#Micheal Reeves!Izuku au
spicy-dumbass · 3 years
Micheal Reeves!Izuku returns with a chaotic vengence
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- Izuku just straight up adopts a raccoon
       - Name is still up for debate so I'm taking suggestions
       - I just had the image of just a pair of eyes peeking out of the darkness before a raccoon launches out or a raccoon either in his hair or hanging off his arm knawing on a piece of metal, so that exists now
- Izuku breaks into police stations just to pretend that he was caught for something only to talk to police or to be a minor inconvenience for the sake of removing his other actual crimes
      - He also knows how to break out of handcuffs but prefers to knaw through the metal as it's far more entertaining to see people slowly lose their collective shit as it works
- Both Mei and Izuku both radiate chaotic energy but Izuku is tolerated by Power loader, the key reason for this being is that Izuku works mainly with non-explosive possibly flammable tech for the purpose of ai and tasers while mei works for the sake of insane ideas and explosions
- Note for Mei sourced from the lovely debesys, mei already has enough parents, she has like. 5. they are polyam, that is how many are needed to regulate the sheer chaos her being emits
      - (This resulted in the following idea for Izuku's family dynamic)
- Inko is polyam and has three partners, Power Loader nor anyone else in cannon is a part of this relationship but are still Izuku's parents as I shall explain
      - Aizawa questioning who Izuku's parents are:
         Inko, sipping tea gently not mentioning the adopted parents or her relationship: wouldn't you like to know weather boy
      - Inko, causally in the living room: Where are you going?
         Izuku: I'm going to see my dad?
         Inko: which one?
         Izuku, frantically flipping through various family photos: Tech dad?
         Inko: ah power loader got it
     - someone: hey midoriya, how many parents do you have?
        Izuku, getting another person to adopt him: not enough :)
     - Izuku just has the energy of like that one dad with the wallet of family photos that just unfurl to the floor
     - Aizawa, after finding Izuku doing tazer bullshit while he was out on patrol: Who are your parents
        Izuku, sliding over adoption papers: better question is who isn't
     - 'oops, i dropped my family on the floor' whole deck of cards amount of photos go everywhere
    - Izuku showing the friends his room before passing by his family photos: :D
       someone, realising of them are heros or out of costume vigilantes/villains: Wow you have a lot of fan photos!
       Izuku, dying on the floor laughing: f a n
- he now has three points for why he goes to U.A.
      - Mandated by law
      - Parent Time tm
      - Harass Aizawa until he becomes a parent
- Izuku "The only reason I don't have a quirk is because God fears me." Midoriya and Izuku "One day i'll have a million parents." Midoriya
- "Well you see to make up for the fact that I don't have a quirk I create inventions that can kill god." - Izuku Midoriya after creating his Roomba throne
     - Stabby is his pet, stabby is also the only active Roomba that shifts around the throne
- Friend group time!! His group consists of Tokoyami, Shinsou, Kaminari, Kirishima, Ururaka, Pony, Aoyama, Monoma (kind of) and Bakugou distantly
     - Tokoyami and Izuku have weird kid energy and vibe over that, Izuku enjoys working with senteint quirks for testing purposes
     - Kaminari could present the craziest ideas which would result in the worst robot ideas and Izuku would be able to help Kaminari learn to regulate the output he has on electricity
     - Kirishima is a happy test subject for shit like human catapults, well happy may not be the right word but he'll do it
                    - Kirishima, giving a concerned look as Izuku sets up one of his many devices: So uh why are we doing this?
                       Izuku, pulling down goggles: Quirk training
                    - Izuku tries his best to convince Iida to kick a non-gravitied Kirishima at full force---
     - Uraraka,,,,, gramvity
     - Aoyama is a personal soldering Iron
                   - 'quirk training :) do you want me to have to use a normal, non sparkly laser :(?'
     - Izuku and Pony is just him showing her how to create chaos and he's proud to say he's the one who taught her how to swear in Japanese
     - Monoma at first is a guinea pig then becomes part of the chaos
     - Shinsou and Izuku bond over their shared discrimination by attacking the laws themselves
                   - Izuku's currently working on trying to make a megaphone for his quirk to work through
                   - Izuku frantically gesturing at tech he's built: but static buzz buzz
                      Shinsou: but quirk no work
                      Izuku: can I at least add a taser
     - Izuku adopts Shouto eventually but that happens late
- Momo and Kendo fear Izuku and anything he creates for good reason
      - Momo actively tries to hide what her quirk is from Izuku when she realises he's who all the rumours are about (Izuku already knows, he's just biding his time until she feels a false sense of security)
- Tsuyu is safe only for the fact that he can't find anything interesting that he can work with
- Recovery girl has a separate section of the medbay just for those affected by a Midoriya related incident
And so my Micheal Reeves!Izuku au returns for family, friend groups and fucking chaos. The decision to have Izuku just amass a family along with Poly!Inko was a choice between my poly friend and I we just wanted Inko to enjoy herself with a happy funky relationship
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warriorsofficial · 4 years
Deku is Micheal Reeves AU
Just think about it, his and bakugo relation ship is the same but as soon as he has his hands on a tazer or unfamiliar tech he bolts. i’ll elaborate it more laters
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spicy-dumbass · 3 years
Micheal Reeves!Izuku AU
- Izuku of course is quirkless and honestly stopped being interested in heroes when he was about tenish           - that's when it kicked in he really wasn't treated as a human- like he realised that people didn't care, that heroes wouldn't support him, that he would be hurt for being him and was pissed - Izuku woke up one day and chose violence       - He is sick of everyone's shit, going off about quirks and all that he's like nah fuck that and fuck all of y'all and just dipped       - And what could he do to protect himself?       - tasers, fucking tasers       - he then used it on the next person who cornered him       - it was that day he realised he loved tasers and the pain he could cause       - Izuku facinated by this decided 'what other things could I fuck with' and decided to learn coding - His first actual attempt at making working code for something was the taser camera        - Izuku is short and filled with rage and tasers        - That was also the day Bakugou learned to fear Izuku        - Izuku is a being of pure chaos and nothing else
- Izuku lokey concerns his mother but due to overworking herself she isn't around to see what he actually does, she just assumes it's some light governmental hacking not amassing a shitty robot army       - Inko is very confused about the slowly growing list of roomba purchases tho- - Izuku is a vigilante in the lightest of terms       - He ran out of people he could trick convince into testing his inventions on       - so he turned to random people he found on the street       - He has no fear when with his creations - So this small teen just goes out with whatever the fuck he was working on, a taser and a singular swearing Roomba with a knife the swearing was because he had his swearing privileges stolen by bakugou to add to his collection       - he has a Roomba throne of the lost brethren (i.e. the ones he fucked up) - he can and will cause the robot uprising just you wait - he's met nedzu, they get along but due to governmental bullshit they're not allowed within a kilometre of each other - he does not intentionally go to U.A. and he actually despises the idea of going but after accidentally, you can't prove otherwise, setting a government building on fire after an incident with all might he was legally required to be monitored by heros almost every hour of his day - he goes into management out of spite he still somehow manages to get into the labs for support - against popular belief Izuku is not smart, he just likes working with tasers and over analysing things, he has trouble paying attention in class and it hampers his ability to properly retain things that would allow him to be book smart - Izuku can't play chess for shit, yeah he knows how it works- but does that mean he can actually use strategy in a game he has no idea how to play absolutely not - he plays uno instead, he can and will +12 you without mercy - he makes absolute bullshit inventions for the hell of it and a personal headcanon that does not need to be cannon within the au is that he has a suped-up barbie jeep (as in those toy ones normally meant for kids but with normal car wheels and a proper engine instead of just a car battery)        - he's trying to figure out ways to recreate quirks in the worst way possible just for spite- like you have a quirk and he'll make an invention to make them see how dumb it actually is using normal logic - he has tried to light a government building on fire twice (outside of the all-might spite incident) he was never caught he bribed all tech in witness of the crime - he just has a collection of cursed objects for undisclosed reasons including: worms on a string, long Furby, so, so much cursed Garfield things and a salmon with very human legs - Aizawa is the only one who truly understands his caffeine addiction         - he has been banned from coffee for a number of reasons
So I originally posted my bullshit headcannons for this chaos au on ao3 on my account Chalk_Planchette alot of this au and fics will be posted there first if you want to stay updated 
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spicy-dumbass · 3 years
Robotic Cults, Part time work and Chaos galore | Michael Reeves!Izuku au
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- izuku doesn't go to highschool choosing instead to work part time to help his mothers and have more time for his inventions
        - this also means he can start cults
- izuku starts a robot cult with some of his employee friends after making a joke that he couldn't
- he has pasted several ms paint word posters everywhere in downtown mustafu for his cult
       - they meet on fridays to make pizza, commit arson and be idiots 
- his coworkers are considered minor cult leaders and izuku is tempted to make himself a deity but does not want to add a god complex onto his growing list of chaos 
- he's deaf now and has hearing aids, you can’t change my mind
- his raccoon is also considered a god within the cult 
- he meets denki by sheer accident when trying to taze the poor guy and he's only mildly confused for the recent intake of electricity 
 - izuku frequently eggs allmight's building, endeavour frequently get's glitter bombed
- Izuku's pet racoon is an attack theft raccoon just like Izuku
       -  how dog owners resemble their dogs but it's a raccoon
- Izuku’s level of energy falls between concentrated caffeine and hibernation -  izuku seems like the person who would end up deliberately breaking any tech from people or places he doesn't like then say 'hey i can fix that' since he fucked with it in such a way that it's almost a complete mess until someone is able to figure it out
- izuku casually kidnaps students of 1a and 1b at random off the streets to have a screening with the cult, it's normally a little raccoon tea party with tazer games but if he dislikes you the tea is electrified too :) 
- izuku is known within the villain ring for being a biter, just that he appears and he doesn't like you he goes nom, if he likes you you get tazed, alot more people get nommed
- izuku works off cartoon physics, his pockets are infinite and frying pans are massive
A smaller thing for the AU today :), my server friends actually ended up making Izuku’s cult poster and it’s honestly great
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spicy-dumbass · 3 years
More Micheal Reeves!Izuku au
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- Izuku works part-time in a coffee shop and a tech shop since he doesn't end up going to high school (until he's forced to)
- Izuku dyes his hair
     - But like nothing permanent, dear god no that's too much effort for this tiny gremlin man
      - No he uses spray-on dye and hair chalk for the needed effect
                  - He stains everything he touches
- Stemming from his use of hair dye he refuses to have the same color hair for every new person he meets so, every person he has ever met knows him with a different color or shade of hair and he is consistent
      - The moment he spots someone he's met before he immediately bolts to his work bathroom to frantically spray on the dye in a matter of second before walking back out  completely casually refusing to acknowledge that anything changed
                  - They have seen him do weirder shit, this is relatively normal for them
      - He keeps a hairdryer at work for this exact reason which sits next to the sink he claimed
                   - His coworkers refer to said sink as the blood sink after weeks worth of red dye has created permanent markings
    - With two people he split dyes his hair for both peoples sake past that he either uses white or black
                   - "wh- why is your hair black I thought it was [colour]"
                     "absence of light"
                     "absence of fucking light means every color and none of them."
- He has claimed several villains, (deadass might just make him force stain to come to a parent-teacher interview with him out of spite), quite a few heros and a toaster to be his father
     - He might have claimed Nedzu at one point but due to legal reasons is no longer able to
     - "This is my uncle" Aizawa stares stain dead in the eyes
                   - "Last week he was your father"
                     “and this week he's my uncle" 
                    "who knows maybe next week he's my grandfather."
     - Izuku staring intensely at a corkboard: who hasn't been related to me before
      - He has managed to convince Yamada to actually go with it, it was a fun time for the both of them
                   - And as much as Yamada likes him the only teacher actively gunning for Midoriya adoption tm is Power Loader
- He just does not like all might for a variety of reasons but Yagi is a completely different person and absolutely different standings in his mind
       - Izuku: Yagi Toshinori is a cool dude :) tolerates my inventions and testing which is more than i can say for most!
          someone: opinions on all might
          Izuku: nah fam,, unsustainable,,, i mean he does good work
       - Izuku on allmight: do you see all this damage?? All of these things I could have stolen for my tech??? How could he >:(
          Izuku on Yagi: funky man who tolerates me and I like :)
- Izuku has three factors for grading a person: hero, chaos and tech
- While Izuku does still have a general distaste towards heroes there are definitely exceptions outside of teachers he interacts with
       - This includes Hawks!
                    - Izuku: hero :// But Fast And Chaotic :)))
- Izuku rides his roomba throne to U.A., i am not taking criticism on this
- After integrating into the support course (by force) his ideas slowly begin to grow more chaotic since no one can stop him, Power Loader in under his thumb
      - This is why Mei fears him, sure she loves chaos but her chaos has a purpose and Izuku's.... Izuku's is definitely something else
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spicy-dumbass · 3 years
Micheal Reeves Izuku now has an actual fic!! 
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spicy-dumbass · 3 years
The Micheal Reeves Izuku au now has a playlist! It’s been curated by me and couple of my server friends who’ve suggested songs to add, it’s a fun vibe for anyone who wants to listen askdjfhasd
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