#Might add more but for now it's an even 50 chapters and 102200 words so-
Featuring: A series of one shots centred around the knight chapter from LaL! Some canon, but many AUs! Descriptions for each chapter under the cut!
(Crossovers and AUs with multiple chapters at the start)
Chapter 2: …You remember your past life (and you drag another two along for the ride). (TRIANGLE STRATEGY CROSSOVER) Ships: None. Warnings: Also none that I can think of. Only a spoiler warning for all non-golden endings of Triangle Strategy. Summary: Straybow gains the memories of Roland Glenbrook- this solves quite a few problems, surprisingly, but also creates quite a few more.
Chapter 3: ...You uncover a plot. (TRIANGLE STRATEGY CROSSOVER) Ships: None. Warnings: Character death, discussion of death, flashbacks, mentioned/suspected suicide. Summary: Straybow, Oersted, and Alicia finally talk to each other, and try to do better in this life than they did in their previous ones.
Chapter 4: …You realise what you are. (SLAY THE PRINCESS CROSSOVER) Ships: Oersted/Alicia, The Hero/The Princess (Slay The Princess) Warnings: Some mentions of light gore and murder, but nothing detailed. Summary: Alicia walks down a series of cold stone steps the the dungeon. Each one brings feelings of familiarity, until, finally, she remembers the world before this one, where she wasn’t simply a princess. She was The Princess- the one thought to end the world.
Chapter 5: ...You make a wish. Warnings: None. Ships: Oersted/Alicia. Summary: Oersted makes his wish, and wakes up before the tournament. There are so many things he wants to do, but he needs to be patient. For now, he can be. For Alicia, for Straybow, even for himself- he can be. Alternatively: A continuation of the Octo-a-live event.
Chapter 6: ...You're kidnapped. (CAGED DOG AU/CROSSOVER) Ships: Background Demon Alethea/Demon Streibough. Warnings: Swearing, reference to electrocution Summary: Oersted really hates his vacation, so he throws Conor under the bus and books it. Conor, meanwhile, has no idea what's going on, but is enjoying it nonetheless.
Chapter 7: …There’s a crossover. (TEMPEST-VERSE AND OHAS CROSSOVER) Summary: A crossover Hallowed Nebulae and I wrote between their Tempest Verse and my Of Hatred And Strife. So- A kingdom hearts, final fantasy, and Live A Live crossover. With added OCs!
Chapter 8: …You make the ending worse. (SAFFRON AU) Summary: The original plan for the Saffron AU. Discarded since I thought it would be too cruel to the characters. Saffron AU inspired by: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31241462/chapters/77223302
Chapter 9: ...Your friend takes a life. (SAFFRON AU) Ships: None. Warnings: Insect and snail death Summary: Saffron’s first time taking a life, accidental and deliberate.
Chapter 10: ...You face the consequences of your actions. (SAFFRON AU) Ships: None. Warnings: Character death, and nightmares I guess? Summary: Saffron's decision to protect Oersted, and the consequences that come with it.
Chapter 11: ...You have a date. (SAFFON AU) Ships: Oersted/Pandora (OC) Warnings: None. Summary: Saffron knows Oersted's love for Alicia will only end in disaster, so ze sets him up on a date with someone ze thinks he has chemistry with. Added: 30 Aug 2023
Chapter 12: …You run out of choices. (SAFFRON AU) Ships: None. Warnings: Suicide. Summary: The System is not kind, nor does it want Oersted to live a kind life. Saffron changed most of it, taking the worst of The System’s penalties, but Alice also chose to protect Oersted when the chips were down. For her own sake, yes, but also because she would never want to harm anyone Saffron loved so dearly.
Chapter 13: ...You plan ahead. (SAFFRON AU) Ships: None. Warnings: None. Summary: An AU where The System is a little less of a sadist, and a little more clear on what lines Saffron can and can't cross, giving hir some much needed breathing room, and time to plan for hir eventual death. Of course, this all translated to spending time with Oersted.  Added: 30 Aug 2023
Chapter 14: ...Things take a turn for the worst. (SAFFRON AU) Ships: Oersted/Saffron Warnings: Character death, forced Mariticide, possession. Summary: Saffron's changes to the plot create an unexpected outcome. Oersted's never been one to hold back his love, and Saffron doesn't mind keeping Oersted close. It's a shame The System's still a bastard. Added: 30 Aug 2023
Chapter 15: ...You have a much needed talk. (SAFFRON AU) Ships: None. Warnings: Willingness to self-sacrifice, none of the characters being mentally healthy. Summary: A last minute Saffron AU. Oersted outlasts The System, which leads to him, Alice and Saffron having a long overdue talk. Added: 30 Aug 2023
Chapter 16: ...You get a reply to a letter you never sent. (SAFFRON AU AND WINDY-VERSE AU) Ships: None. Warnings: None? Summary: After living a relatively normal life for around a year since... waking up form a dream that wasn't completely a dream, Saffron gets a return letter from hir therapy project.
Chapter 17: ...You remind your father why it's never a good idea to make enemies. (SAFFRON AU AND DUSKIE AU) Ship: None. Warnings: Poison, some ableism and transphobia. Summary: Saffron!Straybow, Alice!Alicia, and their Oersted all end up in Hbiscus!Straybow's world and decide to stay. Hibiscus's father makes the mistake of thinking he can get away with saying certain things.
{New!} Chapter 18: ...You're haunted. (WINDY-VERSE AU) Ships: None Warings: None Summary: Oersted and his companions realise that the library in their home isn't as empty as they thought.  Added: 10 Sep 2023
Chapter 19: ...You meet a friend(?) you don't remember. (DUSKIE AU) Ships: None Warnings: None Summary: Duskie's not the only one to come back after dying, and is really happy to meet an old friend. Too bad the voices in his head don't like his new-old friend Straybow.
Chapter 20: ...You wake up after dying. (DUSKIE AU) Ships: Some Alicia/Annie Warnings: Some mentions of death and some mentions of harassment. Summary: A continuation of chapter 19. Alicia wakes up, alive. Which is unusual, given she very clearly remembers being dead and a spirit before. She's just glad she didn't wake up alone.
Chapter 21: ...You wake up in a cell. (DUSKIE AU) Ships: Background Alicica/Oersted Warnings: None that I can think of. Summary: In the second timeline (or, as it's know as 'The timeline where everything went right because Straybow wasn't Straybow') Knight and Odio are captured after becoming king, and awaiting torture. They both try to protect the other, leading to Duskie ending up both awake and in front.
Chapter 22: ...Your husband has amnesia. (DUSKIE AU) Ships: Alicia/Hibiscus!Straybow/Oersted Warnings: None Summary: Queen Alicia and Straybow receive word of their husband's capture, and the price for freeing him. A continuation of the last chapter.
Chapter 23: ...You meet an outlaw. (DUSKIE AU)  Ships: Alicia/Hibiscus!Straybow/Oersted Warnings: None. Summary: Straybow talks to Duskie about her suspicions regarding his 'dad', and Knight finally manages to talk to his spouses. Asra just wanted a peaceful day.
Chapter 24: ...Your friend had a good reason for betraying you. (IRA AU) Ships: None Warnings: There is past torture, but it's barely mentioned. Also background character deaths. Summary: Straybow and Alicia live, so Odio decides to take a peak into their minds to see just how far their betrayal went. ...He isn't the only Odio to bare a grudge against his former friends, it's just that other versions of himself are willing to harm any version of Straybow and Alicia. Even if the two hadn't yet betrayed him.
Chapter 25: ...You stop a demon king. Again. (IRA AU AND DUSKIE AU) Ships: None. Warnings: Major character death. Mentions of blood and violence. Duskie Suffering. Summary: Ira senses the awakening of a new demon king. As always, he investigates.
Chapter 26: ...You finally become someone (something) else. (IRA AU AND WINDY-VERSE) Ships: None Warnings: Maybe mentions of stavation, injury, and some relief at the idea of death? That's what I can think of, but it's very minor. Summary: Ira stopped being human, and stopped being Oersted. Still, he takes it slightly further than expected.
Chapter 27: ...You're evil, but nobody notices.  (LYSANDRA AU) Ships: Alethea/Streibough. Warnings: Matricide, illness, poisoning, betrayal, it's mostly comedy- Summary: Duchess Lysandra's plots never fail. She plans her schemes perfectly, and shows off her evil laugh often. It's a shame nobody notices. Added: 03 Sep 2023
Chapter 28: …It’s Mother’s Day. (OHAS AU, LYSANDRA AU, JENSINE/DEMON ALICIA AU, AND SAFFRON AU) Ships: None. Warnings: Mentions of poison, death, and runaways. There’s also attempted matricide but I swear it’s not as bad as it sounds-Summary: Mother’s Day, as celebrated by different characters in different AUs.
Chapter 29: …It’s a roleswap. (ROLESWAP AU) Ships: Alethea/Streibough. Warnings: Character death, possessiveness, betrayal. Summary: Streibough travels with Oersted to save princess Alethea of Lucrece, who’s hand he failed to win in the tourney. Unfortunately, what little of his wold he holds dear is about to completely crumble away. Added: 04 Sep 2023
Chapter 30: …You’re summoned. (ROLESWAP AU) Ships: None. Maybe some Mad Dog/Sundown in the background. Warnings: Liquified Humans. Summary: Kaori is tied of being left behind while her brother suffers. She lets the doctor turn her to liquid and put her body in a metal shell so she can help him. Unfortunately, this also means attracting the attention of a demon king. A roleswap AU. Added: 30 Aug 2023
Chapter 31: ...Your life still works out, despite a certain mage's plans. Ship: Odio/Alicia Warnings: Some mentions of attempted suicide, discussions of consent. Summary: Both Alicia and Straybow survive Devil's Peak. Oersted still breaks, but not as badly as he did in canon.
Chapter 32: ...Your planned death fails. The previous chapter from Alicia's PoV. Everything from there still applies.
Chapter 33: ...You accidentally make the life of the person you're trying to ruin better Ship: Background Straybow/Alicia Warnings: None Summary: Straybow becomes king and plans to use his position to drag Oersted down. It backfires.
Chapter 34: ...You end up adopting your enemy. Ships: None. Warnings: Child abandonment. Summary: Odio goes back in time to kill Straybow before he’s betrayed. Unfortunately, he goes a bit too far back, and stumbles upon Straybow’s Tragic Backstory.
Now continued Via: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43760775/chapters/110043423
Chapter 35: ...The Demons put the chamber on the wrong setting. Ships: Background Oersted/Alicia Warnings: Maybe one for auditory hallucinations? That's all I can think of. Summary: In one world, the mountain wishes to break its inhabitants. To confirm their worst fears while they feel alone, and drive them mad. In this one, it simply doesn't want them to leave.
Chapter 36: ...You just wanted a vacation. Ships: None. Warnings: None. Summary: Demon Queen Alicia, but all she wants is a vacation.
Chapter 37: ...You're somehow the one with morals, despite being the demon king. Ships: One sided Oersted/Alicia. Warnings: I mean... It's Odio, but nothing graphic happens, just some discussion of potential torture? Summary: Odio makes his way to the palace of Lucretia, intent on claiming his rightful throne. Of course, he would never rule over humans, but he's willing to offer them demonhood, if they're willing to bow to him. Unfortunately for everyone, the Minister is far too eager to please.
Chapter 38: …You end up almost killing your friend/enemy, but it works out. Maybe. Ships: None. Maybe some background Alethea/Streibough. Warnings: ...Maybe Oersted's mental state? He's not doing too well. Summary: Oersted is 'blessed' to always win, no matter what. It's not something he enjoys. Thankfully(?), Streibough doesn't like it either.
Chapter 39: ...You meet a vampire for the first time. Ship: ...Oersted x Ray Jihad Warnings: Mercenary Death? Summary: Oersted encounters a vampire while hunting bandits, and everyone else doesn't know how to handle it. Oersted, at least, is having a great time.
Chapter 40: ...Your friend is turned into a puppet. Ships: None Warnings: None, but there are implications if one thinks too much about everything- Summary: Oersted wins the tournament, and seems to become a completely different person. No one seems to care except for Straybow, and he may feel jealous towards Oersted after everything that's happened, but Oersted is still his friend, and he has no plans on just letting either of them become pawns to someone else.
Chapter 41: ...You're oblivious, but everyone around you isn't. Ships: Streibough/Alethea Warnings: Minor character death Summary: Streibough realises Oersted is slightly oblivious, and fate is changed with a simple conversation. The king tries to ruin that, but a demon fixes the problem. Maybe.
Chapter 42: …Your not-yet-wife is a demon. Ships: Alethea/Hygrophobia, background Oersted/Straybow Warnings: None. Summary: Alethea is taken to Devil’s Peak, but thankfully, she’s not alone, ‘Nessie’ intends to make sure her stay is short and that she leaves before anyone with less-then-stelar intentions comes for her.
Chapter 43: …You’re not alone, but… Ships: Alicia/Oersted. Warnings: None that I can think of- Canonical Character Death? Summary: When Straybow confronts Oersted as Devil’s Peak, Alicia hears everything. Once it is over, neither are going to return to their life before.
Chapter 44: ...None of you are human. Ships: Alicia/Oersted Warnings: Possessive love, manipulation. Summary: In which Oersted is a werewolf, Straybow is fae, and Alicia is a vampire, and they all know it. Except Oersted. Oersted doesn't know any of it.
Chapter 45: ...You misjudge someone's life. Ships: None. Warnings: Mentions of abuse, mentions of child abuse, and mentions of 'training' child soldiers. Summary: Straybow thinks Oersted's life is perfect. That Oersted is naturally gifted to end up with such skill as a young age. Straybow is, unfortunately, wrong. Luckily, he realises this before it's too late.
Chapter 46: ...You've done this before, even if you don't remember. Warnings: Mentions of death and injury Ships: None Summary: Oersted's and Straybow's souls have done this dance many, many times, and while most souls lose memories and only leave the vaguest of feelings, Oersted and Straybow befriending, fighting, killing, or ruining each other has happened often enough that even if they have forgotten, the feelings they have carry over.
Chapter 47: …You have really inconvenient amnesia. Ships: None. Warnings: Character death. Summary: Straybow doesn’t remember much of his childhood, or his recent memories, but that’s fine. He’s living a relatively comfortable life, he’s keeping Oersted safe, there’s nothing to worry about. Nothing at all.
Chapter 48: ...You marry an assassin.  Ships: Oersted/Alicia Warnings: Background character death, patricide, background disturbing implications, mentions/thoughts of self harm and depression. Summary: Instead of going to Lucretia to become knights, Oersted and Straybow become assassins for money instead. Despite this, they still end up competing for the tournament for Alicia's hand, as per their latest contract. Added: 02 Sep 2023
Chapter 49: ...You can't kill a demon. Ships: One sided Oersted/Straybow. Warnings: None. Summary: Neither Hash nor Uranus are strong enough to kill the demon king, so they do the next best thing: Turn it into a human child, and hope it doesn't destroy humanity. Oersted stumbles his way though life, completely failing to understand half the ideas taught to him by humans. Added: 06 Sep 2023
Chapter 50: ...The cloak is evil. Ships: Mentioned Streibough/Oersted/Alethea Warnings: Nothing, besides my first attempt at writing a pure crack fic Summary: Streibough isn’t evil, Oersted isn’t evil, but the cloak that they both wear certainly is. Added: 08 Sep 2023
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