#McShep fanart
scifidancer · 5 months
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"John & Rodney: An explosive mixture"
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myrkky · 2 years
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Here is some pining Sheppard and annoyed McKay.
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cow-on-a-skateboard · 19 days
John got bored
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Rodney didn't appreciate his interest
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nimuetheseawitch · 2 months
SGA Summer Music Festival 2024
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Have you ever:
Listened to a song and thought it was the perfect vibes for your ship
Made a playlist of songs that made you think about Stargate?
Felt like the lyrics of a song are the perfect plot for a fic?
Thought that one of your favorite characters would absolutely love this song/album/band?
Wanted to edit together your favorite SGA scenes to the strains of the song that is stuck in your head?
Then this is the festival for you! As the summer wraps up, the annual Stargate Atlantis Summer Music Festival 2024 aims to collect all kinds of fanworks inspired by or about music. Submissions will be open until the end of summer, the autumnal equinox, Sunday, September 22, 2024.
Throughout the festival, we will regularly update this year's playlists on Spotify and YouTubeMusic with all of the songs that inspire your works, and we will post them as their own work in the collection at the end of the festival.
Check out the rules and FAQs over on AO3, and share your works on tumblr with the tag #sga summer music festival 2024.
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acrowbyanyothername · 9 months
so we all know the post going round about john yeeting himself off the pier trying to look cool in front of rodney (which @massharp1971 wrote a lovely fic for) and my hand slipped so
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here is your soaking wet sheppard, fresh out the lantean sea (and with a cold that’s not gonna go away)
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massharp1971 · 3 months
So @sgatazmy and I were talking yesterday about how absolutely anything can be mcshepped and to prove it, Tazmy presented me with this bit of batshit fic:
I needed cheering up, thanks Taz 💜
she also told me there is penguin mcshep out there, so if any of you know where it is please hmu. @cassiope25? @dedkake?
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notacertifiedartist · 2 years
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Going feral over these idiots
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spurious · 2 years
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McShep + collage
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wonkyelk · 1 year
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A McShep hug, because there can’t be too many.
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scifidancer · 1 year
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You can also find it on AO3
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mific · 1 year
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Pride leprechauns - the treasure at rainbow’s end
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cow-on-a-skateboard · 17 days
In the episode about McKay's "second childhood", after John and Rodney sat on the pier with beer and had a heart-to-heart talk, I want to believe that then they returned and John offered to spend the night with him so as not to run around the cabins. After all, he suggested it at the very beginning, when his terrified friend came running to him.
(I tried to depict a relaxed light from those panels that are located in each room, but it turned out to be too bright)
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It seems to me that the moment I depicted is a bit mawkish, but due to the situation, this is the best that John could offer him. McKay is scared, confused, and very outraged that his brain is degrading, and he's still aware of it. He curled up and pressed his arms to his body, falling asleep more or less normally, feeling calm and protected. But John didn't even close his eyes all this time, replaying Rodney's last words in his head and sometimes glancing at him with concern.
It seems that his arm has already gone numb, and unpleasant tingling has begun. Sheppard decided to try to change his position a little, but it would be a real success to free his hand. John inhaled and held his breath, carefully starting to remove his hand from under McKay. Because of John's movement, Rodney shifted his head and put it closer to his friend's chest, pressed his hands tighter to his body and shifted slightly, finally languidly and deeply sighing, continuing to sleep. John exhaled in frustration and abruptly relaxed, sprawling on the bed, realizing that he was trapped. At least he was glad that there was less pressure on his arm now, and he gently stretched it, getting rid of the tingling.
It was a little unusual to feel Rodney's breath so close. It's too dark, too quiet, too drunk to ignore his calm monotonous breathing. John finally gave up trying to get out, which caused a quiet chuckle to escape from him. Either from hopelessness, or from the way McKay sighed softly again.
But what will happen in the morning? What if McKay wakes up later and finds no one around, gets confused about where he is, or tries to figure out what kind of place this is by shouting someone's name? Or vice versa, will he wake up earlier, and how about shaking John (or screaming) to wake him up and find out why he's in the same bed with him?
I like to imagine the chemistry between the characters, which can be off-screen. What could be the consequences or what consequences would actually happen.
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otherearthsoutthere · 2 years
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This isn’t great, but it has been SO LONG since I’ve felt the creative juices.
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escriveine · 2 years
“Seriously, would you stop calling it a dry spell?!” Rodney squinted into the bottom of the plastic cup, hoping a hidden morsel of Jell-O would appear in the path of his questing spoon.
John took a big, crunchy bite of his apple to cover the smirk curling the corners of his mouth. Not that there was anybody else in the night-dimmed hallways they were walking through.
“Look, brilliant ideas are, like, a dime-a-dozen here, okay?” Rodney popped the sadly empty spoon into his mouth and sucked all the lingering traces of blue off it. “I mean, with me, and Sam, and even on occasion Radek coming up with new things all the time, it’s not really a question of great ideas, it’s more a question of translating those beautiful theories into—”
“Actual reality?” John deadpanned around his mouthful of fruit.
Rodney dropped the spoon into the dessert cup with a sigh. “Yeah, that. I mean, ‘dialing up the attraction’ between two things already predisposed to attraction sounds like it should be as straightforward as… ” He trailed off when he heard John snort out a laugh. “What?”
“Oh, nothing,” John lied airily. “I mean, you set out to crank up some attraction, then end up making a pretty girl-bot, and you don’t see why people might say you’d been having a dry spell?”
“Oh, har-dee-har, Lieutenant Colonel Flirts-with-sexy-spaceship-captains!”
“Dammit, she tied me to a chair! Again!” John glowered and held up a hand between them. “And before you say anything, it was not in a fun way, and it was at gunpoint!”
Rodney shrugged noncommittally. “She does seem to have a thing about you and bondage…”
“How ‘bout we move on,” John muttered, then bit an over-sized chunk from his dwindling apple.
(A coda to Be All My Sins Remember’d, in which Rodney finds out what John did with all his recent late-night free time, John has an epiphany of his own, and together they finally figure out how to really make all right with their world. — Inspired by luluxa’s gorgeous McShep fanart Stained Glass) Read the rest on AO3
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massharp1971 · 2 years
What do you do when you can't hang stuff on your walls and can't commit to sticking your stickers on things? And you spent a wee packet on Redbubble? Make door hangings and magnets.
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Art courtesy of @luluxa @salchat @wonkyelk and others who I can't remember sorry
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perhapsapremiseart · 2 years
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back on my stargate bullshit. quick little mcshep sketch I miss the boys
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