#Mechanic Batemans Bay
batemansbaytyres · 2 months
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Batemans Bay Tyres – Excellent Service & Advice whether it be for tyres on your 4×4, Suv, or High Performance Vehicle. We have the right tyre to suit your budget & needs. We sell all the Major Brands along with Tyre & Wheel Packages. Our Qualified Mechanics can do all your Log Book Servicing, Maintenance & Rego Inspections, 4WD Lift Kits, Caravan & Trailer Repairs.
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anarcho-occultism · 2 years
Susan Calvin
Susan Calvin (December 2, 1982-April 6, 2064) was an American engineer and psychologist best known for pioneering the field of robopsychology. Calvin was born Susan Derkins in Empire Bay, Massachusetts, where she spent much of her early childhood. Calvin—surprisingly given her later life–was a rather hotheaded child and prone to getting into conflict with neighboring kids, in particular a young Calvin Durden, whom would go on later in life to form Project Mayhem. In 1988, Calvin’s father Andrew Derkins passed away and her mother would remarry James Calvin in 1990, with the young Susan taking his surname. The Calvins would end up leaving Empire Bay in 1991 in favor of the Pacific Northwest, taking up residence in Arcadia Bay. Calvin cites the isolation she felt at being so thoroughly uprooted as a crucial component in her own upbringing and developing a fascination with various sciences, especially engineering and psychology. Her impressive high school grades allowed her to be offered admission to Columbia University at the age of 17, which she accepted and began attending in 1999.
As a student at Columbia University, Calvin initially focused on studying psychology. Unusually for a Columbia University psychology student, Calvin held a disdainful view of the field of parapsychology despite the roles of former Columbia professors John Montague and Peter Venkman in pioneering that field. Calvin instead was drawn to the ideas of noted skeptic Richard Strand, who held that most paranormal phenomena was illusory or scientific phenomena not properly explained yet. Calvin was interested in the psychology of violence and crime, attending both lectures given by FBI profiler Clarice Starling and initially planning to write her thesis on Johan Liebert. However, Calvin’s interests would shift towards robotics and cybernetics. She had always had a passing interest in the topic–even writing a peer-reviewed article at age 16 about the practical aspects of robotics–but she soon came to center this topic in her area of interest. One factor shaping this was the 1999 MegaTech incident where a number of robots whom had been used to replace teachers in high-crime school districts reverted to a militaristic programming that claimed hundreds of lives nationwide. Calvin was thus drawn to the idea of what the proper limits of robotics ought to be. She ended up writing as her thesis ‘Integration of Ethics in Artificial Intelligence’, where she cited the WOPR and Colossus incidents of 1983 and the 2001 Discovery 1 disaster to argue that as AI advances, it will become increasingly necessary to construct programming that binds them to a code of ethics, especially as it merges with the field of robotics.
In her last two years at Columbia, Calvin pursued both psychology and engineering degrees. She would intern briefly at Cyberdyne in 2001 before leaving owing to the belief that management was unwilling to consider the questions of what limits should be placed on robots. Calvin would pursue a graduate degree in cybernetics and psychology at Miskatonic University, completing her thesis which coined the term ‘robopsychology’ under Professor Velma Dinkley. She was subsequently hired by US Robotics and Mechanical Men, Incorporated, which was intrigued by her ideas of robopsychology. Despite her later reputation, it is worth noting that Dr. Calvin was largely considered a fringe figure among artificial intelligence researchers and robotics engineers in this era. Figures like Nathan Bateman and Robert Ford belittled Calvin’s view that these constraints were necessary, instead arguing no machine could fully match a human mind and that, as mechanical devices, they would always remain under human control. At this time, these concerns were still considered largely theoretical as robotics and AI proved slower to integrate into wider human life compared to the expectations of earlier eras.
Calvin’s application of psychology to robotics was not her only contribution to the former field, however. In 2008, following the debut of the synthetic blood substitute TruBlood, the world’s vampire population revealed their existence. Immediately, opinions were polarized-many human supremacist groups found themselves in uneasy alliances with organizations dedicated to controlling the supernatural like the Watcher’s Council and Hellsing claiming they were a danger to humanity but vampires themselves and a number of human sympathizers argued, diet aside, they were no different from humanity and deserved the same rights. Calvin approached vampires with an impressive level of objectivity, seeking to understand the psychology of vampires. She interviewed over 200 vampires in the process of compiling her 2011 paper The Psychology of Undeath: Inside the Minds of Vampires. Calvin broke vampire frames of mind into multiple categories. On one extreme, she identified what she called the reluctant. This category of vampires viewed what they were naturally predisposed to be with revulsion and sought to make up for it. She cited Vladimir Tod, Louis de Pointe du Lac and the Cullen family as examples of this category, seeking to stave off their hunger or satiate it in other ways even pre-TruBlood. On the other extreme she identified the ‘monster mindset’, which views vampirism as a gift and the predation on humanity as a feature rather than a bug. These vampires, Calvin said, would likely try to feed even with TruBlood being available. Most vampires, she argued, fell in between-the likes of Klaus Mikaelson, Laszlo Cravensworth and Michael Morbius having some degree of ethics and morality tempered, but not wholly eliminated by, the need to feed. Calvin dismissed claims that vampires were inherently soulless monsters as superstition but did acknowledge that most vampires have significantly reduced empathy compared to the average human-but argued at the closing such a thing was ‘a byproduct of natural selection for what is, at the end of the day, a predator of humanity by nature now given an off-ramp.’
Calvin’s work on vampire psychology thus concluded, she would resume a focus on robotics. She would work with Tak Mashido to design models of robots capable of engaging in boxing, which would nearly eliminate the industry altogether after one of their robots bested boxing champion Adonis Creed in a 2019 match. Calvin also helped develop blueprints for the Jaegers used by the Pan-Pacific Defense Corps, modeling them on the Japanese EVA units deployed against the ‘angels’ attacking Japan at the same time. Calvin would move to California in 2015 to pursue further consulting jobs. In addition to her ongoing robotics work, Calvin was paid by tech billionaire Peter Gregory to come up with a method for uploading a human brain into cyberspace as a way of achieving immortality and was one of the first members of Amaya’s quantum computer team and contributed heavily to the engineering behind their primary project. Calvin viewed these projects with interest, but was never especially passionate about most of her work, pursuing it with a clinical interest. It is likely for this reason her one romantic entanglement in this time was with the similarly clinical Paul Redeker, a political consultant infamous for past work for the apartheid regime in South Africa whom had subsequently worked for the US government to aid in postwar reconstruction of Iraq, Adjikastsn and Afghanistan. The relationship did not last long, as Redeker and Calvin lacked significant shared interests, but has been viewed as indicative of Calvin’s normal disposition. Calvin is also known as one of the leading critics of the creation of ‘Replicants,’ arguing their purpose could equally be filled by robots with the ability to ensure perfect programming being more possible on a machine than a human brain. Calvin was criticized by some for the clinical detachment involved in this criticism, which also included citing the actions of the Rossum Corporation and their failures as an argument against Replicants, though it is generally accepted Calvin couched her criticism this was as part of a broader belief expressing the depth of her true emotions on the topic would be useless.
One of Calvin’s most important consulting jobs, however, involved her work on the MULTIVAC network embedded in a wide range of technology, but notably a key part in voting machines launched starting in the 2012 election. This network not only would ultimately gain sentience, but was a key element leading to Calvin becoming a political target. During the 2020 presidential election, Republican nominee David Jefferson Adams claimed the MULTIVAC network would be used to rig the vote in favor of his Democratic opponent Jonathan Lincoln Duncan. After Duncan’s victory, Adams’ supporters continued to denounce this network and after the President’s Day Massacre of 2022, Adams’ Attorney General Michael Seaver would announce the designers of MULTIVAC, including Calvin, would be charged with electoral interference and treason. As the Adams administration was actively restricting and rolling back rights, Calvin was only allowed to use the legal services of Jimmy McGill, himself an inmate in New Mexico who was notorious for his role aiding various drug kingpins. However, in a blow to Seaver and Adams, McGill proved an adroit defense attorney and managed to help Calvin escape imprisonment. After getting off, Calvin was involved in anti-Adams activities, participating in protests against the disqualification of Democratic nominee Georgina Hobart from the 2024 election due to allegations of treason and using her professional network to help sabotage technology used in the Adams administration’s efforts to suppress the Gabriel Bell riots and Equisapiens attacks on facilities operated by the Adams aligned WorryFree corporation.
Calvin would rise to increased prominence following the Inauguration Day bombings and subsequent outbreak of the Second American Civil War. She was in California at the time, a region which quickly devolved into chaos as the conflict ignited. Originally, the state government under Governor Hobart declared itself independent. However, Hobart was ousted from power in a coup organized by a number of corporate leaders operating in Silicon Valley, led by the billionaire tech moguls Steve Lift and Peter Isherwall, who installed Zach Morris as Governor. The group’s goal was to bring California into the fold of the Allied States of America, a corporate-driven regime purged of the fundamentalism of Adam’s more fanatical backers. However, shortly after the ASA was formed, its attempt to strike the Greater Korean Republic, who it framed for the bombings, led to the GKR invading the West Coast, occupying a large swath of California. Moreover, the AI Skynet would unleash an army of Terminator units on the state, massacring thousands and imprisoning some in simulations intended to harvest their body heat to power itself. California’s resistance to the ASA, GKR and Skynet organized under the leadership of John Connor, who made Calvin a key member of his inner circle. Calvin helped develop a number of computer viruses that enabled the breakdown of Skynet’s ‘Matrix’ system and helped prevent a GKR advance to the Rocky Mountains. Connor’s Californian resistance group received aid from many other North American factions fighting the Second American Civil War, including the NAN, the United Canadian and American States (a coalition formed in Columbus by the leading claimant to the mantle of the old US and Canada’s government after losing Quebec, British Columbia and Alberta to secessionists) and even the theocratic Republic of Gilead that occupied much of the Deep South.
This unlikely coalition, aimed at the existential threat of Skynet and the GKR as well as the traitors heading the ASA, likely is what made the ceasefire and formation of the Organization of North American Nations in 2028 possible. Calvin, following this, would become a figure in the independent Californian government, working for President Connor as his leading technology advisor. Calvin helped negotiate terms for Japan to send a large amount of the technology dubbed the ‘Japanese Miracle’ to the badly-battered California, enabling rapid reconstruction of devastated cities in the state. Calvin also, in this capacity, developed a series of protocols all sentient machines manufactured in California were obligated to follow: the Three Laws of Robotics, which prevented robots from harming humans or allowing humans to come to harm, ordered preservation of human life except in conflict with the First Law and ordered robot self-preservation save for in instances conflicting with the first two laws. While eventually hailed as a groundbreaking framework, many technology firms scoffed at Calvin’s protocols. The ONAN’s Congress blocked an attempt by ONAN President Lisa Simpson to mandate the Three Laws in the whole ONAN and when Senator Andrew Steele Jarrett, an acolyte of Gilead’s Prophet Steve Jordan, won the 2032 ONAN election, he outright targeted Calvin both for these laws and her public scorn for the politics of Gilead Jarrett made an attempt to enforce nationally. When protests and riots forced Jarrett out in 2035 (sparked by a mix of his heavyhanded push for continent-wide theocracy and his poor handling of the Green Flu pandemic that ravaged his native Gilead and sparked the regime’s collapse to a large-scale revolt a few years later), his successor Elizabeth Winters halted efforts to target Calvin, but continued to resist making the Three Laws mandatory owing to her own efforts to weaponize robots. Opinion on the Three Laws, however, would turn drastically following the CyberLife android revolt in Detroit in 2038 and the rise of the city-state of Zero One in Qumar two years later. In the 2040 ONAN election, the independent ex-Republican Robert McAlistair, who ultimately won, openly endorsed the mandating of Three Laws compliance in all sentient machines, which came into effect in his first year as President.
Calvin continued to work as a psychologist of both humans and robots despite her general fame. In 2029, Calvin made her first visit offworld to Hyper Base, a facility set up on an asteroid by the ONAN military. At various times, Calvin was called in to evaluate US Robotics and Mechanical Men-manufactured robots experiencing malfunction, but also was consulted by a number of other companies and figures as well. The Kwan Do family, who ran Mars’ third largest settlement, hired her to evaluate their drones’ effectiveness and verify their compliance with the Three Laws. Calvin was also contacted by Metaverse Enterprise Solutions to investigate if a simulated character they had created had actually been deleted from existence or not. Calvin’s findings were officially inconclusive but rumors persist that she verified the character did in fact survive, but refused to disclose this information to her creators. The billionaire Cosmo Spacely hired Calvin to help design his ‘Levittowers’ that began cropping up in the 2050’s and 2060’s. Calvin was a prominent opponent of the ONAN’s adoption of the ‘Precrime’ system of predicting crimes before they happened and warned that it coupled with the rise of the ‘street judge’ system would end in the total elimination of civil liberties. Calvin’s role in the public eye would conclude in 2058, with her retirement. After giving a final interview covering thoughts on current events and technology, Calvin would remain a recluse until her death of natural causes in 2064. Calvin would leave a long-lasting legacy, as robotics manufacturing remained heavily influenced by her, though the lead-up to the Great War increased the number of Three Laws-violating robots in existence greatly.
Asimov’s Robots Series, Calvin and Hobbes, Fight Club, Life is Strange, Haunting of Hill House, Ghostbusters, Silence of the Lambs, Monster, Class of 1999, WarGames, Colossus: The Forbin Project, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Terminator, Cthulhu Mythos, Scooby Doo, Ex Machina, Westworld, True Blood, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Hellsing, Chronicles of Vladimir Tod, Interview With a Vampire, Twilight, The Vampire Diaries, What We Do in the Shadows, Marvel Comics, Real Steel, Rocky, Pacific Rim, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Silicon Valley, Devs, World War Z, SOCOM: US Navy SEALS, Blade Runner, Dollhouse, Franchise, Shattered Union, The President is Missing, Growing Pains, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, The Politician, Star Trek, Sorry to Bother You, Jericho, Don’t Look Up, Saved by the Bell, Homefront, The Matrix, Shadowrun, The Handmaid’s Tale, Infinite Jest, Ghost in the Shell, The Simpsons, Parable of the Talents, Christian Nation, Left 4 Dead, Vanquish, Detroit: Become Human, The Animatrix, Jack and Bobby, Empire Earth, Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!, The Jetsons, Minority Report, Judge Dredd, Fallout
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southerncivilgroup · 1 year
Earthmovers: Titans of Construction and Their Imprint on the Landscape
In the modern landscape of towering skyscrapers, sprawling highways, and vast open mines, few machines capture the essence of sheer power and grandeur as the Earthmovers do. These titans of construction, often unseen by the urban populace, shape the terrain to make way for human progress. Dive with me into the fascinating world of Earthmoversin cities like Batemans Bay: the giants that sculpt the Earth beneath our feet.
1. The Birth of Earthmovers
Historically, humans had to rely on the power of animals and rudimentary tools to change the landscape. The monumental pyramids of Giza, the great walls, and the ancient cities were all constructed with manual labour. But as civilizations grew and technology advanced, so did the need for machines that could move Earth on an unprecedented scale.
The Industrial Revolution in the 19th century was a turning point. Steam engines and mechanical innovations paved the way for the first Earthmovers, like steam shovels and traction engines. The world of construction was never the same again.
2. The Key Players
- Excavators: With their long arms and bucket attachments, excavators are a common sight on construction sites. Ranging from mini versions for small-scale projects to mammoth-sized ones for mining, they are versatile and effective.
- Bulldozers: The epitome of raw power, bulldozers with their massive metal blade are used to push vast amounts of dirt, sand, and rubble.
- Dump Trucks: These behemoths transport the materials moved by excavators and bulldozers. Some of the largest dump trucks, like the BelAZ 75710, can carry a staggering 450 tons!
- Motor Graders: Often called road graders, these are crucial for creating flat surfaces, especially for roads and foundations.
- Wheel Loaders: Equipped with large shovel-like buckets, they load materials into dump trucks or transport them short distances.
3. Not Just for Construction
While Earthmovers are synonymous with construction, they have other impressive applications. They're used in mining, road building, forestry, and even disaster response. After natural calamities, these machines clear debris and aid in rebuilding efforts.
4. Technological Advances
The Earthmovers of today are leaps and bounds ahead of their predecessors. With the integration of AI, GPS, and automation, they’re becoming more efficient and safe. Hybrid technologies are making them eco-friendly, reducing the carbon footprint of major construction projects.
5. Environmental Considerations
As we marvel at these machines, it's essential to address the environmental implications. Earthmovers, by nature, alter landscapes. Developers and construction teams must use them responsibly, ensuring minimal damage to ecosystems and adhering to sustainable practices.
6. Future of Earthmoving
The future is promising. As we advance, Earthmoversin regions like Batemans Baywill be more efficient, precise, and environmentally friendly. We may see fully autonomous machines, minimizing risks and enhancing productivity. There’s also potential for Earthmovers in extraterrestrial projects – imagine them shaping the terrain of Mars for human colonization!
7. The Art of Engineering Behind Earthmovers
Beyond the raw power and size of these machines lies an intricate dance of engineering precision. Every Earthmover is a culmination of years of research, testing, and design. Engineers continually push the boundaries to make them more efficient, durable, and adaptable. For instance, the hydraulic systems that power these beasts need to function effectively under extreme pressures, and the metallurgy involved ensures that the equipment can handle intense wear and tear.
8. Socio-economic Impact of Earthmovers
Earthmovers play a pivotal role in infrastructure development, directly influencing a region's socio-economic growth. Roads, bridges, dams, and buildings act as the arteries of modern civilization, facilitating trade, connectivity, and accessibility. By making large-scale projects feasible, Earthmovers indirectly aid in job creation, trade expansion, and community development. For many developing nations, these machines enable rapid urbanization and modernization.
9. Training and Safety Evolutions
Handling an Earthmover is no child's play. Over the years, the training required to operate these machines has evolved considerably. With the integration of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in training modules, operators can now undergo intensive training without real-world risks. Safety standards have also improved drastically. Advanced alert systems, camera feeds, and ergonomic cabin designs ensure that the operator remains safe while maximizing efficiency.
Earthmovers in places like Batemans Bay are a testament to human ingenuity and our quest to shape the world around us. As symbols of power and progress, they remind us of our ability to transform challenges into opportunities. The next time you see these giants at work, take a moment to appreciate the marvels of engineering and the hands that guide them.
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thxnews · 1 year
The 2023 Lazer Rally of the Bay Gears Up for a Thrilling Competition
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  Excitement Builds as Bay Rally Attracts Top Contenders
The 2023 Lazer Rally of the Bay is set to be an intense showdown, with entries pouring in from former and current Australian Rally championship series contenders, as well as leaders from the NSW rally championship series. The event, which serves as a round of the NSW Rally Championship and East Coast Classic Rally Series (ECCRS), will also feature the NSW Clubman and NSW Hyundai Series. The picturesque Eurobodalla and Shoalhaven regions are eagerly preparing to welcome an influx of teams and spectators, with local businesses enthusiastic about the economic benefits of hosting such a high-profile rally event. The action will kick off from the event service park at Corrigan Beach Reserve, Batemans Bay, on Saturday, 29 July, starting at 9.00 am.  
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Rally car in full action. Photo by Simply Music Management.  
Simply Music Management (SMM) Expands Support for Local Rally Talent
After providing unwavering support to rally driver Chris Stilling for four years and recently backing Jimmy Dimmock, Simply Music Management (SMM) has announced their latest addition to their stable: PD Motorsport's Peter Dimmock. SMM will be supporting both Chris Stilling and Peter Dimmock at the upcoming Batemans Bay rally, solidifying their commitment to South Coast rally talent.   Chris Stilling Faces Stiff Competition in Pursuit of Rally Glory Chris Stilling, currently among the top three contenders in the NSW rally championship series, faces formidable competition from the series leader, Tim Wilkins, who will be driving his Mitsubishi Evo 9. Raine O'Keeffe, representing SMM and TripleUFM Shoalhaven, praised Stilling's recent performance in the AMSAG Orange rally, where he finished second outright. Stilling's meticulous car development and improvements on his Mitsubishi Evo7 since last year's Bay Stages rally give him confidence for a better result this time. Stilling's impressive third-place finish in the first round of the NSW Championship series further demonstrates his potential for success. However, Stilling acknowledges the tough competition ahead, including last year's co-winner Richie Dalton with the Shamrock Haulage Toyota Yaris AP4 and Daniel Gonzalez with a Skoda Fabia. Determined and excited, Stilling is focused on gaining valuable points to climb the leadership board.   Peter Dimmock Returns to Bay Rally with Strong Ambitions Peter Dimmock, an experienced rally driver with an impressive track record, joins the Bay rally once again, aboard his Supreme Dry Cleaners Toyota Yaris AP4. Having secured second outright place at the 2022 Oberon NSW rally championship round, Dimmock aims to build on his success and make a strong finish at this year's event. Recalling his unfortunate early retirement in the previous edition due to mechanical damage, Dimmock is determined to overcome challenges and leave his mark on the competition. Teamed up with co-driver Russell Hannah, Dimmock is prepared for the demanding rally ahead.  
SMM Delighted to Support Two Talented Teams
Raine O'Keeffe, speaking on behalf of SMM, expressed their admiration for both Chris Stilling and Peter Dimmock, acknowledging their distinct levels of experience and driving styles. O'Keeffe emphasized the joy of seeing these talented individuals pursue their passion and compete at the highest level. With their combined skills and determination, Stilling and Dimmock are expected to contend for top placings, promising an exhilarating display of rallying prowess. As the 2023 Lazer Rally of the Bay approaches, anticipation and excitement continue to mount. The presence of former and current champions, along with the support of Simply Music Management, adds an extra layer of intensity to this prestigious event. Rally enthusiasts and spectators eagerly await the spectacle that will unfold amidst the stunning scenery of Batemans Bay.   Sources: THX News & Simply Music Management and Motorsport. Read the full article
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nerdling2305 · 6 years
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Last nights drive between Wollongong and Batemans Bay. I made a quick stop at Kiama. No mechanical failures this year, just a blown headlight. (at Broulee Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsmBm2QHltE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2adkbkd7cwzk
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omgmicheal01me · 6 years
'I've suffered my whole life': Living with borderline personality disorder
Updated July 29, 2018 09:47:11
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Photo: Victoria Houlder says living with borderline personality disorder for decades was debilitating. (ABC News: Chloe Hart) Borderline personality disorder (BPD) can be a debilitating mental illness. Sufferers can endure substance abuse, bouts of extreme anger, and urges to steal and live dangerously. But thanks to a new collaborative approach to treating personality disorders, help is more accessible to patients and families. Victoria Houlder, 45, has been plagued by BPD for most of her life. "You steal things that you obviously don't need, you have no patience, you can fly off the handle and just lose it," Ms Houlder said. "People think 'What is your problem?' but it's lack of control you aren't able to control that raging temper." Ms Houlder said she had been sexually abused as a child and struggled for decades with depression, but it was not until her recent BPD diagnosis that her mind and behaviours started to make sense. "I've suffered my whole life. BPD is a debilitating condition; it gives you a different outlook on what is and isn't socially acceptable behaviour," she said. What is a personality disorder? If you or anyone you know needs help: A person may be diagnosed with a personality disorder if they exhibit pathological personality traits, behaviours and thoughts that consistently impair their functioning and deviate from societal expectations. There are 10 different personality disorders recognised by the recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). These include BPD, narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), antisocial personality disorder (APD), along with paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal, histrionic, avoidant, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders. Despite seeing several psychiatrists and trying a raft of medications, nothing helped Ms Houlder and people lost patience with her, which ultimately meant she lost contact with her children and her friends. "People don't understand why you aren't getting better from mental illness when you are seeing a psychiatrist and taking medication. But medication doesn't fix it [a personality disorder]," she said. BPD makes it hard for a person to feel comfortable in their own skin and mind, which creates challenges around being able to control emotions, impulses and relating to others. "You don't make great choices," Ms Houlder said. "With friends or situations, you allow things to happen to you that is not normal but may seem normal to you." Help is out there External Link:Stephanie shares her story of living with depression and a personality disorder. A collaborative project based in Wollongong on the south coast of New South Wales has been offering a different approach to supporting people living with personality disorders. Project Air was developed by the University of Wollongong in partnership with the NSW Department of Health and NSW Local Health Districts. The project has been running since 2011, providing tailored treatment and support for patients, families and carers, as well as ongoing training for schools, health services, clinicians and support agencies. Through upskilling, consultation and research, Project Air is assisting to provide better treatments for personality disorders and more streamlined pathways to provide people living with a personality disorder with the help they need. "One in four mental health patients that present at hospital have a personality disorder, so every hospital needs a specific place for those people and a counsellor to talk to," Project Air founder Brin Grenyer said. "Hospital care is more appropriate for people with schizophrenia, so this provides an alternative and a better way of helping people with personality disorders get the treatment that they need. "We've often found that people [with personality disorders] don't respond well to medication, to in-patient units, to emergency departments psychological therapy and compassionate care is the best." Program expanding to help more people The NSW Government has allocated an additional $5.5 million to expand Project Air to additional NSW health districts by 2020 including the Nepean Blue Mountains, Southern NSW, Murrumbidgee and Hunter New England districts. "It's giving hope to people who often feel they go in and out of hospital, not getting well," Mental Health Minister Tanya Davis said. "We've seen people get their lives back on track, commence study again [and] re-build broken family relationships. It is having a significant impact," she said. Professor Grenyer said when people got the right help, they did not need to keep coming back to emergency departments or stay in hospital. He said early intervention was key to better outcomes, so the program worked with schools, workplaces and hospitals to recognise and treat personality disorders early. Ms Davis said the amount of time patients with personality disorders spent in hospital since the program began had reduced from 14 days to five days and presentations to hospital were down by 22 per cent. The road to recovery Emma Reeves came to Project Air struggling with major depressive episodes and was diagnosed with BPD. "I've always had very, very strong emotions and difficulty controlling them," Ms Reeves said. "I'd randomly lose my temper, [was] always highly stressed and [had] high levels of anger."
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Photo: Emma Reeves, 30, says Project Air has given her a new lease on life after years trying to cope with borderline personality disorder. (ABC News: Chloe Hart) Ms Reeves said during a major life event she reached her breaking point. "My mother passed away [and] I was losing my grip on reality and how to control my grief." Ms Reeves said from a young age she began using food as a coping mechanism to handle her emotions. "I would eat to cope. When I was angry I'd eat, if I was sad I'd eat," she said. When she reached 190 kilograms Ms Reeves had surgery, which resulted in her losing more than a third of her body weight, but her mental health continued to spiral out of control and she sought help from Project Air. "It really has helped me. Some people think going to a psychologist means you only go there and talk. It's not like that," she said. "Coming here for therapy has pulled me out of some very dark places when I've been at my lowest points." Ms Reeves said she was thrilled that "finally" at 30 years old she was feeling well enough to get out and experience life to the fullest. "There's a voice in the back of my head that says, 'It's about bloody time'." Professor Grenyer said people with personality disorders were often misunderstood in society, but there was hope. "Given the right care, people with personality disorders can be treated and live really productive lives," he said. With the NSW expansion of Project Air, the team behind the project said it would continue to be able to support people with personality disorders and see good clinical care for the disorders established in NSW health services. Topics:mental-health,doctors-and-medical-professionals,medical-research,suicide,eating-disorders,adolescent-health,psychology,family,wollongong-2500,yass-2582,queanbeyan-2620,pambula-2549,moruya-2537,goulburn-2580,delegate-2633,crookwell-2583,cooma-2630,wingham-2429,werris-creek-2341,wee-waa-2388,warialda-2402,walcha-2354,tingha-2369,tenterfield-2372,taree-2430,tamworth-2340,singleton-2330,scone-2337,quirindi-2343,nelson-bay-2315,narrabri-2390,murrurundi-2338,moree-2400,merriwa-2329,manilla-2346,maitland-2320,new-lambton-heights-2305,kurri-kurri-2327,inverell-2360,guyra-2365,gunnedah-2380,gloucester-2422,glen-innes-2370,emmaville-2371,dungog-2420,denman-2328,cessnock-2325,bulahdelah-2423,boggabri-2382,braidwood-2622,bingara-2404,belmont-2280,barraba-2347,armidale-2350,bombala-2632,bega-2550,batemans-bay-2536,portland-2847,albury-2640,tumbarumba-2653,batlow-2730,adelong-2729,tumut-2720,gundagai-2722,harden-2587,boorowa-2586,wyalong-2671,temora-2666,cootamundra-2590,coolamon-2701,henty-2658,holbrook-2644,culcairn-2660,corowa-2646,berrigan-2712,urana-2645,lockhart-2656,narrandera-2700,leeton-2705,jerilderie-2716,finley-2713,tocumwal-2714,deniliquin-2710,barham-2732,hay-2711,sydney-2000,hillston-2675,lake-cargelligo-2672,young-2594,murrumburrah-2587,university-of-wollongong-2522,keiraville-2500,lithgow-2790,springwood-2777,kingswood-2747,windsor-2756,katoomba-2780,wagga-wagga-2650,newcastle-2300,penrith-2750,griffith-2680 First posted July 29, 2018 06:30:55 http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-07-29/inside-the-mind-of-someone-with-borderline-personality-disorder/10044920
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kwknightau · 7 years
Role of Accountant Batemans Bay in Business Operations
The role of accountant Batemans Bay relates to the collection, recording, presentations and analysis of the financial operations of a business.  Some of the other well defined roles are •     Known to perform administrative functions in the operations of a company •    Middle or large companies often use their expertise in a financial and advisory capacity •    They deal with third parties, vendors or the customers of a company. Financial management of data with Accountant Batemans Bay An accountant structure of a company is a vital clog in the wheel of the operations of a company. The prime role of Accountant Batemans Bay related to accumulation or preservation of financial details of a firm. They ensure that all financial records are in line with compliance procedures of the firm. The financial details of a firm need to be kept at pristine levels. The reason for it is that it is needed for the day to day working of the business. When you manage the financial data of a company you are confronted with more responsibilities like formulating effective control mechanisms. Advice and analysis of Accountant Batemans Bay Accountant Batemans Bay performs analysis with the financial information at their peril. This does ensure efficient and effective decision making. The advice can relate to future expectations in terms of revenue or cost and expenses trends. With the help of financial data they can solve any discrepancies that arise in business operations. The recommendations may also evolve strategic inputs. So, make sure you remember all these before choosing an accountant.
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leadgen · 7 years
24 Hour Plumber Perth - Why You Should Hire Them
It is of utmost necessity to maintain a good rapport with local plumbers, especially when you need quick plumbing services. Your local plumbing service may not be a specialized expert from a branded equipment company, but it will provide the best possible options for most of your home and business plumbing necessities.
Our qualified 24 Hour Plumber Perth is well acquainted with your region's building techniques and plumbing requirements. He can advise you about common residential plumbing fixtures better than any nonlocal plumbing agency. Moreover, plumber Perth is available for even last-minute plumbing emergency services.
Life is unpredictable, particularly when you might encounter gas leaks or burst pipes, leading to disastrous results. Though numerous plumbing companies offer emergency plumbing services, those located farther away are likely to take more time to reach your home or office. 24 Hour Plumber Perth is most valuable and reliable since they can provide timely service in a crisis.
Gas leaks are especially dangerous.
Highlighted are some of the most common and popular services done by 24 Hour Plumber Perth:
Plumber Perth Repairs leaky faucets
When you call our 24 Hour Plumber Perth on time, you are likely to prevent a severe collapse of the leaky taps. Additionally, water bills remain low since this it saves the precious component from flowing down your drains. Our 24 Hour Plumber Perth is well equipped with all the essential knowledge and appropriate tools to mend any leaky taps quickly once they are called.
Plumber Perth Cleans Drains
Material deposits tend to gradually accumulate in your plumbing system due to slow-draining and clogged drains. It is recommended that you avoid the chemical drain cleaning components, preferably you should call our 24 Hour Plumber Perth. Most residential pipes are unable to endure severe commercial caustic drain cleaners, leading to further damage. 24 Hour Plumber Perth professionals usually utilize an eco-friendly mechanical alternative such as a plumber's snake that physically runs inside pipes to smoothly clear clogs.
Plumber Perth Detects Water Leaks
Water leaks are quite common in old buildings and are usually invisible. These leaks could be dangerous, gradually warping and damaging your entire home or office without you noticing. Always keep in touch with our 24 Hour Plumber Perth for regular leak detection services and reduce any possible disasters, like sudden burst pipe that could flood your whole house.
Plumber Perth Offers Extra Plumbing Services
Our certified and qualified local plumbers are well equipped to fix water heaters, do kitchen remodelling, fixing different water treatments systems and assisting you to conserve energy. It is to your advantage when you skip going extra costs in purchasing bottled water. It is also great in the fact that plastic water bottles tend to cause pollution to the environment.
The good news is that, with the help of modern technology and expert knowledge, our local plumbers can deal with any problem and get your pipes and drains all in working order again. Having a specialist come in and determine a problem for you can help prevent future disasters and keep you out of risk. Why wouldn't you need that? The next time you've got a plumbing problem, call your 24 Hour Plumber Perth.Perth 24 Hour Plumbing is your local specialist. If you have an issue with a Blocked Drain Perth or hot water system Perth, then you need a 24 hour plumber Perth or an emergency plumber Perth to service you. You might also reach out to a gas plumber Perth to help you. It’s important that you have a plumber Perth, plumbing Perth, plumbers Perth you can trust. Drain Camera Perth are other service we offer to our clients. Make sure to visit our contact page.
We service many suburbs including: Plumber Anketell, Plumber Alfred Cove, Plumber Applecross, Plumber Alexander Heights, Plumber Bassendean, Plumber Banksia Grove, Plumber Banjup, Plumber Ballajura, Plumber Balga, Plumber Balcatta, Plumber Aveley, Plumber Aubin Grove, Plumber Atwell, Plumber Attadale, Plumber Ashfield, Plumber Churchlands, Plumber Caversham, Plumber Carlisle, Plumber Carine, Plumber Cannington, Plumber Canning Vale, Plumber Burswood, Plumber Bull Creek, Plumber Brentwood, Plumber Booragoon, Plumber East Fremantle, Plumber East Cannington, Plumber Duncraig, Plumber Doubleview, Plumber Dianella, Plumber Leeming, Plumber Leederville, Plumber Lathlain, Plumber Langford, Plumber Landsdale, Plumber Piara Waters, Plumber Peppermint Grove, Plumber Pearsall, Plumber Parkwood, Plumber Palmyra, Plumber Yokine, Plumber Woodvale, Plumber Woodlands, Plumber Winthrop, Plumber Wilson, Plumber Willetton, Plumber Willagee, Plumber White Gum Valley, Plumber Westminster, Plumber West Perth, Plumber West Leederville, Plumber Wembley Downs, Plumber Wembley, Plumber Welshpool, Plumber Wattle Grove, Plumber Watermans Bay, Plumber Waterford, Plumber Warwick, Plumber Wanneroo, Plumber Wangara, Plumber Victoria Park, Plumber Tuart Hill, Plumber Trigg, Plumber Treeby, Plumber Thornlie, Plumber Swanbourne, Plumber Subiaco, Plumber Stirling, Plumber St James, Plumber Spearwood, Plumber South Perth, Plumber South Lake, Plumber South Guildford, Plumber South Fremantle, Plumber Sorrento, Plumber Ardoss, Plumber Armadale, Plumber Asby, Plumber Ascot, Plumber Ashendon, Plumber Bateman, Plumber Bayswater, Plumber Beaconsfield, Plumber Beckenham, Plumber Bedford, Plumber Beechboro, Plumber Belmont, Plumber Bentley, Plumber Bibra Lake, Plumber Bicton.
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batemansbaytyres · 4 months
Top Maintenance Tips that will Extend the Life of Your Car
When you initially buy a car, it is common to believe that it doesn't need any maintenance. However, indications of ageing and maintenance issues will show up gradually but steadily. A creaking sound, tyre rupture and excessive fuel consumption are all signs that your car needs maintenance.
Regardless of its age, your car is a precious asset that must be cared for in order to work well. If you have larger issues with your car, it is better to take your car to Mechanics in Batemans Bay, but before that, have some idea about car maintenance tips given below:  
Maintain regular car maintenance services.
Read the car owner's manual to find out when your vehicle's recommended maintenance services should be done.  Preventative maintenance can help you save money, improve your safety, and avoid inconveniences.
Some of the issues that can be prevented by staying on schedule include the battery dying after being parked for too long, the heat and AC cutting out. You should also take care of the power windows locking up and the engine overheating.
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Replace the engine and gearbox oils.
Engine and gearbox oil helps in the smooth operation of various parts. Routine oil changes keep the car in good condition. Check the oil levels and top them up or drain them to fill them with new oil as given in the owner's manual. The most important car maintenance checklist item is to ensure that the oil levels are within the necessary requirements.
Tyre pressure monitoring
One of the most important yet often overlooked components of car maintenance is maintaining proper tyre pressure. Low tyre pressure can result in lower fuel efficiency, early wear and tear, and even accidents. It is advised that you check your tyre pressure once a month and before long drives. Proper tyre pressure improves safety and gives a comfortable and smooth ride.
Verify the lighting at regular intervals.
A faulty or non-working light might be dangerous, so check the blinkers, taillights, and headlights for functionality. If any of the lights are not working, take your vehicle to a Mechanics in Batemans Bay and get them changed if necessary. Headlights, taillights, and turn indicators are critical for keeping you and other road users safe. Replace any burned-out bulbs, non-functioning LEDs, or projector headlamps.
Regularly wash your car.
Grime can damage the paint and rust the car's metal parts. So, it is important to keep your car clean to prevent and major damage. Wash your car on a regular basis, especially if you have just returned from a lengthy trip. 
Rust protection
Rust can cause long-term damage to cars, including major damage to the bodywork and other metal parts. To maintain better performance, keep your car's engine clean and rust-free.
It is important to apply rust prevention chemicals on a regular basis to prevent rust from forming. Rust inhibitors, coatings, and waxes can help protect your car from rust, but it is critical to choose the correct solution for your vehicle and carefully follow the manufacturer's directions.
Disclaimer: This is generic Information & post; content about the services can be changed from time to time as per your requirements and contract. To get the latest and updated information, contact us today or visit our website.
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batemansbaytyres · 9 months
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Our team of skilled and certified mechanics brings a wealth of expertise to every repair and service. Rest easy knowing your vehicle is in the hands of professionals committed to delivering top-notch results.
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batemansbaytyres · 5 months
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When your car needs attention, you deserve a mechanic you can trust. Look no further than Batemans Bay Tyres for expert car mechanic services in Batemans Bay! Our experienced team is here to keep your vehicle running smoothly and reliably.
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batemansbaytyres · 6 months
The Road to Reliable Performance of Car Servicing in Batemans Bay
Many people force their vehicles daily. However, no longer all people know the significance of servicing cars often. Whether you have a logo-new automobile or one of the first-class fashions, it is crucial to preserve it well. Professionals advocate for motorists to service their motors every 3,000 miles covered.
You can be thinking why you want to invest money in everyday servicing, while your vehicle is doing simply excellent. To answer your query, we can give an explanation for the targeted motives for your car servicing in Batemans Bay.
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Improve protection on the street
Being able to power with peace of thoughts on the road is irreplaceable. Regular inspections can't only remedy contemporary troubles but can also come across capacity issues earlier than they occur. A normal car service will include checking and topping off the brake fluid, converting the oil, changing the air filter out, and checking the spark plugs and tire strain. It additionally examines to look if different components are functioning properly. They may even examine the general put on and tear of the car and update components as wished. You can use Long John dust flaps to protect your automobile.
Increase reliability
We've all experienced automobile hassle, however, it never takes place at a convenient time. It might be a catastrophe if your automobile breaks down at the manner to an important assembly or when you are driving far from domestic. That is why you should in no way forget about your car's warning signals when you sense something is wrong with it. Any trouble together with your automobile, regardless of how large or small should be left in the fingers of a professional to remedy.
Reduce expenses and growth fuel performance
A nicely-maintained car can use fuel more economically, for that reason enhancing the gas financial system. Also, if one element is broken and you forget about it, through the years, that component will pressure the other factors of the car.
Improve performance
Regular maintenance of your vehicle will make sure that it functions at its quality and runs easily in the changing street environment. You can be able to enjoy your car and all its functions to its satisfaction.
Extend the lifestyles of your vehicle
A car is a big funding and needs to remain for many years, preferably many years. It is the most effective natural that you might need to apply it for as long as possible. If you often check and maintain your automobile, you may be able to maintain its usage of it for the long term. You can even have the possibility to promote it in the future, on the way to provide you with an economic return on your preliminary funding.
Create upkeep records
Every time a car is sent for inspection or repair, the car proprietor's manual is updated. An automobile with an awesome maintenance record is an appealing element for ability-used automobile buyers. This suggests that the auto has been well taken care of and maintained. A logbook offers physical evidence of your vehicle beyond offerings and repairs.
Increase the value of your automobile
Regular carriers will preserve your vehicle in higher condition for longer. It extends the lifestyles of your engine with the aid of making sure that every one of the factors is functioning optimally and decreasing the strain on your automobile's engine. All these factors contribute to retaining the price of the car for the long term, which is a vital aspect in promoting the automobile quickly and at the desired price.
Reduce the impact on the environment
An unmaintained car emits a lot of dangerous exhaust gases. This can result in air pollution. By keeping up with the renovation of your car and hiring a professional to alternate the oil and brake fluid regularly, your car will run extra easily. A regular vehicle provider will lessen the strain on your car's engine with the aid of checking the tire stress and adjusting it if vital.
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batemansbaytyres · 9 months
Optimize Performance with Precision: Diesel Car Servicing Excellence
Ensure your diesel-powered vehicle continues to run at peak performance with our specialized Diesel Car Servicing. At Batemans Bay Tyres, our skilled technicians are equipped to handle the unique needs of diesel engines, providing comprehensive servicing to keep your vehicle efficient, reliable, and ready for the road.
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batemansbaytyres · 9 months
Expert Diesel Car Servicing for Peak Performance
Ensure your diesel-powered vehicle continues to operate at its best with specialized diesel car servicing at Batemans Bay Tyres. Our skilled technicians are trained to provide comprehensive and efficient diesel engine maintenance, addressing the unique needs of diesel vehicles. From routine servicing to complex repairs, trust us to keep your diesel car running smoothly and reliably on the road.
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batemansbaytyres · 10 months
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From routine maintenance to complex repairs, our skilled technicians ensure your diesel vehicle runs at its best. Trust us for reliable and efficient diesel car servicing. Schedule your appointment today!
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batemansbaytyres · 1 year
What are the purposes of diesel servicing?
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Our diesel car servicing in Batemans Bay is designed differently from gasoline engines, for example, and they’re also more complex, with many components that can fail if not properly maintained. Petrol engines do not have diesel fuel injection, turbochargers, or diesel particulate filters (DPFs).
Another reason is that many diesel-powered cars need more frequent maintenance. Diesel mechanics should be familiar with service to ensure that they are safe to operate.
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