#Michael Berenbaum
urbanhermit · 9 months
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genevieveetguy · 2 years
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Marry Me, Kat Coiro (2022)
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sesiondemadrugada · 5 years
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Basquiat (Julian Schnabel, 1996).
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jewishbookworld · 3 years
Think Higher Feel Deeper: Holocaust Education in the Secondary Classroom by Mark Gudgel
Think Higher Feel Deeper: Holocaust Education in the Secondary Classroom by Mark Gudgel
Foreword: Michael Berenbaum Approaching the Holocaust in your classroom can be a difficult, often daunting task. This practical guide for English and social studies teachers features lessons learned from the author’s 17 years of experience teaching the subject in public schools, as well as his work with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Using anecdotes and empirical data, Gudgel…
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oldreadsebooks · 3 years
New History Books Out in 2021
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One of the interesting parts of reading about history is there is always another point of view or another story to tell about the same event. This means that even now in 2021, there are new history books being released, many of them available on Oldreads. Here are some of those new history books that are coming in 2021.
Timelines from Black History Leaders, Legends, Legacies By Mireille Harper
History is full of strong, independent, and courageous black people who have been the victims of violence and oppression. This book seeks to teach children those individuals, and the part they played in the progression of black rights. Among those mentioned are Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela, and Dr. Martin Luther King.
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Our Crime Was Being Jewish Hundreds of Holocaust Survivors Tell Their Stories By Anthony S. Pitch, Michael Berenbaum
Another fascinating story available on Oldreads is the treatment of the Jewish people during The Second World War. This book features 350 Holocaust survivors as they tell their accounts of the atrocities and how they survived.
Loving A Photographic History of Men in Love 1850s-1950s by Hugh Nini, Neal Treadwell
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Romantic relationships between men during the 1800s and into the 1900s was always dangerous. Many were arrested for such relationships, but there are still lots of memories from that time. This book shows moving and loving photographs taken by gay men from 1850 to 1950.
To read more books on history, why not check out the library at Oldreads.
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eretzyisrael · 4 years
Q: How does a Muslim woman become so interested in the Holocaust and end up scientifically researching it?
"I did my Masters in religious studies at Syracuse University. Almost by accident, I became a teaching assistant to Alan Berger [a veteran Holocaust researcher who was a professor in the religious studies department - RT]. In his lessons, I was exposed deeply to the Holocaust. I completed my doctorate at the University of South Africa. Michael Berenbaum, an orthodox rabbi and researcher of the Holocaust, was also one of my mentors. That's how I found myself studying Judaism, researching the many points where Judaism and Islam meet, and finding how the concept of God is so similar. My interest in the Holocaust grew and I began to understand the need for the State of Israel."
'This is the degree of humanity'
She shares with me a defining moment in her life. The summer of 2007 when she was invited to speak at a conference in Munich, after which she felt the need to visit Dachau, the death camp in Germany. "I always wanted to visit the camps," Afridi says, "and in Dachau, I felt an emptiness, everything was exposed, the white rocks were blinding. I was holding my newborn baby daughter, her crying echoed inside me, and I asked myself what were you thinking, why did you bring her to Dachau?
"I stood in the crematorium and prayer spontaneously rose inside me from the Koran (2:156) that is said when a person passes away. I wanted to give the dead the respect they deserved. The meaning of the prayer is that 'we belong to God, and to Him do we indeed return'.
"I didn't realize then how that powerful moment would define me. I didn't know exactly why I wanted to visit Dachau. Maybe as a Muslim witness, to tell of the rage over Holocaust denial in the Muslim world and to raise attention to the dangers of ignoring history. I felt a responsibility for the dead, to be a voice for them in the Muslim world. I found myself looking into my daughter's eyes, feeling that remembering these horrors is the only way to avoid this happening again to anyone. In Islam, human dignity is a right given by God to all people, as those who accept the divinity across the world, whether a person is dead or alive (as is exemplified in the Koran, such as Surah 5:31).
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ramascreen · 4 years
DARA OF JASENOVAC Interviews: Historian Dr. Michael Berenbaum and Director Predrag Antonijevic
DARA OF JASENOVAC Interviews: Historian Dr. Michael Berenbaum and Director Predrag Antonijevic
In anticipation of Serbia’s official Academy Awards submission for Best International Feature DARA OF JASENOVAC, which arrives in select theaters February 5 from 101 Studios, I recently had the opportunity to interview director Predrag “Gaga” Peter Antonijevic and historian Dr. Michael Berenbaum who is the director of the Sigi Ziering Institute at the American Jewish University, and has served as…
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mehmetrefikyucel · 4 years
1933 yılında Yahudilerin haklarının azaltılması ile adım adım başlayan felaket, sonunda Nazi hükümetinin eline geçirebildiği bütün Avrupa Yahudilerini katletmesi ile sona erdi. Bu süreç kaba şekilde üç döneme ayrılabilir:
   Yahudilerin haklarının ellerinden alınması ve yüksek görevlerden uzaklaştırılmaları.    Yahudilerin mallarının ve mülklerinin ellerinden alınması ve gettolarda yaşamaya zorlanmaları.    "Nihai çözüm", toplanıp ölüm kamplarına götürülmeleri ve orada sistemli olarak büyük kapsamlı bir şekilde Gaz odalarında ya da farklı şekillerde öldürülüp cesetlerinin yakılması.
Yahudi Soykırımı, Adolf Hitler liderliğindeki Nazi Almanyası döneminde, Heinrich Himmler'in liderliğindeki SS güçleri tarafından işgal edilen sınırlar içerisinde ~6 milyon Yahudinin (kaynaklara göre bu ölü sayısı değişir) sistemli bir şekilde öldürüldükleri soykırım.
Bazı akademisyenler, Romanların toplu katliamının ve özürlü insanların öldürülmelerinin de bu tanıma katılmaları gerektiğini savunur  ve bazı bilim insanları da Holokost tanımının, Naziler tarafından öldürülen Sovyet tutsaklar, Polonyalılar ve eşcinselleri de içermesi gerektiğini savunmuştur. Sovyetler Birliği’nin yıkılması ardından ortaya çıkan rakamlarla birlikte, yakın dönemdeki tahminler, 10-11 milyon civarında insanın Nazi rejimi tarafından öldürüldüğünü göstermektedir.
Holokost öncesinde sayıları dokuz milyonu bulunan Avrupalı Yahudilerin aşağı yukarı üçte ikisi öldürüldü.  Bir milyon üzerinde Yahudi çocuk, aşağı yukarı iki milyon Yahudi kadın ve üç milyon Yahudi erkek Holokost’ta öldürüldü. Almanya ve Almanların işgal ettiği sınırlar içerisindeki 40.000 üzerindeki bir tesis ağı, Yahudi ve diğer kurbanları; toplamak, hapsetmek ve öldürmek için kullanıldı.
Holokost'a giden süreçte şiddet ve soykırım aşama aşama gerçekleşti. Yahudilerin sivil haklarını elinden alan, en meşhuru 1935 yılındaki Nürnberg Yasaları olan, birçok yasa, Avrupa’da II. Dünya Savaşı patlak vermeden yürürlüğe girdi. Toplama kampları, mahkumların, ya bitkinlikten ya da hastalıktan ölene kadar köle gibi çalıştırılmaları için kurulmuştu. Almanya’nın her işgal ettiği yerde paramiliter grup (Almanca: Einsatzgruppen), Yahudileri ve politik muhalifleri, toplu infazlarla öldürdü.
İşgalciler, Yahudileri ve Romanları gettolara hapsedip nakliye trenleriyle ölüm kamplarına gönderilmeden önce bir arada tuttular. Yolculuk boyunca ölmeyenler ya ölene dek çalıştırıldı, ya tıbbi deneyler için kullanıldı, ya da sistematik bir şekilde gaz odalarında öldürüldü. Alman bürokrasisinin her kolu, soykırımın lojistiğine yardım etti ve Üçüncü Reich’ı, Holokost akademisyenlerinin belirttiği gibi bir Soykırım Devleti’ne dönüştürdü.
Kurumsal işbirliği
Michael Berenbaum Almanya'nın bir soykırım devleti olduğunu yazar  “Ülkenin bütün bürokratik kolları ölüm sürecinde etkili oldu. Mahalle kiliseleri ve içişleri bakanı, doğum kayıtlarını paylaşarak kimin Yahudi olduğunu paylaştı; Posta kurumu, sürgün ve vatandaşlık haklarının alınmasına dair kararları dağıttı; ekonomi bakanlığı Yahudilerin mallarına el koydu; Alman şirketleri Yahudi işçileri kovdu ve Yahudi hissedarların haklarını ellerinden aldı.”
Üniversiteler Yahudileri kabul etmedi ve hali hazırda eğitim görmekte olanlara diplomalarını vermedi ve Yahudi akademisyenleri kovdu; devlet ulaşım görevlileri, Yahudilerin kamplara gönderilmeleri için tren hazırladı; Alman ilaç şirketleri kamptaki mahkumlar üzerinde ilaçları denedi; şirketler krematoryum inşası için ihaleye girdi; IBM’in Almanya şubesi, bütün kurbanların kayıtlarını muntazam bir şekilde kayıt altına alacak sistemi kullandı. Mahkumlar ölüm kamplarına girdiklerinde kişisel eşyalarını görevlilere verdi. Bu eşyalar sınıflandırıldı ve Almanya’ya, tekrar kullanılmak ya da geri dönüşüm için gönderildi. Berenbaum, “Yahudi sorunu için son çözümün, failleri tarafından en büyük başarı” olarak görüldüğünü yazdı. Gizli bir hesapla, Alman Milli Bankası, kurbanlardan ele geçirilen varlıkları hortumladı.
Saul Friedländer, “Avrupa’da ve Almanya’da hiçbir sosyal grup, hiçbir dini cemaat, hiçbir eğitim kurumu ya da hiçbir mesleki kuruluş, Yahudilere destek vermedi” diye yazdı. Friedländer, gelişmiş ülkelerde muhalif olan büyük küçük güçlerin (kurumlar, kiliseler, sivil toplum kuruluşları, çıkar grupları, iş dünyası), Holokost döneminde Almanya’da engel olmaya çalışmamasından dolayı, Holokost’u farklı bulduğunu da yazdı.
İdeoloji ve kapsamı
Diğer soykırımlarda, sınırların ve kaynakların kontrolü gibi faydacı değerlendirmeler, soykırım politikaları için oldukça önemliydi. İsrailli tarihçi ve bilim insanı Yehuda Bauer’e göre;
Holokost’un temel motivasyonu tamamen ideolojikti. İdeolojinin temeli, Yahudilerin uluslararası bir Yahudi komplosuyla dünyayı kontrol etmeyi istediklerine inanan Nazi inancına dayanır. Nazilere göre Yahudilerin bu kontrol planları, Aryan ırkın aynı planlarına engeldi. Hiçbir soykırım bu kadar tamamıyla efsanelere, halüsinasyonlara ve soyut kavramlara dayalı değildi ve diğer soykırımlar Holokost’a nazaran daha rasyonel pragmatik yollarla yapılmıştı.
Alman tarihçi Eberhard Jäckel 1986 yılında, Holokost’un farklı özelliklerinden biri olarak şunu belirtti:
«  Daha önce hiçbir devlet, liderinin yetkisiyle, belli bir insan grubunun (kadın, çocuk ve bebekte dahil, olmak üzere) olabildiğince çabuk öldürülmesi gerektiğine karar verip ilan etmemişti ve hiçbir devlet böyle bir kararı, devlet güçlerinin bütün uygun araçlarıyla yürütülmemişti.»
Soykırım sistematik bir şekilde, Almanlar tarafından işgal edilmiş, günümüzde 35 farklı Avrupalı ülke olan sınırlar içinde yürütüldü. En kötü etkilenen coğrafya, 1939 yılında yedi milyondan fazla Yahudi nüfusuna sahip olan Orta ve Doğu Avrupa'ydı. Üç milyon Polonya’da ve bir milyon üzerinde Sovyetler Birliği'nde olmak üzere, beş milyona yakın Yahudi burada öldürüldü. Yüz binlerce Yahudi, Hollanda, Fransa, Belçika, Yugoslavya ve Yunanistan’da öldürüldü. Wannsee Protokolü, Nazilerin soykırım planlarını İngiltere, İrlanda, İsviçre, Türkiye, İsveç, Portekiz ve İspanya gibi Avrupa'daki bütün tarafsız ülkelerde gerçekleştirmek istediklerini belirtmiştir.
Üç ya da dört Yahudi büyüğe (babaanne-anneanne) sahip olan her Yahudi istisnasız bir şekilde öldürülmeliydi. Diğer soykırımlarda, insanlar ölümden din değiştirerek ya da bir şekilde asimile olarak kaçabildiler. Bu seçenek, Avrupa'daki Yahudiler için geçerli değildi Tek istisna, ataları 18 Ocak 1871 öncesinde dönmüş olan Yahudiler içindi. Diğer bütün Yahudiler, Almanya’da ve Almanya'nın işgal ettiği yerde öldürülecekti.
İmha kampları
Gaz odalarına sahip olup sistematik bir şekilde insanları öldürmeyi amaçlayan kampların olması, Holokost’un en farklı özelliklerinden biridir ve tarihte daha önce başka bir örneği olmamıştır. Daha önce kitle kitle insanları öldürmek için herhangi bir yer kullanılmamıştı. Bu tür kamplar, Auschwitz, Belzec, Chelmo, Jasenovac, Maıdanek, Maly Trostenets, Sobibor ve Treblinka’da kurulmuştur.
Tıbbi deneyler
Holokost’un belirgin özellikleri arasında, insanların tıbbi deneyler için kullanılmaları vardır. Raul Hilberg’e göre, “Alman doktorları, diğer çalışan kesime göre, daha fazla Nazileşmişti partiye üyelik açısından” ve bazıları, Auschwitz, Dachau, Buchenwald, Ravensbrück, Sachenhausen ve Natzweiler toplama kamplarında deneyler yürüttüler.
Bu doktorlar arasındaki en meşhur olan, Doktor Joseph Mengele’ydi ve Mengele Auschwitz’te çalışıyordu. Deneyleri arasında, insanları basınçlı odalarda tutmak, insanlar üzerinde ilâç denemek, onları dondurmak, çocukların gözlerine kimyasallar enjekte ederek göz renklerini değiştirmeye çalışmak, sayısız uzuv kesmek ve ameliyatlar vardır.  Çalışmalarının bütün kapsamı hiçbir zaman bilinmeyecek çünkü kamyonlar dolusu evrak Kaiser Wilhelm Enstitüsü’nde, Doktor Otmar von Verschuer tarafından yok edildi. Mengele’nin deneylerinden kurtulanlar neredeyse her zaman öldürüldü ya da parçalara ayrıldı.
Mengele genelde Roman çocuklar üzerinde çalıştı. Çocuklara, şekerler verirdi. Çocuklar Mengele’ye “Amca Mengele” derdi  Vera Alexander, Auschwitz kampında 50 set Roman ikizi çocukla ilgileniyordu: «  İkizlerin arasında özellikle Guido ve İna’yı hatırlıyorum. Her ikisi de dört yaşındaydı. Bir gün Mengele ikisini de aldı. Döndüklerinde durumları çok kötüydü. Sırtlarından birbirlerine dikilmişlerdi (Siyam ikizi gibi) Yaraları iltihap kaplamıştı ve irin akıyordu yaralarından. Sabah akşam bağırdılar. Daha sonra anneleri Stella, çektikleri acıları sona erdirmek için, bir yerden morfin bulup çocukları öldürdü.»...
YAZININ TAMAMI AŞAĞIDAKİ LİNKTEDİR https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holokost
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voicevisarchive · 4 years
#Anne Frank - Parallel
Voice/Vision had the honor of hosting Dr. Michael Berenbaum on October 14, 2018 where he presented "Holocaust Denial, Vulgarization and and Falsification." We recently found out about a documentary that Dr. Berenbaum has taken part in and wanted to share. Dr. Berenbaum … himself —historian and professor of Jewish studies is one of the historians and curators of various Holocaust memorials provide the historical background as “#AnneFrank” visits a rail car museum exhibit, or the Czech Pinkas Synagogue, where the names of all the Czech Jews murdered in the Shoah are written on the walls. The film’s purpose is not merely to tell the story of Anne Frank, as many have before, or to visualize her environment and the facts of her life, but rather to look at Anne’s generation of teenagers and open up specifically for young people the difficult questions of how such blind evil could occur, before asking how each of us will respond. This is a mirror for us all. Through Anne’s diary, survivors’ recollections and historical footage, we can feel as though we are there with Anne. The narrator declares that the glimpse into Anne’s household is like watching ourselves and imagining how we and our families would react in the same situation. Would we not become irritable, wildly rebellious and drawn into fantasies as an escape from our ‘prison’? Would we pretend, ignore mistreatment, or conform ourselves in order to keep safe and comfortable? Could we still be ‘me’ at all? Of course, looking in a mirror is not always pleasant, but it is important. If we see bad signs, we can do something to stop them from worsening. Also, in this ‘mirror’ we feel uncomfortable as we see the footage of embarrassed villagers who’ve been living alongside the German concentration camps without opposing them (for if they had, their lives would surely have been cut short). As a consequence for turning a blind eye to gross evils, the locals are forced by Allied soldiers to enter the concentration camps, view the extreme destruction and personally handle the bodies, granting them proper burial. “The moral lesson: it’s very much about those little moments… choices.”
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salixj · 4 years
Technion and Rambam Health Care Campus scientists present a novel method for testing more than 60 patients simultaneously
Researchers at Technion – Israel Institute of Technology and Rambam Health Care Campus have successfully tested a method that will dramatically increase the current COVID-19 testing capacity using existing available resources. This method, known as pooling, enables simultaneous testing of dozens of samples. Its implementation has the potential to greatly accelerate the rate of testing and detection of COVID-19 infected patients in the population. The trial was completed in a matter of days thanks to the support of the Ministry of Health and the close collaboration between Technion and Rambam.
Testing for COVID-19 is currently being conducted in Israel with the focus on people with specific symptoms. The current rate of testing – about 1,200 a day – does not allow for monitoring of asymptomatic carriers in the population, which is vital to curb the epidemic.
COVID-19 is diagnosed with PCR testing, which is common for virus monitoring. This test examines the presence of a unique genetic sequence of viruses in a sample taken from the patient. The test takes several hours thus generating a bottleneck in identifying COVID-19 infected people in Israel and around the world. According to Dr. Yuval Gefen, director of the Rambam Clinical Microbiology Laboratory, “Today, we receive approximately 200 COVID-19 test samples a day, and each sample undergoes individual examination. According to the new pooling approach we have currently tested, molecular testing can be performed on a “combined sample,” taken from 32 or 64 patients. This way we can significantly accelerate the testing rate. Only in those rare cases, where the joint sample is found to be positive, will we conduct an individual test for each of the specific samples.”
According to Professor Roy Kishony, head of the research group in the Faculty of Biology at Technion, “This is not a scientific breakthrough, but a demonstration of the effectivity of using the existing method and even the existing equipment to significantly increase the volume of samples tested per day. This is done by pooling multiple samples in a single test tube. Even when we conducted a joint examination of 64 samples in which only one was a positive carrier, the system identified that there was a positive sample. Although there are some logistical challenges in implementing the method, we expect that it will greatly increase the volume of samples tested per day so that we can identify the asymptomatic carriers. This approach should reduce the chance of infection and flatten the infection curve.”
Director of the Rambam Virology Lab, Dr. Moran Szwarcwort-Cohen estimates that, “implementing pooling in the final stage of the PCR test will make it easier for us to shorten the entire process and significantly increase the test rate.”
President of the Technion Professor Uri Sivan said: “This experiment conducted by Technion and Rambam researchers is complex, and under normal circumstances would take months. This is a remarkable example of the mobilization of an outstanding team in a time of crisis. The initial experiment was completed in less than four days. This achievement emphasizes the importance of the close relationship between Technion and Rambam and between medicine and engineering. Technion researchers have been enlisted in the war against the Coronavirus and this is one of the many activities currently underway at Technion to combat the spread of the disease.”
General Director of Rambam Health Care Campus Prof. Michael Halberthal said, “This collaboration between Technion and Rambam, for the benefit of all humanity, is just one example of many joint projects between the two institutions. These collaborations are designed to harness the multidisciplinary capabilities of Technion researchers for the advancement of medicine.”
The experiment was led at Technion by Dr. Idan Yelin, together with Noga Aharony, Einat Tamar, and Dina Berenbaum in Prof. Kishony’s laboratory together with Amir Argoetti from Professor Yael Mandel-Gutfreund’s laboratory, both labs are in the Faculty of Biology. Dr. Esti Messer, head of the Technon Biological Safety Dept, was enlisted to help set up the dedicated laboratory and accompanied the entire experiment. Prof. Kishony holds the Marilyn and Henry Taub Chair in Life Sciences. The Rambam Health Care Campus team was led by Dr. Yuval Gefen and Dr. Moran Szwarcwort-Cohen, and Prof. Michael Halberthal, Rambam General Director and CEO.
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genevieveetguy · 3 years
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I'm gonna say the one thing you aren't supposed to say. I love you... but I love me more. I've been in a relationship with myself for 49 years and that's the one I need to work on.
Sex and the City, Michael Patrick King (2008)
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jewishbookworld · 3 years
The Upstander: How Surviving the Holocaust Sparked Max Glauben's Mission to Dismantle Hate by Jori Epstein
The Upstander: How Surviving the Holocaust Sparked Max Glauben’s Mission to Dismantle Hate by Jori Epstein
Foreword: Michael Berenbaum Holocaust survivor Max Glauben is on a mission—to outlast hate, to preserve memory, and to compel the world to embrace tolerance. The stench of decay pierced the air aboard the boxcar of trapped Jews. “Why me?” fifteen-year-old Max asked himself, as a convoy rumbled from the Warsaw Ghetto to Majdanek death camp in May 1943. The Nazis had destroyed the Glauben…
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yarisjoplin · 3 years
Hay un aumento del antisemitismo en un clima que permite las expresiones de odio y estos elementos se combinan. Internet ofrece un megáfono, las redes sociales ofrecen una comunidad de miembros haters y es una parte peligrosa de este fenómeno actual.
Michael Berenbaum (Descubriendo a Ana Frank: historias paralelas)
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deadlinecom · 4 years
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nataliesnews · 4 years
demonstrations and politics  1.12.2020
For once I will give you a laugh. I lost my bus ticket so had to go into town to the train station…where they are very efficient. And while sitting there I was amused to see this and find some laughter in the lousy situation.
 And then:
  I  was as usual at the demonstration which this time was calling for the whole business with an investigation into Netanyahu’s criminal activities especially on this night about the submarines. I do not understand why though they called on  Dan Halutz to speak. You can check him out in Wikepaedia  but this is his most infamous quote when he was asked how he felt when he released a bomb on the Palestinians.   
 “No. That is not a legitimate question and it is not asked. But if you nevertheless want to know what I feel when I release a bomb, I will tell you: I feel a light bump to the plane as a result of the bomb's release. A second later it's gone, and that's all. That is what I feel.
In the same interview Halutz denounced the left-wing groups who attacked the pilots and called to have them tried for "treason"”
 So now he is for the enquiry into Netanyahu’s criminal activities…….That does not make him someone whom I personally want to feel that he is on my side or a part of the demonstrations.
This time it was really freezing though I wore three sweaters and a jacket. I also was not feeling so well but I went. The problem when these demonstrations go on is that you are “in die nood”…you need a bush. There was an area and it was dark so many ladies found a solution and one woman helped me up the terraces and when I had problems getting down simply picked me up and put me on the next level!! The younger generation.
  :And then
 If Eitan is named head of Yad Vashem I will never again go there and will not attend any of their lectures, movies, etc.  This is the reason.
 And as for ethnic cleansing this is exactly what Israel is doing in the occupied areas.
  Why would the government of Israel undermine the legacy of  Yad Vashem?  Michael Berenbaum - Forward - The proposed nomination of Effie Eitam to head  Yad Vashem would irrevocably wound Israel and the Jewish people’s memorial to  the Holocaust.So why is Mr. Eitam such an affront to the field? Because  soldiers under his command beat and killed captive Palestinian prisoners. An  IDF report wrote: “Eitam’s violent behavior became the norm [in his brigade]  and was taken as an example by those under his command.” He was reprimanded  by the IDF and denied a promotion. As a National Religious Party MK between  2003 and 2009, Mr. Eitam repeatedly called for the expulsion of the Arabs of  Judea and Samaria. In 2008, he addressed the Arab MKs in Knesset and said,  “Fellow citizens of Israel, the day will come when we will banish you from this  house.” He advocated ethnic cleansing, as did Meir Kahane, who was expelled  from the Knesset for his racism. Everyone in Holocaust Studies knows ethnic  cleansing is one of the elements of genocide outlawed by the International  Convention. (rh)
 A   headline in today’s newspaper. Good on you Australia
 Australian Jewish  Community Joins Outcry Against Plan to Name Former Far-right Politician as  Yad Vashem Head
 And for those  of you who are so gung ho about Netanyahu and his latest “peace”  maneuvers  I suggest you check up on human rights and slave trade in  Dubai. Not to speak of his support of Belarus and its government
 Major human  rights organizations have  been criticizing Belarus and its human rights situation. For most of  Lukashenko's tenure, he has been reckoned as leading one of the most  repressive regimes in the world. And  Netanyahu supports him. So at least know  whom you are supporting.
 Just came in  from a demonstration at which someone from a car shouted at us “DIE. Amen”  and water was thrown at us from a passing care. At least we hope it was  water…..and these are the people who support Netanyahu.
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saloaizenberg · 4 years
Salo Aizenberg, Hatemail
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