#McAllister Towing
ninecentgirl · 2 years
A Legendary Sendoff for a Legend
A Legendary Sendoff for a Legend
All people walk through life making a ripple, one that perhaps seems bigger with hindsight, but there are some who create a wave all their own, visible from the very start which only gets taller and more powerful each day. Our Uncle Brian was that sort. I say our because he can be claimed by so very many. Large families are like that. But for those whose family extends far beyond bloodline, those…
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lonestarbattleship · 2 months
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Battleship NEW JERSEY departing Camden, New Jersey for Philadelphia.
"What a historic day on the Delaware River! The tugs Beverly R. McAllister, McAllister Responder, Reid McAllister and Robert E. McAllister had the awesome responsibility of moving the battleship, USS New Jersey. It is the first time the New Jersey has moved in over 20 years. The famous floating museum is going to drydock to undergo maintenance and refurbishment.
The tugs, with over 14,000 hp combined, transited the ship from her longtime home in Camden, NJ south down the Delaware. On the route she passed under the renowned Walt Whitman Bridge before docking at Paulsboro terminal. Many American flags were seen flying along the route, saluting the most decorated battleship in US history as she sailed past.
Congratulations to McAllister Towing of Philadelphia, docking pilot Captain Joseph E. Benton III and the captains and crews of the tugboats in executing this momentous operation safely and securely. Bravo to you all!"
Date: March 20, 2024
Posted on Facebook by MCALLISTER TOWING: link
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pwlanier · 2 years
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Today in Great Lakes shipping history. September 4th.
1967: The tugs MICHAEL McALLISTER and AMERICA towed the retired passenger ship NORTH AMERICAN through the Welland Canal enroute to a new career as a training ship for the S.I.U. at Piney Point, MD.
Boat Nerd
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southjerseyweb · 4 months
Battleship New Jersey Prepares For Dry-Docking - Wildwood Video Archive
This significant event will see the Battleship guided by tug boats from McAllister Towing as it heads south under the Walt Whitman Bridge toward the …
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kritikapatil · 1 year
Barge Transportation Market Unidentified Segments – The Biggest Opportunity Of 2022
Global Barge Transportation Market Report from AMA Research highlights deep analysis on market characteristics, sizing, estimates and growth by segmentation, regional breakdowns & country along with competitive landscape, player’s market shares, and strategies that are key in the market. The exploration provides a 360° view and insights, highlighting major outcomes of the industry. These insights help the business decision-makers to formulate better business plans and make informed decisions to improved profitability. In addition, the study helps venture or private players in understanding the companies in more detail to make better informed decisions. Major Players in This Report Include
acbl [United States]
ingram marine [United States]
kirby [United States]
seacor [United States]
agrichem marine transportation [United States]
alter logistics [United States]
argosy transportation [United States]
ats international services [United States]
barge america [United States]
blessey marine services [United States]
bouchard transportation [United States]
campbell transportation [United States]
canal barge [United States]
ceres barge lines [United States]
heartland barge [United States]
mcallister towing [United States] Barge transportation is a kind of marine transportation service which provides cost effective solution owing to its ability to carry high load. Growing petrochemical and crude oil industry attributes to growth of the very market. Technological advancement has made the integration of barge transportation possible with IoT which further depicts the bright picture for the very market. The key to gain upper hand amid fierce competition is to adoption of latest technology in transportation solution. Market Drivers Growing Seaborne Trade Activities
Need for Cost-effective Transportation Solution
Market Trend Growing Demand for Dry Cargo Barge
Bio-plastic Packaging
Opportunities Use of Ethanol in Barge Transportation
Growth in Petrochemical Industry
Challenges Volatility in Crude Oil Prices
Growing Alternate Freights Activities
The Barge Transportation market study is being classified by Type (Liquid cargo, Gaseous cargo, Dry cargo), Application (Coal, Crude and petroleum products, Liquid chemicals, Food pulp and other liquids, Agricultural products, Metal ores and fabricated metal products, Pharmaceuticals, Dry and gaseous chemicals, LPG, CNG, and other gaseous products, Electronics and digital equipment, Others), Fleet (Covered barge, Open barge, Tank barge), Activities Outlook (Intracoastal transportation, Inland water transportation) Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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Happy #WorldBookDay! Did you know that we have 20,000 volumes in our Maritime Reference Library? You can browse our catalog at https://sshsa.catalogaccess.com/home. We also have books for sale in our eBay store! Celebrate #NationalReadingMonth by ordering a copy of Stephanie Hollyman's book McAllister Towing: 150 Years of Family Business and get free shipping in the continental U.S. for the month of March. Visit https://www.ebay.com/itm/385102536217! (at The Steamship Historical Society of America) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpS012rM0Pu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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coveraddict · 2 years
Terror on the Prairie
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Terror on the Prairie 2022 DVD Cover - Summary
Terror on the Prairie 2022 DVD Cover. A pioneering family fights back against a gang of vicious outlaws that is terrorizing them on their newly-built farm on the plains of Montana.
Carano stars as Hattie McAllister, a former city-woman living with her husband Jeb (Donald Cerrone), son Will (Rhys Becker), and infant daughter on a small piece of farmland in Montana. Homesteading in the middle of nowhere is no picnic, and Hattie has had enough of this life. She insists on taking the kids and moving back home to her family in St. Louis. Jeb leaves for several days to make some money, leaving Hattie at home to tend to the farm and protect her children. And protect she must do when an outlaw known as The Captain (Nick Searcy), and his crew Long Hair (Tyler Fischer), The Kid (Gabriel Kane Day-Lewis), and Gold Tooth (Heath Freeman), arrive. The Captain’s arrival is pleasant at first, asking just for some food and water. In-kind, the hospitable Hattie offers them breakfast and a moment to rest. As she gathers some eggs from the chicks, Hattie notices a few human scalps hanging off The Captain’s saddle. Realizing this guy’s no good, with a shotgun in tow, she orders the men to drop their weapons and leave her property. They leave, but you know they’re all coming back with a vengeance, which starts a violent game of cat and mouse that makes up the bulk of Terror on the Prairie. Watch Now   Powered by Read the full article
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ashleighssims · 2 years
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“You’ll never guess who I saw outside the inn this morning.”
Alina should have known something was up when Anita had popped by uninvited that evening, “Who?”
“Marsha and Hayley McAllister.” Anita paused for dramatic effect, “And a whole lot of others in tow.”
Alina’s mouth dropped, “What? You’ve got to be kidding. What are they doing here?”
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montymcallister · 4 years
Edgewood Challenge: Holiday Hooplah
The McAllisters have always had a penchant for large family dinners, in that odd way that dysfunctional, family-oriented families sometimes do. It’s a big affair, with the immediate members of the extended family, extravagant home-cooked dishes, and entirely too-nosy conversation. For a family of psychics, there was a balance even to the gossip. Unless you were the entirely normal, non-psychic member of the family, and one of the youngest of the clan. In which case, family-oriented holidays sucked.
Thanksgiving was a time that brought together aunts and uncles and cousins, in which each branch of the family subtly (and not-so-subtly) made digs and bragged about their own. It was a night in which Monty was always subjected to barbed questions when he wasn’t being wholly ignored. It was a good year if he wasn’t used as a guinea pig for “practice”.
In adulthood, Monty actively avoided doing anything for Thanksgiving, right up until Monica starting bringing him home with her to California. Thanksgiving with the Rodriguezes was the first time in a long time Monty could say he really felt the true spirit of the holiday. They made it clear he was welcome to return, even without Monica, though he’d never worked up to actually taking them up on it.
This Thanksgiving was a blend of gatherings. A few days prior to Thanksgiving Day, Monty, Monica, Alexis and Harrison had a smaller get-together at Monty and Monica’s. It was a relatively tame affair; Monty and Monica cooked, they drank some, and they played boardgames. 
Thanksgiving Day was, as Monty would put it, a capital-D Disaster. He allowed himself to be talked into attending the McAllister family Thanksgiving dinner, which consisted of not just his immediate family (including their partners and children) but also a handful of extended family members. He was subjected to several pointed lines of questioning, and in the interest of keeping the psychic digs less overt, he and Monica spent a sizable chunk of the night doging probing questions as to her standing in the human or supernatural communities. In the end, insulted and frustrated (among other things), Monty and Monica took their leave early.
The Christmases of Monty’s childhood were much the same as Thanksgiving. Christmas dinner was another large gathering of the family. Gifts, while often expensive, were ways of showing off paychecks and status. Occasionally Monty would get something he’d actually asked for---books, project kits---but often he was given flashy accessories and gadgets no kid needed, many of which he neither wanted nor had use for, or a check for more than he knew what to do with. The only thoughts that counted to anyone else at Christmas were the ones that considered personal image.
Monty has spent most of his adult life looking for excuses to get out of celebrating Christmas. During his time with the Navy, he was the first to volunteer to work on Christmas Day, and didn’t mind working leading into it or in the days after. This Christmas marks the first time he actively sought to have the holiday off work. It’s not the first Christmas he’s spent with the Rodriguezes, but it’s the first time he’s gone far out of his way (flying, even) to make it.
Alexis’s Christmas present to Monty this year was booking him and Monica a flight to California to spend the holiday with Monica’s family. Monty and Monica had discussed at some length their thoughts on what they might do, given that Monica hadn’t gone back home for Thanksgiving, but hadn’t come to a decision. When it came up in conversation between Alexis and Monica, Monty’s younger sister was quick to insist that she help save at least one holiday for her brother.
Monty and Monica spent the 23rd through to the 27th in San Diego with Monica’s family. The days leading into Christmas Day saw a lot of food prep for a feast of Cuban dishes, intercut with movie marathons and swapping stories of their lives since last they’d spoken. They spent the day after Christmas down at the beach despite the chilly weather (warmer than Wisconsin, Monty had pointed out several times). Monty and Monica spent every morning (except Christmas morning) surfing, and the family (Monty in tow) went on evening walks around their neighborhood.
The day after returning to Edgewood, Monty and Monica welcomed a puppy---a golden retriever they named Roscoe---into their household. The idea of a dog had been tossed around with increasing seriousness leading up into the holiday season, and they’d spent much of December doing their due diligence and finding the right dog for them.
New Years was the only holiday the McAllisters never had plans for. The college-aged kids always disappeared off to parties, anyway, and the younger ones were often too young to really partake in the typical New Years Eve festivities. Occasionally there was some kind of function, but Monty did his best to worm his way out of going to those. By high school, Monty was looking for any excuse to get out of the house for the night and spend it with friends.
As an adult, this is the holiday Monty sought to have off of work and celebrate. As soon as he was legally allowed to drink, New Years Eve was spent out on the town with friends. Generally they went barhopping, maybe dragged their group through a local tattoo parlor or an arcade. The hangovers were always truly wicked, and absolutely worth it.
With consideration for their new puppy, Monty and Monica chose to spend this New Years Eve close to home. They invited some friends over, cracked open a lot of beer (and some stronger alcohol as well) and made a night of movies, food, and good company.
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zerogate · 5 years
Greek triremes were 132-foot wooden warships driven by the oars of 170 rowers arranged vertically on three decks. Thucydides, the famous Greek historian, records that in 427 BCE the Athenian Assembly hot-headedly ordered that the men of Mytilene, a colony 211 miles away on the Aegean island of Lesbos, should be put to death, and dispatched a trireme with the command. The next day they repented, sending another trireme to rescind it. The first trireme had a whole day-and-a-half start, but Thucydides records that, by rowing for 24 hours straight, the second ship caught up with the first and canceled the murderous order. Even allowing for exaggeration on Thucydides’ part, this puts the second trireme’s sustained speed in excess of 7.5 miles per hour, or almost 7 knots. This is an impressive pace, but one that was, according to other Greek writers, commonly maintained by even mediocre trireme crews. Such statements have caused many a modern historian to wonder—could today’s oarsmen achieve such speeds? Thanks to a British exercise physiologist, the Greek navy, and a dash of Olympic nostalgia, we now know the answer.     They can’t.     As part of the opening ceremony for the 2004 Athens Olympics, the Olympic flame was towed into the Athenian port of Piraeus by a trireme named Olympias, which was reconstructed by the Greek navy in 1987 from pictures of triremes on ancient lamps and paintings. Harry Rossiter, an exercise physiologist from Leeds University and a racing oarsman himself, took the opportunity to test the endurance of trained modern rowers in a real-life trireme. The results were dismal. Rossiter reported that the modern rowers could, after several months of training, get Olympias up to nine knots for a brief spurt; but they couldn’t maintain that speed, or even just seven knots, for any sustained period. Rossiter measured the rowers’ metabolic rates and discovered the reason: the modern crew just wasn’t physically capable of the sustained aerobic effort required.     'The Athenian oarsmen’s endurance was extraordinary,' said Rossiter’s coresearcher, historian Boris Rankov. 'In that respect, compared to anybody you could find today they were super athletes.' What makes the ancient Greek rowers’ achievements even more remarkable is that they were small men. Champion rowers today average 6'3", giving them a reach advantage with the oars, but ancient Athenian males averaged a mere 5'6". Remarkable, too, is the fact that Athens seemed to have so many of these superb athletes, at one stage fielding a thirty-four-thousand-strong army of rowers for the city’s two-hundred-trireme fleet. The rowers were apparently paid and fed well, but their diet was nothing special, consisting of simple barley meal kneaded with olive oil and wine.     So why then are modern rowers so weak by comparison? Part of the answer seems to lie in training. Elite rowers training for the Olympics today row about one hundred miles a week, which corresponds to between twelve and fourteen hours at the oars. But Thucydides makes it clear that trireme rowers often went on training voyages that lasted for days. Races were also held to keep them at peak fitness. (The Romans, who also used oared triremes, even made their crews practice rowing on land, according to the Greek historian Polybius.)
Peter McAllister, Manthropology
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Session Notes 8/18 & 8/24
On the road not too far from the Red Keep, the party sees in the distance that there is a army of about 40 small, armored soldiers on the road ahead of us. From this distance all we could see were their bright, cardinal red banners. 
As we approached we could hear this army speaking to each other in goblin, when we attempted to communicate with them in common we were met with borderline hostility. Solana quickly thought to speak to them in Goblin and the rest of the party, except poor Aura who doesn’t speak Goblin. 
We learned that the army before us was the Goblin Liberation Army and they were marching on Big Tree (if you’ve been following along you might remember that in the early days of Karpathia we freed a small group of Goblin slaves from the Orcs that had captured them in Big Tree), they were pleased to hear of our previous assistance. Snixel, their commander general, told us to come find him if we ever found ourselves in Yaremburg. 
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The party finally makes it to the Red Keep only to find our lieutenants camping outside. Ulysses grumpily explains that since they weren’t on the list they weren’t allowed in until we got there. Heinrich and the others ride on to the gate while Maeve helps B team break down their tent. 
At the guardhouse, Taltar (the halfling guard we met the last time we were at the Red Keep) happily greeted the party and quickly made arrangements to add B team to the personnel list.
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We were given rooms for the night to share with our respective lieutenants, Tasar took the Deck of Many Things from Heinrich to see if he could find any information about the artifact or its properties. With that, the party went to sleep 
We were woken in the morning by a knock on each of our doors and a servant urgently requesting that we dress and prepare for departure. As everyone begins spilling out, General Hallbrook  (in full military regalia) begins to introduce everyone and explain what everyone’s role in keeping Valeria safe will be. 
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(See the NPC page for more info on these new characters)  
- Relius “Rel” Cabal            Rel is to be point man
- Abina “Wraith” Kumalo        Wraith is a warrior, she has refashioned a warforged weapon so that she is able to wear it on her forearm 
- Masque       Masque is quiet, keeps to themselves. By talking to the other we learn that Masque’s specialty is espionage and that they are a sort of magician or shapeshifter. 
After introductions and getting to know each other for a while, Valeria is ready to leave. The caravan sets out along a route, taking back roads to Fort Unity in Braslov where we will then take a ferry the rest of the way to Chur. We’re given strict orders that in the event that anyone begins to cross paths with us on the road, that person is to be dealt with swiftly. 
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The party travels for roughly 4 hours, a man appears up the road. As Heinrich looks he realizes this man is full sprinting towards the caravan and quickly breaks ranks to cut him off. The man runs up to Heinrich despite his warnings and tries to give the box he is holding to Heinrich.   
Heinrich takes the box and throws it as far away from the caravan as he can. As he does this, the sound of distant buzzing intensifies as two swarms of bees close in on the party. Where the box landed, broken into pieces, lay a jar holding a queen bee. 
Maeve uses her breathe weapon to begin freezing the bees, Aura helps as well. Solana breaks ranks to rescue the queen bee. Heinrich begins riding down the road with the beekeeper in tow. Once a decent distance from the party the beekeeper leaps onto Heinrich and tries to attack him. This “beekeeper” is the vampire that got away from us in the previous encounter. 
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A dimension door firmly plants itself on the road behind us and out comes a fearsome creature that begins to attack the party. From the Caravan, fear in her eyes, Valeria remarks to Biv “Oh shit, its Astrid” 
From the front of the formation Abina calls back, “GO AROUND, DO NOT ENGAGE”  Maeve fires a defensive fireball (or two) to help clear the path for the Caravan. 
Astrid turns to Rel and Power Word Kills him, she paralyzes Ulysses, Aura is trapped in a prison of her own life story. Heinrich is battling a vampire, Solana is off past the tree line still in search for the queen bee that got tossed. 
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As the fight goes on and it seems the party may slip away mostly undamaged. (Tasar has plans to revivify Rel as soon as the coast is clear) Maeve feels a voice in her mind asking for her life story, a man appears in her mind. Drawing all of her strength, she pushes him out of her mind and onto the battlefield, visible. Lord Cain. 
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The dimension door opens itself once more and 12 pit creatures come pouring out. 4 arms, armed with makeshift weapons. Daggers of sharpened rocks, pointed sticks, and crude spears. 
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The party makes quick work of the pit creatures, Heinrich manages to get the vampire to the ground and drive a stake through his heart, leaving him to burn in the sun. 
As the party turns the tide of the fight, Lady Astrid calls out “Cain its over, she’s gone” and the two of them dash back through the dimension door. Tasar swoops Rel up and begins to revive him. 
Once we got to our camp for the night Valeria begins to explain who Lady Astrid is...and who she was. 
Gardrave’s Conclave of Merchants is ran by businessmen from Gardrave’s noble houses.Clan McAllister is one of those houses.Lord McAllister is currently at the head of the Conclave. 
Years ago, Valeria’s great great great grandfather murdered Stella, but alas she did not die, not truly.. Since then she has taken on the name Lady Astrid and has made it her afterlife’s mission to take revenge on House Lorraine.  
More terrifying than Astrid herself is the next sentence from Valeria’s lips: Someone had to have told her I would be on this route, ladies and gentlemen someone standing here with us now...is a spy 
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ninecentgirl · 5 years
Reach down. Lift up. Never Forget.
Reach down. Lift up. Never Forget.
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18 years ago this date became etched in something stronger than stone. In blood and horror, in loss and destruction, in fear and retaliation. But something brighter too. I would venture to say there is a tenacious streak, a solve it any way possible bit, that place where survival for all takes over and lending hands come from every direction while individual needs take a back seat. It pulls…
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otenawads-blog · 5 years
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                                              and we could be together baby                                                    as long as skies are blue                                                    you act so innocent now                                                      but you lied so soon                                               when I met you in the summer
welcome back otenawians,  we’re so glad for you to be on our team for this years camp session !! camp otenaw, established in 1964 by frederick mcallister with his wife, allison and toddler in tow  .  with not much under his name and a huge chunk of land in the middle of nowhere  ,  he built and stated camp otenaw  ,  now a main summer camp paradise for kids from all over the world with activities from all hobbies and fun events  .  the camp is connected to many with programs for oversea campers and staff  .   summer is always better at camp otenaw !!
𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐖𝐇𝐐 is an eight [ 8 ] week 18+ appless rp based around the fictional overnight camp called camp otenaw located deep in north vancouver  ,  british columbia in canada  .   the roleplay follows the lives of the camps staff during and after hours throughout the eight weeks with weekly plot drops and events from beginning to end  .
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Mathilda Tugboat - Kingston NY
Built in 1898, by Marine Industries of Sorel, Quebec as the Mathilda for the Sincennes McNaughton Company of Montreal, Quebec.
In 1959, the tug was acquired by the McAllister Brothers Towing Company of New York, New York. Where she retained her name.
In 1969 the tug was phased out of active service and “laid up”.
In 1970, the tug was donated to the South Street Seaport Museum of New York, New York.
In 1976, she sank at her pier in Manhattan, New York. She was raised, salvaged and stored on a pier on the West Side of Manhattan.
In 1983, the tug was placed as a Museum piece along Roundout Creek in Kingston, New York., as an exhibit in the Hudson River Maritime Museum. Her exterior was restored in 1988.
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retronautis · 2 years
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Hudson River - 1929 In the 19th century, New York became a railway hub, and steam tugs aided in transporting rail freight down the river into Manhattan, guiding boxcar barges. By 1929, there were over 700 tugs working in busy New York Harbor. Towing has been largely a family business in the past and many of the tugboat captains you'll hear in this episode work for McAllister Towing, founded in 1864 and still a leading name in New York tugboats. In fact, McAllister won last year's Annual Great North River Tugboat Race, which took place at Pier 84.  Source: https://www.wnyc.org/story/tugboat-workhorse-new-york-harbor/ Photo: copyright WNYC #vintage #photography #vintagestyle #retro #art #vintagestyle #newyork #nyc #fashion #usa #newyorkcity #instagood #colour #artist #color #painting #drawing #retronautis #manhattan #travel #centralpark #timessquare #ladyliberty #america #bigapple #newyorker #photooftheday #libertyisland #travelphotography #wnyc (at Hudson River) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcIvCwTtbye/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kritikapatil · 2 years
Barge Transportation Market to Observe Strong Growth to Generate Massive Revenue in Coming Years
A Latest intelligence report published by AMA Research with title "Global Barge Transportation Market Outlook to 2027. This detailed report on Barge Transportation Market provides a detailed overview of key factors in the Global Barge Transportation Market and factors such as driver, restraint, past and current trends, regulatory scenarios and technology development.
Barge transportation is a kind of marine transportation service which provides cost effective solution owing to its ability to carry high load. Growing petrochemical and crude oil industry attributes to growth of the very market. Technological advancement has made the integration of barge transportation possible with IoT which further depicts the bright picture for the very market. The key to gain upper hand amid fierce competition is to adoption of latest technology in transportation solution. Major Players in this Report Include are
acbl [United States]
ingram marine [United States]
kirby [United States]
seacor [United States]
agrichem marine transportation [United States]
alter logistics [United States]
argosy transportation [United States]
ats international services [United States]
barge america [United States]
blessey marine services [United States]
bouchard transportation [United States]
campbell transportation [United States]
canal barge [United States]
ceres barge lines [United States]
heartland barge [United States]
mcallister towing [United States] Market Drivers: Growing Seaborne Trade Activities
Need for Cost-effective Transportation Solution Market Trend: Growing Demand for Dry Cargo Barge
Bio-plastic Packaging
Opportunities: Use of Ethanol in Barge Transportation
Growth in Petrochemical Industry The Global Barge Transportation Market segments and Market Data Break Down by Type (Liquid cargo, Gaseous cargo, Dry cargo), Application (Coal, Crude and petroleum products, Liquid chemicals, Food pulp and other liquids, Agricultural products, Metal ores and fabricated metal products, Pharmaceuticals, Dry and gaseous chemicals, LPG, CNG, and other gaseous products, Electronics and digital equipment, Others), Fleet (Covered barge, Open barge, Tank barge), Activities Outlook (Intracoastal transportation, Inland water transportation) Geographically World Barge Transportation markets can be classified as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa and Latin America. North America has gained a leading position in the global market and is expected to remain in place for years to come. The growing demand for Global Barge Transportation markets will drive growth in the North American market over the next few years.
Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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