#give him time optimus if you wish to have peace
MegOp is making me crazy as usual, but now I have some new, specific inspiration!
So it started with @that-fanperson-meg saying this under a post I made about the Transformers account posting a TFO MegOp edit.
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I recognized the name of the song but had never actually listened to it, and hooooo boy, it activated something in the part of my brain that thinks about MegOp... So, I'm listening to this song, and I have the clearest vision that it's about Megatron's mindset/thoughts during his mental health's lowest point in the worst depths of the war. (fair warning, my analysis/brainrot is based on my own personal continuity/au, so there are some minor references to that, but it's all fairly standard, and I explain it a bit, so just go with it, and you shouldn't be confused.) Ok, preamble over. Time for the lyrical analysis:
I hope that our few remaining friends Give up on trying to save us I hope we come up with a failsafe plot To piss off the dumb few that forgave us I hope the fences we mended Fall down beneath their own weight And I hope we hang on past the last exit I hope it's already too late
Megatron assumes that Optimus is in just as bad of a place as he is. He's wrong, of course, OP certainly isn't enjoying himself, but he has an actual support system that he feels comfortable leaning on. On the other hand, Soundwave as the only thing even approaching a friend for Megatron (and he is waaay too closed off at this point to say so). Starscream is a backstabbing, power-hungry sycophant with his own heap of baggage (I really gotta make a post about my version of all that sometime); Shockwave is purely logic-driven as usual, only interested in advancing the Cybertronian race via the Decepticon cause. By this time, Megatron feels like both sides are too deep into the war to even consider peace. He honestly can't fathom it.
And I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here Someday burns down And I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away And I never come back to this town again in my life
Megatron has always wanted to escape the path that was decided for him. But now, after losing what he and Orion had and the resulting fallout, he won't go quietly into the night, not before causing some irreparable damage first. And the war will do just that. He hopes the destruction the great war causes keeps pushing him forward, even out beyond Cybertron. At least then, he won't ever need to face the past and who he used to be. He couldn't recognize himself now if he tried, so he doesn't.
I hope I lie And tell everyone you were a good wife And I hope you die I hope we both die
Even though he thinks it's clear they hate each other and are not good for each other, Megatron still has some form of loyalty to what he and Orion had. If somehow, someday, someone were to ask him about them, he wouldn’t tell them about all their problems, but instead that they were good together. Maybe if this hypothetical future version of Megatron doesn't mention all the pain their split caused, then maybe it was a little less real. He knows that as long as Optimus is around, he won't be able to stop fighting; he's just too hurt and angry. He wishes Optimus would just die, that they both would.
I hope I cut myself shaving tomorrow I hope it bleeds all day long Our friends say it's darkest before the sun rises We're pretty sure they're all wrong I hope it stays dark forever I hope the worst isn't over And I hope you blink before I do And I hope I never get sober
Soundwave, the only even semi-positive influence on him right now, is the one telling Megatron it's darkest before the sun rises. Soundwave is a true believer in the original cause of the Decepticons, probably the last one in High Command; everyone else is either using the cause as a means to take out their pain (Megatron and Starscream) or as a means to an end (Shockwave). Megatron is finding it harder and harder to believe Soundwave with each passing day, and yet again assumes Optimus is doing the same. He's starting to hope it never ends. He's comfortable with it now; the war fills the hole that his old life left in him. All he really knows is that he can't bring himself to yield to Optimus and doesn't think he ever will. If he did, he wouldn't know what to do with himself.
And I hope when you think of me years down the line You can't find one good thing to say And I'd hope that if I found the strength to walk out You'd stay the hell out of my way
Megatron is hoping that Optimus is suffering too, since he is, and doesn’t want him to feel anything positive through this since he cannot. But at the same time, he’s trying so hard to be a bastard so that it won’t hurt as much. He does still want to speak well of their past if he gets the chance, so some loyalty or fondness remains deep down. If there were good times to look back on, there would be sadness that those times are over. If Optimus has nothing good to say about him, all he would feel is relief that that part of their lives is over.
I am drowning There is no sign of land You are coming down with me Hand in unlovable hand And I hope you die I hope we both die
Megatron can't see any way out of where he's gotten them. To him, there's no path to peace anymore. The only solace Megatron can find is the hope that Optimus falls with him. Even now, the two of their fates must be interlocked, as if it were a universal constant to him - simple common sense. He just wants it to be over, even as he can't bring himself to stop.
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The most common thing that I have seen people talking about TFP is that Megatron's unhealthy obsession with optimus and after eons of war, Optimus just being impassively done with the antics.
Megatron:*hovering over Optimus* Optimus my love... I am waiting to be in ur arms.... Please notice me ... notice me as I am in need of your time *start singing in the most dramatic way possible*
I need your time
I need your love
When everything wrong
You make it right~~~
Optimus:* Bang the data pat on Megatron's face less violently just to shut him up * Nope...
Picture from Pinterest
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lets-try-some-writing · 8 months
A World Where Things Went Right: Snippet #1
Enjoy suckers. This is going to be the angstiest of angst once I get it finished. Just you all wait. I warned you I had shipping pain in store.
The snippet isn't that long, but well... the fic will likely be WAY longer at the rate I am writing.
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“So this is it.” There was no question in his tone as Ratchet stared at the space bridge as it powered on. Their ship had long since been left to float through the dead of space, all remaining power having been diverted to this last leap, this final chance to make a difference.
“Yes.” Optimus answered simply, his voice weak from long vorns of exhaustion and malnutrition. He did not smile as he sat in his chair connected to a thousand and one wires. The Matrix glowed faintly in his exposed spark chamber, seemingly at peace with the connectors that were hooked into it. This was the end, and even the relic knew it.
“I won’t be able to come back, will I?” No response greeted his question as Ratchet stared out into the void outside their ship. They were the last, at least to their knowledge. Even if others had survived, the Unmaker’s reign was in full swing. He would get them all eventually, or failing that, the lack of energon would kill off whatever remained of their species soon enough. 
The stabbing pain in his tanks reminded Ratchet of just how much time he had left. Ratchet had been given what little remained of their stores so that he would be able to endure the journey. Optimus did not look nearly as healthy, not that Ratchet was healthy by any definition of the word either.
“When this is done, the Matrix will have no more power to give. This place, our universe… it will be no more.” Optimus’s weakened voice echoed in the ship and Ratchet found his servos clenched into fists. He had long ago accepted the deaths of the remainder of their kind. Vorns upon vorns of watching those he loved be picked off tended to have that effect. Still, the idea of everything fading away… it ached.
He wanted to die beside his Conjunx, not abandon him to the coming darkness.
“Why can’t it be you?” Ratchet knew the answer to his question even as he uttered it into the relative silence of their shuttle. Optimus needed to power the space bridge. Relics were the only objects known to be able to tear through the seams of reality. The Matrix was the only relic that remained. It was the only possible tool that could be used, and since it was bound to Optimus, he needed to stay behind. Sending him through with the Matrix serving as a power source at the same time was asking for a catastrophic explosion that would kill them both.
Although, if Ratchet were honest, he wouldn’t mind that outcome at this point. 
“You know that this is the only viable option. Not only are you the only mech capable of stepping through that portal, your presence was always one which did not warrant much suspicion.” Ratchet looked over to his Conjunx, his optics cycling in tiredly on the emaciated mech before him. Optimus no longer had the luster of a mech of his station. His limbs were thin from disuse and his armor had largely grayed. His face was gaunt and his spark flared weakly in his chassis behind the Matrix. 
He didn’t have long left either.
“I know that… I just wish we could have greeted the end together.” Ratchet’s servos shook and he felt coolant gather in his optics as he stepped forward to the one mech in the universe who gave his life meaning. Optimus smiled sadly and drew Ratchet in for a gentle embrace. It was cold, neither of them healthy enough to produce more than the barest heat signatures. The wires that connected to the Matrix slithered along the exposed seams of Ratchet’s form, but he paid them no mind as he rested his face in the crook of his Conjunx’s neck.
“I would have given anything to stay with you my love, but now… this has grown beyond us. We must perform our final function.” Optimus’s words echoed in Ratchet’s mind, and all he could do was cry. 
“I don’t want to leave you here alone.” His vents hitched as Ratchet clung to Optimus’s frail form. His dear Conjunx merely rubbed small circles onto his back while humming a soft tune. He could hear the space bridge power on behind him and sense his bond to his Prime growing weaker along with it. This was it. This was their final farewell. Ratchet had been preparing for this moment for vorns as they worked on the calculations needed to make this grand effort successful, but it still felt like his spark was being torn asunder. 
Ratchet was not the first to go through the portal. Others had gone, and all had vanished without a trace. Bumblebee and Smokescreen were by far the most notable losses. Without a way to confirm if they had survived, only a few attempts to send mecha through the portal had been made. There was no way to be certain it even did anything. For all Ratchet knew, he would be vaporized the moment he stepped into the portal. Despite that, it was a chance for one of them to make it out alive, and he wanted to hope if only for Optimus’s sake.
He wanted to believe that their desperate struggle to preserve something of their dead universe would have meaning. Two of their sons had been lost to the cause. For them, he begged their deceased god with all his spark, praying that this would work.
“It is time.” Optimus’s voice was a mere whisper as Ratchet finally pulled away. A small holodisk sat heavy in his servo as Optimus passed it to him. Ratchet couldn’t bear to look at it as he put it into his carrying compartment. They had an agreement, one that Ratchet did not understand but would adhere to anyway.
The disk was Optimus’s final message, and Ratchet was only to play it when ‘Megatron' became relevant’. He didn’t know what that entailed, but as their universe crumbled, Optimus saw things that others did not. Visions, echoes of a different time and place. It was not Ratchet’s place to doubt him now.
He burned the image of his dying Conjunx’s gentle smile into his memory as he steeled himself and stepped in front of the swirling space bridge. His spark cried out as he sensed Optimus growing weaker, but he merely grit his denta and spared one final glance at the light of his life.
He couldn’t hear the words, but as the light began to fade from Optimus’s optics, Ratchet could have sworn the glyphs echoed in his very spark.
“I love you.”
It took all his strength to step into the portal and leave the plane of existence he knew and the mech he loved behind. 
Colors assaulted his vision in every conceivable hue. Sounds he could never describe in a million vorns collided with his audials. There was no up or down, there was no sense of stability amidst the vortex. Despite that, Ratchet kept walking on ground that he could neither feel or see. He pushed onward, using what little strength remained in his weak frame to break into a sprint as he sensed his tie to his Conjunx finally snap. He couldn’t tell if he screamed, sobbed, or cursed as he pushed on, but it didn’t matter much within the seams of reality. 
Agony burned in his spark, emotions battled in his processors, and exhaustion weighed heavy in every part of his frame. Combined with the endless colors and sounds around him, it was all too overwhelming to consider. He had never felt so alone as he had in that seemingly endless moment walking between the gaps in the universe. Memories filtered across his vision in strange hallucinations and shapes as he dragged himself through the sea of light. Some were pleasant and depicted the good times he had with Optimus and later the soft moments they shared together raising Bumblebee. Others were… less joyful.
Burning cities, plague, bodies piled high, the exodus, the slow death of their species, the Unmaker’s awakening, the deaths of all those he held dear, and of course, that last spark crushing moment he shared with his Prime. The many long vorns of strife, the slow loss of hope… as much as it hurt, it pushed him on through the barrage of sensation and the simultaneous lack of it.
Finally, after what could have been mere nanokliks or a whole eternity, Ratchet emerged from the space between realities. Something shifted in him as he did so, and a harsh pain assaulted his very being. His consciousness sharpened, and he sensed another mind pressing up against his. He knew this hypothetical, and while not trained in how to handle it, Ratchet pushed on. His mind pressed against the other and he was quick to assert his dominance through memory and emotion. His spark screamed at the loss of his Conjunx and the memories of all he’d had taken from him. Conviction he needed to fulfill his final function propelled him until at last, the other far less tempered mind shattered.
He returned to himself suddenly as he stood up. A universe could not handle more than one version of the same individual. Only one could exist at a time, at least according to Perceptor’s calculations. Looking around him, he could see that he was inside of his old hab before the war. It was a distant memory, one that he hardly recalled after so long. And yet, it was familiar to see his certification hung on the wall and his usual additives on the counter.
The scene was broken only by the unfortunate reality of his actions and the consequences thereof. At his pedes was the barely venting form of his counterpart, the mech in question looking up at him in fear. Ratchet knelt down and placed a servo on his counterpart’s helm and hummed a gentle tune as he did with all his dying patients. His counterpart eased a degree at the song. They both knew the melody and what it meant. Both had long accepted it.
Within a klik, the other Ratchet’s optics went dark and his frame faded away without any fanfare. There could only be one, and Ratchet had taken his younger and inexperienced counterpart’s place. Such was the cost of the knowledge he carried. 
Guilt hung heavy in his spark, but it was smothered as Ratchet steeled himself. There would be time to think later, preferably when his work was done and he could afford to be catatonic from loss.
“Forgive me for taking your life from you. But I promise, I will make this worth it.” Ratchet sighed as he stood and watched the form of his counterpart vanish. There was much to do, and his counterpart was now little more than a memory. He would do something to honor him later. For the time being, he had more pressing issues.
“Primus, they won’t think I am the same mech if I go around looking like this.” He grimaced as he walked over to the nearest mirror. He looked every bit the wartorn survivor of Cybertron. His armor was in shambles and he looked like he hadn’t gotten a deep clean in millennia. Of course he hadn’t done any real maintenance on his frame since the Unmaker destroyed Primus’s core, but others didn’t know that. He just looked like a horror movie extra.
It wouldn’t do. A slight vanishing act may be in order if he wanted to have a reasonable excuse for his appearance.
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mgarmagedon · 6 months
How are you and your au co-maker friend doing? Any new ideas?
She is fine, for now she is really busy and has really hard time, so she wouldn't have time to even make anything with me. Wish her luck guys, because she is doing her best ❤️❤️❤️
And she isn't exactly co-maker, because she is from time to time making random content about transformers prime or rid15, I'm mainly creating content here, but thank to her Sideswipe is tampon now. :D
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But i can tell off what we were talking about last time:
Like lately we chosen to add that after Starscream almost died in explosion, when he was still mainly into scientific stuff, not only making Megan angry (when war was still active conflict and 90% of the population weren't dead), he met that time KO (when he was still teenager) and without getting licences, because how he could get his licence while the war, when practically all schools were in ruins XD So they met that time, KO helped him in coming back to better shape. This is why KO came to Nemesis in TFP with his husband Breakdown, because Starscream saw him as a trustworthy doctor. I don't need to add that they fucked AS ADULTS ON NEMESIS, when Breakdown was still around, because he was fine that KO wants to life in open relationship. They were still happy together :DD
We talked about the fact that Bee couldn't look at Sideswipe optics at the beginning, because he has Smokescreens optics and after all this shit that happened, it was really painful for him. He drank himself into unconsciousness, Ofc Grimlock and Danny were trying to comfort him as much he could (at that time Drift wasn't around yet, he joined with his sons team after 8-9 months Bee, Strongarm and Sides came to earth). He felt terrible, because it wasn't Sides fault that he born or that his best friend, which he treated like his older brother and first love in his life, made children when both of them was drunk. He didn't won't to hurt him or take revenge on the poor teen, which also had hard childhood like Bee and slowly but surly start to get close with. Sometimes he even thought of if he didn't leave him that day they told him about the protoforms, he would be now Sideswipe and Sunstreaker's father and maybe even marry KO. But those are only his thoughts. I was thinking of making black and while comic of it, but in his bot form not human. XDDD
We also lately write A LOT about Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack. Mainly we was thinking what Magnus was doing after the war and becasue he was like this big badass judge, he could just become the guy how almost rule Cybertron. I mean by it, that Cybertron came back to the almost state after the war and that is not a good news XD. "And what about Ratchet?" nothing, he doesn't give a fuck about him. After all, he himself as a guy in new created council vote to send Ratchet on Earth as his retirement and still explain himself by saying " this is last wish of Optimus Prime". I just like the idea that right hand of Prime, makes Cybertron great again, causing fulling prisons by ex cons and not happy with his decisions war veterans. It would also explain WHY FUCKING CYCLONUS WAS IN THE FUCKING FINAL, because he would be rebeliant that wants freedom for his ppl. He also created slums :), idk I think it's cool idea that Ultra Magnus was a villain of the series And I think Arcee would see sense in that and after all those years and ptsd, also got mature, she would fine peace in new worlds order. But she would still take back her father and brother back on Cybetron... at least be too kick his fucking ass. XDD And practically nobody can do anything with, only Bulkhead is living his best life as a worker, it doesn't mean that he is now fighting, he is just tired and like Arcee wants some peace in his life. After they banned contacting with earth and he could talk with Miko, he needed finally some peace. The same with KO and Smoke. He is living now with Wheeljack AS A FRIENDS!!! But from time to time, Wheeljack is showing up at Magnus mantion to fuck him, say hey to his daughter and then disappear for next 9 months. I'm just seeing NeoCybertron as a Gotham City but as a planet XDDD
I can't write more words, so do you have any more question? XD
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melishade · 6 months
Attack on Prime: What if Optimus arrived in Episode 1 instead of Episode 5?
Main Story
Peaceful Timeline Pilot
Beloved Timeline Pilot
Summary: After the events of Predacons Rising, Optimus became one with Primus to ensure life would flourish on his world. But instead of eternal peace, he is somehow sent to the world of the Titans: where humans are no longer at the top of the food chain and are only safe behind walls. But instead of being sent to the Battle of Trost, he is sent to the moment where it all began: the fall of Shinganshina.
(Okay, so I have been…feeling like shit lately, which is kind of why I took a break. I needed the break. I had a lot going on. But I'm glad I did. I was really productive when it came to both writing and drawing. I finished this. I made progress on Guren No Yumiya. It's not finished. I wish it was. I made a few art pieces and animatics (poorly drawn animatics but I take pride in them). And I wrote the pilot for the Episode 1 timeline. It's definitely the shortest one out of the ones I've published so far, possibly because I didn't need to do too much set up.
Other than that, Happy Stabby Caesar Day and enjoy!)
"I only ask of this of you fellow Autobots: keep fighting the noblest of fights." Optimus requested.
"You can count on us to keep the peace." Bumblebee reassured.
Optimus gave a small yet bitter smile for his team. He stared a little longer than he thought, doing his best to memorize their faces, knowing that this would be the last time he saw them. The Prime then turned back to the mouth of the well, feeling a strange sensation at how long the drop was. Optimus then activated the jet wings on his back, and he flew high into the sky. The Autobots watched in sadness as Optimus turned around and dove headfirst towards the core of their planet: to Primus himself.
The closer that Optimus got to the center of their planet, the brighter the light of the core had become. It had been eons since he had come to this place to receive the Matrix of Leadership, and now, it was time for him to give it back. He opened his chest, revealing the Matrix of Leadership in all of its glory. As he was almost to the core, he began to think to himself. He was happy. He was happy that the fighting was finally over. He can die happy knowing that he brought back peace and saved the planet that gave him life. He knew his comrades, his family, would keep the peace. He had complete faith in them.
He closed his optics and a small smile formed on his face as he let warm light consume him.
The sounds of thunder caused his optics to snap open. He shot up to a sitting position, looking around frantically wondering what that sound was. It's only when his vision began to focus that he realized that...he was somewhere else. He was...back on Earth? It...it looked like Earth. The sky was slightly cloudy, but the sun was beginning to set, changing the color of the sky from blue to orange. He was surrounded by tall pine trees, and the blades of grass prickled the metal of his dark servos.
Wait...dark? Optimus raised his servo to his faceplate and was stunned to see the older model. The upgrade that he acquired from the forge of Solus Prime had changed the color and the structure of his servos. Optimus looked down at his legs and found that they weren't robust but slender. Even his back felt lighter. Optimus heard the sounds of rushing water and stood up. He followed the sounds to a clear river, traveling down his right side through the forest ahead. The Prime kneeled down to see his reflection, and nearly gasped at the sight of him. He was back in his old form. Optimus couldn't help but touch his audio receptors and his antennae to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. But sure enough, it was there. It was real. He was alive.
But...why? He shouldn't be alive. He should be one with Primus or reincarnated. Did merging with Primus not work? Were the souls of the Allspark still with him? No...no they couldn't be. When he merged them all with his own spark and the Matrix, he could feel their presence, practically hear them all shouting. But now...it was quiet.
Why in the Allspark did this feel like déjà vu?
Optimus gasped when he felt the ground quake and lightning come down from the sky. His gaze followed the direction of the lightning strike and saw that it struck a massive wall off in the distance. The Prime stared in horror at the sight of a massive, skinless, Titan that peered over the wall. Its muscles were just as red as blood. Optimus transformed into his old alt mode and drove as fast as he could towards the wall and the massive threat. When he arrived, he transformed back into his bipedal mode and skidded to a stop to the now destroyed entrance of the wall. Optimus saw the massive bodyseated at the entrances, the muscles and skeletons slowly dissolving into hot steam. Optimus also noticed a figure climbing over the wall, but before he could pursue, the sounds of terrified screams caught his attention. Optimus ran through the destroyed gate and stared in horror at the sight of giant, naked titans lumbering towards humans with permanent expressions of apathy, sadness, and most uncomfortably, glee. These titans picked up the humans running for their lives and started to devour them. Some would be swallowed whole while others would be killed by the strong bite force of these creatures. Blood spewed onto their bodies and onto the ground, creating more panic and terror among the populous.
Optimus gritted his dentas before letting his battle mask cover his mouth on instinct. He pulled out both blasters from his arms and aimed at the titan that was closest to him which was holding a human. He shot the titan through the head, causing the beast to tilt and fall over on its side, hitting the ground hard. Optimus noticed the way the titan body began to disintegrate and turn into steam like the massive pile of skeletons outside. His blasters were good; they were effective in taking out the threat. Optimus started running through the town and shooting down any titans that were in his line of sight. He then spotted a sadistic looking titan with an unhinged smile pulling a woman from the rubble of a wreckage. The long rows of unnecessary teeth scared him, and he saw the way the woman was beating against the hand that was holding her. As the titan reached out with its other hand to snap her spine, Optimus used his blaster and fired at the titan.
Eren tried. He really, really tried to pull the roof of the house off of his mom with Mikasa's help. But they couldn't do it. They were too weak. Not even the motivation of the people's screams and the titans invading their home could give them enough of that adrenaline to lift the damn wood off of their mother's back! Where was dad?! Someone help them!
“Then I’ll carry you out of here mom!” Eren swore as blood continued to seep from his wounds.
“Damn it Eren! Why won’t you listen to your mother for once in your life?! Just this one thing!” Carla shouted at him before turning to Mikasa, “Mikasa make him!”
Mikasa’s mouth grew tight as she hung her head and swallowed her tears, continuing to try and pull the roof off of her mother, “I…I can’t!”
Eren saw Hannes! He heard Hannes fly in and his mother call out his name! He felt some hope! Yes! Hannes could distract the titans while they got their mom out! He ignored what his mother was screaming at Hannes as he ran towards the titan coming towards them. C'mon! C'mon! Hannes please buy enough time! Just enough time! But Eren was then taken aback when Hannes’ arm wrapped around him. He was heaved over the man shoulder as he went to grab Mikasa.
"Hey! Hannes! What the hell are you doing?!" Eren screamed at him as Hannes began to run away. He could still see his mother trapped in the rubble and tried to reach out for her. "We can't leave her! Mom!"
"Eren! Mikasa!" He could see Carla reaching out for them, "You need to live on!"
Eren gasped when a titan landed on top of their house and dug through the rubble. He saw the titan pull his mother out of the rubble and screamed for her. "STOP!"
Carla slammed her fist on the hand that was holding her. The titan terrified her so much, but she still had to fight. She had to try and fight her way out of this beast's grip. But it was no use. The titan, with that wide, sadistic, permanent smile reached its other hand out towards her. To crush her. She didn't want to die! Please she didn't want to!
Unexpectedly, the titan's head exploded in a ball of blue light, causing Carla to scream and for Eren to gasp in confusion. What...what the hell was that?! Eren realized from the second ball of blue light that hit the titan in the chest that it was an attack. Someone, something, attacked the titan! Carla screamed as the titan body toppled over and hit the ground hard. The grip on the decaying, eroding, corpse loosened, allowing her to scramble out and crawl away using her hands.
"Hannes!" Eren yelled as he slammed his fist onto his head. Eren gasped when he noticed another abnormal titan running up to the house. Up to his mother! "HANNES TURN AROUND!"
"Kid, we can't-!" Hannes froze when he noticed the strange titan and quickly ran back to rubble.
"Ma'am, are you alright?!" a voice called out to her. Carla was about to respond, but froze when she realized what was speaking. She looked up to see a metal titan adorned in red and blue. It had no mouth to speak of, but those glowing blue eyes were scaring her to the point where she started screaming again and scrambling to get away. She tried to get up and walk, but she was sure the titan holding her really crushed her legs! She couldn't get up!
"Ma'am, I will not hurt you!" The titan spoke again, trying to reassure her.
"Get away from her!" Hannes yelled at the titan, still holding the two children.
Carla gasped and swatted her hand at them. "Hannes! Run! RUN!"
The titan noticed them and quickly stood up and raised its foot high into the air.
"Oh shit!" Hannes yelled, preparing to be crushed and eaten. He kneeled down to protect the kids in his arms from the impact, but the titan kicked a four meter class titan in the neck that was right behind them and almost killed the trio, punting it high into the air and over the wall, right back to the outside!
"Huh?" Mikasa could only emit in fear.
"Shit!" Eren bit Hannes' hand, forcing the Garrison to let him go and for him to roll on the ground. "MOM!" He scrambled to his feet and ran to his mother, ignoring her pleas to stay away. He tackled her into a hug and started crying in her arms.
"Eren, you need to go! Go now!" Carla begged her son.
"I swear to you I will not harm you!" the titan swore, causing Eren to stare up in shock. Titans...titans can speak? The titan was suddenly alerted to the sound of screams and saw another human in the grasp of a titan. It pulled out a gun, and Carla instinctively shielded her body on top of Eren's as the titan fired that blue light to kill the titan. The titan then noticed Hannes and seemed to look him up and down, like he was examining him.
"Are you military?!" The titan demanded.
"Y-yes! I-!"
"Get the civilians out of here, now!" the titan ordered. Eren managed to catch the strange symbol of a face on his arm before it suddenly...shifted?...transformed?...into a strange carriage. He rode as fast as the wind into the ongoing chaos in Shinganshina. Was it…going to save the people here? Was a titan actually going to save humanity?!
"What?" Eren muttered wordlessly.
"Can you walk?!" Hannes asked Carla.
"I can't feel my legs!" Carla answered.
"Alright!" Hannes quickly set Mikasa down before carrying Carla bridal style, "We need to get you three to the boat! C'mon! Run!"
"What was that?!" Mikasa asked.
"I don't know, just run!" Hannes ordered.
Eren and Mikasa started running towards the gate to Wall Maria with Hannes following close behind.
Meanwhile, Optimus continued driving his way throughout the walled town, transforming into his bipedal mode to take out as many titans as possible with his blasters. He wasn't sure how to seal the breach in the outer wall, but he knows that if another one is made through the gate in the inner wall, then there would be more consequences and lives lost.
That's when Optimus spotted it. An Armored Titan in a sprinting position, the trajectory towards that undamaged gate. As the titan began running, Optimus drove as fast as he could towards the gate, scaring the humans in his way and causing them to jump out of the way. When he reached the gate, the Armored Titan had almost bulldozed his way through, but Optimus rammed the titan into its side, causing the two of them to crash into multiple houses.
Optimus transformed into his bipedal mode and punched the Armored Titan twice in the face, but the Armored Titan grabbed him and threw him off of it. Optimus easily landed on his feet and skidded to a stop. Optimus noticed the Armored Titan’s had no real expression, its face adorned in armored leaving a permanent expression of stern and intimidating. But the body language of the beast said otherwise. It was afraid of him. It was scrambling to its feet to try and get into a fighting stance to counter attack, but Optimus bolted and tackled it to the ground and the rubble.
The Garrison atop the houses watched in stunned silence at the sight. That Metal Titan was fighting the Armored Titan. Titans were fighting amongst themselves. And from what some had seen earlier, this Metal Titan was protecting humanity! What kind fucked up situation was that?!
Optimus used all of his strength to pin the Armored Titan to the ground, shoving his servo in its face to keep it there. "Stay down!" Optimus grunted when the Armored didn't listen and smacked him in the face hard with its arm. Optimus rolled across the ground and crashed into a few houses. He sat up and watched the Armored shed the armored plating behind its lower legs before bolting towards him. Optimus quickly transformed and drove backwards, leading the Armored further and further away from the gate that was now reopening to take more civilians.
"Go! GO!" A Garrison screamed at the civilians as they ran through the gate.
"Is there still a boat here?!" Hannes demanded, still carrying Carla in his arms, with Eren and Mikasa close behind.
"Hannes, what the hell are you doing?! Get back to your station!" the Garrison ordered.
"Not until I get them to safety!" Hannes shouted.
The Garrison looked annoyed and conflicted but pointed behind him, "Get to the boat before it leaves!"
"C'mon!" Hannes ordered the children as they continued running. Eren couldn't help but look back at the chaos happening behind them. A titan...fighting for humanity? A titan...that saved humans? It was surreal, a reversal of everything he ever knew, and stuff he felt needed to be called into question.
“Eren!” Eren snapped his head to the voice calling his name and gasped when he saw Armin waving to him on the boat, his grandfather seated on the ground with only his hat visible.
“Armin!” Eren called out to him as the four of them boarded the boat.
“What’s going on?!” Armin asked as Hannes set Carla on the ground.
“There’s a Metal Titan!” Eren explained, “And it’s fighting some Armored Titan and stopping it from destroying the wall!”
“What?!” Armin exclaimed.
Optimus skidded to a stop and drove in a circle, tripping the Armored and causing it to slam into the ground face first. Optimus saw cracks form in the Armored face before running and punching it in the face to the ground. Optimus grabbed the creatures arm and used all of his strength to twist it. The Armored had size going for it. It was clearly much bigger than him, but it clearly lacked battle experience. Optimus knew where to press his pedes, where to put more strain to twist. He let out a battle cry before twisting the arm clean off and tossing it to the side. The arm crashed into some houses and two other smaller titans.
Optimus was distracted by that moment of victory when the Armored used the remaining arm to smack him in the chest. Optimus yelled in pain at the sensation, and the Armored used its remaining arm to grab him by the face and slam him into the ground. Optimus could feel pain shoot up his back. He could feel the dirt and debris scratch his paint and metal plating, but Optimus grit his teeth and endured the pain. Optimus transformed his servo into a blaster and aimed it directly at its face. Before the Armored had time to process, Optimus fired, shattering the cracked, armored plating in one go. The Armored yelled in pain, scratching at its face to try and get rid of the energon burning in its muscle. The pieces of the armor hit the ground before it slowly began to erode. Optimus jumped and smacked the blaster in the Armored face, knocking it to the ground. Optimus then used his blaster to blow off the left leg of the Armored, causing it to cry out even louder.
Optimus saw that it was immobile and stood atop it. He aimed his blaster directly at the titan's face. For some reason, he managed to catch tears streaming down that charred face, but the Prime chose to ignore it. There were too many lives currently at risk, and this titan was going to raise that causality count even higher by destroying that gate. He had to make a decision.
Optimus charged his blaster at the Armored's head, blowing it clean off, and leaving nothing but the nape of the neck. Optimus watched the titan body crumble and decay under his pede. The remaining armor eroded, then the muscle, and finally, the bones turned to nothing but dust. Optimus’ pede that was resting on the Armored’s chest ended up hitting the ground once the body was gone. Organic material isn’t able survive the full force of energon based weapons. The enemy was taken care of.
However, Optimus was alerted to the sounds of more terrified screams and turned his helm to the chaos that was still happening and the titans still running rampant across the town. He noticed a human flying towards him with that strange contraption around his waist. "Evacuate the humans! I will deal with the titan threat!"
"Wait-!" Hannes watched the titan run towards the hostile titans in the around Shinganshina. It continued to kill the titans with its guns, without even hitting them in the neck. It was…amazing, awe-inspiring. This titan was able to save humanity from losing Wall Maria. Hannes snapped out of his shock and went right back into the fray, trying to find as many survivors as possible, unaware of the two children atop the walls. A boy carried an exhausted girl on her back and ran along the length of the massive structure.
The Survey Corps was having a bad day. Well, they've always had bad days. It was never easy for them.
They had always suffered heavy losses when they came back from their expeditions from outside the walls. But when they returned, and they had given the arm of Moses to the weeping mother, something inside of their Commander Keith Shadis clearly snap. He broke. He broke down in front of everyone and walked away in shame. He had given up. All those years of leading and failing had finally taken its toll on Keith. The next thing they all new, Erwin had become the 13th Commander of the Survey Corps.
Erwin had to go through protocol. Appoint scouts to squad leader positions, inform Zackley about the change in command. It was late and it was quite a bit of work to accomplish, but then...they heard about the wall being breached. About a large Colossal Titan with no skin that was as tall as the wall, kicking the gate in and letting titans inside.
Erwin noticed the way that both Levi and Mike were staring at him, almost like they were judging him. “What?”
"Five minutes after you get this shit show, Shinganshia's under attack.” Levi remarked.
Erwin sighed at that. He supposed that the timing could have been better. "Yes, Levi, the irony is not lost on me.”
"More like a bad omen," Mike added.
The report was a mere hours ago, considering that information had to be transferred by horseback. But the Survey Corps were on high alert. They immediately got their supplies, their 3D gear, mounted their horses, and headed towards Shinganshina.
But Erwin had also heard an extremely conflicting report on the way there, something everyone found to be completely unexpected: the titans were fighting each other. An Armored Titan was fighting a Metal Titan. Both had displayed intelligence, and the Metal Titan had killed the Armored Titan, protecting Wall Maria from falling to the titans. Other reports were still hard to accept, like this Metal Titan wielding guns that could kill titans without hitting the nape of the neck, but a titan protecting humans instead of killing? What could that possibly mean for humanity as a whole?
When they arrived to Shinganshia, the Garrison reluctantly opened the gate to allow them into the walled city. Mike noticed the way the Garrison soldiers were still assisting injured civilians out of the rubble and through the now open gate.
"The Metal Titan's at the exit of Shinganshina, killing titans with his strange weapons," a soldier, Hannes, informed.
"Did you just say he?" Hanji started to grin.
"No," Mike warned them.
"He's been trying to prevent more titans from coming into the city, but we don't have all the resources to get everyone else out," Hannes continued.
"What do you mean by 'he'?" Levi demanded, "There's no way a titan is sentient."
"Check for yourself, but we need help getting people out," Hannes requested, "Some are still stuck in their homes."
Erwin turned to Nanaba. "Help with recovery and evacuation."
"Yes, sir!" Nanaba saluted before addressing her fellow comrades on what to do next. Erwin immediately flew over the ruined houses of Shinganshina, followed by Levi, Mike, and Hanji. The quartet examined their surroundings and was internally horrified. The day that they had all feared: the titans’ invading, had come true. But...where were the titan bodies? The decaying corpses? Where was the corpse of the Armored Titan? They were practically non-existent. There was only rubble and human remains, but nothing else.
"Sir," Mike called out as he pointed ahead, his nose flaring up as he did so. The four of them landed on the houses near the broken gate, and were stunned at the sight. A giant, metal, titan, its torso and arms red and its legs and head blue, stood in front of the damaged gate with a glowing blue gun for an arm. A titan started lumbering through the entrance, but they all witnessed the sight of the gun glowing brighter before firing at the titan before him. The titan was shot in the head, but instead of regenerating, its body began to erode and fade away. It collapsed on the ground before turning to bones, and then smoke.
"Holy shit." Even the captain was taken off-guard by the sight. They had just witnessed a titan kill another titan without even touching the nape of the neck! How?! That was supposed to be impossible.
"I must study him!" Hanji tried to leap forward, but Mike quickly grabbed them and wrestled them back. Hanji yelled in protest, but their cry quickly got the attention of the titan, who looked back at them. Erwin had noticed the being wearing a mouth guard of some kind, and the blue of its eyes mirrored that of the weapon for an arm.
"Hello!" Hanji greeted with a wave.
"Are you the reinforcements the others have informed me of?" the titan asked them. It speaks. It actually speaks! It didn't have a mouth but it spoke a clear and concise sentence!
"Yes," Erwin spoke, trying his best to keep his composure, "My name is Erwin Smith: the Commander of the Survey Corps."
"I am pleased to make your acquaintance; however, I cannot move from my post, Commander," The titan explained, "I wish to aid the humans that need to evacuate the city, but if I leave, more titans may come in and cause more damage. Can you provide assistance in removing the civilians from the area?"
"We are currently working on that, but there is concern about your intentions-!"
"I do not consume humans," The titan automatically replied.
"That was quick." Levi narrowed his eyes in suspicion.
"My race requires a different fuel source for consumption," the titan explained as he shot at another titan without even looking, "One that I will need to locate in a different time. For now, I wish to focus my attention on the task at hand."
"I need to take notes." Hanji grunted as they tried to get out of Mike's grip once more.
Erwin did his best to assess the situation with what he had, but he ultimately came to a conclusion. "Assist the others in evacuation."
"Erwin, you can't be serious," Mike said.
"This is an opportunity we can't waste," Erwin whispered to him before turning back to the titan, "If you are truly a sentient being, do you have a name?"
"My name is Optimus Prime," the titan answered.
"A name," Hanji squealed.
"Thank you for your assistance," Erwin said before beckoning his comrades to follow him. They followed him away from the titan, and once Erwin believed he was out of ear shot, he spoke, "Play along for now. We will be stationed here until the wall has been repaired. We need all eyes on him at all times."
Hanji raised their hand. “Can I study him?”
“From afar,” Erwin warned.
“Yes,” Hanji grinned.
“Erwin, we just saw that titan kill other titans,” Levi retorted, “How the hell are we supposed to counter attack if that gun is turned on us.”
“I don’t know,” Erwin answered, “But if we play our cards right, we could have a valuable asset to humanity and the Survey Corps. Mortality rates among troops would be reduced. Knowledge could be shared. Territory could be expanded.”
“Or this titan could let other ones in,” Mike retorted.
“But he’s killing our titans,” Hanji retorted.
“I meant others like him,” Mike clarified, “He smells different from the other titans. He smells like metal, gunpowder, and smoke. Erwin, what if he’s not the only one?”
“…I don’t know how to provide a solution to that,” Erwin confessed, “But I can’t pass up this opportunity out of fear. This is the first time in a long time that humanity has had hope. I’m not going to throw away that chance.”
The others looked at each other with concern before turning back to their Commander.
“Whatever you say,” Levi spoke, “We trust you.”
“Thank you,” Erwin said, glancing back to see the titan at the entrance to the Walls. He could’ve sworn that the titan looked back at them and the two made eye contact. Erwin could feel it in his gut. This was the beginning. This was the beginning of humanity’s counterattack.
(A few notes:
-Again, the shorter pilots out of the other two. Peaceful Timeline and Beloved Timeline needed to set up characters and the weight of time. Episode 1 doesn't need to do that because it's the beginning of the series. -I wanted to show that Reiner was panicked at the sight of Optimus. Not just because he was ill-prepared for a titan like him, but also because Reiner is still not in the correct emotional headspace after the loss of Marcel just hours prior. -Also Bertholdt had to carry Annie and run along the Wall for miles just to find a way to sneak in lol. -Also, also, because of Optimus' lack of information about titan shifters and the situation he's presented with, yes, he would kill Reiner on the spot because he doesn't know. This ultimately ends up eating him alive later down this timeline. -Carla's paralyzed but still alive. I figured Optimus' intervention in Episode 1 would save her life, because fuck fate. Am I right?
Anyway, take a look at my other stuff or the extensions of this timeline posted on my Masterlist and have a good one).
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ao3wasntenough · 2 days
Okey this is scenario what if. What if Allspark decide to give Megatron 'mercy' but at same time give him lesson after all he originally not evil, unfortunately he became tyranny self. Also while Megatron considered as evil but he not the worst, in a few media showing while he have agenda but sometimes he have honor and pride self, so if he is gone decepticon that replace him will be the more worst than him like Starscream. Also weirdly he have more Royal soldiers to him than Starscream, so yeah in that scenario they need Megatron life to reach peace.
So what if when sam shoving Allspark in Megatron spark, Allspark decide to put Megatron spark into sam body?
Allspark reason pretty simple it's to make Megatron feel powerless and remaining him his past why he start war, Allspark hoping that Megatron can change because of that. Well sam definitely not agree with Allspark doing even for good reason and Megatron will feel very annoyed because he must stuck in sam body that weak, young and clumsy.
But the main problem is that Autobots, they confuse what should they do about the even in one side that want Megatron dead they probably planning to kill sam to kill Megatron but they no want kill sam too because he innocent and he help them, optimus see this as sort of opportunity to make Megatron change. They definitely hide this from government and trying find away separate Megatron spark from sam body.
So what do you think what will happen / doing to sam and Autobots when Megatron sharing body with sam?
I’ve read a fic or too like this!
One was extremely angsty where Sam would transform into Megatron come day or night and they’d have to freeze him like Megatron was in the first movie. Keeping them both under cold harsh lock and key only themselves for company
Not the fic but
I think Sam himself could probably take having Megatron in his head rather well compared to others, if not for the encumbrances to his “normal life”
Like give him a mundane office job that’s highly regulated by the government and autobots, and just let him fail at dating in general. At least having Megatron in his head is a good thing to blame when he can’t keep relationships or jobs.
Both would fling curses and jabs at offing themselves to easily for any autobots comfort. I feel like when your face to face with someone watching the beg and cry and mourn their existence and beg for one of you to just do it! JUST DO IT! PULL THE TRIGGER YOU WANT HIM DEAD TO RIGHT!? WHATS ONE HUMAN!?
It would be very confronting to an Autobot, especially with the weight of Optimus Prime looming like he’s very willing to bring the wrath of primus down on the whole base. Cause not only does he not want Megatron to die (wether deep down he still cares for Meg or it’s almost a punishment to himself that his greatest enemy to die in a flesh body at the cannon of one of his own men at his weakest) but Sam’s endurance and perseverance is simply to important to Optimus to loose.
And in some ways I think it would be a good thing for some bots, that even the weakest species in this war, can do something so incredibly vile and dangerous and keep going and keep wishing to do something good for once, means they can and should too
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arceespinkgun · 1 month
just wanted to drop by and say that your takes on jazz are so refreshing. fandom is not kind to him whatsoever, no matter what version of him it is
Thank you so much! I'm like you like them! I really just try to center (the good parts of) canon lol
It was painful realizing Jazz was one of my favorites and initially being so excited because he seems so beloved and popular, but then seeing how he's actually treated on here and in fanfic and fanart... I really can't overstate to anyone reading this how prevalent treating Jazz terribly is in the fandom. Under the cut I'm going to talk about some specific examples because this haunts me so:
Here's an example of how inescapable this is: I ship StarShock (Starscream/Shockwave) which is a fairly small ship despite how popular each individual character is. That means I don't have that much content to see. They're both Decepticons. One of the most popular StarShock fics? It's set in G1—so, a continuity where the Decepticons are very clearly the bad guys and Jazz and the Autobots are very clearly the heroes and Jazz is one of the nicest ones... and it has Optimus Prime tricking Jazz into infecting Starscream with slave-coding. You heard that right—Optimus tricks the Black-coded heroic character into turning a guy into a slave.
And you know, there are tons of terrible TF fics. A lot of them are just fantasies about what people find hot, and while I think the prevalence of certain tropes in stories like that still warrant criticism, especially when they start taking over the entire fandom and misleading people about what was actually in canon, my expectations tend to be low about stories like that because of what their goal is. I understand what they're about. The most horrifying TF fic that was not just very blatant wish-fulfillment and seemed to be a full story was a fic from Jazz's POV.
I was curious and looking at JazzWave fics (Jazz/Soundwave) even though I don't see any reason to ship that because I was just curious if there were any particular shippers who might treat Jazz better than others. One of the most popular JazzWave fics again, was set in G1 where the Autobots would be heroes and Soundwave would be the "Cries and screams are music to my ears" guy... and it was set post-War in a time of tenuous peace where the Decepticons rule Cybertron. Megatron owns Optimus as a slave, a deal made in exchange for the rest of the Autobots having freedom. Jazz doesn't like seeing his leader as a slave, so he attempts to assassinate Megatron but fails. Megatron then gives Jazz to Soundwave as a slave, who makes Jazz do manual labor and much worse, and it even had a scene where Cyclonus (a canonical slave to Unicron in G1) tells Jazz about how being a slave can be tough, but it's okay because their masters have great plans! Which you'd think would mean the author didn't agree with Cyclonus... but the fic ended with Jazz telling Optimus something like, "It's okay, Soundwave just owns me as a slave because the Senate hurt him before the War, and really he's a very nice slave master and I think everything is going to be okay! ^_^" Even worse, most of the characters' dialogue was written alarmingly in-character and I could tell the author had an extensive knowledge of canon because they intentionally had all the more honorable Decepticon leads who wouldn't own slaves in G1, like Thunderwing and Scorponok, be dead... which is something someone would only know if they had read the Marvel comics.
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theoceanoasis · 4 months
Ohhh the story of Soundwave being in another dimension and seeing happy couple Soundrod was so good! Can we get a part 2 where Soundwave courts Hot Rod like his life depends on it? Thank you!
After finally getting back the first thing he did was search up Hot Rod. Although he'd been tempted to court other dimensions Hot Rod. He knew that if someone tried to court his own mate he'd kill them.
After looking for Hot Rod he found him stationed on Cybertron or at least his last location was Cybertron. He didn't know how accurate the information was, since this was before they all crashed on Earth.
He decided to pay Shockwave a visit. If anyone would know which Autobots are on Cybertron it would be him.
When he showed a picture to the Decepticon he seemed annoyed and pulled out a file.
Flipping through it he realized it was everything Shockwave had on the Autobot, which was surprisingly detailed.
Going through the file. He took note that Hot Rod was starving due to the Decepticons having both the space bridge and the majority of energon on Cybertron.
He decided to start by gifting him some energon cubes and then going from there. In his mind he created a plan to get Hot Rod to be his.
He'd gotten a taste of a better life and now he wanted more. He wanted what other dimension Soundwave had and the first step to getting that, is to make Hot Rod fall in love with him.
He watched from a hidden area as Hot Rod appeared. Although his paint was chipped and dull compared to the other version of himself he was just as beautiful.
He quietly watched as he looked around. Searching the area before grabbing the energon and running off, his blue optics sparkling with delight. He stayed there a moment longer before making his way back to Shockwaves lab.
He decided to bring Hot Rod some wax and polish next. Maybe some rags as well.
If Megatron hadn't been in that other dimension he would have been suspicious. However after their time in that other world Megatron seemed to understand his plan and let him do as he wished.
He also learned that he was creating a peace treaty with the help of Optimus. Which means that if everything is successful. Je no longer had to sneak around and hide from Hot Rod.
It also meant that he'd be coming to Earth which means he could see him more often.
The day the peace treaty was signed everyone was cheering in excitement. He took a copy and went straight to Cybertron.
Grabbing the best high grade he could. He went to find the wreckers. Which wasn't as hard as he thought. Mostly because they found him. He raised his hands as he felt a blaster against his head.
"What do we have here?"
Springer looked him up and down with a sneer.
"It looks like Soundwave of all people. What are you doing here? I'm assuming Megatron's dirty work?"
"Negative war over."
The Wreckers looked at him in surprise and suspicion.
"Check subspace."
The wreckers glanced at each other and then Springer was pulling it out along with the high grade.
He looked the peace treaty over and then showed the others. He found his gaze wandering to Hot Rod who's beautiful optics shined with hope when he read the treaty.
Ultra Magnus put a hand against his audial. Optics going dark for a moment before they brightened as his lips parted in amazement.
"This isn't a trick. The war is over."
Around him the wreckers cheered and one of them asked.
"What do we do about Soundwave?"
"Let him go."
He was released and the wreckers turned their attention towards the high grade. Kup whistled appreciatively.
"You've got the good stuff."
He grabbed it before Kup could take it and the mech crossed his arms looking both unimpressed and gleeful.
"You're the one who's been giving us supplies?"
He didn't say anything and Kup took it as answer enough.
"Which of my wreckers do you have your optic on?"
Arcee and Springer shouted in unison. He ignored them and turned to Hot Rod holding out a cube. He took it looking flustered as his spoiler fluttered in happiness.
"I'm here to take you back to Earth."
"And talk to Hot Rod."
He ignored Kup, looking at Hot Rod who seemed flustered.
"Thanks for the gifts."
He nodded leading them to Shockwaves lab. He walked next to Hot Rod where it was mostly silent. Until the Autobot began nervously talking. He didn't mind and would occasionally chime in. Ignoring the other wreckers glares he enjoyed his time with Hot Rod. Which proved to him they were made to be together and he would continue trying to court him.
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tfwhynoy · 1 year
Hello! S/O is phlegmatic and usually doesn't care what happens on the Autobot base. Type...She just watches, doesn't go anywhere, and doesn't do anything special. Perhaps her pofigistichnost emotionlessness and some laziness irritates the active Miko. What about bots?
I now have a very obscure word to describe me from high school. Cool
There's a general feeling of 'why are you here?' Everyone else is fighting for the lives of themselves and those around them. They're either clinging to the moments of peace while they can, or preparing for the next fight or mission. You don't take part much of anything, and when you do you aren't even an active part. You shrug off most invitations unless there's the option to sit and watch.
That's okay, bots like Optimus, Ratchet, and Ultra Magnus are pretty similar, but they're also usually busy doing something. You're human so you're technically there for your own safety more than being an active war effort so there's no reason for anyone to suggest you leave.
Making bonds with most of them is going to be hard.
Wheeljack is probably just going to ignore you unless he's your guardian and then... He's a pretty high energy guy most of the time. He likes having someone he can banter and be rowdy with. Considering he wouldn't be much of being anyone's guardian you're already gonna be fighting a bit of an uphill battle. it's not that he dislikes you, you go along with whatever happens well enough that you aren't a bother, it's just hard to forge a bond when you give him nothing.
Bulkhead is a little torn. It's nice to have someone whose calm and mellow. As much as he loves Miko, if the team got another of her he's pretty sure Ratchet might explode. He just wishes you would try. Maybe if you put yourself out a bit you'd feel more like apart of the team but with you always standing on the edges watching, it just feels like they have an odd one out that won't leave.
Ratchet and Magnus feel pretty similar. You're another human, another liability if you're in the field, and another person they have to watch for at base. You don't cause much trouble so they aren't going to open the can of worms that is fighting for you to be kicked out.
You can't understand Bee and you don't really go out of your way too interact with him as a result. You're relationship with him is somehow even more painfully neutral than anyone else on the team.
Arcee feels a little uneasy around you. She can't pin point why, but she tends to linger on the edge with you whenever you're around. It just doesn't feel comfortable doing things with someone constantly watching like you.
Smokescreen is probably your best bet when it comes to a guardian. Someone who he can explore human culture with whose level headed and takes a backseat while he picks what he wants to do would probably be good for him. He considers you a friend but he can't shake the feeling that you may not feel that way towards him. Makes him feel down if he thinks about it too long.
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A Future in the Stars
First and foremost, Orion was motivated by his internal vision of what he wanted the future to look like/how he thought it should look—both for himself and the rest of Cybertronian kind.
To me, the following passage from The Covenant gives the clearest snapshot of who Optimus was at spark and what he valued most at the beginning:
“He’d tried hard to concentrate on his duties in the archive for the entire week before the bridges were due to be opened, but he couldn’t. Every few cycles his mind would quietly detach itself from considering the records of events on Cybertron and how to index them for future reference, and would sneak off into little reveries about what might be found at the other end of the bridge. Given that the Quintessons had already proved there was other life, albeit dangerous life, he couldn’t help his imagination running riot and seeing endless vistas opening, one after another, into all kinds of strange, new worlds filled with peculiar, wonderful creatures, all waiting right now to be discovered.... And it would be this week! This week they would see, they would hear, they would know things about these other worlds and nothing would ever be the same again.
He woke up suddenly from a dream of a place made entirely of colored mineral rocks glittering like frost, in which beautiful winged things like insecticons, but much more delicate, floated and clinked, singing to one another-and found himself face-to-face with Alpha Trion, the chief archivist and councilor, and his boss.
“... I said,” Alpha Trion was apparently repeating. “I received your notice requesting the day off to see the bridge opening.”
“Yes!” Orion Pax said quickly. “I know it can be seen from here, but I wanted to be able to get closer than that. I mean, it’s a historic moment and ...”
“You may go,” Alpha Trion said, in the tones of a conditional reprieve, “if you promise to stop logging Sharkticon footage under ‘Scary Monsters’ and stop listing entries about Shockwave as Soundwave. I know they are similar, but Soundwave is a councilor, and Shockwave is, at best, a rogue with some very disreputable decisions in his past, who lives outside the law. We file for accuracy, not by ear.”
Orion Pax nodded, feeling alarmed that his daydreaming had caused such silly errors. He apologized and didn’t notice Alpha Trion’s smile.
“Do you wish you were going?”
The question caught him unawares, though he wondered if the answer showed on his face. “Yes, I would. To be the first to set foot on alien ground! It would be amazing....” He remembered the long years of struggle, surviving under the terror of the Predacons, before there was anything resembling civilization. He remembered the effort to stay useful, to stay occupied with interesting activities, as all around him fights broke out over territories, powers, and rivalries. He had kept his head down all this while, small and insignificant and attempting nothing more glamorous than merely living. It was as if all that had been leading to this time, when someone like him could dream dreams that were actually possible, when his notions of all that could be would be, and it wasn’t just to pass the time before some other bot came and spoiled things with their rage and their violence, forcing him to move on and leave whatever small organization and peace he had behind him.
“You see a future in the stars?” Alpha Trion asked him quietly.
Orion Pax thought, feeling self-conscious, because he wasn’t used to such attention. Although Alpha Trion didn’t overwhelm him, he felt a certain strange reverence for him, partly for his scholarship and his command over the Covenant, that odd book that he kept, with its peculiar properties, and partly because Alpha Trion was the oldest bot he knew, and whenever you asked him a question about something, he nearly always had the answer or a view or an angle on it that you’d never have thought of before.
“The stars look endless to me,” he said eventually. “Out there, you could just go and go, and there’d be enough space for everyone, and things to do and see that go on forever.” He risked a look at Alpha Trion’s face and was surprised to see quiet thoughtfulness there. “You must think I’m naive. Everyone says I’m a dreamer.” He waited for the other to agree.
But Alpha Trion shook his head. “Dreamers are in too-short supply on this world,” he said. “And so far there wasn’t so much to dream about, but the times are coming when we will need more visionaries, of one kind or another. Do I think it is naive to feel idealistic about the unknown? No. If we didn’t feel that way we’d be nothing more than Predacon fodder, and rightly so. Instead we’ve taken their place at the top of things, and now we’re adventuring abroad. There’ll be time enough for reality later.”
Orion was calmed by Alpha Trion’s acceptance, and elevated. For the first time, he considered himself as something potentially worthwhile, a bot who had something to offer the world instead of one who awkwardly negotiated with it. The idea scared him a little, but he held on to it, experimentally, and for the rest of that day, at least, managed to correct his mistakes and apply himself without creating many more.”
The Stars Remember
This is where it all began for Optimus. Not when he first heard Megatron’s words over Cybertron’s Communications Grid. Not when he decided to step away from his post and meet Megatron for the first time. Not even when he gave his impromptu speech before the Council.
But here, at his humble workstation in the Hall of Records.
Reading this part of CoP and then looking at Optimus in TFP…does things to me. It’s not hard to guess what happened to The Dreamer. Where young Orion Pax had seen hope of life and potential for discovery, Optimus came face-to-face with death and loss and grief. I can only guess how much Optimus had to lay to rest within himself in order to survive the pain of millions of years of war. The same heavens he had looked upon so fondly as Orion became the grave of many of those under his command. Not just literally, but figuratively as well.
But I don’t think The Dreamer ever died completely. How else would Optimus have kept going?
✧ ✧ ✧
series master post
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How would the tfp bots and cons react to a both autobot and decepticon couple who both fall in love and left their factions to be together and had an sparkling as well
Optimus is happy that even amidst a war, they can find happiness. He will never try to find them or disturb them. They have chosen their path and found their happiness. Optimus plans to end the war so they can go home to live a peaceful life as a family.
Ratchet thinks they are lucky. They are lucky that they can live the life they want. He feels a little jaded for the fact that he can't have that luxury. But at the same time, he chooses to stay with the Autobots. Sometimes it doesn't feel like a choice to stay in the war, but in reality, it is. He generally tries not to think of them too much, he just tries to focus on getting his work done instead of thinking about what it would be like to leave.
Arcee doesn't see how the Autobot could have fallen in love with the Decepticon. But they did. She doesn't think they should have left. They need all the bodies they can get to try and fight and win the war. If anything she thinks the Autobot should have tried to convince the Decepticon to join their side. Then again, she isn't sure she would have liked that. So perhaps it was for the best that they left.
Bumblebee is happy for them. Continually fighting is hard, you just have to find something to fight for. He would have liked it if they stayed and fought for their love and a better world on the side of the Autobots. But he understands why they left. He knows they would have been judged and treated differently because they fell in love outside their faction. So he is happy they left to be together, he's also excited for the fact they created new life together.
Bulkhead doesn't think leaving is the best thing to do. However that's his opinion, and he isn't in love with a Decepticon, so he can't truly know what forced their decision. He's sure they had their reasons for leaving the Autobots, just like he's sure they have a good reason to fall in love with a Decepticon. All reasons that he'll never know. In the end, he decides he can't judge as they are living a vastly different life to him. He's happy that they can raise their family together. And if he ever sees them, he will wish them the best.
Megatron hates cowards, betrayals, and abandoners. He makes it a point, that if any of his Decepticons come across them, then they are to be punished for leaving. He doesn't care if they are in love or if they have a sparkling, they abandoned the Decepticon cause and therefore must be punished.
Starscream hates that they got out. He thinks they are weak for falling in love, especially with an Autobot. There are far better and more important things they could have done. But they threw it all away for an Autobot. He hasn't met them, but he dislikes the sparkling, made from betrayal. If he sees them, he'll vocalize his disdain for them.
Knockout is a little jealous that they were able to get out. If he and Breakdown could leave they could. But he can't while the Decepticons are still active and Megatron is still around. He'd be killed if he tried to leave. So he stays and thinks about the con, the bot, and their sparkling, feeling jealous that they get to live in peace.
Breakdown tries not to give them much thought. Out of sight, out of mind. Their lives do not affect him, so he shouldn't care about them. Sure, it's nice to know that happiness is possible for some. But he has his duties, and he has his work to worry about unless he wants to get punished.
Soundwave will keep an eye on them. As long as he doesn't have more pressing matters, he will send Lazerbeak to get information on them. He needs to know where they are and what they are doing to ensure that they won't affect the Decepticon's plans. As long as they stay far away, then he will leave them be.
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moonlight-tmd · 9 months
Thinking about Prowl being all sad and with attachment issues after Bee got revived.
For the first week of Bee's return Bee kept by Prowl's side when the two-wheeler fell into recharge and was always the first to greet him when he woke up: The first night Bee basically forced Prowl to go to bed very early cuz he has not recharged at all the night prior. He stayed and talked to Prowl while laying next to him until they were both fast in recharge, Prowl cuddled up to Bee and Bee holding him close. The next morning Prowl woke up alone in berth and had a little panic attack before Bee came in with a tray of 2 fuel cubes and some snacks. "I thought you were gone again..." Prowl confessed while Bee held his faceplace and comforted him. They spand some tima alone in Prowl's room before both came out to socialize with the others.
The second night was different cuz Bee convinced Optimus to stay up late to play the game he didn't get to finish before his death. Prowl obviously stayed with him cuz ✨separation anxiety✨. It was nearing midnight and Bee was talking about some plan he had to defeat the next boss, Prowl has subconsciously laid his helm on Bee's shoulder for some sort of physical comfort. Few moments later bee noticed that the weight on his shoulder and side has gotten heavier, he glanced at Prowl and saw the ninjabot recharging soundly. He saved and exited the game and took Prowl to his berth and tucked him in. he had a little bit of a conflict whether he should take off his visor for recharge but in the end he did- he stared at the peaceful expression Prowl had and he just couldn't help but to lean down and place a gentle goodnight kiss on his forehelm. Bee could have sworn he saw the edges of his derma twich up a bit to form a tiny smile- A smile is all it took to make someone look better, Bee still wished Prowl would smile more often... and now that he's back he'll make sure he does. He stayed for few more minutes before going back to turn off the console and head to his own berth.
The other nights were not different; Bee only stayed with Prowl until he was in recharge before he headed to his own berth. Then the second week rolled around and Prowl insisted on going to berth by himself cuz he couldn't keep "forcing" Bee to stay with him all the time... Yeah that didn't last long cuz on the 2nd night of week 2 he had a nightmare about losing Bee again and ended up cuddling to recharge with him in Bee's room. So naturally, Bee didn't give a slag about the next time Prowl asked to be left alone to fall to recharge and kept by his side to be safe. He wasn't about to risk Prowl having another trauma-nightmare, no! Usually Bee would stay with Prowl when he fell into recharge, but somtimes they would cuddle and recharge together in either one of their rooms. Whenever they recharged together Bee would sometimes hum a lullaby instead of talking, Prowl was the only one allowed to listen to the golden notes of Bee's vox.
Next up- after Bee got revived, Prowl surely would not be okay if he left from his sight for more than 3 minutes. He'll get anxious and flashbacks would slowly come and tickle the back of his mind the longer Bee took. Bee brought him everywhere he went even if it was something boring and he would be back in few minutes, or even a patrol; if one of them went on patrol Bee would start a voice call with Prowl so he wouldn't feel bad. (i imagine in the time Bee was dead the elite guard somehow managed to capture Megs and the 'cons so there's only Blackarachnia and somehow-bribed-to-be-friendly Constructicons left on earth aside from the human villains. so ye, domestic fluff time :3 )
One time bee said he'll be gone for an hour max and he didn't tell where he was going... Prowl nearly left a trail in the floor from his anxious pacing because Bee was gone for nearly 3h. He was literally leaving to find him when he bumped into no one else but Bee who had just come back with a surprise for him... that didn't help much with Prowl scolding him to not do this again, he didn't even pick up his comm for Primus' sake! Bee is now emotionally forced to stick to the time he says he'll be back.
I feel like Bee would goof around with Sari and one time they were making weird faces at each other and Bee pulled such a silly one Prowl started snickering next to Sari on the couch. So of course Bee took the opportunity to sneak up on him and do even more funny things and made Prowl full-on laugh. Everyone in the main room was laughting while Optimus and Ratchet watched with warm smiles. They could feel the joy in the air ever since Bee's return.
Speaking of joy- somewhere around the 2nd month of being revived Bee decided it's about time he'll pull some pranks. First one being on Prowl obviously. The classis bucket of harmless liquid (in Earth's case water). He set up the trap right above the storage until and waited for Prowl to open it to refuel. Both Bulkhead and Optimus saw a huge chunk of water fall right on the ninjabot while Bee tried so hard not to giggle. "Well, that checks out today's shower on my to-do list." is all he said and Bee literally wheezed from laughter. Yes, he did take an actual shower later, don't worry Optimus...
Bee also went with Prowl for his daily check-ups in medbay when he was recovering. Ratchet was glad that it didn't take too long for the "daily" part to become "weekly". He never questioned why Bee came along wherever Prowl was or vice versa, clearly it was doing good for Prowl.
Ok that's it. See you next post-
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lets-try-some-writing · 7 months
Getting more information on what the femmes do was very exciting (idk if that's the right word) but if it's not a spoiler I would love to hear more about the process when a femme finishes the preparations
(And it makes sense, find someone insignificant and reuse them to make someone new, someone potentially more useful)
The Grim Dark Archives: Statement #007 Cold Forged
[Statement taken from [Redacted] on [Redacted: Sensitive data] regarding femmes and what they do to their chosen subjects. Concerns have been rising after [Redacted] made it clear that Arcee can latch onto humans just as easily as she can another Cybertronian. Personnel working at the Autobot base have begun attempting to go on strike in an effort to escape.
I can't say I blame them, but [Redacted] was called to explain the process that femmes put their targets through to hopefully give us some answers. I suspect the higher ups just want enough information to weave a half baked like for the staff, but the information is vital nonetheless. The more we know, the better a chance we have of fighting back if need be.
Statement begins.]
Femmes... yeah, I've known a few over the course of my life. Elita was one real piece of work. She wanted Orion when she was still Ariel, and she threw a fit when the Archives got him before she could. She wanted Optimus as well once she found out he had been Orion at some point. She nearly got him too. I think the only reason Optimus managed to get out of her clutches was because of his rather murderous tendencies. I don't know if he meant to or not, but he allowed Elita to try and claim him and then watched on as her abilities backfired.
There is a reason femmes only target the weak. If their will cannot overcome the will of the target, their abilities will kill them instead... and in a rather brutal fashion.
It was a shame. Elita, when she wasn't enthralled with her targets, was a good femme. She treated her cold forged well and was a brilliant tactician. She actually kept Optimus in line for a long time. She ensured he couldn't do anything nearly as extreme as what he does now. That's the good thing about femmes. They are good and kind to their targets. They fill the void in the bot's life that no other could have ever hoped to fill. It is a peaceful end for a mech that would otherwise be cast away by society. Elita was the companion Optimus needed, a level helmed and gentle being who served as his equalizer when his plans demanded more pain than required. I appreciated her for that, especially when I served as as a special agent-
Ignore that remark. No. Ignore it.
Do you understand me Witwicky? You will ignore that remark.
[Note: [Redacted] expressed a severe violent reaction the moment I made it clear that I had no intention of adhering to his wishes. He only calmed when he watched me scratch it from the records. Of course I added back the redacted information following the conversation, but [Redacted] has things he wants to hide it seems.]
As I was saying, Elita was a fantastic person. Femmes are more than capable of being normal members of society when they are tended to. In fact, they are even worshipped in some circles and given the lowly members of society so that they may be remade. But Elita aimed too high, she went beyond the bounds set by the rules of femmes. She tried to go after a mech who was too strong, and for that reason, she fell.
Femmes are of the line of Solus Prime, the first femme created by Primus. At least that's what the Primacy will tell you. I'm not all that sure on the theological stuff, but there are records pointing to the fact that Solus existed. Because of that, I am willing to pin the femmes existence back to her. I don't know all the details about the first femme. That's the kind of thing you'd need to ask Orion about. He always loved talking about the theological details of history. He always got so passionate about it...
Sometimes... I forget Orion isn't here to answer anymore. I mean, he is, but he also isn't. But that's beside the point. This isn't my forte. Sorry, its just seeing Optimus so often after so many millennia, it can bring back old memories yanno? I will get back on topic.
No one knows what makes a newspark become a femme. In fact, there are no signs at all until the newspark sheds their second armor set. They behave just like every other Cybertronian, and then sometime in their early adolescence, they start following a specific individual around. Usually their first target is someone very old or very young, the weak of society or those without enough knowledge to fight back. Once the femme has picked, that's when the Council steps in and slaps a sticker on them to denote what they are. The poor target is cut off from everyone and left to the femme. Why? Because the first target is always the one who suffers the most.
Femmes are highly territorial. They will never aid one another unless both their targets are in danger and cooperating is in their best interest. So every young femme is on her own, left to figure things out as she ages. For young femmes, they will pick their victims apart. There is no peace to be found as they sink their connectors into their target to try and tear apart their CNA and remake it. The process kills the target without fail. A more experienced femme knows that she must follow a ritual, a process of sorts. She must know her target, she must care for her target, and only once her target is open to her... only then can she dig her claws in and remake them.
Yes, yes I am getting to the actual process now. Calm down. I swear you fleshies are just as impatient as Cyberfelines sometimes.
First she will get to know her target and release a chemical, a pheromone as your kind call it. This chemical causes the target to become calm, more trusting, and it also weakens their immune system. It has some benefits, such as increased processor function and heightened senses, but all this comes at the cost of increasing weakness. Not to mention the increase in processor activity is largely so that the femme may attract her target's attention and push them into seeing her in a light that best fits what role she is aiming to fulfill until the time for harvest arrives.
Around a vorn into her work, the femme will start to introduce her coils, her touches if you will. She will start to touch her target as often as she can, and it is through this that small injectors in her digits will begin to input a specially made protomatter into her target. The target will feel no pain since the injections are so small. But over months, years, vorns... slowly her target will start to think less, feel less, until at last they start to collapse.
Femmes are not needlessly cruel in their efforts. She will be very gentle with her target in their dying cycles. When they begin to forget, she will remind them of the things they lost. She will help them fuel, she will take them places they enjoy, and she will allow them ample time to deal with their lingering affairs. Any living relatives will not be compensated, but that is because she sees her work as the greatest compensation any being could possibly receive. She is remolding the worthless into something greater, and for that reason she is both compelled to her work just as much as she heralds it as something sacred. It is her nature to be gentle in this stage, for by that point, her target will be carrying the beginnings of her cold forged, her perfect creation.
There is no set time for it, but at some point in this final stage, the femme will continue her injections of protomatter and her quiet indoctrination until finally, her target shatters. This can take various forms, usually some type of explosion or contortion of the frame, but the end result is always the same. The target dies, and from their corpse, a new being emerges. Much like a newspark, it emerges without armor, but unlike the newsparks from the Well, it will come forth with memory and a mission.
We call these things the Cold Forged. They are beings that completely lack emotion. Or perhaps the ability to empathize. It is hard to tell with them. They all seem to take sick glee in watching others squirm. But anyway, the Cold Forged have a purpose that their femme gave them, and most often, they do not care to reveal it. Those that have felt like giving up data have often been given a mission that amounts to a concept, a thought or ideal. The most common mission these beings receive is by far the most terrifying.
They are given one concept, and they live out their entire lives embodying and striving to reach it. The Cold Forged are Cybertronian by every single stretch of the word, but they are not... like us. Does that make sense? My kind do not really do the empathy thing. But they have SOMETHING. The Cold Forged don't even have that. They are true machines.
You know what's so funny about this whole thing?
The femmes don't even care about their Cold Forged. They make them, and then they move along to the next target. The Cold Forged are the closest any Cybertronian has to actually having a biological creation, and the femmes don't care!
[Note: [Redacted] laughed for a rather long time following this statement. He seemed to be... unstable while speaking on this matter.]
Sorry about that.
It's just, it feels so clinical to me even millennia after learning about the process. These femmes go through so much effort just to make a creature that they then throw away. Elita was a rare exception in this regard. She liked to keep tabs on her Cold Forged, and I think one of hers even ended up with the Elite Guard. Her missions to her Cold Forged were always super specialized too.
Yeah. Femmes. Cold Forged. It's a hot mess I tell you.
Jack will be fine. Arcee will care for him as best she knows how until his dying day. That much you can be sure of.
[Statement end.
I am unsure how to feel about all this. Every detail I gather about these aliens tells me that there is something deeply wrong with them. I have my theories, but considering [Redacted]'s disposition and what info we have on everyone else, I think I can say that this race has been altered somehow. If [Redacted] is able to comprehend empathy, there must be others.
They are capable of feeling and being reasonable, but there is some factor that changes things for them. I shouldn't get involved...
But I want to know. I want to figure this mess out. I am just one man, but if I can put some pieces together, then perhaps there is something we can do to fix this. If nothing else, I want to understand these aliens. I want to know why.
Why start a war? Why do all this? And why in God's name would they shatter in such a way culturally? There must be an answer, and I have a sinking feeling that the only ones who can give me answers are going to be very dangerous.
Agent Witwicky signing off.
Recording ends.]
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melishade · 9 months
Attack on Prime Incorrect Quotes Part Whenever
Main Story
Levi and Megatron at each other’s throats
More Incorrect Quotes
When Armin is more comfortable around Megatron:
Megatron: We need to counterattack.
Armin: That’s a bad idea and I’m not helping.
Megatron: Then you’re a bad friend.
Armin, baffled: Wait, we’re friends?
Megatron: We are if you help me.
Armin: Aw….pass.
Megatron: FRAGGING!
Armin waving goodbye: Friends don’t need to be accomplices to be friends!
Tumblr media
It's improvement but he's not happy about it.
War Timeline
Knockout: By the Allspark. You gotta be kidding me.
Dreadwing: You must be kidding me.
Hanji wiping the energon from their mouth as they stood atop of vehicon corpses. Sees them and smiles: You gotta be kidding me?! squeals in delight
Megatron: You gotta be fragging kidding me! Why in the Pits of Kaon are they still alive?!
Optimus in the Peaceful Timeline if people found out he's the 'Savior from Heaven'
Optimus: Every time I try to talk to someone it’s: ‘Sorry this’ and ‘Forgive me that’ and ‘I’m not worthy’-! WHAT ARE YOU DOING NOW?!
Helos: I’m averting my eyes, oh Savior!
Optimus: Well don’t!
Megatron smirking devilishly after he ripped out Reiner's titan heart: Do you wish to see what else I can do?
Hanji screaming: YES!!!!! All eyes shift to them I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Megatron deadpans at the sight.
Optimus goes to save Megatron and gets injured in the process
Eren: For Megatron?...Really?
Hanji: Yeah, Really?!
Levi: I blame Eren for this... And Buckethead
Megatron: The fuck did I do??
Levi, staring at him: I'm sure you did something
Megatron: N-No-
Peaceful Timeline with Optimus and Megatron screwing around during those 2,000 years
At a zoo
Megatron: What are they in for?
Optimus: Megatron, this isn't prison.
Megatron: So they can leave?
Optimus: No, but-
Megatron, pointing at a meerkat: I bet that one murdered someone.
Hanji: I don’t think we can mansplain, manipulate, or malewife our way out of it this time.
Megatron, cracks his knuckles: Manslaughter it is.
Hanji calls Optimus: Hey, are you busy right now?
Optimus: A little bit. Why?
Hanji: Oh, no worries. Nothing important.
*5 hours later*
Optimus: You and the Survey Corps in jail?! Why did you not say anything?!
Hanji: You were busy!
Peaceful Timeline 2,000 Years Later
Eren: Can we stay with you tonight?
Optimus: All three of you? What happened?
Armin glaring at Mikasa: Someone was playing with an ouija board and cursed the whole apartment complex.
Mikasa: Armin wasn’t any help. He doesn’t know how to banish spirits, so he’s just throwing salt at them yelling “does this look like a hotel to you!?”
Armin: Spirits aren't real!
Mikasa: I have a video that says otherwise! I thought you were the smart one!
They got Optimus drunk one time
Hanji, gesturing to Optimus: Wheeljack, look what you did! You made Optimus upset! 
Eren: Optimus, please don’t cry, we’re sorry! 
Wheeljack, feeling a little guilty: My bad, Chief.
Optimus, drunk out of his mind and crying pointing to the 104th: I DON’T REMEMBER GIVING BIRTH TO ANY OF YOU!
Peaceful Timeline
Megatron: No one can hurt me if I’m cold and detached and not emotionally invested in anyone.
Maria: Hi Papa!
Megatron: *sweating* Shit.
Megatron: Come on, how many times do I have to apologize to them?
Levi: Once.
Megatron: ...
Megatron: No.
Levi: This is like the longest I've slept. Wow, I feel so dizzy.
Optimus: How long have you slept?
Levi: Five minutes.
Megatron: roses are red.
Megatron: violets are blue.
Megatron: gods gave me all the height.
Megatron, snorting while pointing at Levi: and left nothing to you.
Sasha: The ocean is a soup.
Survey Corps and Autobots stare
Arcee: Do elaborate.
Sasha: What is needed for something to be a soup?
Armin: Uh... water, salt, some form of vegetation, and I personally prefer some meat in mine.
Arcee having a mid-life crisis
Wheeljack: The ocean is a soup-!
Sasha: The ocean is a soup!
Peaceful Timeline
Rose: Optimus, what if there are monsters?
Optimus: Don't worry Aurora, humans are known to be at the top of the food chain.
Much later...
Rose, lying awake at night: I am the monster.
Teenage Maria: Go to bed, Rose!
Optimus: We have to plan, have to figure something out.
Hanji: Prime, when have any of our plans actually worked? We plan, we get there, all hell breaks loose.
Armin: Are we in trouble?
Optimus: Take a guess.
Sasha: No?
Levi: Take another guess.
Megatron as Matthew, in prison: Well, I've been in better jails in my life.
Reiner outside his cell: That's nothing to brag about, Matthew.
Peaceful Timeline
Megatron: looks at Maria
Megatron: Baby girl. Baby.
Megatron: looks at Rose
Megatron: Evil.
Megatron has beef with Rose. She's a little shit to him.
Megatron gesturing to titan form Eren: I think we have to kill this guy, Optimus.
Optimus: Damn...
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cosmics-beings · 1 year
I don't really post fic wips on this blog but I wanted to post this one before I went to bed!
slight synopsis: starsceream tried to rekindle his relationship with megatron and surprises him aboard the lost light, megatron freaks out and wants nothing to do with him! starscream ends up sacrificing himself for megatron during a surprise attack on the lost light. this is the after math.
“Stay away from me,” He had said, angrily the moment Starscem entered the boarding chamber. His uncharacteristically jovial expression melting into surprise.
“Megatron, I – I just wanted to see you again and–”
“I don’t care what you want, Starscream. We are not on Cybertron, you have no rule or jurisdiction upon this vessel. I have no idea why you’ve come here but you will find no camaraderie or happiness here. I will not let you poison the new life and family I have built for myself.” 
He didn’t give Starscream a chance to respond. He’d simply brushed past him, leaving Starscream with Ultra Magnus. 
Back then, when Megatron made that decision, he was so sure of himself. He had every right to push Starcream away for all the harm the traitorous Seeker had inflicted upon him.  He had every right to hate Starscream. He had every right to let Starscream know that.
At least, that is what he’d told himself to feel better back then.  He just did not know that it would lead to this.
This painful moment in present time.
Red and black liquid stained the crinkled paper that Megatron held in his hands and his frame trembled as he gazed down at the motionless, ragged bot laying upon the decorated berth beneath him. The bot’s face was unlike what it was those years ago, when Megatron had shunned him during his failed attempt to patch up their broken relationship.
It was so different from the days of the war, when it was drenched with an expression of fear and cowardice, terrified of Megatron’s fists or blasters pounding themselves into his frame.
No, there was no fear, no conniving nature–nothing. 
It was simply Starscream or what was left of him. His optics were closed, his hands rested calmly on his abdomen and his spark was extinguished. Beneath him on the berth were a sea of red and blue flowers; even if he scoffed at sentient organic life forms, he loved flowers. That was something he tried to hide from Megatron, but when it came to his untimely demise, it was a desire that Megatron refused to let be buried with him. In fact, all of Iacon that day was draped in flowers. Flowers for their leader, who had honorably given his life to save the crew of the Lost Light, more importantly, Megatron. 
“If you do not wish to read the poem to him,” Optimus’s voice, quiet yet intruding, sounded from the very end of the dimly lit hall. “Then perhaps you leave it at his memorial statue. It will be finished it–”
“I do not wish for anyone else to read it, Prime.” Megatron’s voice too was calm, but anger was hidden in the crevasse. He turned to face Optimus, red tears staining his metallic cheeks. “I asked that no one come in here! Am I not allowed to be with my former second in command, in peace! Alone?!”
Optimus approached, slowly stepping into the light that was emitted from the upper window. He took a chance yet gently, placed a hand upon Megatron’s shoulder. 
“Megatron, you have been in here for over a day.” Optimus moved past him, gazing at Starscream himself. He saw the tear marks staining Starscream’s frame. Megatron had been standing over him, crying, mourning, unmoving. “There is to be a procession of his body from the Halls of Iacon to the Catacombs. There is a tomb waiting for him–”
“He is to be paraded around like an animal?!” Megatron snapped back. “He deserves more than that! You fools do not know how to respect him–”
“Starscream is–was the leader of Cybertron. He is no longer your second in command. It is tradition! It is what his people want! It is not about you, it is not about me–it is about him and–” Optimus ex-vented, blue optics narrowed. “He would not want us to be fighting like this. He died so you could be happy, so you could live anew. He gave you freedom, Megatron. Be happy!”
Megatron’s tears began to gather once again, nearly spilling out of the side of his optics. He could not contain his emotions.
“How can I be happy prime, when he died for me and I treated him like he was worthless? He came to that ship to make up with me and my arrogance killed him, and before that, when we served in the war together, I mistreated him! I ruined his life -I –I…” The facade of anger (and it was not much of a facade) fell like sand through Megatron’s fingers. “And I have nothing to give him in return but my tears!”
Megatron was on the verge of breaking down, and Optimus could tell. His strong, resilient frame began to tremble and instinctively, Optimus took a step forward and pulled Megatron into a hug. Arms tightening around him, Megatron leaned into the embrace, tears streaming down his face, and head resting upon Optimus’s shoulder. It was then, Megatron began to sob. He cried harder than he ever had in his life.
“Leave him the poem.” Optimus whispered through Megatron’s tears. “The one in your hand–no one has to know what is written on it, except you and Starscream. And when he awakes in the after life, one with the Allspark…then he will read it. He will know how much you cared for him. I will ensure that he is buried with it.”"
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strwbmei · 9 months
Hi Mei question what are you favorite characters from all fiction? Because in my case i have about top 10 list plus honorable mentions:
1. Spider-man (Peter Parker and Miles Morales) (Marvel Comics)- I honestly love these two spider-man because how relatable they are. Not to mention i feel like they are the definition of responsability. I honestly related to Peter Parker's nerdy actitud and humor along with Miles's personality wise. I also love the fact thag Miles have a strong love for his family as well. Not to mention both of these characters don't give up no matter how hopeless things gets.
2. Superman (DC Comics)- Some people considered superman boring but i really love his caracter because he embodies Hope. Not to mention he is someone who always tries to do what is right and have a very strong moral compass. I still remember when i was younger and saw superman returns when he lifted the kypotonite Island. Even when it was killing him he still keep going and never gave up that's is inspiration.
3. Batman (DC Comics)- If we ignored all the batman with prep time thing. Batman is actually a well written character. Especially since he tries to do the right thing for his city. I also love the fact that even though he is human and is very aware of that he plans ahead and works very hard. The fact that mlst characters in the DC world respects him that speaks volumen.
4. Optimus Prime (Transformers)- I love optimus prime for me he is what a leader should be. Selfless, just and someone who always fights for freedom no matter what. He is the leader that i wish i could be.
5. Kratos (God of war franchise). To a bloodthirty and revenge seeking spartan to a reedem warrior. As someone who played the OG god of war games. Kratos in the recent years have one of the best character development, especially now in the recent DLC.
6. Anakin Skywalker Aka Darth Vader (Star Wars)- he went to a slave to the Dark lord of the Sith. Once a hero became the villain by fear of lost of loved one. For me Anakin is a tragic character who wanted to protect the love of his life but failed and became the thing he was supposed to destroy. At the end he was redeemed thanks to his son.
7. Black Panther (Marvel Comics)- i love his character intelligent, strong and just for his people and his kingdom. The fact that Chadwick Boseman (Rest in Peace) played such and awesome character made it better.
8. Wonder Woman (DC Comics)- The proud amazonian and a proud member of the Justice League. She is strong, honorable and compassionate making her an Icon and a part of DC trinity.
9. The Flash (Barry Allen, DC comics)- i love is perseverance and willpower since he never gave up on searching for his mother's killer. After becoming the fastest man alive is character development continue and his death on infinite crisis was a huge moment.
10. John Wick (John Wick series)- the legendary baba yaga this man willpower and tenacity made me love his character by a lot. He has an impresive body count and commites to his mision. To think all of that started with a puppy left behind by his late wife. What i like about his character is that he never stop until he got his revenge.
Honorable Mention
Issac Clarke (dead space series)- An engineer who was on the wrong place at the wrong time. To a dependable and selfless survivor.
Kiana Kaslana (Honkai Impact 3rd)- the naive girl to the strongest valkyrie in the honkai series.
Lara Croft (Tomb Raider series)- one of the greatest if not THE greatest Adventurer in all of gaming.
Nathan Drake (Uncharted)- One of sony most charming and beloved characters.
Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil series)-Rookie cop to a well experience agent of the resident evil franchise.
I see you like superheroes! My siblings were mostly into anime, so that's what I grew up with instead of Marvel/DC comics. I've been wanting to get into them for years now, but there are so many movies and heroes that it's a bit overwhelming... I also don't have the attention span to sit through an entire movie.
I wouldn't be able to choose any favorites with how much fiction I've read/watched/played, but here are some characters I've really enjoyed recently in no particular order:
Dr. Mobius - She's insane. Literally. She has a sad backstory, but it doesn't tie that much into why she goes to such extents to achieve her goals. I just like morally grey characters in general. I also really like her dynamics with the other flamechasers!
Frieren - She's so unserious, but she's come a long way. She went from not really caring about humans, only spending her time pursuing magic, to actively helping out anyone she sees in need like Himmel used to. To be loved is to be changed, they say. She's just an old woman traveling around the world with her adopted grandchildren while collecting the remaining traces of the 10-year adventure that she treasured the most in her 1000+ years alive.
Rudeus Greyrat - Okay. Before people burn me alive, he's absolutely disgusting and a pedophile. Yet, at the same time, that's what makes his character development way more impactful. He went from worse than trash and the maggots living inside it to worse than cattle, which is still a pretty big improvement in my book. The main reason why I put him here, though, is because of the scene where he reunited with his father. I'm not a very expressive person, but that scene had me tearing up because of how relatable it was.
Elysia - I love her, and the best part is that she'd probably love me too! She went through so much, saw the worst of humanity, and still decided to love the entirety of it. I really admire how she can see beauty in anything and everything. She wasn't even supposed to exist. She was an anomaly, and yet she was what saved everyone. Also, the one thing we have in common is our love for pretty girls.
Miles Morales - ITSV and ATSV are one of the only Marvel movies I've watched, and I enjoyed both of them immensely! They blended 2D and 3D animation techniques so well together, the halftones were used really well, and all of the colors really made the characters pop. I could go on for hours about how well the movies were animated, but back to the point— even though he's a hero, and a very reliable one at that, the show doesn't let us forget that he's still a kid. He still has to balance his responsibilities while at the same time, fighting crime and dealing with puberty. He also just seems like a really chill person to be friends with. We're both into similar branches of science and art, so I think we'd get along pretty well.
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