#Mehna Nuwu
bard-of-light · 3 years
Mehna's mismatched eyes shot open as she quickly sat up in her shared bed with her fiancée, Alisaie. Sweat covered her face as she calmed her breathing. Nightmares were an almost nightly occurrence since returning to Source. She wiped her face off as she glanced over at the Elezen's sleeping form. She looked so damn peaceful. The Bard didn't have the heart to wake her. She placed a small kiss on her cheek before slipping out of their bed and heading to their daughter's room.
She tip toed in, stopping to peer over Azha's crib. The little kit was sucking on her thumb as her tiny tail swished. She must be havin' a nice dream. Lucky her, Mehna mused with a bittersweet smile. She reached down to stroke her daughter's small tuft of auburn hair.
Azha shifted in her sleep, as if sensing her mother's distress. Her gold and silver eyes opened and she made a sound mixed between a coo and a squeak.
"Sorry if I woke you, little one," Mehna murmured.
Azha's ears perked up before wrapping her tiny fingers around Mehna's index finger. The kit looked up at her mouth with such love and adoration in her eyes that it moved Mehna to tears. She despised crying but she felt unworthy of her daughter's affection.
Her ears turned towards the door as a voice spoke out, "I was worried when I woke up and you weren't there, darling."
"Forgive me, Alisaie. I had another nightmare and I didn't want to trouble you," she muttered, voice cracking from raw emotion.
Alisaie sighed with furrowed brow before striding over to her lover. It was still strange to them both that Alisaie towered over her now.
The Elezen rested a hand on Mehna's shoulder. "Silly cat. You have never bothered me. I swore that I'd be by your side until the end and I meant it," Alisaie chided her with a stern but gentle tone.
Mehna sighed and nuzzled her cheek before picking Azha up in her arms. "I know, love but there's many days where I don't feel worthy of you and Azha."
"Nonsense. If anyone in this world deserves happiness, tis you. You have given up ao much for other and almost died for it. I think you've earned a chance to be selfish."
Azha's hands touched Mehna's face. "See? Our daughter agrees with me, as she should."
The Bard let out a genuine laugh at that before leaning down to rub her nose against her daughter's. "Always listen to your mother. She's the smart one here but know that I'll always protect you, my little dove."
Alisaie smiled happily as Azha giggled in response. The path ahead will be difficult but no matter what, she would never leave her family's side.
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lizzy-frizzle · 3 years
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bard-of-light · 3 years
I need to stop myself from making a new character but after seeing everyone's fan children, I really want to make Mehna and Alisaie's adopted daughter, Azha.
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bard-of-light · 3 years
Dance the Night Away
After a writing prompt was sent to me by @meepsthemiqo, I thought of this as I continued the Dancer storyline. I've only gotten to level 65 for Dancer since I've been working on my alts and Mehna's Red Mage but I thought it would be hilarious for Hilda to find out about it.
This is before they're together. Let me know if you want to see more!
Hilda heard the commotion coming from the Forgotten Knight while on patrol. "What in the Seven Hells," she mumbled as she walked over. This had to be more interesting than her patrol.
She looked at a flyer on the billboard that read, "Exotic Dancers all the way Radz-at-Han". She quirked an eyebrow. That sounded interesting but not at all Gibrillont's style. She looked around the Plaza before slipping into the tavern. No harm in sneaking a peek, eh?
She strolled down the stairs, letting out an impressed whistle as she saw how many patrons were there. Hilda sat at the bar, motioning to the bartender for her usual drink. The Elezen man set a glass down in front of her as the band struck up. The music sounded exotic and foreign but it was strangely addictive.
A graceful figure danced onto the stage. Hilda couldn't help but smirk as she took in what the woman was wearing. Her midriff was showing ever so slight. She was toned but for more than a dancer would be. She sipped her drink, watching with great interest as the dancer pulled out some sort of weapons. The way she moved, it was almost like a story being told.
Hilda's eyes moved up to the dancer's face. It was covered by a veil but those eyes...now why did those eyes seem so familiar? She choked on her drink as the realization hit her like a ton of bricks. It was the Warrior of Light!
Gibrillont gave her a look before continuing to deal with his other patrons. Hilda coughed behind her hand. She couldn't believe what she was seeing! Oh, she was definitely going to get answers from her later.
Mehna's eyes connected with Hilda's as she struggled to control her coughing. She smirked behind her veil before finishing with a huge flourish right as the music ended. The crowd erupted in applause as the Miqo'te took a bow before disappearing.
Hilda huffed before finishing her drink and leaving the tavern. She wasn't going to go chasing after the Bard like a lost pup. She was going to wait for the Bard to come to her.
An hour or so later, the patrons began to file out after last call. Hilda was leaned up against the side of the building. She watched all of those who left, keeping her eye out for one person. As soon as she saw her, she called out, "So this is what ye do in yer downtime, eh?"
Mehna froze before turning to look at her. She wore a simple tunic with trousers tucked into her boots. Seeing Hilda, she grinned, almost looking proud of herself. "Well, you didn't seem to mind."
Hilda had to fight down the urge to roll her eyes. "And what would your friends say if they saw you like that?"
"Oh by the Twelve, it's not like I was stripping! Besides, it's nice to be known as something besides the Warrior of Light," she grumbled, saying the last part so softly that Hilda almost didn't hear it.
The sharpshooter felt her posture relax. She knows all too well how it feels to be stuck with a moniker that changes how people precieve them. They were opposite sides of the same coin. Being the Warrior of Light means that the people idolized her while growing up as the Mongrel, most people gave Hilda a wide berth. Neither chose their circumstances but they had to deal with it.
Hilda sighed and walked over to the Miqo'te. "Come on, tis getting cold and late and I doubt you want to stay at the Forgotten Knight."
Mehna's ears perked up. "Wait, are you offering your place to me?"
"Aye I suppose I am. Are ye coming or not?"
The Bard grinned, revealing her fangs. "Lead the way."
Hilda led her to the Brume and stopped at a slightly run-down house. "It ain't much but it's home."
"I love it. I'm not one for anything fancy."
Hilda shrugged before opening the door as Mehna followed her in. She shivered a bit as the cold slowly left her body. She looked around Hilda's house. It was simple but it has a homey feel to it.
"Follow me. You can rest on the sofa tonight." Hilda motioned to the couch.
Mehna kicked her boots off before sitting on the couch. She bounced on it a bit before smiling up at Hilda. "I appreciate it, Hilda."
Hilda felt her heart flutter but chose to ignore it. "Think nothing of it. Just try and get some rest." She turned to head to her room.
"By the way, I'm glad you enjoyed the show," Mehna called out just as Hilda closed her door. The last thing that she saw was the Bard's smug smirk.
The sharpshooter leaned against her door. Her hand rested over her racing heart. Gods, above, what is this unknown feeling? She hated it but she wanted more of it. She shook her head before getting ready for bed. Someone like Mehna wouldn't look at her in that way.
How wrong she was.
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bard-of-light · 3 years
Muse(s) List
Mehna Nuwu
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The main Warrior of Light. She grew up in a small village outside of the Black Shroud with her older half brother. Her mother died in childbirth and soon after, their father abandoned them. She ran with a local gang until she was 17 and she hated her brother for "abandoning" her when she was 16 to make a fortune as an Adventurer.
Starting out her journey at 18, she met her friend Allane on the carriage ride to Gridania. She originally is reckless and she has no regard for her own safety. After joining the Scions, she learns to care for others and to open up to her friends.
After her defeat by Zenos' hand the first and second time they fought, she learned to not be so reckless and arrogant. She harbors a grudge on her brother for leaving her alone when she was 16. She also has PTSD from when she was corrupted by the Light.
Her romances are Alisaie, Hilda and Y'Shtola (depending on what AU).
Isert Fiecoy
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A merchant's son from Limsa Lominsa, he grew up in a loving household but he longed for adventure so when he was 20, he left to join the Adventurer's Guild in Ul'Dah. A skilled Paladin, he quickly rose in the ranks of the Immortal Flames. By the time he is 25, he is a Captain and he has many campaigns under his belt, including leading a squad at Cartenau during the Calamity.
He is a terrible flirt and his fellow adventurers, Inako and Akoko tend to tease him for his flirting habits.
He was originally in a relationship with Haurchefant but after his death, he was determined to be alone until he fell for his fellow Azure Dragoon, Estinien.
Inako Urabito
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Born and raised in Namai, she grew up under Imperial rule. At a young age, she was trained as a Shinobi by her parents. When she was 22, the Liberation front tried to take back their land by the Garleans but they were thwarted by Zenos. Urged by her parents, she fled to Eorzea. She felt like a coward and vowed to get stronger to avenge them.
She loves to learn and she is basically the mom of the group. When she gets feelings for Lyse, she begins to panic and tries to avoid her. After awhile, she permanently moves to Ala Mhigo to be close to Lyse.
Akoko Ako
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Akoko grew up as an orphan near Camp Drybone so she learned how to fight at a very young age. She is the spitfire of the group. She will set someone on fire if they call her cute or look at her wrong. She's a Black Mage, Astrologian and Samurai and everyone teases her for being a chaotic Healer.
While she is a chaotic gremlin, she is a huge softie around Nanamo and eventually, they start a secret love affair.
Ewe'ya Masku
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Mehna's older half brother, he did his best to raise her but she was in trouble a lot. He wanted to bring her with to Gridania but she denied him. He promised to come back but two years went without a word.
He rose in the ranks of the Twin Adder as a White Mage and many of his missions were long and dangerous. By the time he was free, he heard rumors of the Warrior of Light being missing in action. He rushed to find her but there was no trace. He eventually made it to Ishgard but by that time, Mehna was in Doma.
While in Ishgard, he trained to be a Machinist and became close friends to Hilda. After hearing that the Scions were whisked away to the First, he traveled to Mor Dhona.
He and Mehna eventually patch things up and he starts to fall for G'Raha Tia. He is playful and affectionate. He loves to give hugs. While Mehna is laid-back and stoic, he is hyperactive.
Avere Storme(I will update once I have a decent picture of him)
A member of the Resistance in Ala Mhigo, he was only 12 when his homeland was taken over. After fleeing, he went to Limsa Lominsa where her trained as a Warrior. He eventually learns to be a Summoner, Scholar and Monk before rejoining the fight in Ala Mhigo.
During Stormblood, he is taught how to be a Ninja by Inako and he begins to get feelings for M'Naago. He is a stoic person but once he trusts someone, he is loud and happy.
Azha Nuwu
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Mehna and Alisaie's adopted daughter, she grew up with a lot of love and at the age of 5, the Echo was awoken in her. She has no talent for magic or music but she is a talented Monk and Dancer. She begins her journey at the age of 16 and she has Alisaie's sass and reckless nature but she is also very kind and protective like Mehna.
As her journey goes on, she pleads for Thancred to teach her how be a Gunbreaker despite Mehna's insistence.
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bard-of-light · 3 years
Mehna, for
🐇- For a secret item they keep (stuffed animal, comfort object, etc)
Mehna's ears went down in embarrassment. She looked around to make sure no one was listening in before she whispered, "I still sleep with my baby blanket that my mama made for me before I was born. It's the only thing I have of her. My father got rid of everything else that reminded him of her."
She paused as she looked down in shame. "Even me..."
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bard-of-light · 3 years
26. What does your character’s home look like? Personal taste? Clothing? Hair? Appearance?
Mehna doesn't really have a home that she owns but her room in the Rising Stones is simple but messy. She has a desk that's covered in sheet music and songs she wrote then she has a simple bed that is always messy along with some pictures.
Her taste in clothing is mostly tunics and trousers. She despises skirts and frilly things. She often has her hair short yet messy. Might change that for Endwalker.
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bard-of-light · 3 years
This is my personal headcanon so if you don't agree, that's fine.
I headcanon that Mehna wrote a ballad after Heavensward so that everyone knew Shiva's story and the true history of Ishgard. She also did it to keep Haurchefant and Ysayle's memories alive after all they sacrificed for the truth.
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bard-of-light · 3 years
After seeing all of @meepsthemiqo AU romances, it got me thinking about who could Mehna be with besides Alisaie? Alisaie's personality and Mehna's fit so well so I decided to ask my mutuals.
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bard-of-light · 3 years
"I know you can handle yourself, but I would feel better if you had backup." Lets see some Mehna and Hilda, I am interested to see this ship sail!
"So yer telling me that the Warrior of Light is out in the Dravanian Hinterlands by herself," Hilda said as she stared down the First Commander with her arms crossed.
Lucia quirked an eyebrow at the Watch's leader. "Aye. We did not think she needed an escort. She is only going to visit Vidofnir. The land is not as dangerous as it used to be since Nidhogg's defeat."
Ruby eyes narrowed at her. "Even so, tis still a dangerous area."
"I must admit, it is odd to see you so worried about someone who kills dragons and primals almost daily," Lucia said with a smug grin as she matched Hilda's posture.
Hilda felt herself bristle in indignation. What in the bloody Hells did that mean?
"Well, excuse me for being worried about our precious savior." She turned on her heel before beginning to walk out.
"Make sure both of you come back safely," was the last thing she heard Lucia say. She could practically feel the smugness.
Hilda grumbled the entire trip to the Hinterlands. She stopped at the edge of Anyx Trine. It was too quiet. Not even the Gnath has come out to play. A sudden roar filled the air along with a war cry that sounded familar.
Hilda felt her heart drop before rushing towards the sound. She stopped and stared as she saw the Warrior of Light standing over her kill. Her aura was like darkness around her as she set her great sword on her back. The dark aura disappeared before Mehna stumbled and fell down on one knee.
"Gods dammit. That bastard was tougher than I thought," she cursed under her breath. Her ears perked up as she heard more beasts heading her way.
Her hand weakly gripped her sword as a stray beast drew near but as it lunged, gunfire rang out through the air as the beast was shot down.
Mehna turned to look where it came from, eyes widening. "Hilda?!"
"I know ye can handle yerself but I would feel better if ye had backup," Hilda said as she strode over with an air of confidence. "Lucky for you, I've got yer back."
Mehna stared up at her for a bit before chuckling. "Leave it to the Mongrel to sniff me out," she said with a teasing lit.
"Don't get smart with me, missy. Ye owe me for this later and I ain't cheap."
The Miqo'te let a loud bark of laughter before standing up with her sword in hand. "Well, I intend to pay my debts."
Hilda and Mehna gave each other a knowing grin before charging at the enemies that came their way.
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bard-of-light · 3 years
Last Chances
I wanted to write how Hilda and Mehna finally got together. This does contain spoilers for the first part of 5.5 so be warned! There will also be some heated scenes and foul language but nothing explicit. Mehna is currently 20 so don't come at me.
Mehna sighed as she walked into Ishgard with a knapsack on her shoulder. She knows that Tataru wanted them all to relax after all they went through recently but she just couldn't. There were so many worries piling up in her mind that she just needed to feel like a normal person.
Wearing her armor with her sword on her back, she stopped in front of Hilda's house in the Brume. She raised her hand to knock, hesitating for a moment.
The door swung up, revealing a half dressed Hilda. Mehna felt her heart lurch as she took in the sight. Hilda had her hair down and it looked disheveled. She wear only a white tank top along with her signature form fitting pants. Her eyes were unknowingly traveling down the sharpshooter's body.
"My eyes are here, kitty," Hilda remarked with a smirk.
The Bard tensed as her eyes shot up. "F-Forgive me. I'm just...not used to seeing you like this," she mumbled as her face flushed and her ears went down. Damn hormones.
Hilda chuckled a bit. "Never said I minded. So what brings you here?"
The Miqo'te rubbed the back of her neck, resisting the urge to shiver as the cold steel touched her bare skin. "Well, the Scions were told to take it easy for awhile but if I stayed at the Rising Stone, I'd never relax. Don't get me wrong. The Scions are like family to me but," she trailed off.
"Say no more. Come on in." She moves out of the doorway to let the Bard in.
Mehna walked in and set her knapsack and sword down. "I really do appreciate it, Hilda. I'll make it up to you."
"Eh don't worry about it. The company is nice," she said as she began to make some tea.
Mehna sat on the couch as she watched...what was Hilda to her? An ally? A friend? No, she was something much more than that and that terrified Mehna. Most of her life, it was only her brother and herself and even he left her. He found her eventually but it still stung.
"Yer very quiet, kitty. Something bothering ya?"
The Miqo'te's ears perked up. "Huh? Oh sorry. I guess I must be more tired than I thought."
Hilda turned to her. "Bullshite. Something is clearly bothering ya."
The Bard was surprised how well Hilda could read her. None of the Scions, save for the twins, could figure out what troubled her. Her fault for being so quiet but her troubles paled in comparison of the troubles of the world.
A warm and soft hand touched her cheek and tilted her head up. "You don't have to hide anything from me, Mehna."
Mehna's eyes closed briefly before opening them again, looking into Hilda's scarlet gaze. "I'm just worried that this is the end....that we're all going to die. What kind of hero am I if I fail now?"
"You aren't just a hero to some people. To some of us, you're a friend and a trusted ally. I mean, I'm sure the Scions feel the same."
Mehna sighs and pulled away from Hilda. "Sometimes, it feels like they only deal with me because I'm the Warrior of Light."
The sharpshooter sighed before sitting next to her. "Let me ask ye something. If you only had one day left, what would ye do with it?"
The Miqo'te's ears perked up before beginning to think. "Honestly, I don't know. I always lived in the moment and I never cared about anyone but myself but once I joined the Scions, that changed."
She paused before continuing, "I suppose I would confess my feelings to the person I fancy."
Hilda felt her heart drop but she put on a cocky smirk. "Oh? Tell me about them." Why was she doing this to herself?
"Well, she's fiesty and an amazing fighter. She has so much confidence that I feel like I can take on anything with her by my side. She'd never admit it but she is a big old softie. She's also gorgeous. Her eyes are so full of emotion, be it anger or pride."
Hilda sighed under her breath before leaning back on the sofa. "She sounds bloody perfect."
Mehna let out a sharp bark of a laugh. "Oh, hardly but I think that's why I lo- uh...why I like her so much." Her cheeks turned red at her near slipup.
"So, this girly of yours have a name?"
Mehna was silent for a bit before turning her head away as she mumbled something.
Hilda quirked an eyebrow. "Didn't catch that."
The Bard sighed, sounded exasperated as she looked at her. "I said it is you, for fuck's sake."
Ruby eyes widen in response. Okay, she sure as hell wasn't expecting that. When the silence dragged on too long, Mehna huffed and stood up. "This was a bad idea. I'm going to go stay at the Forgotten Knight."
Just as Mehna started for the door, Hilda broke out of her daze. She quickly stood up and grabbed the Bard's hand, forcing her to turn back to her. "Ya just gonna leave? Just like that without even hearing what I gotta say?"
She placed her right hand on Mehna's shoulder and pressed her against the door, causing the usually stoic Miqo'te to squeak in surprise. Hilda made a mental note to give her hell for it later but she leaned in, capturing the Bard's lips in her own. It took a few seconds for Mehna to respond but once she did, she began to kiss back in earnest. Neither had too much experience with this but even with how clumsy it was, it felt right. Mehna wrapped her arms around Hilda's lithe waist as the sharpshooter's fingers tangled in her hair.
Hilda made a small noise in the back of her throat as Mehna's fangs grazed her bottom lip. She could feel herself quiver in anticipation but soon the need for air became too great. They both pulled back from the kiss, panting heavily.
"Well, fuck me sideways," Hilda exclaimed softly.
Mehna couldn't help but chuckle as her tail wrapped around her lover's waist. "Maybe another night," she teased, earning her a slap on her shoulder.
"So what does this mean for us," Mehna asked.
Hilda tilted her head as she tapped her chin with her finger. "I ain't too fond of labels. Ironic, I know but all I know is I don't want to lose ya. So just until ya get called back, stay with me?"
Mehna had never seen Hilda so vulnerable before. She gave her a small smile before kissing her forehead. "I'm all yours," she swore.
Hilda tucked her head under Mehna's chin. The Bard sighed happily. Now she has a reason to stay alive.
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bard-of-light · 3 years
from the rescue prompts how about "You are alive!" with Hilda? 😊
Hilda paced in a cave she was currently trapped. Bloody Gnath had caved her in while she was taking in the sights like the Dravanian Forelands. Mehna had no idea where she was and she knew her oxygen supply was running low.
"Bloody Hells, I just wanted to find a perfect gem," she groused.
She flopped down in front of the sealed opening, glaring at the rocks as if she could intimidate them into moving.
"So, how am I gonna die? Starvation or suffocation," she mused before laying back on the cold ground.
Her eyes closed as exhaustion seeped into her bones. She knew she shouldn't sleep but she spent so much energy trying to break out to no avail. All she could do is hope that someone would come looking for her.
She didn't know how long she slept but she soon was started awake by someone calling to her.
"Hilda," a familar voice called out.
The sharpshooter quickly stood up. "Mehna, is that you?!"
"Aye, it is! Lucia told me you were heading here and when you didn't come back, I came to find you. You might want to back up. I'm going to blast through!"
Hilda frowned in confusion but backed away. A huge blast obliterated the rocks. Mehna jumped off the Magitek armor she was using and ran over to Hilda. She picked her up in her arms.
"You are alive! Thank the Twelve," she said as she spun her around.
Hilda couldn't help but laugh as she wrapped her arms around her lover's neck. "Ye can't get rid of me that easily, kitty," she said before pulling her into a soft kiss.
Mehna smiled into the kiss, feeling relieved as she held her in her arms.
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bard-of-light · 3 years
yes of course I love you idiot from the shippy memes... I leave it to your discretion as to who shall have it
Mehna sat under a tree with Alisaie's head on her lap. They decided to head to Gridania for a quick break after current events. She ran her fingers through the Elezen's loose hair. She always loved when Alisaie had it down. Mehna could feel the doubts beginning to resurface. She was so afriad that they were doomed to fail.
The Red Mage hummed as she looked up at her lover. "You seem very deep in thought, Mehna. Is aught amiss?"
"Oh just the same old worries, love. Don't worry about it."
She heard Alisaie huff as she slowly sat up. Her touche was gentle as her hand cradled her face. "Look at me," she commanded softly.
When Mehna turned her gaze to her, she continued, "I want to help you shoulder your burdens. You may the Warrior of Light but you are still mortal and I love you too much to see you suffer though this alone."
Mehna's ears perked up as a small yet goofy smile spread across her face. "You love me?"
A subtle blush covered Alisaie's cheek as she released an embarrassed huff. "Yes, of course I love you, idiot," she murmured softly as she leaned in.
Mehna rested her hand on the back of Alisaie's neck, pulling her closer. "I love you too," she said before pulling her into a soft yet passionate kiss.
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bard-of-light · 4 years
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"Tch, what a load of rubbish," Mehna muttered from her perch from the roof of the Academy. She watched as the students went to and fro, mingling and looking so...happy. She couldn't understand it.
She let out a heavy sigh before standing up. A devious grin spread across her face. "This place to needs for liven up a bit."
So this is an AU idea I got in my head and I wanted to share the pictures I took.
Mehna is a typical delinquent student who eventually falls for the rich girl who has a rebellious side.
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bard-of-light · 3 years
Echoes of the Past
I had to write a story about Azha's first experience with Hydaelyn. She's roughly 5 or 6 so Mehna is 29 and Alisaie is 27. Things will be a bit canon divergent as I would still like to see Minfilia as the Word of the Mother. Also, this might no longer be canon by the time 6.0 comes out.
Azha blinked as she floated in an almost empty space. "Where am I," she asked as she looked around in fear.
"Be at ease, child. I mean you no harm." Suddenly a woman draped in white with long golden hair appeared in front of her.
"Whoa, you're really pretty," Azha exclaimed as her ears perked up.
The woman chuckled softly. "Thank you very much. You may call me Minfilia if you want."
"'kay but where are we?" Azha looked around again before her ears went down as she saw the huge crystal behind Minfilia.
"Tis the Aetherial Sea. Here, I guide special individuals like your mother, Mehna."
The young Miqo'te's mismatched eyes widened. "You know my mama?!"
"Once when I was still...alive. She was a dear friend to me. You remind me much of her."
Azha's tiny tail practically wagged at the praise. "I'm gonna be an 'ventur like her!"
Minfilia'a sapphire eyes twinkled with pride. "Tis good to hear. I will guide you when you need it as will your mothers. Now you really should wake up but heed these words. Hear...feel....think."
Azha's eyes opened as the words began to fade. "That was strange. Maybe mama knows what to do," she grumbled sleeply before rubbing her eyes as she sat up.
Her nose twitches as she smelt breakfast. She bounded down the stairs, almost tripping over her feet.
"Must you always be so loud as you come down," Alisaie sternly said before sipping her tea.
"Sorry mum but I had to ask mama something!" She ran over to Mehna who was cooking breakfast at the stove. Azha's tiny fist gripped her pant leg.
Mehna glanced down at her briefly with a smile before looking back at the skillet. "What did you need to ask me, little one?"
"What does "Hear, feel and think" mean?"
The sound of an utensil hitting the stove echoed through the kitchen. Alisaie looked up at her wife with concern.
"Mama?" Azha was worried she upset her mother.
Mehna took a deep breath before releasing it shakily. "Where did you hear those words," she asked, barely controlling her emotions.
"This pretty lady in my dream said it. She said her name was Minfilia and she was friends with you."
Tears fell from the Bard's eyes as she gripped the counter. Alisaie rushed over to her, wrapping her arms around her.
Azha stared up at her parents, ears down as her own eyes welled up with tears of fear. "Did I make mama cry?"
Alisaie shook her head, resting a hand on top of the young Miqo'te's head. "No, of course not, darling. We will explain everything."
Mehna pulled back from her wife's shoulder and wiped her eyes. She turned the stove off before leaning down to pick up Azha.
"I hoped you would never hear those words. Those words mean that you were given the power of the Echo."
Azha's ears perked up. "Oh like you and my aunts and uncles?"
"Aye. I did not expect you to get it so young or at all. While you may have the Echo, you can still choose your own path in life. You don't need to be a hero."
The tiny Miqo'te shook her head. "I wanna help people like you and mum!"
Mehna sighed softly before a bittersweet smile graced her features. "Then we will make sure you are taught how to fight."
Alisaie watched in silence. She could see that Mehna was conflicted but she trusted her and she swore to be by her side till death do they part.
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bard-of-light · 3 years
“You look pale. Are you sure you’re feeling alright?” - Mehna (and alisaie? owo)
Alisaie watched as Mehna stumbled in with her sword on her back. She didn't look good. "You look pale. Are you sure you're feeling alright?"
Mehna grumbled tiredly before sneezing, causing the Red Mage to jump at the force of it. "Ow," the Bard whined as her head throbbed.
Alisaie huffed as she stood and walked over to her girlfriend. "When was the last time you slept?" She placed her hand on Mehna's forehead. "You're burning up!"
"I'm fine but I do not remember when I slept last."
Alisaie rolled her eyes and grabbed her arm, dragging her off gently to her room. "Take your armor off and do not make any smart comments," she ordered her.
The Miqo'te grumbled again and took her armor off, leaving her in a simple top and trousers.
"Good, now lay down. I will be back soon." She walks out.
Mehna laid on her bed, eyes closing as her head continued to throb. A few minutes later, her ears perked up at the sound of Alisaie's footsteps. The Red Mage was silent as she pulled a chair over to the bed.
"Stay still," she said as she dipped a washcloth into a bowl of cool water. She wrung it out before placing it on Mehna's forehead.
The Miqo'te hummed as she took Alisaie's hand in hers. "What would I do without you?"
Alisaie kissed her hand. "Luckily, you never have to find out."
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