#Mirae is also an alternate world version of another one of my ocs Mayumi
lovehollyberry · 11 months
FE Oc Week: Day 1
Some simple introductions of my Fire Emblem OCs for Fe Oc Week! I hope to post more detailed art and descriptions at a later time.
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Game: Fire Emblem Three Houses/Hopes
Initial Class: Commoner (pre timeskip), Dancer (post timeskip)
An odd, but charming student at Garrech Mach’s Officers Academy. Claims to be from Fodlan, yet knows little of its culture. For seeming so naive she is quite skilled at magic. She can often be found scouring the monastery searching for her soulmate. A member of the Blue Lions House.
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Game: Fire Emblem Three Houses/Hopes
Initial Class: Commoner (pre timeskip), Warlock (post timeskip)
A cold and distant student at Garrech Mach’s Officers Academy. Hailing from the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, she claims to be of nobility. Though she is often found sleeping, she is rather studious when awake. She tends to spend her waking hours in the monastery’s library. A member of the Blue Lions House.
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Game: Fire Emblem Fates
Initial Class: Dark Falcon
Retainer to Prince Leo of Nohr. Deeply devoted to her lord and won’t hesitate to cut down anyone in his way. Despite her dark clothing, she resembles a Hoshidan. The most likely to knit you a sweater if you say you are cold.
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Game: Fire Emblem Awakening
Initial Class: Cleric
A mysterious and otherworldly healer. Devoted to helping others, she decides to tag along with Chrom’s Shepherds. She’s a motherly figure to the other members of the Shepherds, despite looking younger than most of them. It’s said it would be best to not get on her bad side. The most level-headed of the army.
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Game: Fire Emblem Engage
Initial Class: Princess (personal class)
A noble of Firene and Prince Alfred’s betrothed. Despite her bashful demeanor she exudes an air of elegance. It’s rumored she’s a great singer, though very few have seen her perform. Due to her anxious nature, she constantly worries for Alfred’s safety. Has the biggest sweet tooth in the army.
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Game: Fire Emblem Engage
Initial Class: Dark Flier (personal class)
Mirae’s retainer and best friend. Amélie is sweet and empathetic, but you’d be sorely mistaken to think she’s a pushover. She is willing to go through great lengths for the people she cares about. The most likely to knit you a sweater if you say you are cold.
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