soracities · 1 year
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Slavko Mihalić, from “The Man Who Decided” (trans. Peter Kastmiler), Contemporary East European Poetry: An Anthology
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charliearlet · 5 months
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My body and I are strangers. Death deepens the divide.
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nudesnoises · 3 months
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Iva Mihalic in "Pijavice"
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charliearlet-art · 2 years
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Pyrrha, the Undead Servant
The protagonist of my novel in the Hades style, as a treat 💕💕💕
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enjomo-arch · 1 year
I'm  really  ill  rn  about  Ace's  Spades  era  and  his  relations  with  crew  members  like  he  didn't  have  a  cook  all  the  way  up  to  New  World  so  Banshee  had  to  cook  for  them  and  she  did  awful  cooking  so  Ace  having  no  manners  at  all  always  complained  that  he  ate  better  with  the  bandits  so  Banshee  glares  at  him  once  and  he's  swallowing  the  food  like  his  life  depends  on  it  and  says   '  i'm  sorry  ma'am  '.  I  love  Ace  having  foster  mother  figure  even  on  his  ship  bc  Banshee  always  took  a  good  care  of  him and being intimidated by women who embrace the scary af aura ​​
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queenofcandynsoda · 2 years
SPY FAMILY OC: Mihal Vendetta
Mihal Vendetta 
Age: 6
Gender: Male
Nationality: Ostanian
Family: Joel Rose (father), Selah Rose (mother), Vermilion Vendetta (paternal half-sister), Scarlet Vendetta (adoptive mother), Donatien Vendetta (adoptive father)
Academic Background: Eden College
Occupation: Student of Eden College
Nickname: Mill
Appearance: Mihal has dark blond hair and green eyes. He wears the standard Eden College uniform. When he’s out of school, he wears a white shirt with a beige sweater vest, blue shorts, white socks, and black shoes. Prior to being adopted, he was noticeably skinny due to his parents forcing him into “fasting”. After the adoption, he is now the normal average weight. About: Mihal is the son of the People Liberty Party chairman Joel Rose and Selah Rose. He is also the half-brother of Vermilion Vendetta due to his father cheating on his mother while she was pregnant with him. In an agreement, Joel and Scarlet agreed to never interact with the other child, to never have their children talk to each other, and that Joel will never seek custody of Vermilion. Mihal was abused by his parents, along with their church, by beatings and starvation. They are extremely strict about their Christian Fascist beliefs. Despite his parents grooming him to be the next leader of the party or of their church, he is pretty gentle. He does not agree with the extreme politics that his parents hold. He likes reading books, watching shows, playing games, and eating the food that his parents forbid. He even likes art, hiding it from his parents, causing him to be friends with Rolfe. In an effort to get more money for his party, Joel attempted to sue for custody for Vermilion to force Scarlet to pay child support. This causes Mihal severe humiliation as the public knows about her father’s infidelity. He renounced his family name and the court had him removed from his parents’ custody once they learned of the severe abuse occurring in the Rose Chapel. Scarlet and Donatien then adopted him and let him interact with Vermilion and enjoy his childhood.
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wonderkat11 · 5 months
Mihaly turns into a Werewolf! (IMAGE TEASER)
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cejna · 5 months
Osman Gazi Kimdir? Hayatı ve Osmanlı Devletinin Kuruluşu 1299
Osman Gazi Kimdir? Osman Gazi’nin hayatı, Osman Gazi’nin biyografisi, Osman Gazi dönemi ve Osmanlı Devletin kuruluşu hakkında bilgi. Osman Gazi Kimdir? Osman Gazi, 1258’den 1324’e kadar yaşamış ve Osmanlı devletinin ilk hükümdarı olmuştur. “Osman Gazi” olarak anılır. Daha sonra ilk padişah olmasına rağmen, yalnızca “bey” unvanıyla yetinmiştir. Ertuğrul Gazi onun babasıdır. Ertuğrul Gazi,…
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cosmirii · 8 months
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soracities · 2 years
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Slavko Mihalić, from "The Exile's Return", trans. Bernard Johnson, Peter Kastmiler & Charles Simic
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charliearlet · 5 months
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Let's get dressed with Pyrrha
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charliearlet-art · 1 year
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cozage · 11 months
The Daughter's Return: Part 8
The Captain and the Barmaid
Part 1 | Part 9 | Table of Contents | Read this on A03
Word Count: 5.1k Characters: female reader x Portgas D. Ace CW: nothing crazy, just some creepy marines
You took a quick shower and didn’t spend as long as you would’ve liked on your hair and makeup, but you made the deadline. You had your gown and high heels in a bag to change into once you arrived on the island, as well as a pocket mirror, some emergency mascara, and lipgloss in case you needed a touch-up later. And the foundation/concealer combo that Whitey had given you this morning. 
You had been waiting in your father's study for five minutes before the next person walked in. Two people, actually, a man and a woman. 
“You must be Mihal and Kala,” you said, rising to your feet.
“Mihal,” the man said. “Kala,” he said, pointing to the girl. “And you’re not Ace, so I’m guessing you’re the new strategist.”
“You’d be correct,” you said. You all each gave a small formal introduction and began to create some small talk before two blonde-haired men came through the door.
It took you a second to realize the man next to Marco was Ace. His once black, greasy hair had been dyed, washed, and blow-dried. He looked like an entirely new person. His now sandy blonde hair made all of his features look softer and kinder. Even without his Marine outfit on, you found yourself unable to look away. 
You were so caught up in admiring his new look, you didn’t realize that Ace was staring right back at you. Everyone watched you both for a while before Marco cleared his throat. 
“Alright kiddos, let's move.”
“Wait, Marco,” you said, looking around. “I need a firework.”
“A firework?” Kala asked.
“I’ll explain on the rowboat. But we’ll need it.”
Marco sighed and opened one of your father’s cabinets. He handed the firework and a few matches to you, and you carefully stuck it in your bag alongside your formal outfit. The group then walked silently to the deck and loaded onto the rowboat. You could sense that Kala and Mihal were nervous, but you weren't sure what to say to ease their worries. 
Ace and Marco rowed their way to shore as you laid out the plan. 
“So our goal is for me and Ace to review the plans unnoticed. If everything works out that way, we’ll grab a photo and meet back here at midnight. If things go sideways, Ace and I will act as the diversion while you all go get photos of the schematics. Once you have the pictures, set off the firework to let Ace and I know we can retreat. Marco, if you see the firework, you’ll know that we’ll be laying low on the island for the night, and then come around to the northern side of the island and collect us the following morning. We’ll meet by the cluster of rocks on the northern shore and signal you with our pocket mirrors.”
“You’re really planning to stay on the island after the Navy knows you’re here?” Marco questioned.
You nodded. “If they recognize me or Ace, the first place they’re going to look is the sea. We’re better off lying low on the island and leaving after sunrise.”
“What if we can’t get to the firework after we get the schematics?” Kala asked.
“Me and Ace will cause a diversion until midnight. We’ll set the firework off at midnight if you all haven’t gotten to it and let everyone know to retreat or lay low.”
“And if you can’t get to the firework?” Mihal asked. He was thorough in his questioning, but you didn't mind. You'd rather him catch a flaw in your plan now than later. 
You held up your fist and clenched it. Your skin started to bubble, the magma underneath it, eager to escape. “If I can’t find the firework, I’ll just make my own.”
Marco laughed. “Smart.”
You grinned proudly. “I try.”
“Do you expect that you and Ace will fail?” Mihal asked, looking at you skeptically. “Seems like you have more of a backup plan than a primary plan.”
“It’s just good to have a backup plan for when shit hits the fan,” you said. “Because shit usually hits the fan.”
Mihal nodded, seemingly satisfied with your answers. You all rode the rest of the way in silence. The others seemed nervous, even Ace and Marco, but you were downright giddy. You were excited to see some action and have some fun again. This is what being a pirate was all about. 
As soon as you hit land, you jumped out of the boat. “I need to run to the bar really fast, I’ll be right back.”
The others gave you a curious look, but you ignored them. There was one more thing you needed to make sure your plan went smoothly. 
“Welcome to the Lonely Duck, how can I help you?” The girl had your hair color. That would make this easier. 
“Hi!” You pushed enthusiasm and joy into your voice, trying your best to act normal. “I’m so sorry! Can I use your bathroom?”
“Oh sure!” the girl at the bar said. 
“You are the best…what was your name?”
The girl smiled. “Kadie!”
“Well Kadie, you are an absolute lifesaver! Thank you!” You said as you ran into the bathroom. 
You stepped into the bathroom and touched up your makeup. Your mascara was slightly smudged, and the foundation that was hiding your hickies was starting to smudge. Once you were satisfied with your makeup, you flushed the toilet and walked back out. “You are truly the best, Kadie! I hope the rest of your day is as great as you are!”
“I’m actually about to get off work and go for a sunset hike with my boyfriend, so I think it will be!”
God, this girl really did check off all the boxes. You grinned back at her and dropped a few coins in the tip jar, hoping she would spill some more information. “Which trail?” you asked.
“Mount Klemson! It’s our three-month anniversary.”
She was a cute girl. You wondered what it would be like to live a life as boring as hers. 
“Big plans!” you feigned enthusiasm. “Good luck on your hike.” You gave her a wink and then rushed out the door. 
You walked back to the group, who were all mostly changed. The sun had begun sinking into the sky, which meant that it was almost time for your arrival at the ball. 
“We’re heading out,” Kala said. She was dawning a gorgeous long-sleeved red gown. “See you there.”
“Good luck!” you called, ducking into the abandoned cabin. 
Ace stood guard outside of the door as you stripped your day clothes off. Marco had packed a few jewelry options, but you chose the dangling pearl earrings and sapphire necklace to wear. You slipped on your gown, careful not to get it dirty. Then, you put on your white gloves and tightened your corset as much as you could bear, throwing it in a sloppy bowtie and tucking it into your dress. You would deal with how to get that off later. 
There wasn’t much you could check, but you opened your pocket mirror and examined your face one last time. You tucked away your bag with the firework, clothes, and jewelry into an open floorboard, and opened the door to see Ace waiting for you. 
Ace stared at you, once again taken away by how regal you looked. His mouth had dropped open, as if he had plans to comment on your appearance, but you didn’t give him the chance. You interlaced your arm with his, and the two of you began walking toward the giant mansion that was hosting the party.
“You look nice,” Ace said with a small smile, bumping against your shoulder lightly. 
“You look…different.”
His eyes widened, and he grabbed a piece of blonde hair to analyze it. “Good different or bad different?”
“Good different,” you assured him. “But I like your black hair better.”
“My mom had blonde hair. Makes me feel a bit more connected to her.” He sounded sad when he said that. You wanted to ask more but got the feeling he didn’t want to talk about it.
“You look nice in that Captain suit too,” you commented. “You’d make a good Marine.”
Ace groaned. “You sound like my grandpa.”
You snorted. “Your grandpa?”
“Yeah,” he sighed, shaking his head. “He always wanted me to be a Marine.”
“If only he could see you now,” you giggled, elbowing him playfully. 
He lightly chuckled, but his eyes were darting around nervously. You could see the mansion in full view now, and at least a hundred Marines were already standing in line. This was an extremely high-level event. You recognized several Vice Admirals and heard rumors that Sengoku would be making an appearance. If anyone recognized either you or Ace, there was a very good chance your mission would fail. 
“It'll be fine. Let’s do this,” you muttered, both of you taking a synchronous deep breath and setting your shoulders back, trying your best to appear confident and important. 
Getting in was easy. Two Officers were at the door, but they saluted Ace as he walked by. He held a higher status than them, and they didn’t even ask for credentials. 
“I could get used to this,” Ace mumbled in your ear. 
His words made you giggle as you looked around the ballroom. It was a massive room, and the floor was made entirely of white marble. There was an orchestra playing on the stage, and several people were waltzing on the dance floor. Waiters weaved in and out of people, offering drinks and appetizers. 
Your eyes quickly found people of note. You had made a strategic plan a few years ago, a comprehensive list of every high-ranking Navy Officer and the best course of action if the crew ever encountered them. It wouldn’t do much good with them all here at once, but you were quite familiar with almost everyone in the room because of it. 
Several rear admirals, vice admirals, and at least one admiral was present. You couldn’t find Sengoku, but you were certain at an event this high level and the rumors swirling, he’d be making an appearance. You could feel yourself growing uneasy. You knew this mission was going to be difficult, but you hadn’t expected your odds to be so low. 
Ace pressed his lips to your ear, speaking quietly to you. “Don’t focus on that right now. We have plenty of time. Let’s work on blending in first, okay?”
He was right, of course. You were amongst some high-level Navymen, and they didn’t get their titles by being idiots. For the first part of the night, they would be on guard, watching anyone they found suspicious. After a few drinks, they would relax, and then you would be able to make your move. 
It was easy to blend in. Ace was someone who could easily make friends, and he was masterful about making the conversation about someone else. Your job was the same as all of the other women there: be pretty eye candy and stay quiet. Normally you would detest such a role, but your mind was busy trying to find a way to the plans without drawing attention to yourself. 
You spent the evening drinking bubbly champagne out of crystal flutes, taking tiny snacks off of a silver platter, and dancing a slow waltz with your now golden-haired Navy Captain. The drinks and the food were magnificent, but your favorite part of the evening by far was the moments you spent on the dance floor. 
Ace was a fantastic dancer, which surprised you. Everything you knew about him suggested he shouldn’t know the difference between a ballroom waltz and a quickstep, but he always seemed to find the perfect moves for whatever rhythm was played. And he was a skillful leader in every dance, holding you firm while giving you enough grace to follow on your own. The two of you quickly began to draw a crowd of women who were desperate for a dance with him. 
Ace looked nervously at you for a moment as the women fawned over him, but you waved him on. For some reason, they didn’t bother you. If any of these women knew who Ace truly was, they would run away in fear. You found it quite humorous, given the circumstances.
“Are you sure?” Ace asked, watching you closely. 
“Yes of course,” you said, giggling. “My feet hurt anyway. Go show these ladies what they’re missing out on.” You gave him a wink, and his freckled cheeks pinkened. 
You used your time to sit at a nearby table and observe the rest of the room, specifically the second floor. The steps that led to the second floor were guarded by two rear admirals, and the second-story balcony that overlooked the ballroom held some of the high-level members of the Navy. 
Sengoku had finally made an appearance, and he stuck close to one of his admirals, Aokiji. Several vice admirals were also present, but the one that worried you most was Monkey D. Garp, Hero of the Navy. You don’t get a title like that without doing something grandeur. From what you remembered, even your father seemed to be weary of him. 
You had been so busy watching the admirals, you hadn't noticed that they had been watching Ace for a few minutes. You cursed the oversight. Ace seemed to be drawing attention to himself, which was the last thing either of you needed. 
You were about to go grab him off the dance floor when an older gentleman sat down next to you. 
“Now tell me,” he cooed, his eyes raking over your body. “What’s a lovely lady like you doing all alone at this table?”
The rank on his uniform indicated he was a rear admiral, but you were unfamiliar with who he was. He must’ve risen through the ranks while you had been away. But a real admiral was still a high status, and he could get you up to that second story if you played your cards right. Ace could handle himself for a few more minutes. 
You smiled sweetly at him, pretending to not notice his lingering gaze. “My date kind of ditched me,” you said. “But I’m so honored to be in this place, surrounded by so many high-ranking and powerful men.”
The man chuckled. “Your date doesn’t know what he’s missing out on, darling.”
You forced a blush to rise to your cheeks. “You’re too kind.”
He rose from the seat, holding his hand out. “Rear Admiral Catacombo, at your service.”
You let out a high-pitched giggle and took his hand. “A pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is Kadie.”
“Kadie.” The sharpness of the name on his lips almost made you flinch. “Would you like to dance?” 
Every bone in your body told you to get away from this man, but you took his hand and let him lead you to the dancefloor. He was a decent dancer. Not as good as Ace; he was too forceful in his directions and too demanding of your attention for the dance itself to be enjoyable. But you gritted your teeth and went along with a smile for the possibility of getting access to the upper level of the house. 
“Did you know this house actually belongs to my grandfather?” Catacombo said in a boastful tone. 
Your eyes widened. You could roll with this. He was practically handing those schematics to you on a silver platter. 
“Really?” you asked.
“It’s quite magnificent, isn’t it? I spent most of my younger days here, playing in the courtyard.”
“Oh, what a dream!” you said, just slightly too exaggerated. Luckily Catacombo found your admiration endearing. You lowered your eyes, trying your best to appear embarrassed. “Can I tell you a secret, Catacombo?”
He leaned in close to you, his face almost touching yours. “Of course.”
You blushed, trying not to visibly react to the stench of cigars and alcohol that was being blown into your face with every breath. “Promise you won’t judge me.”
“I promise, I promise!”
You turned away feigning embarrassment, and took a fresh breath of air. 
“I have to admit,” you said. “I’ve always dreamed of coming into this home. I’ve seen it from afar for so many years, sitting so perfectly on this hill. I’ve wanted nothing more than to explore this house and meet the wonderful people who call it home.”
You were fairly certain this man fell in love with you off your words alone. You had laid the flattery on a little thick, but thankfully he seemed to like it that way. 
“Would you like to see it?” He asked.
You blinked. There was no way it could be this easy. “See what?”
“The house!” he whispered urgently, and you gave him a wide grin. 
“Are you serious?”
“Of course! Let's go!” He took your hand and started to lead you away. 
You eagerly followed, until your free hand was grabbed and you were pulled backward. 
“Hey!” you yelled, turning to see who was interrupting you. A blonde marine with freckles was scowling at you. 
“Where are you going?” Ace demanded. 
“Oh, hi!” You said, widening your eyes slightly to signal Ace. “Admiral Catacombo was just going to show me around this lovely home. I’ll be back soon!”
“No.” He gripped your hand tighter, pulling you back towards him. 
“I’ll only be gone for a few minutes,” you reasoned. “It’s fine.”
“Is there a problem?” Catacombo asked, turning back towards you and Ace. 
“Yeah, there is,” Ace said, puffing out his chest. “I think you were just trying to steal my date away from me, Rear Admiral.”
You turned slightly away from Catacombo's view and mouthed one word to Ace: stop. But he either didn’t see you or didn’t care. 
Ace forced a smile, but his words were on the verge of threatening. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to steal her back from you now.”
Catacombo’s eyes darted between you and Ace, and after a moment he let go of your hand. 
“Wait,” you said, turning towards the rear admiral. “Wait, please don’t go!”
“It was a pleasure dancing with you,” Catacombo said, giving you and your body one last longing look. “I hope our paths cross again.”
And then he disappeared into the crowd. You turned to Ace, your eyes burning with hatred. 
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” you hissed. 
“Don’t even! I saved you!”
“I didn’t need saving!” you snapped, struggling to keep your voice down.
“Please!” Ace cried, exasperated. “Did you even see the way he looked at you?! That guy was practically mind fucking you! All he wanted was to get you alone so he could try to get inside you!”
His voice was rising, and a few people looked over in surprise at his words. 
“Keep your voice down,” you growled.
“I’m not going to risk you getting hurt,” Ace said. 
“I can handle myself!” You could feel your skin starting to boil. “That was our golden ticket, you idiot!”
“We’ll find another way in,” Ace mumbled, looking up and down your body. “One that doesn’t leave you so…objectified.”
People were really starting to stare at you all now, mumbling to each other about Ace's words. You had drawn a lot of attention. Even without looking, you could feel eyes from the balcony watching you closely. You had lost your incognito status. It was time to move to plan B. 
Your eyes found Kala, who was watching nervously. You gave her a fraction of a nod and then looked back at Ace. It was up to them now. You had a new role.
“I’m sorry about this,” you whispered.
“Sorry about-”
You smacked him across the face as hard as you could. 
“How dare you?!?” You screamed out, taking a few steps away from him. “Whatever you are thinking sir, I am not that kind of lady!”
“What the fuck?!” Ace hissed, holding his cheek. 
False tears pooled in your eyes. “How dare you try and take advantage of me!” you screamed again, loud enough for the whole room to hear you. 
People started to crowd around you, trying to separate you and Ace. You glanced to find Kala, but she and Mihal had vanished. 
“Kadie,” Catacombo rushed back to you, grabbing you by the arm. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
“Oh Catacombo,” you said, your voice filling with relief. “I’m so sorry to make a scene, I just-” you stopped speaking and collapsed into his chest, letting out a loud sob. 
“What the hell are you talking about?” Ace demanded. He started toward you, but a few Marines blocked his path. 
“Tell me what happened,” Catacombo said, rubbing your back. 
“I don't know,” You pulled away from Catacombo, wiping the fake tears from your eyes. “But he just…” you stopped to take a breath, springing up new tears. “He tried to force himself onto me.”
“I did not!” Ace yelled, though he was slowly starting to see what you were doing. “I would never-!”
“Come on, son.” An Admiral grabbed Ace by the arm. “Let's get you sobered up and have a long chat.”
Ace struggled against the Admiral, and he glanced up nervously at the balcony. You followed his gaze to see Lead Admiral Sengoku, Vice Admiral Garp, and Captain T-Bone all staring down at the scene that unfolded. You said a silent prayer to any higher power that would listen, hoping they didn’t recognize either of you. 
“Let’s get you somewhere quiet to calm down,” Catacombo chimed, still holding you close to him and rubbing his hand across your back. 
He led you up the stairs and through the crowd of high-statured Marines. You could feel eyes on you, and you kept your head down to avoid eye contact with anyone, pretending to cry with embarrassment. He continued to lead you down a length of corridors until you finally stopped in front of a room. 
He grabbed a key from his pocket and unlocked the door, and you stepped inside to find a nicely lit study. It had a desk and a conference table, papers strewn out on any surface you could see. Perhaps he had led you straight to the room you needed to be in. 
“Nobody will bother us here,” Catacombo muttered, closing the door behind him. 
You hated the way he had worded that sentence. You attempted to clear your throat, which had tightened from fear. “Could I actually bother you one more time for a glass of water?” you asked, looking at him with tears still in your eyes. 
“Of course,” he said. “Be right back.” He slipped out the door and you heard the familiar turn of a lock before his steps receded. He had locked you in this room, and you couldn't help but question his intentions. Not that you didn’t have other ways to escape; there were windows, and the floor or ceiling could easily be burned. But those would immediately give you away. 
You didn’t have time to think of an escape plan right now, though. Your priority was finding the documents you needed. You carefully flipped through the folders and stray pages, but you found nothing of ship schematics. They must be somewhere else. You could only hope that Kala and Mihal would pick up the slack. 
You heard the turn of the lock, and you quickly positioned yourself near the wall of books, pretending to look at his collection. You managed to grab a book off the shelf just as the door opened.
“You have quite an impressive collection,” you said, turning to face him. 
Catacombo wasn’t alone this time, he had brought another Marine with him. You believed her name was Hina. It made your odds of escape lower, but at least you weren’t alone with the creep anymore. 
“Katy,” the woman said. “My name is Hina. I’m a rear admiral with the Navy. I’m afraid we need to speak with you.”
“Kadie,” you corrected. It didn’t really matter, but it was better to keep your alias strong. 
Another man walked in, a Vice Admiral. You believed his name was Comil. 
“Kadie,” Hina mimicked, correcting her previous mistake. “Please sit. We need to talk.”
You sat in a plush chair across from her, turned slightly towards the door so you could see people as they came and went. 
“How can I help you?” you asked. 
“I need you to tell me everything about the man you came with today. His name, how you met him, why you joined him tonight.”
They must’ve realized Ace was a fraud. The game just became much more dangerous. 
“He came in while I was working,” you said. “I worked an early shift today at the Lonely Duck-it’s a bar in town. He was wearing his uniform, so I assumed he was in town for the Maritime Ball. We got to talking and he invited me to be his date. I agreed.”
“Did he tell you his name?” Hina asked. “His rank? Anything?”
You blushed and summoned tears to your eyes. “I…” you wracked your brain, trying to think of something fake to give them. “Why? Is something wrong?”
Hina looked at the two men standing at the door, and you saw Comil give her a slight nod. 
“We believe he may have entered the premises under false identity. Please, if you can think of a name or anything he may have said to you out of the ordinary.”
Your voice caught in your throat, and for one of the first times that night, you didn’t have to act. You felt true fear, and it was written all over your face. 
“Kadie, you’re safe,” Hina reassured you, misinterpreting the fear on your face. “We’re not going to let anything happen to you. Just think.”
You took a drink of water, your hand shaking as it held the glass. “I think he said his name was Captain Axel? Or something like that?”
“Ace?” Hina asked, looking at you intensely. You felt like you couldn’t breathe, but Hina pressed further. “Did he say Ace?”
“I don’t-” you paused, blinking real tears away. “I can’t remember.”
You heard an explosion downstairs, and you jumped at the noise. What the hell was Ace doing? Had they discovered who he was already? Surely he wouldn’t have given himself away in a matter of minutes. You realized, with a flash of horror, if they had taken off his shirt it would be pretty obvious who he belonged to. 
Another Marine stepped into the room and handed Hina a paper. Hina looked at it and then flipped it around to you. It was Ace’s bounty poster. 
Your mouth fell open in shock. You didn’t know what to do. You should’ve thought harder about an escape plan. 
You tried to think about what you had written years ago. You were fairly certain your strategy had been to flatter her and then place a crowd between you and her. She wouldn't hurt civilians, and she tended to believe their accounts more than her own men. 
“Is this the man you came with tonight?" Hina asked, bringing you back to the present. "He may have had different color hair, but-”
“That’s him,” you breathed out. “Oh my god, are you telling me I slapped a pirate?” Your self-preservation act was back and in high gear. If you could just fool them for a little bit longer, Kala and Mihal would have enough time to find what they needed. “A pirate with a bounty of over-” You stopped talking, taking deep, quickened breaths. 
“Kadie!” Catacombo rushed over, holding you steady as you pretended to hyperventilate. 
“I’m sorry,” you cried. “I didn’t know.”
“Have Lonz get the Whitebeard Pirates Bounty papers we have in the back room,” Comil murmured to the man next to him. 
“We already confirmed there's a woman of her likeness that works at the Lonely Duck,” the man murmured back.
“I don't care about her. I doubt Portgas D. Ace would be working alone, so there must be more members here. So go get those posters.”
You cried harder into Catacombo’s chest, pretending like you didn’t hear them. At least your false identity would hold up for a few more minutes. 
“The Navy won’t let anything happen to you,” Hina assured you. “You have some of the highest-ranking officials in this house. I promise Portgas D. Ace will be brought to justice, and you will be safe.”
You nodded, calming yourself down. It was getting close to midnight. You just had to keep them stalled until the firework went off. It was possible they didn’t have your poster anymore, since you had been presumed dead. And you were fairly sure that Kala or Mihal didn’t have bounty posters. Picking low-profile members had been a smart move. 
“We have to deal with another issue, but a Rear Admiral guard placed at your door until the incident is over. I promise you will be safe.”
“Thank you,” you said, sniffling and wiping your eyes. “I’m so sorry I caused all this trouble.”
“Don’t be,” Hina smiled at you. “If anything, you saved us from something even worse.”
They left you alone in the room, which was probably one of the stupidest things they all agreed on. Leaving a civilian in a room with top-secret information was…absurd. Sometimes you really questioned the integrity of the World Government. 
A few minutes later, a red flare shot into the sky, and the boom of a firework echoed through the tiny room you were in. Kala and Mihal had succeeded. It was time to leave. You could only hope that Ace had also managed to escape and would meet you at the rendezvous point. 
You picked up a few random files, planning to take them with you as you escaped. At least then it would look like you were the real reason for breaking into the party. With some luck, they wouldn’t even notice that Kala and Mihal were in the house. 
You were about to blast through the window when the door behind you opened. You froze, your back to the door. You clutched your files close to your chest, hoping the person who entered the room wouldn’t be able to see them.
“Thanks, Gion. Go take fifteen, I’ll watch her.” The voice chilled your bones. The last voice you wanted to hear. The Hero of the Navy. Vice Admiral Monkey D. Garp.
Editing to add my tags that I forgot im SO SORRY!!
Tag list! @taeyoge @teiza @tojislawyer @trafalgardnami @bloopbopsblog @dancingnewcat @dxestyi @flooofity @deadsnothere @h-rhodes1598  @morgyyyyyyy @trafalgardvivi @beepboopcowboy (if you'd like to be included in the tag list, just comment or send me a message!)
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nonono-zzz · 7 months
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#いいツインテールの日 pic.twitter.com/UyqzzsqlGp
— みはえる/MihaL🐍✨C103土曜"東"k‐01a (@0w0miha0w0) November 22, 2023
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saphushia · 1 year
I would pay so much money to Oda just to know where the remnants of the Spade Pirates are. We know they integrated into the Whitebeards, so they were there at Marineford and possibly at the Grudge War afterwards too. So if so….then where are they!?! 😭😭
Are they alive? Have they met Luffy? Do they want to? What about Deuce? 🤔
REAL. deuce has made a couple brief anime appearances but they seem to all be flashbacks... after the whitebeards dissolve i could see skull going back to his informant gig solo, maybe mihal settles down to teach kids full time without the pirating stuff, but deuce... with how the manga ended i want soooo badly for him to show up again
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i need him to meet luffy so fucking bad. AND I ACTUALLY ONLY JUST NOW NOTICED THIS BUT. HOW DOES HE KNOW ABOUT SABO??? he specifically mentions the revs chief of staff what is up with that!!! i need deuce to reappear soooo fucking bad
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mitch marner + in the shadow of a legacy (@ghostgeno)
THE EXILES RETURN by Slavko Mihalic
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