thenalssp · 1 year
The Network of American Legal Support Service Professionals is an online marketing solution designed to connect the community of individuals, businesses and organizations representing diverse fields of practice throughout the legal industry with the clients seeking their expertise.
Visit NALSSP.COM and Sign Up during our Early Enrollment Period before April 30, 2023 to save 25% of annual subscription plans.
Join The Network of American Legal Support Service Professionals today!
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transmutationisms · 1 year
kendall dabbling with "buddhist daily quotes dot" reminded me of the first ep of s3 when he tells rava sth like "like you always said its either this (taking over waystar) or becoming a monk in mount athos". he reminds her of an observation that she made about him and he seems to agree with it. And the fact that these are the two options that they can think of for him is very telling for what i see as kendall's need to be in service of something powerful and also his need to feel chosen by Daddy™ (be it god or logan). I also think about his line "i needed to feel weak" that he tells dodds in s1s10 that was cut, and i think this also relates to him thinking becoming a monk is an option (even in a passsing thought),i.e living a life defined by surrender and acceptance of the weakness of the human condition. I think kendall resents having to feel and be strong so i think a monk fantasy helps him escape his resentment and live in his weakness without it being and indictment on his character. idk if him shifting from monkhood at mount athos to daily buddhist quotes dot com in s4e1 says anything about him being disillusioned by Daddy™ lol.
idk if this is coherent but when i saw your post i was literally thinking about that kendall moment in s3e1 and wanted to share some thoughts.
mm, i think there's also a joke here about the catholic -> buddhist pipeline. like, ex-catholics will be like "i don't believe in the omnipotent christian god anymore!" but then they still like, have that hardcore dualist swag where they're morally afraid of bodily experience and they graft that onto a weird bastardised version of buddhism with the same self-flagellation they were always doing but expressed in different language. also for kendall, he has no stable identity or sense of self and so there's something almost freeing about whatever understanding he has of buddhism where it's like, ooh, subsume yr individual identity into the Many! and like, doesn't really do anything with that concept or build on it, but kendall treats it as a shortcut to enlightenment or transcendence. which is also why it's easy for him to forget all of it once he has his name on a piece of paper: it was never a serious ideological commitment and was more just him engaging shallowly with a philosophy he brought his own shit into, and whoops, now he's actually back to wanting the company anyway lol
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faultfalha · 11 months
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Kenya is in chaos. The death toll mounts as the police crackdown on protests against the new US-IMF backed tax regime intensifies. The people are angry, desperate. They know that this new tax will only further impoverish them, that it is yet another way for the rich to line their pockets. The future looks bleak. But the people will not be silenced. They are fighting for their rights, for their future. Even in the face of violence and brutality, they refuse to give up. And they may yet win. The US-IMF may have overplayed their hand this time. The people of Kenya are ready to fight, and they will not be defeated.
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bonescaps · 8 months
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heighpubsseo · 2 years
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medibyteslegal · 4 months
Medibytes Legal provides Independent Medico-Legal Services with a difference. We are efficient and take swift action on your case, minimising time from assessment to report so that you can act upon the opinion you receive in a timely and considered way.
We empower your decisions by providing medical experts who understand the industry and are experienced in the art of moving a case forward with robust, evidence based opinions.
Our specialists conduct Independent medical examinations and provide evidence based reports on the following types of cases:
Workers Compensation
Personal Injury
Public Liability
Institutional Abuse
Income Protection
Fitness for Duty
Superannuation Claims
We provide a quick report turnaround of between 4-10 business days.
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vitality-bss · 10 months
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Vitality specializes in providing Knowledge and Business Process Outsourcing services for companies in the US, UK, and Australia. Vitality is not just a service provider but also a committed partner who makes a valuable difference to your business.
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simplyforensic · 11 months
Unveiling the Deadly Truth: The Sinister Perils of Arsenic Poisoning
Decoding the Poisonous Compounds of Arsenic and Its Devastating Effects Arsenic Poisoning: The Malevolent Mask of Toxicity Arsenic might appear innocent, but beneath its metallic facade lies a lethal truth. Let’s uncover the dangerous compounds of arsenic and how its true nature emerges under specific conditions. Metallic Arsenic: A Deceptive Facade: In its metallic form, arsenic is not…
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aiclindia · 1 year
Safeguard Yourself With Medico Legal Indemnity Services For Doctors
Using the medico legal indemnity services, the doctors can feel secure knowing that they are safeguarded against the lawful claims and they have access to professional legal advice if required. This can give doctors the confidence to practice medicine without the panic of lawful consequences, and allowing them to concentrate on giving the great possible care to their patients. The medico legal indemnity services for doctors are a must-have for healthcare experts in today's controversial society. By safeguarding yourself with this necessary insurance, you can keep away from the financial and specialized penalties of a lawful claim and continue to give the utmost care to your patients.
How Medico Legal Services Can Assist Doctors Avoid Proceedings?
As a doctor, you dedicate your life to assisting people. You must give proper medical care, give advice, and perform everything you can to recover the health and well-being of your patients. But, sometimes, regardless of your good efforts, things can go incorrect, and a patient may undergo injury or harm. This is where; medico legal indemnity services for doctors come in, offering vital security and support when you need it most.
The medico legal indemnity is a kind of insurance that gives financial protection to the healthcare experts against the legal claims happening from their medical practice. It is a very important defends for the doctors, mainly those who work in high-risk areas such as surgery or obstetrics.  The medico legal services for doctors can also give assistance and advice in the event of a lawful disagreement; assisting doctors find the way for difficulties of the legal system.
For more information about medicolegal, medico-legal cases consultant, medical negligence cases in india, professional indemnity policy, contact us here - https://www.aiclindia.com
Our Contact Address:
54, Vinobapuri, Lajpat Nagar 2, New Delhi, Delhi 110024 India
Whatsapp: +91 7479747747
Helpline: +91 7506757575
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itcubebpo · 1 year
Medical record retrieval is a complex process that requires professional assistance. While some firms still rely on their in-house teams to handle the job, it can lead to errors and waste valuable time and resources. Outsourcing to a team of highly trained and experienced medical record retrieval service providers can benefit your company greatly.
This blog discusses the importance of medical record retrieval and how outsourcing to experts can help firms.
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ds-mag · 2 years
We understand, We care, We provide - Medical Fact Finders Seamlessly integrating Analytics, Technology, Operations, and Medical Expertise Get In Touch. DS-MAG is a unit of Datascribe Technologies INC.
Medical Record Summaries
1. Short Medical Summaries: The most important and time-saving element of a long document is its summary. DSMAG are pioneers in condensing and presenting a redacted, accurate and short medical summary to its clients which helps in informed decision making.
2. Medical Narrative Letter: DSMAG prepares a concise running digest of the patient’s medical profile history in a narrative letter format including, but not limited to, procedures, visits, consultations, germane medical records and bills, etc., in a sorted and indexed format.
3. Pre-screening of Medical Malpractice Case: Frivolous complaints are a huge predicament on a client’s resources. DSMAG helps you substantially reduce such frivolous cases by preparing a pre-screening of medical malpractice cases with the help of our panel of legal and medical experts.
4. Organization/ Summarization of Medical Records: Dealing with thousands of medical records daily can be nerve-wracking. DSMAG comes to the rescue, by helping you focus on relevant records that are systematically organized as per your organizational needs. To assist you further, we summarize the focus material for a quick review.
5. Medical Narrative Summary: DSMAG provides a succinct medical narrative summary description highlighting all the major events that define the course of a medical case. The medical narrative summaries are essential for driving focus on the more pressing matters quickly.
6. Medical Abstract summary: A medical abstract summary allows you to learn about the important aspects of a study or research in a short period. They essentially serve as the trailer of a movie, giving you the gist of the entire content. DSMAG cuts down on all redundant data and makes sure that you access only the relevant and the essential.
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amarpatil1 · 2 years
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spectrascribe4u · 1 year
Personal Injury Claims For Mental Health Injuries
Understanding Mental Health Injury Claims: What to Know Before Filing a Personal Injury Claim
Mental health injuries can be just as devastating as physical injuries, yet they are often overlooked and misunderstood when it comes to filing personal injury claims. People don't realize that they can seek legal compensation for emotional distress, depression, and other mental illnesses. In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know before filing a mental health injury claim.
Types of Mental Health Injuries Eligible for Personal Injury Claims
Mental health injuries such as PTSD, depression, and anxiety can be eligible for personal injury claims in certain situations. These claims are often difficult to prove, as mental health injuries are not as easily visible as physical injuries, but can be equally as damaging. In some cases, where the mental health injury was caused by the negligence of another, a claim may be successful. This could include, for example, an employer failing to provide a safe working environment or an individual causing emotional distress by their actions or words. Seeking legal advice is the best way to understand if you may have a potential claim and what steps you would need to take.
If a person has sustained a mental health injury due to the negligence or wrongful act of another person, they may be able to file a claim. Mental health injuries can take many forms, from depression and anxiety to post-traumatic stress disorder. These mental health issues can have a significant impact on an individual's quality of life and ability to work, making it important for those affected to seek legal justice. In such cases, the person responsible must be held accountable for their actions and any financial losses resulting from the injury must be appropriately compensated. By filing a claim, victims of mental health injuries have the chance to receive compensation for their suffering and ensure that similar incidents are prevented in the future.
Additionally, if an employer has knowingly caused emotional distress to an employee, that employee may have grounds for a personal injury claim
All in all, it is important to remember that mental health injuries are serious, and just as with any other injury, they should be taken seriously. When it comes to employers, they have an even greater responsibility to ensure the safety of their employees, both physically and emotionally. If an employer has knowingly caused emotional distress to an employee, that employee may have grounds for a personal injury claim. As such, employers should strive to create an environment that is conducive to good mental health for all employees.
Understanding the Requirements to File a Mental Health Injury Claim
It is important to understand the legal requirements in your jurisdiction for filing a mental health injury claim. Mental health injuries can have a lasting impact on individuals, so it is important to become informed about your rights and legal options. In most states, mental health injury claims fall under personal injury law and require proof of negligence or harm caused by another person or entity. The claimant must also show that their mental health suffered as a result, including how the harm affected them psychologically, emotionally, or physically. Additionally, the statute of limitations for filing such a claim is often much shorter than other types of personal injury cases. Therefore, it is essential to take action promptly if you believe that you have suffered a mental health injury as a consequence of someone else’s actions or negligence.
You must have evidence that the injury was caused by an action or inaction on the part of the defendant when it comes to mental health injuries. This means it must be shown that a defendant's behaviour caused the mental health injury, such as an employer failing to take reasonable care and breaching their duty of care resulting in an employee's psychological harm. It is important to bear in mind that the harm must have been foreseeable for a claim to be successful. Additionally, the plaintiff must take reasonable steps to reduce or mitigate the injury suffered. If these criteria are met then there are grounds for pursuing a claim for mental health injuries.
You must also prove that you suffered physical or psychological harm as a result of the injury In conclusion; Mental Health Injuries can be serious and long-lasting. It is important to understand that to be able to receive compensation for such an injury, it is necessary to provide evidence that physical or psychological harm has been caused as a result of the injury. Therefore, it is important for individuals who have suffered a Mental Health Injury to take all the appropriate steps to ensure that they can receive the compensation that they deserve.
Final Say
People often overlook the lasting effects of mental health injuries, but they can be just as damaging as physical injuries. To ensure you get the maximum compensation that you are entitled to, it is important to go into the process with a full understanding of the details surrounding mental health injury claims. With the right information and assistance from an experienced personal injury lawyer, you can successfully fight against injustice and get the compensation you deserve. For more information visit the website: https://spectrascribe.com/
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thelegalbase · 2 years
Privilege Logs – A crucial litigation document for law firms
Privilege Log is a litigation document wherein certain documents are withheld from Disclosure in accordance with C.R.C.P. 26(b) (3) and 26(b) (5). As the Privilege logs are filed directly in the Court of Law, outsourcing them for faster turnaround of the records is being slowly considered as the top preference by the law firms. As the privilege log is time bound, completing them on time has been a huge challenge so law firms are seeking cost effective but quality-based outsourcing options. The TLB’s medicolegal team has a team of skilled doctors who vet the details of the medical treatments undergone by a plaintiff and redact the unrelated things to the fact in issue. The team puts together the strongest logs to ensure your client’s privileged data are safe and redacted from all the documents. TLB also medico legal consultants in the team who are currently consulting leading hospitals just so to make sure the quality of work is never compromised.
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TLB’s Team’s Approach
The benefit of a privilege log created by TLB are many. It helps the attorneys to keep a track of privileges which they are asserting in response to discovery requests, the point in time that the privilege is asserted and documents the circumstances surrounding their communication of the privilege to the opposing party. Using the log created by TLB, attorneys can keep themselves honest by requiring them to put a finer point on their privilege assertions. The maximum of the benefit that attorneys will derive is from the fact that the opposing party will not have an opportunity to come back later and seek sanctions and, that if they do the court will have documentation from which to decide in the practitioner’s favor. TLB takes systematic approach to create a Privilege Log and the steps are adhered to as per the checklist. The doctors and medico legal consultants combine together their expertise to draft the most accurate privilege logs:
The team takes the Cause Title for the Privilege Log from the relevant documents
The team goes through nitty gritties of the medical records and highlight/redact the un-related facts
The team arranges the log in a chronological manner making sure all the pertinent data is included.
The team can put the page numbers or bates number of the relevant records accurately in another document to make sure you know which pages have been redacted.
The redacted info is put and each and every body part and/or different treatments undergone by the Plaintiff which are unrelated to the incident is well explained to avoid confusions or any contradictions.
As mostly a part information is redacted from the medical records, such information, which is unrelated to the fact in issue is redacted and named as partly privileged.
Related Documents that are prepped
TLB Medico Legal Team is extremely skilled at prepping all the related documents along side the Privilege Logs. These documents are prepared simultaneously to save costs and time and law firms have benefitted immensely from these combined services. The team can prepare, medical summaries or chronologies, demand letters, billing summaries, prepare an excel sheet listing the documents received, Injuries summaries, economic and non-economic damages summaries, missing documents list, client communication letters and can generate all relevant letters in the case management tool including the HIPAA letters.
Data Security and maintenance of confidentiality
A medical record, which is a systematic documentation of a patient’s medical history and care. is used both for the physical folder for each individual patient and for the body of information which comprises the total of each patient’s health history. Medical records are extremely personal documents and there are many ethical and legal issues surrounding them such as the degree of third-party access and appropriate storage and disposal. Therefore, TLB takes utmost care of the medical records and ensures that all the records are stored in the cloud server. The transfer of the documents is also done securely to make sure nothing in the contract is breached. The law firms can also track the work live by access provided by TLB and meet the team and know their profiles as well. Medical records are usually disorganized and have to be organized and then summarized in chronological order. TLB’s team can very well decipher and review the medical records that may include EMS reports, ER/ED record, nursing notes, physician notes, admission/history & physical, consultation/evaluation reports, diagnostics reports, procedure/operative/surgery reports, medication administration record, treatment records, prescriptions, therapy notes, flow sheets, discharge summary, discharge instructions, and other progress notes. The doctors and the medico legal consultants bring in their top skills while reviewing these records.
If you wish to know more about our approach, kindly do reach out to us and know the further benefits of engaging with TLB’s medicolegal team.
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