#Michael clifford fan fic
bartxnhood · 9 months
lover of mine | m.g.c
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michael clifford x reader
summary: after a long day, you just want to be wrapped in his arms.
warnings: none !
wc: 532
requests open
not proofread
Copyright © 2023 bartxnhood. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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michael opens the door to your shared home, he slips his shoes off and drops his keys on the table next to the door. “babe?” he calls out as he walks through the empty house.
usually, you’re in the kitchen or on the sofa binging a new tv show you found, and inevitably get michael hooked on it as well.
but it was dark and quiet with you nowhere to be seen.
he walks through the house, peeking his head in a few rooms as he heads upstairs. just to see if you were maybe in the bathroom or laundry room, but still no sign of you.
as he opens the bedroom door he is met with your figure curled up underneath the duvet with southy and moose at your feet. he sees how your chest is rising and falling steadily so, he assumes you are asleep.
michael walks to his side of the bed, taking everything out of his pockets and resting them on the bedside table, he gingerly raises the duvet and lets himself under.
“mike?” you hum feeling his side of the bed dip. you hear him shuffling on his side thinking he was getting comfortable.
“i’m home..” he says softly, you hear the rasp in his voice and know he was tired. “mm” you sing finding his body heat and curling up by his side. “missed you” you say into the fabric of his shirt.
he pulls you close to his side, wrapping his arms around your figure. you feel his hand come to your back and he draws shapes, “you okay?” he asks, but you only hum in return and then fall silent for a bit.
“bad day, work was rough. i just..don’t know” you sigh. you weren’t good with your words, you could never explain how you felt so oftentimes you’d just keep everything bottled up. “it’s okay..” michael could feel your frustrations and then tension in the air, he was always a good listener but more importantly he could understand your emotions without you even uttering one word.
“im just so burnt out. needed a break” you add. michael is still rubbing your back, then he presses a kiss in your hair. “we all need a break here and there” he reassures, offering some comfort. “mm” you reply.
for a while the both of you fall quiet, listening teach others and breathing with your eyes closed. you never had to say anything sometimes, just being wrapped in each other's arms was enough.
“how was the studio?” you ask, wanting some insight on his day. “good” he answers, but you hear his tired he sounds. he was probably drifting off. “we finished mixing the album, so it won’t be much longer till it’s completed.” you smile, knowing how hard they had been working on this album and how much it meant.
“had i known that i would’ve made dinner to celebrate” you chuckle quietly. “nah” he replies, “this is enough. just having you in my arms is enough for me..” he adds, then proceeds to squeeze you as you laugh.
“i love you, y/n” he says, kissing you softly. “i love you too, michael.”
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fangirlinsince1998 · 2 years
Rooftop escape
Hi guys. I literally have not written in about 2 years but had this weird as fantasy in the middle of class today (yes blame me and call a girl out) it is PURE FILTH of Ashton. So enjoy. 4.1K
I was dragging my feet towards my favourite rooftop bar. The last week had been upright hell; nothing could describe it better. I had picked a fight with my best friend over something that was so irrelevant (and now far too stubborn to make up) and had been broken up with by my situationship. I know, situationship, but this had been going on for about 7 months, so maybe I was absolutely off better without someone who wouldn’t even claim me as their own.
           Not to throw a pity party but that is why my feet were dragging towards the hotel’s luxurious rooftop bar. I deserved it. I deserved to sit just for one night to wallow in my own feelings whilst drinking a pint of my favourite beer and stare over the city.
The elevator chimed as we reached the 17th floor. There was a chill in the air but the October evening was beautiful and autumnal. Not a lot of people were situated on the roof but the waiter greeted me with a friendly smile and showed me to a table in the far corner. I thanked him briefly and sat down, grabbing my book and ordering a nice IPA. I know, who even am I, sitting with a book, in a bar by herself, but I needed this time right now, to not think about anything that was going on, and since it wasn’t busy at the bar I felt less watched and judged. The whole ‘you shouldn’t care what people think’ attitude had gotten on my last nerve, because I do care, I do care what people think of me and I will absolutely feel judged and called out.
           The waiter came over with the beer as I flipped a page: “just let me know if you need anything else, I’ll be right over there” he pointed by the entrance to the hotel. I nodded with a smile “thank you very much” as my eyes drifted back to the book. As I was sipping the beer I kept reading over the same sentences again and again without taking in what the words were saying. I sighed and put the book down, stole a few glances around, the bar had gotten a bit more crowded as the darkness was falling. I pulled out my tobacco and started rolling a cigarette as my phone chimed:
           I think we need to talk
That was all it said. The sender being the guy that had not even had the guts to ask me out properly. I sighed again and rubbed my eyes.
           There is nothing to talk about
I typed out and hit send before I could even overthink it. I deserved better, and I had finally realised that. It did take a breakup and a week of crying but deep down I knew that this was for the better. I rested my head in my hands for a few seconds before grabbing my lighter and lighting my cigarette. The smoke filling my lungs as my phone vibrated again, I rolled my eyes and looked down
           I know I made the call, but I regret now, I miss you
Obviously, he misses me, it’s a Friday night at 9pm, it is probably because he doesn’t want to go out or open up tinder to find another person to hook up with. I blew a puff of smoke out as I locked the phone again, not even taking the energy to respond to the message. Who does that. My heart ached at the thought, who just breaks up with someone just like that, and then a week later comes to terms with that that wasn’t what they wanted. Unreal.
           “Can I buy you a refill, you look like you need it” a voice chimed in with a small hint of a smile in the tone. I looked up as I took another drag of my cigarette, staring at the not even just handsome, but beautiful man in front of me: “Is it that obvious that I need one?” I chimed back. He chuckled softly brushing his curls out of his face, “is it rude if I say yes?” I smiled at the response, humour, “well kind of but you are also absolutely right”. He stood still watching me for a second as I took another drag of the cigarette, almost finishing it off, “wanna talk about it?” I looked at him, “you know, I normally don’t do myself in spilling my guts to strangers”, my defences where kicking in a little but I was also intrigued by the sheer boldness of the handsome man.
           “Well what about spilling your guts to a friend?” he reached his hand out, as if we had meant to be meeting, “Ashton”, I smiled as I took his hand. His hand being almost the double of mine, his fingertips feeling rough against my palm as he slid his hand into mine, “you know, that doesn’t sound too bad” I smiled, “Y/N”. His face broke into a grin as he retreated his hand and turned around, “ill grab you that drink”.
Here we were 3 hours later, had chatted through literally every single topic in the world. He had heard the story about my ex-situation and my best friend, and probably every single scenario that had caused hurt in the last 2 years of my life, whilst he had shared his insecurities about his lifestyle as a musician, being sober and ex-partners. I was on my 4th pint as he rolled up a joint for himself. He held it towards me “want a puff?” I giggled, heat rising to my cheeks, “no I don’t really smoke, it makes me super anxious”, he grinned, “well pick your poison I guess”, I held my glass up, “cheers to that”.
           Under the table his legs extended and brushed against mine, a small sigh left my lips as I dwelled on the innocent move. His eyes locked with mine, staring me down, as if he was staring deep into my soul. His leg brushing up against mine again. This time it had to be on purpose. He took a long drag from is joint. I don’t know if it was the few drinks that gave me the courage, but the words left my mouth before I could even stop them: “You do this often?” he raised an eyebrow as he exhaled the smoke in my direction, “what do you mean,” “I mean come to the rooftop bars of hotels, use your rockstar charm to get to know girls, making it seem all innocent,” “You think I have rockstar charm?” I rolled my eyes “that was absolutely not what I needed you to focus on in that question,” he chuckled and hummed, the sound going straight to my brain and core. His foot hooked behind my leg and pulled it closer to him. My breathing stopped for just a split second before he continued:
           “No Y/N, I don’t do this often,” he leaned back as he finished his joint, “so what makes this time different,” I held my breath, not wanting to push him too far, “who would I be to pass on a pretty face like yours when you’re sitting here by yourself” my cheeks started to heat up as I kept eye contact with him, “I have a pretty face?” it was his turn to roll his eyes, “that is what you focused on in that sentence,” I leaned in on my elbows closer to him, “yes that is what I will focus on”, he copied my movements and moved in closer to me, his chin resting on his palms, the tension in the air filling with electricity as his other leg hooked behind my other under the table,
           “yes baby, you have a fucking pretty face, and you don’t need me to tell you that,” I could feel his eyes going from my eyes to my lips and back up again. His tongue poked out as he licked his lips. My eyes following his every move. “So do you,” I blurted out, “I have a pretty face?” his voice low, I leaned in a little closer and whispered “you don’t even know” from here I could see every freckle on his face and every little frown line he had as he was staring me down. His face inching closer to mine, and for just a second I thought he was going to kiss me there and then. But he pulled back, breaking the connection just a little bit as he cleared his throat, “this is really going to sound like I do this often, but I do have a hotel room in the hotel if you want to relocate, it is getting quite chilly,” a small giggle left my lips, “quite chilly” I murmured, we both knew that was absolute bs but I took it, “yeah babe, that sounds like a plan,” a look of relief washed over his face as he pushed himself away from the table and stood up waiting for me.
I packed my book back into my bag and grabbed my phone heading towards him. His eyes locked with mine, and just for a second the whole world disappeared around us. In that moment, it was only us. A feeling I hadn’t felt in a while, but maybe it was just the alcohol speaking and the fact that the tall handsome man was walking next to me. He glanced down at me as he pressed the elevator button. Few seconds passed and the doors opened smoothly. We got in on opposite sides, as he pressed the button 10.
           I couldn’t for the life of me figure out if the tension in the air was awkward or if it was the sexual frustration of two adults not knowing what we were getting ourselves into. I gazed over at him and met his eyes instantly. His eyes locked straight into mine as he had already been staring.
           “Fuck it,” he whispered as he crossed the elevator in a big stride and pushed me up against the wall as his lips crashed against mine. For just a split second I was flabbergasted, not too sure what was going on, but it was only that one second it took before my hands grasped at his roots as I opened my mouth to deepen the kiss. He broke away for a moment to catch his breath before leaning back in, this time taking his time. His lips moulded into mine as he sucked onto my bottom left. A soft whine escaped my lips as he pushed he harder into the wall behind me. His body firm and big against mine. I opened my mouth further as his tongue slowly slipped into my mouth, timid and exploring; taking his time as he deepened the kiss. The ding of the elevator got us pushing each other away and taking deep frantic breaths.
           He looked at me and started laughing softly, “I’m sorry,” he paused “I just couldn’t help myself,” I looked him dead in the eye as I responded “good,” “good” he said back is he grabbed for my hand and dragged me out the open doors towards one of the room doors.
As soon as the key card opened the door he was on me again. My centre pulsating at the mere thought of this stunning man claiming his mouth on mine. He slammed shut the door as he unbuttoned my jacket I was wearing, throwing it down behind him carelessly and pushing me against the wall. His hands groping for my wrists finally finding them and guiding the above my head, “I know we haven’t talked this through” he whispered in my ear, goosebumps erupting all over my body, “and I need you to tell me if anything is not working for you,” I swallowed “but all I can think about is how badly I need to fuck you,” not sure to even test the waters on what this man was into I just spoke my mind, “I need you to do that, hard and rough, can you do that for me baby,” I moaned back as his lips latched onto my neck.
           He paused for just a second which made me think I had said something wrong, or that he wasn’t into rough sex, but then I could physically feel his lips curving up in a smile, “oh look at who is being a good girl, are you sure you can handle that,” I had to squeeze my thighs together as the words good girl reached my ears, “why don’t you see for yourself Ashton, and I’ll show you what a good girl I can be,” as the words left my mouth he moaned out loud. I don’t think I have every heard anything quite as attractive before, but he didn’t even give me time to dwell upon it before his lips were back on mine, his tongue invading my mouth deliciously. I moaned in response, trying to get my hands away from his grasp to touch him.
He shook his head as he released my hands that instantly fell to his jacket and started unzipping it. I dropped to the floor, just as the same time he did. Down on his knees, my hands now in his hair as I looked at him in anticipation. I tucked on the roots as he let out a growl, before dragging his large hands from my ankles, up my thighs and under my skirt. He pulled at the nylon tights I was wearing and tore them down my legs in a swift motion. His breath was fanning over my core, I could feel it even through the layer of my skirt and my cotton thong I was wearing. I closed my eyes briefly, but opened them quickly as his palms spread out over my thighs, the tips of his fingers lingering at the hem of my thong.
“Eyes on me,” he commanded, I gulped, as I my eyes found his again, pupils fully blown as he lifted my skirt and scrunched it in his hands, making our eye contact last. His face leaned in closer as his poked out his tongue and licked a strip from my clothed core to my clit. Even through the fabric of my panties and obscene moan left my lips. His nose nudged my clit as he went in one more time, dampening my underwear even more than it already was. I pulled at his hair, and his hum in response made my knees buckle and my eyes shut.
“Didn’t I say eyes on me,” he spoke harshly, clearly watching my every move, “yes” I breathed out. He pulled his face away from my still clothed core “I thought you were going to be a good girl for me,” I swallowed harshly, “I am,” I breathed out, fully knowing this was not the response he wanted from me.
           “I don’t think you are,” he got to his feet swiftly, towering over me pushing me towards the desk, bumping me into it harshly. I let out a gasp, his hands let go of my skirt and travelled up my body, dragging my top off and throwing it on the floor with the other discarded items. His hands cupping my breasts before on travelled up to my mouth, tracing my lips before gently pushing the digits in. I moaned as I took the invitation and sucked his thumb into my mouth with pleasure and for just a second his eyes glazed over as I worked my tongue over his fingers sucking it harshly, imagining what I’d rather have in my mouth instead. His other hand travelling up the valley of my breast towards my neck.
           We both knew this was unspoken territory and he was testing the waters, and as my eyes darkened as his big hand wrapped around my neck he smiled, “you are full of surprises” he exhaled as I let go off his finger to let out a strangled breath whilst he put more pressure on my throat. “Look at you,” he whispered as he dragged is finger down my breasts and over my hardened nipples. He spun me around harshly, making me face the mirror behind us “no literally, look at you,”
I made eye contact with myself in the mirror, as his hand around my throat lifted me towards him, his front pressing against my back, as he got closed and slowly bit down on my earlobe. His breath fanning across the side of my face made me moan again, the tension in the air was unbearable. I needed him now. Right now. My eyes took him in behind me, his large frame draped over mine, his hand squeezing my throat harder as for just a second my breath stopped. Every single cell in my body was tingling waiting for his next move.
           “You’re looking so fucking pretty for me, all desperate,” he sighed as he rutted against me. I could feel his hard on press against my back side, “are you gonna do something about it, or does a girl have to do everything by herself” I shot back. He pulled me closer to him as his hips started grinding into me harder. “Watch your mouth,” He responded, “or else?” I shot back, “be a good boy for me and fuck me,”.
           Even to that he had no come back as his hands left my body for a split second to unbuckle his belt and pull down his pants. His fingers hooked in my thong pulling it to the side. I was watching him through the mirror as he stared down at my heat, probably at this point drenching me so badly it could probably be seen smeared on the insides of my thighs. “What has gotten you this wet baby,” his eyes locked with mine through the mirror, and just as I was about to respond, he dragged his fingers down my slick folds.
           I moaned out loud, not being able to stop myself, his eyes never leaving my face, “you.” I breathed out. “You have gotten me this wet, since the moment you sat down at that stupid table”. He chuckled clearly happy with the response. Bringing his fingers to his mouth, sucking the two digits in, he hummed in response, my eyes glued to his every move, “tasting even better than I imagined,”
“You know what, I think I’d feel even better than you’d imagined too,” he tutted, “getting impatient are we now,” his tip slowly dragging through my folds, and just before I could respond he pressed his tip in. My head fell down hanging on my shoulders as I moaned out. I had always been vocal but the noises this man was hearing was far more than I normally let out. I just couldn’t help it, he lit every single part of my body on fire, making me more alert than ever.
           “yes just like that baby,” I whispered as I lifted my head back up to look at him, His eyes staring down at were our bodies were connected. He pushed in further, my heat clenching around him harder than ever, burning but in the most delicious way. “Yes you’re taking me so well,” he breathed out, as he also bottomed out. To say I was so wet I was dripping down my thighs was an understatement, making his entrance smooth.
           “Look at me while I fuck you” he moaned out as he pulled out and slammed back in. I sighed in relief as he started pounding into me. My boobs moving back and forth harshly before his one hand grabbing me under them pulling me flush against him. “I fucking love this” he moaned as he through the mirror was eyeing my nipple piercing adorning my right breast. Our eyes met in the mirror as his other hand grabbed my hair pulling it harshly to get me closer to him, if even physically possible. I swore under my breath as a stream of profanities and praises “yes Ash, just like that, don’t stop” and obviously feeding into my praises to the fullest he moaned out louder “you feel fucking incredible,” as he sped up, thrusting into me harder.
           The vein on the underside of his cock rubbing against my walls so harshly I wasn’t even sure how long I’d last. His hand from my breast apparently read my mind as it snaked its way down my stomach as he toyed with my clot, “yes, cum for me,” he let out a strangled breath, “I can feel you are close,” I moaned at the pure attention he was giving to me, eating it up and for a brief second just thinking, man I really deserved someone like this always, someone who pays attention and makes it happen. But before the stream of thought could continue he head fell against my shoulder has he pounded into me, my knees turning into jelly as he bit down on my neck. I moaned louder, “fuck,” I gasped out as he latched his tongue over his bite mark. His lips afterwards connecting further with my neck, sucking and biting down as his rhythm was slowing down.
           “Ashton,” I moaned out, his eyes shotting up meeting mine in the mirror, “I’m so close,” I whispered, and as if he just fully understood “what do you need from me,” he panted in between thrusts. “Your hands,” I whispered as my core was tightening, “what about them baby, tell me where you need them,” even in this moment his teasing didn’t stop.
           “Around my neck,” he hummed clearly waiting for me to beg, and I gladly did at this point, “please choke, me, please I need your hands on my throat,” he smiled as he picked up his thrusts going into me harder, his front slapping into my ass hardly clearly chasing his own high.
His hands settled on my neck, as just as he intensified the pressure of them on me, I came. And I came hard, moans and fucks leaving my mouth as he was fucking me through the orgasm. Even as my vision started to clear up again, his hand still squeezing my neck, I reached up behind me, and grabbed his hair, pulling harshly, my lips catching his in an awkward open mouthed kiss just needing him closer, needing to taste him.
           His forehead hit mine as our sweaty skin connected, “come on baby, cum for me” I whispered as he pounded into me further. “Be a good boy,” I continued and apparently that was all he needed as well, he pulled out swiftly and spilled his hot cum on my backside as the most delicious moans were leaving his lips.
           I stared at him transfixed by his beauty has his eyes were wired shut as he came down from his high. His body collapsing over mine in an instant. His breath fanning against the side of my face as our breathing synchronized of us both coming down from our highs.
He lifted his head to look at me, a grin spreading all over his face as he blew a strand of curly hair away from his forehead, as he pealed himself away from me. I sighed at the loss of his body against mine but was quickly turned around. He was facing me his hands cupping my cheeks, as bent down and planted a slow and steady kiss on my mouth, lingering on the feeling.
           “You are fucking incredible, do you know that” I smiled as I kissed him again, opening my mouth and let his tongue explore mine. Not rushing through it this time, taking our time, exploring each other with more care. My heart swelled at the act. “Let’s get you cleaned up,” he sighed, sounding almost as sad as I felt about not kissing him anymore. Something in me was aching, “and then let’s go to bed” he continued reading my thoughts once again; as if he felt the sadness of the hook-up being over and separating our ways. I smiled gently as I cupped his face, and kissed him slowly, “that sounds wonderful,”
To be continued…..
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plushyluke · 10 months
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i 🩷 ashton
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lovermine · 2 years
promising forever, clifford
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desc: michael’s been sure she’s the love of his life for long enough, it was time for him to make the next big move when it came to promising forever
warnings for: a whole lot of tooth rotting fluff
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michael feels bad for those unlucky enough to have not befriended her, or those that had lost her company in the past. because to those who don’t know her had never felt her grace. the kindness she showed to the people she encountered. she helped when she could, whether it was random chores around a house that she doesn’t even live in, or a shoulder to cry on when you had nobody else. every minute michael had come to know her he had fallen more in love. with the emotions inside of her, the moments where he could laugh with her over a great day, or the days where he held her after life had dealt a shit hand. and he fell in love with every inch of her skin, explored under moonlight nights with soft touches and whispers of love.
to michael, she was the blood pumping through his veins, the strength in his bones when he had his own shit hand. when he was missing home on tour and she would fall asleep on call with him, send him videos throughout the day recounting what she was doing so just for a minute, it felt like he was there with her. when nothing was going right in the studio and her fingers danced across his skin in all the right places to help him decompress. and she was the constant by his side throughout the good too, when their new single hit number one and she had run into his office to congratulate him the minute they found out, when they had bought their first house together and insisted they christen every room in the house with large smiles and promises of forever.
it was those promises that had brought him to this moment, when the assurances of their always were as strong as ever. his fingers play with the small black box in the pocket of his jacket, foot tapping along to the music playing over the speaker as he awaits her to come home from her night out with friends. she had insisted on coming home early, despite him telling her that he didn’t mind spending the night alone if she wanted to truly let loose. but she had never felt more free unless she was with him, she said. and he knew tonight was the night.
he hears her keys jingling on the other side of the door from his spot in the living room, casting a quick glance to the area he had set up in the garden over the past few hours before making his way to the hallway where he could greet her as she came in,“mikey!” her smile widens as soon as she meets his eyes, dropping her keys onto the small table by the door she could wrap her arms around him.
“hey, sweetheart.” he mumbles into the material of her dress as he rests his head against her shoulder, the dark green fabric reminding him of the time she had worn it out when the band had been celebrating another success. he can smell her perfume as he holds her close, ignoring the small voice inside of him that tried to tell him it could be the last time. she loved him, he knew that. but the weight of the box in his pocket still sent his nerves sky-rocketing. “how was your night?”
“was fun, i missed you though.” he pulls back to admire her face, every feature having being studied extensively by him through their relationship, yet her beauty still managing to catch him off guard every time his eyes meet hers.
“i missed you too.” he mutters with a sigh, as if finally having her with him takes a load of weight of his shoulders. it definitely felt like it did, she had a special way of making him feel like all his problems melted away. he finally presses a kiss to her lips for the first time since she walked through the door, hand on her hip squeezing slightly before he pulls away to slot her hand into his. “i have something to show you.”
“oh god, what did you do?” she giggles as he leads her down the hallway,
“you’ll love it, hopefully.” her eyes widen in surprise when they step into the living room, gaze landing on the set up in the garden they can see through the sliding doors. there are candles set up everywhere, on the patio chairs, the floor, the tables and along the fence. they glow into the night and from afar, they almost look like resting fireflies.
“michael?” she questions as he leads her into the middle of all the candles, standing in front of her with a nervous smile on his face.
“i uh..” he cuts off whatever questions she was about to ask, rubbing his palms on his jeans. the nerves that he felt in the hallway seem to be slipping away as he starts thinking about what to say, knowing that whatever he said was coming straight from his heart, that his statement of profound love was the easiest thing he could ever think about because it was all he did. he’s convinced it’s his life purpose to love the woman in front of him. “i’m not sure a lifetime is long enough to truly show you how much i love you, you’re my inspiration, my motivation, and i want to spend the rest of my life with you because i can’t imagine a day without hearing your voice, or thinking about when i’m going to be able to hold you next.” he takes her hands in his, flicking his eyes between hers that are looking at him with the most sincere amount of admiration that he thinks he could ever recieve and the way her fingers are tracing over his tattoos on his hands, probably being able to sense his nerves. “i’ve found myself thinking a lot lately about what’s next for us, because everyday with you feels like another step in the right direction. i want us to have the life that we’ve spent countless sleepless nights talking about, having our own family one day and experiencing every new adventure life will bring us.” michael lets out a deep breath he had been holding as he moves to get down on one knee, her free hands now moving up towards her face that is contorted into a mix of recognition and surprise. a quiet giggle leaves her lips as she realises what is happening, heart beating so loudly in her chest that she’s scared it’s going to drown out his words. “i love you so much it gets overwhelming in the best way possible, and it’s the only thing i ever want to feel, so will you marry me?”
“there is no doubt in my mind that we are forever, michael.” she places her hands on his wrists to gesture him to stand up, “of course i’ll marry you!” her voice almost cracks with tears as he takes her in his arms, both of them laughing with the highest feeling of glee that they had ever felt before. every moment in their lives, the ones before they had even met, had been a rollercoaster edging it’s way to the top just before the long drop, and this moment was the feeling of exhilaration crashing down onto them.
“i love you so much.” michael mutters, taking her face in his hands so he can press kisses to every inch of her face.
“i love you, and our family.” she whispers into the night, inching her face closer to his as she kisses him once again. she watches as his eyes flash with confusion for a moment when they pull away, processing her words.
“our family?”
“i was gonna wait to tell you..set up a whole thing.” she laughs at the idea now, knowing that no moment would have been more perfect than now, when they had confessed their desire to be bound in marriage beside candlelight under the sky of their shared home. neither of them are fans of the large romantic gestures, or at least the ones in public, confessing their love for one another was something they preferred to be theirs alone. “but i found out yesterday, michael, i’m pregnant.”
“oh my god,” a smile takes over his face and even though she had never feared his reaction, it brings her a sense of relaxation now that he finally knows. there was no explicit trying for a baby, but they both knew that they had been getting sloppy when it came to protection and when neither of them questioned it, it was almost like a silent agreement that they were ready for that step. maybe it was the same feeling he felt when he was getting ready to propose, knowing that they were absolutely ready for the large commitments because they were ones they never dreamt of experiencing with anyone else. “we’re having a baby!”
“we’re starting a family, mikey.” her pointer finger caresses the stubble on his cheek as she holds his face between her palms, admiring the wide smile and all his features that she wishes their child would inherit.
“i love you, both of you, with absolutely everything i have.” michaels voice drops to a whisper as he mutters into the night, as if the words are meant for her and her only. because they are, for her and the unborn child. the woman in front of him filling his heart with so much love it was almost painful, but it was a pain he never wanted to go away.
“we love you too.”
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vai's thoughts: i absolutely love how this started but i kind of hate the ending, but michael is my baba and i need someone to be in love with me the way he’s in love with his girl in this fic. enjoy <3
© lovermine | all rights reserved. please do not repost any of my work as your own or share on other platforms thnx <3
link to taglist form <3 : @nimrats @arakuki
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calumance · 1 year
we’ve already established how logan doesn’t get much attention because he’s a middle child, so how about he gets suspended or something for fighting a kid who was picking on him and they all get into a blowout fight at home and logan says something like “you never cared before so i don’t see why it’s a big deal” or whatever you think is best and it kinda shocks cal into realizing like yeah i really haven’t been super present with him and then you can take it from there
Teenage angst is my absolute favorite thing. Especially when it comes to my little Logan. Enjoy!!
            Calum had been working in the studio when his wife busted through the door, surprising the absolute shit out of him. Quickly, he took off his headphones and questioned her silently. “Logan got suspended.”
            “I’m sorry?” Did he hear that correctly? It was only three weeks into the school year. It was the first year that Logan and Aiden were not in the same school. Aiden had graduated in May and was preparing to move up state for college. “He got, what?”
            “Suspended, we have to go pick him up.” Calum was still in shock, she was moving, but he wasn’t, “Now, Calum.” She said sternly, bringing him out of his thoughts.
            They didn’t talk their entire way to the school, or while they walked into the school, or while they were directed into the office where they found Logan sitting. Logan was sitting with his arms crossed against his chest, and he was looking away from his parents. The principle gestured for them to take a seat, and they obliged.
            “Thank you for coming on such short notice, Logan is being suspended for a week due to fighting with another student, but do not fret, both students have been suspended.” The principle laced his fingers together over his desk and smiled a closed lipped smile.
            That was absolutely the least of their concerns, fighting? Fighting about what? “I’m sorry, there was a fight? Like physical?” She asked while looking at Logan who continued to ignore both of his parents.
            The principle nodded, “Yes ma’am, it seems Logan got into a little bit of a tussle with another student today at lunch causing quite a stir in the lunch room. No one was hurt, but it caused quite the disruption so I think it is best to suspend both of them so they can calm down for a bit.” That’s where the conversation died. It was a silent agreement to keep Logan at home until next week.
            It was a silent drive home, it was almost eerie, that was until Calum decided to speak up when they got home. “Logan, what happened? Tell us your side of the story so we can understand.” That was the best thing he could’ve said. Could he have said it a bit softer, maybe, but he was confused and angry, so it came out harsher than intended.
            Logan tossed his backpack onto the floor and shrugged, “Didn’t the principle already cover that?” His back continued to be towards his parents.
            Calum looked at his wife for support, “Logan, we’re not mad, we’re just trying to figure out what’s going on, you’ve never acted like this, you’ve never gotten into trouble, so why now?” She took a step forward, reaching a hand out to her son.
            Logan spinning like a flash of lightning caused her to recoil, “You guys never cared before this, why should this be any different?” Again, he turned, but in the other direction and ran up the stairs to his room. Both Calum and his wife flinched when the door slammed shut.
            Hours passed, it had been almost silent in the house, aside from the occasional ‘what do you think happened?’ usually followed by a shrug from the other person. After another few moments of silence passed, they locked eyes and with a silent agreement, they made their way up the stairs towards to closed door.
            Silently, they argued over who was going to knock, Calum ended up being the one to knock after his wife pushed him into the door. He grimaced at her as he knocked a few more times after his noisy first announcement. There was a quiet voice on the other side of the door inviting both of them into the room.
            When they made it inside, Logan was slumped in his chair, a video game chaotically playing on the TV in front of him. Calum looked back at his wife and she nudged him forward and his cleared his throat before approaching his son. “Can you please tell us what happened today? Your mom and I are worried about you.”
            Logan scoffed and without tearing his eyes off the TV in front of him answered, “Why would you be worried? You’re barely home, it’s been like that since I was a kid.”
            It was at that moment that Calum and his wife looked at each other like they completely understood everything that was happening. Calum grabbed another chair and sat next to his son, “Aiden told us a few years ago that there were kids picking on you, were these same kids the ones that caused todays fight?” Logan aggressively pressed the buttons on his controller and Calum took that as a ‘yes.’ Calum sighed, he knew exactly what was happening. “Aiden wasn’t there to protect you, I’ve never been there to protect you, you think that no one cares about you.”
            Logan’s face visually dropped for a split second before he intently went back to his video game. Calum stood up and grabbed his wife’s shoulders, “Go downstairs, I’ve got this.” His kissed her cheek and shooed her away before turning back to Logan. Logan’s eyes darted towards his dads before he pretended that all of his attention was on the video game. “Do you remember the weekend Aiden went on the trip with your mom for school? It was before Bailey was born, before we even knew Bailey was going to happen.”
            Logan looked at Calum and pulled his eyebrows together, “Yeah, what about it?”
            Honestly, Calum couldn’t believe he remembered, it was nearly a decade ago, but at the same time, if Logan was dealing with Calum being gone then, then he’s still dealing with it now. “You felt the same way back then as you do now, and you were 5.” Logan paused long enough for his character to die in the game. Calum smirked before taking a seat next to him again. “You asked me then why I couldn’t stay home, and I told you that to take care of you and mama and Aiden, I had to be gone for work, do you still understand that?” Logan’s swallowed and Calum continued, “I know that being the middle child isn’t easy, it makes you feel like no one cares about you because suddenly everyone’s attention is on the baby, or whatever else, but, Logan, we still love you.” Again, his character in the game died. “I’m sorry it’s been rough without Aiden, maybe your mom and I can get you transferred to a different school.”
            “No,” Logan’s protest startled Calum, his head snapping towards his son, “I mean, it wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen. I am still getting picked on, I didn’t think you guys knew about it, you never made a big deal out of it.” Logan slunked back into his chair.
            “Logan, we never made a big deal out of it because Aiden told us he had control over it. It’s our faults for assuming that this year would be different. What can we do to help?” Calum rung his hand together and looked at Logan who was already shaking his head.
            It took a few seconds after he stopped shaking his head to form his thoughts, “These kids at my school make fun of me for having a dad who travels for a living, they tell me I basically don’t have a dad since you’re never here,” Calum’s heart sunk, “And I know that’s not true, because I know how you take the time to call me or FaceTime me, or take a red eye flight to be here for my band concert, or whatever, but all these…” he paused, “…Fucktards…” he looked at Calum apologetically, but Calum allowed it, “…see, is that you’re not always here.” Logan took a breath, “What happened today was one kid went as far to say that mom was cheating on you because who could be left alone that long, but I see what mom does without you, she cooks us dinner, she wakes us up in the morning, she makes us breakfast and lunch and then goes to work. She works her ass off, dad, and I just couldn’t listen to some kid who knows absolutely nothing about us talk that badly about my mom, and you too!” Logan was getting passionate at this point, sitting forward and dropping the controller to his gaming console on the ground, “I didn’t mean to hit him, it just happened!”
            It was hard, but Calum controlled his laughter as he pulled Logan in for the tightest hug he could’ve given the kid. “You’re not in trouble, you did the right thing, you stood up for your mom and that’s all that matters.” Logan nodded into Calum’s shoulder, “Why don’t you go downstairs and give your mom a hug and tell her you love and appreciate her?” There was little to no hesitation before Logan stood up and made his way out of the room. Calum sat back and ran his hands through his hair, proud of his son, and the kid he was becoming. 
taglist: @talkfastromance4
Let me know if you would like to be added to my tag list!
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ughhhkat · 9 months
- HIII :')
im moving to my new account, ughkat. ill be deleting my stories from this blog, and moving them to the one linked. if you enjoy my work, thats where you will find me and my fics! thank u ♡︎
new account ~
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lipringlrh · 1 year
would anyone be interested in murderer or thief 5sos fics? please lmk :)
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new2fivesauce · 2 years
new2fivesauce masterlist
here's my masterlist of my fics on this page. not that many but it's a start :)
5 Seconds of Summer:
Luke Hemmings:
Please Don't Regret Me (completed series) : Nelle is 5sos's personal assistant who slowly realizes she has feelings for Luke.
Pierce the Veil:
Vic Fuentes:
The Hell Tour (incomplete series) : Kellin Quinn decides to make Kristi's love life on tour unbearable for his sake.
Stranger Things:
Eddie Munson:
Anywhere is Better with You (one shot) : Y/N returns to Hawkins and runs into someone of her past. Contains a little smut.
Classically Your's (one shot) : As your one year anniversary with Eddie approaches, you're stuck on what to gift him.
My Chemical Romance:
Frank Iero:
Until My Heart Explodes (possible one-shot): Frank is engaged, but that doesn't keep him from engaging with his longtime friend with benefit.
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clumsyclifford · 2 years
A dramatic sigh from Michael, who leans on the bar, cheek in hand, head at an angle, gazing at Calum. “This is incredibly disappointing, barkeep,” he says. “It’s a good thing you’re cute.”
Calum grins. He went all in on the baseball talk and was rewarded with flirting. Another win for Calum Hood, bartender elite.
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daycibelle · 2 years
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a visceral feeling. #5SOS5
@5SOS http://5SOS.lnk.to/5SOS5TW
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allsassnoclass · 4 months
Say…two people break up, right? But Fate thinks that’s bullshit so it creates a time loop and the couple is forced to relive the day they broke up multiple times, in different alternate realities, until they kiss and make up. The universe’s version of couple’s therapy.
OH i read a pretty good buddie fic with a similar premise, found HERE for my 911 friends.
On the 11th day, Michael runs.
He wakes up alone, of course. Ashton is an earlier riser, and Michael wouldn't want to stay in bed with him and the memories of the past 11 loops, either. The bunks on the bus are a tight fit on the best of days, but they're suffocating if you've just broken up and have to keep breaking up over and over and over again.
Michael checks the date on his phone, sees that it hasn't changed, and barricades himself in his bunk, covers pulled over his head and only offering grunts to anyone who checks on him.
The bus pulls to a stop at 12:43pm, just like it always does. Michael could time everything down to the second now, the comforting routine of tour made eerily exact by the loop. It means he knows exactly where he needs to be.
At 12:57pm, he exits the bus under the guise of unloading, turns left instead of right, and ducks into the first alley he can find before breaking into a sprint.
In the 11 loops they've taken, he hasn't been out to explore the city. It's easy to get lost, and it's equally easy to blend in to the crowds, head down and hat pulled low. No one is expecting to see Michael Clifford wandering around by himself, so no one does. He ducks into a coffee shop that looks somewhat interesting and nurses a mug in the back corner for a while, people-watching and steadfastly not making eye contact with anyone.
It takes 15 minutes for his phone to buzz, everyone too wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of unloading and setting up for soundcheck to notice that he's not where he's supposed to be.
It takes 20 minutes before someone calls, and another 5 after that for him to decide that he's still entirely too close to the venue and needs to keep moving.
Luke and Calum's name flash across his phone screen with equal enthusiasm, with the occasional call from someone else on the crew. Michael sends I'm fine to the band groupchat, but declines every call.
It takes 56 minutes and a trip to McDonalds before Ashton's name appears.
"What?" he answers, careful to keep his voice cool and level.
"You don't get to run away from this, you ass!" Ashton hisses. "Get back over here and play the fucking show like a mature adult!"
Right, because Ashton is the mature one.
"Why?" Michael asks.
"Because we have fans out here who have paid a lot of money to see us! We promised when we got together that we wouldn't let our shit impact the band or the fans!"
"They'll still be there tomorrow," Michael shrugs. "No one is going to remember this. I'm not impacting anything."
"It's impacting Luke and Calum right now!" Ashton says, sounding very close to exploding. Michael can perfectly picture him running a hand through his hair, jaw hard and eyebrows pinched in that one frown that he only ever brings out when Michael has seriously, catastrophically pissed him off.
"Tell them I needed some space after the breakup," Michael suggests, picking at his fries. They're getting cold, but Ashton hates when he chews while talking, even though he does it himself, the hypocrite.
"There hasn't been a breakup, dipshit! You never broke up with me this time!"
Michael hums.
"I think it's your turn, actually," he says.
"I fucking hate you," Ashton seethes, which. Duh. Obviously. That's probably at least half the reason they're in this mess. "Just-- Come back before Luke and Calum call the cops, okay?"
"No," Michael says. Ashton growls, actually growls at him. "At least it'd be something interesting to break up this monotonous hell we're in!"
"I hate you," Ashton repeats, landing just as hard the second time as the first. Michael tries to shake off the stabbing feeling in his heart and somehow misses Ashton hanging up in the process.
Michael eats a fry. It's cold and a little soggy.
He puts his head down on the beige, probably-filthy McDonald's table and desperately wishes for the day to end.
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bartxnhood · 2 years
complete | m.c
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michael clifford x reader
summary: you surprise michael after his long tour, all he’s been wanting is you.
warnings: none
a/n: time for some mikey appreciation, i love him sm and i rarely see anyone writing for him :( this is also my application to become ur fave 5sos writer lmao. enjoy ! feedback is appreciated <3
Copyright © 2022 bartxnhood. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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as the tour officially came to an end and the guys went back home, it was days in the studio for michael writing and creating melodies for the guys. he loves it, sure. it’s his passion after all. making music people can enjoy no matter how high or low one is feeling, seeing fans across the world sing and dance along to their music is what kept him going. but it was draining. incredibly draining. sometimes he’d forget to sleep, it would be seven in the evening then the next time he looked at the clock it was already five in the morning. he would even forget to eat as well. but he missed you most of all, he was gone for months and all he wanted was to feel your soft touch and the sound of your voice.
you missed michael too, his dorky jokes whenever the two of you hung out. getting to hear snippets of their upcoming songs or projects. he was your soulmate, you hated being away but also it was the price of dating a very well-known artist. when you got the news your boyfriend and best friends were back you had cleared it with everyone that you’d surprise your boyfriend. you brought some of his favorite foods and a few sweet treats to congratulate him on the successful tour.
knock knock
michaels head lifted from the computer, he looked at the door and raised his eyebrows. he wasn’t expecting anyone. especially not at the studio. he pushed himself away from the desk and walked over, opening the door and revealing you. you had a wide grin and multiple bags in hand. “hi!” you cheered, michael chuckled in disbelief he stood to the side letting you come in. similarly to him, you were in a hoodie and sweatpants. “what are you doing here?” he asked, shutting the door quietly following you. you sat down the bags of food and turned to your boyfriend who looked awful. not in like an ugly way, but like ‘oh my god you look dead, why haven’t you slept’ type of way.
your grin went to a frown almost immediately. “babe, your eyes” the faux blonde shook his head, “i’m okay” he tried to assure you but it only made you worry even more. you wrapped your arms around his tall figure, holding him tightly. to michael this is all he wanted, taking in your scent again. he closed his eyes feeling at peace for the first time since returning home. when you pulled away he felt his heart skink a bit. he wanted to hold you longer.
“what did you bring?” his eyes flickered to the bags then back to you. “well” you started, bending down and fishing out a few products. “i have some of your favorites and a few sweets so we can celebrate your successful tour” the grin on your face made him smile. he nodded and led you over to his sofa where the two of you would sit and eat a little of everything while michael told you stories of tour life.
it was getting later in the night now, you two had been talking for hours. just missing each other. you stood up from the cushion and started cleaning up all the trash decorating the sofa. michael watched, you could be doing the most absurd thing and he would still think you were the most beautiful person on the planet.
gently he reached out for your arm, “could you hug me again? i think i need it” you turned to look at him, giving him a nod. “you didn’t have to ask.” you crawled back onto the sofa and held michael. “i missed you so much” he breathed, his arms resting on your torso. you smiled, kissing his forehead. “i know. but get some rest, yeah? you deserve it”
within minutes, he was fast asleep in your arms. soft snores escaping his lips. this was all he needed, you and your touch.
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Mpreg Fics Masterlist
And I Know I Shouldn't Tell You (But I Just Can't Stop Thinking Of You) (ao3) - Anonymous luke/calum M, 2k
Summary: Calum's always had a thing about pretending to be pregnant. Luke doesn't realize he's always had a thing for it too.
baby, you're like lightning in a bottle (ao3) - lucashemwow luke/ashton E, 15k
Summary: Luke leans forward, pressing his lips to Ashton's. "I've wanted that since you told me it was a thing I could have." He pulls back, his fingers playing with the hair on the back of Ashton's neck. "I'm completely sure this is what I want, Ash. I want you, I want to raise a family with you, I want to be pregnant with your baby. This is what I want."
ashton's pack is stronger than ever before, and luke and ashton take the opportunity to start their own little family in a miracle way.
come alive and bring the thunder (ao3) - merlypops michael/luke E, 36k
Summary: Prince Luke of the Faeries is forced to marry King Michael after a War between kingdoms threatens to tear their lives apart... and maybe Luke and Michael fall in love too. Maybe.
Cursed With A Blessing (ao3) - orphan_account michael/luke M, 156k
Summary: “Well, this probably sounds crazy and not many people know about this,” Dr London started, looking at both of us before finally revealing the results of the ultrasound: “Mr. Hemmings, you are about 12 weeks pregnant with what I believe is Mr. Clifford’s child.”
And while I still tried to process what I had just learnt, Luke burst into tears beside me. Just as if he’d already known.
When Luke asked Arzaylea to pretend to be his girlfriend, he did it because he wanted to protect his relationship with Michael. For a while everyone is happy with the agreement - the fans are being fooled, their managers are oblivious.
But suddenly there are too many positive tests, too many worries, too many fake friends and the tree find themselves drowning in a whole sea of lies they told...
Daddy's Little Pup (ao3) - orphan_account michael/luke E, 3k
Summary: Luke is in heat and needs his daddy Alpha for next few days...
everything will change (but love remains the same) (ao3) - hemmingal luke/ashton, michael/calum T, 17k
Summary: luke didn't truly know the meaning of poor timing until he found himself pregnant in the middle of 5sos' first headlining tour. and as it turns out, questionable timing may just be a thing that runs in the band.
I Dreamed You Dreamed Of Me Calling Out My Name (I Was A King Under Your Control) (ao3) - Migs michael/luke E, 3k
Summary: Michael loves Luke. Michael loves Luke so much that sometimes he feels like he will explode from the sheer force of it.
And now the Universe has given them a Miracle.
i hope that you know that you are what my dreams are made of (ao3) - hemwins luke/ashton E, 2k
Summary: all the air leaves his lungs as he takes in the site of his beautiful pregnant boyfriend in all his glory sitting atop him, sweaty and fucked out already and they've barely even started. it's a site to rival even the finest masterpieces and luke feels overwhelmingly blessed to be the one that gets to see this, the only one.
I Want Something Just Like This (Somebody I Can Kiss) (ao3) - Migs luke/calum, michael/ashton E, 3k
Summary: the band is taking their third break in order for Michael and Ashton to have a baby.
Calum and Luke have announcement of their own.
Secrets (ao3) - sorryuser luke/ashton G, 927
Summary: "So you don't want me to go to the store a get you some pickles and peanut butter?" Ashton asks sarcastically.
Luke is pregnant and Ashton doesn't know.. yet.
Tough Times (ao3) - orphan_account michael/calum N/R, 1k
Summary: Michael and Calum were a odd couple. Michael was a loud Alpha and Calum was a quiet omega.
unpredictable (ao3) - orphan_account michael/luke N/R, 2k
Summary: The one where Luke finds out he's pregnant, but keeps it a secret from an oblivious Michael.
ups and downs - @sup3rbloom (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) ot4 T, 8k
Summary: Ashton finds out he's pregnant in the middle of 5 Seconds Of Summer's North America tour. Telling his three boyfriends the news doesn't go as smoothly as he hoped it would.
When It Rains It Pours (ao3) - magicalmadhatter michael/calum, luke/ashton G, 11k
Summary: No two pregnancies are exactly the same, and for Michael and Luke that is very different.
When Your Best Friend Gets You Pregnant (ao3) - DontGetTooCloseItsDarkInside michael/calum, luke/ashton M, 6k
Summary: “I want them to have your eyes.” he found himself saying.
Calum looked at him in confusion. “Huh?”
“I’m pregnant, Calum.”
Whipped (ao3) - gonefornow luke/calum G, 2k
Summary: Mpreg. Calum and Luke are expecting their second child and Calum has late-night cravings.
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Hi all! I just wanted to hop on here and say that this is my new page for all of your fan-fic requests for Michael Clifford and/or the other boys of 5sos ❤️ Please go easy on me as this is my first rodeo in writing things publicly 🖤 love always.
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lovermine · 2 years
posting this because for some reason it wont show up in any of the tags (it seems to be doing this with my fics idk) but i wrote a fluffy michael oneshot and would love for u guys to check it out <3
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calumance · 1 year
the hood family going to watch calum on a late night tv show like james corden or something and in the middle of the interview lil logan runs up to calum bc he wants to sit with him and it’s the cutest thing ever like logan has no idea what he’s doing he just wants to sit with his best friend and nobody can stop him🥺
Stop it, this is so cute. I was all pouty faced the entire time I wrote this, but Logan just is so in love with his daddy. 🥺
It was chaotic outside of the dressing room. All of the crew members running around to try to make what was happening in front of the cameras look as smooth as possible. That’s why Caum had told Logan to stay with his mom no matter what. To be honest, Calum hadn’t even wanted his son to come along due to how easy it could be to get trampled or lost backstage at a TV show; but it’s hard when the little toddler threw an absolute fit when he tried dropping him off. 
They had driven with the kids over to Luke and Sierra’s house, mainly to drop off the kids with Sierra, but also to pick up Luke since he hadn’t wanted to drive. Aiden went running into the house, no problem. It’s never a problem, being that he’s not-so-secretly in love with Sierra. Calum carried Logan into the house and attempted to put him down on the couch, but the toddler squeezed Calum’s neck even tighter, nearly choking him. “Logan, you need to stay here with Auntie Sierra and your brother. We’ll be back for you in a couple hours.”
That was what set him off. The screaming started and the tears started rolling. All Calum could understand through Logan’s hysterical screaming was that Calum was leaving him. As hard as Calum tried to explain that he would be back, Logan could not expect it. Even with Mama saying she would stay with him, he still thought Calum was leaving him. Calum and Mama made eye contact and silently agreed to take the toddler with them.
On the drive to the studio, Luke kept Logan occupied, the car filled with Luke’s laughter and Logan’s laughter. It was when they arrived that Calum picked Logan up out of his car seat and told him to hold onto him until they were in the dressing room. Logan tucked his face into Claum’s neck and Calum reached back to hold onto his wife’s hand, ensuring that no one got lost. Once they were in the dressing room, that was when everything fell into a normal calm.
They were given their 5 minute warning until they had to be ready to go on stage. Calum crouched down to be at Logan’s height, who was sitting on a chair, and this was when he gave him the speech. “Logan, you have to stay with mama no matter what, okay? There are lots of people here and they’re all bigger than you, you could get lost, or get hurt. Do you understand me?” Logan nodded while swinging his legs back and forth. “That’s my boy.” Calum smiled before leaning forward and pressing a kiss to Logan’s forehead.
Logan walked with his hand in his mom’s behind Calum and the rest of the guys. At some point, the guys were directed in one direction, and Logan and his mom were directed in another. One went to the stage, the other went to where they could see the stage, but off to the side. They were introduced and made their way to the stage, all four of them sitting on the couch next to the host who sat behind a desk. Calum sat on the end, Luke directly to his left, then Michael to his left, then Ashton to the next left, right next to the host. 
The host asked them questions about their new album and what was coming up in the future for the band. There were of course questions of their personal lives, the ones Calum disliked the most to answer. Calum leaned his head against his hand and listened as the other three answered the questions. Everything was going as it should, until Calum suddenly heard ‘daddy’ being called from a very familiar little voice. When Calum turned, he saw Logan running towards him, tears running down his face. In one swift motion, Logan lifted his arms, and Calum scooped him up onto his lap. Calum calmed Logan for a minute before he realized that everyone was staring at him. “Sorry, he’s going through a phase where he can’t be away from me.” Calum nervously laughed but kept his main focus on Logan.
“Oh, Calum, this is so sweet!” The host cooed excitedly, “I knew you had kids, but I can never remember how old they are. Is this your oldest or your youngest?” The host asked.
“This is my youngest,” Calum kissed the side of his head and allowed Logan to nuzzle his face into the crook of his neck, “Give me a minute to handle this.” Calum says with a soft chuckle. Calum stood, still holding Logan and walked off the stage. The camera followed him as he walked Logan back over to Mama, telling him that he had to stay with her, and that he thought he had understood that.
As soon as he reached Mama, Logan started to throw a fit, not wanting to go to his mom, and wanting to stay with Calum. Calum and Mama went back and forth about trying to get Logan to calm down, but the host spoke up, “Why doesn’t the little one join us?” Calum and mama exchanged a look, but eventually relented and Calum carried Logan back to the stage. 
Calum sat back on the couch in his spot and put Logan on his lap, facing outward. Logan swung his legs, and looked over at the host who asked, “What’s your name?”
“Logan!” he answered with a big smile on his face.
“Logan, how old are you?” The host asked again.
“This many!” Logan excitedly held up three fingers. 
“Wow, you’re so big! Logan, do you love hanging out with your dad all the time?” The host leaned forward a bit to keep Logan’s attention.
Logan nodded furiously and looked back at Calum, “Daddy’s my best friend.” The entire crowd ‘aw’d.’ Calum nearly forgot he was sitting in front of a crowd. Calum smiled at Logan and ran a finger down his cheek, simultaneously moving his hair from his face.
“Do you know the name of your daddy’s band?” Logan nodded and swung his feet, effectively kicking Calum in the shins. Calum nonchalantly grabbed his legs to spot him from kicking him. “Great, I want you to look at that camera and tell it that your daddy’s band is coming up next, playing their new song.” The host pointed, and Logan’s eyes followed.
He looked back at Calum for encouragement and Claum nodded. Logan looked at the camera and said, very shyly, “My daddy’s band, 5 Seconds of Summer, is up next.” The crowd cheered and music started playing, indicating they were headed to a commercial.
Once the commercial break had started, Calum picked Logan up and carried him off stage. “Remember how I told you to stay with mama, no matter what?” Logan nodded, “You didn’t listen.“ Logan looked down, knowing he was in a little bit of trouble. Calum kissed the side of his head, “It’s okay, but you have to stay with mama while I sing my song, okay?” Logan nodded and wrapped his arms around Calum’s neck.
“I’m sorry, daddy, I just love you.” Logan said while resting his chin on Calum’s shoulder.
Calum couldn’t help but to smile, “I love you too, Logan.” With that, they headed back to the dressing room to get ready for their performance.
Tagging: @talkfastromance4
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