#Melbourne School Cleaning Company
sowndaryappts11 · 9 months
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no-144444 · 7 days
pointe shoes and racecars- o.piastri
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summary: you and oscar had grown up together, and grown apart. now you're teaching him ballet for a mclaren video. will you two reconnect?
pairing: oscar piastr x fem! ballerina! dancer
Oscar Piastri was your best friend’s older brother, what could go wrong? 
You’d moved to Melbourne when you were a kid with the rest of your family, and your brother quickly started karting at a local track. In comes the Piastri’s. You were sitting on the sidelines, bored out of your mind when a little girl a bit older than you came up to you with another girl, about your age, and another little girl, much younger than all three of you. 
“Which one’s yours?” The eldest asked. 
“The one in the red kart, my brother. You?”
“The one in the fluro yellow. He’s our brother,” she explained. “I’m Hattie, that’s Addie, and that’s Mae. Wanna be friends?”
You nodded. “Yeah! I’m Y/n.”
And since that day, you were. Turns out you and Addie ended up in the same class in school and became fast friends, then you ended up in the same ballet class, and it all snowballed from there. Playdates became hangouts and dolls became bitch-sessions, and soon enough you were all grown up. You were a constant in the Piastri family home, sleeping over most nights to carpool to early ballet, then school, then back to ballet, and then back to the Piastri home. You watched every race with the girls, growing up alongside Oscar and your brother from the beginning. You watched both of them in Formula Renault, Formula 3, Formula 2, and finally, Oscar’s second year Formula 1 was coming up, while you brother (Jack) was staying yet another year in F2. It was funny, whenever Oscar was home in recent years, you always seemed to miss him. You didn’t mind. Oscar and you weren’t all that close, you were closest to Addie, Hattie, Mae, and Nicole. Though, he texted you when he was away and you responded, apologising for missing him, he always told you that he’d ‘see you on the stage one day anyway’. He’d always supported you. You’d always supported him.
Sadly, your time living with the Piastri’s had come to an end. You had been given the chance of a lifetime in the form of a full scholarship to the Paris Opera Ballet School, and you weren’t going to turn it down, much to Nicole’s dismay. That was two years ago. Two full years of living in Paris, down. 
Paris was amazing. You missed your family and you missed everyone back in Melbourne, but you loved it in Paris. Your new fellow dancers were so welcoming and nice, and you’d made fast friends with a group of them. You’d been doing French in school since you were a kid, and you loved getting to speak it with native speakers. You’d even been named an Etoile (star) in your first year. You’d helped the Paris Opera Ballet with their online presence and started a YouTube channel with some of your fellow dancers which had garnered over 4 million subscribers. Everything was brilliant. 
“Alright everyone, gather around!” Carole called. “We have been invited to the McLaren garage this weekend for the Monaco Gran Prix,” she explained. “We will be attempting to teach some of the staff some of  Balcony Pas de deux from ‘Romeo and Juliet’, and also having a photo shoot with Vogue while we are there. Y/n and Hugo, I want those lifts as clean as possible! Chop chop!”
The week went by and finally you were walking into the McLaren motorhome behind one of the staff members who was showing you around. In the end only 3 people from the company were required to go, Hugo (Romeo), Laura (one of the company's pianists), and you (Juliet). You walked around, keeping an eye out for Oscar, or the rest of the Piastri family who had all told you they’d be visiting. 
You were quickly ushered into a makeshift filming studio and told to warm up while they gathered the people you’d be doing the video with you. You chatted and warmed up, trying a few of the lifts from the show and just generally practising your moves. 
The door swung open and there he was. Oscar with a grim look on his face who hadn’t even recognised you. 
“Do we really have to do this?” he not-so-subtly asked Lando beside him. 
“Mate I don’t want to do it either-”
“Y/N!” Nicole’s voice cut through all the noise of the motorhome and the piano stopped. She ran and pulled you into a bone-crushing hug as you laughed. 
“Hi Nicole,” you beamed, hugging her back. Hattie, Addie, and Mae weren’t far behind her, and joined in on the hug, emotions flowing as you all started to catch up. 
“How are you? How’s work? How’s Paris?” Hattie asked immediately. 
“How’s Paris? Is it amazing? Can I visit sometime?” Mae asked, speaking over her sister. 
“How are you?!” Addie squealed, taking your hands. 
“I’m great, so happy to see the four of you,” you smiled but it dampened as Hugo reminded you of the job at hand. “Sorry guys, we’ll need to catch up later, the fun police has just-”
“Quoi? Je ne suis pas la « police du plaisir » ! Nous avons un travail à faire !” (What? I am not the 'fun police'! We have a job to do!) He defended, but by then the girls had already cleared out, and you’d already turned your attention to Oscar and Lando. 
“Hi,” you smiled at Oscar. 
“Hi,” he smiled back, a hint of blush on his cheek. “I almost didn’t recognise you.”
“I could say the same for you,” you chuckled. “Became a Formula 1 driver and forgot about your friends, huh?” 
He rolled his eyes, chuckling. “Don’t even.”
“Ready for some ballet?” Hugo smiled at the two men, who both just grimaced. 
You started warming them up, learning quickly that while Lando was not flexible, Oscar was even worse. 
“And go down further if you can,” you instructed, pushing down on Oscar’s shoulders. 
“Bug, I can’t go any further,” he chuckled. 
“Bug?” Hugo questioned. 
“Childhood nickname,” you dismissed. “Don’t start using it.”
Hugo nodded, holding his hands up in surrender. “Noted.”
“Holy shit, you’re ‘Bug’?” Lando gasped. “He talks about you all the time!”
You chuckled as Oscar’s cheeks went a brilliant shade of pink. “Sure Lando, I’ll believe that when I see it.”
“Alright!” Hugo announced. “Let’s start on some variations!”
The boys watched in horror as you and Hugo danced around the room. Balcony Pas de deux, your favourite number of the entire show. You did everything perfectly, Hugo did everything perfectly, but when you two danced, sometimes there was something missing. You usually thought that it was just a lack of romantic chemistry because you were such great friends, or maybe it was something else. Lando and Oscar applauded as you two finished your piece, then you turned to them, smiling. 
“I have to lift him?!” Lando stressed. You laughed with Hugo. 
“No, you’ll be lifting me,” you explained. “Hugo’s going to teach you the moves and you’ll just need to lift me. You don’t even have to go on pointe. It’ll be fun, I promise.” 
The boys stayed unconvinced. You’d picked an easy enough professional routine and you were sure they'd get it eventually. You started with teaching them how to properly lift someone so they wouldn’t get hurt, and they wouldn’t drop you. Unsurprisingly, Oscar was very good at this, you remembered how Addie and you would force him to practice lifts with you in the confines of the Piastri family home, and shockingly, the muscle memory was still there after so many years. So, you moved onto teaching him the moves for the first 20ish seconds of the dance. And unsurprisingly, he was very good at the lifts, not so good at the dancing. He couldn’t get his back leg low enough, or he couldn’t extend his arm enough, but you barely noticed. You were having too much fun to notice. You realised you’d been missing fun when dancing with Hugo. Juliet was this spontaneous, youthful character who was full of love and a craving to be loved. Oscar brought out that fun side of you. He always had. You laughed and smiled as you both danced, laughing when he’d trip or almost drop you, but neither of you cared. You moved on and taught him up to about the one minute mark in the piece. There was a lot of repetition and not a lot of male dancing in the first 60 seconds, so he was practically in the clear, all he had to do was smile and lift you. And he did. There wasn’t a moment where either of you weren’t smiling. He looked a bit uncoordinated and you looked thousands of times better than him, but you two were both smiling like little kids. 
His hand slipped and he almost dropped you to the floor, concern and shock plastering itself on his face as he scrambled to catch you. “Shit, are you alright?” he asked, somehow catching you by pulling you to his chest. 
“I’m fine Osc, no bruised sternums here,” you chuckled. He laughed, reminded of a crash you had in karting as a child. 
As the session came to a close, you did the first minute of the dance with Oscar and with Lando and determined that while Oscar was better at the lifts, Lando wasn’t half-bad either. 
“Alright everyone, thanks for tuning in and tell us if you want to see us attempt this again!” Lando smiled at the camera. 
“I have no idea how you do that every night,” Oscar sighed, clearly tired and out of breath. 
“Sometimes twice a night,” Hugo corrected. “And yes, it is tiring.”
“I don’t know how you sit in a boiling car going 300 kilometres per hour for ninety minutes every Sunday,” you smiled. 
“It is tiring,” he shrugged, smiling. “Do you want to grab lunch?” 
“Yeah, that sounds good,” you nodded. “Let me just grab my stuff.”
Catching up with Oscar felt great. You didn’t realise how much you two had in common. From movies, to books, and everything in between. You were even too busy laughing to hear Hugo call you to join him for the Vogue shoot. 
“Y/n!” He repeated, gathering others' attention. “Come on! We are being timed here!” 
“Coming!” you called back. “Sorry, I completely forgot about the time. Good luck in free practice today, please don't get yourself injured,” you said, pulling him into a hug. “Love you Osc!”
“Good luck!” He called after you. “Love you too Bug!” 
“Childhood crush?” Hugo asked as you two relaxed after the shoot, exhausted after your day. 
“Nah, best friend’s brother,” you explained. 
“Oh, so even more of a rom com then,” he chuckled. 
You scoffed. “No. We’re friends, that’s it.”
“Friends? Friends don’t look at you like you’re the only person in the room, friends don’t somehow laugh their whole way through the first 60 seconds of  Balcony Pas de deux,  friends don’t make puppy dog eyes at you, and still call you by your childhood nickname!” He laughed. You groaned. 
“We’re not like that! He’s just… he’s intense with his eye contact-!”
“He wasn’t intense like that for me!”
“I don’t know what to tell you!” You finally gave up. “Come on! There’s no way he-”
“Bug?” Oscar popped his head in the door, sweaty and smiling. “How’d it go?”
“All good,” you nodded. “How did Free Practice go?” 
“Good,” he nodded, out of breath. “Went fastest in sector 2.”
“Very impressive!” Hugo smiled, pretending to know what that meant. You chuckled.
“I was wondering if you wanted to stay for the rest of the weekend,” Oscar offered. “Both of you, of course,” he gestured to you and Hugo. “I know you're busy but my mum would kill me if I didn't ask.”
You smiled. Someone else could cover Juliet for one weekend, right? “Yeah, that’d be great.”
“I’d better get back to Paris, but thank you for the kind offer,” Hugo smiled. 
“Cool,” Oscar smiled at the both of you. “Addie has offered her room if you want to share with her, but there’s also my apartment, if you want your own bed.”
“My own bed please, Addie kicks in her sleep,” you chuckled. “Thanks Osc.”
“No problem.”
You said your goodbyes to Hugo and followed the Piastri’s around Monaco for the rest of the day. You saw some of the sights, but eventually ended up in some fancy dinner with good food and good people around you. You were laughing at anyone’s jokes, telling stories, and genuinely just enjoying yourself. Paris had many things, but it didn’t have the Piastri’s. Sometimes you wished you could just shrink them and put them in your pocket to have them with you at all times. 
“So, how’s Paris?” Oscar asked as the night died down. You two were on your way back to his apartment and you were a little bit wine-drunk, but neither of you cared. 
“It’s amazing, but it doesn’t have you guys,” you patted his shoulder. “I miss you guys like crazy.”
He smiled. “I miss you too.”
“How’s Monaco? It’s so funny that we’ve lived an hour plane ride away from each other and we still haven’t visited each other,” you chuckled. 
“Monaco’s nice,” he nodded. “But it doesn’t have you here.”
Suddenly you were a lot more sober than you were 5 seconds ago. “Well, I’m here right now.”
“Exactly,” he smiled. “It’s really good to see you Bug.”
“It’s good to see you too,” you smiled. “Beetle.”
He laughed as you brought up his old nickname. Most people resorted to calling him ‘Osc’ or ‘Ozzy’ now that he’d grown up. He thinks his mum stopped calling him ‘Beetle’ when she visited him at school or races because you weren’t around to be ‘Bug’. Neither of you remembered why it had started, but you and Oscar were Bug and Beetle. It probably would’ve made more sense to have Addie as Beetle, with how much time you two spent together, but in reality it was just both your mums’ collective hopeful thinking that your friendship would turn into something much more. It might’ve, if you’d both stuck around long enough to see it through. Some part of him wondered how his life would’ve turned out if he’d stayed. Not that he didn’t love his life, he did. He was everything he’d ever dreamed of (well, not a Gran Prix winner yet so, not everything), well, everything but one thing. He didn’t realise it at the time, but in every single one of his visualisations of his future that he did as a child (something about a winner’s mentality? He didn’t understand it at the time), he’d imagined you being there with him. He never explicitly said it, but you were either his girlfriend or wife, or something other than a friend. It had always been a certain to him. You were his Bug. He was your Beetle. It just worked. 
“What’re you thinking about?” you asked, leaning into him as the street lights illuminated his face. Since when was he so pretty? 
“Us as kids,” he smiled. “Remember trying to teach you karting?” 
“You mean bruising my sternum? Yes I remember the month of agony thank you very much,” you chuckled. “And I remember how stressed you were running over to me. I think it was the first time I’d ever seen you lose your cool.” 
“Well I was about as stressed then as I was today when I almost dropped you,” he laughed. 
“Well, you saved me this time,” you chuckled. “My knight in a shining papaya?”
He laughed. “Sounds about right.” 
As you two came up to his apartment building, your conversation died down. You two went up to his apartment and he gave you the grand tour, finally showing you your bed for the nights. You said your ‘goodnights’ and then a problem plagued you. It was just meant to be a day trip to Monaco, you were meant to fly back earlier, and now here you were in Monaco with just your dance bag. What was in your dance bag? Your various shoes, a multitude of toe pads and things to stop the pain, three different water bottles, and some random leotards and a skirt. 
“Osc?” you knocked on his door, hoping he wasn’t asleep already. 
“Yeah?” he came to the door, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Of course, classic Oscar, asleep in seconds. “Everything alright?” He yawned. 
No. Everything was very much not alright. He’d come to the door with no shirt on, and you really couldn’t focus on the problem at hand. “I have no clothes,” you blurted out. 
He immediately opened his eyes and stared at you, then his brain processed fully what you said. “Oh, no pyjamas,” he nodded. “Sorry, I thought you meant- I’m actually just going to stop myself now.”
You chuckled. “Probably best.” 
“Well I’ll give you a hoodie and some of my shorts?” he offered. “Just to sleep in, and then I can bring you to the shopping centre down the way. I think there’s a Zara there or something.” 
“You really don’t need to bring me, I’m sure I can find it on my own. I’m sure you’re busy tomorrow-”
“Nonsense,” he shook his head, handing over the clothes. “I have time for you.” 
“Thanks Osc.”
You went to sleep with significantly more to think about, so did he. 
You woke up the next morning to the sound of a smoke alarm, a shouting Nicole, and a cursing Oscar. You quickly got up to witness the commotion. 
“Y/n! Thank God you’re here!” She groaned and turned to Oscar. “I cannot believe you live on your own, you’re 23 and you can’t make eggs without almost burning your building down?!” 
“It wasn;t my fault!” he defended. “You’re the one who came to the door!” 
Nicole rolled her eyes as the girls laughed, watching this all unfold. Addie came over and stood beside you, smiling brightly at you. 
“What?” you chuckled. 
“Nothing,” she smirked. “Nice hoodie.”
Now it was your turn to roll your eyes. “I had no other clothes,” you explained as the arguing continued. 
“Not a fan of sleeping in a leo?” she smirked. 
“Shockingly no, and also, we have to go shopping for clothes now, since all of mine are in Paris.” 
“Shopping! Yes!” Mae cheered. “Let’s go,” she said, immediately starting to drag you out of the apartment. 
“I’m not even dressed-!” Your complaints were met with nothing but more pulling.”Alright, alright! Let me grab my phone and my wallet, then I’ll be back out to you, yeah?” 
“Yay!” Mae cheered. 
You went back into your room, tried your best to make the hoodie and men’s shorts combo look good (it didn’t) and grab your things, then came back out. Oscar was cleaning up the kitchen as Hattie talked to him about the free practice and quali today, and Mae jumped up the moment she saw you. 
“Time to go!” she announced. “Bye Osc, good luck! See you at the track!” she called, already halfway out the door. 
You chuckled, following behind her, Addie, and Nicole. “Bye Osc!”
He grabbed ahold of your hand and placed a key in your palm. “In case you want to come back and change,” he smiled. 
“Thanks Osc,” you grinned. “Maybe leave the cooking to me tonight?”
“You don’t have to-”
“Osc, you’re letting me stay at your house, and you got me a paddock pass to see you. Let me make you dinner.” 
He nodded. “Alright. Thank you.”
His hand lingered for another few seconds before Mae called back to you, willing you to ‘come on!’. 
“See you later,” you smiled. 
Shopping was fine, you bought some clothes and essential hygiene and makeup, then went back to Oscar’s apartment and got dressed just as FP3 started. You all rushed over to the track to watch, and it went well for Oscar, quali was probably going to be interesting, as per usual. Monaco was always a very special track and you really did enjoy looking around at the beautiful scenery. You noticed how the cameras followed you around, but you just put that down to being with his family. 
“Y/n! Can I get a photo?!” a young girl asked. You smiled and knelt down to be at her level. 
“Of course you can,” you smiled. “What’s your name?” 
“Carlotá,” she nodded. “I do ballet! I love you, you’re so good. I want to be as good as you one day!”
“Well I can’t wait to see you on stage one day! Maybe we’ll even get to dance together,” you chuckled, heart warmed by her enthusiasm. 
“I hope we do!” she smiled. 
You quickly got a photo with her and then you were back on your way to the McLaren hospitality with Addie talking your ear off about her new college courses as you listened intently. Suddenly, Oscar was in front of you, sweaty but smiley. 
Nicole immediately pulled him into a tight hug and you saw the weight lift off of her shoulders, if only for a short time. “All my kids are safe,” she sighed, and you knew you were a part of that. You’d always admired how much she cared and how deeply she cared about everyone in her life, it was incredible. Hattie hugged him next, then Addie, and lastly Mae. You smiled and gave him a pat on the back as Zak Brown ushered you further into the hospitality for a ‘family lunch’.
“So, I never knew Oscar had a girlfriend,” Zak smiled, turning to you.
Your face dropped. “Oh, um… he’s not my boyfriend. I’m just a family friend,” you explained. The air in the room had been sucked out and everything was a bit more awkward. 
“Oh gosh! Sorry, I just thought because of the video- I really need to remember to not just believe YouTube comments,” he chuckled. He’d somehow charmed his way out the awkward moment, and you found yourself laughing too. 
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Oscar wasn’t laughing. He quite liked the idea that his boss thought you were his girlfriend. He was just as fond of the internet thinking you were his girlfriend. He’d made a devastating revelation last night. His mum had been right all those years when she told him that he’d end up with you. Well, not that you’d ended up together yet, he still had to do the ‘asking out’ part. Nicole watched as his frown deepened the more you laughed at the comments of the YouTube video of you teaching Lando and Oscar ballet with Hugo. 
“Wow, I think you might need to post something to tell everyone you’re just friends,” Zak laughed, showing you some more comments. 
You nodded. “I’ll post a baby picture or something,” You chuckled, turning to Oscar. “At least you’ve got the acting part of ballet down.”  
He smiled. “Exactly.”
As the day progressed, you watched with bated breath as quali went underway, and Oscar qualified P2. You were ecstatic, jumping up and down with Addie and Nicole as Hattie and Mae cried in the back. All five of you had never been good with toning it down during his races. You just loved him so much, NOT like that, obviously. But in the friendly, totally platonic, family friend way. 
Nicole led the rest of you through the motorhome and you finally found him, sweaty and smiley once again. 
“Osc!” Nicole cheered, pulling him in for a hug. Addie, Hattei, and Mae all joined their hug, and you weren’t sure if it was right for you to join too, so you stayed back, taking a few photos of the five of them hugging. A part of you wanted to make it your wallpaper, but suddenly Oscar was in front of you. 
“Congratulations!” you smiled. 
“Y/n, I’m tired and I really don’t want to beg for a hug, please?” He smiled. You chuckled and wrapped your arms around his neck, his went around your waist, burying his face in your shoulder. “Thank you,” he whispered. 
“Well done Osc,” you smiled. 
You didn’t catch the way Addie and Hattie smirked at each other, or the way Nicole gushed over the two of you, or the way Mae took a few photos of the two of you, immediately sending them to Oscar’s phone, knowing he’d want them. 
You pulled back, a bright smile on your face, then turned to the girls. “Alright, I’m making dinner tonight, you guys ready to go?”
“Oh, we have a booking at this restaurant tonight,” Nicole sighed. “Another time?” 
You nodded. “Of course, see you all later,” you smiled. 
If you’d looked slightly more to your left, you would’ve seen Oscar silently beg them to not intrude on the date you didn’t know was a date. Of course, being the Y/noscar shippers they were, they obliged with as minimal smirking as possible, which was a lot. You hugged them goodbye then turned to Oscar. 
“Alright, you go shower and then direct me to the nearest supermarket!” You instructed and he smiled. 
“Sir, yessir,” he joked, saluting you. “You can wait in my driver’s room if you want.”
“Sounds good.” 
Your evening was wonderful, you spent the evening walking around Monaco and grabbing supplies for dinner, then the actual cooking was rather enjoyable (aka you cooked your famous chilli and he sat in the corner, chatting away to you) and finally, cozying up on the couch with your favourite childhood movie, Cars. Well, it was his favourite, yours was Ballerina. Anyways, as the film continued on, you found yourselves getting closer and closer to each other. First it was an arm around the back of the couch, then an arm around you, then you were leaning into his side, until you had your head on his chest and he had a satisfied smile on his face. 
As the film came to a close, you got up and stretched, yawning. 
“Y/n,” he spoke. “I’ve really enjoyed having you around these past few days,” he smiled. 
“I’ve really enjoyed being around you,” you smiled back. 
“I’m in love with you,” he blurted out. It wasn’t exactly the smooth delivery he’d imagined since he was a teenage boy stalking your instagram from thousands of kilometres away, but it would work. Hopefully. 
“Pardon?” You stared at him shocked. 
He let out a nervous breath. “I’m in love with you.”
You nodded. You didn’t exactly know what to make of it all. You loved him too, so why wouldn’t your mouth make the words? This was so stupid, just say it! Say it! Say-“I love you too,” you finally blurted out after a few seconds of buffering. 
His nervous frown turned into a bright smile, and his hands landed on your waist, pulling you into him. He hugged you close for a moment, internally calming down. “Kept me waiting there,” he chuckled.
“Sorry,” you smiled. You pulled away a little bit, then pressed your lips to his. “Brain fart.”
He laughed, then pressed his lips to yours again, in a perfect, Oscar, kiss. You could feel his hands on your waist, every brush of his brush against your forehead, every piece of skin on yours. You couldn’t get enough. 
“You have a race in the morning,” you whispered, pulling back from the kiss just enough to remind him. 
He nodded, connecting your lips again. His kisses were getting more and more heated, more and more consuming, more and more hungry. He was barely listening. He was kissing you. Everything little him had dreamt of. 
“Oscar,” you pulled back, getting serious. “Wait until after the race, alright?” 
He nodded, pressing his lips to your again, this time quicker and softer. “Sorry.”
“Don’t apologise,” you smiled. “I would want to too, just… I don’t want to impair you’re-” you awkwardly tried to explain as he tried to hold back laughter. He failed and ended up laughing in your face, only making you laugh too. 
“God I love you,” he smiled bashfully. 
“I love you too.” 
The next morning, you woke up to Oscar beside you, his arms wrapped around you. You smiled. This felt right. He felt right.
You walked into the paddock hand in hand and Nicole immediately gasped. “You’re finally together?!” 
You laughed. “Yeah, we are,” you nodded. The four of them were a mix of cheering and crying, all ecstatic for you both. 
“If you hurt her I’ll kill you!” Addie warned, pointing a finger in Oscar’s face. 
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” he smiled, looking at you. 
You watched in awe as he crossed the finish line in P2, celebrating with his sisters and mum. You all ran to the Parc Fermé, ready to greet him. He ran over to you five, hugging his mum first, then running straight to you. He smiled then pulled you in for a kiss. 
“Congratulations,” you smiled, pulling back. 
“I have to watch you dance now,” he rushed out as Addie pulled him over for a hug. “I love you!” He shouted, being pulled away by Lando, knowing they were on a time crunch.
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2,830,623 likes liked by landonorris, y/nballet, and others oscarpiastri Bagged myself a dancer, and a second place trophy. Great weekend :)
user73: BRO HAS ULTIMATE RIZZ -> Hattiepiastri: INCORRECT BUZZER, they've been in love with each other since they could walk, they just didn't know it yet.
nicolepiastri: My babies  ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
landonorris: NOW HE'LL STOP THIRSTING -> oscarpiastri: polly not...
y/nballet: my love  ❤️
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7,830,725 likes liked by oscarpiastri, hugomarchand, nicole piastri and others
y/nballet: Bagged myself an Osc :)
oscarpiastri: I love you  ❤️ -> y/nballet: No papaya heart? -> oscarpiastri: shut up please.
user73: WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS??? -> user26: they've been friends forever and now they're dating :)
navigation for my blog :) (masterlist)
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hollywoods-angel · 1 year
margot <3
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margot robbie is an australian actress who's been in a number of large movies such as the wolf of wall street, suicide squad, birds of prey and once upon a time in hollywood. in addition to acting she's a producer who's produced birds of prey, terminal, dreamland, i tonya, promising young woman and the upcoming barbie movie!
margot is the second youngest of four siblings and was raised by a single mother for most of her childhood. she was enrolled in circus school and as a teen she worked three jobs- cleaning houses, working at subway, and tending a bar. after graduating she moved to melbourne to be a professional actor. she was in numerous films and tv shows, but i think her breakout role was the wolf of wall street.
margot is not only stunning, but in interviews she's down to earth and charming. her drive and determination shines through in the seriousness she brings to her roles, as well as the success of her production company. i can't wait to see barbie, and see all the wonderful projects margot will make in the future! <3
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crowncoachaus · 3 months
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Bus Charter Service
Choosing the right bus charter service can make or break your group travel experience. Whether you're planning a corporate outing, a school trip, a wedding event, or any other group excursion, selecting the best bus charter Melbourne service ensures comfort, safety, and peace of mind throughout your journey.
Here’s a detailed guide to help you navigate through the process and make an informed decision.
Assessing Your Needs
The first step in choosing a bus charter service is to assess your specific needs. Consider the size of your group, the duration of your trip, and any special requirements you may have.
Are you travelling locally or long-distance? Do you need additional amenities such as Wi-Fi, entertainment systems, or wheelchair accessibility? Understanding these details will help narrow down your options and find a service provider that can accommodate your group comfortably.
Researching Service Providers
Once you have a clear idea of your requirements, start researching bus charter service providers in your area. Look for companies with a solid reputation and extensive experience in handling the type of trip you are planning.
Read online reviews and testimonials from previous customers to gauge their reliability and customer service. It's also beneficial to check if the company is properly licensed and insured, ensuring compliance with safety regulations.
Comparing Pricing and Packages
While cost shouldn’t be the sole deciding factor, comparing pricing and packages is crucial to staying within budget. Request quotes from multiple bus services Melbourne companies and compare their pricing structures.
Be sure to inquire about what is included in the quoted price—some companies may include amenities like refreshments or driver gratuity, while others may charge extra for these services. Pay attention to any hidden fees or surcharges that could impact your final cost.
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Inspecting Fleet and Amenities
Before making a final decision, inspect the fleet of buses offered by the charter service. The condition of the vehicles and the available amenities can significantly impact your travel experience.
Look for buses that are well-maintained, clean, and equipped with modern amenities such as comfortable seating, air conditioning, restrooms, and storage space for luggage.
If specific amenities are essential to your group, such as USB charging ports or onboard entertainment systems, verify that these are available and in working condition.
Checking Safety and Compliance
Safety should be a top priority when choosing a bus charter service. Inquire about the company’s safety record and compliance with industry regulations.
Ask about the qualifications and experience of their drivers—reputable companies employ drivers who are trained, licensed, and have a clean driving record. Additionally, ensure that the company is properly insured to protect passengers in case of accidents or unforeseen incidents during the trip.
Choosing the right bus charter Melbourne service requires careful consideration of your group’s needs, thorough research, and comparison of service providers.
By assessing your requirements, researching reputable companies, comparing pricing and amenities, inspecting the fleet, and prioritising safety, you can make an informed decision that ensures a smooth and enjoyable travel experience for everyone involved.
Whether you're planning a short day trip or a cross-country tour, investing time in selecting the right bus charter service pays off in comfort, reliability, and peace of mind throughout your journey.
Remember, the best bus charter service is one that aligns perfectly with your group’s specific needs and preferences. By following this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to choose a service provider that delivers a safe, comfortable, and memorable travel experience for all passengers.
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emy-jek · 4 months
Why Professional Commercial Cleaning is Vital for Melbourne Businesses
In Melbourne's competitive business landscape, maintaining a pristine environment is crucial. A clean workspace not only promotes health and productivity but also enhances the overall image of your business. Here’s why professional commercial cleaning services are essential for businesses in Melbourne.
Improving Employee Health and Efficiency
A hygienic work environment is directly linked to employee health and efficiency. Regular cleaning reduces the spread of germs and illnesses, leading to fewer sick days and a healthier workforce. A clean workspace also minimizes clutter and distractions, enabling employees to focus better and work more efficiently.
Ensuring Compliance with Health Regulations
Melbourne businesses are required to adhere to stringent health and safety regulations. Professional commercial cleaning services help ensure compliance with these standards, reducing the risk of penalties and creating a safer environment for employees and clients. Expert cleaners use advanced techniques and eco-friendly products to maintain high hygiene levels, essential for preventing infections.
Enhancing Your Business Image
The appearance of your business premises significantly impacts how clients and visitors perceive your brand. A spotless and well-maintained environment reflects professionalism and attention to detail, making clients more likely to trust and engage with your business. This positive impression can lead to stronger client relationships and increased business opportunities.
Tailored Cleaning Solutions
Different businesses have unique cleaning needs, whether it’s an office, school, healthcare facility, or gym. Professional cleaning services offer tailored solutions to meet these specific requirements. Customized cleaning plans ensure that every area of your business is thoroughly cleaned, from high-traffic zones to less frequented spaces, maintaining a consistently high standard of cleanliness.
Leveraging Advanced Cleaning Technology
Leading commercial cleaning companies in Melbourne utilize advanced technologies to deliver superior services. For instance, Smart Clean employs the SMART CONNECT system. This innovative system offers GPS-validated records of cleaning tasks, ensuring unmatched transparency and accountability. Clients receive real-time updates on cleaning activities, making it easier to manage and monitor the service.
Commitment to Environmental Sustainability
Sustainability is a key consideration for modern businesses. Professional cleaning services use eco-friendly products and sustainable practices to minimize environmental impact. This commitment to green cleaning not only helps protect the planet but also enhances your business’s reputation as a responsible corporate entity.
Maintaining a clean and hygienic environment is a strategic necessity for businesses in Melbourne. Professional commercial cleaning services provide the expertise, technology, and customized solutions needed to keep your workspace immaculate and inviting.
For businesses seeking the highest standards of cleanliness, partnering with a reliable provider like Smart Clean is a smart choice. Their advanced systems and commitment to quality set them apart in the industry.
For more details, visit Commercial Cleaning Melbourne.
Investing in professional cleaning services not only ensures a healthier and more productive workplace but also strengthens your business's image and credibility.
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sparklecleanperth · 4 months
Commercial Cleaning in Melbourne for All Spaces by Professional Cleaners
The most challenging task for any commercial space is keeping it clean and free from the debris, germs and bacteria?
Hiring a professional cleaner can be costly. If the space is big enough, a single cleaner cannot manage the things alone. Rather than taking so many hassles, the best and convenient way is to search for the professional cleaners who have specialization in commercial cleaning in Melbourne and nearby areas.
When it comes to find top companies for commercial cleaning in Melbourne, you will get a better opportunity to fulfill your requirement by going online and reaching the right agency that is convenient for you and goes through the details.
For your convenience, the recognized agencies offer you monthly plans for cleaning your commercial space.
They listen to your requirement, do proper inspection of the area and make it neat and clean. Whether you are looking for gym cleaning, office cleaning, school cleaning, shopping mall cleaning, hotel cleaning or any kind of cleaning services, you will get the right solutions from experts, who are working at the top cleaning agency. They also offer you carpet cleaning, steam cleaning and different other types of cleaning services.
Sparkle Commercial Cleaning – a One Stop Name for Commercial Cleaning Melbourne
When it comes to get complete solutions for commercial cleaning Melbourne, you will find name of Sparkle Commercial Cleaning comes on the top. The leading commercial cleaning service provider has been working for years consistently to ensure the space is cleaned properly and by following international quality and safety standards. They have been in this industry for years with full expertise and quality service which they specialise in domestic and commercial cleaning. In addition, they have a strong and reliable team – making them stronger to work efficiently and to smooth the cleaning process.
Experienced Cleaners for Complete Cleaning Solutions
They are fast and expert in cleaning offices and homes, deep cleaning or ongoing. Sparkle Commercial Cleaning has been working dedicatedly with the motive to provide quality and professional cleaning to valued customers. They are involved in maintaining their energy from youth and ideal of growing in business, customer satisfaction is priority.
The leading cleaning service provider has been working to quote cleaning for offices and houses. They ensure their charges are reasonable for the services you are looking for.
Their cleaning service uses quality trained staff and the best available equipment to get the job done. The cleaning process is supported by proactive managers who uphold the highest quality assurance standards.
For the complete solutions for commercial cleaning Melbourne, what all you have to do is simply make a contact and leave rest of the work on experts working here.
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caulfieldpaintings · 5 months
Can a Top-quality Paint Work Improve Bathroom Renovations in Glen Huntly?
Painting services are necessary for bathroom renovations in Glen Huntly because they deliver a brand-new appearance to the bathroom. Renovation work can increase the appearance, and make the space more clean and relaxing by selecting the proper paint colour, titles, bathroom suppliers, and finish. 
The appropriate application of renovation work with commercial painting in Nobel Park can also improve the space's overall aesthetic appeal.
Apart from selecting the appropriate paint, it is crucial to make sure the surfaces are adequately prepped before painting. 
To guarantee a smooth finish and good paint adhesion, the walls should be cleaned and sanded. Painting services are included in the bathroom makeover packages of several well-known Caulfield refurbishment companies. These services have a group of skilled painters who can offer professional guidance on the ideal paint colours, finishes, and application methods to achieve the desired result.
Advantages of Hiring Professional Painting Work:
Well-established paintwork specialists provide their specialist commercial and domestic painting services in Melbourne including offices and corporate spaces.
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Their team of skilled and trained paintwork specialists are equipped with the necessary training and qualifications to carry out the exact painting jobs required for any kind of business space. Companies can increase client attractiveness by using precise paint selection and immaculate painting. 
As a result, employing expert painters not only enables them to create attractive and professional outdoor and indoor spaces but also enables them to recommend the finest options in line with their brand to draw in new clients.
Their experts are capable of painting large-scale commercial spaces such as warehouses, schools, restaurants, cafés, and offices with the least amount of disruption possible.
Find a Trusted Renovation and Paint Work Service Provider:
Consult with friends, family, or online reviews to identify a reliable source for paintwork and renovation services. 
Examine their track record, background, and finished project portfolio. To make sure that licences, insurance, and certificates are in line with rules and quality requirements and double-check them. 
Ask for comprehensive contracts and estimates that include schedules, materials, and price lists. 
Select a provider who will listen to your needs and provide honest updates during the project; communication is essential. 
Overall, follow the aforementioned tips to find a trusted service provider for your required renovation and painting work.
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ecoquickclean · 6 months
Cleaning Companies In Australia
Whether you’re looking to hire a cleaner for a one-off job or for ongoing maintenance, you’ll find there are plenty of options in Australia. The key is to make sure you choose a trustworthy and reliable company that fits your needs. One way to do this is to ask for referrals from friends and family members who have used cleaning services in the past. You can also browse online to compare prices and read customer reviews. Another option is to use a marketplace like Oneflare, which connects you with cleaners in your area. You can even view a cleaner’s business profile and request price estimates directly.
The cleaning industry in Australia is worth around $12 billion, with demand set to remain high. That’s why it’s an ideal business opportunity for new entrepreneurs and small businesses. If you have the capital, you can start a new cleaning service from scratch or buy an established franchise in your local area. Regardless of which route you take, your dedication and commitment will determine how successful your business will be.
There are many different types of cleaning companies in Sydney, each with its own specialised skills and tools. For example, some specialise in commercial cleaning services while others are more focused on domestic cleaning. Some even offer specialised cleaning for carpets, floors, and windows. It’s important to choose a company with experience and a good reputation, as well as an excellent track record of customer satisfaction.
One of the most popular cleaning companies in Australia is Pro Cleaning Group, which has been in business for over 30 years and provides a variety of commercial and domestic cleaning services. Its experienced staff is trained to provide the highest quality of service and uses eco-friendly methods to minimise environmental impact. Its cleaning products are Good Environmental Choice Australia-approved, and its equipment is energy efficient.
Another cleaning company to consider is Maid For You, which has cleaned more than 50,000 homes in Sydney. Its two-person teams are professional and thorough, and they use environmentally-friendly cleaning products. They are also insured and bonded. They use vacuum cleaners with HEPA filters, steamers, and pressure washers to ensure that your home or workplace is clean and sanitary.
Lastly, Mack cleaners Melbourne is another excellent choice for residential and commercial cleaning services. Its services include regular, spring, and deep cleans for offices, shops, schools, and other public spaces. Its team is experienced and qualified to handle a wide variety of tasks, including dusting, mopping, and laundry. Their rates are competitive, and their cleaning schedules are flexible. They even offer a free quote to prospective clients. They have a 4.7-star rating on Google, and their cleaning services are available 24/7.
At Eco Quick Professional Cleaning Services, our mission is to provide superior customer service by delivering quality cleaning services in a safe and efficient manner, while protecting the environment around us.
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Unveiling Melbourne's Premier Cleaning Companies
Melbourne, the cosmopolitan heart of Australia, pulsates with life, diversity, and activity. Amidst its bustling streets and thriving neighborhoods, cleanliness stands as a cornerstone of its allure. To uphold such standards, Melbourne hosts a multitude of cleaning companies offering top-notch services tailored to the city's varied needs. This comprehensive exploration delves into the elite cleaning companies in Melbourne, shedding light on their unparalleled services, expertise, and contributions to the city's cleanliness.
Melbourne's Cleaning Landscape:
Melbourne's eclectic mix of residential, commercial, and industrial spaces presents a rich tapestry of cleaning challenges. From towering office complexes to quaint suburban homes and bustling shopping districts, each locale demands meticulous attention to hygiene and cleanliness. Cleaning companies in Melbourne have risen to this challenge, offering a diverse array of services to cater to every need.
Services Offered by Premier Cleaning Companies:
Premier cleaning companies in Melbourne provide a wide spectrum of services designed to address the city's diverse cleaning requirements. These services encompass:
Commercial Cleaning: Tailored cleaning solutions for offices, retail spaces, hospitality venues, and industrial facilities, ensuring immaculate environments conducive to productivity and customer satisfaction.
Residential Cleaning: Comprehensive cleaning services for homes, apartments, condominiums, and townhouses, catering to the unique preferences and schedules of homeowners and tenants.
Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning: Advanced techniques to rejuvenate carpets, rugs, upholstery, and drapery, removing stains, odors, and allergens to restore freshness and comfort.
End of Lease Cleaning: Thorough cleaning services designed to meet the stringent requirements of landlords and property managers, facilitating smooth transitions for tenants and preserving property value.
Window Cleaning: Professional window cleaning for residential and commercial properties, enhancing curb appeal, maximizing natural light, and ensuring unobstructed views.
Specialized Cleaning: Services such as deep cleaning, disinfection, sanitization, and biohazard cleanup for healthcare facilities, schools, childcare centers, and food service establishments, prioritizing health, safety, and compliance.
Key Considerations When Choosing Premier Cleaning Companies:
When selecting a premier cleaning company in Melbourne, several factors warrant careful consideration to ensure optimal results and customer satisfaction:
Reputation: Assess the company's reputation and track record through client testimonials, online reviews, and industry awards, gauging its reliability, professionalism, and service quality.
Experience and Expertise: Look for companies with extensive experience in the cleaning industry, along with specialized expertise in addressing specific cleaning challenges and industry requirements.
Accreditation and Compliance: Verify that the company adheres to industry standards and regulations, holding relevant certifications, licenses, and insurance coverage, ensuring accountability and peace of mind.
Customization and Flexibility: Seek companies capable of tailoring their services to meet individual preferences, scheduling constraints, and budgetary considerations, providing personalized cleaning solutions that align with your needs and priorities.
Sustainability and Eco-Friendliness: Prefer companies that prioritize environmental sustainability and eco-conscious practices, utilizing green cleaning products, equipment, and methods to minimize ecological footprint and promote health and well-being.
Value for Money: Evaluate the company's pricing structure, transparency, and overall value proposition in relation to the scope of services, quality assurance measures, and customer support, ensuring a fair and competitive offering.
Unveiling Melbourne's Best Cleaning Companies:
Neat Cleaning Services: Renowned for its professionalism, reliability, and attention to detail, Neat Cleaning Services offers a comprehensive range of residential and commercial cleaning solutions tailored to meet the highest standards of cleanliness and customer satisfaction. With a team of trained professionals, state-of-the-art equipment, and eco-friendly practices, they deliver exceptional results while upholding integrity and transparency.
CleanCorp Melbourne: Specializing in commercial cleaning services, CleanCorp Melbourne sets the benchmark for excellence in the industry, catering to businesses across various sectors, including corporate offices, retail outlets, healthcare facilities, and educational institutions. Committed to delivering superior cleanliness, hygiene, and safety, they leverage cutting-edge technologies, rigorous quality control measures, and sustainable practices to exceed client expectations.
Superb Maids Melbourne: With a focus on residential cleaning services, Superb Maids Melbourne epitomizes reliability, efficiency, and professionalism, offering customized cleaning solutions tailored to meet the unique needs and preferences of homeowners and tenants. Their dedicated team of maids undergoes rigorous training and background checks to ensure consistency, trustworthiness, and quality assurance, delivering immaculate results with a personal touch.
Clean Sweep Group: Trusted by property managers, real estate agents, and tenants, Clean Sweep Group specializes in end of lease cleaning services, ensuring properties are left pristine and ready for new occupants. Their comprehensive cleaning checklist covers every inch of the property, from floors and surfaces to fixtures and appliances, guaranteeing compliance with lease agreements and rental standards.
Elite Office Cleaning Melbourne: Recognized for its professionalism, reliability, and efficiency, Elite Office Cleaning Melbourne caters exclusively to commercial clients, offering tailored cleaning solutions to enhance workplace hygiene, productivity, and morale. With a focus on customer satisfaction and continuous improvement, they strive to exceed industry benchmarks and client expectations, setting a new standard of excellence in commercial cleaning.
The Significance of Professional Cleaning Services:
Professional cleaning services play a pivotal role in promoting health, safety, and well-being in both residential and commercial environments. By outsourcing cleaning tasks to reputable companies, individuals, businesses, and organizations can benefit from:
Expertise and Efficiency: Trained professionals equipped with specialized skills, tools, and techniques can achieve superior cleanliness, hygiene, and sanitation standards in less time and with greater efficiency.
Peace of Mind: Entrusting cleaning responsibilities to experienced professionals provides peace of mind, knowing that properties are in capable hands and that cleaning tasks will be performed reliably, responsibly, and to the highest standards.
Health and Safety Compliance: Professional cleaning services help maintain clean, sanitary, and hazard-free environments, reducing the risk of illness, injury, and liability for occupants, visitors, and stakeholders.
Time and Resource Savings: Outsourcing cleaning duties allows individuals and organizations to focus their time, energy, and resources on core activities, priorities, and objectives, maximizing productivity, profitability, and success.
Environmental Sustainability: Companies committed to green cleaning practices and eco-friendly solutions contribute to environmental sustainability and conservation efforts, minimizing waste, pollution, and resource depletion while promoting health, well-being, and social responsibility.
In the vibrant metropolis of Melbourne, cleanliness is not just a preference but a way of life. Premier cleaning companies play an indispensable role in upholding cleanliness standards, promoting health and well-being, and enhancing the quality of life for residents, businesses, and visitors alike. With their unmatched services, expertise, and dedication to excellence, these cleaning companies set the benchmark for professionalism, reliability, and customer satisfaction, ensuring that Melbourne remains a shining example of cleanliness, vitality, and prosperity. Whether it's a gleaming office tower, a pristine residential abode, or a bustling commercial establishment, Melbourne's best cleaning companies are committed to delivering impeccable results and exceeding expectations, making the city a cleaner, safer, and more welcoming place for all.
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Professional Window Cleaners
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We are a quantity one provider in the provision of contract cleaning and support services, with a give attention to Quality we ensure customer service excellence via premium stage service delivery. We are proud of our observed report of offering a top-notch window cleansing service to a broad range of business buildings. Our expert business window cleaners have cleaned the windows of several iconic landmarks within the city. Our experienced operational management group provide face-to-face support to each our clients and staff, exploring every opportunity to enhance the service you obtain. We are confident that our reliability, flexibility and customer-led service are the most effective in the industry - commercial window cleaning services Melbourne.
Commercial buildings that utilize professional window cleaning companies include hotels, restaurants, business complexes, banks, educational facilities and schools, hospitals and other health-related facilities, apartment complexes and condominiums, and retail stores. There is no excuse for having dirty windows and customers will not have a forgiving attitude. Dirty windows create an unprofessional atmosphere that gives the message that the company is not concerned with how they present themselves to clients. Our company, you can make certain that your windows will be an asset to your business and not a hindrance. Whether looking for cleaning options for stores, hospitals, or schools you will find that a professional cleaning company provides the most efficient results - window cleaning services.
Our professional will make certain that the job is complete and finished properly. Professional cleaners use specific techniques when washing windows that many lay people are unfamiliar with. Due to these techniques, it is recommended that professionals alone handle window-cleaning tasks. Window cleaning companies will clean windows year-round, even in cold weather. If the company only advertises seasonal work, you might find that it is not a legitimate business.
Professional window cleaners use a variety of methods to ensure windows are thoroughly cleaned and ready for use. These include the squeegee method, using professional cleaning products, and microfiber cloths. There is a growing move to use green or environmentally friendly techniques as well. The benefits to hiring a professional company for your window cleaning needs are immense. Take the time to make the best choice possible. For more information, please visit our site https://mcphersonwindowcleaning.com.au/
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hi2loexteriorcleaning · 6 months
Commercial Window Cleaning Services Melbourne
Commercial window cleaning Services Melbourne is an essential part of keeping your business looking great. This is especially true for retail locations, where customers are constantly walking past and noticing the state of your windows. Dirty and streaked windows give the impression that your business isn’t well-maintained, and can turn potential customers away. Clean windows make a much better impression, and also allow in more natural light, which can help your business look larger and brighter.
While cleaning windows may seem like a simple task, there is a lot of work that goes into making sure the job is done correctly. Professional cleaners use specialised tools and equipment to get the best results, including a ladder and harness to reach high-up windows. This ensures that the cleaner is safe and does not fall off the window. This can be especially important for large buildings, which often have multiple stories and require special equipment to access the windows.
The most common method of washing windows is using a hose with purified water. This water is then sprayed onto the windows, and is then wiped off with a squeegee or cloth. The squeegee is particularly important, as it removes any excess water and leaves the windows dry and streak-free. Ideally, the squeegee should be changed regularly to prevent the rubber blade from becoming dull.
Many commercial cleaning companies offer additional services, such as the upkeep of window screens, sills, and tracks. This helps to ensure that the windows stay in good condition for as long as possible, and is an excellent way to increase the life of your windows. Some companies also offer a pressure cleaning service, which is useful for removing dirt from hard-to-reach areas.
Some businesses, such as restaurants and hotels, have specific cleaning requirements that must be met. These requirements may include the cleaning of specific windows, or the use of a specific type of cleaning agent. These types of requirements can be difficult to meet on your own, so it is usually best to hire a professional cleaner to do the job.
Whether you need your windows cleaned in a shopfront, office building, school, restaurant or hotel, Paul’s Window Washing can provide the highest-quality service. Their experienced team is fully insured and OH&S trained, and will work to your requirements to leave you with sparkling, streak-free windows. For a free quote, or to discuss your requirements, call today.
Hi 2 Lo Exterior Cleaning is a company that specialises in Gutter Cleaning & Exterior Cleaning services for both residential & commercial customers. We use professional & industrial equipment to make sure the job is done efficiently, to a high standard & above all else, safely. Our company specialises in Gutter Cleaning, Installation of Gutter Guard & Gutter Brush, Roof & Solar Panel Cleaning, House Washing, High Pressure Cleaning, External Window Washing.
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Most Effective Ways to Overcome Taxis Near Me Problem
Taxi is the most common mode of transport even in the era of the booming ride-sharing world. Be it any occasion like going to a doctor, dropping/picking kids from school, going to a nearby shopping centre, weekend outings/parties, or going to the airport. The first thing that comes to mind is who will be driving you and are you going to make it safely back home? The only answer is a taxi near me.
Finding a taxi instantly is not easy in Melbourne metro. So, instead of searching for a maxi cab near me or a maxi cab near me simply book with us and we guaranteed to provide you taxi within minutes. We have maxi cabs covering your suburbs 24*7.
Book Your Melbourne Taxi Maxi in Advance by Filling A Form on Our Website or by calling us @ 0456 108 581. You Can Pre Book Our Express Taxi / Maxi or you can search Taxi / Maxi Near Me.i Near Me.
There are many new companies which provide taxi services in Melbourne. You can count on Book Maxi Cab Melbourne as one of the reliable and convenient options for your search on Taxi near me.
Give us a chance to serve you once and you will notice the difference. With a professional driver and a thoroughly cleaned COVID Free taxi will be at your service at the requested time. You can save our number as a Taxi service in Melbourne, 0456108581, to put an end to your problem of finding a taxi near me.
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We have a large range of Taxis to choose from. Apart from regular yellow taxi's we also deal with Long Wheel Base (LWB) or commonly called Silver taxis where you will have a choice of high-end vehicles like Mercedes, BMW, AUDI, Kluger, etc.
Apart from these we also do Maxi Cab Services in every suburb around Melbourne. You have a choice to make from which colour and model of Maxi cab service you want among White, yellow, Silver, or Blue.
How many passengers does a maxi cab hold? A very common question when organizing a maxi cab for your outing. Please note that our maxi cabs can hold a maximum of 11 passengers. Alternatively, 1 wheelchair and 5 passengers or 2 wheelchairs and 4 passengers.
For an urgent issue when you are looking for a cab for a quick ride the most important question that comes to mind is what is the Cab Service Near Me?
Maxi cab bookings are very simple when you finalize to go with us. Either call us directly on maxi cab phone number 0456108581 or log on to www.bookmaxicabmelbourne.com.au Once we receive your booking one of our friendly staff will be in touch with you to discuss it further.
Maxi cab Melbourne is an online platform for book outstation one way and round-trip cabs. When you do a maxi cab booking with us, we provide tailored solutions for maxi cab day trips and sightseeing. To know more about it please visit day tours with Maxi cab Melbourne or call us and let us assist you with attractive packages designed for outstations maxi cab services.
You can book a maxi cab for an excursion alongside your family or companions. You can likewise utilize maxi cab service reserving for speedy escapes from your Suburb. Many corporate contracts Outstation Maxi Cabs in Melbourne to transport their employees starting with one city then onto the next (in the close region).
Given the wealth of ease offered by maxi cab booking (which make this a worthwhile travel suggestion), numerous voyagers are likewise reserving an outstation taxi for round outings to the places where they grew up in the close region.
Book Maxi Cab Melbourne is the maxi cab specialist in Melbourne. We are available to all major parts of Victoria including urban communities where we give outstation taxi services are Kooweerup, Berwick Cranbourne, Narre Warren, Clyde, Hampton Park, Lynbrook, Lyndhurst Beaconsfield, and many more suburbs. maxi cab service is the most reliable taxi system and we have an online booking process, which makes it exceptionally simple for a client to book an outstation and neighbourhood taxi/taxis in Melbourne. The costs offered are truly sensible and there are no hidden charges.
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Commercial Cleaning Melbourne
Melbourne, a bustling city at the heart of business and innovation, demands a pristine and welcoming business environment. In the realm of commercial cleaning, where maintaining impeccable hygiene is paramount, Office Cleaning Solutions emerges as a standout performer, offering a comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses in this vibrant metropolis.
The Dynamic Landscape of Commercial Cleaning in Melbourne:
Melbourne’s diverse business landscape, ranging from corporate offices to retail spaces and healthcare facilities, requires adaptable and specialized cleaning solutions. Office Cleaning Solutions’understands the unique challenges posed by different industries and has curated a versatile range of services to address these specific needs.
Services Tailored to Perfection:
Office Cleaning: The core of their expertise lies in providing top-notch office cleaning services. From cubicles to boardrooms, Office Cleaning Solutions ensures that every corner is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. The result is not just a visually appealing workspace but also a healthier and more productive atmosphere.
Retail Cleaning: Recognizing the importance of cleanliness in retail establishments, the company offers specialized retail cleaning services. This includes floor maintenance, window cleaning, and meticulous attention to high-traffic areas, creating an inviting shopping environment for customers.
Healthcare Facility Cleaning: In healthcare settings, hygiene is paramount. Office Cleaning Solutions excels in providing cleaning services for medical facilities, ensuring compliance with health and safety standards. This includes disinfection protocols, waste management, and maintaining a sterile environment.
Educational Institution Cleaning: Schools and educational institutions require a unique approach to cleaning. The company offers services tailored to the specific needs of these environments, fostering a clean and healthy space conducive to learning.
Technology-Driven Cleaning Solutions:
Office Cleaning Solutions stands at the forefront of the industry, leveraging cutting-edge technology to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their services. The use of advanced cleaning equipment, such as HEPA-filtered vacuums and eco-friendly cleaning solutions, ensures a thorough and environmentally responsible cleaning process.
Green Cleaning Initiatives:
In alignment with Melbourne’s commitment to sustainability, Office Cleaning Solutions takes pride in its green cleaning initiatives. The company utilizes eco-friendly cleaning products and implements practices that minimize environmental impact. Clients can confidently choose a cleaning service that aligns with their values of corporate responsibility.
Flexible Scheduling for Minimal Disruption:
Understanding the importance of seamless business operations, Office Cleaning Solutions offers flexible scheduling options. Whether it’s after regular business hours, during weekends, or a customized timetable that suits the client’s needs, the company ensures minimal disruption to daily activities.
Customer-Centric Approach:
What sets Office Cleaning Solutions apart is its unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. The company takes a proactive and communicative approach, ensuring clients are well-informed and have the flexibility to tailor services according to their evolving needs.
Choose Excellence in Commercial Cleaning:
For businesses in Melbourne seeking excellence in commercial cleaning services, Office Cleaning Solutions stands as a reliable partner. From innovative cleaning technologies to customized service plans, the company combines expertise and dedication to elevate the cleanliness standards of diverse business environments across the city. Choose Office Cleaning Solutions — where cleanliness meets precision, and your workspace transforms into a beacon of hygiene and professionalism.
Advanced Cleaning Solutions for Melbourne Businesses:
5. Specialized Industry Cleaning:
Office Cleaning Solutions recognizes that different industries have unique cleaning requirements. Whether it’s a manufacturing facility, a technology hub, or a creative workspace, the company offers specialized industry cleaning services. Tailored approaches ensure that the distinctive needs of each sector are met with precision.
6. Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning:
Carpets and upholstery often harbor allergens and dirt. The company’s services extend to specialized carpet and upholstery cleaning, employing methods that not only enhance the aesthetic appeal but also contribute to a healthier indoor environment.
7. Window Cleaning Services:
Clean windows play a crucial role in presenting a professional image. Office Cleaning Solutions employs skilled professionals equipped with the right tools to ensure streak-free and spotless windows, enhancing natural light and providing an unobstructed view.
Comprehensive Approach to Health and Safety:
8. COVID-19 Disinfection Services:
In the wake of global health concerns, Office Cleaning Solutions’ has adapted its services to include specialized COVID-19 disinfection services. Following recommended protocols, the company ensures thorough disinfection to provide clients and their employees with peace of mind.
9. Compliance with Health Standards:
Adherence to health and safety standards is a cornerstone of Office Cleaning Solutions. The company ensures that its cleaning practices align with regulatory requirements, promoting a safe and healthy workspace for all.
Transparent Communication and Client Satisfaction:
10. Clear Communication Channels:
Office Cleaning Solutions values transparent communication. Clients can expect clear and concise communication regarding service details, schedules, and any additional requirements. This ensures that expectations are aligned from the beginning.
11. Proactive Problem Resolution:
Should any issues arise, Office Cleaning Solutions takes a proactive stance in addressing and resolving them promptly. The company understands the importance of quick and effective solutions to maintain a seamless cleaning service.
Conclusion: Elevating Melbourne’s Business Environments:
In the vibrant and competitive business landscape of Melbourne, Office Cleaning Solutions stands out as a reliable and comprehensive solution for commercial cleaning needs. From cutting-edge technologies to a customer-centric approach, the company continues to redefine the standards of cleanliness in workplaces across the city. Elevate your business environment with the assurance of excellence — choose Office Cleaning Solutions for a cleaner, healthier, and more productive workspace.
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mastercleanersblog · 10 months
Deep Cleansing Services
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We offer prime-rated cleaners who come to the doorstep absolutely geared up with all the instruments required for home cleaning maid services. You can avail of maid companies like Common Deep Cleansing if your home needs to be cleaned weekly or biweekly. You also can use one-time home cleaning maid services if you need to put together your personal home for some occasion. Manual cleansing of office-shop would include floor-sweeping, dusting as properly and cleaning of ceiling fans. Office-shop deep cleansing will include cleaning every corner of your office shop in the perfect potential way - home cleaning in Melbourne.
We also give all its few weeks of rigorous coaching in the company’s procedures and protocols. We adhere to quality norms that are set by numerous industries. We will give you the ideal office-shop deep cleaning service. The firm also offers carpet cleaning services, and many respect having the flexibility to book this by way of the same company from which they receive different providers. Though native franchises might be individually owned, they want to still meet the company’s total standards for thorough and environment-friendly cleaning processes.
We still providing luxury commercial cleaning to Melbourne companies and continuing the hands-on approach from the founder for over many years. We also handle cleaning-related needs for schools, government buildings, recreational centers, and post-construction clean- ups. We will use eco-friendly, top-quality products to ensure your commercial property reflects the quality of your business. Our customers are very important to us and we like to think of ourselves as a one-stop solution for all your domestic cleaning needs. We can also provide a full cleaning service for offices and commercial premises. Whether you’re a small office or larger, open plan layout, we can provide reliable and trustworthy staff who are trained to the highest of standards to make sure your working environment is clean and your staff feels happy at work - commercial cleaning in Sydney.
Cleaning is the process of removing undesirable substances, such as filth, infectious agents, and different impurities, from an object or setting. Cleaning is usually performed for aesthetic, hygienic, practical, environmental, or safety purposes. Cleaning occurs in many different contexts, and uses many different strategies. In our group, we are equipped with superior technology and all the proper instruments, and gear that help us provide satisfactory outcomes to the customers. For more information, please visit our site https://mastercleaners.com.au/
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gemscleaning · 10 months
Gem’s Cleaning Australia offers office cleaning services and facilities management to companies in Melbourne and their regions.
To meet your specific needs and budget, we offer an industry-leading cleaning service for any office or commercial enterprise in the region. We clean workplaces, schools, showrooms, sports stadiums, and everything in between in addition to offices.
Our goal is to make your workplace look pristine so you can be proud of it. Our cleaning service provides an organized cleaning to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of individuals in Melbourne since the cleanliness of your workplace is closely tied to the safety of your employees.
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srkpolymers · 11 months
Janitorial Company in Melbourne
For premium janitorial services in Melbourne, you can reach CarePlus Cleaning Solutions. Whether it is an office building, school, pub, or hospital, we are a professional janitorial company in Melbourne that promote a healthy work environment and keep your premises sparkling. Our professional janitorial services Melbourne team constantly interacts with clients to understand their requirements and follow up to confirm complete satisfaction.
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