christislifesblog · 1 year
Gospel Stockton California Christmas Courage! See
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kommklargehdrauf · 5 years
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#scheissdrauf #KEINEpartei #komMklaRgeHdrauF #nFicKgebNnatürlicH #SeeONth3line #grenzenlos #freivonallem #fashion #lifestyle #rave #me2we #fuckthesystem #modus #AntiAlleS #pepps #habenwirnochpepps #lordoftheweed #wasauchimmer #hashtag #weed #afterhour #beste #seezeit https://www.instagram.com/p/BtEq_16lMbK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2tt4d36mmzr7
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newsupdated · 3 years
WE Charity held 2 fundraised openings for same Kenya school, former donor says
WE Charity held 2 fundraised openings for same Kenya school, former donor says
A man who once sat on the advisory board to WE Charity‘s American affiliate told a parliamentary committee he believes two different groups of donors were told they’d raised the money for the same school building in Kenya. Reed Cowan testified on Friday that he started raising money for Free The Children, as WE Charity was known at the time, after his son Wesley died in an accident at age…
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ahundredhands · 7 years
Lambadi Embroidery on Kanchi Cotton Sarees
V Sathiyamoorthy’s father gave in to his eagerness to experiment and created a range of Kanchi Cotton sarees with the traditional temple border. Now, Sathiyamoorthy handles the designing  with new colour combinations but ensures the traditional motifs remain during his process of experimentation. 
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When V Sathiyamoorthy had to collaborate with another artist for the Me2We project, he collaborated with Porgai by The Tribal Health Initiative. Porgai works with Lambadi women and not only helps them to earn a living but also plays an instrumental role in reviving the dying traditional craft of Lambadi embroidery. 
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An organic collaboration, the Lambadi embroidery on the Kanchi Cotton sarees resulted in classy and elegant sarees that appealed to all ages.
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markquattrocchi · 7 years
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WE Day #Toronto is here. A day of #inspiration ahead! #WEDay #wemovement #me2we #photooftheday #ACC (at Air Canada Centre)
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coll4p2e · 5 years
thi2 i2 4 me2w
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nova0000scotia · 5 years
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4 Badass Angels-ONE BILLION RISING - no more abuses or excuses- #ME2WE
#GirlsMatter #BoysMatterToo #WhiteRibbon #Abuse #Recovey #PTSD #depression #grief #TIMESUP #poverty #mentalhealth #stigma #homeless #RedFriday IG2020 #LoveisLove #ACCESS4ALL #elders #survivor #MMIWG #Bully #suicide #METOO
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nikosgardening · 3 years
We are excited to extend our sodding (lawn replacement) services to Vaughan residents. 
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eyeontw · 3 years
1122 me2we 節股神巴菲特最愛牛排館 米其林推薦泰式餐廳等 二十家火紅餐廳聯合響應 夫妻約會就有驚喜
典華幸福機構整合長同時是 me2we 品牌創辦人 林廣哲,發起了 1122 me2we 節的概念,他說全天下的夫妻,都是因著無數次的「約會」而有了共組家庭的衝動!結婚後從「me」走到了「we」卻經常忽略了夫妻也需要透過儀式感來營造浪漫,否則,太多的柴米油鹽,磨掉了初見的悸動、婚姻的初衷。身為幸福機構整合長的他,決定發起 1122 me2we節,他強調,這是為慶祝「夫妻關係」而誕生的節日!
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根據英國婚姻研究基金會顯示,情侶在每頓飯聊天的時間,熱戀中可聊50分鐘之久,婚後交談時間馬上降為30分鐘,結婚越久越不交談,超過36%的夫妻結婚之後就不太花時間約會了。為了讓愛情保鮮,典華幸福機構整合長同時是 me2we 品牌創辦人 林廣哲,發起了 1122 me2we 節的概念,他說全天下的夫妻,都是因著無數次的「約會」而有了共組家庭的衝動!結婚後從「me」走到了「we」卻經常忽略了夫妻也需要透過儀式感來營造浪漫,否則,太多的柴米油鹽,磨掉了初見的悸動、婚姻的初衷。身為幸福機構整合長的他,決定發起 1122 me2we節,他強調,這是為慶祝「夫妻關係」而誕生的節日!
me2we 是典華幸福機構 基於企業社會責任所成立的 “關係加速器” 品牌, 透過時髦有新鮮感的創意活動來促進婚姻及親子關係升溫!
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fuckyeahasexual · 7 years
Here’s a story on how I suddenly got enlisted to help teach a sex ed course (and got to teach around 20 teenagers abour asexuality in the process). The past two days I was participating in a conference called me2we which dealt with the rights of different minority groups. The group I went with is my local lgbtqia+ group called Youth Outright. Today we got to go to a few workshops, the first one my group went to was about forming activist groups, and then my group went to a sex education workshop. We knew a lot about the subject because every week at our meeting we have a safer sex demo, so we knew all of this like the back of our hands. It seemed like the workshop was more geared towards cisgendered heterosexual sex, but the teacher received a few questions about same sex intercourse, and she didn’t particularly know how to answer, so my group helped out to answer questions. Someone had a question about asexuality so I took the reins on that one. After the workshop ended, I went to lunch, but a couple people in my group stayed back to talk to the teacher. The teacher sat with us during lunch and asked us questions and we educated her on different aspects of the lgbtqia+ community, and we taught her some of the terminology. She asked us if we would be willing to use our last workshop spot to help answer questions, so we accepted. About half the time she ran it, and the other half we did, and I educated the new group on asexuality, and how it can be more than just lack of sexual attraction. We also informed them of nonbinary identities and gender reassignment surgeries (which one of my friends graphically explained while one girl looked horrified), and we discussed the importance of consent and the new law in North Carolina that states that women can’t change their mind during sex, and men are allowed to go on if the woman asks for him to stop. We taught them about dental dams and how to make them, and what types of condoms or lube are safe to put on sex toys or safe to use in vaginal sex. The group had lots of insightful questions, and I think that my group was able to open the eyes of so many kids.
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christislifesblog · 1 year
Gospel Stockton California Christmas Courage! See
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kommklargehdrauf · 5 years
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[me2WE]™#scheissdrauf #KEINEpartei #komMklaRgeHdrauF #afterhour #beste #seezeit #alle #wir #unser #nehmennichtschämen #gudezeit #besteleben #bart #bärtig #rave #grenzenlos #freivonallem #fashion #lifestyle #rave https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt9pmQslxgt/?igshid=16p8ciiiidi6u
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firehenry · 4 years
餐飲業求生!婚宴空間變親子樂園 生鮮、外送夯衍生商機
新冠肺炎自今年爆發以來,對餐飲業有不同程度的衝擊,但為了求生存,業者紛紛改變思維,試圖走出新路。像是專營婚宴的典華,發揮創意將頂樓打造成防疫親子水公園插旗親子市場。乾杯集團看好生鮮電商崛起,從餐廳品牌到肉品B2B事業還不夠,又成立「乾杯超市」宣告進入B2C零售市場。而鴻海旗下子公司肚肚,看好外送市場,從專營智慧POS系統再升級,提供餐飲業者再加碼IPAD+POS免費使用。 典華發揮創意運用空間,疫情期間轉型防疫餐廳,並利用大直典華頂樓佔地千坪的空間,打造me2we親子水公園,不管是童童鴨鴨池,草皮水舞秀,或是double滑水池,都讓小朋友瘋玩到不想回家。除了遊憩設備充滿亮點,餐點設計上也下了功夫,使用當令季節水果,做成健康減糖的孩子版本冰品。 典華指出,首次插旗親子市場就廣受好評,訂位開放3天直飆破3000人訂位,加開場次預估7到8月來客數加起來可破1.5萬。典華二代接班人林廣哲表示,後疫情的世界將會不一樣,但典華主要營收還是來印度必利勁哪裡買 印度必利勁官網 自於宴會市場,這次希望把水公園作為疫情危機的轉折,將成功經驗複製拓展至親子市場,也是親子市場插旗的首波。 觀察後疫情時代,餐飲外送市場需求仍旺、生鮮電商崛起,也因此乾杯集團乾脆順應市場,鎖定線上頂級生鮮市場,推出自有電商平台「乾杯超市」,仰賴自身為肉品進口商,掌握市場珍稀肉品來源,縮短產銷流程、大宗進貨的採購優勢與專業的日籍料理團隊,得以提供具有價格優勢的頂級生鮮肉品。印度必利勁官網 印度桑瑞製藥有限公司 事實上,乾杯集團事業發展核心圍繞著肉品專業,市場定位脫不開「頂級肉品、好品質」,因此從餐飲起家,以頂級和牛在餐飲市場闖出連鎖燒肉龍頭的地位,於2017年正式跨足肉品B2B外販事業,至今更成立「乾杯超市」增加生鮮電商角色,宣告進入B2C零售市場。希望結合旗下餐飲品牌,強勢進軍線上生鮮市場,開創營收新動能。 另外,鴻海旗下子公司肚肚,專印度必利勁藥局 印度必利勁ptt 營智慧POS系統、餐廳專業行銷顧問服務,這次選擇再加碼「共體食艱」方案,希望讓更多企業主與餐飲業者大幅度降低營運成本花費共同抗疫,因此決定再加碼1000台iPad讓餐飲業者免費使用,價值1.9萬的自家開發的智慧型POS系統同樣免費。 肚肚指出,疫情之下餐飲業紛紛強化外送服務,希望透過線上點餐與行銷推廣來幫助餐廳加強內用和外帶的通路達到平衡的局面。而自家研發的POS系統智慧管控與搭配免費使用的iPad與總額3.4萬元的補助,能直接替店家解決營運數據整合耗時問題,可降低成本花費、帶動營業額成長,也能及時整印度必利勁代購 印度必利勁香港 合帳務報表讓店家對帳零誤差。 肚肚執行長孫和翊曾在後疫情時代經濟論壇表示,自家POS系統,未來會透過語意分析和大數據分析,將餐飲POS系統聯合串接各大餐飲數位平台,提供B端和C端最完整的餐飲生態圈,尤其疫情下的餐飲業的經濟復甦需要同時靠線上平台進行數位轉型,希望協同全台餐飲業者一同撐到全球疫情退去,共同邁向數位餐飲生態體系。 ※【NOWnews 必利勁屈臣氏 必利勁用法今日新聞】提醒您:因應新冠肺炎疫情,疾管署持續加強疫情監測與邊境管制措施,國外入境後如有發燒、咳嗽等不適症狀,請撥打「1922」專線,或「0800-001922」,並依指示配戴口罩儘速就醫,同時主動告知醫師旅遊史及接觸史,以利及時診斷及通報。
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iconicstreams · 4 years
IPTV, generally, is advertisement free and therefore, is more popular between individuals. When you get Best IPTV Subscription, you watch TV shows without interferences of any kind, not at all like normal TV broadcasting.
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Serial entrepreneur Mike Girgis has returned to digital out-of-home advertising with a new startup media shop slash experiential agency, formally launching this week under the name Big Digital.
Rather than wading into the already crowded market for digital outdoor, Big Digital plans to focus on portable, temporary and small-scale activations for conferences, retail pop-ups and seasonal displays. It won’t just provide screens, but will consult with clients to design custom content for them.
Girgis told Marketing he got the idea for a service-oriented OOH shop back in his days at OneStop Media, the OOH network he co-founded in 2005. Retail and event-focused clients OneStop worked with couldn’t always make big investments in high-tech, big-screen displays that they only planned to use a few times a year. But, there weren’t opportunities for renting that kind of equipment either — all the digital signage companies OneStop looked into working with only had pricey permanent displays available.
Another big pain point for clients that wanted digital displays for conferences was that they had to coordinate the effort between the AV team that owned the equipment, the creative agency that designed the content, and whoever showed up on site to set everything up, Girgis said. Most of the time, they were doing it without any way to measure its effectiveness.
Big Digital claims it can do all three. “If you could take an AV company and a creative agency and mash them up, that’s probably Big Digital,” Girgis said. “We’ve got digital strategists in-house, and we’ve been doing digital out-of-home for fourteen years, so we understand the tech.”
If you still think of out-of-home as a traditional media format, you won’t after seeing Big Digital’s standup displays. The team has spent the past 18 months building and testing a range of modular sets that combine up to 12 widescreen LCD screens, as well as LED backlighting, 3G network connectivity, and wifi access points for communicating with nearby devices.
The standard format displays are all named after friendly famous elephants, to make them more memorable and less intimidating. But the modularity gives them a lot of flexibility as well, Girgis said. The aluminum frames can be quickly resized and the signs can be adjusted to create entranceways, digital shelving, or in-store endcaps. Big Digital took inspiration from IKEA’s do-it-yourself philosophy — they’re designed to be set up and taken down in under an hour, by anyone who can read the instruction booklet.
They’re also all brandable, with space for the client to physically white-label each sign with a logo and company name. “We want it to look like the client has spent a lot of money,” he said.
Rather than pitching itself on tech, Big claims its approach is consultative and content-first, more like an experience design agency. In-house strategists figure out what the client’s goals are, whether it’s putting a product or brand on display in high-definition or getting conference attendees to approach and engage with a booth or sponsorship activation. Then, they customize the physical display and design the client’s content around those goals.
The last, crucial component to its service is analytics. According to VP and co-founder Jeff Wismer, Big Digital uses wifi hotspots to track when people (or more accurately their mobile phones) are dwelling near the display. Post-activation, Big Digital will report on how many people engaged with a client’s displays, which activation performed best, and when each one saw the most traffic.
Wismer said for a lot of event organizers, analytics usually extend to number of tickets sold and no-shows. For such a big investment, marketers and sponsors want to see measurable results. Foot traffic heatmapping — the same kind that retailers are starting to do to figure out which of their displays and products are performing best — can add a lot more measurability to events, he said. Big Digital’s reports tell clients how many people showed up, but also what time they showed up, what presentations and showrooms they attended, and when they headed to the bar.
“We’ve heard the numbers from some of our clients, who build these booths and have 50 shows a year,” said Girgis. “You think about the number they’re spending — with no analytics!”
Beyond conferences and events, Big Digital sees an opportunity in the growing popularity of temporary storefronts and pop-up shops. The idea is Big Digital’s one-stop offering is an easy way to add digital flare to a pop-up at a mall or festival, plus the kind of measurability that big-box stores are starting to add. For Me2We’s pop-ups, Big Digital’s screens add an extra layer of big-brand credibility, plus the ability to put a number to the passersby that were drawn inside.
Big Digital’s also experimenting with interactivity, using Kinekt, as well as screens that can stand up to outdoor exposure. Girgis said he sees temporary digital billboards in the company’s future.
Big Digital will run alongside Girgis’ ongoing content analytics venture with Deborah Hall, Dive Networks (formerly Performance Content Group).
Source: http://marketingmag.ca/media/big-digital-wants-to-make-event-signage-beautiful-144719/
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11 ways to transform your world
http://11daysofglobalunity.org/ #me2we #disarmament #countdowntozero #actnowdisarmnow #antiwar #peace
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