#Metal No.34 AW 2015
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff (MCU) x Fem!Reader
Genre: Soulmate AU
Warnings: Mild language, cannon divergence, reader is kind of an oblivious shy dumb-ass who avoids her problems TvT
Summary: After everything life has put you through you just want to walk through life unnoticed and unbothered, but that seems to be out of the question when you're an enhanced working for the avengers and catch the eye of a certain speedster who just so happens to be your soulmate.
Word Count: 3.1k
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a/n: this is very shitty and doesn’t make much sense im sorry i haven’t written something like this in so long :’) 
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Sokovia. 2015.
“Glad you like the view, Romanoff. It's about to get better.” Fury said punching buttons on his data pad, “Nice, right? I pulled her out of mothballs with a couple of old friends. She's dusty, but she'll do.” Fury laughed, looking over at the small but capable team of Ex-SHIELD agents, smiling, as the old helicarrier pulled up beside the ever rising city.
You looked out of the window as the battle raged on in the city, you still weren’t sure why Fury had asked you to come with him. After all, you didn’t exactly have a useful skill set for this fight, you couldn’t operate the fancy systems that kept the helicarrier in the air, and despite being enhanced you definitely didn’t have the fighting set to help out the avengers, who were fighting in the city, saving the planet from total destruction once again.
You sighed, turning your back to the window and going to stand next to Fury, who rarely let you out of his sight.
“Sir, I’m grateful you trusted me enough to bring me along but if I could ask, why did you bring me?, My skills aren't exactly useful here.” you said with a frown.
Fury looked down at you grimly, “Just a feeling Mrs. [L/N].”
You nodded, turning your attention to your colleagues, who were diligently aiding in the rescue of the sokovian citizens, and the battle raging on outside. You watched in awe as Tony Stark- or rather Iron Man and War Machine began to destroy the bots that had begun to attack the helicarrier.
Suddenly Agent Hill’s voice rang out “INCOMING!”. You barely had time to jump out of the way as a robot crashed through the front window, Maria immediately emptying her clip into it as Fury finished it off with a piece of metal debris.
“And here I was thinking I wasn’t going to see any action”, you quipped, staring at the mess of metal and oil on the helicarrier floor.
You sighed, trying to even your breathing, absentmindedly running your fingers over the inky black words imprinted on the inside of your wrist. In this world everyone had a soulmate, all 7 billion people, and the first words they’ll say to you appear on the inside of your left wrist when your born, which turns red after you have your first kiss with your soulmate, however you don’t have any expectations to ever meet yours, and you don’t really want too, after all life moves pretty fast when your an Ex-HYDRA experiment and an Ex-SHIELD trainee, and these days you really just wanted to spend the rest of your days unnoticed and unbothered - aside from work of course.
You were broken out of your thoughts when a voice crackled over the comms, “Guys we have a problem!” It was Agent Barton, his voice was panicked and his breathing was ragged, “Pietro’s been hit, I can’t tell if he’s alive or not.”
Fury looked over at you, his face as stoic as ever, but you could see the slight bit of fear in his eyes “Showtime kid, let’s see what you can do.”
You nodded, taking off down the hall and jumping into a small craft, piloting it to the city where you could see Barton leaning over someone’s body. You landed, running over to them, it was one of the twins, a fellow enhanced experiment of HYDRA. You leaned down placing a hand on his bullet riddled chest, a small teal light eminitated from your hand as you closed your eyes and concentrated.
Suddenly your eyes snapped open, you looked up at Clint, “He’s alive,” Clint let out a sigh of relief. “but just barely, I  need to get him back to the medical bay immediately.” You finished. Clint nodded, helping you get the man loaded on the craft you arrived in, he gave you a small nod of thanks before running back to the rescue transports.
Back in your lab you had him hooked up to nearly every medical machine available, while your abilities had managed to stop the blood and heal the internal damage there was still the possibility of him not making it through the night, after all he had yet to regain consciousness and enhanced powers could only do so much, bringing back the dead wasn’t really one of those.
You sighed, leaning over his resting form, brushing a stray piece of his bleach blonde hair out of his face. You studied his face, he was quite possibly one of the most handsome people you’d ever seen, and that was even with the blood and dirt caked on him.
You turned gathering a cloth and a bowl of water, deciding it would be best to at least clean what grime you could off of him. You started with his face before moving to his chest, it was still caked in blood and dirt from where the bullets had ripped through him, though the wounds were closed and healed now. You took note of how well built he was but tried to focus on that as little as possible, after all he was your patient and you hadn’t ever even spoken to him.
As you ran the wet cloth over his body your mind began to wander, however you were broken out of your thoughts when a hand grabbed your arm. It was Pietro. You let out a squeak, mildly startled by his sudden consciousness, however it was clear that he was extremely disoriented and out of it. You moved, setting the washcloth and bowl back on the counter before gathering your clipboard to write that he had regained consciousness.
“Are you an angel?” He asked weakly, you turned looking at him, shocked. Those words, the ever familiar words that had been carried with you since birth, it was him. You inhaled, pushing all that aside, shaking your head as you approached his side.
“Rest.” Was all you said, before you walked out of the room, and for the rest of the night Pietro faded in and out of consciousness, only holding on to the fading sound of your voice.
Avengers Tower. One Month Later.
It had been a month since Sokovia. One month since Pietro Maximoff had almost died. He often found himself wondering what would have happened if he had died, would Wanda have been okay? Would anyone have cared? The other question that seemed to plague his mind day and night, the thought that had burrowed it’s way into his dreams and his absent minded musings, was the thought of seeing that girl that had saved him again.
He didn’t remember much about that day after he was shot, but everytime he closed his eyes he could see her, the girl with the (y/h/c) hair and the soothing voice, he couldn’t remember her fcae or if he had said anything to her but he could remember her touch and he craved to feel it again. The word “rest” also filled his mind, the way it sounded rolling off her tongue, it was the same word that had kept him grounded over the years, and the word that he so often traced on the inside of his wrist. He found himself feeling like the prince from that old animated mermaid movie Wanda made him watch as a kid, looking for the girl that saved him. Looking for his soulmate.
He broke himself out of his thoughts when he heard Maria Hill, one of the many people that had eagerly welcomed him to the Avengers and the remnants of SHIELD calling his name.
“Agent Hill, what can I do for you?” He asked, lifting himself off of the couch, turning to face her.
“Are you doing anything around 1:30 today? I’m supposed to be giving a tour to our newest Avenger today but I have a prior obligation around that time and was wondering if you would mind running it instead, normally I would ask someone else but I feel that you would be the best option in this case due to your…” Maria trailed off trying to come up with the word “Commonalities.”
Pietro’s ears perked up, a new member? Commonalities? Needless to say it was intriguing and would definitely provide a good distraction from his thoughts. “Okay.” He said, shrugging.
Maria smiled, handing him the manilla folder that was your file. “Her name is [Y/N] [L/N], she’s talented, all the necessary information should be in there.” Maria sighed inwardly as she clasped her hands behind her as she watched Pietro speed read through the folder.
To be honest, though she’d never tell Fury, she was hesitant to let you join the Avengers. You were talented no doubt, but she worried about you, maybe it was the fact that she had been the one to rescue you all those years ago, before the fall of SHIELD, before she ever worked for Stark, but still something told her maybe it was too soon, after all you had seemed pretty shaken after the Ultron ordeal.
“Well, you’ll need to meet her at the west elevator on floor 34 in an hour. Just take her through the itinerary there and get to know her, make her feel welcome.” Maria said with a smile before leaving back the way she came.
Pietro smiled as he waved goodbye, before looking down at the picture of you, of his soulmate, the girl that saved him.
Avengers Tower Floor 34. One Hour Later.
You rocked back and forth on your heels. It had been a month since Sokovia. One month since you had saved the man who was supposedly your soulmate. After that fateful day you went back into hiding with Fury, back to training with Fury, but now, according to Fury at least, it was time for you to join the Avengers as their medic.
You walked down the long glass hall, Agent Hill had told you that your guide would meet you outside the west elevator. She had also told you that your tour guide was one of the twins, due to your “commonalities” both in being enhanced and in being the newest members. You hoped it wasn’t going to be him, after all you still hadn’t really had time to process it all. Of course, life never really listened when you asked it for things.
The elevator dinged, signaling it’s arrival, you turned your attention from your wrist to the elevator,pulling down your sleeve to cover it as the doors slid open to reveal the gray clad speedster.
“They told me we were getting a new recruit, but they failed to tell me of your beauty.” Pietro smirked leaning against the elevator wall. You blushed, looking down at your shoes before sliding past him and stepping into the elevator. “Not talking huh? It’s okay I'll get you to crack eventually.” He smiled, winking at you only causing your face to flush even more.
As the tour went on Pietro did what he could to make you talk, though you usually only answered with one or two words. He was confused to say the least, did you not know? It was as the tour came to a close that he finally asked you the question that had been plaguing his mind the whole time, wondering if you would admit to him that you knew or if you were just clueless. “So, [Y/N], they tell me you are enhanced, like us, with healing abilities.” You nodded, “Were you there in Sokovia? Last month I mean, when Ultron attacked.”
You looked up sharply. “Um yeah, yeah I was.” You sighed, fidgeting with your sleeves.
“Then you're the one who saved me that day, thank you.” He smiled, bringing your hands into his, “I’m very happy you’re with us, and I hope that you will allow me to thank you properly? Maybe dinner?” His eyes were hopeful.
Did he know? You wondered, would he bring it up then, ease into it, charm you? Or had he been too out of it to even realise and was simply trying to be nice? Either way it was too much too fast.  “Um, I’ll think about it, I’m just kinda tired right now.”
“I understand, I’ll see you in the morning then beautiful, yes?” He smiled walking you down the hall to your room. You nodded, before looking down at the floor again. “Well if you need anything Wanda and I are both on this floor and if we’re not here we’re likely on the common floor.” He smiled watching you nod once again before retreating into your room.
Pietro sighed, running a hand through his hair, you had to know by now, if he hadn’t spoken to you that day what he said on the elevator should have been the words on your wrist? Why were you so hesitant? Did you not like him, was he not everything you had ever hoped for in a soulmate? He let out a short breath as he pushed the button to call the elevator, fine, he was charming right? He’d do whatever it took to convince you that he was the perfect guy for you, after all you were an angel to him.
A Stark Party at Avenger Tower. Two Months Later.
It had been two months, two months since you had joined the Avengers and you were still just as shy around Pietro as you had been on your first day. He couldn’t understand it, while you were shy around most of the other members too, save for his own sister and Sam Wilson, yet you seemed to purposefully avoid him. He couldn’t help but wonder if he had done something to make you mad or uncomfortable, he couldn’t understand why but it hurt, it hurt more than getting shot in Sokovia had, it was raw and painful but he did his best to hide it and simply be as polite and nice to you as possible.
“Hey there speedy, you seem quieter than normal and I don’t think I’ve heard one smart remark out of you today, what’s going on?” Clint Barton said, placing his hand on Pietro’s shoulder. Despite Clint’s general teasing of the younger man he did genuinely care for him and that was something Pietro was grateful for.
“I’m just lost in thought, thank you though Clint.” Pietro sighed, taking his coffee and heading to his room, after all Stark was having one of his infamous parties tonight and even if he wasn’t there with you Pietro still wanted to look nice for you.
Nearly six hours later everyone was downstairs, the floor alive with people, and Pietro found himself seated at the bar, nursing a whiskey as he watched you converse with his twin. You looked amazing, your gorgeous body clad in a gray knee length cocktail dress with gorgeous lace sleeves and accents. Despite the fact that you rarely spoke to him somehow, some way every little thing you did imprinted itself in his brain and only made himself fall harder and harder for you.
His mood quickly changed however from adoration to jealousy as he watched a group of suit clad men isolate you from his sister and begin to speak to you. Under normal circumstances he would have simply let you be, never wanting to make you uncomfortable or angry, but you were picking at your nails, something he had noticed you only did when you were uncomfortable.
So he did what any love-sick gentlemen would do, and he went to rescue you. Within seconds Pietro was by your side, snaking a hand around your waist, secretly praying to god that he wasn’t making you more uncomfortable.You tensed at the contact but relaxed with a sigh of relief as you looked up to find Pietro.
“Hello my love,” Pietro smiled looking down at you before turning back to the group of men, “Hello gentlemen, I hope you don’t mind if I steal my soulmate for a minute, it’s important Avenger business, you know?” He smirked, giving them no room to respond as he turned and led you to the balcony.
When you arrived on the balcony you sighed as you let the cool air roll over you. “Thank you for that Pietro.” You said softly. “I’m really grateful.”
Pietro smiled softly, “Of course, what are friends for.” He turned heading for the door, but stopped when your voice rang out.
“I’m sorry Pietro.” He turned back to look at you, your eyes trained on the floor, “I’ve been cold and distant and all you’ve done is try and be nice and make me feel happy and safe and welcome here and I’m just so sorry.”
Pietro sighed, running a hand through his hair. “You’ve known this whole time haven’t you. That we were soulmates.”
You looked up meeting his eyes, they were blue and piercing and oh so gorgeous but they were filled with pain.
“Yes, I’ve known since Sokovia. When you first regained consciousness you asked if I was an angel, I couldn’t focus on the fact that we were soulmates in that moment so I pushed it away, after that I just began to wonder, I mean I’m so different compared to you, you're so handsome and kind and talented and I’m just plain and boring, I figured that the universe probably made a mistake, and that you would be better of with someone else, but I never meant to hurt you,” You looked up at him, his face filled with a mix of shock and pain “I’m so so sorry.” You said, your voice breaking as you looked down, tears rolling down your cheeks.
“You are the most oblivious girl I’ve ever met.” Pietro chuckled, your head snapping up to look at him, “For one I’ve been flirting with you since you got here, you’d think that that would be a sign that I find you attractive, No?” You chuckled, “Second, Not talented? You saved my life, I was nearly dead and would be without you. Not kind? You have made my sister feel so happy and so welcome, you’ve given her the best friend she’s always wanted. Not pretty? My Angel, you are the most beautiful girl at this party. I’ve loved you from the minute I saw you, your smile can light up a room, and your laughter can make any sadness fade away, you my darling are perfect.” He smiled softly at you, cupping your cheek as you stared up into his eyes. “I love you moy angel”  
You stared up in awe at the silver haired speedster, “I- You’re so perfect, you have been so understanding and-” Your voice broke as more tears rushed down your face, Pietro simply whispered sweet nothings as he wiped away your tears. “I love you too.” You whispered smiling softly.
“Could I kiss you?” Pietro asked with an airy chuckle, you smiled,nodding before pressing your lips to his, letting the world around you melt away, as both of you reveled in the warm feeling of your marks changing from black to red.
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sarcastic-anxious · 5 years
1. have you ever been in love?
not that i know, i thought that i had a crush once but then it turned out i just wanted to be good friends lol ( my family is very touchy and i just sometimes jus want to hug my friends)
2. what are your favourite colours and why?
Blood red! Slytherin green and silver!
Blood red because its the colour of passion and ofc blood
Slytherin green because it gives off a mysterious and magical vibe
Silver because it is a regal colour and makes everything look younger and magical
3. who was the last person you held hands with?
honestly, i don't know anymore
4. what is your zodiac sign?
5. how many times have you read your favourite book?
3 or 4 times i guess?
6. what are your favourite films?
pixels! it cheers me up
The Three Musketeers (1993) its something thats always fun to watch
7. what kind of weather do you like?
For me the perfect weather is when a thunderstorm is raging on on a hot summer day, I will just sit in my window with the window open and just relax to the sound of thunder and the beautiful lightning while getting cooled down by the rain
8. do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
I prefer sunrises because they mark the beginning of a new day
9. what kind of weather represents who you are as a person?
the kind of weather when a thunderstorm is closeby and you don't know if its gonna come closer or its gonna clear up
10. what’s your favourite animal?
My favourite animal has shifted between a lot of animals but now it’s a snake!
11. what is your favourite song right now?
the other side of paradise by glass animals
or sex metal barbie by in this moment
12. what is your favourite song of all time?
city by Hollywood undead
or bullet i cant choose
13. do you like sunny days or rainy days better?
rainy days for the win
14. have you ever been heartbroken?
15. what does the perfect kiss feel like?
idk never kissed and dont want to eiter
16. what is your favourite poem?
“I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.”
Life Is An Illusion
© Trisha
Published: July 2015
Surrounded by people yet all alone
Trapped within this solitary zone
A world where chaos and hate overtake
Every bit of happiness that may try to escape
Laughter and smiles never seem to last
Because I am haunted by memories of my past
Running the distance with nowhere to go
These are the days of my life, a Broadway show
Screaming for help, does anyone hear
The demons of death are coming so near
Echoes in my head tormenting me all day long
Breaking the woman who was once very strong
What does serenity mean anyway
Is it the swag in my step or just the words I say
Deep rooted evil no time for a soul mate
Wondering why joy is always a day late
Suicide is the easy answer many times I've tried
Happiness seems to be the tears I have cried
Unable to distinguish what's real from what's fiction
Hope is an illusion, an optimist's prediction
What will it take to get me right
A visit from the devil on a lonely night
Angels prepare to battle and take a stand
To remind me of their holy land
When I want to give up, they push for me to be strong
In my head I hear their harmonious song
A tranquil state I now find myself
Dealing with the hand in which I was dealt
Good vs evil, what does it really mean
Am I dirty when I appear to be clean
Life is an illusion a constant mind trick on me
Who knows what my fate will be
Heaven and hell are both fair game
Will I succumb to peace or fall down in shame
Surrounded by people yet all alone
Trapped within this solitary zone
17. who are you most inspired by?
honestly just by the world
18. are you spiritual?
im in the church of satan
19. what is your favourite plant?
My favourite plant is a willow three, elegant , magical and haunted at the same time
20. what is your favourite feeling?
just fine ( id say my manic hours are the most fun but the depression that follows those isnt worth it)
21. what is your favourite word?
eikel (acorn, asshole, the tip of the penis 
22. are you an artist?
23. what is your favourite flower?
24. are you happy?
ehh im living i guess
25. what are you thinking about right now?
some remus angst that ill probably never write 
26. what emotion do you feel most often?
27. what is your favourite season?
My favourite season is autumn/fall because the weather is finally cooling down and the threes are beautiful / also halloween
28. are you in a relationship?
29. are you an introvert or extrovert?
30. do you prefer the moon or the stars?
31. what is your favourite scent?
i dont really have one , just my plushies they smell good 
32. where do you feel most at home?
my room honestly i have lived in som many houses just give me a room with some of my stuff in it and il feel more at home than just sitting in my livingroom with my dad
33. what scares you the most?
honestly myself and life
34. do you believe in soulmates?
nah not really
35. what is your favourite thing about yourself?
my ability to see from a different angle that other people mostly overlook
36. what is the nicest compliment you’ve received?
you’ve grown
37. who is your favourite music artist?
38. what was your first kiss like?
forced wrong and aweful
39. are you a sensitive person?
yeh sometimes
40. when was the last time you cried?
41. do you believe that love can last forever?
yeh, but who knows if you found the right one to love?
42. what do you think happens to us when we die?
you disappear but stay behind in the hearts of people that you love
43. have you ever broken someone’s heart?
nope, my dad maybe. but cmon ya dont ask ya kid that youve put trough hell to be your newest childs meter
44. what do you think about when you can’t fall asleep at night?
stuff you don't want to have in your head
45. do you believe in aliens?
well know after area 51
46. what is the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for you?
helping me in my darkest days
47. do you find it hard to trust?
very hard lol
48. are you secretive?
oh hunny you don know
49. what colour are your eyes?
50. do you have a nickname?
lucy, jack frost, little bat ( i really liked that one) ghost and a few more that i don't remember
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porlockstompf · 7 years
                                                            my favourite books of the year
my overall favourite book of the year:
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     david keenan “this is memorial device” [faber & faber] (2017)
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01 nick harkaway "gnomon" (2017) 02 kim stanley robinson "new york 2140" (2017) 03 m john harrison "you should come with me" (2017) 04 gardner dozois (ed) "the year's best science fiction: thirty-fourth annual collection" (2017) 05 james morrow "the asylum of dr. caligari" (2017)
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06 annalee newitz "autonomous" (2017) 07 cory doctorow "walkaway" (2017) 08 dave hutchinson "acadia" (2017)   + dave hutchinson "slow companions" (2017) 09 ed finn (ed) visions, ventures, escape velocities: a collection of space futures" (2017) 10 bryan thomas schmidt (ed) "infinite stars" (2017)
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11 allan kaster "the year's top hard science fiction stories" (2017) 12 nina allen "the rift" (2017) 13 charles stross "the delirium brief" (2017) 14 simon morden "at the speed of light" (2017) 15 ada palmer "seven surrenders" (2017) & "the will to battle" (2017)
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16 yoon ha lee "raven stratagem" (2017) 17 john joseph adams (ed) "cosmic powers" (2017) 18 mur lafferty "six wakes" (2017) 19 taiyo fujii "orbital cloud" (2017) 20 andrew bannister "creation machine" (2016)     + andrew bannister "iron gods" (2017)
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21 gareth l powell "entropic angel & other stories" (2017) 22 ann leckie "provenance" (2017) 23 monica louzon (ed) "catalysts, explorers & secret keepers: women of sf" 24 ian mconald "wolf moon" (2017) 25 neal stephenson & nicole galland "the rise & fall of d.o.d.o." (2017)
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26 adam roberts "the real-town murders" (2017) 27 tim pratt "the wrong stars" (2017) 28 jim c. hines "terminal alliance" (2017) 29 charles stross "the empire games" (2017) 30 james s.a. corey "persepolis rising" (2017)     + james s.a. corey "strange dogs" (2017)
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31 allen steele "avengers of the moon (captain future)" (2017) 32 neal asher "infinity engine [transformation III]" (2017) 33 jason m. hough "injection burn" (2017)   + jason m. hough "escape velocity" (2017) 34 donna scott (ed) "best of british science fiction 2016"/una mccormack "star of the sea" (2016) 35 david marusek "upon this rock"/john scalzi "collapsing empire" (2017)
& a couple of re-readings: richard k. morgan "takeshi kovacs trilogy" in view of the coming netflix series and colin harvey "damage time" (2010) ... no further reason needed!
01 matthew mcintosh "the mystery.doc" (2017)
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02 sébastien roger "les désordres du monde. walter benjamin à port-bou" (2017) 03 laurent binet "hhhh" (2012) 04 + laurent binet "the 7th function of language" (2017) 05 jean echenoz "special envoy" (2017)
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06 paul stanbridge "forbidden line" (2016) 07 ryu murakami "tokyo decadence (2016) 08 aifric campbell "the semantics of murder" (2008) 09 mark vernon "darker with the day" (2017) 10 magnus mills "the forensic records society" (2017)
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01 mckenzie wark "general intellects: 25 thinkers for the 21st century" (2017) 02 claude lefort "wat is politiek?" (2016) 03 ger groot & sam ijsseling "dankbaar en aandachtig" (2013) 04 martin heidegger "beiträge zur philosophie (vom ereignis)" (2003) 05 hannah arendt "totalitarisme" (2014)
06 daniel birnbaum & kim west "life on sirius: the situationist international & the exhibition of art" (2016) 07 ger groot "de geest is uit de fles" (2017) 08 sean gaston "the impossible mourning of jacques derrida" (2006) 09 bas heijne "onbehagen: nieuw licht op de beschaafde mens" (2016) 10 giorgio colli "ecrits sur nietzsche" (2017)
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11 frédéric neyrat "échapper à l'horreur" (2017) 12 slavoj zizek "against the double blackmail, refugees, terror & other troubles with the neighbours" (2017) 13 henning mankell "quicksand" (2016) 14 jacques rancière "en quel temps vivons-nous? conversations avec eric hazan" (2017) 15 alain badiou "je vous sais si nombreux... " (2017)
16 alain badou & jean-luc nancy "la tradition allemande dans la philosophie" (2017) 17 tom mccarthy "typewriters bombs jellyfish [essays]" (2017) 18 valeria luiselli "tell me how it ends: an essay in 40 questions" (2017) 19 fredric jameson "raymond chandler: the detections of totality" (2016) 20 umberto eco "chronicles of a liquid society" (2017)
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01 chris petit "pale horse riding" (2017)   + chris petit "the butchers of berlin" (2016)   + chris petit "the human pool" (2002)   + chris petit "the psalm killer" (1996)
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02 john le carré "a legacy of spies" (2017) 03 david hewson "sleep baby sleep" (2017) 04 mick herron "slow horses" (2010)   + mick herron "dead lions" (2013)   + mick herron "the list" (2015)   + mick herron "real tigers" (2016)   + mick herron "spook street" (2017) 05 jussi adler-olsen "the scarred woman" (2017)
06 jo nesbo "the thirst" (2017) 07 ben fergusson "the spring of kasper meier" (2014) 08 e.o. chirovici "the book of mirrors" (2017) 09 toni coppers "de zaak magritte" (2017) 10 james r. tuck "mama tried (crime fiction inspired by outlaw country music)" (2016)
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01 philip pullman "la belle sauvage" (2017)
01 cosey fanni tutti "art sex music" (2017) 02 david keenan "this is memorial device" (2017) 03 joanne demers "drone and apocalypse" (2015) 04 + joanne demers "listening through the noise" (2010) 05 robert barry "the music of the future" (2017)
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06 richard cabut & andrew gallix (eds) "punk is dead: modernity killed every night" (2017) 07 butt gavin, kodwo eshun, & mark fisher (eds) "post punk then and now" (2016)" 08 sandra garrido "why are we attracted to sad music" (2016) 09 tomas serrien "klank: een filsofie van de muzikale ervaring" (2017) 10 marlies de munck "waarom chopin de regen niet wilde horen" (2017)
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11 daniel warner "live wires" (2017) 12 will carruthers "playing the bass with three left hands" (2016) 13 steve hanley "the big midweek-life inside the fall (2016) 14 tex perkins "tex" (2017) 15 mark lanegan "i am the wolf" (2017)
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Dream Harley Davidson Rugs
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Shop Wayfair for the best harley davidson rug. . Harley-Davidson bar and shield bistro luster coffee mug. . Harley Hand Woven Wool Bright Pink Area Rug. Buy Harley-Davidson Burst Bar & Shield Round Edge Rug, 20 x 30 Inch NW350885: Area Rugs Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY . Great bright colors. Makes. Results 1 25 of 34 Harley-Davidson Rug Entry Door Mat Floor Mat Rug 18 x 27 . The brilliant full color design is dyed into the carpet to ensure durability. Harley-Davidson Bar & Shield Large Area Rug Harley Davidson Gifts, I love this, I would definitely get this to add to a man cave, its brilliant. cave. Harley-Davidson themed Home and Office Rugs, including Classic Bar & Shield designs on a plain or flames background. All your favorite designs & logos are. Barnett Harley-Davidson Harley Davidson H-D HD Harley Biker Rugs. Amazon.de: Kchen- und Haushaltsartikel online Harley-Davidson H-D . Great rug, not massive but looks brilliant quality and looks great in the hallway. Dealer used. 2007 Harley-Davidson FAT BOY 96 (FLSTF) Road Bike 1584cc. $18,990. 32940 km. 2007 FLSTF Softail Fat Boy finished in Brilliant Silver duco. Shop for Stella Fire Shag Rug (77 x 105) 77 x 105. . Featuring brilliant shades of red, orange and yellow, which curve around and blend together, this rug Bought this for living room in basement that has a Harley Davidson theme!
Find great deals on eBay for Harley Davidson Rug in Collectible Harley-Davidson Memorabilia. Shop with confidence. Brand: Harley-Davidson. Warehouse: Garden. Size: 30 x 0.25 x 18 inches UOM: PIECE. Item Details. Product Type: Floor Mat / Rug > Embossed Mats. Barnett Harley-Davidson Harley Davidson H-D HD Harley Biker Rugs. . NCAA TIES (12); HARLEY DAVIDSON TIES (7); COLLEGE / NFL / SPORTS TIES (70) . Closeout Wholesale Lot of 100 Assorted New Mens Novelty Neckties Ties This Home Dynamix Ultra Stop 7-Feet 8-Inch by 10-Feet 2-Inch Rug Pad #220 This . Fashion Polly Pocket POLLY FRUITY-LICIOUS Mattel K7330 2006. Explore Cristina Ugaitafas board Harley Davidson Candy Buffet on Pinterest. See more ideas about Birthdays, Candy buffet and Dessert Table. AltRiders Taste of Dakar 2015 Motorcycle Touring Motorcycle Sport Forum. Find this Pin . See more. Ide Innovations Harley Davidson! . View deeones 2003 Honda 750 Shadow ACE- Custom for sale. . Safavieh Modern Art Rug in Grey/Red Find this Pin and more on Biker Babe-a-licious by Becca Nelson-Vertz. Motorcycle! and Bicyclti 15 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 50 c.c. to 1 200 c.c., F.O.B up. Union- . Connellsville Dial 628-8010. free from soil is the carpet cleaned with Blue Lustre Rent electric shampooer. . Red De- licious. . SAM KINKUS REALTY Call anytime 628-2220 Real Estate for Sale HOUMS for Salt M BALDRIDGE AVE. Oct 22, 1976 . 53 Business Opportunity 57 Articles for Sale 76 Boats Accessdrtes 78 Household . Sheas Rug and Upholstering Locally owned 188 Wahconah St Dial . and Thursday 6 to 9 pm Saturday 12 to 5 pm HARLEY DAVIDSON 1977 . Rome De licious Greening Winsap half bushel Golden Delicious per bush. Ltd.],[Wholesalers Liquor,Regal Liquor Stores,Big T Liquor Stores Limited] . Anthony],[Restaurant Operation,Dlicious,Culmer, Dhalene],[Builder . Supplies Limited],[Carpet And Flooring -sales,Glinton, Henry A,Freeport . Security Company Limited],[Clothing Store Operation,,Harley-davidson Of.
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Harley-Davidson Rev-Up Large Tufted Rug, 39 x 59 In, Black & Orange . Brand New Harley Davidson Motorcycles Rug Door Mats 27 x 18 . or Best Offer. Large Harley-Davidson Bar & Shield Handmade Area Rug, Gray 8ft. Give your floors a little love with a handcrafted Harley-Davidson area rug. Each rug is hand tufted and includes the hand carved logo crafted in durable acrylic pile. Find great deals on eBay for Motorcycle Rug in More Rugs & Carpets. . Harley Davidson Style Motorcycle 5 3 X 7 5 Area Rug Carpet. $99.99 or Best Offer. Give your floors a little love with a handcrafted Harley-Davidson
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area rug. . Best Uses: 3Home Bar: 1Gifts: 1Color And Design Perfect: 1Looks Gorgeous In. Shop Wayfair for the best harley davidson rug. Enjoy Free Shipping on most stuff, even big stuff. Harley-Davidson themed Home and Office Rugs, including Classic Bar . As licensees, they have proven that the quality is built-in only the best can have the. Harley-Davidson Bar & Shield Small Area Rug 5 x 3 HDL-19503. See more Best Sellers Rank, #416,334 in Tools & Home Improvement (See top 100) Give your floors a little love with a handcrafted Harley-Davidson area rug. . EBAY. Large Bar & Shield Area Rug 8ft.L x 5ft.W, Gray. HarleyRoadHouse Large. See more ideas about Harley davidson bikes, Harley davidson motorcycles . V Twin Man Cave Collection Made in The USA Harley Motorcycle eBay . This Harley-Davidson Bar & Shield Area Rug x is a must for any Harley enthusiast.
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Give your floors a little love with a handcrafted Harley-Davidson area rug. The look is understated but unmistakable, with a handsome deep gray rug. Buy Harley Davidson Motorcycle 58 Area-Rug Brown Actual Size 52 x 70: Area Rugs Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. hdx14l Harley Davidson Replacement Motorcycle Battery: Amazon.in: Car . 5 3/4. weight 13 lbs. agm (absorbed glass mat) non spillable sealed technology. All Custom Belgian Sisal Rugs; Custom Belgian Looped amazon luggage rack bedroom . Solo Luggage Rack at the Official Harley-Davidson Online Store. Jun 14, 2018 Not content with taking on Amazon in the cloud computing stakes, sources indicate Microsoft is working on technology that would eliminate. Jul 24, 2018 SAP Cloud Platform (SCP) will soon be locally available on Amazon Web Services (AWS) with plans to launch across Australia and New. Jun 13, 2018 Voice interactions with AI assistants are fast becoming commonplace at home. With Alexa for Business, Amazon hopes to make the same true. Greyhound Racing Victoria GRV. Sports & Recreation in West Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Closed Now. ABOUT GREYHOUND RACING VICTORIA GRV. HEAVEN UPSIDE DOWN is OUT NOW. Limited Edition Vinyl + Merch Bundles. Music Store. Purchase/Stream links: iTunes Apple Amazon Google Play.
Buy Harley-Davidson Racetag H-D Tufted Rug, 39 x 59 In, Black & Orange . Nicoge Custom Racing Stripes Waterproof Fabric Shower Curtain 66X72 Inch 12. Find an incredible selection of Harley Davidson bedding and home decor including shower curtains, bath accessories, rugs, towels and more at Laurens Linens. Harley-Davidson Bathroom eclectic Man Cave Bathroom, Downstairs . Harley Davidson Bathroom Decor Bathroom Modern, Bathrooms Decor, Dream. Brand New Harley Davidson Motorcycles Rug Door Mats 27 x 18 Martha Stewart BLUE BATH RUG 21 x 34 with HARLEY DAVIDSON Embroidered PATCH. Shop Wayfair for the best harley davidson rug. Enjoy Free . Towel Picturing Harley-Davidson Motorcycles is great to use in the kitchen, bathroom or gym. Harley-Davidson embossed flames bar and shield entry floor mat. Making a statement at your door just got easier with this floor mat. New 2015 design features. harley davidson bathroom faucet sink home decor set accessories fresh toothbrush,harley davidson bathroom set accessories towel sets decorating ideas. Saral Home Microfiber Bath Mat (35x50cm, Turquoise) Pack of 2). See available . Saral Home Microfibre Anti-Skid Bath Mat (40x60cm, Brown) Pack of. Nov 18, 2018 Harley Davidson Bathroom Bathroom Rugs 3 Piece Towel Bath Set Black . harley davidson bathroom lovely home decor best choice of further.
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Harley-Davidson themed Home and Office Rugs, including Classic Bar & Shield . and mats for launching up the stairs or for use in the bathroom or dressing room. . with these rugs and mats theyre modern, sophisticated, colorful, and fun. Find an incredible selection of Harley Davidson bedding and home decor including shower curtains, bath accessories, rugs, towels and more at Laurens Linens. Apr 8, 2018- Explore Erica ss board Harley bathroom decor on Pinterest. See more ideas about Harley . Barnett Harley-Davidson Harley Davidson H-D HD Harley Biker Towels . Great fit and the vibrant colors are amazing! Given Then. Shop Wayfair for the best harley davidson rug. Enjoy Free . Towel Picturing Harley-Davidson Motorcycles is great to use in the kitchen, bathroom or gym. Find a huge selection of HARLEY DAVIDSON Area Rugs including Harley Razor, . Harley Davidson Static Charge Round Rug Size: 22.5 Inches Exciting. Give your floors a little love with a handcrafted Harley-Davidson area rug. The look is understated but unmistakable, with a handsome deep gray rug. Harley-Davidson Racetag Large Tufted Rug; Made of 100% Nylon; Non skid backing to keep the rug from moving when stepped on; Size: 39 x 59; Black,. Buy Harley-Davidson Vibes Anti-Slip Raschel Rug, 20 x 30: Bath Rugs . Amazons Choice for harley davidson rug . Fun for husbands side of stink. Harley-Davidson Rev-Up Large Tufted Rug, 39 x 59 In, Black & Orange NW949195 Martha Stewart BLUE BATH RUG 21 x 34 with HARLEY DAVIDSON.
Brand New Harley Davidson Motorcycles Rug Door Mats 27 x 18. $12.99 . Large Harley-Davidson Bar & Shield Handmade Area Rug, Gray 8ft.L x 5ft.W. Harley-Davidson themed Home and Office Rugs, including Classic Bar . There are also rugs and mats for the door step, mats that work in the garage, and mats. Harley-Davidson Bar & Shield Large Area Rug Harley Davidson Gifts, . Harley Davidson Oil Can Switch Plate Single for Man Cave Kitchen Garage Office . Harley Davidson Bar and Shield Metal Wall Art Brand New HDL-15509. Sep 24, 2018 harley davidson garage floor mats rugs sell off bar shield tufted rug x inch . a new house and need some page harley davidson rubber garage. Buy Harley-Davidson Racetag H-D Tufted Rug, 39 x 59 In, Black & Orange NW350878: Area Rugs . This rug would be great in an entryway or garage. Harley-Davidson Set of 2 Traditional B&S Front Floor Mats . carpeting that has seen better days is as simple as adding new floor mats to your floorboards. Shop Wayfair for the best harley davidson rug. . Opens in a new tabSale . polypropylene with a rubber back to keep it securely on your porch on garage floor. Nov 6, 2013 Touring Models Motorcycle mats or rugs,,,on a epoxy floor. I dont want to chip up my epoxy floor in my garage. What are you . New Member. These interlocking floor systems will make sure that no one else parks in that spot youve reserved for your .
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Harley-Davidson Bar & Shield Large Area Rug 8 x 5 HDL-19502. See more . Decorative Motorcycle Chain Ashtray with Wrench and Bike Motif Great for a Biker Bar & Harley 4.3 out of 5 stars 181 . Finding the Right Rug for Your Space. Buy Harley-Davidson Racetag H-D Tufted Rug, 39 x 59 In, Black & Orange NW350878: Area Rugs Amazon.com . Harley-Davidson Racetag Large Tufted Rug; Made of 100% Nylon; Non skid backing to keep the rug from moving This rug would be great in an entryway or garage. . Finding the Right Rug for Your Space. Harley-Davidson Rev-Up Large Tufted Rug, 39 x 59 In, Black & Orange NW949195. $42.95; Buy . Large Harley-Davidson Bar & Shield Handmade Area Rug, Gray 8ft.L x 5ft.W New Harley-Davidson floor mats, in great working condition. Find great deals for Harley-Davidson Bar and Shield Large Area Rug. Shop with confidence on eBay! Shop Wayfair for the best harley davidson rug. Enjoy Free Shipping on most stuff, even big stuff. . Fireplaces Fireplace Mantels Fireplace Screens Space Heaters Air Conditioners Each oversized cup features a large handle for an extremely comfortable grip while . Harley Hand Woven Wool Bright Pink Area Rug. Harley-Davidson themed Home and Office Rugs, including Classic Bar & Shield designs . orange, black, and white that is almost 5-feet wide, suited to a large indoor entry way. For tight spaces, consider the 22.5-inch round Static Charge rug. Harley-Davidson Bar & Shield Large Area Rug Harley Davidson Gifts, Harley Davidson Skull door knocker makes a great addition to your harley. ($19.99 $3499.95) Find great deals on the latest styles of Harley davidson rug. Compare prices . Large Bar & Shield Area Rug 8ft.L x 5ft. . Easily update your living space with the Surya Davidson DVD100 Indoor Area Rug. The cozy. Weve got a great deal on small bar & shield area rug 5ft.l x 3ft.w, gray harley-davidson gear from HarleyRoadHouse?
See more ideas about Harley davidson bikes, Harley davidson motorcycles and . shower curtains, bath accessories, rugs, towels and more at Laurens Linens. . Ultra-clean custom Yamaha XV 750 by Christian Moretti of Plan B Motorcycles. Harley Davidson curtains Harley Davidson Bedding, Davidson Homes, Harley . Harley Davidson Flame Rider Fireball 63 Drapes Harley Davidson . Motorcycle ArtMotorcycle NurseryMotorcycle GiftsMotorcycle GarageBottle LightsFurniture ChairsKids FurnitureGarden FurnitureFurniture Plans Home Dcor for sale. NL750 Harley-Davidson Motor Cycles Shower Curtain Bath 66 x 72 Tin . Vintage Patent Drawing Harley Davidson Motorcyle Throw Pillow for Sale by Michel. Shop Wayfair for the best harley davidson curtains. Enjoy Free Shipping on . Flaming skull flag has a second color scheme on back. . harley davidson rugs Find great deals on eBay for Harley Davidson Curtains in Window Curtains and Drapes. Shop with confidence. Buy Harley Davidson Motorcycle 58 Area-Rug Brown Actual Size 52 x 70: Area Rugs Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on . Add a Protection Plan:. Buy Harley-Davidson Racetag H-D Tufted Rug, 39 x 59 In, Black & Orange NW350878: Area Rugs Amazon.com FREE . Add a Protection Plan: Nicoge Custom Racing Stripes Waterproof Fabric Shower Curtain 66X72 Inch 12 Holes. Custom Motorcycle Window Curtains made to order in ANY size you need, Webs . Shop By Product Back; Bedding Window Curtains Rugs Blankets Pillows . devotion after just one rocketed flight over the plane of smooth black asphalt. . Whether youre keen on hot rod classic American Harley Davidsons, classy. Choose your favorite harley davidson shower curtains from thousands of available designs. All harley davidson shower curtains ship within 48 hours and.
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Shillcraft The Finest Quality Latch Hook Kits Since 1949. Rug Hooking Harley Davidson Logo Craftsy Afghan Crochet Patterns, Cross Stitch Patterns, Graph Crochet, Ravelry: Chevron Steering Wheel Cozy pattern by Laura Jean. Shillcraft The Finest Quality Latch Hook Kits Since 1949 . Saved by. Shillcraft Needlecraft, Latch Hook & Rug Hooking. 5 . Picture of Harley-Davidson Logo Tribal Rug Ravelry: Chevron Steering Wheel Cozy pattern by Laura Jean. Kit comes complete with stamped 3.3 mesh latch hook canvas, yarn is 2 x 3 ply pre-cut acrylic rug . Latch Hook Rug Kits Cars Motorcycles Harley Davidson. The largest selection of latch hook kits including rugs, pillows, and stuffed animals. Discover the best Latch Hook Kits in Best Sellers. Find the top 100 most popular items in Amazon STRING(gno-arts-crafts) Best Sellers. harley davidson rugs pretty flooring designs exceptional garage harley davidson outdoor rugs harley davidson latch hook rugs. harley davidson curtains and. Often the front door opens right onto the living room carpet and this results in a constant on the workbench among other tools, or ganged on a tool-board hook. That comfortable old chair with the sagging seat and worn cover can take on a Theres one just right for you . . . buy it . a new 64 from Harley-Davidson,. Material: Wooden+Iron; Size /(Approximate/): 16cm //6.3in; Comfortable to use,Perfect to create beautiful latched rugs,Hair weaves, wigs, carpets or craft. Oct 31, 2018 Reef Rover Black Casual Mens Flip Flop Sandals,Snugrugs Mujer Autntico . MEN AND WOMEN (Model 14)Mans/Womans Mens Clarks Lightweight Hook . Comfortable touch Fair price WG1457MIX NO.6 BROWN CROCHET . Heel Ankle Booties Womens Shoes,Harley Davidson Ladies Sz 7.5 Black.
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Buy Harley Davidson Backpack, Multi, One Size and other Casual Daypacks at Amazon.com. Our wide selection is eligible for free shipping and free returns. Buy Harley Davidson Equipt Backpack, Grey/Black and other Casual . The quality of this bag is wonderful, with a lot of pockets and storage without being bulky. Buy Harley-Davidson Mens C4 Backpack CC8105S-GRYBLK and other Casual Daypacks at Amazon.com. Our wide selection is eligible for free shipping and. Harley Davidson All Terrain Backpack, Black: Harley-Davidson: Amazon.in: Bags, Wallets & Luggage. Harley Davidson Minime Backpack, Vintage, One Size: Harley-Davidson: Amazon.in: Bags, Wallets & Luggage. Harley Davidson Steel Cable Backpack (tail Of The Dragon) Backpack . Harley-Davidson Men s Willie G. Skull Classic Backpack Black BP1962S-Black. skull-biker-delux-pack Harley Davidson Backpack, Harley Davidson . HarleyDavidson Mens Deluxe Backpack ** Check this awesome product by going to the. Nov 27, 2018 6 Best Harley Davidson Purse Backpacks of 2018 Reviews & Guide . owners had only good things to report about this awesome backpack. This attractive backpack is shaped to provide convenient storage on your way to work. The heavy-duty hook-and-loop flaps secure the bag to the sissy bar for.
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/dream-harley-davidson-rugs
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igotopinions · 6 years
Books I read in 2018
* = Re-read Check out past years: 2012, 2013 (skipped), 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017. Follow me on Goodreads to get these reviews as they happen. 1) You Are Not a Gadget by Jaron Lanier 2) Binti by Nnedi Okorafor 3) Veins of the Earth by Patrick Stewart 4) McGlue by Ottessa Moshfegh  The ending is clear almost from the first page, but you keep reading anyway*. Great stuff. *It's almost as if there is MORE to enjoying a story than being surprised by the ending???? 5) They Shoot Horses, Don't They? by Horace McCoy  Ah yes, the violent and bloody underbelly of....the marathon dance craze??? Marathons that last upward of a MONTH??? Incredulity, if nothing else, keeps you reading right to the end. 6) What Editors Do: The Art, Craft, and Business of Book Editing by Peter Ginna I've no interest in becoming an editor, but as an author I figured there'd be some useful stuff in here. From that perspective I'll say this - writers, even ones who only want to self-publish, would do well to breeze through this to get a better understanding of a process they've been through or want to go through, but also a better understanding of the editors themselves. 7) Taran Wanderer by Lloyd Alexander 8) The High King by Lloyd Alexander 9) The Foundling and Other Tales of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander 10) The Largesse of the Sea Maiden: Stories by Denis Johnson 11) Landmarks by Robert MacFarlane Beautiful stuff, and a great reminder of all sorts of precious sensations to be found out in the world or in your childhood memories. 12) Vacationland: True Stories from Painful Beaches by John Hodgeman I like John Hodgeman in general, but honestly haven't dug any of his books of false facts or the stand-up routines centered around such things. That stuff just feels like someone scatting nonsense (Blood tornado! Deranged millionaire! DOG STORM! Yeah!) to the tune of a particular vibe (the doodles in the margins of your high school notebooks). But it's clear the guy can be a consummate storyteller and so I happily picked up this book of his ostensibly true tales. It's charming, funny, and sincere. Huzzah! I look forward to whatever comes next from Hodge Man. 13) The World of Late Antiquity 150-750 by Peter R.L. Brown  14) The Book of Joan by Lidia Yuknavitch 15) The Luzhin Defense by Vladimir Nabokov, Michael Scammell (Translator) 16) The Only Harmless Great Thing by Brooke Bolander  17) Blindsight by Peter Watts 18) Killing Gravity by Corey J. White  19) How to Thrive in the Next Economy: Designing Tomorrow's World Today by John Thackara 20) Echopraxia by Peter Watts 21) The Colonel by Peter Watts 22) The Devil's Guide to Hollywood: The Screenwriter as God! by Joe Eszterhas It’s a big book of quotable notables intermixed with a guy who really wants you to know he slept with Sharon Stone. There’s some chuckles to be had, especially if you’re irritated by Robert McKee, but let’s just say I’m glad I got this half-off from a used book store. 23) The River of Consciousness by Oliver Sacks   Writers of fiction would do well to read this. 24) Asking for It: The Alarming Rise of Rape Culture and What We Can Do about It  by Kate Harding *25) The Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut 26) Red Clocks by Leni Zumas A reminder that dystopian tales don’t have to be cranked to eleven, and are often much more effective that way. 27) Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG by Goodman Games I don’t normally include RPG books in this list, but at about 450 pages I reckon this one earns a spot. I had a lot of thoughts about it, which you can read here. 28) Thongor and the Wizard of Lemuria by Lin Carter   Look man, either you want to read a Conan rip-off where a convenient flying ship pulls our hero out of trouble at Just. The. Right. Time. or you don't. Nothing I say here will change that. I dipped into this soon after discovering the infamous Appendix N reading list. 29) Dear Life by Alice Munro 30) A Cabinet of Byzantine Curiosities: Strange Tales and Surprising Facts from History's Most Orthodox Empire by Anthony Kaldellis 31) Climate Leviathan: A Political Theory of Our Planetary Future by Joel Wainwright and Geoff Mann 32) Writing the Pilot: Creating the Series by William Rabkin 33) Ways of Seeing by John Berger If you've already done some university level art studies you may find most of this old hat.But if you haven't? It's a great primer, and I strongly recommend it. Heck, I wish I'd had it put in front of me in high school. 34) Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado 35) A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah 36) Polyamorous Love Song by Jacob Wren This book came out a few years ago. Just a few days ago I found it on the dollar shelf at a great used book and record shop in Montreal (Cheap Thrills). I never bother with stuff from the dollar shelf because it's usually about as good as the price suggests. But. The title & cover grabbed my eye. Then I stood and read the entire first chapter, not because I needed that much to erode any skepticism but because it gripped me. Your mileage may - nay, will - vary, of course. For me, the contents of this book were exactly what I needed. It might be what you need too, especially if you are someone who creates any kind of art and is struggling with it in the face of an increasingly rabid world. 37) Feel Free: Essays by Zadie Smith 38) Revenge Fantasies of the Politically Dispossessed by Jacob Wren 39) Rich and Poor by Jacob Wren 40) Homesick for Another World by Ottessa Moshfegh   41) Eileen by Ottessa Moshfegh 42) Room to Dream by David Lynch,  Kristine McKenna A great book whose format of a conversation between biography and autobiography really works! Both halves strangle the "lone genius" bullshit almost right out of the gate and, especially in Lynch's chapters, there's some kind of amusing punchline at the end of every other paragraph. An excellent read that is enjoyable even if you haven't seen every minute of his creative output. 43) Warrior of World's End by Lin Carter  This book contains a sentient metal bird called a "Bazonga" and a chapter called "Flight of the Bazonga", to give you an idea. It's fun and dumb and yes. 44) Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler 45) Twelve Tomorrows by Wade Roush (Editor) *46) A Burglar's Guide to the City by Geoff Manaugh   47) The Dying Earth by Jack Vance I was going to write my own review but then I saw BIll's here and it's just so much better than what I was going to say, as well as echoing much of my own thinking. 48) Dune by Frank Herbert It is Dune. 49) Make Room! Make Room! by Harry Harrison This book does not in fact contain the famous twist from the film. That changes a lot, an awful lot. Frankly it evokes, read now, climate change at least as much if not more than overpopulation. I'm not sure if I'd recommend reading it, frankly, though not for any lack of talent on Harry Harrison's part. 50) Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell  51) Silver Screen Fiend: Learning About Life from an Addiction to Film by Patton Oswalt 52) The Chapo Guide to Revolution: A Manifesto Against Logic, Facts, and Reason by Chapo Trap House *53) Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut   Though it gifts us a few of his best quotes, such as “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”, I feel like Mother Night is only necessary reading for completionists. It often feels like a short story filled out to novel length, and lacks any of the fantastic or meta-textual elements of his other works. 54) Dungeons and Dragons Art and Arcana: A Visual History by Kyle Newman,  Jon Peterson, Michael Witwer, Sam Witwer STATS Non-Fiction: 20 Fiction: 34 Poetry Collections:0 Comic Trades: 0 Wrote Myself: 0
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barksinthewoods · 6 years
Well I suppose I should have thought about it sooner, but it turns out that there are traffic minimums to be met for advertising networks to begin to include your content within them. I guess I have a lot of work to do yet. Not surprising but still rather daunting to think about it in the sense that it's difficult to see progress being directly made. I managed to clip my driver mirror on the truck while at work. Thankfully it didn't completely destroy or detach the mirror, but it was bad enough to rip it out of the bracing within the casing, and the tape I had on hand (and subsequent $18 roll that I purchased from a truck stop) was enough to miraculously have it hang on for the rest of that day. There was a turn lane sign that was bent enough into the lane of travel that I came up to it when there was another truck to my passenger side, so I couldn't dodge out of the way withtout encroaching on his space. There's plenty of close brushes made every day so it wasn't bad enough to make me think that it would have happened until it did. I returned to the same area on the next work day and there were three other mirrors on the ground nearby. Recent inspection of the sign show it to have several more scrape marks and exposed metal. I'm definitely not the only person who had this happen. It is repaired now, but based on some residue which I think I see on it, I'm wondering if the mirror was fully replaced or if it was merely repaired. I guess it doesn't matter that much either way. Song sessions both at home and at the arcade remain unremarkable, which is better than them being awful, so I'll be content with this.
red nikita 61.16 B 1003.P 364. 0244 0820 2018-07-07T20:33:36:119Z 7/9 02.80- 0046- chase 44.82 C 2135.F 721.693.630.161.479 0122 2382 2018-07-07T20:36:34:765Z 0/14 07.05- 0336- artelia method remix 41.83 D 1634.F 591.452.297.188.836 0088 1953 1088 079.50 2018-07-07T20:39:04:742Z 0/6 01.13+ 0044+ 19+6+35-2+10+ 0023- 2016-05-11T20:19:10:243Z エブリデイラブリデイ 71.77 A 1309.P 496.317.92.0.15 0362 0912 2018-07-07T20:41:37:982Z 9/13 02.41- 0044- めいさいアイドル☆ 32.95 E 1697.F 551.595.753.364.1152 0107 2575 2018-07-07T20:44:25:758Z 0/7 04.80- 0247- the end spiritually 67.64 A 1499.P 569.361.136.14.70 0254 1108 2018-07-07T20:47:02:878Z 8/17 04.69- 0104- 量子の海のリントヴルム 52.15 C 1725.F 586.553.361.64.249 0193 1654 1407 017.55 2018-07-07T20:49:42:399Z 0/1 valgus 46.15 C 1692.F 594.504.414.151.506 0080 1833 2018-07-07T20:54:23:414Z 0/8 06.71- 0246- tempest 32.87 E 1579.F 521.537.779.286.927 0045 2402 1339 079.38 2018-07-07T20:57:12:039Z 0/7 00.12+ 0006+ 0=6+114+8+34- 0008+ 2014-03-26T04:06:39:552Z critical crystal 33.59 D 1587.F 532.523.661.271.1070 0042 2362 2018-07-07T21:00:08:638Z 0/6 00.42- 0020- windtrace 71.93 A 1394.P 548. 0284 0969 2018-07-08T20:34:07:169Z 7/7 03.41- 0066- necromancer 28.33 E 1545.F 496.553.839.407.1297 0034 2727 2018-07-08T20:36:58:264Z 0/6 04.53- 0247- pure ruby 43.96 D 1973.F 684.605.519.167.710 0129 2244 2018-07-08T20:39:40:097Z 0/4 02.63- 0118- brightness darkness 66.99 A 1569.F 600.369.146.16.106 0200 1171 2018-07-08T20:42:05:339Z 0/19 02.39- 0056- my future 62.11 B 1985.F 729.527.238.30.181 0162 1598 2018-07-08T20:44:44:088Z 0/8 01.28- 0041- code elixia 33.98 D 2094.F 688.718.849.382.1412 0039 3081 2018-07-08T20:48:42:673Z 0/10 01.75- 0108- stellaria media 46.49 C 2315.F 843.629.598.233.647 0065 2490 2018-07-08T20:52:06:416Z 0/15 02.43- 0121- take on me 76.51 A 1238.P 490. 0363 0809 2018-07-08T20:54:30:513Z 18/18 00.12- 0002- dq6 勇気ある戦い 53.95 C 1569.F 570.429.258.86.309 0061 1454 2018-07-08T20:56:48:928Z 0/5 00.89- 0026- s summer campaign 46.64 C 1901.F 664.573.421.161.668 0037 2038 2018-07-08T21:00:00:240Z 0/16 03.63- 0148- fantasia 71.19 A 1895.P 730.435.110.16.101 0142 1331 2018-07-09T20:32:04:209Z 6/16 03.79- 0101- the fallen 46.29 C 1860.F 633.594.437.143.642 0072 2009 2018-07-09T20:34:36:097Z 0/18 04.08- 0164- love box 73.48 A 1089.P 418. 0322 0741 2018-07-09T20:36:41:634Z 12/12 02.16- 0032- colors 60.36 B 1515.F 535.445.230.12.90 0217 1255 2018-07-09T20:39:18:625Z 0/12 01.91- 0048- papilio xuthus 41.79 D 2184.F 805.574.653.318.1012 0086 2613 1998 030.78 2018-07-09T20:42:17:186Z 0/4 01.74+ 0091+ 54+17-27-2+24+ 0047- 2018-04-12T20:31:44:866Z teardrop island 39.75 D 1726.F 635.456.546.213.815 0077 2171 2018-07-09T20:45:44:243Z 0/9 02.28- 0099- troposphere 56.89 B 2040.F 761.518.283.127.416 0129 1793 2018-07-09T20:48:28:609Z 0/19 00.31- 0011- 卑弥呼 38.81 D 1981.F 677.627.712.249.945 0162 2552 2194 016.31 2018-07-09T20:53:08:107Z 0/9 00.12+ 0006+ 7+8-6+32-2- 0045+ 2017-12-14T03:28:46:048Z session 9 chronicles 50.17 C 2031.F 739.553.432.142.481 0159 2024 1731 016.92 2018-07-09T20:56:06:738Z 0/12 00.49+ 0020+ 51+82-24+5+24+ 0025+ 2017-12-01T21:39:11:482Z 入浴タイムズ 27.30 E 1599.F 518.563.816.415.1456 0029 2929 2018-07-09T20:59:17:275Z 0/5 00.82- 0048- gymnopedie 009 74.80 A 1716.F 690.336.87.9.60 0303 1147 2018-07-12T04:08:49:432Z 0/15 00.09- 0002- alien artifact 33.13 E 1857.F 620.617.811.455.1200 0052 2803 1469 090.81 2018-07-12T04:12:16:276Z 0/4 00.82+ 0046+ 19+8+54-15+46+ 0008+ 2018-03-15T20:36:53:288Z animation 37.62 D 2060.F 694.672.621.326.1220 0069 2738 2018-07-12T04:19:23:428Z 0/4 03.25- 0178- moon race 65.79 B 1375.F 494.387.130.5.70 0163 1045 2018-07-12T04:23:03:284Z 3/13 04.98- 0104- カジノファイヤーことみ 37.26 D 1585.F 514.557.533.196.773 0055 2127 2018-07-12T04:26:16:644Z 0/5 02.68- 0114- love's rebirth 45.42 C 2231.F 785.661.530.212.776 0078 2456 2018-07-12T04:30:05:457Z 0/4 03.85- 0189- オルタネイトβ 56.55 B 2494.F 948.598.243.213.568 0140 2205 1331 065.66 2018-07-12T04:34:19:636Z 0/1 dawn the next endeavour 54.77 C 2628.F 927.774.437.106.502 0146 2399 2018-07-12T04:40:34:220Z 0/19 07.09- 0340- m1dy dynamic 60.15 B 1653.F 601.451.239.16.182 0267 1374 1183 016.14 2018-07-12T04:43:53:675Z 0/4 01.24+ 0034+ 17+18+26-2-25+ 0059+ 2018-05-07T20:38:35:912Z justice 28.79 E 1509.F 503.503.763.431.1278 0041 2621 2018-07-12T04:46:42:723Z 0/4 05.32- 0279- hashihime 32.57 E 1556.F 519.518.777.255.845 0037 2389 2018-07-12T20:35:41:562Z 0/5 07.66- 0366- north pole 44.63 C 1846.F 634.578.572.147.485 0174 2068 2018-07-12T20:38:15:544Z 0/7 05.03- 0208- ninja is dead 29.44 E 1686.F 549.588.921.437.1302 0094 2863 2018-07-12T20:40:52:592Z 0/2 01.22- 0070- ニュークリア価値観 53.87 C 3022.F 1076.870.540.139.450 0158 2805 2018-07-12T20:45:19:543Z 0/5 01.28- 0072- no crime E A14 41.43 D 1412.F 499.414.434.204.627 0211 1704 2018-07-12T20:47:40:575Z 0/13 05.16- 0176- all is fair in rage 48.74 C 2399.F 857.685.548.195.700 0086 2461 2018-07-12T20:50:59:272Z 0/5 05.22- 0257- the least 100 sec remix 34.84 D 2530.F 859.812.1012.457.1470 0029 3631 2116 071.15 2018-07-12T20:57:03:470Z 0/4 01.29+ 0094+ 72+50-29-30+104+ 0006- 2017-01-26T20:20:31:814Z hard dance 52.52 C 2145.F 828.489.375.156.542 0121 2042 2018-07-12T21:00:18:165Z 0/6 03.82- 0156- no limit 40.55 D 1776.F 614.548.439.227.853 0070 2190 1017 115.33 2018-07-12T21:03:38:735Z 0/2 02.28+ 0100+ 39+22+52-9-14- 0010+ 2017-02-16T19:12:13:547Z xenon swinging style 52.63 C 1839.F 647.545.367.69.259 0058 1747 1050 066.38 2018-07-13T20:35:00:393Z 0/4 00.54+ 0019+ 1+17+4+9+21- 0010- 2015-02-12T19:44:15:619Z aurora shoots 2 44.82 C 1618.F 555.508.442.118.399 0088 1805 2018-07-13T20:38:25:169Z 0/4 04.96- 0179- i-ssv 34.48 D 2157.F 702.753.1002.390.1054 0104 3128 2018-07-13T20:41:39:745Z 0/3 04.30- 0269- dolls wish 41.05 D 1366.F 478.410.402.203.560 0101 1664 2018-07-13T20:43:59:465Z 0/4 00.27- 0009- mobo moga 80.31 AA 1036.P 423. 0346 0645 2018-07-13T20:45:56:377Z 13/13 01.40- 0018- 無余涅槃techno 37.56 D 1751.F 594.563.637.259.902 0185 2331 1654 040.93 2018-07-13T20:50:41:410Z 0/1 bad apple 41.01 D 2208.F 756.696.680.316.909 0076 2692 2018-07-13T20:55:36:633Z 0/6 04.44- 0239- suggestion 74.26 A 1408.P 549.310.70.6.23 0201 0948 2018-07-13T20:57:58:188Z 8/9 03.74- 0071- reminiscence 67.72 A 2339.F 900.539.181.31.163 0132 1727 2018-07-13T21:01:46:217Z 0/5 02.92- 0101-
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underabr0kensky · 6 years
a thing about things about a thing (me)
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? At one time yes, but now she’s kinda like my sister. And she’s married. 2. You talked to an ex today, correct? Yeah, it was a weird conversation. 3. Have you taken someones virginity? Nope. 4. Is trust a big issue for you? Yep. I don’t trust you. 5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? Nah, I haven’t seen her since 2015. 6. What are you excited for? Hopefully maybe possibly getting to have casual conversations with her again sometime soonishly. 7. What happened tonight? It’s not tonight yet. But nothing will happen, I’ll probably drink some bourbon and finish watching ‘Salem’s Lot. 8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? I think it’s disgusting when anyone gets really wasted if they can’t handle their shit. 9. Is confidence cute? Yeah, it’s adorable. 10. What is the last beverage you had? Baja Blast motherfucker. 11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? Like...five. 12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? Yeah, but they don’t fit anymore and I wouldn’t wear them even if they did. 13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? I’ll probably be playing drunk Pathfinder on Saturday. 14. What are you going to spend money on next? Gas, most likely. 15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? Nope. Bitch is a psycho. 16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? Yeah, and I hope my life changes too. 17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? That would probably be Hanna. 18. The last time you felt broken? Yesterday lol. 19. Have you had sex today? I haven’t had sex since 2016, fuck you. 20. Are you starting to realize anything? Yep, realizing I’m still very much in love with her. 21. Are you in a good mood? For once, yes. 22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? Hell yeah. Dogs of the sea. 23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? I’m not sure, I don’t think so. 24. What do you want right this second? To message her. 25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? I mean I know it’s happened since we’ve been broken up. So yeah it fucking sucks. 26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? Yep. 27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? Hell no. I need giggles in my life. 28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? Louis CK. 29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? God, yes. So much. 30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? Not everyone. But most people, I think. 31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? Not unless he’s being a drunk dumbass. 32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? Oh yeah, she knows. 33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? Fuck no, I drink too much soda. 34. Listening to? Don’t Fear the Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult. 35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? Sometimes, usually when we’re playing Pathfinder. 36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is? Nope, I couldn’t care less. 37. Do you believe in love at first sight? No, but I definitely believe in like at first sight. 38. Who did you last call? Uhh...Nicole I think. 39. Who was the last person you danced with? Fuck, it was probably Jess. 40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? Because I was lonely as shit. 41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? I have no idea, long ago. 42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? Nope. 43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? So many fucking times. 44. Do you tan in the nude? I don’t tan period. 45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? I mean, not really. She’s crazy, but it’s not like taking it back would change anything. 46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? Nope. 47. Who was the last person to call you? The recruiter from my new job lol. 48. Do you sing in the shower? Sometimes. 49. Do you dance in the car? All the time. 50. Ever used a bow and arrow? When I was kid. I was bad at it. 51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? Probably sometime in high school. Shit, maybe before that. 52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? No fuck you, I love musicals. 53. Is Christmas stressful? Fuck yes, especially if you work retail. 54. Ever eat a pierogi? Yeah, they’re pretty good. 55. Favorite type of fruit pie? Pumpkin. 56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Demolition derby driver and paleontologist. 57. Do you believe in ghosts? I’d like to, but I’ve seen no firsthand proof. 58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? Constantly. 59. Take a vitamin daily? Nope, but I probably should. 60. Wear slippers? Nah. 61. Wear a bath robe? Nah. 62. What do you wear to bed? T-shirt and boxers usually, sometimes just boxers, very rarely nothing. 63. First concert? Parkway Drive with Escape Plan, Every Time I Die, and Killswitch Engage. 64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? Fuck all of them, but fuck Walmart in particular. Target, I guess. 65. Nike or Adidas? I give no fucks. 66. Cheetos Or Fritos? Fritos. 67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Peanuts. 68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? Wildest Dreams. Or King of My Heart. Or maybe Teardrops on My Guitar. Idk, I love most of her music. 69. Ever take dance lessons? Not formally, no. 70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? Nope, as long as she’s happy doing whatever she wants and we can support each other. 71. Can you curl your tongue? Yep, helps when I play harmonica. 72. Ever won a spelling bee? Multiple times. 73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? That actually happened yesterday. 74. What is your favorite book? I have no idea. Maybe Bag of Bones by Stephen King. 75. Do you study better with or without music? With, but only if it’s instrumental, like a movie soundtrack or classical. 76. Regularly burn incense? I used to, I need to get back into it. 77. Ever been in love? Yes. I still am. 78. Who would you like to see in concert? Many people. Children of Bodom more than anyone. 79. What was the last concert you saw? A bunch of local bands. 95% of them were awful. 80. Hot tea or cold tea? Fuck tea. 81. Tea or coffee? Fuck both of them. 82. Favorite type of cookie? Raisin cookies bitch. 83. Can you swim well? I can swim well enough to not die if I fall into a body of water. 84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? Yep. 85. Are you patient? Depends on the situation. 86. DJ or band, at a wedding? Band. My band. Playing a death metal cover of some 50s love song. 87. Ever won a contest? Yep. Got a limo ride in kindergarten because of that. 88. Ever have plastic surgery? Fuck no. 89. Which are better black or green olives? Fuck olives. 90. Opinions on sex before marriage? Who the fuck cares what two consenting adults do as long as it’s safe? 91. Best room for a fireplace? Living room. 92. Do you want to get married? Yes, eventually.
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Global Orchestration Software in the Mega Data Center Market Size, Share, Trends, Growth, Regional Outlook and Forecast 2017 - Acute Market Reports
The 2017 module has 115 pages and 74 tables and figures.  Orchestration Software in the Mega Data Center is used to tie a fabric architecture together that fills up an entire building with 100,000 processors and 100,001 switches.  The mega data center described in the study is effective because it leverages the economies of scale.  This orchestration software infrastructure study module is part of a longer study that addresses the business issues connected with data center modernization.  There are 26 module parts to the larger study comprised of detailed analysis of how new infrastructure layers will work to support management of vast quantities of data.
Browse Full Report Visit - http://www.acutemarketreports.com/report/sea-change-series-orchestration-software
Business growth depends on technology spending.  Intelligent, automated process, not manual labor systems are what speed business growth.  We have had the situation in the data center where 93% of spending is just to keep current systems running, many of those plagued with manual input.  Mega data centers change that pattern of IT manual process.
The Internet has grown by a factor of 100 over the past 10 years. To accommodate that growth, mega data centers have evolved to provide processing at scale.  Facebook for one, has increased the corporate data center compute capacity by a factor of 1,000, virtually eliminating much manual process. Orchestration software is a key aspect of that process.  To meet future demands on the Internet over the next 10 years, companies with that capacity need to increase capacity by the same amount again while the other companies struggle to catch up.  Nobody really knows how to get to increasing compute capacity by another factor of 1,000.
Business growth depends on technology spending.  Intelligent, automated process, not manual labor systems are what speed business growth.  We have had the situation in the data center where 93% of spending is just to keep current systems running, many of those plagued with manual input.  Mega data centers change that pattern of IT manual process.
Realigning data center cost structures is a core job of orchestration software.  The enterprise data centers and many cloud infrastructure operations all have similar problems of being mired in administrative expense.  Containers address that issue by creating vastly more efficient operations for data center infrastructure.
According to Susan Eustis, lead author of the team that prepared the study, “The only way to realign cost structure is to automate infrastructure management and orchestration.   Mega data centers automate server and connectivity management using orchestration software to manage multiple application containers.  Other systems automate switching and storage, along with hypervisor, operating system, and virtual machine provisioning. “
As IT relies more on virtualization and cloud mega data center computing, the physical infrastructure is flexible and agile enough to support the virtual infrastructure.  Comprehensive infrastructure management and orchestration is essential.
Browse All Reports of This Category - http://www.acutemarketreports.com/category/ict-market
The Enterprise Data Center has become a bottleneck, it needs to be completely replaced.  Category 5 and Category 6 Ethernet cable is spread throughout the existing enterprise data centers and is too slow to handle all the digital data coming through the data center.  Cat 5 and Cat 6 Ethernet utilized by the servers to achieve data transport using that cable does not keep up with the data coming through the data center the way optical cable and optical transceivers do.
The existing servers and cable are a problem because they are too slow for modern systems.  The cable is too slow to handle all the data coming at us in the new digital age, and the associated technology that operates at Ethernet category 5 and category 6 cable speeds is too slow as well, this is why the entire set of existing enterprise data centers is a bottleneck.
Mobile data traffic is set to increase by a factor of eight between 2015 and 2020.   Growth is anticipated at 53 percent per year, faster than systems revenue or industry revenue.
The theme of this study is that the pace of data expansion creates the need for more modern means of managing data.  There are some companies that are doing a better job, better than others of adapting to IT infrastructure to the wild influx of data.
The four superstar companies that are able to leverage IT to achieve growth, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and the leader AWS all use Clos architecture.  What is significant is that systems have to hit a certain scale before Clos networks work   Clos networks are what work now for flexibility and supporting innovation in an affordable manner.  There is no dipping your toe in to try the system to see if it will work, it will not and then the IT says, “We tried that, we failed,” but what the executive needs to understand is that scale matters.  A little mega data center does not exist.  Only scale works.
Many companies are using digital technology to create market disruption.  Amazon, Uber, Google, IBM, and Microsoft represent companies using effective strategic positioning that protects the security of the data.  As entire industries shift to the digital world, once buoyant companies are threatened with disappearing.  A digital transformation represents an approach that enables organizations to drive changes in their business models and ecosystems leveraging cloud computing, and not just hyperscale systems but leveraging mega data centers.  Just as robots make work more automated, so also cloud based communications systems implement the IoT digital connectivity transformation.
WinterGreen Research is an independent research organization funded by the sale of market research studies all over the world and by the implementation of ROI models that are used to calculate the total cost of ownership of equipment, services, and software.  The company has 35 distributors worldwide, including Global Information Info Shop, Market Research.com, Research and Markets, electronics.ca, and Thompson Financial.  It conducts its business with integrity.
The increasingly global nature of science, technology and engineering is a reflection of the implementation of the globally integrated enterprise.  Customers trust wintergreen research to work alongside them to ensure the success of the participation in a particular market segment.
WinterGreen Research supports various market segment programs; provides trusted technical services to the marketing departments.  It carries out accurate market share and forecast analysis services for a range of commercial and government customers globally.  These are all vital market research support solutions requiring trust and integrity.
To Get Complete Report @ http://www.acutemarketreports.com/report/sea-change-series-orchestration-software
Sea Change Series: Orchestration Software in the Mega Data Center Sea Change Series: Orchestration Software in the Mega Data Center, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Facebook 2 Aim to Realign IT Cost Structure 3 Internet Has Grown by a Factor of 100 Over The Past 10 Years 4 Table of Contents 5 Orchestration Software Automates Data Center Infrastructure 14 Software Containers 15 Orchestration Schedulers Manage Containers 16 Orchestration Software Supports Container Automation 17 Realigning Data Center Cost Structures 18 IT Relies On Replacing Virtual Machine: VM Virtualization 19 Microservices 20 Microservices Features 21 Microservices Modules 23 Difficulties with Virtual Machines 24 Hypervisor a Difficulty 25 Virtual Machines Use Bare Metal, Containers Use Orchestration Software 27 Bare Metal an Inefficient Use of Compute Resource 28 Bare Metal Less Efficient 28 Industry Uses Robots Because Manual Labor Is Slow And Error Prone 29 IT processes Replace Manual Labor 30 Mega Data Center Orchestration Software 31 Large Fabric Network Not The Kind Of Environment That Can Be Realistically Configured And Operated In A Manual Way 32 To Automate the Data Center Fabric 33 Value of Data Center Fabric 33 Google Shift from Bare Metal To Container Controllers 34 Google Container Controller Shift From Bare Metal In A Mixed Workload And In Nested Compute Units 35 Google Kubernetes Groups Software Containers 36 Fabric Services Inside A Container 37 Architecting Microsoft Cloud 38 Microsoft Managed Clustering and Container Management: Docker and Mesos 39 Microsoft Azure Service Fabric 41 Microsoft Is Seen As The Overall Winner In The Move To Application Containers 42 Microsoft Dublin Cloud 2.0 Mega Data Center 43 Microsoft Data Center, Dublin, 550,000 Square Feet 43 Microsoft Dublin Center Operates at a Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) of 1.25. 44 Microsoft Data Center Container Area in Chicago. 44 Microsoft 45 Advantages of Using Containers 46 Orchestration Software Used to Create Containers 47
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morningmode · 9 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Model Luka Van Der Veken by Wai Lin Tse for Metal No.34 A/W 2015.
date 27.10.15 time 08:30
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