#Merry Christmas mun!
misteria247 · 10 months
Merry Christmas y'all here's a holiday classic
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pure-patissiere · 9 months
┌─── ∘°❉°∘ ───┐
♡” 𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒂 𝑯𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝑱𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒚
𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔 . . . ! “♡
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hoodedchishiya · 9 months
Ooc: Merry Christmas you crazy bunch, it’s definitely been a wild ride! Thank you for all of the laughs and memories this year. I’m wishing you and your families a very happy Christmas time and an even better new year. Here’s hoping we can make even more memories together through roleplay and friendship, I’m grateful for you all whether we interact daily, sometimes or not at all 🎄❤️
~Mun ❤️
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ruinlost · 9 months
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Merry (almost) Christmas!!
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qrow-branwen-rp · 9 months
Small change of plans y’all!!!
So I’d planned on doing all my replies yesterday, and then taking a hiatus over the holidays for me to rest and recharge.
Unfortunately, one of my coworkers informed me, and others, that she had Covid. Took a test and it turns out I’m positive as well. Not feeling great, but I’ll survive.
So instead replying I’ve got everything in my drafts and will work on them when I get better. But from now until the first week of January I am on vacation. I’ll try and answer messages, but no promises.
In conclusion; I’m sick with Covid, wear a mask just in case, have a happy holidays, and I love you all. You have made this a wonderful year and I wouldn’t trade it for anything!
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sobeautifullyobsessed · 9 months
For Christmas, Scott got Beauty one of those personalized stamps for books that say “From the Library of Beauty Lincoln”
Omygosh Scott - I've always wanted one of these! And the first book I'm gonna stamp is YOURS.
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Then my favorites. All my Tolkien books and 'Gone With the Wind', and any book that has to do with the Arthur legend. I've even got some Stephen King books because he's an amazing storyteller; the not too scary ones, though. The grand tales that show good overcoming evil (like in 'The Stand' and the Dark Tower novels).
And for you, something I love to give to the people who mean the most to me. A platter of homemade cookies and fudge!
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*the card attached reads:
Sweets for one of the sweetest souls I know. Merry Christmas, Scott! Love, Beauty xx*
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antvnger · 9 months
On the 12th day of Christmas, Ant-Man ((and Ant-Mun)) gave to you:
A Christmas letter.
Dear you (yeah, you!),
Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, this is for you (yeah, you).
I know it sounds super cliche, but where the heck did this year go? I feel like I was just coming up with all this kind of stuff for you last year. What a wild ride, gang. It’s been good though, and I hope it’s been as good for you as it has been for me.
This blog has grown a little bit since last year okay maybe more than a little bit, and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it so far. You guys are something else, and I love you all a ridiculous amount. I never really expected to get so much interaction when I started this whole thing, but oh my gosh, it’s been wild.
This whole tumblr-multiverse is a crazier place than the Quantum Realm, and I outta know! I mean, heck, I met Captain Hook. Me! I was the first adult Lost Boy he’d ever come across! I dunno if that’s exactly a good thing or not, but whatever, I met him. And loads others I never would have thought possible.
I’m getting off track. That was a big problem I faced while writing my book. Sometimes I just write my thoughts as they pop up in my head, and that leads to a lot of ADHD tangents and thoughts falling down the rabbit hole, and next thing I know I have no idea where I was going or where I have been. Anybody relate? Man, I wish I could send you all free copies of my book for Christmas, but this will have to do.
I’m not just writing a letter to you. At least that’s not the only thing I’m doing. Hopefully, you’ll find more in this little letter than just some words from a rambling guy. I’ll leave it to you to figure out what you could find, because what one person may receive from this may be completely different than someone else reading. 
And that’s part of the magic.
My Gigi used to say, “Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and ta-da! Everything is softer and more beautiful.” I think she said she heard that from someone else, but I’m gonna ignore that and say she came up with that all by herself. Regardless, it’s true.
Once Halloween is over (or once Thanksgiving is over if you’re like Ant-Mun), the Christmas season suddenly shows up like when you would go to sleep with no snow on the ground and wake up to a world of white. I’ve been blessed enough to have witnessed such magic a few times while growing up, and if you don’t know what that’s like, I hope you get to experience it at least once someday. It’s worth it.
But anyway, the Christmas season really does have its own brand of magic, and I am all about the magic. It spices the air and calms the atmosphere all at the same time. There’s extra love in hugs and cards and “Hey! How are you?”s, and for a little while, you can let loose a sigh and there’s some peace. The world isn’t where it needs to be, but for a short time, it feels like it comes pretty close.
I really could go on and on about Christmas and what it means to me, especially the first Christmas. I could write for days on that topic, just typing my thoughts as fast as my fingers can to try to keep up with my brain, but I don’t think I could ever do it justice. And that really isn’t the point of this letter anyway. 
Here’s the point:
Dear you (yeah, you!), you are loved.
You are special.
You are priceless.
You are essential.
You are not a mistake.
You’re not junk.
You matter.
You’re seen.
And you’re loved.
Right here, right now, as you read this, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, whatever you’re thinking, however you’re feeling, whether today is a good day, a shitty day, or just another Monday, you’re loved.
At the very least, you’re loved by me; you’re loved by Ant-Mun; and you’re loved by the One who designed and created you with the greatest intention and the utmost care. There’s nothing else in the world I’m more sure of than that.
So whatever your situation today, just soak up that truth. Let it marinate and let it warm up your soul. And I really really hope with everything I’ve got that you feel that love and the truth of that love today.
And do me a favor please? Indulge in your inner child today and find some magic. I mean, c’mon, it’s me. I’m definitely gonna advocate this part too. Indulge in your inner child today and find some magic. It’s all around after all. It’s strongest today. You just gotta open your eyes to it, and you’ll find it.
Merry Christmas to those who celebrate, happy holidays to those who don’t,
And most importantly, lotsa lotsa lotsa love,
Scott ((and Ant-Mun))
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myriaed · 9 months
gonna play Trouble with my daughter, then make breakfast for dinner for Christmas Eve. catch me on discord if you want to chat!
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dark-lina · 9 months
Merry Christmas darlings!
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strawberry-metal · 9 months
Just wanted to show you all the cup my sister made me for Christmas~
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misteria247 · 9 months
merry christmas gab!! 🎄❤
Ohmigosh Merry Christmas to you as well my beloved friend!!!! 🎅🤶🎄🥛🍪💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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pure-patissiere · 9 months
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♡ 𝑺𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒂 𝑩𝒂𝒃𝒚 ♡
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mz-pixie · 9 months
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Merry Christmas 💜🎄✨🎁🎅🏼
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[ Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it!
Here's an Xmas Ino with mistletoe~ If any muses want a lil' kissy from her, she's more than willing to give it, just drop by the inbox. ^^ ]
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antvnger · 9 months
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Scott and Ant-Mun eagerly return the hug, with big grins and giggles full of childlike wonder and joy. “Merry Christmas, Tony!” Ant-Mun says excitedly.
“We love you too!” Scott adds with equal enthusiasm.
“Bunches and bunches!”
Scott laughs at the eggnog comment. “Nah, not yet anyway. Too early for it.”
Ant-Mun shakes her head. “I’m the designated driver here, so no eggnog,” she explains with a wink. @stxrked
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iwozlegit · 2 years
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|| 🍍• (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ It’s CHRISTMAS! ♥
Merry Christmas to all my wonderful peoples out there!
All our love always,
Jessica and ‘Jackie x
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