 Devil in The Details: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo
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Devil in The Details: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo This retrograde found me sitting in front of a medical center waiting for a deliver service to pick me up, in a malfunctioning wheelchair. I spent hours calling a call center to connect me with a driver who would pick me up. While I tend avoid personal matters in my forcast, wanting you to view the transit from your own personal lens, my recent surgery urges me to share my perspective with regard to the nature of all transits and this one in particular. We understand the planets through our own experiences and observations. The astrologer can only provide the framework what you may encounter. Retrogrades are times of personal reflection and review, where we evaulate our lives from the now clinical way and from the position of a human being who past decisions and effort demand reappraise and context. Mercury Retrograde will begin on Thursday, August 23th. It will remain in the sign of Virgo for the whole of the transitt. It ends on Friday September 15 at EDT, and 1:21 pm PDT..
Virgo is a sign that are governed or under the direct influence of the planet, Mercury. Virgo (Earth) represents thought applied with pragmatic, practical approach to the physical world. Stickler for rules, Virgo is able break things down to their components, determining how they work and what ways will make them work better. Virgo, as a sign, can be practical, hardworking, supportive and observant. They can also be hypercritical, demanding, insincere and preoccupied.
Mercury Retrogrades is a time of reflection and review, where one is encouraged to reexamine important past issues. During the transit, your daily routines may be shaken up; you may encounter mental challenges, or be required to make some alternate plans regarding some daily matters. Expect to be distracted and made to improvise a great deal into the coming weeks. You may find unpredictability and randomness to be the order of the day.
This transit will ask that you re-examine and re-evaluate some important questions of your life. Determine where you’ve allowed rote, mechanical thinking to supplant your intuition or sense of spontaneity. You may possibly revisit a past experience in service to fostering an exciting new one. Remember, Retrogrades are not the time to initiate new endeavors, but review past ones. The information you uncover from revisiting issues from the past will serve you in good stead in weeks following the end of the transit on September 15th.
Mercury retrogrades are notorious for their affect upon devices of planning and communication. Telephones, computers, written message and contracts may experience problems during its passage. Try not to initiate new projects or make commitment wherever possible at this time. Keep your focus upon existing concerns instead. In light of this transit it might be in your best interest to get a second opinion or an outside observer to help review your work. Reach out to those you trust and support your research with another set of eyes.
Virgos, This retrograde is not about what you need to do, but about what have you not yet done. It will ask you to look back upon previous efforts, determining if they can help you in the future. Rediscoveries you’ll make in the coming weeks may feed and renew concerns you are truly passionate about.
Pisces, at this time, expect important breakthroughs to occur, especially with regards to your personal plans. Rather than choosing a specific course, allow yourself to explore a variety of possibilities. Once the retrograde ends you’ll possess a wide array of knowledge that will help you make best the possible choice in service to your plans. Let your internal cues provide the answer you will need.
Gemini and Sagittarius, This retrograde may ask you to revisit some past matter and to determine its importance to your future. You may have to confront a dilemma that cannot be easily overlooked or ignored. Unraveling the knot that Mercury presents you with may prove highly productive, even cathartic.
In the next few weeks get in touch with your humanity, both acknowledging your frailties and allowing for a new perspectives. Spend time in spiritual practices and creative endeavors during this period. Any creative projects should prove helpful and instructive at this time. You should dwell upon things that predate the retrograde and be mindful of starting any new works during this period.
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo may provide solutions to questions that honor the life you want to live. Listen to your inner truth and this transit may set you upon a course to an existence that is productive, bright and vigorous.
Aeion is a professional astrologer and tarot card reader with 20 years of experience. His approach is based in the belief that divination should be in employed to enhance ones' life experiences, not to predetermine them. Let Astrology and Tarot be your tools for better living.
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stelliumastrology · 1 year
EP141 Mercury Retrograde in Virgo 2023 Sun and Rising Horoscopes ALL Zodiac Signs
Cerebral Mercury has entered his shadow period in preparation of his retrograde motion in his Virgo on 23/24 August (depending where on Earth you are).
During this time there is a magical Grand Earth Trine forming in the skies, comprising of Mercury–Mars in Virgo, Jupiter–Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn!
The whole period is triggered into action by a secretly seething Moon in Scorpio opposite a rather discombobulated Uranus in Taurus, forming a temperamental T-Square apexing at righteous Lilith in Leo and the fastidious Sun in Virgo...
Another thing to observe is the crossover between Venus and Mercury retrograde periods; both highlighting areas we need to identify what we truly value, followed up with a tricky decision which could prompt a complete change of direction.
Under these volatile planetary conditions our manifesting ability could mimic the Midas touch.
During this period it would be wise of us all to be careful what we wish for.
...btw, apologies for the quality of the recording. Unfortunately I had some Mercury retro gremlins (I know it’s not that time just yet, but somehow these things seem to magically coincide).
What are your Sun and Rising signs and has this resonated with you at all?
  MERCURY RX DATES Pre-shadow 08°00’ Virgo on 3/4 August Retrograde 21°51’ Virgo on 23/24 August at 19.59 (UTC) Cazimi 13°36 06 September at 11.09 (UTC) Direct 08°00’ 15 September 20.21 (UTC) Leaves shadow 21°51’ Virgo 29/30 September
Savvy time zone calculator https://savvytime.com/converter/utc-to-gmt-bst-me-portland-pt-aest-ca-san-francisco-acdt/
  TIME STAMPS 00:00:14 About Mercury Rx in Virgo + Dates | 00:01:33 Mercury Rx visual explanation | 00:02:52 Why it’s different this time | 00:08:09 Shadow period | 00:08:32 Aries Sun and Rising | 00:14:27 Taurus Sun and Rising | 00:20:34 Gemini Sun and Rising | 00:25:54 Cancer Sun and Rising | 00:30:35 Leo Sun and Rising | 00:34:13 Virgo Sun and Rising | 00:40:56 Libra Sun and Rising | 00:45:48 Scorpio Sun and Rising | 00:51:29 Sagittarius Sun and Rising | 00:57:57 Capricorn Sun and Rising | 01:03:32 Aquarius Sun and Rising | 01:09:05 Pisces Sun and Rising | 01:15:07 Patreon/Prize Draw | 01:16:59 End
  LINKS Watch now https://youtu.be/7tIQ5xyB8mQ Wikipedia Retro article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apparent_retrograde_motion Johari Window https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johari_window Great Video on the Johari Window https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7FhcvoVK8s&t=2s Millie Bobby Brown and Flat Earth https://youtu.be/KFXdl3ZgeMc?t=413 What is Shadow period: https://youtu.be/jlT0F-WivW8
#mercuryretrograde #blackmoonlilith #bml #lilith #mercuryrx  #mercuryretrogradeinvirgo #mercuryretrogradehoroscopes #grandearthtrine #fixedtsquare #moonoppositeuranus #jupiteruranus #milliebobbybrown #johariwindow
📍Everything you need to know (including the prize draw) is here: https://www.stelliumastrology.com/links/
    Check out this episode!
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hrsouffrant · 7 years
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#mercuryretrogradeinvirgo #eclipseseason #selfrevival #instapoem #theaudacity
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ashmathews · 8 years
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And so it begins...Mercury Retrograde has officially started. Be kind to yourself and others❤️💫 #mercuryretrograde #mercuryretrogradeinvirgo #enlightenment #release #renew #reconnect #review #astronomy #astrology
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Who Are You: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo/Leo
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We understand the planets through our own experiences and observations. The astrologer can only provide the framework what you may encounter. August 5th beginning at7:56 pm PDT, will see Mercury Retrograde into the sign of Virgo (4º 06'). It will transition back to the sign of Leo on August 15th, remaining in the sign until it goes direct in Leo (21º 25') on August 28th at 5:21 pm EDT, and 2:21 pm PDT. Retrogrades are times of personal reflection and review, where we evaulate our lives to reappraise and clarify our thinking.
Virgo is a sign that is directly influenced of the planet, Mercury. Sticklers for rules, Virgo is able break things down to their components, find ways to make things work better.They can practical, hardworking, and observant. At their worst they are hypercritical, demanding insincere and preoccupied. Natural leaders of the zodiac, Leo, at its best, can be generous, loyal and honorable. At its worst, it can be over-confident, egotistical and inflexible.
Mercury Retrogrades is a time of reflection and review, where one is encouraged to reexamine important past issues. During the transit, your daily routines may be shaken up; you may encounter mental challenges, or be required to make some alternate plans regarding some daily matters. Expect to be distracted and made to improvise a great deal into the coming weeks. You may find unpredictability and randomness to be the order of the day.
The Virgo portion of the transit ask that you re-examine and re-evaluate some important questions of your life. Determine where you’ve allowed rote, mechanical thinking to supplant your intuition or sense of spontaneity. You may possibly revisit a past experience in service to fostering an exciting new one.
For Leo portion of the Retrograde may require a second look or rehabilitation of some role or position in your life. Where are you in charge of and where must you cede control? Is it time to prepare major transition or to commit yourself to your current position? The next three weeks may ask you to affirm such considerations.. Remember, the time to make any changes of matters that come up during the retrograde is after the Retrograde is over. The transit’s job is to highlight the concerns in anticipation of a resolution, not to affect that resolution.
Mercury retrogrades are notorious for their affect upon devices of planning and communication. Telephones, computers, written message and contracts may experience problems during its passage. Try not to initiate new projects or make commitment wherever possible at this time. Keep your focus upon existing concerns instead. In light of this transit it might be in your best interest to get a second opinion or an outside observer to help review your work. Reach out to those you trust and support your research with another set of eyes.
For the Virgo portion From August 5th-15th
Virgo, This retrograde is not about what you need to do, but about what have you not yet done. It will ask you to look back upon previous efforts, determining if they can help you in the future. Rediscoveries you’ll make in the coming weeks may feed and renew concerns you are truly passionate about.
Pisces, at this time, expect important breakthroughs to occur, especially with regards to your personal plans. Rather than choosing a specific course, allow yourself to explore a variety of possibilities. Once the retrograde ends you’ll possess a wide array of knowledge that will help you make best the possible choice in service to your plans. Let your internal cues provide the answer you will need.
Gemini and Sagittarius, This retrograde may ask you to revisit some past matter and to determine its importance to your future. You may have to confront a dilemma that cannot be easily overlooked or ignored. Unraveling the knot that Mercury presents you with may prove highly productive, even cathartic.
For the Leo portion From August 15 Leo, it's a time good time to review personal progress you’ve made this year. What has been successful, what has not and what adjustments, if any, need to be made. Review past decision with an eye towards the future.
Aquarius, this may be a time where some overlooked issue or matter will reassert itself, calling for corrective measures or repairs. You may only be required to acknowledge the matter, but as with all matters during a Retrograde, address it in a committed way after September 1.
Scorpio and Taurus, this retrograde may place you in very trying circumstance about who you are and where you belong. Your resolution may lie in rising to the challenge and manage the concern until a path to breakthrough occurs in the coming weeks
In the next few weeks get in touch with your humanity, both acknowledging your frailties and allowing for a new perspectives. Spend time in spiritual practices and creative endeavors during this period. Any creative projects should prove helpful and instructive at this time. You should dwell upon things that predate the retrograde and be mindful of starting any new works during this period.
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo/Leo may provide solutions to questions that honor the life you want to live and what role you'll play in it. Listening to your inner truth could y set you upon a course to an existence that is honors that.
Aeion is a professional astrologer and tarot card reader with 35+ years of experience. His approach is based in the belief that divination should be in employed to enhance ones' life experiences, not to predetermine them. Let Astrology and Tarot be your tools for better living.
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Summation: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo
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Summation: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo
Mercury will  retrograde into the sign of Virgo at 8:04am EDT/  5:04 am PDT, were it will remain until Oct 2 having been in the sign of Libra since September 9th. This will change the character and complexion of the Retrograde, from Air sign to an  earth one. Mercury, in astrology, governs thought, communications, ideas, short term travel and concepts. It represents the way we think, communicate and share our ideas. It embodies how we communicate our thinking. Virgo represents thought applied with pragmatic, practical approach to the physical world. Stickler for rules, Virgo is able break things down to their components, determining how they work and what ways will make them work more effieciently. At it best Virgo is meticulous, analytical and supportive. At its worst Virgo is  hypercritical, insincere and preoccupied
Mercury Retrogrades are times of reflection and review, where one is encouraged to reexamine important past issues. During the transit, your daily routines may be shaken up; you may encounter mental challenges, or be required to make some alternate plans regarding some daily matters.  You may find unpredictability and randomness to be the order of the day in the coming week.
This transit will ask that you re-examine and re-evaluate some important questions of your life. Determine where you’ve allowed rote, mechanical thinking to supplant your intuition or sense of spontaneity. You may possibly revisit a past experience in service to fostering an exciting new one.  Remember, Retrogrades are not the time to initiate new endeavors, but review past ones.  The information  you uncover from revisiting the bygone matters will serve you in good stead in weeks following the end of the transit on October 2nd. Mercury retrogrades are notorious for their affect upon devices of planning and communication. Telephones, computers, written message and contracts may experience problems during its passage.  Try not to initiate new projects or make commitment wherever possible at this time. Keep your focus upon existing concerns instead. In light of this transit it might be in your best interest to get a second opinion or an outside observer to help review your work. Reach out to those you trust and support your research with another set of eyes. Spend time in spiritual practices and creative endeavors during this period. Any creative projects should prove helpful and instructive at this time. You should dwell upon things that predate the retrograde and be mindful of starting any new works during this period.
Virgos, This retrograde is not about what you need to do, but about what have you not yet done.  It will ask you to look back upon previous efforts, determining if they can help you in the future. Rrenew concerns you are truly passionate about.
Pisces, at this time, expect important breakthroughs to occur, especially with regards to your personal plans. Rather than choosing a specific course, allow yourself to explore a variety of possibilities.
Gemini and Sagittarius, This retrograde may ask you to revisit some past matter and to determine its importance to your future. Unraveling the knot that Mercury presents you with may prove  productive and cathartic.
In the next few weeks get in touch with your humanity, both acknowledging your frailties and allowing for a new perspectives.  
Mercury Retrograde may provide answers to questions that honor the life you want to live. Listen to your inner truth and this transit may set you upon a course to an existence that is productive, bright and vigorous. Aeion is an professional astrologer and tarot card reader with 30+ years of experience.  His approach is based in the belief that divination should be in employed to enhance ones' life experiences, not to predetermine it. Let Astrology and Tarot be your tools for better living.
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Shifting the Scales: Mercury Retrograde in Libra/Virgo
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Shifting the Scales: Mercury Retrograde in Libra/Virgo On Friday, September 9th at 11:38 pm EDT/ 8:38 pm PDT. Mercury will begin its retrograde motion into the sign of Libra (8º 55'), moving backward to the first quadrant or decan of the sign of Libra until 24th when it will enter the house of Virgo. It will continue that part of the transit movement till the 1st of October. On September 24th I will share what you can expect during the Virgo portion of the transit. The planet Mercury, in astrology, governs thought, communications, ideas, short term travel and concepts. It represents the way we think, communicate and share our ideas. It embodies how we communicate our thinking. Libra, whose ruling planet is Venus, is a sign that seeks personal understand and self-enlightenment through interactions with others. Diplomats of the Zodiac, they are a sign that is other directed, modelling and comparing their own behavior through the lens or actions of others. At their best Libras are tactful, observant and supportive. At their worst they scattered, facile and indecisive. The upcoming Mercury retrograde in Libra may have a bit of a Dr Jeckyll/Mr Hyde quality, urging a frankness, candor, and assertiveness that at times may be very uncomfortable. The reassertion of personal boundaries, restoring ones integrity and repairing self-esteem are likely endeavors for this transit. Libra, truth telling and expressing your honest feeling what is required now.  Re-investing in past concerns in may prove both cathartic and helpful to yourself and other parties. Aries, the willingness to listen most important this you can do at this time. What might they have to say?  Wherever possible, repair and restore connections with friends, counterparts and associates. Cancer and Capricorn,   this retrograde might reveal truths that are important for you to face. outstanding issues that need to be fixed. The reinvestment in past or standing concerns can payoff in a variety of ways.
While retrogrades provide important solutions, you shouldn’t seek to initiate them at this time. The retrograde urges the preliminary that will allow you to apply those answers after the transit ends on October 18. Avoid starting new activities where you can,  and focus on previous activities.
Purge old useless patterns and strive for clarity, particularly with regards relationships. The retrograde with its current alignment to Libra will impact strongly upon one's ability to reason and rationalize, so be careful how you seek to execute plans in the next 3 weeks. Arguments and personality conflicts should save where they resolved issues constructively and to mutual benefit.
Because it is the reversal of the planet that governs communication, thoughts and planning, it can create challenges and difficulties in those areas. Communications, spoken, written and recorded (text, email. voice messages, etc) can become confused, misunderstood or misinterpreted. To avoid these complications, work towards communicating simply with a measure of repetition.  Retrogrades can confound written contracts, electronic gadgets and even our nervous systems. At this time, you should expect challenges regarding travel and short trips, so allow for extra time and delays. Creative projects, especially performance and visual art, generally go well at this time as do spiritual and metaphysical practices
Achieving balance and reviewing daily routines during the Libra portion of the Retrograde can make this  a very productive time. Express yourself and act upon true feelings in service to finding balance and your emotional center. Sometimes, you need to shift the scales to get the balance right
Aeion is an professional astrologer and tarot card reader with 25+ years of experience.  His approach is based in the belief that divination should be in employed to enhance ones' life experiences, not to predetermine it. Let Astrology and Tarot be your tools for better living.
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hrsouffrant · 7 years
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#mercuryretrogradeinvirgo #lovenotes #behold #tenderhealing #eclipseseason #takeupyourspace
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