#Mimi is slaying tho
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no thoughts just
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rewh0re · 1 year
you and i 🤝 pulling out some sae angst rn
LMAO FR FR. I like saw your post and read through it and i was like DAMN I TOO WAS GONNA POST A SAE ANGST AROUND THIS TIME KSNFAJNFEJHDJSFHDH.
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personasintro · 1 year
For the love of God Mimi, you have so much more patience than me. I'd be throwing my laptop over the window with the asks you receive. You slay tho with your answers 🤐 you really got a proper laugh of me with more than one so, thanks for that 😂 Have a nice weekend my queen! 👑
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I’m tempted but my laptop was expensive 🤧🤠
Have a lovely weekend!! For me it’s a great start (if you couldn’t tell) 🌚
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bluestarjay · 12 days
I love T.K. from digimon. He's my favorite from the original 8 digidestined, and he's so underrated!!! A year or two ago, I had a thought about t.k being genderfluid or at least gender non-conforming because I think that's so interesting. We get to see all of them grow up, and in T.K, I see a lot of unconformity in both his personality and style, and it really got me thinking. Idk where the genderfluid thing came from specifically tho,,,
In 02, he relives a lot of his trauma from devimon, and he kind of switches back and forth between a really nice kid and then a revenge focused fighter, yk? And of course, it's much more than just that, but Iori mentions that he doesn't understand T.K. and the kind of person he is. To me personally, I think that kind of behavior could be translated into their gender as well. I love how sassy he is and how perfect he and Kari work together. Just imagine how perfectly androgynous he could be??? Matt is literally in a band, and in Tri I feel like fashion is such a big topic,,, idk I just saw that in his personal style I could see them wearing skirts and dresses, lots of jewelry, yk? And with the hats?? Ugh, just imagine T.K. in one of those Rockstar girlfriend outfitsssss A long denim skirt, the chunky docs, a very slightly cropped shirt, chains, and to top it off a kind of newsboy cap (the cute kind obvi)??? Like, guys, T.K. is literally part French. Obviously, he's some kind of queer!!! /hj And then another day, cargo pants, baggy hoodie?? Like guys, the reason he's not genderfluid or gnc in canon is bc they knew he'd slay too hard ‼️‼️‼️
And when he realizes he doesn't totally feel like a boy, he immediately goes to Sora bc Sora is obvi the mom friend of the group and has the best advice, so she tells him that it's ok, and to talk to mimi about how to express himself better. So he goes to mimi and they talk about it, and she does his nails, and he's like " 😧😧😧😧" (IN A GOOD WAY) and she gives him some old things from her closet to try on bc how else is he supposed to find out what he likes?? BTW, guys, I hate mimi in s1, but in 02, she's literally the sweetest and most supportive person. And then when he comes out to the new digidestined, Iori and Daisuke are confused asf but 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ and miyako is a tad bit offensive but without meaning to be, and then Kari is so super supportive especially bc she once accidentally walked in on Tai and Matt kissing or smth. Patamon does NOT understand human gender, especially since digimon don't technically have genders, but loves him sm he'll do whatever to make him happy
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huevobuevo · 1 year
i lovegraham :]] dont tlel e=anyone but hes my favorite ...cutie pie
i wanna give MASSIVE sloppy to the mf in the soundtrack room
i cant wait ot see babygirl (master) again oh my god hes so, sooppy
if it werent for chibnalls shit writing this season would've been great. i still love it tho because im stupid but damn... the potential
13 just like me fr i wanna chew her like a wad of paper I LOVE THAT SOFT BUTC !!!!!!!!!!!!! THATS MY BFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THE VISUALS THE BASS T5HE FUCKINGF IEYGRIHGHUGIHRGHRIUHRUOGHOGUHFDUHFGPMVWNI W !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OITS SOPO GOOODODD its so pourrple too got damn !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!fuck !!!!!!!!!!!!
honestly im kinda pissed still bout how fast they just kinda. destroy gallifrey agani ://
Eldritch Doctor is REAL and i love it . that thing is not of this realm .
13 is the reason for the 1920's rabies outbreak.
shes so so silly and so so. slay. sleighhh.
I love Yazmin and Ryan and Graham but aurughrhg chibnall doesnt know how to fully develop these characters well :[[ (Atleast for the first two seasons?? but also my mind might change as i rewatch the series sooo)
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metapikakirby42 · 6 years
Thoughts on RPDR AS3 Ep. 7
Something something Game of Thrones....the end is almost heeeeeeeereeee
Shooketh. Still from Dela. 
Bebe don’t want to reveal her lipstick. And I’m like...what the fuck kind of excuse is out of respect for BenDeLa? But hey, some things are better left a mystery. Which makes me suspect she purposely threw the lipsync.
Kennedy is telling the truth though when she was talking about what Dela’s motivations could have been. So stop being messy. Also Kennedy not being able to say the title of the movie is me.
Also hey Nancy! But like...dafuq is dis cameo and then she just leaves...it’s so fucking weird.
So the taping is weird...and Morgan made me laugh through embarrassment. Trixie doing well tho.
The pre-runway mirror time was fun. See Morgan isn’t a total bitch. She’s a sweetheart too. Also Trixie is right, Kennedy did amazing during her time in Season 7. Kennedy struggled at times but she did the god damn thing.
Red for filth runway? Are you....red-y for it? So when is the Cher Runway--reference the damn old rugurl who’s about to die so Ru wants her to be happy.
But that Season 10 teaser? YASSSSSSSSSS.....I love look challenges so much. 
DAFUQ IS THIS QUICK RUNWAY. DAMMIT THIS IS MY FAVORITE PART OF THE EPISODE. HOW. DARE. YOU. RUSH. THROUGH. IT. Season 10 come sooner so I can enjoy the episode better. Now I have to rewatch this later... -.-
Bebe: SHOOT. If Violet and Valentina had an evil stepmother. 
Shangela:.... uh toot. Giving blood sea urchin hedgehog. It apparently was an inflatable dress. Cute but horrifying at the same time.
Trixie: TOOT. Body on point. Comedy killing it (read...you know...like books...Trixie cakcle). 
Kennedy Davenport: Toot. Regal in red. Beaded beauty. But I can’t appreciate it dammit if you rush through the runway.
Morgan McMichaels: Toot. Being a ho while giving her scottish realness. Love the plaid pattern. Excellent showcase of her boobs. Flashes her cooch. Looks on point at least.
Bebe as the queen...meh. Live for the Nina Bo’Nina Brown joke though. I love me some Nina Bo’nina.
Trixie as Sharon Popo...something. 100% nailed it. Hilarious. Need a gif of the baby doll caressing her hair pronto.
Shangela as Actavia...meh...funny one-liners. Nothing new here. Great still.
Kennedy as La La...unfortunate. Fun. But not funny... BTW Kennedy love your voice. Love the pow kick though (Thorgy is shook).
Morgan as Beige Swan (Raven is shook)....honestly I laughed when she quacked. Poor casting. This role was meant for like Milk, Thorgy, or Aja. She should have changed sounds and just been like I don’t remember which bird I am. OR she should have done those screaming goat meme sounds lol. I dunno.
Ugh...DeLa probably would have done well in this challenge too lol. IMAGINE. She could almost have had 6 top placements in All stars before the finale. q.q
So Shangela and Trixie in the top...no surprise there.
The Kiki was hilarious. Bebe don’t know Ornacia--insert Kandy Ho “What the fuck”. Kennedy shows her age by pronouncing meme as MIMI. I almost thought she was referencing Mimi Imfurst. But no...just meme.
Okay so before the lipsync starts: Trixie is in this awful piss highlight yellow hair in that classic wavy hair. That’s a gorgeous pink bodysuit tho. Shangela is already up to some gags and tricks. And while it’s exhausting to watch, she’s at least prepared and it was some good gags.
Yeah it’s a fat suit and it’s a cheap way to be funny but gurl if Latrice, Eureka, Jiggly, or Jaidynn did the same thing it would be funny and slay too. THAT IS HOW YOU LIPSYNC TO FREAKY MONEY.
Shangela giving some damn speeches...
“I’m not Phi Phi. I hug everyone.” THE SHADE. And I was team Phi Phi on AS2 too (what can I say...I’m a masochist...also she served great looks and she’s improved phenomenally...still a bitch....but definitely talented).
I’m #TeamBeBe. I’m loyal. But I think Shangela or Trixie will win. Seems more like Shangela’s crown to me now though. All Stars 3 was way more amazing than we thought huh!
But let’s keep one thing straight gay, that script for the challenge was awful. lol
Next time we have a winner baby!
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vampiremeowny · 6 years
girly i know my meme very well and LMAOOOOOOOOO that seems fit. seunghee is the best. she sings the demo for my bro's b1a4's jinyoung girl group bops and that's the Only Thing That Matters. tbh binnie slays me with her love o'clock outfit ya feel? you bet your test/flute thingy will get the highest score by the power of meme. also; cupid? best debut. iconic. they Did That. hot summer nights? goodbye, life is good. yes. you should watch b1a4 performing 1 step 2 step live on their concert. nods.
hmmm maybe it’s just cause I’m stupid but I can’t find a vid of Seunghee singing that demo. I’ll have to look harder
AAAAHHHHHH wait I’m genuinely so happily surprised by some of the love ‘o’ clock outfits cause they’re actually getting individual outfits???? idk but I feel like in previous eras and p much… all the time… omg’s stage outfits are all the same or just variations of the same thing (like the matchy matchy clothes for windy day and step by step) and while they always look very cute, I really like seeing at least some individuality in groups’ outfits. I actually really liked Mimi’s outfit too! the heart sweater? (x) cute! love the red, too. I think their outfits are unique tho cause even when they’re all dressed the same they’re adorable ~
asdfashjera b1a4 looks so awkward doing the dance moves for one step two step haha but they did an amazing job on the cover!! 
also my tests went well but I could have done better on flute oh well
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cybercnu · 6 years
JIHO LOOKS LIKE A SHY MAIDEN WE ALL KNOW she's not ("the name's jiho") with the pink dress and minimal makeup. mimi out there gon slay us. let's get first win amen
DUDE I KNOW SHES SO TRICKY I JUST WANT HER TO FUCK OFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tho mimi’s dress has be by the balls im a sucker for velvet dhjoaskdbwho they all look so good im suffering
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chakkmon · 7 years
I haven’t done one of these in a while
I was tagged by: @orderedreflections
Rules: Tag 10 of your followers you want to interrogate
Nicknames: Doni, Don Tonberry
Height: 5′9′’
Current Time: 11:40 pm
Last thing I googled: too nosy meme
Favorite Music Artist: Carly Rae Jepsen, Queen of Slay and Inventer of music. But for real tho, it really depends on like... everything.
Song stuck in my head: The theme from Gravity Falls cuz that’s what on right now.
Last movie I watched: Moonlight. I’m still shook.  Why do people like Kevin?
What I’m wearing now: A shirt I got for being in grad school and black underwear.
When I created this blog: October 2012
What I post: Toku, Persona, Digimon, Steven Universe, stuff I think is funny, #blacklivesmatter
Do I have other blogs: I have a porn blog for nudes and another nsfw blog that I don’t really use anymore. URL to either are free to whoever wants them.
Do I get asks regularly: Nah, but then again I’m not too active on here anymore.
Why did I choose my URL: It was digimon themed and ice themed.
Hogwarts House: What does this mean?
Pokemon team: It’s just me and Chikaletta (Grumpig).
Favorite Colors: Purple, silver, and black.
Average hours of sleep: We’ll say I get at least 4-6 hours on average.
Lucky number: Seven is my fave number, so we’ll go with that.
Favorite characters: Yuna (Final Fantasy X), Joe & Mimi (Digimon), Fuuka Yamagishi (Persona 3), Killua Zoldyck & Kurapika (Hunter x Hunter), etc.
Number of blankets I sleep with: Duex
I’m Following: 432 peoples.
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weasterned · 6 years
Shannon Arreum.
1. Syanon-ie is kiiind, one of the toughest girl I’ve ever met, funny, friendly, she cares her surroundings and so heart-warming ! ♡ 2. Honestly there are nothing to be fixed about, she did good already ! Even until her fc’s updates, she did very well ~ ♡ 3. Syanon-ieee ! ! Christmas is near, 2018 is near ! Time when we turned 21 o   v   o ♡ I hope we will be a goood friends ! Since I do adore you a lot, my tough chingu ! I hope you’ll receive happiness from the whole universe because you deserve it— ! Me loooves you ♡
1. coin, berisik kaya group chat, bulliable, always listening and always understanding like prudential 🤗 2. she doesn’t need to improve anything,  but she needs to find a boyfie 3. honestly shan is one of my best, she’s been there in my good and bad moments💖 she’s the best person everrrr !!!! she was always there to hear me out and support me in anything!❤️ wouldn’t replace her for the world 😘 I love shan with all my heart and she knows she can always count on me. i feel sorry that I haven’t been acting my best at all. I can’t believe I’m able to write this. I cringe.
1. Kind, Cute, Portrays her chara well, talkative. 2. Shan, semoga kita bisa ngobrol lebih banyak lagi. Aku kangen bahas Smash sama XO-IX kaya waktu kita pertama kenal. Maaf ya Shan, sekarang aku sibuk banget jadi sering hilang. Iya aku hilang lagi bertapa di Dormitory SMASH, mau ngelobi Rafael buat kasih kamu fanservice. Myane, aku tau bias kamu Bisma. Okay, I want us to get closer more and more, modus nde ? ? ? 3. 2017 sudah mai berakhir. Ga kerasa ya? Hmm.. sudah berapa bulan kita kenal? :D udah lama ya? Tapi tuh aku betulan MIA terus. Ya tell me how to deal with my job dong. Hehe. I wish you to have a great year ahead! Lets be friend in 2018!
1) Cutie, kind, energetic, loud and fun! 2) I wish that this person stay just as she is now and I hope we could talk a lot more because we didn’t talk that often now :’( 3) Hi, Shannon! Thanks for being a part of my 2017. Ayo, lanjutin sampai tahun selanjutnya? I love you. Have a wonderful year-end holiday! 4) I can’t say anything bad for this person so I want to emphasize #2 here ;)
#1 - Cute - Kind - Warm - Unexpectedly quite loud - Lovable #2 Seems like Shan’s currently busy and rarely interact with members. I hope she will comeback soon and talk more soon!💓 #3 Hello, Shan Shanie! It’s so good to talk with you not too long ago! You’re such a cutie person. A sweet heart. You are kind as well. I remember you always loves to share your foods or else with the members. I would really love to get more closer to you! I hope we can talk comfortably without awkwardness. Love❤
lovely, kind, cheerful, cute, food supplier
1. Warm, kind, cutie, attractive, pwetty! 2. Talk with me more often huhu I miss you! 3. Letters.. uh.. I’m not smart with words but yeah, here we go. You’re the only one Shannon in my timeline. You often update your chara, good job! And you’re so humble! Not like me, such a potato. :( cUTIIEEEEEE me want to squish your cheeks. Mhehe, enjoy your xmas and new year!
1. cute, humble, so damn nice omg just- nice nice nice 2. you don’t need to improve everything, i just want your foods .knojk I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND I MISS YOU, YOU GET THE HYPE FROM MEH BUBU 3. Dear shannon moi food provider, i just want you to know that im enjoying talking with you even tho im so bad at handling mentions, but i do miss talking a lot with you .. lets get mooooore closer in the future, shall we?
1. Shann brights like a diamond. Shann brights like a diamond. 2. Be more positive and keep being happy! 3. Please enjoy the rest of the year and get your goal!
1. Good, friendly, bright, cute, funny 2. Hm.. You’re all good. Keep it up. 3. Hello, pwetty Shannon. 2017 is gonna end soon and 2018 is coming soon. I’m grateful to know a good person like you. You’re a good friend. A good person to have conversation with.. I hope we could be a good friend for long long time. Stay warm on the winter! pretty, actually we haven’t talked each other but i guess she’s kind person. Let’s have a chit chat with this giant guy, i won’t bite u don’t worry. She’s cute, nice, and funny people
1. Shann is a humble, kind, cheerful, cute yet pretty indeed. suka bagi2 makanan, nggak pelit even sometimes being so ngeselin lol. 2. She is potrayed as Shannon well, so maybe there’s not much to change her character. 3. Hope we’ll keep our nice convo, stay being nice to people. And i hope we can get more memories as a friend in the future!
1. kinda funny, random, cheerful, kind, caring 2. I hope she will always stay happy and random because from what i see she’s like vitamin for some members 3. Hello, shan! since 2017 is coming to an end soon, i want to say please always take care of your health! I saw your tweet about having sleep problem, if i’m not mistaken? you need to get your proper rest! because health is the number 1! and also i hope you will always be happy! Fighting!Lil sissy who is always so cheerful. She is such a hppy pill that makes me happy too whenever i talk to her. SHAN YOU DA BEST
1. hyperactive, cheerful, kind, cute, nice 2. i’m bad at this but well.. i hope she can keep having a good convo with all member and with me too. 3. hello shann, its nice to see you! i forgot the food that you send to me when i’m just arrived at wst. but i hope you can send me another food again next time! pssst- its almost christmas tho- have a good one, shann!
1. Talkative, noisy (in a good way I swear), cute, lovely, funny. 2. Nothing. She’s that impressive. 3. Hello, Shanshine! Please enjoy the rest of 2017 happily.
1. bright, amber’s friend, friendly, open mind, i dont know that much since i just meet her 2. lets talk more with me 3. Marry christmas and happy new year, ah lets get more closer next year so we can have fun year together.
1. Childish, cute, playful, nice, funny. 2. Being more slay eventhough youre very young but you coulf slay as a woman i think hahaha 3. Dear shanon, i hope youre always healthy and happy despite any problems that youre facingI never talked to her so…I don’t know what to say about her. I am sure I included her in my greetings tweet but maybe she didn’t see it. And every time I saw her on timeline, she was talking with somebody else or replying mentions. So I didn’t have the chance to talk to her yet…but I hope we can talk and be friends in the future! To Shannon, Hello Shannon. Happy early new year! Hope 2018 will be a good year and let’s get closer too next year!
1. Kind, receh, berisik. (actually just like me 8"D). 2.  I see her became kinda less active huhu because we used to have many many convos before. We need to have more convo later, ofcourse! 3.hello, Shannie unnie my foOdie fairy also the one of receh-mate what else? Damn mimi video? Also india song tracks or maybe WESTLIFE!? since 2017 almost over which mean new year will bring a new hope also. Please stay healthy because the weather is not so good lately, keep warm. Xx Loves♡
1. Kind 2. Lets make a new conversation with jiejie♡ 3. Happy New Year Shannon , hope you will be happy everyday^^
1. SUPER KIND, my love, SUNSHINE, FOOD GIRL, I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT HER. 2. I don’t think there is things needing to be improve but perhaps online more? I miss you. 3. Hello, Shannon, or should I call you Shannie? Hi kid I’m sorry for not being online lately, and yes yes yes I do miss you! Thankyou for lighten up my world even though we’re not talking much lately. STAY COOl, xx. Have a great year in 2018!
1. Shannon is a brave girl, so kind, polite, pretty and has a good personality. 2. I think bcs she is a brave girl i have a little problem to get closer to her. Maybe she could toned down her braveness a bit so she could be way more approachable. 3. Idk what to write a letter for you. But i wish after 2017, we could be a good friends hehe. Please stay healthy and be happy always ♥️
1. - cute! - kind - loveable - adorable! - sexy! 2. keep on being a food supplier for us! i think i didn’t see you often on timeline, i miss seeing Shannon spreading a lot of foods >
1) humble, cheerful, lovable, adik-able, koin saram 2) no need to ehehe 3) shan shan my lil sist! we rarely talk recently… my fault tho because i rarely online :“ )  let’s talkeu talkeu with me again! atau perang koin juga boleh kok HUEHEHE + i hope 2018 will be much much better year for you! ✨Butt-lover,  crazy,  stupid,  but lovely,  funny. Shan you'ra SHAN!  hahaha my fluffy ball. Kadang kalem, kadang tidak😃. Tukang bagi2 makanan hehehehe. Ramah trus lucuukk. Tapi jarang keliatan euyy. Semoga kedepannya bs lebih deket lagi❤ Message: Satu tahun berasa cepet ya, kayaknya baru kemaren tahun baru sekarang udah mau tahun baru lagi aja. There are a lot of thing happened in 2017, ada yang menyenangkan dan ada yang menyedihkan. We’ve met a lot of people with different characters and each of them taught us something. Semoga di akhir tahun ini Shanon dilingkupi rasa bahagia selalu, dan apa yang belum tercapai di tahun 2017 bisa tercapai di tahun 2018♡Shannon-ieeee i still wait for the song that you’ll sing for meee and i want you to give me more of your derp face again :   p you’re cute and lovely, friendly and nice, have the cheerful vibe that makes someone beside you feel that tho/? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
1. She’s indeed a cute, warm, and kind person. We rarely talk each other and I feel bad though since I’m on hiatus period. 2. I really don’t know what to say, but keep up the good work. You portray your chara well. We should interact more in the future. 3. Happy new year! Santa claus is coming to town~ *chuckles* You should take a good care of yourself, keep smiling widely, and be happy as always.
1. Humble, always on(?), cute, attractive, pretty ; 2. We rarely talk these days, hope we can have a proper convo in the future! ; 3. Hello Shan, it’s nice to see you around here in WST. Please have a talk wimme in the future!
1. Crazy, Always Crazy, Friendly, Noisy, Humble, Sometimes weird LOL 2. Just be yourself! Change to be better person is a must and you can do it. don’t mind about haters, I love you! 3. Hey Shann. You must know who’s the most handsome in weast and its me! I bet you’ve know me already xD. 2017 is going to end and we’ve met for first time through weast since few months ago. Thank God that we be able to talk and get along well. and I think I got a chemistry everytime talking with you. Shann, please dont forget me! I’m your mama and you’re my daughter. Even though I’m rarely online and talk with you lately, but I always remember you! Just be yourself honey. You can do anything what do you want. Keep being friendly, be crazy, humble and ofcourse forever become my escape room buddy! Stay healthy Shann. and I hope you will not change your chara.
1. Nice, kind, amiable, talks a lot, kinda weird. 2. Be more active and lesser your alayness jsy 3. PLS ACTIVE MORE AND LETS MINGLE WELL. You are the reason why I come to wst ):
1. Cutie, not really talkative, not really active on timeline, rarely talk with everyone, a calm one 2. Maybe, be active on timeline, since we rarely talk though. 3. Shannon-ah, I want to talk more with you, but since you rarely active on timeline it’s kind of hard for me to do 8(
1. Baik 2. Humoris 3. Ramah 4. Lucu 5. Cantik Shannon, I don’t see you around nowadays so please appear because this oppa wants to see you. It’s 2018 soon so please comeback soon! I really miss you hahahahah. Let’s talk a lot more in the future, Shann.
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personasintro · 1 year
Dear mimi.
Thank you for all the content, Keep slaying, your account makes me happy. No pressure tho like if you don't wanna slay that's fine too. Take care, stay hydrated 🥀✨💞.
But I wanna slay even without my account :(
Hahaha thank you so much! Take care as well bub x
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justcallmekatya · 7 years
35 Drag Race questions Easy
1) Who’s your favorite queen? - has to be katya, she'll always be my favourite although i love a lot of them 
2) What’s you’re favorite season? - i really enjoyed seasons 4 and 6, i think 4 was the best in terms of drama etc but i absolutely loved the s6 queens like adore and bianca so i find them hard to choose between, tbh i love them all so much 
3) Favourite challenge? - i really like the ball challenges like glitter ball/book ball etc because the 3 different looks are always so fun but also snatch game ofc 
4) Favorite mini-challenge? - the puppets ones are always so good and the reading obvs and the one with lil pound cake #iconic 
5) Least favorite queen? - could honestly pick more than 1 tbh but has to be mimi imfurst lmao 
6) Favorite entrance phrase? - 'is this America's next top model? oh... sorry' (courtney act) 
7) Favorite entrance look? - honestly loved nina bo'nina's mouse look so much, gia gunn's entrance look was also iconic af and rlly liked laganja's tbh 
8) Favorite pair/group during drag race - atm i'm team sashae af (sasha & Shea) bc let's be honest who isn't, also love naomi and kim and katya and trixie tho they weren't much of a pair during s7 9) Favorite pair/group after drag race? - trixya 50000% (also love raja and raven) 
10) Favorite queen who hasn’t been on drag race? - quite like aquaria but idk i honestly don't really follow non-drag race queens Medium
11) Which drag daughter from the transformation episode do you think should of stayed in drag? - ngl i don't remember them i'll come back to this Q * 
12) Who’s the most controversial queen? - would have to be phi phi probs or jasmine masters lmao 
13) What is your least favorite outfit ever? - serena cha cha's iconic mess 
14) Who would you like to see on season 10? - aquaria again idk??? 
15) Who would you like to see on All Stars 3? - omw everyone like trixie, naomi and Kim, laila, adore, pearl, fame, milk, laganja, there's sm others to be honest but i would be naming ppl forever 
16) Who should’ve been on All Stars 2? - i feel like this is a similar question but definitely trixie and pearl also like courtney/willam cos i didn't mention them in the last q and i'd love to see them on as3 OH and dela 
17) Which queen should have stayed longer? - katya bc she should have won???? and the princess idk i just think she had more to offer tbh idk can't think of others off the top of my head 
18) Which queen shouldn’t have stayed as long? - phi phi, dida ritz, derrick barry idk 
19) Favorite untucked episode? - currently linda evangelista bc it has recently become iconic but shangela's sugar daddy speech/derrick's gem speech are both highlights tbh and also love the last untucked of s8 because it is literally just rupaul's best friend race and i live for it 
20) What do you wish you’d seem more of in season 4/5/6/7 - i honestly think 4 had some of the best challenges ever, out of all those 4 seasons the only one i didn't love quite as much was 7 because i don't think the range of queens was diverse enough or something idk Hard
1) Which queen has changed you the most as a person? - probably adore luv her 
2) Which queen would you cry if you met? - KATYA 
3) If you had to think up a mini/main challenge, what would you want the queens to do? - omg such a good question !! i'd love if they picked names at random kinda like they do for the puppets and then have to recreate their makeup but like on themselves (mini challenge) 
4) If 1 queen were to guest judge, who would you chose? - i think bianca would be hilarious or katya ofc 
5) Who is the most underrated queen and why? - i think april carrion is rlly underrated cos like no one knows who she is but she's ac fishy and fierce af 
6) Which queen is overrated and why? - idk why i can't really think of overrated queens off the top of my head ?? ginger maybe i'm just really not a fan idk 
7) Favorite guest judge? - GAGA because she gave sm constructive critique to all the queens and was genuinely a gem loveeee 
8) Which queen’s backstory can you relate to the most? idkkk like i don't really wanna say i relate to any of them cos i don't know how it feels to go through what they go through all i can say is that all their stories inspire me 
9) What is Ru’s worst EVER decision? - firstly tyra as the winner of s2 when it should have been raven and also not letting katya win??? 
10) Which queen did you dislike in the show, and now is a big fan of? - i actually really like roxxxy now and wasn't that keen on fame & violet in s7 but i now love them BONUS QUESTIONS
1) Which queen’s would you want to see lipsync against each other? in s9 i really wanna see shae lipsync not bc i want her in the bottom ofc but cos i think she'd slay it so maybe shae and then against Nina oooh 
2) Which lipsync disappointed you the most? charlie hides (get off my lawn)
3) Choose a queen’s outfit to steal. - violet chachki's s8 finale look although i could never actually wear it LOL 
4) Choose a queen’s hair to steal. - rlly like naomi's final hair 
5) Choose a queen’s makeup skills to steal. - nina bc she can do sm with her face it's so impressive
0 notes