#Megatron won't stop untill he will have his prime's attention
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The most common thing that I have seen people talking about TFP is that Megatron's unhealthy obsession with optimus and after eons of war, Optimus just being impassively done with the antics.
Megatron:*hovering over Optimus* Optimus my love... I am waiting to be in ur arms.... Please notice me ... notice me as I am in need of your time *start singing in the most dramatic way possible*
I need your time
I need your love
When everything wrong
You make it right~~~
Optimus:* Bang the data pat on Megatron's face less violently just to shut him up * Nope...
Picture from Pinterest
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sonicasura · 1 year
Transformers: Analog Horror Style
I've been talking about this on a non fandom related Discord and decided to bring it here. There are various analog horrors that utilize non horror series such as Splatoon 3 or Jurassic Park. It felt only right to add something like Transformers to the mix.
Extraterrestrial mechanical beings who can disguise themselves as various machinery, grainy footage and videotapes that only hold clues??? Perfect material for a horror. Here's some ideas that came to mind.
Nowhere is safe and one wrong move can potentially be your last. The Internet is a stalking ground so post or search with caution. Lest you wind up on Soundwave's radar. This Decepticon will be happy to light up his targets for one reason: an insidious hunt for the spy master's cassettes to enjoy.
Ever seen a beautiful sports car parked by the side with a sleek blood red paint job? DO NOT TOUCH. Unless you want to meet the same fate as all the others who run afoul with Knockout.
A terror in the skies that signals disaster wherever he appears. Pray the lone jet doesn't reveal it's true form. Don't look and hope he hadn't spotted you if a glimpse occurs. Survivors of Starscream are miniscule.
Results are all that matter. Morals? Worthless. Lives? Another opportunity to experiment. Emotions? Not needed. Shockwave only serves for the cause with lethal efficiency.
It is useless to hide. This will only excite him. Run as it chips away at his boredom. Fight and he'll be merry to slaughter the lamb caught in his gaze. All Hail Megatron as humanity is nothing but a plaything.
The only way this information can get through is by the way of analog. Find these tapes at your own risk. There is no turning back the moment the video starts. Decepticons don't lose their prey easily.
It's nearly impossible to tell if they have good intentions unlike their more violent counterparts. The Internet is a double edged sword that needs to be regarded with caution. Autobots are at a greater disadvantage than you think. What little information about them is scarce.
Communication and knowledge is minimal. Some can speak but how comprehensible they are varies. The most understandable share only broken sentences that rarely blur into inhuman language. A few offer a 'soup' of linguistics which share little to no connection. Some play by the ear but don't understand what every word means. The remainder are mute, either speaking in their language or have no voice box to respond through.
Most don't understand how humans function. A situation that has led to people being slaughtered by Decepticons, accidental harm to the innocent, or danger by their fellow man who believe they gone insane. This has led to a decision from their leader, Optimus Prime.
Human help is REQUIRED. They need a liaison if the Autobots hope to even catch up to the Decepticons. Government related officials won't do as these humans are too volatile and always under Soundwave's surveillance.
What they need is a teacher. Someone who can offer such knowledge and not marked as a person of interest to their enemies. A bystander will do.
Pay attention to the car that appears outside your driveway. Look closer at the one following behind on the road. Did another join each car? Flee foolishly and they will give chase.
If the lights behind you disappear, DON'T RELAX. The Peterbilt is coming. Avoid him as he will trap you. Stop and the chance of escape dwindles. Turning off the engine was a bad mistake. DO NOT RUN. Optimus Prime will catch you and escape is impossible.
Welcome to the war. You can't escape until one side wins. The Autobots are guardians but also prison wards to their chosen liaison. You will be protected yet caution is still advised. Welcome to this new dangerous life.
That's it for now! Until next time folks, I'll see you later. Transform and Roll Out!
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mochacoffeeumai26 · 1 year
Optimus Prime X Female human child reader
Summary: Prime was patrolling in his alt form, at one point he stopped for a while. What he wasn't expecting was for a little girl to open the door of his alt form and suddenly get inside.
Warning(s): Mentions of death, cringe (everything I do is cringe-)
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Prime was currently in his alt form while patrolling, the sun had set a few hours ago. Sure, the decepticons weren't attacking now, but Optimus was still patrolling just in case.
He had on the road for about an hour or more, he finally decided to stop for a while in a secluded area.
About five minutes of staying in one spot, Optimus suddenly felt the door of his alt form open, but he wasn't the one who had opened the door.
"Big truck... Cool truck..." He heard a tiny voice speak. The autobot then realised that a human child had managed to open the door of his alt form and climb inside.
Prime wasn't sure what to do.
Should he transform?
Should he tell the child to get out?
Should he wait until she leaves?
Where were her parents?
"Child..." The little girl jumped when she heard Optimus' voice from the radio.
"Ooh! The truck can talk?!" You giggled and stared at the radio. "I'm listening, Mister truck!"
"Please, step out."
"Okay!" Without hesitating, you opened the door and jumped out.
Your smile grew as you suddenly saw the truck transform into a giant robot. "Woah! You're a robot! Cool! You look way cooler than the ones I saw the other day!"
The ones you saw the other day?
That caught the autobot's attention.
Optimus crouched to your level, his optics staring into your (eye colour) eyes.
"What other robots, child...?" Prime did his best to make his voice soft and gentle so he would scare you.
"The big silver one who made my house go 'boom!!' with mama and papa still in it. He made other houses go 'boom!' too." Your grip on your favourite animal plushie and blanket increased slightly.
Just based on what you said Optimus knew that you were talking about Megatron.
Megatron had killed your parents.
"What's your name, Mister?" You interrupted the autobot's thoughts when you suddenly spoke.
"My name is Optimus Prime, child."
"Cool! I'm [Name]! Mister Optimus, you kinda remind me of papa. You have like...this deep serious voice." You smiled.
"How long have you been alone, child?" Optimus asked as he looked around, there wasn't any sign of houses nearby.
"I dunno, I've seen the moon come out...like two or three times?" You did your best to remember.
You've been alone for over a day. No child should be alone without their parents for over a day.
Prime asked if you had any relatives you could go to, but you only shook your head.
"Mister Optimus...Can I stay with you?" You suddenly became teary eyed and your voice cracked as you spoke. "I don't...I don't wa-wanna be alone anymore..."
Optimus sighed. He shouldn't let you stay with him. He would just put you in danger.
"Please? I won't be a burden or cause trouble...i promise!!" You did your best to wipe your tears.
Optimus sighed once again. "Just for a while... Then you must leave and go back with other humans."
Prime transformed into his alt form before opening the door. You giggled before quickly climbing inside and closing the door.
(Should I make a part 2?)
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kalixora · 2 years
I followed Bumblebee for quite a bit when he suddenly stopped, I stopped behind him watching as Sam and Mikaela got out and stood there while Bumblebee drove away.
He's always had a habit of doing this back home from what I remember, He'd leave and come back like nothing happened.
A few seconds went by and Bumblebee came back in a better looking vehicle, Sam and Mikaela stared at him in awe while getting in.
I followed him slowly and cautiously; he could be leading me into a trap, but it's reasonable to presume he's not…
We came to a halt near a spot where Sam and Mikaela were watching as other cybertronions began to rain down into the Earth's night sky.
After that, I followed Bumblebee around for a while, eventually finding myself following him to an alleyway. I waited around the corner; regardless of my plan, it's safer for me to stay out of sight.
I heard some of the others speaking and adjusting. a voice… that voice… it was Optimus Prime. The last Prime… A shiver went up my spine; he sounds nothing like Megatron. It's pleasant in certain ways-
The medical officer of the Autobots, Ratchet, spoke softly enough for me to miss what he was saying in our language.
Ironhide, who was the weapon specialist back home and probably still is, scoffed in a harsh and raspy voice that I immediately recognized.
“Come over here, femme, Restarlueus (arms) and servos (hands) up, now,” Ironhide's voice had a hint of intimidation. I changed into my robot mode and entered the alley as instructed. I looked down and saw Sam and Mikaela. Their expressions were a mix of relief and lingering fear.
Scrap, there are five Autobots… this may turn out bad. But, frag it, I’m already here. When I succeed, I can convince Megatron that I am honorable. Screamer will never have a chance against me again. Unless Shockwave arrives…
“What is your designation(name), solider?” Optimus inquiries.
I raised my helm(head) slightly to look up at him. “Y/N.”
Upon watching Ironhide aim his gun at me, Bumblebee hesitantly moved in front of me. Why?
“What is it that you seek Y/N?." Ironhide grunted, his ocular ridges tightening as he walked forward, "If your here for the boy, I'll destroy you before you get a chance."
I looked down at Mikaela, then back at Optimus. “I seek knowledge, Mikaela said words to me that moved my spark, I would like to learn more from the girl.”
Mikaela is peering up at me from the corner of my eyes, a faint smile on her fleshy face.
After a brief period of silence, Optimus turned his attention from me to the girl before nodding emphatically. Drawing back his canons, Ironhide muttered. “Trust is earned, Y/N I understand you are under Megatron’s command list, trust is earned, if what you say is true then I will hold you to it.”
I nodded and turned my helm towards Mikaela, returning a modest smile.
I'm not lying about what I told Optimus, but her remarks are making me question myself a little bit more. Not because I’m a femme, No, it’s deeper then that. I might benefit for the time being from taking a break from the others.
Bumblebee whistled at me to get my attention.
“Welcome to the team old friend,” He spoke on the radio through several broadcasting outlets. I won't get accustomed to this, I assure you. I can still clearly hear his voice in my head. It's a terrible what occurred happened, Blitzwing truly offers no mercy.
“Prime, are we really going to let a con follow us to Sam’s location?” Ironhide questioned.
“I agree with Ironhide, Optimus, this could be a trap.”
Bumblebee waved his servos shaking his helm. “She’d have my head by now…captain.”
I laughed as I turned my backplate towards them. "There's no need to cover my defense,  They're right, Bumblebee, you can't always trust a Decepticon." I switch to my alternate mode before driving a short distance out of the alley.
“Let’s move quickly, I fear the decepticons are getting ready to mobilize,” Ratchet said. “Bumblebee should remain with her until further notice.”
“No time,” Optimus says. “I trust that Y/N will know better then to make contact.”
“How do you know that boss man?” Jazz asked. “The evil ones always have the prettiest faces.”
“I do not know, just be alert in case Y/N does act against her words.” Optimus stated. “Let’s roll.”
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starlightmoon96 · 5 days
Yandere Optimus Prime/Yandere Megatron x OC character chapter 13
(Mentions of type of torture and blood/marking/ physical harm)
Sabina ended up sleeping in the inside of the truck during haft the way of the drive, Optimus didn't want to wake her up from the drive. Once he stopped he activated his holo form from the inside to wake Sabina up which she did, when she looked up she saw that he had stopped at a privet base that didn't look occupied and out in the middle of nowhere. Upon stepping out Optimus's holo form reached out his hand to Sabina and she took it, the second she did he pulled her to him and held her in his arms bridal style then kissed her on her lips that made her eyes widen until he released them and smiled to her
"You have no idea how happy I am right now." He smiled still remind as he looking at the bruises on both sides of her neck while he was walking with her to the entrance of the facility, once the entrance of the facility open Sabina was surprised at what she was looking at. From the inside of the base it was the perfect size for Optimus it looked like a privet storage unit for him since it looked like it had his belongings in it, though one area caught her attention which was a room that had a black room on it. Upon seeing it Optimus had put her down with Sabina standing up and walking to the room as he talked to her
"In case you are wondering this is my private storage facility, you're the first to see and be in it. And that room right there is yours I made it just for you." Right after saying that Sabina had touched the door knob of the door she barely hesitated before opening it, when she did she was very speechless at the inside. The room was filling with gothic ideas just like in her old room that she used to live in, but the room was larger than her old room what really caught her attention was the massive king size gothic themed bed in there. Just when Sabina was about to speak she left optimus's metal arms around her waist from behind her and his body pressed on her back as which shocked that he used his mass displacement once more and he spoke to her
"Upon seeing your previous type of living and from what you told me, I wanted to make this to something you enjoyed." Sabina saw the colors of lust and love on him she was a little afraid to question how he ever managed to get a hold of the items in that room, what Sabina also noticed was a small library and an art studio for her.
"I see you just noticed the library and art studio." Optimus said that to her as he started kissing the side of her neck while he held her chin in place while he still spoke to her
"Unfortunately I do have to leave, you have my trust to roam freely and explore." Sabina left his grip on her waist barely tighten and she saw his colors changed to very serious
"I know you can tell that I'm serious, don't plan on escaping either. I will know."
"I won't you have my word." Was what Sabina said to Optimus, right after she said that he had kissed her again on her lips for a good minute before he released them and spoke to her
"Good choice of words." Not long after that Optimus did end up leaving and with her alone, she ended up looking around in the inside first. She was surprised that Optimus had all the weapons she was seeing, the next place she looked around was her new room despite it being the way she liked it she knew it and the entire facility was her prison even if Optimus gave her permission to walk around outside. She still needed a way to find help without Optimus knowing about it, like before she could only help herself. Upon looking around her room she saw that there was snacks in one of the cabinets and they were the kind that she liked, one of the snacks that caught her attention was coffee jelly. Of course she grabbed it and with a plastic spoon she started eating it on the bed for a couple of minutes.
"I wonder how he knew I like this." Right after she asked herself that she also noticed a neat stack of CD's on the dresser, she went over to them and saw that they were Fall Out Boys CD's just like the ones she had along with a few BTS CD's and looking over her shoulder she did find an old radio with a CD player in it.
"He's very observant, I guess that's why he's a leader?" While she was talking she picked up one of the CD's
"And I don't have to be in the quiet either." Since Optimus gave her permission to roam freely she decided to look around outside of her room and look at the weapons, it was her first time seeing Cybertronian weapons which impressed her by their size. She did wanted to ask him what each one does, one thing Optimus didn't know was that she was a gamer. She was forced to quit when she was in high school since it felt like the stalker was even in her own multi player and stealth games, Sabina wasn't surprised that Optimus didn't know. Though she knew that Megatron knew about it like everything else in her life, while she was looking around to her surprise she didn't find any pictures of her anywhere. It was a yandere trait to have pictures of the one they so called loved, so what she looked up. Once she was done looking around the outside she decided to pass the time by reading a couple of book and listening to her music in her room, since there was no windows in that room it was hard to tell how many hours will pass. There was a bathroom in her room so the first thing look at the kiss marks Optimus had placed on her neck from the reflection of the mirror, they looked like bruise marks almost than kiss marks. Another yandere trait was marking if she hit them she knew Optimus wouldn't be happy about it, Sabina pulled her shirt down enough to see her collar bones to see they had the same kiss marks as well.
"He didn't hold back on the marking he wanted it to make it clear." Once she thought that she looked over at the mirror reflection to see her engagement ring and thought about Hiro and was VERY lucky optimus didn't notice the ring on her finger, she then started thinking as she left that bathroom about how Optimus would know is she escaped. Optimus couldn't have put camera's since he's the type that respects privacy, then she thought of motion detectors since it sounded more like him. Thinking about it more something told her that Megatron knows about Optimus taking her and is no doubt at the moment trying to find her himself, thinking about it terrified her Megatron terrified her she preferred Optimus instead of him. So she was a little nervous looking around outside in cause he spotted her or one of his followers in that matter, after some time had passed which was eight hours and dark out Optimus had returned back. The first thing he did was to check on Sabina using his mass displacement to open and enter her room, he was happy to see that she didn't leave instead he saw her sleeping on the bed while an open book was placed across her chest. Seeing that showing that she spend the rest of the day reading, by the time Sabina started to wake up she found herself in a similar position as when she was in her old home in New York. Only this time she was on top of Optimus with her head resting near his neck since one of his hands was places behind her head and his other hand was placed around her waist lovingly, Sabina was afraid to move or speak though her eyes wondered up to see that Optimus was asleep. Since there was no sunlight light in her room she couldn't tell if it was morning or night outside, while she was wondering how she ended up in the position she was in she felt the hand from the back of her head slowly move down. Her hair going through optimus's fingers letting all of her hair fall down from the brad she made before hand, the second Sabina looked up Optimus had kissed her on her lips using her hand that he had moved to gently lift up her chin for more support.
"Good to see that you're awake." Optimus as said that when he stopped kissing her and said that with a calm smile on his face, he saw that she was a little embraced. Her face started to get redder when he started to sit up and she was now sitting in a very close way she wasn't comfortable doing yet. She quickly remembered trying that same position with Hiro but she couldn't do it and started crying out of entrancement, Sabina had hid her face in Optimus's chest as he was starting to chuckle seeing her the way she was acting.
"You're more innocent than I thought Sabina." The reason why he sat up the way he did was to see how Sabina would act, he was very pleased that she acted the way she did proved to him that she didn't go any further with anyone yet. As for Sabina she could feel Optimus's heat up with how close she was to him ad from the way he was holding her.
"Sabina why don't we go outside for a little bit?" Hearing optimus say that made her look back up at him with her race still red from embracement and small amount of tears falling down her eyes, once the two stepped outside out of the private base, it was till cold out so and it looked to be around ten in the morning from the sunlight outside she put on her jacket just when she got outside to Sabina's surprise Optimus had lifted her off the ground and sat her on his shoulder so that she wouldn't have to walk. She saw Optimus pull out a type of device and pressed one of the buttons on it before walking off with her, Sabina was trying to figure out where they where she did noticed that the location was a lot colder than California this proved to her that they must be somewhere up north. After some time walking Optimus had taken Sabina to a very beautiful mountain scene, she knew where she was from the sight. The sight that she was looking at was a beautiful view of Portage Lake with a perfect and beautiful view of the haft snowed mountain, Sabina knew right there that she was in Alaska. Optimus smiled seeing her happy with the sweet beautiful smile he loved to see on her the most, the same smile she used on him when they first met and what really made Optimus fall in love with her. They didn't stay out long though Optimus did have to leave again, he still had the duties to do as a leader and to make sure no one found out about Sabina. Not long after Optimus had left Sabina felt inspired to paint the scenery that she saw, it took her about two hours to paint and finish and she was happy with her piece. Once Sabina was finished she decided to warm herself up by using the bath, the tub itself was a little big like it could fit four people. Sabina realized that when she started the hot water, because of the size it was going to take a few minutes to fill which gave her time to switch out her clothes to a short black kimono bath robe that she found. She did complain a little when she wore it, it was a little too sexy for her liking but Sabina really had no other choice. She was also happy that she had access to heat and hot water, she still thought this environment was better than she imagined if Megatron had taken her instead of Optimus. She knew anything was better than anything having to do with Megatron, Sabina hated him more since he had Richard killed and found out he killed her father. The warm water she was in help her calm her mind and try to figure out a way to escape, she knew that Toshiro had put a very large reward to find her or have any information about her whereabouts. Sabina also had a feeling he's trying or already did contact Ratchet about what had happened, he never gave them any form of contact. But putting out a reward should get his attention. After an hour she got out of the bathroom and put on a fresh change of clothes, though she was a little upset just like with the bathrobe the pajamas that she found was a men's long sleeved white button up shirt that was long enough past her thighs. Once she put it on she saw and noticed the sleeves where a little big and to her surprised it looks a little more descent than she thought it would on her, wanting to hear human contact she wanted to test the old radio to see if it worked on any other station. Sabina was very happy to see that the radio worked after a few minutes she finally found the news station and a certain topic popped up
" In other news the world wide search for the artist Sabina Rose has been going rapid across the nation of the united states, if anyone hasn't heard there a million dollar reward or several thousand dollars for any information on her whereabouts. From what we know Sabina disappeared just a couple of days ago on no ransom has been ask and the culprit is assumed to be very dangerous and there might be more than one, the public is warned if anyone finds Sabina they must be VERY careful…." Sabina stopped the station by turning it off she started crying and smiling at the same time upon hearing the news. It was as she thought Toshiro would do, she was so happy to know people will be looking for her and that there might be help from Ratchet.
"Toshiro thank you." Sabina listen to the news station for the rest of the day while she was painting a few new pieces of course she put her hair in a brad so it wouldn't get in the paint. By the time Optimus had returned back he caught her in the middle of doing her painting using his mass displacement he looked over to see that she painting she did was of a beautiful aurora above the snow filled mountain, Sabina was just about done when she looked over at Optimus
"Well what do you think?" To her surprised Optimus had kissed her on her lips for about a few second and he answered her
"It's beautiful Sabina." Once he said that Sabina took the cup that had new water in it and put her brushes in it and started to clean out the paint on them, Optimus quickly saw that she was wearing the men's white shirt he had picked out for her. The second Sabina finished cleaning off her brushes she felt Optimus holding her waist which shocked her and started to make her face turn red.
"Uh Optimus…W-what are you…." Optimus had pressed her back on his chest as he held her a little more tighter, that action set of a few alarms in Sabina's head, she was afraid to fight or talk back to let go of her.
"Sabina." Hearing voice from Optimus surprised her a little from the tone he used, he sounded serious and sad at the same time. She look directly at Optimus while he was still speaking to her
"Please tell me what made you love Hiro the way you do." Sabina was a little speechless at first hearing what Optimus had asked her, before she answered him Optimus had sat on the ledge of the bed and he sat Sabina on his so that she would be able to still look at him.
"I've only dated two guys before I bet Hiro, they didn't last long. You know and how different I am from normal humans, when I be Hiro his aura was different from others that I've seen. It practically matched with my own, the more time we spent the stronger his aura grew with my own and we ended up falling in love. Toshiro, yourself and Richard have similar auras but it's not the same, my aura is technology bonded with Hiro's since we spent so much time together." Right after she said that Optimus asked her
"And of Megatron." Sabina nods her head no to him before answering him
"No, not even a little. It's due to his nature which you're familiar with, I don't like being near him cause his aura makes me physically sick. The same with other decepticons as well they have the same aura as Megatron, I don't want to be anywhere near any of them." Saying that made Optimus relieved which he held Sabina in his arms, he now knew why Sabina was so attached to Hiro and that there was still hope upon hearing that he had similar traits of her human lover. He didn't like that Toshiro was similar as well he was happy that Richard was no longer in the picture, there was still obstacles in his way. To him all Sabina needed was time since it was the main key, he needed to spend as much time with her as possible. Though there was one thing he needed to do, Optimus knew how cruel it would be since it was something Megatron would do if he had Sabina. What he did not long after was tying Sabina's hands together on one support beam of the building from the inside, he even put a type of rubber in her mouth for her to bit on so she wouldn't bit on her tongue. What Optimus did was carve his own name on Sabina's stomach above her using his kind's language using his own blade, Sabina did cry out in pain and tears where falling down her eyes and she did struggle more when he moved the blade in a writing motion. Optimus made certain to blind fold her eyes so that he wouldn't look at her directly, hurting her was more painful for him than her. This was also the first time optimus had even harmed a human before, he didn't want to break his own oath, he had no other choice to prove a point to Megatron. It took him around ten minutes to finished, once he was done he then used antibiotics on the open cuts on it so it wouldn't get infected before he wrapped it with bandaged. When he was done up pulled out the rubber out of her mouth allowing her to breath threw her mouth and gasp her air, and he freed her hands from the beam as well. Sabina was in so much pain she couldn't move not even enough to remove the blind fold on her own, she couldn't even speak from all the pain she was in. He told Sabina he didn't want to hurt her and even told her why he had to do what he did, Sabina knew she would be in pain for the next couple of weeks. She believe when he said that Megatron would do that same thing he did but without treating her afterwards, Optimus also understood that she wanted to keep the blind fold on her as he picked her up in her arms bridal style without hurting her more.
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