philosophenstreik · 8 months
der indigene kontinent
eine andere geschichte amerikas
sachbuch von pekka hämäläinen
erschienen 2023
im verlag antje kunstmann
isbn: 978-3-95614-564-3
(von tobias bruns)
in einem ersten teil gibt der autor einen kurzen abriss über all das, was geschehen ist, bevor die europäer sich anschickten den vermeintlich neu entdeckten kontinent zu erobern. ebenso geht er auf schöpfungsgeschichten ein, die in der "neuen" welt herrschten. die folgenden sieben teile beschäftigen sich mit der langsam voranschreitenden und keineswegs leichten eroberung Nordamerikas durch die europäer und die immer weiter voranschreitende verdrängung der ursprünglichen bevölkerung, die bei weitem nicht so einfach vonstatten ging, wie es häufig den eindruck erweckt. aufgeteilt werden die kapitel in zeitlicher folge, von einem jahrhundert zum nächsten, von der ahnungslosigkeit der neuankömmlinge ob der schieren größe der nordamerikanischen landmasse, ihrer arroganz gegenüber der bewohner des kontinents, über lange kämpfe um landstriche, die sklaverei, die emanzipation der englischen kolonien vom mutterland, den dauernden konkurrenzkampf zwischen den "weltmächten" um land und einfluss in dieser "neuen" welt und deren unterschiedliche formen des kolonialismus oder das verständnis desselben bis hin zu den zwangsumsiedlungen der mitglieder der verschiedenen nationen, die auf dem kontinent seit jeher zuhause waren...
man hat das gefühl hämäläinen wirft die bisherige geschichtsschreibung nordamerikas über den haufen und redet einmal tacheles. er hebt hervor, wie weit die gesellschaft fortgeschritten war, wie sich verschiedenste nationen lange vor der ankunft der europäer gebildet haben - die zwar anders aufgebaut waren, doch deshalb nicht schlechter funktionierten, nur das dieses system für europäer mit ihrem feudalismus und eroberungshunger, ihrem glauben der überlegenheit, ihrer igno- und arroganz nicht zu verstehen war - es ging über ihren horizont hinaus... und was dem europäer damals fremd und unverständlich war, konnte nur unterlegen und primitiv sein... ebendiese unterschätzung, wie mehrfach deutlich wird, machte es aber für die eroberer so schwer, zu erobern - noch dazu, dass sie keine ahnung hatten, was eigentlich hinter den küstenregionen im hinterland auf sie warten würde. in seiner im vergleich zu den indigenen nationen, die viele jahrhunderte mit ihren reichen nordamerika dominierten - und das noch lange, nachdem die europäer ihren fuß auf diese erde setzte - ist die geschichte der vereinigten staaten sehr kurz aber dafür gerade in ihren anfangsjahren, wie man in diesem buch auf dramatische weise (da sehr gut erzählt) erfährt, geprägt von massakern und genoziden an der indigenen bevölkerung, die bis heute, ebenso wie die sklaverei leider nicht nur in der us-amerikanischen, sondern oft auch allgemein in der westlichen geschichtsschreibung ein recht blinder fleck sind... doch erzählt man die geschichte einmal eher aus der perspektive der indigenen bevölkerung, wie hämäläinen es versucht, so kann es hier keinen blinden fleck geben und plötzlich wird alles aufgedeckt und all das, die wahre geschichte fällt wie schuppen von den augen... sehr interessant ist auch die unterschiedliche herangehensweise des kolonisierens der spanier, franzosen und engländer gegenüber der indigenen bevölkerung und wie die verschiedenen nationen die neuankömmlinge mit ihrer diplomatie die neuankömmlinge gegeneinander ausspielen, wie für die europäer überhaupt der zugang zum kontinent nur durch die kooperation mit dessen nationen überhaupt möglich wurde und wie worte einen diskurs in eine komplett andere richtung lenken können, wenn beispielsweise plötzlich nicht mehr von nationen, sondern einfach nur noch von stämmen die rede ist... - plötzlich wird ein bisher vorhandenes staatswesen durch einen worttausch weggewischt und aus augenhöhe wird unterlegenheit.
wenn auch beim lesen manchmal leicht der rote faden verloren gehen kann ob der nennung so vieler verschiedener namen wie lakota, dakota, powhatan, choctaw, yamasee, shawnee, irokesen, illini, odawa und vielen anderen mehr und all der beziehungen der indigenen nationen untereinander und familiärer bindungen, ist es ein großartiges werk über die geschichte nordamerikas, welches eine neue perspektive ermöglicht und mit der bisherigen teilweise schönfärbenden geschichtsschreibung aufräumt. doch des lobes genug, gibt es einen kritikpunkt, der unbedingt angebracht werden muss: das kartenmaterial ist häufig so klein abgebildet, dass man legenden und beschriftungen nur mit hilfe einer lupe erkennen kann...
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theirmarks · 2 years
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Pometacom. Metacomet. Metacom. King Phillip. His mark.
Wampanoag. His home at Pokanoket. Born 1638. A Wampanoag sachem by 1662, after his brother's suspicious death. A diplomat and strategist. Led a confederation of Eastern Woodlands tribes in a rebellion against colonizers in the First Indian War (or King Philip's War), 1675-1676. Fought to reclaim sovereignty, resist subjugation and dispossession, and for #landback.
Assassinated August 12, 1676; dismembered upon his death. Colonizers displayed his head on a spike at so-called Plymouth for over two decades. 
His kin: father Ousamequin, the Massasoit. A brother, Wamsutta. Wamsutta’s partner, Namumpum (later called Weetamoo). Pometacom’s partner, Wootonekanuske.
"Quitclaim by Phillip." Rehoboth, Mass. 1668. Seen @ John Carter Brown Library, Providence, RI.
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metaware-comic · 9 months
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Metaware Comic (Demo) #005
By: supersourmelon & @autisticnari
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apileofwizardbooks · 1 year
postmodern recurring dream
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mjcomics · 1 year
Superhero Comics and the Meta-Narrative
The narrative within superhero media can and has explored a variety of concepts, from weighted stories of grief and loss to light-hearted material focused on bombastic action. This freedom allows for creators to discuss superhero narratives as a form of superhero narrative. This can be viewed as a meta-narrative, a term which Waugh describes as a ‘fictional writing which self-consciously and…
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zuleecomics · 1 year
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Pulp es #noire es #western es #historico y es #pulp Además es un cómic dentro de otro cómic. Una obra corta de #edbrubaker y #simonphillips en la que nos vamos a #nuevayork en 1939 de la mano de #maxwinters nuestro protagonista y dibujante de #comics pulp en los que desarrolla historietas del oeste que curiosamente están inspiradas en sus propias vivencias. Rápido de leer pero con mucha tela que cortar. Mi primera experiencia con el dúo #phillips y #brubaker y absolutamente recomendable #yoleocomics #ireadcomics #instabooks #instacomics #librarianmaterial #library #libraries #mediatekabbk #metacomic #bibliotecaspúblicas #publiclibraries
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andromerot · 2 years
i think one of the reasons tumblr memes can become irritating fast is because they instantly become metacommented upon and fodder for the self referencial "only on tumblr" line. and THATS annoying
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hexhomos · 7 months
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Page excerpts from The Super Hero’s Journey, published 2023 - which is essentially a cute doomreed metacomic btw
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mothermara · 5 months
now I don't quite have any evidence per se but my divine intuition tells me that when the christian settlers murdered metacom that was the beginning of the end for this timeline. if there's any hope of saving this reality we need indigenous liberation immediately right now and forever. ok
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semusepsu · 2 years
Guys want to see an example of language that shifts focus without lying? I was on the Wikipedia article for King Phillip’s War earlier tonight and encountered this passage:
Massasoit had maintained a long-standing alliance with the colonists. Metacom (c. 1638–1676), his younger son, became tribal chief in 1662 after Massasoit's death. Metacom, however, forsook his father's alliance between the Wampanoags and the colonists after repeated violations by the colonists.[8] The colonists insisted that the 1671 peace agreement should include the surrender of Native guns; then three Wampanoags were hanged in Plymouth Colony in 1675 for the murder of another Wampanoag, which increased tensions.
[Source] Emphasis mine.
So to recap, this is what seems to be the order of events: 1) Massasoit, the sechem of the Wampanoags, allies with the colonists. 2) Massasoit dies, and his son Metacom takes over. 3) The colonists insist that as part of the peace agreements, the Wampanoags should dispose of their firearms. 4) The colonists “repeatedly” violate the terms of said agreement. 5) Four years after the gun disposal event, the colonists capture and execute 3 Wampanoag citizens through the colonial justice system instead of the Wampanoag’s justice system. 6) Metacom goes to war against the colonists.
This sequence of events is described as Metacom “forsaking” the alliance that his father made, when a chronological ordering of events seems to suggest that Metacom went to war as a reaction to breach of treaty and the unauthorized  execution of his people [I am assuming that it was unauthorized because the writer is doing everything they can to minimize the colonist’s criminal behavior, and if there was any evidence that Metacom or some other official authorized them to execute criminals the author would have mentioned it]. Note also the use of passive voice here: the sentence begins with “the colonists insisted”, but in the clause after the semicolon, suddenly the three Wampanoag’s “were hanged in Plymouth Colony.” As if it happened by itself. Let’s change to active voice and redo that sentence:
The colonists insisted that the 1671 peace agreement should include the surrender of Native guns; then the colonists hanged three Wampanoags in Plymouth Colony in 1675 for the murder of another Wampanoag, which increased tensions.
But see, that makes it pretty clear who the guilty party is, doesn’t it?
A note before we close: the article later claims that the trial in question had “native elders” on the jury, but there is a big fat citation needed next to it. But even if this were true, it does not say whether these “native elders” were Wampanoag; the victim was a christian convert, so possibly these supposed elders were, too. But even if Metacom himself ordered the hit on this dude, which mr/ms/mx. Citation Needed wants you to believe, the war ended with the Wampanoags being stripped of their land and many of the survivors executed or sold into slavery.
Native losses were much greater, with about 2,000 men killed or who died of injuries in the war, more than 3,000 dying of sickness or starvation, and another 1,000 Natives sold into slavery and transported to other areas, first to British-controlled islands in the Caribbean such as Jamaica and Barbados, then, as captives from the war were banned for further sale, Natives were sold to non-British markets in Spain, Portugal, the Azores, and Madeira.[72]
So yeah. The Plymouth Colonists, at this point the children and grandchildren of the Mayflower pilgrims, lived to evict, kill, and enslave the children and grandchildren of the people who kept their parents and grandparents from dying back in the 1620s.
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Yesterday I noticed a lot of people posting that Thanksgiving needed to be canceled now because natives were so nice and sweet and Pilgrims were just mean wypipo with silly bucket-buckle hats, so I just wanted to set the record straight on what actually happened pre and post the supposed first Thanksgiving Day of 1621.
First of all, most of it is myth, virtually nothing we eat at Thanksgiving would have been found at the original feast, not even the turkey.
The natives were not invited to the harvest celebration feast that the pilgrims were already partaking in on their own, it wasn't some pre-planned dinner to show thanks to the natives for anything, the natives heard a lot of noise and actually showed up unannounced with some 90 men awkwardly banging on the gates, but they brought along 4 recently killed deer with them so they were let in.
Nobody sat together at a long table, the natives sat in their own group on the ground, as was their custom.
The pilgrims were not helpless, they already knew how to hunt and farm, they actually had the forsight to bring many crop seeds with them that they planned to grow, but there was a major learning curve as the terrain and soil were different than what they had experienced in Europe, so their seedlings failed to grow. Squanto did teach them that corn was a good crop for the area, and how to grow it using the "three sisters technique", but the pilgrims were not starving as game was plentiful, as was fish and other types of seafood, but it is true many of the pilgrims were dying due to sickness and disease encountered in the new world, but unfortunately this wasn't really something Squanto could solve for them with their primitive native medicine.
However, the feast did allow for a treaty to be spawned that brought nearly 50 years of peace and cooperation between the two groups, until a new native chief named Metacom, that the settlers referred to as King Philip, began to be openly hostile towards the pilgrims.
The first spark of war happened In January of 1675, a Wampanoag Christian convert named John Sassamon was preaching to the tribe when he was murdered. The English investigated and brought three Wampanoag men to trial by June of 1675, and the men were convicted and hanged within the month at Plymouth, and "King Philip" did not take kindly to this.
On June 24, 1675, the Wampanoag and their allies burned several English settlements to the ground, destroying all supplies and shelter they would need for the coming winter, and later in the fall The Natives ambushed a large pilgrim hunting party by chopping down huge trees in their path and laying in wait for them. The natives slaughtered 71 men who had previously done them no harm.
Thus began King Philip's War of 1675, still considered the bloodiest war per capita in U.S. History, and of course things only became more contentious from there.
As far as our current Thanksgiving traditions go, it really has nothing to do with 1621, most of it didn't become tradition until the 1800s, and we aren't celebrating any great harvest these days other than what we can throw in the shopping cart, it's obviously a holiday used to bring family together on the busiest travel week of the year since so many families are now spread far and wide, and in my view that seems like a good thing, especially when you consider the foolish ideological differences that are now keeping many of us apart as well.
So, long live Thanksgiving, and keep your fallacious woke whining to yourselves.
-Samuel Decker Thompson
Here is the text from the Winslow Letter, the only eyewitness account. Anything else was propaganda created by people seeking to petition the government in the late 1700s to create a holiday to bring goodwill between the two groups, Lincoln eventually made it a national holiday, although George Washington did have one Thanksgiving decree on record around 1790
Edward Winslow was among the group of Pilgrims present at the first 1621 Thanksgiving. He describes the scene:
"Our harvest being gotten in, our governor sent four men on fowling, that so we might after a special manner rejoice together after we had gathered the fruit of our labors. They four in one day killed as much fowl as, with a little help beside, served the company almost a week.
At which time, amongst other recreations, we exercised our arms, and many of the Indians coming amongst us, and among the rest their greatest king Massasoit, with some ninety men, whom for three days we entertained and feasted, and they went out and killed five deer, which they brought to the plantation and bestowed on our governor, and upon the captain and others. And although it be not always so plentiful as it was at this time with us, yet by the goodness of God, we are so far from want that we often wish you partakers of our plenty."
Edward Winslow's account appears in: Heath, Dwight, A Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth: Mourt's Relation (1963); EyeWitness to America (1997); Morrison, Samuel Eliot, Builders of the Bay Colony (1930).
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shinebriggght · 2 years
Life Update:
So eto na nga.. charot!
November 2022: I applied in Metacom and they led me to Alorica. To cut the long story short, I ended up as a Tech Support.
December 2022: We started the NeoQuest? It's like an orientation that explains what Tech Support really is and the account that we are going to handle. Hindi ko sure. Basta ganon. And then that's where I met my co-workers. Almost all of the team had their experience mainly as a Customer Service. And the 3 of us were newbies. As in wala talaga kaming customer experience ever. Tapos online pa that time yung NeoQuest, eh hindi ako Techy. So super nakakapanibago.
NeoQuest was done and we transferred onsite for Prod Training. Dun ko mas nakilala mga kasamahan ko sa work. We were 10 trainees and parang magkaka edad lang kami. Actually, na late kami mostly because of the traffic. Monday ba naman e, even me na nasanay ng maaga, na late. And you know what's funny? I left my Driver's License while I was driving motorcycle. Gaano katanga? HAHA!
So this is where the difficult time comes in.
January 2023: Kasi babalik pa ako ng Abu Dhabi eh I can't stay long, tapos meron din akong kasama sa work na sasampa din ng barko any time itong January so nag iisip kami ng alternative way paano namin i hahandle ang sitwasyon if ever man na nakapasa kami sa Client Certification. Naghahanap na kami ng date kung kailan namin ibebreak yung news so ang hirap.
Then we had our internal certification in which both of us passed. Client Certification came. Sinadya kong hindi ipasa kasi ayukong magkaroon ng problem sa account kasi I am really sharp sa plans ko especially about sa Canada and besides, ang saya ng environment. Yung mga kasamahan ko, except sa isa na nag attitude.. eh naka build na kami ng bond kaya nahirapan ako. So what I did was to just passed the internal certification and made a twist sa Client Certification. Since hindi ko rin naman maintindihan si Client eh nagpadala na lang ako sa kaba hahaha! And I failed the Client Certification. No regrets. It was fun!
Ang saya din sa BPO. At napakaswerte ko talaga sa mga nakakatrabaho ko. Hindi ako nagkaroon ng problema sa kanila, sa ugali nila. Lahat sila, maayos kasama. Nakakatuwa. Walang laglagan. Tulungan ganon. Hay nakakamiss naman sila. Hehe.
So yeah.. that's it.
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metaware-comic · 9 months
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Metaware Comic (Demo) #006
By: supersourmelon & @autisticnari
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theirmarks · 2 months
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The mark of Ketuhhoonit
Also known as Keehood. Nipmuc. Sachem at Wabaquasset or Webquaset.
This document, signed by Ketuhhoonit, Uppehchihtuk, Wuttasacomponom, Job Kattenanit and others, reports to be submitted on behalf of “peoples of Nipmuck…the inhabitants of Quánutusset, Mônuhčhogok, Chaubunakongkomuk, Asukodnôcog, Kesépusqus, wabuhqushish and the adjacent parts of Nipmuk…” It pledges the submission of inhabitants of praying towns to the government of Massachusetts and is signed in 1668, a little less than a decade before King Philip’s War would begin.
In 1675, Ketuhoonit or Keehood signs a treaty with colonizers pledging not to join forces with Metacom or “King Phillip” but later does join him against the English.
Seen at the Massachusetts State Archives.
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gonzalo-obes · 3 months
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Yellow Day, el Día más feliz del año, Día Mundial del Refugiado, Día Mundial del Cáncer de Riñón, Día Mundial del Wi-Fi, Día Mundial de la Distrofia Muscular Facioescapulohumeral, Año Internacional de los Camélidos.
Santa Florencia, Santa Florentina, San Silverio y Santa Elia.
Tal día como hoy en el año 1990
Se propone una nueva unidad monetaria (el ECU) para la Comunidad Europea. Fue el antecesor del Euro.
En Argel, capital de Argelia, la policía reprime manifestaciones de cientos de personas que han tomado las calles lanzando consignas en apoyo del depuesto presidente Ben Bella. Las protestas, que se iniciaron como una marcha ordenada de estudiantes, comienzan a recorrer calles en pequeños grupos que, al intentar dispersarlos, provocan disturbios. El ex-presidente Ahmed Ben Bella se encuentra detenido en un enclave militar en el Sahara. Ha sido derrocado ayer por el jefe de las fuerzas armadas coronel Houari Boumedienne y su Consejo Nacional Revolucionario. Ben Bella permanecerá bajo arresto domiciliario durante 15 años. Una vez liberado se exiliará en la neutral Suiza. (Hace 59 años)
Los nacionalistas chinos (boxers, una sociedad secreta llamada Yi HeTuan, "Puños de Justicia y Concordia") se rebelan en Pekín contra las injerencias económicas y políticas de las potencias europea y cercan las embajadas occidentales durante 55 días. En octubre se sofocará la rebelión. (Hace 124 años)
En el Reino Unido da comienzo la era victoriana al fallecer el rey Guillermo IV y ser proclamada reina del Reino Unido e Irlanda su hija de 18 años Alejandrina Victoria con el nombre de Victoria I. (Hace 187 años)
En España, Isabel, hija de Fernando VII y de María Cristina, que no llega a los tres años de edad, es nombrada princesa de Asturias y heredera al trono. (Hace 191 años)
Arriba al puerto de Liverpool (Reino Unido), tras 25 días de navegación, el buque "Savannah", primer barco de vapor con ruedas de paletas que cruza el Océano Atlántico. El buque ha partido de Savannah (Georgia, EE.UU.) el 24 del mes pasado. Las calderas de vapor sólo pueden funcionar durante dos horas seguidas, y luego tienen que descansar, por lo que la nave cuenta, además, con completo conjunto de velas. (Hace 205 años)
Prólogo de la Revolución Francesa al cerrar el monarca Luis XVI la sala de sesiones del Palacio y anular las resoluciones que acaban de aprobar los diputados para poner fin a su régimen absolutista. Los diputados expulsados se reúnen en la sala del Juego de Pelota y deciden no disolverse mientras no se redacte y establezca una Constitución, hasta ahora inexistente. (Hace 235 años)
El Congreso de EE.UU. aprueba el escudo de los Estados Unidos, con el águila en el anverso y la pirámide inconclusa en el reverso. (Hace 242 años)
En Sicilia, Italia, tiene lugar la Batalla de Francavilla entre las tropas españolas, comandadas por el marqués de Lede y el ejército imperial austríaco, encabezado por el conde de Merci que persigue al español tras haber abandonado el sitio de Melazzo. Al anochecer, los austríacos derrotados emprenderán la retirada. Las tropas españolas dejarán pasar la oportunidad de destruir o diezmar a los que se huyen y, por ello, los imperiales podrán recuperarse y pondrán sitio a Messina, que se halla defendida por Lucas de Spínola, quien, tras rechazar nueve ataques, finalmente se verá obligado a capitular. (Hace 305 años)
En América, tras el asesinato de un indígena, varias tribus indias (Wampanoag, Abenaki, Massachussets y Mohicanos) que se han unido en confederación capitaneados por Metacom (Wampanoag), atacan Rhode Island, para vengarse por esta muerte y para tratar de frenar de paso la invasión de colonos en Nueva Inglaterra, marcando el inicio de la más sangrienta y feroz guerra india en la historia colonial. (Hace 349 años)
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whencyclopedfr · 3 months
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Guerre du Roi Philip
La guerre du roi Philip (également connue sous le nom de guerre de Metacom, 1675-1678) fut un conflit en Nouvelle-Angleterre entre une coalition de tribus autochtones organisée sous le commandement de Metacom (également connu sous le nom de roi Philip, 1638-1676), chef de la confédération des Wampanoag, et les immigrants anglais qui avaient colonisé les terres amérindiennes.
Lire la suite...
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