#Merle Louise
nicolethered · 2 years
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I love this
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
do you have any recommendations for favorite french-language poetry? esp written by women?
Yes, sure! We might not have the same tastes (I like nature poetry mostly, and good old lavish alexandrine verse—I find the predictability of it very soothing) but here are excerpts of poems by 13 French-language poétesses :)
(I wanted to add a few men at the end but I spent too much time on the women, and the French male poets I enjoy are very well-known ones anyway, e.g. Hugo, Mallarmé, Prévert, Aragon... also André Breton's surrealist poetry)
• Sabine Amable Voïart, known as Amable Tastu (1798-1885)
D’où vient que l’âme humaine est ainsi disposée, Que jamais ses regards troublés et mécontens N’ont pu s’accoutumer à la marche du temps? Sur l’éternel chemin, chaque borne posée Nous attriste. D’où vient? je ne sais; mais toujours Le vertige nous prend à voir couler nos jours: 
Si vous reparcourez l’enclos où votre enfance Avez-vous souvenir, à l’âge où tout enchante, D’une voix qui vous plut, voix timide et touchante, […] Que, plus tard, cette voix résonne à votre oreille, De vos rêves déçus vous raillez la merveille, Vous prenant en pitié d’avoir si mal jugé… Elle est la même encor; mais vous avez changé!
• Louise-Victorine Ackermann (1813-1890)
(A la comète de 1861) […] Ah ! quand tu reviendras, peut-être de la terre L'homme aura disparu. Du fond de ce séjour Si son œil ne doit pas contempler ton retour, Si ce globe épuisé s'est éteint solitaire, Dans l'espace infini poursuivant ton chemin, Du moins jette au passage, astre errant et rapide, Un regard de pitié sur le théâtre vide De tant de maux soufferts et du labeur humain.
• Marie Dauguet (1860-1942)
Mon coeur est né sauvage et seul comme un merle, Que berça la chanson du vent, subtil orchestre, Ivre des noirs myrtils dont la forêt s'emperle, Grisé d'odeur de source et d'haleine sylvestre. […]
Et d'abord très souvent j'étouffe dans moi-même, Tout m'y semble étriqué, trop étroit et mesquin, Et je fuis l'infini pour l'infini que j'aime, Parmi le ciel, les eaux, les circuits des chemins.
• Alice de Chambrier (1861-1882) (she is Swiss)
J’ai vu comme l’on voit quelquefois dans un rêve, Une immense Cité près d’une immense grève, Avec des dômes d’or et des palais géants, Des temples incrustés de mille diamants […]
Plus tard j’ai repassé devant cette cité, Et voulant la revoir, je m’y suis arrêtée; Mais à peine mes pas ont foulé sa poussière Que devant mes regards elle s’est tout entière Écroulée—et n’est plus qu’une ruine immense Dont le cri des Vautours trouble seul le silence.
• Lucie Delarue-Mardrus (1868-1949)
1. Humanité sans force, endurante moitié Du monde, ô camarade éternelle, ô moi-même ! Femme, femme, qui donc te dira que je t’aime D’un cœur si gros d’amour et si lourd de pitié ?
2. J’aime, en quelque lieu que ce soit, L’heure où l’existence, pour moi, Redevient nocturne et muette.
L’heure sans lois et sans humains, Sans hiers et sans lendemains, Où je ne suis plus que poète.
La seule heure d’esprit total, Celle où, jusqu’oublier mon mal Je sens se fermer toute plaie,
Car je ne fus moi-même, vraie, Car je ne fus ce que suis, — Passionnément — que les nuits.
• Anna de Noailles (1876-1933)
Nature au cœur profond sur qui les cieux reposent, Nul n’aura comme moi si chaudement aimé La lumière des jours et la douceur des choses, L’eau luisante et la terre où la vie a germé.
La forêt, les étangs et les plaines fécondes Ont plus touché mes yeux que les regards humains, Je me suis appuyée à la beauté du monde Et j’ai tenu l’odeur des saisons dans mes mains.
• Renée Vivien (1877-1911) (English, mainly wrote in French)
Dans l’azur de l’avril et dans l’air de l’automne, Les arbres ont un charme inquiet et mouvant. Le peuplier se ploie et se tord sous le vent, Pareil aux corps de femme où le désir frissonne.
[…] Vêtu de clair de lune et de reflets d’argent, Le bouleau virginal à l’ivoire changeant Projette avec pudeur ses blancheurs incertaines. Les tilleuls ont l’odeur des âpres cheveux bruns, Et des acacias aux verdures lointaines Tombe divinement la neige des parfums.
• Valentine Penrose (1898-1978)
Notre Père qui êtes aux cieux des doux matins bercés aux fleurs des laitues bleues, […] que votre nom soit sanctifié ! O Brume d’or dans les vergers, que votre volonté soit faite ! Sur la Terre comme au Ciel ; sur la terre élançant ses arbres au soleil, sur les labours luisants chevauchés de noyers, sur le sol des jardins de chaleur tout vrillés […]. Donnez-nous aujourd’hui notre Pain quotidien. Dans la fraîche cuisine où bourdonne une guêpe, où les fourmis montent leur noir petit chemin […] Et pardonnez-nous nos offenses… […]
• Louise de Vilmorin (1902-1969)
Pois de senteur en ma demeure Et sur mon cœur poids de cent heures
Je t’enlacerai, tu t’en lasseras
Étonnamment monotone et lasse, Est ton âme en mon automne, hélas !
• Andrée Chedid (1920-2011)
Échappant à l'enclume du temps L'Univers sème ses formes Véhicule ses songes S'invente des tumultes
[…] Enserrée dans son globe Empoignant son noyau La Terre emporte l'histoire Vers son immense dérive.
• Anne Perrier (1922-2017) (also Swiss)
1. Ô rompre les amarres Partir partir Je ne suis pas de ceux qui restent La maison le jardin tant aimés Ne sont jamais derrière mais devant Dans la splendide brume Inconnue
2. Lorsque la mort viendra Je voudrais que ce soit comme aujourd'hui Un grand soir droit laiteux et immobile Et surtout je voudrais Que tout se tienne bien tranquille Pour que j'entende Une dernière fois respirer cette terre Pendant que doucement s'écarteront de moi Les mains aimées Qui m'attachent au monde
• Marie-Claire Bancquart (1932-2019)
1. Un tremble c'est le nom du peuplier blanc : luisance furtive.
Éclair des feuilles leur vie scintille
instant après instant elles chuchotent que nous avons aussi des moments miroitants minuscules, étincelantes traces de nous sur le monde. 2. Je suis l’encolure d’un pays vêtu de toile et d’eau, longtemps ténébreux, maintenant étalé sur la nuit, croisé une fois pour toutes par le crépuscule, et qui entend les soleils célébrer leur courbe.
Je suis son oreille, et, dans son oreille, ce qui, bruissant, permet le bruit.
[…] Mais suis-je enclave, ou bien ce pays serait le creux nécessaire au violon, l’autour-de-moi facilitant mémoire?
• Hélène Dorion (1958 - ) (she's from Québec)
Autour de moi les notes lumineuses d'une feuille venue jusqu'à la branche pour remuer avec le souffle danse et boit l'eau qui la sauve au matin quand recommence son chemin vers le soir
et je marche aussi d'un pas qui repose dans l'infini j'écoute le monde qui bruit à travers les arbres seuls comme des êtres occupés à devenir leur forme singulière
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hotvintagepoll · 5 months
shadow bracket: skullduggery, plots, and schemes
Jessica Walter preens on the throne of broken dreams that sits at the heart of the shadow realm. She needs allies to secure her power; a voice of wisdom whispering at her right hand, to guide her to a triumph of tyranny. Far below in the dungeons, Fredric March pines away from love. It is time to elect a High Chancellor.
The shadow bracket accepts no propaganda, plays by no known rules, and is entirely unjust.There will be four polls with twelve contestants. Only the top two hotties from each poll will continue to the next level of the shadow bracket. Godspeed, losers.
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sporadiceagleheart · 5 months
Here's my be blessed prayers for Maite Rodriguez and Angels edit Saffie Rose Roussos, Lily Peters, Olivia Pratt Korbel, Elizabeth Shelley, Sara Sharif, Charlotte Figi,Charlotte Bacon, Charlotte Louise Dunn, JonBenèt Ramsey, Kelly Ann Fleming, Lincoln Flynn, Rachel Joy Scott, Milly Rose zellmer, Victoria Rose Smith,Acacia Surridge-Hill, Destiny Riekeberg, Mercedes Losoya, Sidra Hassouna, Lois Janes, Louis XVII, Ava Jordan Wood, Semina Halliwell, Leiliana Wright, Norah Lee Howard, Annayah Rosa-Balmer, Ana, Lily Rose Diaz, Riley Faith Steep, Star Hobson, Gene Wilder, Kenny Rogers, Brianna Florer, Merle Haggard, Amber Rene Hagerman, Amerie Jo Garza, Eliahna Torres, Jackie Cazares, Makenna Lee Elrod, Jersey Dianne Bridgeman, Layla Salazar, Jayce Carmelo Luevanos, Jailah Nicole Silguero, Olivia Engel, Pauline Adelaar, Peter Fuchs, Shirley Temple Black 1928-2014, Tristyn Bailey, Sierra Newbold, Alexia Carolina, CeCe, Ariel Rose, Emilie Parker, Soren Chilson, Caylee Marie Mastin, Caylee Marie Anthony, Aubreigh Wyatt, Makayla Lynn Brewster, Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell, Annaliese (Anna)Backner, Makayla Dyer, Audrii Cunningham, Sloan Mattingly, Annalise Renée Nava rest in peace
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recurringwriter · 1 year
FE OC Week Introductions:
Rodrigue's Immediate Family
Percival 'Percy' Narcisse Fraldarius Rodrigue's younger brother. Trans. Spymaster. Demiromantic Bisexual. Involved with Godfrey von Riegan who helped him realize he was trans when the two of them attended the Officer's Academy together. He likes garish patterns and art. Annoying little sibling supreme. Possibly a coward, it's hard to tell.
Boreas Clemente Fraldarius Rodrigue's dad who is soooooo hot and super tough and kills wolves with his bare hands. His favourite thing is the chance that he might die to protect the king someday. Loves to argue. The only one able to argue successfully with Lambert's father. Extremely flawed but I sexualize that constantly. At the end of the day he means well and cares a ton for his family but he just doesn't know how to communicate outside of arguing.
Melodie Maiwenn Fraldarius Rodrigue's mom who is an archer and healer and wants a huge family. She's spoiled and selfish but will do anything for her family. Decisive and opinionated, she will gladly indulge her husband's love of arguing. She spoils all her kids, and her grandkids, and anyone who is a friend of her kids or her grandkids.
Glenn Merle Fraldarius Felix's brother we all played houses. In my mind he is a cocky little hotshot with sk8tr boi helmet hair. He's like Johnny in the Devil Went Down to Georgia. I need to write an au where he lives.
Ange D'Aurore 'Angie' Rodrigue's horse, Ange D'Aurore. His father's horse before him, and Boreas' father's horse before that. How long has this horse been in the Fraldarius family? Another heirloom, perhaps--but Rodrigue has no chance of giving this one away no matter how he tries. The animal is often referred to as 'the Bastard' because he loves to bite and kick and kill. Loyal and brave, but only to those he deems worthy. More than he appears.
Estella Casagranda Rodrigue's illegitimate daughter with Manuela. Born 9 months after Rodrigue visits Garreg Mach to ask for help with the whole Lance of Ruin situation. So far she's just a baby but she takes after Manuela more in looks. She will likely show an aptitude for Faith magic and be a wonderfully kind young woman.
Rodina "Roe" Louise Fraldarius She is one year younger than Glenn (22 at White Clouds). Like an old-school fe myrmidon but as a holy knight. Lesbian, I will be shipping her with Shamir. Very loyal, kind, and good, but has a cultured, aloof way of speaking to people that makes her intimidating to those who don't know her.
Diable de Neige 'Blé' Rodina's horse, Diable de Neige. Sired by Ange D'Aurore and named so auspiciously because everyone figured he'd be a bastard just like Ange, but in reality he is quite sweet.
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batllethinker · 7 months
The national team submissions masterboard
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Overview: A look into the dynamics of our national teams
Doms: Jenni, Ona, Aitana, Irene P, Sandra
Subs: Alexia, Mapi, Misa, Laia C, Leila O, Laia A, Salma, Athenea, Mariona, Patri, Cata, Eva N, Lucia, Pina
Doms: Millie B, Mary E, Alex G, Millie T, Coombsy, Lucy S, Rachel
Subs: Lucy B, Keira, Esme, Leah, Georgia, Ellie, Hannah, Beth E, Beth M, Fran, Lauren, Ella, Lessi, Missy Bo
Doms: Magda, Olivia, Frido, Amanda, JRK, Linda S, Amanda N, Sofia J, Caroline, Elin, Rebecka
Subs: Hanna B, Asllani, Lina H, Stina, Nathalie, Filippa, Jonna, Anna S, Matilda V, Stina B, Julia Z, Emma
Doms: Mini, Lani, Emily VE, Tameka, Kyah, Emily G
Subs: Macca, Sam, Ellie, Steph, Charli, Clare, Mary, Kyra, Chloe, Teagan, Caitlin, Hayley, Courtney N
Doms: Sherida, Dominique, Shanice, Merel
Subs: Danielle (Switch), Lynn, Viv, Lieke, Jackie, Jill, Damaris, Esmee, Daphne, Kerstin
Doms: Melanie, Popp, Svenja, Lina, Sara, Linda, AKB
Subs: Obi, Jule, Giulia, Merle, Klara, Laura, Sydney, Lea, Feliciats, Sjoeke, Sara D
Doms: Denise O’Sullivan, Louise Q, Courtney Brosnan, Caitlin H, Diane C, Niamh F, Heather P
Subs: Katie M, Megan Connolly, Amber, Claire O’R, Abbie Larkin, Izzy Atkinson, Lucy Q, Ruesha L, Grace M, Jamie F, Megan Campbell, Kyra Carusa, Anna P
Doms: Cloé L, Adriana L, Janine B (switch), Kadeisha B, Allysha C, Melissa Dagenais, Ashley L, Bianca SG, Nichelle P, Kailen S, Desiree S, Shelina Z
Subs: Jordyn H, Quinn, Jessie F, Sab, Julia G, Marie-Yasmine, Amanda A, Simi, Tanya, Gabrielle C, Sydney C, Rylee F, Vanessa G, Anna K, Devon K, Clarissa L, Marie L, Jordyn L, Lysianne P, Emma R, Deanne R, Jade Rose, Jayde R, Zoe B, Victoria Pickett, Olivia S, Sarah S, Evelyn S, Sura Y
Doms: Ada (switch), Ingrid, Maren M, Guro P, Guro B, Maria T, Tuva H
Subs: Guro R, Frida, Caroline, Aurora, Vilde, Thea, Celin, Julie B, Lisa N, Elisabeth T, Sophie H
Doms: Lisa E, Kirsty S, Rachel C, Jenna F, Lee G, Jenna C, Hayley L, Jane R
Subs: Sam K, Erin C, Kirsty H, Nicola D, Sandy M, Sophie H, Leah E, Christy G, Jamie-Lee, Brogan H, Jennifer S, Amy R, Chelsea C, Fiona B, Martha T, Claire E, Lauren D
Alyssa Naeher (Dom), Jane Campbell (Dom), Aubrey Kingsbury (Sub, Jane), Casey Murphy (sub, Alyssa)
Tierna Davidson (sub, Andi), Emily Fox (sub, Alex), Naomi Girma (sub, Alex), Casey Krueger (Dom), Jenna Nighswonger (sub, Crystal), Emily Sonnett (sub, Lindsey), Sam Staab (switch)
Sam Coffey (Dom), Hal Hershfelt (sub, Andi), Lindsey Horan (Dom), Rose Lavelle (sub, Lindsey)
Crystal Dunn (Dom), Catarina Macario (Sub, Lynn), Alex Morgan (Dom), Trinity Rodman (sub, Hatch/Sofia), Jaedyn Shaw (sub, Abby D), Sophia Smith (sub, Becky), Mallory Swanson (switch, Christen)
Ashley Sanchez (sub, Hatch/Sofia), Ashley Hatch (switch, Sofia), Becky Sauerbrunn (Dom), Abby D (Dom), Lynn W (Dom), Olivia Moultrie (sub, Becky), Alyssa Thompson (sub, Christen), Midge Purce (sub, Alex), Kristie Mewis (sub, Lynn), Sav DeMelo (switch, Jane), Andi Sullivan (Dom), Alana Cook (sub, Sofia), Sofia Huerta (Dom), Tobin Heath (Sub, Christen), Christen Press (Dom)
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kwebtv · 3 months
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Series Premiere
The Twisted Image - NBC - September 13, 1960
A presentation of "Thriller" Season 1 Episode 1
Hosted by Boris Karloff 
Leslie Nielsen as Alan Patterson
George Grizzard as Merle Jenkins
Natalie Trundy as Lily Hanson
Dianne Foster as Judy Patterson
Constance Ford as Louise Jenkins
Virginia Christine as Marge
Carol Kelly as Miss Rudley
Ray Montgomery as Bill Purdy
Pat McCaffrie as Liquor Store Proprietor
Mickey Simpson as Bert
Pamela Duncan as Sue
Judy Whitney as Leticia Patterson (Billed as Judy Erwin)
Bill Idelson as Jenkins Neighbor
Victor Sen Yung as Bartender
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musicalss · 6 months
The category is: scenes where mother gaslights her son into not dying, I think
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andrewlloydwebber · 8 months
please know that the noise merle louise makes in "final sequence" after "hey don't i know you mister" IS AND WAS EGOT-worthy and quite possibly changed my life thanks
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warningsine · 11 months
Favorite fictional women characters?
From what medium?
There are so many characters that I love and the list changes every time I finish a book/film/TV/show/play/whatever.
Anyhow, I'll mention some of my current beloved ones:
Lila and Lenù from the Neapolitan novels by Elena Ferrante
Madame Merle from "The Portrait of a Lady" by Henry James
Kiki Simmonds from "On Beauty" by Zadie Smith
Pecola Breedlove from "The Bluest Eye" by Toni Morrison
Florence Gordon from "Florence Gordon" by Brian Morton
Macabéa from "The Hour of the Star" by Clarice Lispector
Josephine Thomas from "The Women Could Fly" by Megan Giddings
Medusa from "Stone Blind" by Natalie Haynes
Natsuko from "Breasts and Eggs" by Mieko Kawakami
Sethe from "Beloved" by Toni Morrison
All the ladies from "Of Women and Salt" by Gabriela Garcia
Helly R./Helena Eagan from "Severance"
Arabella Essiedu from "I May Destroy You"
Shiv and Marcia Roy from "Succession"
Judy Gemstone from "The Righteous Gemstones"
Debbie Eagan from "GLOW"
Kate Ashby from "Black Earth Rising"
Natalie Scatorccio and Misty Quigley from "Yellowjackets"
Nida Huq from "Black Mirror: Demon 79"
Eve Polastri from "Killing Eve"
Deborah Vance from "Hacks"
Issa Dee from "Insecure"
Dorothy Turner from "Servant"
Kim Wexler and Skyler White from "Better Call Saul"/"Breaking Bad"
Ruth from "Prevenge"
Abla and Samia from "Adam"
Fatima from "I Still Hide to Smoke"
Mabel from "A Woman Under the Influence"
Yellow Mary from "Daughters of the Dust"
Louise from "Thelma and Louise" (a constant)
Margo Channing and Eve Harrington from "All About Eve" (another constant)
Nie Yinniang from "The Assassin"
The vampire from "A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night"
Michèle from "Elle"
Amanda Bonner from "Adam's Rib"
Harper Regan
Hedda Gabler
Masha (Three Sisters)
Lady Macbeth
Fictionalized Cleopatra
Sally Bowles
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rthstewart · 2 years
Narnia Fic Exchange
I wrote 3 things!
for @larmalot
Fly By Night (15571 words) by Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Susan Pevensie/Original Male Character(s) Characters: Susan Pevensie, Edmund Pevensie, Peter Pevensie, Helen Pevensie Additional Tags: World War II, Spare Oom, Original Character(s), Spies & Secret Agents, original characters: rthverse, Original Character Death(s), Spy Edmund Pevensie
Two months after D-Day, WC Reginald Tebbitt (code name Scribe) receives an urgent message from his agent, Mrs. Susan Caspian. Mrs. Caspian is still operating secretly in Nazi-occupied France under the name Jeanne-Louise Lambert (code name Rat). Tebbitt launches a desperate rescue mission and enlists the assistance of Rat's brother, Harold Linch aka Edmund Morgan aka Edmund Just aka Harold Jaller aka Justin Merle (code name Crow), who is reputed to be the fourth best forger in British Intelligence.
Part of The Stone Gryphon story cycle by Rthstewart, Heart and Crow Make The Peace
** for @bywayofmemory and @syrena-of-the-lake and @waywren  be_themoon
Queentessential (5547 words) by
Fandom: Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis,Star Wars Prequel Trilogy,Star Wars Original Trilogy,Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Susan Pevensie, Leia Organa, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Bail Organa, Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca (Star Wars)
Additional Tags: Background Relationships, Background: Susan Pevensie/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canonical Character Death, Crossover, Treat, The Problem of Susan (Narnia), there is no problem with Susan
Summary: Once a queen of Narnia, always a queen of Narnia. Or Princess of Alderaan for that matter.
also for @larmalot
Halloween at the Heritage Foundation 1230 words) by Fandom: Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Lucy Pevensie, Aslan (Narnia)
Additional Tags: Spare Oom, Alternate Universe - Vampire, Politics, Satire, Dead Republicans, Crack, Treat, American Politics
Summary: It's the annual Halloween Party at the Heritage Foundation.
Note: No Republicans were actually murdered though my browser history is now cursed.
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newcountryradio · 5 months
New Country 27e jaargang  #T1225(S784) (C29)van 15 april 2024  (wk 16) uitzending op Smelne fm & Crossroads Country Radio
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Album van de week: Zach Top - Cold Beer & Country Music
Classic album:  Waylon & Willie -  Waylon & Willie    1978
Hits of the Year : 1988
Maandfavoriet :  Zach Brown – Tie Up              
Maandartiest : john Anderson   
3 in 1: Pam Tillis      
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John Anderson – Swingin’    *maandartiest
George Strait -  River Of Love       #1 15 jaar
Sam Hunt – 23       # 1 2022 
Sam Hunt - Locked Up
Aaron Dean  - Aint Always A GOODbye
Riley Green - Worst Way
Chayce Beckham - Glitter
William Michael Morgan - The Sun Dont Shine Anymore in Acapulco
Parker McCollum - Burn It Down #1.
Zach Top - Cold Beer & Country Music   Album vd week
Zach Top – Dirt Turns To Gold*album
Jordan Davis & Luke Bryan  - Buy Dirt    -  song   2022
Dwight Yoakam & Buck Owens – Streets Of Bakerfield   1988
Chris Stapleton – Traveller    150478
Merle Haggard – I Wonder If They Ever Think Of Me
Zac Brown Band - Tie Up  favoriet 
Zach Williams /Dolly Parton - Lookin' for You   sofi
Waylon & Willie - Pick Up The Tempo    classic album
Waylon & Willie - Don't Cuss The Fiddle   
Jenny Don’t & The Spurs  - Pain In My Heart
Sierra Ferrell  -  American Dreaming  
Pam Tillis – In Between Dances  (3 in 1)
Pam Tillis – When You Walk In The Room .
Pam Tillis – Mi Vida Loco (my crazy life)  .
Zach Top – Things To Do  album
Beyonce –II Most Wanted  -   #1 album.
Charley Crockett - Solitary Road
Steve Pointmeier  - Waiting On A Train -
ERNEST - Why Dallas (feat. Lukas Nelson)
The Mavericks - Moon & Stars (with Sierra Ferrell)  
Jenna Paulette - Truck Boy (Truck Song
John Anderson – Seminole wind     maandartiest
Trent Wilmon  - I Go Back   juweeltje
Joe Diffie,Lainey Wilson.Tracy Lawrence - Prop Me Up Beside The Jukebox (If I Die)
Zach Top  - Cowboys Like me Do     Album vd week
Nienke Dingemans -  Thelma & Louise   Dutch corner
Maurice van Hoek-Darlene.  .Dutch corner.
Sandra & Gerard.. - Tell me do you love me -.  Dutch corner
Willie Nelson / Orville Peck   - Cowboys Are Frequently Secretly Fond Of Each Other
Ricky Van Shelton – I’ll Leave This World Loving You  5 1987
Tanya Tucker – Strong Enough To Bend  -. #4
Kathy Mattea – Goin Gone  #3 
Restless Heart – Wheels #2
Keith Whitley – When You Say Nothing At All  #1
Alan Jackson – Wild and Blue.
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hotvintagepoll · 5 months
Are there any groups left to vote for in this round?
Not sure what you mean by "groups" but yes, several polls are still open. You can scroll through all the polls here. Or, Using @sapphorb's nice link masterlist (the stars are polls that are very close/almost ties)—
ending sunday 4/14:
Carmen Sevilla vs. Maria Falconetti Sophia Loren vs. Reiko Sato María Félix vs. Marie Doro Elizabeth Taylor vs. Clara Bow Marpessa Dawn vs. Margaret Lindsay Catherine Deneuve vs. Setsuko Hara✨ Madhabi Mukherjee vs. Angela Lansbury Cyd Charisse vs. Rosaura Revueltas Grace Kelly vs. Hu Die Deborah Kerr vs. Devika Rani✨
ending monday 4/15:
Nancy Kwan vs. Mary Pickford
ending tuesday 4/16:
Kim Novak vs. Fredi Washington✨ Ava Gardner vs. Leonor Maia vs. Louise Brooks Merle Oberon vs. Jean Seberg✨ Paulette Goddard vs. Shima Iwashita Irene Papas vs. Vivien Leigh Francine Everett vs. Toshia Mori Savitri vs. Anita Ekberg Tita Merello vs. Natalie Wood Glynis Johns vs. Meena Kumari
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newmusicweekly · 11 months
Jeannie Seely Recognized for Unwavering Commitment, Outstanding Leadership with the Prestigious Joe Talbot Award by CMA
56-year Grand Ole Opry member and well-loved air personality on Sirius XM’s Willies Roadhouse, Jeannie Seely, renowned for her unwavering commitment, outstanding leadership and the preservation and advancement contributions to Country music's values and tradition has been awarded the prestigious Joe Talbot Award. The special award was presented by Country Music Association Board of Directors President Kella Farris, who surprised Seely on the Grand Ole Opry stage following her set on Saturday evening. The Joe Talbot Award was created in 2001 and bestowed posthumously to its namesake, Joe Talbot, a lifetime member of the CMA Board of Directors, who passed away in 2000. The award was first presented in 2001 with Jeannie Seely being the 12th person honored since its inception. Prior recipients include Ken Burns, Dayton Duncan, Charlie Monk, Janette Carter, Kitty Moon Emery, Merle Haggard, Alan Jackson, George Jones, Louise Scruggs, Marty Stuart and Joe Talbot. “How wonderful to be honored for doing what you love to do and love to share with others! My surprise was obvious since I am rarely at a loss for words, but this caught me totally speechless!” exclaimed Jeannie Seely. “While Country music will always, and must always evolve, we must always remember the Grand Ole Opry is the cornerstone our industry was built on with music that represented the people. I sincerely appreciate CMA and the folks who recognized how much I care, and I’m proud to be in such great company! Read the full article
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danbenzvi · 3 years
Just watched: “Original Cast Album: Company”
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Featuring Dean Jones, Elaine Stritch, Barbara Barrie, George Coe, John Cunningham, Teri Ralston, Charles Kimbrough, Donna McKechnie, Charles Braswell, Susan Browning, Steve Elmore, Beth Howland, Pamela Myers, Merle Louise, Stephen Sondheim, George Furth, Harold Prince, Harold Hastings and Thomas Z. Shepard.
[Thanks to the Criterion Collection for this one.  This is is currently available two ways:
1) Via physical release on Blu-Ray which includes the film, 2 commentary tracks, 2 interview features related to the film [one with Sondheim and orchestrator Jonathan Tunick, one with Tunick alone.], the “Documentary Now!” episode parodying this film and a cast/crew reunion of the folks involved in the “Documentary Now!” episode/.
2) Via streaming on the Criterion Channel.  The Criterion Channel offers the entire package of the physical release except for the “Documentary Now!” episode [I presume due to rights issues].  If you have a subscription to AMC+, you can watch the “Documentary Now!” episode that way (it’s episode 3 of season 3) and you can then get the whole package via streaming.]
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