#Mike is having a gay crisis while lucas is having a psychotic break
asquinate · 8 months
I was prevented from getting my eight hours last night so here, take this Wheelclair drabble 12am me did. And I sincerely apologize if you're as traumatized as i was after reading it.
“What do you want, Mike?” Lucas asks. He taps his food impatiently on the floor, and he looks a second away from darting back outside. Back to the woods, where he’s been spending more time than at the safehouse as of recently. 
This, of course, only pisses Mike off more. Though he tries his best not to show it, He’s not here to pick a fight. He’s here to show concern for his friend.
"Dude,” he says. “Calm down; I just wanted to talk. Are you okay?”
Lucas frowns. “What?” he says incredulously. “I’m fine; why are you asking?”
Mike’s about to answer because you haven't gotten a good night’s sleep in weeks, because you’re always in the forest, searching, and because I haven't seen you in weeks aside from meetings where you barely talk. But before he can, Lucas speaks again, his tone accusatory.
“Is that why you asked me to meet you? Seriously?!” Lucas starts to yell, his words harsh. “You know I have things I’m doing, like trying to find Vecna with everyone else- I don’t have time for this.” He turns away, seemingly heading towards the door, and Mike acts on instinct when he yells, “Lucas, stop!”
His friend freezes, and the room is silent. There is tension, and Mike has no idea when it became so thick. He has no clue how to get through it. He tries anyway.
“I haven’t seen you in ages, man,” Mike tries. “You’re killing yourself out there with no regard for your health, and I’m sick of it!”
Anger bleeds through, and Mike can tell the exact moment when he loses whatever footing he had in this conversation.
Lucas scowls. “Well, I’m sorry that it's so uncomfortable for you, Mike. I’m only trying to help save Hawkins, but I’ll try to be more accommodating for you,” he snarls. His eyes are so cold and so angry that Mike has to stop himself from flinching. This isn’t about him; it's about Lucas, and he refuses to let Lucas do this to himself any longer. 
“Stop deflecting!” he yells, taking a step forward towards Lucas. ”I know what you’re doing, and you’re helping no one!”
Lucas rolls his eyes. “Fuck off, Mike.”
“You can’t save Max if you’re getting yourself killed!”
A silence permeates again, and Mike quietly wonders if he’s fucked this up again. Lucas seethes and steps forward, dangerously, threateningly until their nose-to-nose and Mike can practically feel the anger coming from his friends.
“What the fuck do you know?” he says.
Mike refuses to let himself be intimidated. “I know that I care about you, and I’m not going to sit around and let you tear yourself apart just so you can find a way to dull the pain you asshole!” Mike yells. He glares back at Lucas, who towers over him. Who looks down at him with so much ire.
Goddammit, why can’t he just see that he’s trying to help him?
Lucas’ eyes bore into him. Layers of emotion and resentment in them as he glares at Mike. Neither dare say a word.
Then Lucas’ eyes dart downward for a second that Mike can’t even comprehend before suddenly a new sensation assaults his senses because, all at once, Lucas is kissing him.
He doesn’t get to comprehend how he feels because all he can focus on is the press of his friend’s body against his, the rough hold Lucas has on his face, and the brutal attack against his lips. Not to mention how terrifyingly good it feels despite those things.
It’s hungry and aggressive how Lucas captures his mouth. He takes, and Mike gives. Because of the wish to help or the pleasure coursing through him, is unclear to Mike as he slowly loses himself to the kiss.
Lucas’ other arm journeys down to his waist and pulls him closer. A firm hold that Mike isn’t sure he could pull away from if tried. Not that he’s sure he would even want to do that either.
They stay like that for how long, Mike doesn’t know. With Mike allowing Lucas to explore his mouth greedily as Lucas seems to vent his frustration in the only way available. 
Eventually, Lucas seems to calm down and pull back. Mike is suddenly hit with the realization that oxygen is something he needs as he gasps for air alongside Lucas, who seems to realize the same thing.
Lucas releases his hold on Mike’s waist and drops his hand from his cheek. Now he only stares at Mike with curiosity. 
Then he takes a breath and walks out of the room. Leaving Mike to try to figure out what just happened.
‘God,’ Mike thinks as he feels his bruised lips with his hand. ‘Oh my god.’
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