#Miko's burst was surprisingly not that hard to colour.
chaoticentropy · 1 year
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multifandomwriter18 · 4 years
Optimus Prime x Reader Imagine ~ TFP
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~This was the very first transformer imagine that I had made when I first made my Transformers one shots on my wattpad account. Maybe check my account out @HotnSpicyDolanTwins enjoy the imagine y’all.
You have always been the one who stayed silent.
It's been hard lately..
Your parents recently has gotten divorced and it hadn't been easy. But hey, you got your friends Miko, Raf, and Jack. Oh and let's not forget the Autobot's!
The one bot you have gotten closer to throughout your time with the Bot's was with the great Autobot leader-
-Optimus Prime.
No one knows about your parents or how much your breaking everyday.
It's hard always to force a smile and get through the day. But the only one who sees through your disguise is Prime himself.
"(Y/n) come on, Bee is here to pick us up!" Raf stated as he caught up to you at your locker. Your (e/c) gaze met his and you nodded.
You grabbed you (bag size) backpack and and locked your locker. Bee has took the job of looking after you and Raf.
Surprisingly only you, Raf, and the rest of the Bot's understand him. Miko and Jack don't understand anything so both you and Raf interpreted what Bee is saying.
As both of you stepped in Bee beeps happily at the both of you.
":Hey (y/n)! Hey Raf. How was school?:"
Both Raf smiled at the bot. "It was good." You both replied as Bee drove off to the base.
:At the base:
As Bee drives you two in you stepped out and was greeted by Miko and Jack. "Man! It's so great to get out a school!" Miko exclaimed with delight as she stretched and headed to the couch where the whole gaming system was set up for us.
"Wanna joy us (y/n)?" Jack asked as you hummed. Tucking a loose lock of you (h/c) hair behind your ear.
"Oh um..it's ok. I have homework." You replied awkwardly as I looked down at your (colour) sneakers.
Jack nodded as both boys went to join Miko. You sat down on the metal stair case as you grabbed your sketch book and started to doodle some flowers.
"You ok (y/n)? You seem a bit odd." Prime asked nearly causing you to leaping out of your skin.
You haven't even took notice that Optimus was near you. You let out a faint hum as you looked up at the large mech. "Hm? No I'm fine. Just tired." You replied simply before getting up. "I'm gonna head outside for some air." You added on faintly as you felt your chest tighten.
"Would you like us to come?" Raf asked as you shook your head, gathering your sketch book and (colour) bag in your arms.
"Nah, I'll be fine. I won't stray far." You replied as you head out to the high boulders. You sat down on the red sandy rocks as you stared up at the warm red-blue sky.
A sigh escapes your lips as tears weld in your (e/c) eyes.
Optimus Prime's POV
Overall I felt bad for her.
The other might have not seen her raw emotions but I did.
She is a very interesting female. She doesn't talk as much as Miko but she's respectful, kind and generous to others.
Something I like about her. Her
(e/c) eyes is something I really like. They tend to show more emotions than what she thinks.
Her laugh is pretty and I like her smile..
She's beautiful..
I felt a wash of heat form on my faceplate.
It's been hard not knowing my emotions that I have felt towards (y/n).
My spark goes a little erratic-and sometimes I can become nervous near her. Is it normal to feel that way?
I shake my helm side to side as I tried to break away from my thoughts.
"Optimus are you alright?"
I hummed, looking over at Ratchet who has one grey optic ridge raised in questioning.
It's been a while since she returned so decided to check up on her.
"Yes I am quite alright. I'll go see if (y/n) is ok." I replied as Ratchet nodded slightly as I stepped out of the base.
It was easy to find her. She's always in her usually spot. Her body looked small-she was staring up at the sky as always.
"(Y/n)? Are you alright?" I asked as she turned to look at me. Her (e/c) eyes red and puffy.
"Optimus? Ah..I'm fine!" She stuttered out as she quickly turned away.
I let out a small escape my mouthplates as I slowly sat down next to her.
"Throughout my time being with you I already know that you are not ok."
In matters of seconds she began to burst into tears.
Your POV
You couldn't believe yourself of how you just broke down into tears. You felt stupid in a way, allowing the great Autobot leader in seeing you cry like that.
Once you managed to slow down your sobs you wiped your now red and puffy (e/c) eyes before looking down at your hands.
"My parents are going through a divorce." You muttered as your lower lip began to quiver again.
"Divorce?" The mech asked as he tilted his helm to the side. You looked up at him, meeting his blue optic gaze.
"A divorce is when two humans who maybe don't love each other anymore or don't think the marriage would work out so they let the government allow them to go their separate ways." You exclaimed as the Prime hummed.
"I then can understand your sudden mood." He replied as you nodded, tears beginning to slide down your face. "I just wish that it wasn't so hard." You choked out as you wiped your eyes again.
"I hate when my parents argue and when..or when.." You trailed off as you began to sob all over again. The Prime sighed, feeling horrible for you.
He hated to see uku in such pain. Not knowing how human life works he still wanted to support you either way. So..delicately scooping you in his servo as you felt your cheeks grow hot.
"(Y/n), I want to apologize for the pain and sadness that you are in. Even though I do not know such human customs through marriage I still will support you either way, because I care about you." He exclaimed as your face turned bright red.
He cares about me?
You worked down a smiled and nodded, before leaned forward and kissing his cheek plate.
"Thank you Optimus, it means a lot to me."
His optics widened at first but softened at the sight of you smiling instead of crying.
"I'm glad."
You giggled slightly as he placed you on his shoulder. "Just so you know Prime I care about you too."
You felt the mech stiffen and then you saw him smile while a blue tinge formed on his faceplate.
With a faint chuckle you both turned your heads to the sky and watched the beautiful sunset.
What did you all think about it? I hope you all liked it! More one shots are still to come so stay tuned for more!
See you all in the next imagine sweetsparks!
*thats what I’m calling all you transformer fans out there*
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