blue wallet with the man's drivers license and other things. He didn't have change at all, so Zenyatta took a twenty from the wallet before tossing it away, the two men leaving the property chatting away until Zenyatta gets a message from someone. It's Ramattra*
:What do you want.:
:I just paid a visit to an old acquaintance of mine. I have a video I would like to share with you if you have the chance.:
:I'm free next week on Monday.:
:Who's free on a Monday.:
:Shut up.:
:I'll see you then.:
*Zenyatta takes the camera and looks through the footage, laughing lightly at it every now and then showing Genji bits and parts he found particularly funny, the two men completely unaware of the red and blue lights approaching the house they had just left from.*
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idk-wha-ahm-doin · 2 years
You gave me two prompts to choose from, thanks for that XD
Since the next prompt to write is also Birdrick, I chose the second one! Beth and the Smith family finding out about Rick's Diane and Beth.
Tell me what you think. I think it kinda goes off the rails a little.
"Wh-where?" Morty panickingly asked, clumsily fiddling with the portal gun. "He'll follow us into every dimension!"
Gritting his teeth, Rick urged his daughter to run faster by the wrist. "Not every dimension. Give me that."
"You can run, but you can't hide, C-137! Oh wait, I'm C-137! Are anything but a ghost of me at this point?" Mocked the echoing voice.
"Dad!" Voice breaking into a shriek, Beth ran to keep up with her father and son. "What is going on?! I thought we were going to Boobworld!"
"Me too, sweetie." Grunted the old man, entering coordinations he'd sworn not to revisit. "Where's Summer and Jerry? Did we lose 'em?"
"We're here, asshole." Out of breath, Summer announced their presence. Only a few steps behind.
"Hold on tight." With that warning, he shot a portal ahead where they were running into, basically jumping into the first scene of his life where he began to mentally degrade. He wouldn't be surprised if Prime knew of this already.
On the other side, Rick tripped on an uneven part on the sidewalk, leading to all five falling on each other like pieces of domino.
Rick tensed under the pressure, more concerned about the noise of something getting crushed under their weights. "What, was, that?" He spelled out, fearing the worst.
His son in law cleared his throat nervously to his right. "Oh, uh, haha. That? That was... uh." Chuckles trailing off. "... H-how long will it take you to fix an um, a broken portal gun?"
"Fuck." Crying out his frustrations in one word, Rick let his forehead hit the cold stones of the ground. Not that repairing it took much effort, but it took time, and time was not something Rick wanted to spend a moment of here.
"Ugh, Dad, get off of me. Why are y'all just laying here like dead fish? Jesus Christ." Summer was the one that urged them to get up. The old man took another moment to grieve whatever patience he had and whatever lunch he was about to lose before reluctantly standing up and dusting off his clothes.
"There are corpses on the street, Rick." Awkwardly waving back to the old man in a kid's bicycle, Jerry pointed out. "Is this the dimension of old people?" Innocently, he asked.
Keen observation Jerry, he wanted to make a sarcastic comment, but something made his brows furrow. "I thought I switched it off." He muttered under his breath.
"Switch what off?" Beth pressed him, having been standing close. "Dad, where exactly did you take us?"
Inhaling the dead odor in the air, Rick's gaze travelled up to the building he once called home. "One place the son of a bitch can't follow us into. You're welcome." He dryly said before taking off toward the house. "All I know is that a Rick lived here once."
"Which was you." Walking close to him, Morty frowned. "Is this your house?" He asked, loudly enough that the rest of the family wouldn't hear him. "It actually screams sad on top of its lungs."
"Maybe stop talking." Rick offered, storming into the garage. "Keep your family busy, will you? I'll make it quick- and oh-" He paused in his tracks. "Don't let them into the basement."
Walking casually past an incredulous Morty, Rick put the broken portal gun on some blueprint he didn't remember drawing. "... Are there bodies there?"
Running a hand down his distraught expression, Rick sighed. "I-I dunno, maybe? J-just don't risk it." He could hear the boy rolling his eyes.
"Hold up, the garage doesn't have a door, the floor isn't fixed after a goddamn explosion and your basement is a torture room. You're telling me you lived here after... s-stuff happened?"
The man pursed his lips, merely staring at the gadget while suffering a blank mind. "Maybe."
Coming to stand next to him, Morty's eyes studied the place. "Definitely like I remember."
"You don't know jack shit." The scientist scrunched up his nose, going through a box.
"I know plenty." Morty glared at him. "I practically lived your life once, asshat. I'm just as angry."
Rick paused in his search, shoulders slumping. "Sorry about that."
"I just think you should tell them." Morty offered with a wince. "W-we're a family now, Rick. Whether you like it or not."
"Fuck off, Morty. Now's not the time for this."
Maybe he needed to search the kitchen?
Grunting under his breath, he opened the cabinets in search of a specific item. "Goddammit, I think I'm out."
"Jesus!" Jumping out of his skin with a yelp, a pot nearly fell on his head. "Don't just scare me like that, sweetie."
The blonde was sheepishly scratching her arms, her daughter and husband also in the kitchen. Huh, he wasn't really paying much attention. "Sorry, I just... you sure you don't know who lived here or... what happened to them?"
That sentence shouldn't have frozen him the way it did. "What uh, makes you say that?" He couldn't help but drawl it in hesitance as he tried to casually lean against the counter.
The woman's eyes were furrowed in sympathy or worry. Her fingers grazed the horse doodles on the fridge door of his daughter- his daughter, Rick's actual daughter, her small hands held a crayon and drew them one warm evening long ago. It hurt something deep and suppressed in his chest to look at anything in the house at all. Part of why he wished to leave as soon as possible.
"This... a kid drew these, Dad. This is messed up- a-and we saw the garage, it can't be more obvious." Something sank in the depth of his stomach, but he held his indifferent facade. "The me here didn't get to grow up." When she finally tore her gaze apart from the drawings and faced him, they were glistening with tears. "A-and maybe even the whole family didn't survive, who knows?" Voice shaking.
Fidgeting with an empty bottle, Rick tried to play it cool. Sometimes he really wished Beth wasn't so smart. Smart people suffered. "I try not to think about it." He admitted.
"There's something wrong with this universe." Summer raised an eyebrow. "Seriously creepy. No wonder that Rick didn't follow us here."
"Yeah, no wonder." Muttered Rick in an echo, facing away when Morty joined them in the kitchen, probably wearing a scold on his face. Clearing his throat, he straightened his back and continued. "Nothing I can do here, fellas. I have to make something from scratch and I know the perfect lab-"
A familiar chirp cut him off, filling him with dread.
"Rick, baby! Did you come back again?"
The honeyed tone glued his shoes to the floor, turning the blood in his veins into liquid ice. His heart pounded painfully against his ribcage and his mouth dried up.
No, no, no, no.
Now was the worst possible fucking timing for this.
The rest of the family looked confused by the caller, eyes drawn to the other room. Morty's wide stare stayed on him, though. And Beth looked somehow relieved.
"Oh, I'm so glad you didn't kill yourself!" The voice sang with a pleasant sigh. "I told you flying off without coordinates was dangerous!"
Jerry eyed a frozen Rick with disbelief. "Rick, who is that in the house? I thought it was empty!"
"Tha... that's Mom." Beth whispered against her palm. "S-she's alive!" She cried with joy.
"Oh, Rick." It called in a singsong. "Did you finally kill our target?"
Whatever joy and relief was radiating off the family died at that, four set of eyes staring the poor man down.
Noticing the attention was on him, Rick shook his head and narrowed his eyes. "You're uh, the house AI, right? You got the wrong Rick." He lied, hoping it would take a hint.
"If the wrong Rick steps in this house, he'll be blown up to pieces! You thought I wouldn't recognize my own d-d-d-dirtybear?"
Pulling his lips into a strained line, Rick closed his eyes. He felt their eyes piercing holes through him. "Mute." He grumbled.
"You designed me so I can't be muted! Or did you forget that already?" The AI responded cheerfully.
"... No. I-I didn't... kill, the target." Gritting out, every word was forced out and clawed on his throat before forming sentences. "Can you stop- talking to me for a few minutes?" Pinching between his brows, Rick inhaled, trying not to look at anyone of his found family. He would lose all his nerve if he did.
"I wouldn't be a good haunter then, would I? And oh, you brought your new family here!"
The concept of denial forgotten completely, Rick glared at the ceiling and growled. "Don't you even dare, Diane!"
"I'm just doing what you told me to!"
"Well, now I'm telling you to fucking quit it!" He shouted. "I'm giving you new codes! I don't- I don't fucking want to be haunted!" Voice rising as he yelled.
For the first time since its creation, the AI paused. "You made my codes un-rewritable for a reason, Rick! Besides, I'll always be in your head! You said that last time!"
"Ugh!" The man exclaimed with a mixture of rage, exasperation at the ugly truth and stares poking on his nerves.
"If you want to move on, I'm proud of you, baby! I forgive you for getting us killed!" Her voice was so joyous, so full of life, and yet she whispered bites of venom wrapped around a layer of honey. "But before you do, you can kill off the killer's genes!"
"Hold the fuck up- did you just tell him to kill me?" Morty glared at the same spot on the ceiling Rick had.
"No." Innocently replied the AI.
"Wait, the killer's your Rick, Morty?!" Summer suddenly yelled, pointing at him. "You never said anything!?" Jerry and Beth gasped and looked at the scowling brunet.
"I-i's complicated!" Morty shouted back with a streak of panic and defensiveness. "Rick! Help me out here!?"
Stopping for a moment to bite down a harsh retort and a tendency to murder, Rick smacked his hands on the table. "Everybody, shut up!" The yelling quieted down. "For fuck's sake, no one's killing Morty. And Diane, tell me, are we out of Isotope 322?" He demanded loudly. "There's no crack in the main tube that needs immediate fixing, but the fluid still spilled out."
The AI paused for a moment to scan the house. "Oh, there's actually some in the cupboard to your right, sweetheart!"
"Thanks." Mumbled halfheartedly Rick, opening said cupboard and snatching it and a beaker.
"Wow, grandpa. This is..." Summer trailed off after breaking the silence.
"Sad?" Rick snapped, beginning to make more portal juice. "Well, guess what? We know, Summer. We know."
Fucking splendid. Now there was going to be awkward silence and more pity than he could stomach.
He should've thought of another dimension, another solution or even avoided this house. He should've gone straight to the lab.
But no matter how hard he scolded himself, he knew in the back of his mind that the black hole of this building would always draw him in and drown him.
His hold tightened on the beaker as he watched the liquid stir together into a homogenous substance. "Why are you fucks just standing there? Go out- be-be useful." He ordered with a growl.
But his rage didn't last when two arms wrapped around his chest, making him wince. "... For all the times I blamed you for leaving me and Mom." Beth's trembling voice came from where she rested her cheek against his shoulder. "And you let me because- I-I can't even..." She breathed out in utter disbelief.
"I yell and scream at you about how you don't care about family!" Her incredulous voice rose gradually. "Is that- is that supposed to be a joke?! How many years did you spend out there I- pursuing a vendetta? What was that- a torture robot with Mom's voice?!"
"Sweetie-" Rick started.
"Fo-for all the times I called you a-! Do we even know you?!" She cried.
"Don't take it personal, honey." Rick paused and freed his hands, reaching one to put on Beth's head crown. Then sighed. "Even I don't know myself." He muttered the second part, earning himself a tighter embrace.
A tear threatened to wound his pride by falling down, but he blinked it away. A tender affection for Beth burned in his chest, encouraging him to turn his head and plant a soft kiss on her hair.
This cut too deep.
"Is there like uh, a room for one more?"
Raising his head, he saw Summer awkwardly standing with her arms spread out and a truce-seeking smile on her face. Behind her, Jerry was watching with an open mouth, and Morty had a goodhearted smug look to him, arms crossed.
Eh, fuck it. "All of you fucknuts, bring it in!" He cried.
A moment later, he didn't know whose snort was in his ear and who was trying to tackle him,
But he felt like a part of this dumb group of people bonded together through their experiences.
For maybe six minutes and twenty one seconds, Rick forgot about his haunted mind.
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stonewallsposts · 2 years
16 personalities questions: 52-54
52. You believe that pondering abstract philosophical questions is a waste of time 
Maybe I'm getting too detailed and broad in my responses, because I feel like I've already covered this a few times. But, no I don't think pondering abstract philosophical questions is a waste of time. 
I feel like there are two basic approaches. The first is working from the specific to a general conclusion. The second is working from a general conclusion and then applying that to the specific. I like trying to understand the general, the philosophical, the abstract.  
Some years ago I was wondering why most Christians were politically conservative. It didn't seem reasonable that it was just a random fact. There had to be something deeper about the correlation. 
What I found isn't germane to the statement here, so I won't cover it, but it turns out there is a fairly straightforward answer as to why this is. 
But there is a fairly large branch of philosophy, epistomology, that can branch off into endless questions about how you can know anything, and that, I think can turn into a useless exercise in advanced navel gazing. So I don't want to give the impression that I spend time pondering any and all 'philosophical' questions.  
Overall, I'd say I'm at a 6 on the scale. 
53. You feel more drawn to places with a busy bustling atmosphere than quiet intimate places 
I generally like quiet places more. That said, I grew up in the city and I don't want to live outside of it. I mean the city doesn't have to be as big as LA, it could be a smaller city, but I couldn't live out in the country. I have family that live in rural areas in Sicily, and the slow pace of life drives me nuts.  
People will stop in the middle of the street when they're passing someone and just decide to chat. Meanwhile I'm behind them thinking, what the HELL!!! The typical response is what's your hurry?! But to my mind, it doesn't matter if there's no hurry at all, it's not cool to just block my way. 
But yeah, that slowness just isn't for me. But.... this concerns more of a city/rural dichotomy.  
When it comes to places I want to go IN the city, I have to admit I'm not the biggest fan of super crowded places. So I'll go to dinner on Tuesday nights a lot, or earlier, to avoid having to wait in line for a table. If some place is really crowded, I just think, I don't want it that bad. 
I think I'll have to call this one a draw, since I clearly don't want busy, but I don't want empty either. 
54. You know at first glance how someone is feeling 
I wish. I mean it depends on how much I'm paying attention.... I have my own life and problems... and it also depends on how well people hide their feelings. I've noted at a glance that some people are particularly down. I suppose it doesn't take any special skill to recognize when people are happy, right? 
So the question is likely directed towards emotions that people are probably not wanting to display to the world. I've noted that I'm not great at hiding my own emotions. People can generally tell when I'm frustrated with them. Which.... I don't usually want to give away, but I do anyway.  
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whenwatched-blog · 5 years
I’m in a drawing mood again.
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zephahhhh · 3 years
Snapetober 09 Old book
Sevritus time!
He doesn't have much possession. Some old clothes from his cousin, two tin soldiers he found in the playground, and a few animal figures with broken legs or tails, that's all he has. That's all he needs, he believes.
So when the man with strange black robes and an emotionless face got him out of that horrible house, there's not much he can bring along. The man let him leave those clothes and told him he'll get him new ones. He was happy but scared, and also confused. Why would anyone give him things? He thinks he absolutely has to do something to accept the gifts, or he'll be on the street, he doesn't want to.
"Sir, what do you need me to do?" He asked carefully, not knowing if the man would get mad when he asked questions. Aunt Petunia dose.
"Whatever you want. Now, I will be working in my lab, and you can stay in your room. I'll let you know when it's time for dinner."
"Wh-what do you mean?"
"Which part don't you understand? Don't tell me you don't know what dinner is," the man frowned, the line between his eyebrows seeming to be carved there.
"No, I know what dinner is. But- but whatever I want? What should I do?"
Those lines carved even deeper. The man stood in silence for a minute or two. It made him nervous.
"Pott- Harry. I suggest you read or maybe… draw something? I'm sorry, I don't really know what kids your age do."
"Dudley likes to play video games and chase me around, but I don't have any games to play. He won't let me touch his stuff," Harry looked at his foot, he can feel his cheeks burning, "I don't have anything to read, too. Or things I can draw with. I don't like drawing, Dudley always laughs at me, and sometimes he tears my drawings when I get stars and he doesn't."
He doesn't know why he was talking so much to this man, he never told anyone about himself. But the man made him feel safer than any other people he'd met. He doesn't even remember his name, that makes him feel rude.
"I-I can do the dishes, I’m good at washing! I’ve never broken a dish since 5!”
The man sighed, and for the first time in his life, a grown-up crouched down to meet his eyes, and talk to him. His eyes flickered with an emotion Harry had never seen before.
“Harry, listen. While I would be happy if you help with the chores, it is not your duty to do them. You are seven, and you should be spending your time being a kid, not a house elf,” he doesn’t know what house elves are, but he figured he should stay silent.
“I’ve changed my mind, you can follow me into the lab, but you have to promise me you will stay in your chair. It’s rather dangerous for a child. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir.”
“You can call me Severus.”
The man ran his fingers through his hair, and gave him a tender smile.
“Here’s something I want you to have,” he walked towards the bookshelf, taking a book from it carefully. It was an old book with drawings on the cover.
“This is a book my mother gave me for Christmas when I was seven. It’s the first Christmas gift I had,” he handed it to Harry, who now can read the title, The Tales of Beedle the Bard.
“I know it’s a bit old, but it’s the only book for children I have now. I hope you’ll find it interesting.”
Harry nodded, he traced the old cover.
“Thank you, Severus.”
“Anything, Harry.”
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ohallthecrushes · 3 years
Arthur Fleck x Reader // How he feels with a partner who's book smart
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A/N: I don't know what you mean by the opposite of his intelligence?If I understand correctly being academically smart just results in good grades and more book knowledge? But it doesn't equal your IQ. Just like grades and intelligence are correlated, but not in 100%. We know that Arthur rather had to learn from experience and practice, but I wouldn't say that he's in opposite to being a book smart. Ok, he has no collage degree, let alone the academical knowledge, but he is street smart as we can see in the movie and he thinks quickly in difficult situation. He also seems to be curious to learn about things around him (mostly people). I think if he didn't have to drop the high school at 10th grade (second year in high school is the 10th grade if I remember correctly), with a little help and support he would get to finish a higher education. We don't know anything about his dreams about attending to collage. Maybe he don't think it's necessary to have a higher degree or he wishes he had a chance to finish high school. But I'm sure he wouldn't judge people or treat them differently due to their degree (or the lack of it). Also I think Arthur's ability to apply knowledge is high, he's been just lacking of resources and supports his whole life. It's hard to achieve anything with no resources and all alone. :(
I hope this little headcanon fits your request. Cause I'm not sure if I understand you correctly. :( Let me know and if not, I'll write something else.
PS: If you're interested, some time ago I wrote similar headcanons, but with Reader who doubts her intelligence. If you want to check it, it's HERE. ^^
That's been said, alright...
That's a looong intro, sorry. xd
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He feels very proud of his partner.
He supports you with all his heart, whether your degree is still in process or you already had the degree you wanted.
Especially when you are still in collage, he says proudly of you and gives you all the support and help you need.
Education is often expensive, but if necessary he would take a second job and work his arse off to support you financially on this.
Simply because if it's important to you than it's important to him too.
He's impressed of all the knowledge his partner is willing to share with him and I think if the subject isn't too difficult, Arthur wants to listen and discuss about it. Maybe share a thought or two? Maybe he knows from experience something that's not written in a book? He will tell you that!
He listens to you talking about anything and he often asks more and more questions to understand better.
And if there's something you can't figure out, something that cannot be taught during classes, you can ask your questions to Arthur. Maybe he knows.
He never disturbs you when you're lost in another book, learning about something or simply relaxing with another story.
However he sometimes asks you to read for him. it's a good way to spend time together without drawing you away from your hobby.
He then lays down on a couch with his head on your lap and listens to your voice. It helps him unwind.
There are times when he feels a bit down or embarrassed with his own level of education.
He tries not to show it and avoid the topic, just shrug it off, because it is what it is and you were much more lucky than him to have a chance in education.
He doesn't know what would have been if he got to finish a high school. Maybe he would go to college too? But only if there was an Entertainment class with Clown specialty of course.
You say that Theater Arts or Visual and Performing Arts could interest him, cause both offers to teach the skills needed to conduct a public performance.
He agrees with you.
He imagines going to collage with you.
You'd be the popular couple. The lovebirds. You'd be walking down the hallway and everyone would look at you and he'd be showing you of, cause you'd just got your bachelor's degree.
But he can't go back in time and change the history, so instead he admires your level of intelligence and knowledge and he's so proud, I repeat he's so freaking proud of you, that sometimes it makes him cry.
But they're happy tears, so don't worry.
He's happy for you.
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shtern-and-art · 3 years
"Skeppy will probably cry" "Bad will probably cry". Bish, screw, that I am crying!!!
This whole thing was bloody gorgeous and I wasn't expecting that ending. I had no clue what ending to expect but that was definitely better than any I could have hoped for. Forest spirit to soulmate your honour!
I was terrified that you were gonna leave it at the point where he loses the spirit and becomes mortal again. If you had I would be actively sobbing!!!! And oh my god, the art!!! I still can't get over how wonderful your style is.
Imma ask fun things because if I don't I'll sit in a puddle of emotion all night:
What's the first tech thing Bad will buy and how annoying will he be about it? Poor Skeppy trying to answer 101 questions about something he doesn't really use XD.
Is no one concerned that the odd couple from a town they never name has a pet wolf??
Do they immediately go over to a different town or do they wander for a while. Find hidden creeks and befriend bears?
Does Bad still have a connection to nature and animals, like are creatures naturally more trusting of him?
Do they ever visit the og town again?
Does Skeppy still cause absolute chaos in other towns or has he learnt his lesson and only causes minor trouble now?
Does Bad ever try and study again? If he did what would he study and would Skeppy try to study as well?
Does Skeppy steal? I dunno, he just give off the vibe of a naughty lil trickster who'll pocket something if the owner refuses to sell it him.
Immediately after leaving the forest what the first 'argument' they have (not including the car one)?
Would they ever ride horse? If yes, how terrified would Skeppy be?
Skeppy falls outta tree. I don't know why but my mind keeps telling me that this man has great balance until he climbs trees. They are his mortal enemy and Bad finds this both hilarious and terrifying because he is going to hurt himself.
I had waaaaay more questions than I intended to have. My bad '^_^ but this story was way too much fun to read and you are entirely to blame for making it so engaging!
Make sure to take care of yourself and do stretches after and during drawing. You don't wanna hurt yourself <3
AaaaI’m so glad you liked it! :D And, dang, man, I cried while writing that part too :D
And I promised a nice ending for the main story, I did, and this one also makes the most sense narratively! For the story I wanted to tell, at least. Bad can’t really become human again, he’s changed to much. He can only move on, and do something with what he is, and has. And he did! :D That’s really nice and inspiring, this story will always have a place in my heart, heheh <3
Being a guardian spirit connected to a person and all, Bad may be not as strong as before, but he can’t die unless Skeppy dies first. And Skeppy can do that, but he’s pretty sturdy, and his lifespan operates on a whole other scale than human ones. And Bad knowing Skeppy’s real name balances it all out, makes them equal in the power and influence they have over each other.
So hellyeah, soulmates for the win :DDD
I’ll answer all questions under the cut, and this close up from one of the pages!
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1) What's the first tech thing Bad will buy and how annoying will he be about it?
Probably a pager! Because it’s a more feasible thing to get than a wholeass computer Bad actually wanted :D An it means Skeppy will have to get one too, and that Bad will be having the time of his life texting him and everyone he can get a number from, even if they’re still in the room with him.
Poor Skeppy indeed, he can learn to appreciate the pagers, and later phones, too, and computers, but he really has 0 idea on how it all works and why Bad is so fascinated by it all.
2) Rat and regular people
Oh, she can shapeshift, just like Bad! If they’re out with people around, she takes form of a puppy, and Bad can pass her off as a weird mix breed rescue doggo.
3) Do they immediately go over to a different town or do they wander for a while?
Oh, since they have no end destination in mind, they can ride around for a bit, go visit some cool places and roadside attractions. Sadly, Skeppy is probably not spiritually or morally ready to full on befriend wild bears yet, and they do need money for gas and snacks. So, at some point they will have to stop somewhere and find work – at least for a bit, to save up. Life’s gonna be a bit complicated with all that, until Skeppy figures out his treasure-finding abilities :DD
4) Bad and nature and animals
He is definitely still in tune with all wildlife! Even more – Bad could become a proper guardian spirit for Skeppy in part because, in a way, Skeppy himself is part of the nature.
So yeah, Bad can understand animals (and plants) and communicate with them; they’re just more free to not take his shit, and Bad’s emotions do not “possess” them unless he makes an effort to do so.
He doesn’t like doing it, tho.
5) Do they ever visit the og town again?
Hm, I think they will completely forget about it for a while, until, like, 30+ years later they will be going somewhere, and find themselves around those parts. And they try to not appear too often in the areas they’ve spent a lot of time in already (they can be pretty recognizable, and also barely show signs of aging). But it’s been a long time, and the town’s really different now… So they make a stop, and spend a day there. They walk the unfamiliar streets between the new buildings, check out the popular hiking trail, the advertisements for hot springs and winter activities. The old cinema is still there, and is hosting an all-night marathon of classic horror movies of the last century.
Bad and Skeppy leave the town after sunset – the day was nice, but they have nothing more to do there. They ride through the forest on a well paved road, with radio playing something barely above the whisper. And in the dark of hot summer night, Bad can see the white stag running between the trees alongside their car. Shadows dance over the shimmering light of it’s fur.
Somewhere after the towns border, the stag disappears back in the forest. But the air in the car stays light and fresh, saving the smell of old pines and dry leaves all though the night.
6) Skeppy and chaos
Well, after the whole mess in the main story, Skeppy definitely learned some lessons, especially about not being a dick :D
But the thing is – he can’t really help the fact that things tend to stir up around him a lot. He naturally brings in chaos into everything, because he is, in part, a personification, or an outlet for it in the world. And so, to feel, well and good, and himself Skeppy gotta do stuff that disrupts balance, and creates some mayhem. And in gave him a lot of trouble in early life, but in the course of the main story he learned that he can chose were he lets that chaos to take hold, learned what can come of that chaos, apart from utter misery.
Like, where it can help dismantle something destructive, and where – bring in the more positive change, that was already brewing, possible, but is stagnant for some reason.
Soooo, I can’t say Skeppy causes only minor chaos in his life, but he sure learns even more about not being a dick :DDDD
7) The studying
I think Bad will want to get a higher education at some point, because he wanted to, and because it’s already new millennia and all that. Bet he’ll go for something very technical and/or literature. Maybe he’ll start by piking up some classes in small time colleges, when they stop in one place for a while, and later get into an online program, because why not.
Skeppy is not a college guy at all. He’ll listen to Bad talk about it, read textbooks if he wants to, can research stuff, buuut going to classes and doing homework is definitely not his thing.
8) Stealing
Well, you’re right, Skeppy can and will steal stuff out of spite! And will be scolded by Bad for it, and will not feel (that) sorry about it. But real stealer between them will be Bad himself :D
It’s just… he has the corvid tendencies, and a hoard (a box) of sentimental mementos from different people and events, and the thrill of stealing something small and harmless is very exciting. Bad is very proud of his little collection. Skeppy finds it very adorable, a bit hypocritical, and kinda creepy. Like, that pretty box he gifted Bad at some point is now full of stuff like:
- pressed flower from the clearing they had a picnic at on their anniversary
- the button the waitress lost that one day the storm caused a black out in the whole town
- some small animal bones
- couple pretty rocks Bad stole from Skeppy’s pockets
- penny that was once glued to the ground
- a handful of teeth people (and not people) lost in fights with Bad
- pen from some fancy hotel
- rainbow dash keychain that belonged to a child
- the list goes on
9) Argument
Oh, that same day they’ll fight over whether they should stay at the really crappy and suspicious looking motel, or go sleep in a perfectly fine forest near the road. Ironically, Bad wanted to try out the motel (because, yay, first time spending the night back in civilization), and Skeppy was the one insisting on sleeping in nature (because the motel looks like it could give you 10 diseases if you even stand near it, and sleeping in the forest is kind of nice, and means they can cuddle).
10) Horses
The guys will probably ride them at some point. Well, Bad will ride, and Skeppy will sit on his horse and hope it knows what to do and where to go, because trying to make this giant thing do something seems dangerous. If they’ll have to actually go somewhere fast, Skeppy will not survive that day, his butt (and legs) will be dead for days to come.
And riding with Bad on one horse may sound romantic and nice, but all romance dies when the gallop starts.
11) Skeppy and climbing
Skeppy is more down to earth kind of guy, more of a “rocks and caves” kind of creature, real-life lizard person or something. Up on the trees and in the air – not really his element, yeah. But it doesn’t mean that Skeppy will accept this fact easy. The embarrassment of never managing to safely make it down a tree is too strong, he just has to do it all over again, and again. And again. Because, clearly, he was distracted this time. And the time before that Bad was teasing him, and it “disrupted his flow”. And, really, maybe these trees here just do not like Skeppy much, and make him slip a lot. Yeah.
So, more often than not, if Skeppy climbs a tree, he will not stop climbing it until he falls, or the tree ends. Bad had to take him off high branches couple times, forcefully, because, of course, Skeppy was sitting there for 2 hours just to properly enjoy the sunset. He can climb down at any point, he just Choses not to. The view is amazing. The bark is literally part of his skin now, not because he holds on tight, no, he’s just Than Much one with the nature )<
Don’t apologize for the questions! It’s always so fun to answer them, and it makes me think more about stuff I may have skipped, or didn’t think about before. It’s really nice :3c
Again, thank you for the ask, and for being here for this story! <3
(And I’ll try setting timers for rest breaks while I draw, mb that will help)
In The Dark - masterpost
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Secret Santa
Summary: The BAU holds its first Secret Santa, and as fate has it, you pick your Spencer Reid. But you aren’t the only one with feelings. Gifts tell all.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x reader
Word Count: 1550+
A/n: We were going to do Secret Santa at work but shit hit the fan, and half of the people don’t want to give to the other half. So, I’ll substitute it with fiction. Please enjoy 🎅
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Considering the amount of time the group spent working, finding everyone on the team that one perfect gift would be time-consuming. So, you suggested Secret Santa. 
Penelope loved the idea. She went around to gather everyone available and dragged them to the bullpen. Rossi, of the first to hear, offered his house to host the event on Christmas Eve. 
Gaining momentum, you pulled a piece of paper from your desk drawer and went to work. Most of the team gathered around to watch as your fingers folded the page into small rectangles and then tore at the edges. For each sliver of paper, you wrote a name for each member of the team. And then concealed the information by folding each piece. Morgan came back with a hat from lost and found. 
"Who wants to draw first?"
Morgan stepped up. He rubbed his hands together wickedly and drew from the hat, picking out a scrap. He revealed it to himself, keeping an even face. 
Penelope couldn't contain her excitement and pranced to you. Unlike the others, she didn't contain her thrill of the pick. You would guess Morgan, but there wouldn't be one person she wouldn't be happy to buy presents for. 
Prentiss stuck her hand in. She was smart enough to step back and wait to unfold hers when no one was watching. In a room full of profiles, one could never be too careful. 
Rossi didn't seem too thrilled with his pick but went back to stand beside Prentiss, trying to look over her shoulder at hers. 
JJ pretended to be selective, choosing one playfully to grab another one instead. She followed Emily's lead. Waiting until later to look. 
Reid was the last in the bullpen and stood off to the side, watching everyone else as they took their turns. 
He bit his lip as he approached to pick between the last three. Once he pulled one, he unfolded it without concealing the corners of his lips. 
"Who'd you get, pretty boy?"
Spencer panicked, hiding the name in his fist so Morgan couldn’t peek. "That's not a part of the game."
"We have a case," Hotch called out from his office door. 
Morgan patted Reid on the back. There would definitely be more teasing later. 
The group filed into the meeting room one by one. Last, you extended the hat towards Hotch. Raising a brow, he diligently selected a scrap. He unfolded it and gave you a look. "Secret Santa?"
Nothing could fool him. When you smiled at Hotch sheepishly, he returned the smile, tucking the paper into his coat pocket and resumed his solemn expression. And you wondered if he'd picked you. 
You retrieved the last paper, putting it in your pocket for later. 
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The flight back home was when you remembered the piece of paper. Luckily the case hadn't been long, or else you'd risk running it through the wash.  
As the others slept and rested, you chose the privacy of an empty row to unfold the paper.
Of course. 
"Get somebody good?" Reid sat down across from you. And you entertained the thought that with his high IQ came with mind-reading capabilities. 
"Is there anyone bad?"
"I guess not."
You rested your cheek on your fist, staring at the scrap in concentration. "I don't know what to get them."
"You're lucky you looked at yours now. I've been worried about that the entire case. Slowed my reading speed down to ten-thousand words per minute."
You chuckle but offer your sincerest advice. "Whoever it is will love what you get them because it's from you."
"Thought that counts, right?"
You played with the paper between your fingers, and an idea popped up into your mind. "Right."
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On Christmas Eve, everyone arrived at Rossi's home around seven. Rossi had spent the afternoon cooking an Italian dinner, and nothing had ever smelled more welcoming. 
Each team member discreetly left gifts on a table along the wall of the large window looking out onto Rossi's backyard, lit with twinkling Christmas lights. Presents varied in size, some wrapped, some bagged. Each gift with a tag addressed to who without the giver's name. It was more fun for profilers to guess. Though by the time everyone sat down, there were two fewer gifts than people present. 
"I'll go first," Rossi offered. Instead of going to the table to find his gift, he left the room, only to return with two handfuls of gift bags. "Merry Christmas." Rossi went around the table, handing a bag to each team member. When he gave you a bag, he beat answered your impending question. "What? I got myself." Returning to his seat as he continued. "So, I decided to get the same wine for everyone, since everyone depletes me at these gatherings."
"You should've picked from the hat again!" 
"You didn't say I could pick again." He sassed back. "Why doesn't someone else go? Reid?" 
Reid pushes his chair back but halts as you place a pack of cards on the table. You hold up the box, showing everyone. "Normal pack, right?" Everyone watched with a curious look. You hold it out towards Reid with your left hand. But with your right, you wave it over the box, and it disappears. 
"You've picked up magic?!" Spencer radiated as you make the deck reappear, this time without the box. Everyone claps, and you bow in your seat. 
"I thought I may try and attempt to impress the great Spencer Reid. And I've got a few more tricks up my sleeve for later." You send him a wink. "Who's next?"
"Go, kid." Rossi encouraged you. You walk over to the presents. Penelope, Emily, and then you spot your name written on a medium-sized gift bag. It's not too light nor too heavy as you bring it back over to the table, taking a seat as you pull out the red and green tissue concealing it. 
It's a handbag. A cinched sack with a dusty rose print with a white stripe along the top. And a pristine designer name on the front. 
You'd seen this bag… somewhere. But the memory was fuzzy. 
"Wooooah." JJ is the first to see the label. "That's nice." 
Penelope leans over JJ and snatches your bag from your hands. "You would call a Guess bag nice. This is a beautiful, crafted stretch of the fabric!" Morgan and Emily are stretching their necks. While Hotch and Rossi's brows furrow at the hysteria.
You're scanning everyone's faces until you look across from your seat and see Reid, the only one unalarmed. 
"I don't get why people are willing to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on a single fashion accessory." Rodeo Drive. A case. You're walking down the street, passing by the rich, feeling like a have-not. 
"It says that the owner of said handbag is worth something," You say to Reid, stopping in front of a designer's display window. Mannequins are dressed in obnoxious attire, but you're staring at a dusty rose bag displayed on a pedestal. "If someone buys it for you, they're telling you that you're worth wasting a lot of money on. If you buy it for yourself… then you're telling yourself that you're worth that." You'd seen many designer handbags you wouldn't be caught dead wearing, let alone paying the price of a down payment. But this one is modern and… your style. You can't help but gravitate towards it.
"You like that bag." He isn't asking. It's a fact. 
"I don't like myself that much." You force yourself to keep walking, but Spencer lingers, looking at the handbag another moment. 
You push back your chair, excusing yourself from the party. You miss the way the team looked between themselves, eyes one by one landing on Reid, who was quick to follow you into the hallway. Reid’s footsteps are too familiar not to recognize. When you turned on your heels, you nearly crash into him. 
He was worried you would be mad, but your demeanor spoke the opposite. You would hardly meet his eye, lips pressed together in a straight line. 
"I gave you a magic show, and you got me a purse!"
"I liked your show!" Spencer affirmed. "I loved it, actually."
"Why did you get me that bag?"
"Because you're worth that much to me." Now his eyes diverted your gaze, and the meaning behind his words clicked. "If anyone else had gotten me for Secret Santa, they would've bought me a book. But you gave me something that will last me a lot longer than five minutes. Something no one else would get me."
"The opportunity to ridicule me until the end of time?"
"A new shared interest!" He corrected. "And… maybe we could see The Magic Duel downtown sometime. I hear they're good. A little too into the banter-"
"Like as a date?"
"Yeah," he breathes out with a smile. He'd been holding that thought too long, you notice. 
"Sounds like a plan." You grin back at him.
"But you're paying. That purse really wiped me out."
Your laughter breaks up the tension, and Spencer takes your hand, leading you back to the group. 
If buying an expensive purse hadn't shown you his true feelings, his willingness to touch another human's hand did. 
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yacoka · 4 years
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──⊱ for my one and only, wee to my woo, love of my life — @doughnuts-5ever
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pairing — kuroo tetsurou x reader
genre — angst but it ends very fluffily i swear on my doggie socks
beta(s) — @sugasugawarau @taiyaki 
kisses — hello i am,,, not back,, but here's a little thing that i did for my cow and it might as well be a valentine's day fic bc why not xoxo see y'all in a few days (psps sorry to everyone to has messaged me on discord or here or anything, i haven't been on tumblr or discord in a bit i'll be back sOON)
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You sat at the dinner table, staring down at the meal laid out before you. It was by far the best thing you had ever tasted, and yet, it was bland. So, so bland and bitter, that you hated it. Nevermind that it was your favorite dish made by your mother the other day, nevermind that you always loved it better as leftovers. It tasted bland and bitter, and you couldn’t help but wish what he was eating tonight was too.
It was pathetically selfish of you - you knew. But how could you not feel that way when the man you loved was out on a date with some stranger he met on the internet? He had left the house in a burgundy button up that looked like it was made for him, paired with black slacks that made him look like it should be illegal for him to be out in the streets without a warning sign.
It was his first attempt at online dating after having miserably failed at picking up girls from school. And now here he was, out with some chick with a name you could barely pronounce, and the stereotypical description of her bubbly personality that loved nature and volunteered at the animal shelter. Oh, and lets not forget, she’s a gemini!
You rolled your eyes, stabbing your fork into the now cold dish. Stupid boy, with his stupid date, with that stupid red shirt, and with his stupid personality.
Stupid, stupid, stupid. That’s what you were for falling in love with a boy who never saw you for more than another pity project, the pathetic little thing that needed friends but never had any guts to make one until he came along.
You picked up the container of food and stalked over to the bin, dropping its contents into it. You weren’t going to eat it anyways, especially not after how you had  massacred it.
After you left the dirty container in the sink, you flopped onto the couch, sighing heavily as you sank into the worn sofa. It smelled like Kuroo’s body soap, though from the amount of time he’s spent lying on this couch, it was to be expected.
You leaned forward, hand outstretched for the remote. Just a little further, a little more-
The door slammed open and you lurched forward, landing on the ground with a thud.
“It was horrible. She came into the restaurant and she looked amazing, but then we started talking and oh god, I don’t think I can be with someone who thinks that only the rich should be allowed to do whatever they want just because they’re rich.”
“Well hello to you too, Kuroo,” you grumbled from your spot on the floor, flipping yourself over to face the ceiling.
He jumped over the sofa arm, landing perfectly on it like he always does.
“I mean, how can I accept that? That’s just morally wrong and if her basic morals are wrong, what about other more important things? I walked out right after that, that doesn’t make me an asshole right?” His head popped out, brown eyes staring down at you. The cologne he wore tonight drifted down, washing over you and clouding your mind with its deliciously warm and thick and-
“I mean I did pay for the meal before I left,” he mutters, dropping his head onto the cushion, voice muffled slightly by it. “So it counters the fact that I left, right?”
The sigh that begs to pull its way out is caught by you, stuffed into the depths of your stomach in exchange for a soft pat on his head and words you know he wants to hear.
“No, you’re not an asshole. Maybe that was an asshole move, but that doesn’t make you one. Besides, her lack of a moral compass cancels out any asshole you might’ve been.” You combed through his hair, drawing it out of the careful style he had forced his bed head into. “This hairstyle though? It makes you look like an extreme asshole.”
Kuroo scoffed indignantly and his head popped back over the edge once more, brown eyes glaring at you. “I worked hard on this!”
“Doesn’t make you look any less of an ass.”
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“The date was incredible.” He sighed dreamily, leaning against the counter with his chin in his hand. The temptation to throw your fork at him increased, and it took every sane cell in your body to set it down on the table instead, albeit rougher than you intended.
If Kuroo noticed your intensity, he didn’t mention it, instead continuing on to sigh and gush about the wonderful date he had last night with this amazing woman at this delicious place.
For someone who was incredibly perceptive, he could be incredibly dense as well. You wonder at his obliviousness to your feelings, to the poorly concealed hurt that peeked through in every little move of your body.
All you wanted to do was scream at him, to wake up, open his eyes, and see you.
You, who had been there since the beginning, who had watched him grow from the shy, introverted kid to this cunning, charismatic man who excelled and went beyond what had been expected of him. You, who had seen him at his worst, and still stayed, patching him up and helping him to his feet. You, who knew who he was to the core, every detail, every fact about him.
But it seemed he didn’t know you as well.
“That’s great,” you interrupt him. He glanced at you, surprised by your abruptness. “I gotta go get some work done, I’ll talk to you tomorrow morning.”
“Wait, did I do something wrong?” He called after your retreating back. “Hey, I’m sorry if I pissed you off.”
“No, it’s nothing!” You slammed the door shut, slumping against it. God, you were a fool to have fallen for an idiot. Dashing away the burning tears that slip down your cheeks, you gathered just enough strength to crawl beneath onto your bed and beneath the covers.
The cat plushie he got you a long time ago sits at the bottom of your bed, staring at you. You glared at it, before giving in and grabbing it, tucking it into your chest. Stupid Kuroo with his stupid face and this stupid cat. You hate him so much.
(No, you don’t, you really don’t. And it hurts so much more to know that.)
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You’re back here once more, glaring daggers at the clock. The slow ticking of the hands pisses you off, every second gone is a second more Kuroo’s out there, with another girl, on another date. With the number of bad first dates he’s gone one, you’d think he’d give up. But no, this man was persistent, and he wanted to “experience life!”
Well, he was going to experience death soon if he didn’t come back home soon. Your vigil continued, all the way till three am where you gave up and went to bed, your exhaustion outweighing your annoyance and worry. He’s a grown man, there was no need to worry about him.
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Honestly, you didn’t know how you got here. To this suffocating silence that rested upon your chest, pinning you down as you listened to the sounds of cars rushing past and the occasional laughter that seeped through the walls. To where you spent your nights alone in your shared apartment, waiting for Kuroo to come home from yet another date. Like some married person waiting on their cheating husband, you smiled bitterly at the ceiling.
Only you weren’t married to him, and you certainly weren't his anything.
If only you were less of a fool, you might’ve moved on long ago. Maybe you might have even found someone who might be just as in love with you as you were with them. You might have already been in a happy relationship, going out on dates, spending your nights with them, being loved. But you were a fool, a fool in love with another fool.
So you continued to lie there, the infinite weight of your one-sided love pressing you into the ground, holding you prisoner to Kuroo Tetsurou.
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“Hey, do you wanna go get dinner?” Kuroo called out. “There’s nothing left in the fridge, maybe we could get groceries after.”
You ignored him, focusing on the dimly lit screen of your phone. There hadn't been a proper conversation with him in a while, and you were content to leave it that way if only it meant you didn’t have to hear about his dates with those seemingly perfect women and their seemingly perfect food.
Kuroo called out once more, and you burrowed beneath the blanket, curling up into a ball.
No, you did not want to get dinner with the man you’re so desperately in love with it almost hurts to even breathe in his presence.
The door creaked open, and you could see his shadow stretch out across your bedroom floor, casting its shape upon your walls. It took everything in you to tear your eyes away from it and back onto your phone, though it lingered in your peripheral, taunting you with the way it twisted and leaned closer to you, the scent of his cologne growing stronger by the second, until it almost felt like he wa-
“Why are you ignoring me?” Kuroo whined into your ear as he draped his body over yours, strands of inky hair tickling your cheek.
“Ku-roo-” you gasped out, fighting to twist your body out from under him. “Can’t- bre-breathe.”
He groaned into your ear, dropping even more pressure down. “Don’t care, you ignored me.” He sulked as he burrowed his head into the crook of your neck.
A blind kick to his legs has him flopping off you, spread eagle on your too tiny bed.
“You’re too heavy to be pulling this crap,” you snapped at him.
“And you’re too old to be ignoring me when something’s wrong,” he shot back just as fast, and you were left stunned. To be fair, you should have expected it, Kuroo being one of the most perceptive people you’ve ever met.
(Not perceptive enough to see the deep feelings you harbored for him though.)
“So what’s wrong?”
‘Everything,’ you wanted to scream. ‘You, those stupid dates, my feelings, every god damned thing on earth.’
Instead, what came out was: “I’m just stressed. Work, you know?” You shot him an unconvincing smile.
Kuroo frowned, his lips pinching as he stared at you. He knew better than to push you though, and settled with a curt nod, a forced smile slipping onto his face. “So…. dinner?”
You sighed in exasperation, and let him yank you up and out of bed. The way his stiff smile melted into an easy, fond one was enough to wash away your hesitance, and temporarily dam up the river of doubts that threatened to drown you.
Just for tonight, you’ll enjoy his presence, before he gets caught up in another’s embrace.
(You let yourself get swept up in him again, chasing after the ebb of his warmth when his encompassing presence surges away from you. But you find that you don’t really mind drowning in him, not when the peak of the surf reveals such beautiful sights in the form of lazy smirks and sly hazel eyes.)
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It’s another failed date that sends him home in a fitted suit, one that you had turned your nose up at. Kuroo doesn’t understand what’s going wrong, why he never felt like the date was right. The people he had gone on dates with were nothing short of amazing, with the exception of a few. But they just lacked… something. And so he always leaves them with a grateful goodbye and an apologetic smile, returning home to the apartment he shared with you alone.
He’s spent nights and days trying to convince himself that they were an ideal candidate to date, listing out their positive notes to you, and somehow he can’t seem to find the thing that made him just click with them. It’s bordering on frustrating, really, and Kuroo is more than ready to relieve some of the building tension in his body by hanging out with you.
His entrance home is muffled by the sounds of music blasting through the apartment, and it’s a wonder the neighbours haven’t complained yet. He’s about to call out for you as he drops keys on the coffee table, one hand loosening his tie when he catches sight of you dancing in the kitchen.
And everything clicks in place.
It’s a stunning clarity that leaves him reeling, and he wonders how he could have missed it in the first place. It’s a simple truth: Kuroo Tetsurou was completely, utterly, irrevocably in love with you. And it only took him fifty bad first dates to realize that the only person he wanted to go on a date with was you.
Objectively speaking, you look like a complete mess, but to him, the sight of you twirling around in sock clad feet in an oversized shirt with a lame chemistry joke printed across it was infinitely better than any of the people he had gone on dates with. You’re absolutely perfect to him, yelling out lyrics to a song that’s blasting at full volume from the living room.
There isn’t a moment’s hesitation as he surges forward, a force tugging him to you. And like just like two opposing magnets, you spin around just in time for him to collide into you, his head hazy as his mouth crashes down upon yours.
You taste of leftover pizza and something sweet, and he thinks it might be the best damn thing he’s ever tasted. The shocked gasp that escapes you is swallowed by Kuroo as he deepens the kiss, arms winding around you to pull you impossibly closer. And he isn’t sure why he’s so surprised when you reciprocate the kiss, melting into him as your hands grip the lapels of his blazer.
It feels like an eternity spent wrapped around each other, the beat of the music matching the rhythm of your hearts, and the warmth of each other.
Kuroo pulls away first, only because rationality comes sinking back into his muddled brain, and there’s a brief moment of panic when he stares down at your flushed face, lips swollen from his sudden attack. But the absolute relief and love in your eyes has him calming down, and the soft peck you deliver next settles those doubts.
“It’s been you all this while,” his voice cracks, and he winces. “You’re my best friend, and I’m in love with you.”
The smile that breaks out across your face is everything he’s been looking for, and he feels like a fool for being so blind. You’re everything he’s wanted, and everything he’s needed.
“I’m in love with you.” He repeats louder, an incredulous laugh bubbling out of him. “I’m in love with you!”
“I’m in love with you too!” You yell back, and in his excitement, he can’t help but twirl you around, and you burst into giggles. There isn’t a better sound in the world than this, he thinks.
“Be mine.” He catches you by the shoulders, face alight with adoration.
“I’ve been yours for a long time now.” Your answer fills him with a rush of delight and guilt, and he’s ready to spill apologies and promises to make it up to you when you yank on his tie hard, pulling him into another kiss. Every unspoken word, every drop of emotion that has ever begged to be exchanged between you two is said with a simple kiss.
Kuroo thanks the heavens for you, for blessing his life with someone who is more than he deserves. The weight of you in his arms is a comforting pressure, and there he has his last first date, at the beginning of a new chapter in the story of him and you, eating leftovers and dancing to songs of your childhood.
He’s in love with you, and you are with him too.
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jaeminscoffee · 4 years
Ineffable - Too great to be expressed in words.
Pairing - Lee Taeyong x reader
Genre- Pure fluff!
Word count- 2.58k
Warnings- None but please let me know if THIS amount of fluff is cringe or not kselkkd. Also, I'm sorry if this story's dissapointing, my health hasn't been the best so if the storylines not good, let me know :)
Summary- All it took was a couple of smack on his head, water splashed onto his face and being called friend on the first date for him to step out of his comfort zone and confess to you.
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You and Taeyong had a really complicated relationship. If you could call it one. 
You're neither friends, nor enemies, neither were you dating. You wish you were but no. 
But still at the end, the two of you always end up paired together, be it projects, going for business trips, being promoted together, you'd basically seen him all day. So it was obvious the two of you spoke. 
Well, you spoke, he'd listen, giggle at your talks, and then say a sentence or two max. You guys would be what people other than your friend group called acquaintances.
Anyone with eyesight would know immediately that you're head over heels for the lad. You made it a little too obvious. Always talking frantically around him, your heart flutters when you hear him laugh, his presence in all just made you giddy. And so you'd always been happy when he'd be paired up with you in everything. 
Your friends basically divided themselves into two groups. One that supported you and pushed you to go confess your love for him, the other being one who ridiculed you for loving a guy that they thought would never like you back. 
On the other hand, Taeyong was just shy. 
Your bubbly persona overwhelmed him. Of course he liked you too, he just needed one smack at the back of his head. Or not because his friends have done it way too many times, yet here he is, just daydreaming scenarios of what he'd do for you if the two of you dated resulting in him not talking much. 
So when Yuta, his friend, poured the tiniest amount of water onto his face and yelled 'BOOMER' at him, he thought it's finally time to make a move. 
A hangout. Exactly what the two of you needed. 
Break time had come to an end, you were walking with Luna to your cabin, when you crossed paths with Taeyong, who was indulged in a conversation with Johnny, another one of his friends from the same department as the two of you. 
"Oh boy, here we go again" Luna spoke from beside you. You look at her, confusion spread all over your face. "huh?" she let out a chuckle, shaking her head, "You've been staring at him long enough for him to look back at you-" she pointed at the direction where Taeyong and Johnny stood with her head, as you turn around to look at him "-but you were so busy devouring his existence to realize that", He waved at you, which you did back but then turned back at Luna, flustered. 
She looked behind you gesturing something to either Johnny or Taeyong, then turned you around and pushed you towards where the boys were, Johnny doing the same with Taeyong as both your bodies collided, gently, but hard enough to send the two of you stumbling back a few steps. 
You hear the other two laugh and walk away, you turn back to send a glare at your friend, but ended up landing on Johnny who winked to that. 
You face your crush, "Hey" you tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ears. He sent you a smile and nodded his head, greeting back. 
"How's your day so far?" you ask him, raising an eyebrow in anticipation. "It's been good, tiring but doable" he ended the answer. Your shoulder slouch down as his answer again ended in a sentence. "What about you? How's yours going" you look up, caught off guard, since this was the first time he's ever asked a question back. 
Okay that's an exaggeration, he did ask questions, but that was a rare occasion. 
"It's good! Tressa spilled her coffee over her documents which got Mr.Kim extremely mad, i finished the final task just a few minutes before break, i was just going to gather my things and head out" you smile radiantly. He smiled at your excitement of finally getting off of work.
There was a second of silence, this time Taeyong being the one breaking it. 
"Could you wait for just a little while? I'm almost done too, so we can head out together" he asked, fidgeting with his hands, a habit he has that comes out of nervousness "If that's too much of a hassle you could go now that's fine too!-" he quickly added after seeing your eyes widen. 
You interrupt, waving your hands in the air in quick motions, shaking your head," No no! It isn't, i could wait" you smile at him, which he returned back with equal enthusiasm. 
No longer than 10 minutes later, you and Taeyong made your way towards the elevator, him initiating small talks every now and then, asking questions about you, to which you gave long answers for. 
"-and then Lisa just threw up on him because of how much booze was in her system" you end your story from last Saturday, Taeyong let out a hearty laugh at the ending, sending warmth streaming all through your nerves. 
The door opened at the basement, where his car was parked, "Oh? I took the bus today,I sent my car for servicing yesterday " you say, stepping out. "That's fine! I could drive you" he offered. 
"No no! That'll be a trouble for you! I could just take the bus-" "Please. I'll kidnap you if I have to, if that means you'll ride with me" Taeyong said, smiling widely at you. You giggle at his words, feeling heat rush up your cheeks, as you cup your face to reduce the heat. 
"Alright no need to involve kidnapping here" you say making your way towards his car alongside him. 
Okay Okay Taeyong, be outgoing. Fun to be around. Ask questions. This your chance. 
"Welcome aboard" He said, the second you stepped into the passenger's seat, you laughed at his antics, reaching out to fasten the seat belt. Taeyong beat you to it, reaching over across your body, tugging at the seat belt and fastening it. 
The proximity had blood rush up your cheeks once again, damn it. 
"Safety first!" he said wearing his own seatbelt, starting the car, pulling out of his parking space and out of the basement. 
Once you were away from the building of your work space, you turn to the side looking at Taeyong's side profile, admiring the way the street lights shone upon his face,highlighting the scar on the right side of his face, he's perfect, no doubt. But this slight scar proved he was too, nothing more than just a human. The grip he had on the steering wheel made the veins on his hands more prominent. "So Tae-" "-Y/n" you start at the same time, "Oh you go first" you say quickly, knowing that if you'd stay there admiring Taeyong he'd probably ask you to go first. 
"There's this really good restaurant by the corner in just two minutes and it's really late, so, wanna go grab dinner together?" he said in a breath, looking at you for a split second before turning his focus back onto the road. 
"Oh sure! If though, either you let me pay or we share the bill" you reply excitedly, smiling at the fact that you'd get to spend more time with him. 
"No? Come on, let me pay for the first date-" he stopped abruptly as you look at him with wide eyes, "date.. I like the sound of that" you let out a chuckle as you see him gulp down.
The rest of the car ride, you spoke back and forth, Taeyong replied much better than how he'd used to, you two even jammed to some of the radio music together, eventually pulling over in front of the restaurant Taeyong wanted to take you to.
"Korean barbecue? How did you know I was craving it?" you say, removing the belt and turning towards the driver's seat, to see no Taeyong. 
You jump when the door of your side opens, Taeyong standing there with his hands out, offering it to you. You hit his palm at the extremely cliché action, then held it and stepped out of the car. "Because it's Saturday and everyone craves it on the weekends, now let's go!" he pulled you out of the seat, slamming the door shut and jogging towards the restaurant as you laughed at his sudden bubbliness.
The two of you went and took a seat at the end of the restaurant, it wasn't anything too posh, but it wasn't not too plain either, it was cozy. Taeyong removed his coat and hung it on his chair. And then hurried over to your side and pulled your chair out, you smack his shoulder, to which he grinned and made his way back to his seat. 
"What do you want to eat?" he asked, looking at the menu. 
"The classic, wouldn't want to add any other flavor to the classic" you reply back, looking at the names of different delicacies written on the card, not noticing Taeyong look at you. It's when you set the menu card down that you notice his gaze. You feel yourself starting to blush for the nth time that night. This is the impact Lee Taeyong has on you. One gaze is all it takes and you're completely melted. 
The waiter came in minutes later, took your orders and went back, you just waited, having common talks with the boy in front of you, sometimes drifting into your subspace, maybe fangirling over him way too much from time to time.
"Oh oh I got another one, do you know why Hershey chocolate closed down?" he asked. 
One thing you found out about him is that he's a sucker for pick up lines. "because I'm too sweet?" you giggle as you see a frown forming up on his features "come on, yong, that's a classic try again." 
"Unfair! Even if you know the answer you shouldn't say it!" he whined out, messing his hair, you laughed out loud at how cute he looked and sounded, drawing a few eyes onto the table, which neither of you paid attention to, Taeyong joining along with you with his tiny giggles. 
The food arrived, and you dig in immediately, earning a chuckle from Taeyong as you stuff your cheeks. 
You looked cute.
"Alright this is a tough one, are you my appendix?" he asked, gulping down a decent amount of food. 
"clearly not? why?" you reply, voice coming out muffled. 
"because i have a funny feeling in my stomach that makes me feel like i should take you out" he said, looking at you intently. You start choking due to his reply, to which Taeyong laughed out loud, calming himself, leaning forward to pat the top of your head and pushing your water glass at you.
"Taeyong what in the name of heaven even!" you ask, now you lean forward to hit him as he started laughing again. 
"Hey admit it, that was a good one!" he said, looking at you with his eyes wide as you kept hitting him. 
"Whatever. Eat" You chuckle and turn back to your food, the blood most probably clot on your cheeks through the entirety of the night. 
The both of you finish, getting up from your seats as Taeyong gestured you to wait for him by the entrance. 
He paid for the food, and made his way back to you, with two fruit Popsicles in his hand. 
He handed one over to you, and started walking the opposite direction from where his car was parked. "Yong, it's this way-" you say, standing in the same place. "I know" he simply replied, stopping and turning back around to look at you. "Come on hurry, follow me!" he said and started walking again. You jog to catch up with him. 
You walk in silence for ten minutes, eating the Popsicle he'd bought, shoulder's sometimes brushing past each other. 
"We're here!" he said excitedly, you look up from your feet and stare at whatever Taeyong was looking at, eyes immediately lighting up as you see the calm waters of the river in front of you. 
"Beautiful, right?" he asked, smiling at you as your eyes stayed fixed at the scenery in front of you. 
You hum in agreement, walking towards the railing to get a closer look, Taeyong following suit. 
"Thank you" you said, all of a sudden. 
"Hm? For?" he asked, confused. "Today, it was fun! I guess we can call ourselves friends now right??" you ask, taking your eyes off the river and turning to look at the boy. 
Come on Taeyong, this is your chance. 
"Y/n." he started, you look at him with your eyebrows raised. 
"Friend's is so far off from what you really are to me, Y/n" he said, letting out a sigh and turning to face the river. 
"What do you mean?" you knew exactly what he meant. You felt your heart flutter, beating a little faster than normal, if he would back out now, you'll take a step forward. 
"Oh god how do i do this, I- just.. Okay listen, i like you okay? I really really like you" he said fast, turning to look at you this time. "I thought I made it obvious? How didn't you get even the slightest of hints if my feelings for you?" he said, his eyes furrowed.
"Because, honey you never made it obvious, if anything, you looked like you had no interest in talking to me" you said, laughing and stepping forward, feeling your stomach churn in weird ways, the muscles of your face, starting to hurt from how widely you were smiling. 
"don't mind that! I'm just-just usually like that around everyone-"
"I like you too" you cut him off, stepping forward to get a little closer to the boy.
"-and i felt like, wait what?" he stopped, looking at you with wide eyes. 
"i said i like you too! I think, in fact, I'm in love with you. A little too much" you add, seeing a red hue take over Taeyong's face, as he temporarily looked down, and back at you the shocked expression replaced by an extremely wide smile. 
You two just stared at each other, Taeyong stepping forward with a questioning look on his face.
"Can i kiss you?" he asked, his voice tiny. You laugh in content, and instead of answering him, you walk closer to him, standing on your toes, placing a soft peck on his lips. 
Taeyong let out a chain of giggles, leaning forwards and capturing your lips again, hands going around your waist, yours finding its way around his neck as the two of you smile into the kiss. 
He pulled away first, looking at you with a loving look.
"So i can call you mine from today right?" he asked, his eyes shimmering in the twilight. 
"Only if you tell me one of the best pick up lines you've got" you reply, crossing your arms over your chest watching Taeyong mumble out a 'you know it' and step back, looking you up and down, placing a hand under his chin. 
"I-...damn, I'm sorry you're so beautiful you made me forget my pick up line" he said, looking straight into your eyes.
"Ew Tae, you are such a cheesy man" you say, taking large steps towards him. He reached out to you, snaking his hands around your waist placing another soft kiss on your lips.
"I'm your cheesy man"
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