#Min Heejin vs HYBE
thehaniverse · 4 months
HYBE vs Min Hee Jin - The Full Timeline
[Last updates: June 1st 2024]
Hi guys, Han here, and LORD, this has been one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, but I hope this is helpful to all those who are trying to follow this mess in its entirety.
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Important notes:
I've included the pre-audit timeline to help you understand the history and context of everything that's happened
I will be updating periodically with new information
I will try to keep entries to the point, and highlight the main points given by each side without adding too much of my own opinion - so make your own conclusions!
Credits to TMIKpop on Twitter for most of the translated news articles as I'm far too lazy, busy (and dyslexic) to read all those Korean articles myself.
I tried to include sources as much as possible in the more recent news, but honestly, I'm going to be a little lazy with this as I don't have enough free time to go back and find sources for things that happened way in the past or are already well-known up to this point. Feel free to send me sources in my ask box though!
Green text indicates the latest updates for those following!
Also for reference, here are the key involved characters (and name abbreviations that will be used throughout this post.)
Bang PD (Bang Shihyuk, HYBE Chairman & BigHit CEO)
PJW (Park Jiwon, HYBE CEO, ex-CEO of NEXON Games)
MHJ (Min Hee Jin, ADOR CEO, ex-SM employee)
VP L (Lee Sangwoo, VP of ADOR, ex-financial division at HYBE)
VP S (Shin ??, VP of ADOR)
NJs (NewJeans), LS (Le Sserafim), IL (ILLIT), GFRIEND & BTS
BHM (BigHit Music), SouMu (Source Music), BELIFT & ADOR
Items with * are accusations by either ADOR or HYBE, but that haven't been 100% verified as true or false. Things that have been verified won't have any *.
Similarly, (RUMORS) that seem to have some basis in reality based on existing evidence but have not been explicitly stated by either side are also included. Also disclaimer: I am not pro-HYBE nor pro-MHJ, I have my personal opinion but I've tried to keep this as impartial and unbiased as possible. I've just presented the news that has been released, if it tills one way, that's just how it is.
Without further ado(r LOL), let's begin!
MHJ joins BigHit Ent as Chief Branding Officer for all labels - this is in preparation for Bighit Ent becoming HYBE.
*Between then and 2021, MHJ suggests making a girl group to Bang PD, and they agree to make the group under SouMu rather than BHM. However, MHJ is never officially employed at SouMu.
*Bang PD promises that MHJ's group will be HYBE's first girl group.
All NJs members join SouMu (Minji joined in 2017 / Hani 2019 / Haerin & Danielle 2020 / Hyein 2021)
*NJs' debut is pushed back initially because of COVID, then again due to contract issues, resulting in LS being ready to debut first and PJW telling MHJ that NJs will no longer be the first gg from HYBE. MHJ claims the reason for NJs' debut delay is because they didn't like her creative vision though.
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Q1 (Exact Timing Unknown)
Bang PD starts developing LS with SouMu as he wants to create a group featuring known members, Chaewon and Sakura from Iz*one.
*NJs' debut is pushed back initially because of COVID, then again due to contract issues, resulting in LS being ready to debut first
PJW tells MHJ that NJs will no longer be the first gg from HYBE.
*MHJ is upset that another gg is being developed under Source and claims that it's because Bang PD didn't like the direction she was taking NJs and abandoned her to work on LS instead.
MHJ later agrees to the new debut schedule, with LS debuting just 2 months before NJs, and decides that is enough time for her to promote NJs.
HYBE is officially established as a company with Bang PD as CEO.
PJW is announced as the new CEO of HYBE.
Bang PD continues as CEO of only BGM but only the chairman of HYBE. This means he has no say in the daily operations of HYBE, but can make big decisions that go to the Board of Directors (BOD). Note: Each label under HYBE has its own individual CEO.
GFRIEND is officially disbanded without any notice from SouMu.
*MHJ is accused (by HYBE staff) of taking almost all of the SouMu staff to ADOR resulting in SouMu not having enough staff to manage GFRIEND and LS. SouMu also had a lot of debt from the training of NJs that they would no longer see a return on as the profits would go to ADOR so they needed to take dramatic measures. (RUMOR) SouMu had already sunk a lot of money into LS (and NJs) and expected LS to be more popular as they were debuting under HYBE, so they decided to terminate GFRIEND at the end of their contracts without warning.
ADOR is officially established so that MHJ can have full control over her group's image and development, rather than answering to SouMu CEO and Bang PD.
HYBE gives 16.1B won investment for the establishment of ADOR
Bang PD gives MHJ 2B won to buy 2.8B won worth of ADOR stocks (amounting to 20%, 2% of which she later shared out to her two VPS.) He also gave her 2.9B of HYBE stocks as part of her official recruitment package as CEO of ADOR at only 23% of the actual share value (aka she got a 77% discount). However, MHJ sold 1,000 shares in mid-Nov and another 1000 shares on 8 Dec 2022, earning 760M, and walked away with an additional 120M in cash just 15 days after her investment. // Source: Silsa Journal
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LS debuts from SouMu
*HYBE claims they shortened their promotional period in order to give MHJ enough time to promote NJs ahead of their debut, but MHJ shows Kakao messages of PJW specifying that NJs should not be promoted ahead of LS' debut so they can benefit from the speculation of them being MHJ's group.
LS' debut is overshadowed by the Garam scandal.
(RUMOR) While Garam was later found to be innocent and misrepresented in the media (ie she was protecting a friend from a bully, not actively bullying someone), many believe MHJ was the one who leaked the information to the press to jeopardize LS' debut. This comes from the statements from HYBE that they have evidence of her collecting and leaking artists' private information.
NJs debuts with ZERO pre-debut promotion, instead dropping an incredible amount of content for the debut promotions. Note: While MHJ claims HYBE tried to stop her promoting at all before their debut, she has not provided any evidence. It is the responsibility of each individual label to plan and execute their artist's promotions.
End of Year
Thanks to NJs' successful debut, ADOR has paid off a majority of their debt to HYBE, and now only owes 4B won.
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Dec // Source: Donga Ilbo
Bang PD lends MHJ money to buy cheap stock options (intentionally discounted by HYBE for her to buy) and MHJ uses the loan to buy a 20% stake in ADOR. This means she gets paid her shares on top of her 1M USD annual salary as CEO. Note: I couldn't confirm this, but it's believed she is the only CEO of any HYBE label that has stocks in her company. BHM is private so there are no stocks and it is owned completely by Bang PD, while the other labels' stocks are owned 100% by HYBE.
MHJ buys the shares on the following conditions: + If she decides to quit, HYBE is obliged to buy the stocks back and pay MHJ 13 times [ADOR's profit from the last 2 years x her % of shares] + She can quit from Nov 2024 and has a non-compete clause for 2 years where she must maintain a 4.5% stake in ADOR. Note: This means as a stakeholder she can not establish her own company or work for a company that will directly compete with ADOR for those 2 years, as she can not do work that can potentially devalue her shares. This is standard in many industries.
MHJ later shares 2% of her shares to executives of ADOR: VP S and VP L. Note: It is unclear if she sold them or gifted them.
Q4 (Exact Timing Unknown)
VP L leaves their position in HYBE's financial team and starts to work at ADOR under MHJ.
*HYBE accuses VP L of downloading a bunch of HYBE's private financial data that he should no longer have access to, and giving it to MHJ to later use to try and blackmail HYBE into selling their ADOR stocks with the investors she is colluding with. This would mean the majority of ADOR stocks would be controlled by people who support MHJ's decisions.
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Feb // Source: Donga Ilbo
MHJ tries to negotiate the terms of her contract with HYBE. She requests the following: + The 13x valuation of her shares be increased to 30x. Taking their value from approximately 100B won to 270B won. (This would be 5.5x the amount of profit she actually made with ADOR in 2023.) + The complete removal of the non-compete clause, allowing her to cash out all of her stocks and start/work for a competitor company immediately after leaving the company.
Additionally, she asks for the ability to make decisions regarding outside investors by herself as the CEO without HYBE's input.
HYBE rejects all of her requests because they would be complete financial losses and risks to HYBE. Negotiations stop as neither side will budge.
It is also around this time that HYBE gets the tips that MHJ is planning a management takeover with outside investors.
HYBE received a tip that MHJ is planning to try and make ADOR independent by gathering investors who support MHJ to buy up the majority of ADOR shares.
[23rd~29th] MHJ and VP L share messages about selling ADOR after 'emptying it like a shell', how to make ADOR independent, and how they should blackmail HYBE and ruin HYBE's reputation. *HYBE believes the 'empty shell' comment means terminating NJs' contracts with the majority shareholder power from the investors MHJ was meeting. Note: MHJ has confirmed the existence of these messages but insists they were just jokes between disgruntled employees. HYBE retorts that these plans are too specific and detailed, and they found additional evidence to prove they were more than just empty words.
[25th] ILLIT debuts with 'Magnetic'
[3rd] MHJ submits an internal complaint to HYBE and BELIFT that IL's concept is copyright infringement of NJs and that HYBE has the obligation to protect them. She requests they respond by April 23rd or 24th (not clear.)
MHJ also complains to the parents of NJs that HYBE is trying to sideline NJs with IL.
[22nd] HYBE and BELIFT submit a 6-page response to MHJ. Note: She later claims that she didn't receive any response, but HYBE provides proof that she received it, so she changed that they replied last minute so she couldn't prepare for the audit, but the response doesn't mention the audit because they are separate issues. However, MHJ believes the audit is all because of the IL situation.
HYBE carries out and publically announces the ADOR audit. This results in an 8% drop in HYBE stocks. (Whistleblower will be revealed later!) *They claim to find evidence of her plans, the illegally obtained company and artist information, and more.
[23rd] MHJ holds a 2.5 hour press conference in retaliation. *She doubles down that she believes this is all because of the complaint she filed and that HYBE (and particularly Bang PD) has hated her and NJs from the beginning. Conference Transcript Here:
[24th] This was also the deadline for which all company devices needed to be returned for the audit but MHJ refused to return her work laptop (and still hasn't as far as I know.) *MHJ claims the timing of the audit was intentional to jeopardize NJs' comeback, however, HYBE provided copied devices to all the employees. She has since not given any justification for not returning her laptop and NJs comeback is continuing as scheduled.
[26th] While HYBE initially stated they wouldn't respond on the day of the conference, they later released a full statement addressing the key points of MHJ's argument. HYBE's full response in English:
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NJs's fans (Bunnies) sent trucks to HYBE requesting that MHJ stop using NJs and their parents to protect herself and that NJs stay within HYBE.
NJ's parents refuse to accept calls from HYBE but express their support through newspaper interviews.
Both NJs and BTS RM announce their comebacks set for May 24th. (HYBE's stocks recover thanks to this.) MHJ paints this as HYBE trying to crush NJs with their biggest group because NJs surpassed BTS - HYBE retorts that BHM picked the date first and advised her to change the date, but she insisted on having NJs' comeback on the same day.
[30th] HYBE calls an extraordinary general meeting with the BODs, but the ADOR executives and MHJ do not attend, meaning they have to file a legal suit requiring the MHJ, VP S and VP L to attend the ADOR BODs extraordinary general meeting on May 31st instead.
Other things of note that happened between the 22nd to 30th:
News reports broke that a petition for re-investigation regarding a 2017 allegation against BTS for Sagaeji was passed to the KFTC & Ministry of Culture, Sports & Tourism. Days later the organizations responded by clearing the charges and asking that all musicians be as honest and forthcoming as BTS. It was later discovered at the hearing that MHJ was behind this situation, and ordered her VPs to create a buzz around the issue to distract attention from her. // Sources: Link / Yonhap News
Similarly, following the accusation from HYBE that MHJ was talking to her 'shaman friend', a rumor broke that BTS were members of a cult that the chairman of their university (Cyber Global University) is rumored to be part of. The Chairman denied being part of a cult, and HYBE/BHM released statements denying the allegations too.
(RUMOR) "K-ARMYs" sent trucks and funeral wreaths to HYBE dissing the company and pleading allegiance only to BTS until May 7th. The following day, these were replaced by trucks from "Bunnies" showing support for MHJ - contradicting the prior trucks sent criticising her. The suspicious timing, the unusually fast fundraising, the contradictory message, the hiring of bodyguards to protect the wreaths, and other strange coincidences cast doubt on if any of these trucks are actually from fans. Many believe MHJ is funding these herself to paint the image that fans are on her side, or at least hate HYBE, justifying her own discontent with HYBE.
May // Source: Biz Chosun
[7th] MHJ files an injunction to Seoul District Court to block HYBE from using their 80% share of ADOR to vote her out (fire her.)
[10th] ADOR BOD agreed to HYBE's request to hold the extraordinary general meeting to discuss the dismissal of MHj (and the two VPs.)
*The same day, prior to the BOD announcement, MHJ's side said a styling team leader was subject to improper coercion during the audit. // Source: Lee Daily HYBE later retaliated explaining how the audit was conducted and that when the staff wanted to stop, they respected her wishes. Furthermore, HYBE said they found evidence of embezzlement and improper payment receipts for ADOR staff. // Source: Newsen ADOR denied that the payment methods were normal and legal, but definitely they are not. // Source: Newsis However, the staff did come forward to say she felt pressured and blackmailed with the embezzlement claims if she didn't comply with the audit. // Source: Ilgan Sports
[12th] An email from "NJs Parents" to HYBE is released to a newspaper, the contents of the email describing how Bang PD did not greet the girls in the elevator, and how they are their parents were upset by it. HYBE retorted that this was not true, and that the email was fabricated by VP L and MHJ and they had proof of this. // Source: YTN A parent of NJs later gave an interview with Ilgan Sports revealing the email was in fact written by MHJ, based on conversations she had with the parents. She also claimed PJW had said the girls would take a break for 1.5 years in order to find a Grammy worthy producer for NJs and that the parents were worried about their careers. // Source: Ilgan Sports HYBE denies any such statement and that they plan to continue NJs schedules as planned. //Source: Seoul Newspaper
[13th] YTN reports HYBE has selected a new CEO for ADOR to replace MHJ once she's voted out, and that they will reveal all of the results of the audit at the court hearing.
Controversy about NJs new song 'Bubble Gum' being plagiarised from a 1982 song called 'Easier Said Than Done' by British Rock Band ShakaTak. // Source: Biz Chosun
[14th] HYBE filed a complaint with the FSS due to insider trading carried out thanks to a tip from MHJ's side about the upcoming public scandal. Note: It's complicated and is about additional people not mentioned until now, so I will link the thread explaining it. It is relevant however, as it backs HYBE's claim that MHJ had planned to ruin their company image as part of her management takeover plan even before the audit. LINK
[17th] The hearing for MHJ's injunction takes place. Each side has 30 minutes to present their arguments and evidence. The below tweets summarize the main points.
HYBE's Side:
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ADOR's Side:
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Although MHJ requested her Kakao messages not to be shared publically (despite her already showing some), a reporter did recreate the messages. (He copied them word for word but recreated the image so it doesn't break the rules.) The messages show her hatred for women in general, particularly a female employee who was reported assaulted by one of the VPs. Messages Translation: LINK Message Source: LINK LINK
[17th] NJs members and their parents all submitted petitions to oppose the dismissal of MHJ and request that MHJ and NJs continue to stay under HYBE - these petitions were submitted before the hearing where MHJ's disparaging comments against NJs were revealed. // Source: Hankook Ilbo
A petition signed by 10,000 NJs' fans, and various petitions from ADOR staff members was also submitted to the court in favor of MHJ.
Various staff from HYBE (Pdogg (BTS producer), CEO Han Seongsoo (Pledis founder and producer of Seventeen), CEO So Seongjin (Source Music), Son Seongduk (BigHit performance director), Kim Seonghyun (BTS and Le Sserafim’s creative director), and Slow Rabbit (TXT producer)) filed petitions in favor of HYBE showing strong loyalty from various labels and artists. //Source: News 1
[17th] HYBE's Q1 results were released and showcased how NJs/ADOR is not as valuable an asset as MHJ is painting them out to be. This goes against MHJ's argument that HYBE is trying to crush her because NJs are getting 'too big'. LINK
[17th] The whistleblower who tipped HYBE off to make them do the audit is revealed. Long story short it was one of the associates of the investors MHJ had been trying to get to buy shares of ADOR who reached out to HYBE. MHJ has claimed during her conference she never met any investors and that HYBE should prove who they are. Now that they've been named, she's still deflecting because it was VP L who met with the investors rather than MHJ herself. // Source: LINK / Biz Chosun
[17th - yeah, a lot happened this day] MHJ accuses HYBE of trying to make her commit 'Albun Pushing', as well as complaining about the distribution deal with UMG - HYBE retaliates denying the allegations and provides evidence of MHJ doing the exact thing she accused them of, and also explains how the UMG benefits all artists and has already benefit NJs. // Source: LINK Note: This is NOT Sajaegi, but it is still a tactic to inflate sales. The difference is Sajaegi is the company buying the albums themselves, whereas this album pushing is forcing distributors to preorder more stock and then hold events (like fansigns) to help them sell out after.
[22nd] BELIFT also filed an official defamation suit against MHJ. // Source: Hangkook Finance // Note: In Korea, you can sued for defamation even if what you said is proven true if it is deemed not beneficial to the general public and detrimental to the person/entity who was defamed. If found guilty, this would be grounds for MHJ's injunction to be canceled.
[24th] This day is the deadline by which both sides can submit additional evidence before the courts make their decision on whether to pass MHJ's injunction (stopping HYBE from voting her out) or not. // Source: YNA
[24th~19th] Various text messages, supposedly from HYBE's legal argument are leaked to the public. They contain damning messages that show that MHJ was planning (in detail) the takeover of ADOR/NJs prior to the debut of ILLIT. As the messages are 'leaked' it is hard to prove their validity, but MHJ later states (on the 30th] that the messages were taken out of context (not that they were lies/edited.) // Source: KBS
KakaoTalk Message Translations are available here: PannKpop
[25th] PJW met with 3/5 NJs' mothers and guaranteed that they would be able to carry out their Tokyo Dome performance plans regardless of MHJ's status after the injunction - despite MHJ refusing to share the files/information related to the concert plans. // Source: Ilgan Sports
[30th] The court rules in favor of Min Hee Jin. They admit that while she did plan a management takeover and take action that could be harmful/disadvantageous to HYBE, she did not do anything that would be detrimental to ADOR which is her prime responsibility, and that the loss of MHJ to ADOR could be harmful. // Source: Hankook Ilbo
This injunction temporarily stops HYBE from firing MHJ unless they can prove she is bad for ADOR or that she has committed some sort of criminal offense against HYBE. // Source: Kyunghyang Newspaper
HYBE says they will respect the court's decision and act accordingly (likely file an appeal.) MHJ announces she will do a press conference the following day. She also claims that the dismissal of her two VPs will be against the court's decision, but technically they aren't covered by the injunction. // Source: Seoul Newspaper
[31st] The ADOR extraordinary general meeting takes place.
HYBE fires the two VPs who worked under MHJ and replace them with with three Hybe officers. Kim Joo-young, Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO), Lee Jae-sang, Chief Strategy Office (CSO), and Lee Kyung-joon, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) were appointed at the EGM. //Note: The CHRO is a woman, which is interesting due to MHJ's disparaging comments about working with women according to the messages allegedly leaked by HYBE. // Source: Yeonhap News
This new BoD line-up for ADOR means MHJ is outnumbered 3:1 in any decision and is seen as a way for HYBE to keep her in check.
Note: I haven't included notes from MHJ's conference yet as I haven't watched it for myself yet! I also don't know what parts will be relevant to the main timeline later, so I will update again a bit later.
This is all the information so far, I've skipped some of the common knowledge things like the details of the IL plagiarism or cult accusations because I think they just muddle the whole timeline and are very inconsequential.
I will continue to update this page as things continue to happen. And I want to show out TMIKPOP from Twitter one more time as I wouldn't have been able to put this together without their tweets.
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sscarletvenus · 5 months
stanning kpop companies is so crazy like imagine if someone said they stanned amazon google apple and microsoft??? absolutely insane
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In light of all the Min Hee Jin / HYBE stuff going on, we know there is a concerted effort in certain parts of the internet and antis to defame, belittle and discredit BTS's efforts with false allegations and fake stories. All of this is beginning to make me wonder if this might affect BTS in other ways. What if we get more concerted efforts from some to leak stories about the boy's personal lives or even out them for their sexuality. I was wondering if you think this might be a possibility or not.
It's clear that in certain parts of the K-Pop media MHJ's team has got some friends, and it's they are driving narratives that are negative towards HYBE and BTS... I'm looking at you Koreaboo, AllKpop and Pannkpop or Pann Nate (which is owned by HYBE's mortal enemy Kakao).
Luckily more sensible news outlet are being more measured in recent days.
As for potential leaking of personal information of BTS, it really all depends on how close HYBE's enemies have gotten to BTS members. I'd hazard a guess not very, considering what we know. I doubt MJH and co were allowed to get so close to BTS that she'd know all their dirty secrets.
So I think the chances are fairly slim. I think it's more likely that weirder stories similar to the Dahn World crap will "leak".
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kiutotakulady · 5 months
Me scrolling through twitter (forever refusing to call it's new name) for MHJ vs Hybe drama:
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jmdbjk · 5 months
I can't leave to enjoy a few days vacation without the world falling apart?
Hybe vs. Min HeeJin. Not on anyone's bingo card this year. I have not caught up on everything but who tipped off Hybe about her dastardly plans? The timing of it all... and her little extemporaneous skit she did for a press conference was perhaps part of her plan to turn public opinion in her favor? She claims to have invented kpop or at least made it what it is today but out the other side of her mouth says she hates idol culture?
Hybe's not here to play, they will not be nice. I see no benefit to her for showing us the not so pretty side of the idol industry. Maybe that's her problem, she can't see what she's doing because she's too far into it. Thirty years in the business will make you lose your objectivity. She has no idea she is coming across as a greedy, spoiled, entitled, manipulative, narcissistic, emotional female in a male dominated industry. Basically a nut case.
The lady had a tremendous opportunity to perhaps take ownership of her company in due time, become a great example for female leadership in a country where corporate culture is steeped in chaebolism. Instead she squandered that and thinks she will come out on top. Did she miss the Hybe vs. SM Entertainment episode from last year?
RM's new album! RPWP!
The Monochrome pop up store is doing well!
Jin will be back after 6 Fridays!
In other news. I went to Las Vegas. This is what I saw:
The Bellagio Fountains. They're huge. The Bellagio is SWANK. I looked for Jimin in Dior and Tiffany, Hobi in the Louis Vuitton store, Namjoon in the Bottega Veneta store, but none of them were in there. There was no Calvin Klein store.
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When Hobi, JK and Tae were there watching the fountains dance to Dynamite, they were standing here:
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Passed by Allegiant Stadium a few times. It's huge.
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Drove out to Seven Magic Mountains. I am happy to report the lowest boulders had no writing or graffiti. They were amazingly huge as you can see.
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Joon's pic of the above rocks:
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Went to AREA 15 and it was HUGE and amazing! It's impossible to show everything that its about, there are multiple buildings and installations and activities, gift shops, bars, etc. We went into the Omega Mart (mega art) experience which led to a maze of fantastically created chambers, each different from the last one, all pulsing with animated lights, texture walls, ceilings and floors.
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And ate at Hobak Korean BBQ. We couldn't find out which tables the members of BTS sat at but I got a pic of the Butter album they all signed. There were other autographs from other famous Korean celebs but the BTS signatures were displayed in a more prominent place on the wall.
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We also scoped out The Sphere. Also HUGE. The concert space is arena sized. I don't know who was playing there that night but the parking lot was filling up.
We also walked the Strip.
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The Fremont Street Experience. That's an animated video screen overhead with ziplines running through the length of it. It's two blocks of casinos, restaurants and gift shops. People are also doing busking and shows at street level.
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Hoover Dam, view of the dam from the highway bridge and view of the highway bridge from the dam. Spent a few minutes on the Arizona side.
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Hiked in the desert. Saw cactus and wildlife. Drank a lot of water.
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Drove to the Mojave Desert Preserve in California just to say we did.
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We hated leaving. It was a fun trip. But damn, I have so much stuff to catch up on now. Hiatus my ass.
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If Vegas is on the BTS comeback tour I promise I will be there this time.
We gambled at the airport on our way out. The slot machines were next to our gate. And in the baggage claim area. But as you can see, its not just about gambling there.
In case you didn't get it, everything in Vegas is HUUUGGE and FARRRR. Walk a lot, spend a lot of money.
Overall, Las Vegas was clean, the people were extremely friendly and welcoming of course, they might be teaching hospitality as a school subject there, I don't know.
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theninthdoor · 5 months
Could you do a reading on if Min Heejin is actually going to step down from her position at Hybe? I mean she’s been such an integral part of New Jeans success but she also seems to have been really shady with Hybe (leaking other Hybe artists personal information, leaking confidential contracts in order to convince Hybe to sell its shares of Ador) and I can’t see Hybe being forgiving with her.
If she does step down from Hybe, what will she do next in her career?
And also could you take a look at how New Jeans’ career will be affected by this, if she does step step down and leave Ador ? They will still have their signature producers so that’s a plus but min heejin was certainly a big reason for new jeans success and I wonder is they can keep that up if she is replaced by somebody else.
cards: eight of pentacles, six of pentacles rx, five of swords, knight of pentacles rx
If she stays, it's because one of the parties gave up, took the L and accepted a shitty deal, as it was either that or losing everything. They will be forced to consider the long-term, and might just decide this just isn't a battle worth fighting for right now. On the other hand, if MHJ leaves, it was because she saw herself trapped, without options, and had to accept the defeat. They're going against her with everything they have, and there's like a thousand men vs MJH in my head - which could be literal, and likely is to a certain extent, but may also just be how she's feeling. Based on these cards, the odds are leaning more towards her leaving, but it could still change, obviously…
what if she does step down? || cards: the hermit rx, judgement, the emperor rx
So… hybe could (allegedly) end up blacklisting her from the industry altogether, or attempt to. Either way, if she steps down by own her decision or not, she's going focus all of her future efforts on exposing and bringing down those who caused this, and everyone she thinks wronged her. She might even consider establishing a new company and debuting a new gg to prove them that NJ's success was all her doing and not the fact that they were under Hybe, but I don't think that's the smartest idea ever. It's not gonna help anybody.
newjeans' career if mhj leaves || cards: two of cups, page of wands, king of swords
Oh, if MJH leaves, whoever comes next (mtl a man, as we have the King of Swords here) is going to change a lot of things about the group, specially their sound and concept, but also promos, collabs, etc. I don't think they're going to completely erase their identity, but for sure get rid of all of the more childish, cartoonish stuff (and i'm soo sorry for saying it like that, but that's how I heard it 💀). As they do, people who stayed away + disliked NJ because of those things, will gain a new interest for them, and that's going to bring them even more attention and success. Even the fans that liked this stuff won't mind the change, I feel like, and neither will the girls. And I also heard "That's going to prove MHJ wrong", so... yeah.
(Disclaimer: All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only. Based on current energies.)
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samhassanxo · 9 days
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So this happened NewJeans held a YouTube live stream surprisingly as in no one saw it coming, no one knew about this account and they certainly didn’t get HYBE’s permission to do this and I am going to state my thoughts and opinions on it nothing more.
These girls have been unfairly treated by other groups within HYBE and I don’t condone that behaviour because these girls are innocent but that doesn’t mean I agree with their decision to live stream to speak out and while I think it was brave and I do commend them for being strong and honest during this difficult time, I don’t think they should have live streamed as I think it will do more harm than good, they have opened up themselves to more public scrutiny which was unnecessary and that will garner more hatred from part of their fan base and other fans in the kpop community. I do understand the thought of you can’t control a situation that’s out of your hands, but to involve yourself into a situation where it’s not your place is harmful and Min Heejin’s problems had nothing to do with NewJeans. Heejin made her issues public knowledge and that itself has caused damage to the career of NewJeans and I fear the livestream they did is going to cause more consequences, Heejin should not have involved NewJeans in the first place as they are the innocent party in all this, remember these girls are young and the youngest member is still a minor which means they have a long journey ahead of them but because of damage Min Heejin caused not only to NewJeans but to other artists, NewJeans are not able to create the music they want. I don’t think NewJeans understand fully how the music industry works because yes there is politics involved when it comes to what you can do vs what you can’t do and it all comes down to the person who you are contracted to and this case it’s HYBE aka BANG PD like I said these girls are young and have a lot to learn and I believe they will get there. What I don’t approve of is this public defending of Min Heejin when everyone knows that harm she’s caused to others and what this has done for them is potentially going to cost them their career in music because remember BANG PD holds the power and he can go as far as to disband them, so I am sorry but that livestream was the wrong decision and dropping that ultimatum isn’t going to solve your problems or bring Min Heejin back that easily, I think it’s wrong that Min Heejin has instilled in these girls heads the wrong kind of words to think that NewJeans are nothing without her, she is the only one that cares for them and she only can produce their music, what a load of BS. NewJeans really need to reflect on how they will go forward as a group and it’s one thing to remember that the identity of the group solely relies on you and you alone, not a third party, believe that you will be successful because of you and hard work that you do. I think it’s saddening that NewJeans have this belief that Min Heejin plays a pivotal role in their identity as NewJeans and while it may be true when she was first moulding them during their debut era, the group believe that they can’t go forward without her and not because they believe in themselves as individuals or a group, my heart breaks for them because they are in a position where they feel trapped and silenced. What I think NewJeans need to understand is that they are responsible for how they grow as a group and as individuals and there are just as many talented people who can be a part in their journey to success, it’s not solely relied on one person to make you successful and like I mentioned before these girls didn’t debut that long ago, they have a lot to learn and I think from those experiences good and bad, you grow and you learn because remember as you grow, there’s going to be change, there’s gonna be people that come in and out of your lives, you will meet bad people. But ultimately how you grow is on you, those decisions rests with you and don’t get me wrong I am proud that they chose to make themselves heard but that wasn’t the right way to go and i think it’s just going to land them in more hot water and I really wish that didn’t happen like that but here we are so whatever the outcome is they will have to take responsibility as painful as it is to say.
I genuinely believe NewJeans has the means to be a successful group but the situation with Min Heejin has damaged them. I think it’s unfair that they are put in a position where they can’t do anything about it as it’s frustrating and I understand the frustration but they haven’t done anything wrong so I don’t see why they should suffer because of problems Min Heejin caused. I’m sorry this is long but a lot needed to be said.
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9800sblog · 4 months
hybe labels tarot reading
reputation in the kpop industry
[ hybe labels include every company under their umbrella, artists, staff and ceos ]
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* I changed the opinions of idols for artists in general, because I wanted to include producers, stylists, designers, etc.
in general
the star, page of swords, 4 of cups reversed, 10 of pentacles, knight of swords
needless to say, these are very intelligent people, strong mentality, an interesting and maybe unusual way of doing business, they may not have very typical hierarchy in the company. definitely a force to be reckon with, the lyric "I'm a newbie soon to be butterfly" from le sserafim - smart, describes their reputation perfectly, this business model, groups and plans may have been created when they were very young and/or new to the job, and it's been working out exactly as planned. the term "hybe family" used by fans is quite accurate, from the 10 of pentacles and the star cards, everyone seems quite comfortable and easy-going with each other, may often exchange encouraging messages and visit each other. these are very hardworking, passionate, focused people, the knight of swords represents well what strong opponents they really are. this isn't talking about other entertainment companies and/or other artists, it's about people that try to ruin them (like the people spreading rumors, mistranslations, etc. about them oftenly), I think the whole situation happening right now is a good example, it's very obvious they're not fighting with each other, but towards the same goal, in one direction, and the people that are obsessed with the "feud" pretend to not be able to connect one thing with the other. this seems like a funny business model as the star card in my deck is a literal clown making jokes. the young women are great examples of what the company is all about, like le sserafim saying they'll secretly change the industry while everyone makes fun of them, and they're having fun, making things easy for them and those like them. the 4 of cups reversed really represents their introspection level, in the card, the person is chilling with the cups they already own, while a random being tries to offer them a different cup and they just laugh, it's quite an interesting company that many like to study. they're definitely helping the justice system, it's easy to notice in this spread, nothing new, most of them seem to have police license and/or training. very weird people too hehe
channeled song:
closer artists
wheel of fortune, the devil, 2 of cups, king of wands, the sun
again, they're really a force to be reckoned with, there's no reason to go against them, so if you do, you will screw yourself and your adjacents. karma seems to be on their side more often than not, because they accept bad consequences for their mistakes. again, it really seems they all have some sort of really strong training like military level, these cards are really impotent. it's easy to make business and get to an agreement with them, they're very nice people, treat fans and admirers with sympathy. they have each other's backs and those that are equally nice to them, they aren't afraid to be mean or senseless tho, it's something about the culture of their founders. fantasy and science are a big part of the company, they have a lot of respect in general! oh, they lie for fun, for sure! because those that need to know the truth, get it easily, so it's funny to see people try to crack their codes. they're very accepting of all types of people, it's a very accessible environment, place and community. nobody in the industry seems to be really scared of them, when it comes to ador vs hybe, it seems to be one of those things very obvious to those that know about business and entertainment, it doesn't seem to be about min heejin vs hitman bang, it's more about what they represent, what their names mean in documents, etc.
channeled song:
8 of pentacles reversed, king of swords, the lovers, 4 of wands, 9 of cups, the world reversed
wow!!! criminals are really screwed in this company, don't worry, none of the public figures involved in this "feud" are bad people, otherwise, they would've had their consequences a LONG time ago, nothing pass by them unnoticed hahaha 😆 people there are really strong, really intelligent, and so is their businesses, staff outside of the company are very impressed! don't underestimate anyone involved there, including minors, they already know more than you if you do so haha it's a really accessible company, and easy, simple people, with a lot to show off for, most about them is misinterpreted and they really don't care, justice is on their side, as a whole. they don't care about a good reputation or money, they're just having fun and following laws, it's a very strict and by the rules place, not very square people tho haha they don't have to try very hard or work much, they're too smart omg hahahah it's not just about dancing on stage, they do a lot more behind the scenes, as usual in kpop! their names are very established, hybe may die, but none of the public figures would suffer from that at all (everyone you can find their names in documents (specially court docukents), internet, associations, etc. they're all considered public figures). none about this screams paying to win awards, actually the 8 of pentacles reversed would insinuate the opposite, as the card literally shows someone making money, if it was upright in this situation, it would insinuate money laundering or general corruption, but they don't care enough about fame to do that (the world reversed). this spread literally says "it's not my fault that everybody loves me". they're not ruining common people's lives, it's just another attempt to ruin working people's reputations, but as britney spears said "hoping I'd resort to some havoc, end up settling in court, now are you sure you want a piece of me?"
channeled song:
female artists (including those that work there/with them)
temperance, 4 of pentacles, 6 of cups, 5 of swords, the hermit, the hierophant
oh literally trust them with their eyes closed... they feel very safe around everyone and everything there, this is literally the opposite of how people have been trying to taint their image. they're very into psychology, spirituality and other ways of being respectful of all beings, it's like how they have fun.. this whole mess seems to be about charity being taken advantage of, the 5 of swords explains well, a typical business thing that usually happens behind the scenes, but they're probably taking advantage to fix other things, including different industries. for female artists, these are just regular people trying to do what they like (including business), being sabotaged by people they lowkey depend on, seems like politicians, since kpop is a part of south korean government for a few years now, and we've been having a surge of poorly made politics for over a decade. they like the way people think over there, the way they live and how they treat what is 'other', the 4 of pentacles seems to represent culture and hobbies in this spread. it's a wide range, it has a lot of history, people have many stories to tell, it holds a lot of life, talent is never-ending, those are very good brains. there's a lot of secret information, as accessibility has been very relevant in the reading so far, in this spread it seems to mean that a lot of them are disabled or innately sick, so they have a different type of business indeed. endless knowledge.
channeled song:
male artists (including those that work there/with them)
queen of pentacles, king of cups, 6 of wands, the tower reversed, the empress
very similar vibes, they feel well taken care of and respected there, it's easy to have respect towards everyone too. hm, it's a very organized company and people, that like to clean up mess, they're fun, easy going, respectable/celebrated, talented, nurturing. associating with them means you'll probably get to get your ducks in a row, the people in power are easy to get along with, easy to understand, relatable and helpful, not at all the "dark ceo vibes" title people been trying to stick up their asses. just very similar opinions to the female artists, just different cards. they do want the public and/or people like politicians to stop interfering with their work, cause they end up having to do things they wouldn't usually do.
channeled song:
before anyone talks about the military training thing, that's a very common thing for entertainers since the beginning of the industry, I mean, royalty used to wear clothes and crowns that weighted multiple kilograms just for paintings, these people are often in situations of danger and they have to be able to not depend on personal security service, or else they'd have to pee and sleep with them. txt literally debuted with morse code, aka military communication, and bts - dope mv "this is bangtan style", they're all dressed up in some kind of police uniform. non militaries cannot wear military attire, it's illegal, yet we often see kpop idols wearing camouflage and other similar styles. why would they spend years training under these companies to debut "poorly singing, poorly dancing, no stage presence" like it's so common to hear online? it's an industry after all, not children playtime.
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divinesangel · 1 month
k-pop tarot masterlist (pt. 1)
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— bts jungkook and his fs' energy jungkook's current energy what are bts' fs busy with right now? jungkook's envisioned vs. real future when will bts get married? how bts sees newjeans what will jungkook like about his fs physically? taehyung's ideal type jimin energy jungkook as a bf obstacles between jungkook and his fs taehyung's energy is jungkook the type to pop the question early in the relationship? will namjoon get his license? how does bts and blackpink see each other? is it likely for jungkook to get another dog? why was jungkook mixtape taking long? what makes jk decide to want to marry his fs would jungkook get a tattoo dedicated to his spouse? did yg or hybe plan the whole jennie and taehyung situation? what happened between jimin and jeongyeon? will lisa and taehyung work together in the future? what does lisa think of taehyung? jimin channeled message to his fs are rosé and jungkook friends? how did jungkook feel about the success of his debut song? jungkook's opinion on scooter braun? is jungkook dating someone? has jungkook thought of buying real estate in the US? does jungkook and his fs have anything in common? update on jennie and taehyung jennie and jungkook
— itzy i.n and yuna's connection the boyz' juyeon and ryujin yuna and felix will ryujin act in 2023? how does jyp view itzy, their music direction, and will he give them more age appropriate songs? itzy's health lia's current situation
— newjeans newjeans's current energy + guidance how do newjeans feel about min heejin and the scandal? how do blackpink and newjeans see each other? how newjeans and le sserafim see each other haerin as a friend minji and hanni dynamic newjeans feelings towards the hybe and ador situation
— twice twice's jeongyeon current energy what do twice members think of jihyo what happened between jimin and jeongyeon? sana's current and future energy jihyo solo debut nayeon and sana friendship twice's momo career jeongyeon career jihyo and daniel kang twice's health
— blackpink jennie's energy is jennie aware about her concert stages? jennie and rosé how do blackpink and new jeans see each other? will lisa have another solo album? rosé's energy what idols think of blackpink do the members see people shipping them with others? did lisa and rosé really fight? why? rosé as a girlfriend mtl to tell of haters in bp blackpink energy check up how does blackpink and bts see each other? did yg or hybe plan the whole jennie and taehyung situation? how does bp view teddy, bekuh boom and yg? jennie's energy will lisa and taehyung work together in the future? what does lisa think of taehyung? did the weeknd and jennie have a thing? are rosé and jungkook friends? is there any chance jennie will get back together with kai? jennie and lisa's friendship jisoo and ahn bohyun will blackpink stay as a group? what will jennie solo comeback be like? lisa and park bogum's relationship will rosé and jacob elordi meet again? friends? jennie and camila collab jungkook's and rosé connection update on jennie and taehyung jennie and g-dragon: were the rumors true? jennie and jungkook is jennie friends with the seventeen members? peso pluma's thoughts on blackpink update on lisa and frederic mingyu and lisa is rosé friends with the actor kim jae wook? are rosé and eunwoo dating? will bp do more activities besides online fanmeetings? reactions to lisa's rockstar jennie's upcoming solo release will a girl group ever surpass blackpink in the future?
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sageistri · 5 months
korean side defending min heejin and there is a big hate train on bang pd not that i care about that i need both to go down..but thing is even if bangpd is not bh's ceo anymore he'll always be closely tied to bts from the public's eyes compared to any group under hybe so there is high chances this whole thing will end up with k-netizens animosity towards bts and the situation into a new jeans vs bts situation because k-netizens can be dumb. So if namjoon flops on kcharts (which will happen regardless of all of this and even of new jeans releasing or not) while new jeans will top the kcharts, i'm afraid there will be some kind of narrative built on that and used to attack bangpd. But ultimately i think none of this is serious cause knetizens are fickle anyway will move on soon mhj will get fired whether with or without new jeans.
I don't really care about this thing anymore, I'll be honest. At least not right now, but I am waiting to see how it ends.
And who cares if bang pd is attacked?
The only thing I'm focused on right now is the fact that BTS are being attacked by the whole Kpop community and new jeans Korean stans when they aren't even here, all because of min heejin. And for some pjms, because some of all like to act like BTS means six members and y'all sometimes have a habit of going with people who hate BTS just because you don't see Jimin as part of BTS or to get back as bang pd. Mhj went to a shaman about BTS as she admitted herself, and it's not like she would admit that they spoke about getting rid of the boys, and Jimin IS part of BTS. BTS is also now getting dragged all over Twitter because of her when they are completely innocent of the whole thing, so let me also remind you guys that no one in the kpop community excludes Jimin when they talk about BTS. Also none of these people care if Jimin was also sabotaged by bang pd or not, these are the same people who have been harassing him for years too so yes, min heejin can go to hell. So y'all can quote those tweets all day long trying to get kpop stans to see that bang pd was also terrible to him, the truth is they don't care. Now the hate and focus has been transferred from bang pd on to BTS. If y'all can't even see that barely anyone's talking about bang pd and min heejin anymore and they're now talking about BTS then I don't know what to tell you.
The people screaming about "misogyny" can suck it btw. Y'all never cared about misogyny when it's time to drag and shade groups like blackpink but suddenly everyone cares when it's some greedy old lady, idgaf. And mind you they're only dick riding her because "new jeans music and concept", not because they care about misogyny.
Not to be an army, but I've stanned BTS long enough to know that she's going to get what's coming to her eventually, doesn't even matter if she gets away with this.
I think right now if was given the chance to ruin the lives of 3 people without any consequences, it would be her, bang and that pachi guy on TikTok.
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Also where do you stand on the min heejin vs hybe fiasco?
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thehaniverse · 4 months
absolutely loooove your coverage of the ador vs hybe legal battle. the absolute gag of the century was reading that the whistleblower was a potential investor ador higherups met with. I want to know what you think of mhj's plagiarism allegations. is it plausible for her to have a legal standing in saying that hybe did not have the right to use her old concept art from the source music x bighit audition as inspiration for illit?
Hello! I'm glad you enjoyed my coverage! And also your question is very interesting!
I'm by no means a legal expert but put simply, no, I don't think she has grounds for anything.
The difference is basically plagiarism vs copyright. Copyright (in most cases) includes a process in which an idea or creation is registered legally as a person's creation (sometimes automatically) and people can still replicate that idea if they add their own transformation to it. Plagiarism on the other hand is a copy that doesn't intrude on someone's copyright (ie not transformative) but also doesn't give them credit - it isn't illegal and is also much harder to prove as a well-known song doesn't need explicit credit to be recognized. (For example, if you covered Michael Jackson's 'Bad', you don't need to directly credit MJ for people to know it's his song.)
If you record a song cover and post it on YouTube as an example - this is not a copyright violation because it involves the original vocals of the person doing the cover, and thus is transformation. Similarly, if you add some variation to the original song such as in the vocals, but still label it as a cover then it is not plagiarism. The difference becomes when you try to pass it off as your own. As mentioned, because the vocals are different you can say the vocals are your own creation, but the backing track is technically being copied and violates the copyright. Ironically it isn't necessarily plagiarised because you could argue that the song is well known enough to not need credit.
Bringing this back to this situation, MHJ's '2YK concept' is technically based on an acclimation of various pre-existing ideas, images, and sounds from the 2000s, while she can say the combination she's made is unique, she can't copyright that interpretation because they aren't her original ideas. Similarly, with plagiarism, it's even harder to prove because she's complaining about individual dance moves instead of the whole routine - it can be argued that not only does she not have rights to those individual moves, but their incorporation into a technically new routine makes it transformative.
Put simply, she can't prove that she owns the move nor that the new routine isn't transformative so she has no legal case. However, I don't think that's her intention, it's all about public perception. Actually, a lot of K-Pop dances are not completely original or pay homage to other existing dances, but she's framing it as 'copying' to win public sympathy, and ultimately the public is the consumers. Many people are boycotting or picking apart both ILLIT and NewJeans depending on which side they stand on, and they will ultimately vote with their dollars.
Ironically, the fact she doesn't seem to have a legal case could be further grounds for BELIFT's case against her, as he publically accused them of copying NJs and she could be sued for defamation (which they are currently trying to do.) The only saving grace is that she said plagiarism, not copyright, but in Korea, you can be sued for defamation even if what you said is true. Even if she could prove it was plagiarism, she still doesn't have any legal standing as it's not covered by law.
Again, I'm no legal expert (especially not in Korean law) but that's how I personally understand the situation! It'll be interesting to see the results of everything, and I hope this helped at least a little bit~ I focused more on dancing but the same logic could be applied to the concept art too.
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jazartz · 5 months
The fact I keep going between Skz at met gala, to the hybe vs min heejin thing, to the fucking Kendrick Lamar absolutely murdering drake thing is crazy.
Like it's so big even the kpop girlies are watching 😭
Like I'm actively excited and waiting for any response from Kendrick because
The tea has never tea-d this hard, this is an international affair
The world is looking and it's basically one sided, I don't think any drake fans could possibly defend him when after he was dug a grave in the first diss track, then laid in it in the second one, only for him to shoot himself in the head with his own diss(?) track
Like whatever Kendrick might do next will just be burying him 12ft in cuz there's no way this could end any other way.
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beautifulpersonpeach · 3 months
I’ve followed you since when you had your old blog and I have to say, I’m impressed by your consistency. “Hiding it” isn’t the right word, it’s like you keep your words about Hybe chill but your anti-Hybe beliefs peeks out like when you ranted about BE album deluxe being a “fucking cash grab” and now when you’re siding with Mhj against Hybe. Sometimes I forget you’ve always been anti-Hybe then something happens and I remember to not be shocked. At the same time you’ve been OT7 Army consistently since I followed you years ago. I guess my question is how are you so anti-Hybe and still Army?
(Lol it’s always nice to come across old followers so, hello!)
Part of me read this wondering if you were trolling lol, because the obvious answer to this question is that I’m ARMY because I’m a fan of BTS, and that’s not synonymous with liking all their decisions (or even caring about it).
It’s also not synonymous with always having favourable opinions about the corporation that employs them under contract. In all the ~10 years I’ve been watching BTS, I’ve seen Bang Sihyuk/BigHit/HYBE make questionable choices, choices I think are stupid and/or gross, choices I have no real opinions about, and choices I think are reasonable and sometimes even brilliant.
In the Min Heejin vs Bang Sihyuk case, it just so happens I see HYBE to be the bad guys here, and so I support MHJ even though I suspect her odds are horrible against the money machine that is HYBE. It has nothing to do with me being an ARMY.
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outsidereveries · 4 months
Can you do a reading on txt and how they feel about this whole Hybe vs. MHJ vs. BangPD fued. It was revealed that MHJ goal was to gain independence from Hybe and create her own boy group resembling txt concepts and image while also managing NewJeans. Though MHJ accused multiple labels and groups under Hybe copying her, people dig some evidence that MHJ actually been looking at TXT and their concept since 2019 which made he create a concept for NJ. Also it’s been revealed that BangPD switched txt’s old creative team to mange Lesserafim now. Moas have been calling out the lack that BHM have been doing towards txt since 2022 and it seem like the members themselves also been aware of the inconsistency of BHM when it comes to managing them. So will things finally start to change for txt and their management now that everything behind the scenes with HYBE is coming to surface?
vol. 1.1: txt's feelings about the drama in hybe (mainly)
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Soobin surely knew something the rest of TXT didn't. I feel "As they deserve". Soobin seems to hate EVERYONE from the higher-ups who is involved.. Including the chairman.
Yeonjun is currently opening his eyes about the corporation. Similar to Soobin, there's the "As deserved" reasoning, feelings, it's whatever to him. But he just questions whether he lived in a lie or not.
Taehyun seems to be .. oblivious. He feels it's undeserved, so I believe that Taehyun still thinks positively of the corporation, at least in the time when I asked (5th May).
Beomgyu is pretty much neutral. He might knew about what will happen beforehand but .. he just doesn't care that much. Doesn't seem to be affected at all.
Huening Kai, though, is more oblivious than Taehyun. He would prefer to not learn about everything HYBE did and didn't. It seems that if he did, Kai will be in similar situation as Yeonjun.
After the drama between the corporation and Min Heejin, TXT's freedom from creative perspective (apart from the group one where it's not exacly free) will be pretty much the same but in more.. relaxed, oddly relaxed way. The concept of the group will be more "free" behind the scenes, but apart from that, I doubt there's anything that it will be seen in the near future from the boys (individually).
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duchessathena · 15 days
About the whole Hybe vs Min Hee Jin thing, how do you feel about it? Its really kind of messy, especially with how the media and fans got so involved and began taking sides based on who their favorite groups were.
How do you think it could've played out and who do you mostly agree with in this case?
tbh that woman has nobody to blame but herself but both entities are not without fault and neither are innocent. hybe has shady business practices, she’s known to be a weirdo from her past work. i think if she had kept her mouth and tried to resolve the entire thing internally then should would still have a job. the problem here is that hybe has gotten her on possible breach of contract and other possible internal mismanagement at ador. I don’t know if I necessarily agree with any entity more other than the other but I thought min heejin would at least stay to the end of her contract because she didn’t actually jump ship and take newjeans with her. hybe just wants revenge now in my opinion, and the misogyny coming from this entire situation has not been good either.
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