#[❦] Berry Bunch
lovehollyberry · 1 year
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I’m rather late to the trend, but I wanted to at least attempt to make a spidersona!
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mukumukunomi · 9 months
From: Your Heart To: Mine
cw: Luffy x fem!reader, romantic pining, long-distance relationship, Wano arc spoilers?, loose cannon compliance (follows cannon loosely).
wc: 2,394k
a/n: Last fic of the year! Mainly just me putting a bunch of ideas into a quick story and will probably have a few more parts in the future. I had several hc's of Luffy being in a relationship with someone far away and someone who he didn't ask to join his crew, and why that might be. And then I had the idea of long-distance penpals and protective!Luffy reunions so it just spiraled from there. Hope you enjoy it, Happy New Year! :)
Part 1
Part 2 (TBD)
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Luffy shifts in anticipation. “Where is it?”
Dark orbs scan the horizon, mouth chewing loudly on a sandwich as his legs swing over the side of the crow’s nest. It’s a relatively calm day on the Grand Line. The Thousand Sunny’s hull breaks the azure waves as they crest, leaving a wake of churned water behind. Their trail is swiftly swept away by the tides into a stretch of blue on blue. A blurred line where the sea meets the sky. It is only broken by the speckle of fluffy white clouds that lazily trek above him.
In other words, the perfect day for a News Coo to appear.
The bird’s last appearance is fuzzy in his memory. Was it last week? Last month? When was the last time his bounty had gone up? The fact he doesn’t remember concerns him because it means there’s been no news from you in a long while. He only pays attention when there’s something from you.
He yawns, staring up at the sun currently hidden behind a large cloud. The days seem to stretch longer without you. Your island may be far away now, but he can almost feel your presence as if right beside him. What were you doing? What was the last tasty thing you ate? Did you spill three or four bottles of ink today?
Not knowing is its own form of torture. It’s hard to not miss you in the moments where something strikes him with your familiarity. Blue skies remind him of your little blue house on the island. The stars remind him of the lake. The patch of grass that spans Sunny’s deck reminds him of your garden. And Robin’s books remind him of the papers and ink littered across your kitchen table. 
There was no way of knowing then how those small letters in your handwriting would become such a crucial part of his life. In a way, they became points of time where his adventure reconnected to yours. Snippets of your life he would have never known about if you hadn’t logged it for him to see. 
Flapping wings catches his attention as a beak snatches the sandwich from his hand.
The large gull swoops downwards, landing awkwardly on deck. It narrowly misses hitting Brook, who’s tuning his violin strings, and swerves over to where Nami’s lounging on the deck under an umbrella with Sanji serving beverages. It swallows the half-eaten sandwich whole just as Luffy lands with a thud next to it.
“Give it back!” He yells, grabbing the bird by the neck and shaking it. It doesn’t discourage the creature to hack it up in the slightest.
Nami’s annoyed gaze meets his as she fans herself in the heat. She fishes into her pocket for a moment before extending her hands towards them in a gesturing motion. The flash of something shiny focuses the bird’s attention. “Bring it here, Luffy.”
He grumbles, but obliges. Nami slots the berry into the bag around the News Coo’s neck, then holds her hand out expectantly. The gull drops the newspaper into her open palm. Nami doesn’t retract, leveling a stare at the bird. “Anything else?”
It shakes its head.
The redhead’s frown deepens as she sets the newspaper in her lap. She sits up, flicking another golden coin into the air almost threateningly. “Are you sure? Those letters with the star symbol on them? You didn’t drop it, did you?”
The bird reaffirms its previous gesture with a vigorous shake of its head under her intense glare. It takes Luffy a moment to realize what exactly it means.
No letter.
He drops the bird abruptly as disappointment bubbles inside him. The avian lets out a yelp as Luffy turns to walk dejectedly away, missing the way his navigator’s face falls as he does so. 
“Listen here,” Nami’s voice echoes behind him, now shaking the bird in the same way Luffy had, “You’re going to deliver this letter to Starcleaved Island. Expedited. And don’t return until you bring back news about our friend.”
Luffy registers the sound of several coins before the bird takes off above him again. He feels limbless as he climbs up the stairs towards the back of the boat, drifting his way into the library filled with dusty books and laid out sketches of archeological sites. Robin smiles gently at him as he sinks into a chair next to her. “Can I help you, captain?”
“Oi, Robin, can I see Y/N’s letters again?”
Robin clearly wants to say something, but at the last moment turns to grab a familiar blue leather tome from the shelf behind her. He gently thumbs to the most recent entry, earmarked and already worn from how many times he’s turned to it. Luffy takes a moment to appreciate the way the letter is adhered to the page of the book, obviously done with care in the experienced hands of his archeologist. Without Robin, these letters would have probably ended up lost. It had been her idea to keep them in something more sustainable. 
But the thought is fleeting as his eyes are once again drawn to the top of the last entry:
Luffy, It’s been a long while since you and the crew left. How is everyone? Are they still eating well? You haven’t eaten all of the food I gave you already have you? What adventures have you had since we last spoke?  I’m doing much better now that I’ve gotten over that nasty cold I caught right at the start of the season. Please thank Chopper for the medicinal recipe he sent with your letter last time. Oh! And Sanji’s soup recipe! They were lifesavers! Though, I do wish I were eating it with you. Like when you were here. We had so much fun. We couldn’t keep Zoro and Franky from the alcohol. And Usopp did that weird dance to Brook’s song. Do you remember that? Hopefully, Nami was able to use that note I made. Forgery is all fun and games until you actually have to convince people the documents you write are real. But we know Nami is sneaky, and I’m the best forger there is. There’s no way my handiwork is discernible. You can’t tell the real from my fakes. I thought a lot about what you said. I think maybe you’re right.  I’ve heard Dressarosa has become a really beautiful place after all the unrest there. (Although, I wonder who’s responsible for that?) Maybe I can extend my business further out into the world. Smuggled goods receipt, fake invitations, not-so-deceased wills…my hand itches just thinking about it. Sincerely yours, Y/N P.S Your handwriting has gotten better. Robin must be really patient to get you to sit for more than five minutes. P.P.S You know, I still haven’t been able to get that stain out from where you spilled the red ink. You owe me a new rug.
He notes the date, questioning eyes meeting Robin’s. “How long has it been since we got this letter?”
Robin hums in thought. “About three months.”
No letter from you in almost three months. It wasn’t like you at all. Not with all the previous letters filling up more than half the book already. 
“We’re all worried.” Robin says gently, comfortingly.
 He speaks slowly, eyes not leaving the page. “Y/N can take care of herself. She’s strong.”
He’d already accepted the risks when parting separate ways. He was on his own adventure, and you were on yours. That fact doesn’t stop the ache you leave behind. 
“She would have loved to come with us.” The raven-haired woman muses, flipping to the page of her text where she had left off. It’s both a statement and a question that’s left unanswered as the room goes quiet. 
But Robin's words stick like glue to his mind in the silence. It’s rare for him to reflect on past decisions. He’s not the type to regret. “I know.”
He knew not extending an offer to you had hurt you. Knew how much you would have loved to come. But it hadn’t felt right at the time. Joining his crew wasn’t something you needed. Not in the same way as the rest of the crew. They had been nobodies to the rest of the world. Adrift with no sense of purpose. He had seen their potential and felt their worth through their grit. Each of his current shipmates needed this crew, and this crew only, to realize that. Luffy sensed you already had determined your purpose long ago without them. 
Still, he did need you. In what capacity, he didn’t know. He vowed that once he became the King of the Pirates, he’d circle back down the Grand Line to see you. Perhaps, he’d figure out this feeling in his chest that he hadn’t been able to shake since leaving Starcleaved Island.
Well, this was splendid.
You huff in annoyance as you sit in the dingy cell, footsteps loudly clanging from the deck above. It was damp and dark here. You didn't know how long you hadn't showered, nor the last time you saw the sun. The only light source came from the gaps between the floorboards. A slit beam of it shone directly on you, and you savor the sun’s warm comfort as you muse about your predicament.
Starcleaved Island was a peaceful respite on the Grand Line, famed mainly for its phenomena of meteor showers. Boats would go out into the middle of a large lake, which spanned nearly a quarter of the center of the island’s mass, to sight see the recurring celestial objects that streaked across the sky. It was told that once, long ago, a meteor fell and 'cleaved' a hole in the center of the island, which eventually became the lake. You had grown up standing next to that body of water, wishing on those shooting stars, for as long as you could remember. You and your little blue house next to it.
Everything changed when they came. When he came. When Luffy appeared on the shores of the lake next to your house. Half-drowned and soaking to the bone on that brisk morning. You had gotten your first look of one of the most infamous pirates of the sea, besides the ones on wanted posters.
He had been adorable. Was still adorable to you.
You feel yourself flush as the thought permeates your reminiscing. Goosebumps unrelated to the dampness in the air radiate along your skin as you recall his smile and boyish charm. You miss him. There wasn’t a moment since his departure that you didn’t. There was something gravitating to his existence, as if the entire world centered itself on him. He was frightening, quite frankly. All that power and influence in the hands of an idiot. 
Of course each new wanted poster of that adorable idiot went on your fridge for you to ogle. You couldn't resist.
But how in the world did you get such rotten luck? You had just saved up a month’s worth of expenses for travel for a new business venture to Dressarosa when these pirates raided your hometown. And taken you, unfortunately.
The wayward thoughts are broken up by the sound of something clanging against the metal bars of your cell. Narrow eyes glance at you from the other side, a sneer on the pirate’s lips as he spits a wad of chewing tobacco onto the floor. “Girlie, you feel like talkin’ yet?”
You frown, crossing your arms.
The pirate grumbles something under his breath. “Two months of silence isn’t going to bring you back to that shoddy little island we found you at.”
You feel the emotion bubble in your chest, just managing to swallow the sob that wants to tear its way from your throat. That was your shoddy little island. How dare he take you from it?
The man sticks his pinkie-finger in his ear and wiggles it. “Perhaps you’ll talk when we tell ya where we are. Ever heard of Wano, girlie?”
You blink. Wano? The samurai country? From what you understand, they were mostly closed off from the rest of the world. It was at least a three month's travel away from home!
“We’ve got our weapon materials to sell. And unless you want to join the fishes, you’ll forge those documents to say we’re a spice ship.”
You felt your lip curl in disgust. Weapons for what? “How do you even know I-”
“Your bag’s filled with all kinds of unfinished notes for entry into Dressarosa. Quite good.”
You curse. Discretion was gone, it seemed. “I don’t extend my services to scum.”
The brute simply smiles at the rasp of your voice. “I-”
The man turns at the sound of the voice coming from the deck above. He cranes his neck upwards at the helmsman. Sucking air through the gap in his teeth, the captain calls wearily. “Whaddya’ want!?”
The helmsman’s voice echoes down loudly over the sound of the waves against the hull. “The barrelman spotted a pirate ship crashed on the shore where we were to drop anchor.”
“So what?!”
“The Jolly Roger…it’s the flag of the Strawhats, sir!” 
Your heart skips a beat. The Sunny was here?
The captain blinks with mouth agape as he processes the information. “We…” The man scratches at the scruff on his chin, “We’ll go around it. We’ll pull into port instead.”
“But, sir, without the documents there will be suspicion…”
Your voice comes out louder than you intend. “I’ll do it.”
The captain turns to you quizzically. You clear your throat. “You have example documents, right? I can do it in an hour…unless you broke the inks in my bag.”
There’s suspicion in the man’s gaze. “Really?”
“I don’t work for free. I have one condition: You let me walk away once we dock.”
A laugh that sounds like a pitiful cough erupts from him. “Ha! You know what you’re asking for? If you stay here you won’t be able to leave! You’ll never leave Wano’s borders alive!”
It takes all your strength not to shake anxiously. “Do we have a deal?”
The captain shakes his head as he walks away, chuckling. “Your funeral, girlie.”
You watch him ascend to the deck, letting out a sigh of relief once the trapdoor is shut. Your palms press gently onto your eyeballs as you try to fight the wave of nausea rolling over you.
Sunny was here. Luffy was here.
You had to get away from these people quickly and find him. No matter what it took.
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cecilebutcher · 1 year
❦A Cᴀᴋᴇ As Sᴡᴇᴇᴛ As Bᴇʀʀɪᴇs❦
Congratulations to the newlyweds 🥳🥳 you guys deserve the tweels and they deserve you<3
Summary: Vesper and Cecile bake a wedding cake for their friends wedding<3
Word count: 428
For: @officialdaydreamer00 @identity-theft-101 ( @twst-beam )
Warning: none
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“Sorry for the wait Vesper!” Yelled out a black haired freshman, Cecile. They set the basket with flowers on the table that’s in the middle of the kitchen and went to wash his hands. “No problem, just come here and start prepare the frosting for me” Replied vesper as they placed their dry ingredients together.
Cecile nodded and walked over to the counter since the table was full with cake ingredients. He grabbed everything he needed and started combining the ingredients together carefully and slowly, to make sure everything turns out just right.
After they were done Cecile placed the frosting they started making the edible glitter, which wasn’t all that hard.
They started off with 1/4 cups of cold water and placed some gelatin powder in it and let it combine. Afterwards they placed it to dry, while it dried he went to help with preparing the cake.
After around an hour all the cakes finished baking and cooking off, the edible glitter were made, frosting was finished setting and made into different colors, berries were washed and the flowers were ready and on standby. “Ok Cecile, this’s the hardest part” vesper said dramatically and placed a hand on Cecile’s shoulder “decorating” Cecile rolled their eyes “yeah yeah, let’s get started”
The two started off by checking off everything out of their list, then discussing their design and finalizing it. The first layer of cake went first, then the frosting with berries, then the second layer of cake. This process was repeated a bunch of times,with jam being placed in a few places, until the two had 4 full cake.
Then they started staking the cakes on top one another and finally came the decorating. The cake was iced with eggshell colored frosting with some light purple and baby pink. It also had some edible glitter sprinkled over some of its part, and there was a trail of edible flowers and mixed berries running down the side.
The two let out a breath they hadn’t realized they were holding and collapsed on the floor. Preparing, baking and decorating the cake took over 3 hours and several days for gathering and designing everything.
Time-skip to the wedding.
The wedding was breathtaking when the two arrived. Everything looked amazing, the coral beach complemented the decor, and having picnic blankets and chairs was an amazing addition.
The cake was placed on its very own table near the food, and the rest of the day went very smoothly with the two freshmen very happy to be able to support their friends.
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gamenu · 6 years
ace sunday meme
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         “–See, Darkrai? I told ya there wasn’ nuffin’ ta be afraid of.”
        {/It took some convincing, but she managed to get the dark Pokémon out of hiding and to take a small stroll with her. There was a bunch they could do! They could harvest berries, plant berries, and enjoy the flowers all around them. Sure this seemed like more of an activity for grass types, Pokémon like Darkrai could enjoy them too, right? Carefully walking, she keeps her hands to herself. She knows he’s very timid and finicky, and she doesn’t want to startle him away again.
          Walking up to one of the trees, she pulls a Nanab berry off of it. Splitting it, she sticks half in her mouth and holds out the other half to Darkrai. With a wide smile on her face, she couldn’t help but pucker slightly. It was sweet and sour. It was an amazing taste! And she loved it. Nicole wanted to share this wonderful experience with her new friend. As shy as she was, Nicole wanted to show him that it was okay to enjoy small things like this.
          When he took the berry, she watched him eat it. To be frank, she couldn’t see his face other than his one blue eye…so it was hard to tell if he enjoyed it or not. Surely he would have told her, right? Right. He mentioned something about it being sweet, so she could only assume he liked it. Maybe not. Maybe he was just making a statement. With berries in their bellies, she plops down in the flowers and invites Darkrai to sit with her. They weren’t going to do something cheesy like making flower crowns, nah. Nicole was going to keep it simple.
          Picking a flower that was close to his eye color, she reaches up and puts it in what she assumed to be hair on his head. It was a little funny, something so soft on such a menacing looking Pokémon. It was cute! Still, Nicole made sure to retreat her hands as soon as she did it as to not frighten him.}
         “There, now ya look even cuter than before! Flowers make everythin’ cute. Tha’s jus’ a fac’.”
❦ - For our muses to spend time gardening together. 
( @darkvcid )
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lovehollyberry · 9 months
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A Fire Emblem Awakening design for my main oc, Holly!
I’ve been in a bit of an Awakening craze since the new banner in Feh dropped. I’m so happy Laurent is finally in🥰❤️
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lovehollyberry · 10 months
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Holly Berry
(Fire Emblem Three Houses Ver.)
An odd, but charming student at Garrech Mach’s Officers Academy. Claims to be from Fodlan, yet knows little of its culture. For seeming so naive she is quite skilled at magic. She can often be found scouring the monastery searching for her soulmate. A member of the Blue Lions House.
Though she believes she is rather smooth in fooling everyone, it’s quite obvious that she’s not who she claims to be. In truth, Holly is the Princess of Morfis. Against her parents wishes, she traveled to Fodlan in order to learn more about the world. She assumes an alias in order to keep her true identity a secret
(More Detailed Information Below)
Excited to be in Fodlan, she’s constantly asking questions that would seem obvious to someone born there. Her naivety coupled with her cheerfulness makes her come across as childish to others. Despite that, Holly is exceptionally intelligent. As Princess of Morfis, Holly was trained in magic from a young age. Advancing quickly, she’s able to cast the most difficult of spells in spite of her young age. She excels in reasoning and logic, making formidable battle strategies. With her charisma she leads others with ease, but one should be wary as she’s just as cunning as she is cute.
✦General Information✦
✧ Name: Lǐ Méi Huā (李梅花)
✧ Aliases: Holly Berry
✧ Birthday: 4th of The Red Wolf Moon
✧ Age: 16-17 (Pre-Timeskip), 22-23 (Post-Timeskip)
✧ Height: 153 cm
✧ Crest: The Mark of Resilience
(Unit recovers up to 10% of max HP at the start of each turn. The lower the units HP, the higher the bonus added to Atk/Spd.)
(Acts similar to a Crest, but is not a Crest)
✧ Affiliation: Holy Kingdom of Faerghus
✧ Status: Is Secretly The Princess of Morfis
✧ Class: Commoner (Pre-Timeskip), Dancer (Post-Timeskip)
✧ Strengths: Sword, Bow, Reason, Faith, Authority
✧ Weaknesses: Axe, Brawling, Heavy Armor
✧ Budding Talent: Flying
✧ Personal Ability: Disarming Voice
(Foes within 2 spaces suffer Def/Res -7 during combat)
✦Likes and Dislikes✦
✧ Interests: Singing and Dancing, Daydreaming
✧ Likes: Ribbons, Cute Things, Sweets, Fairytales
✧ Dislikes: Bugs, Extreme Heat, Puzzles
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lovehollyberry · 1 year
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For some reason I felt the need to draw Steven and Wallace as young Pokémon trainers. I got a bit carried away and ended up making full Pokémon style character illustrations. Their designs are based on their designs from the original Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald.
I also added my own oc because, well, I think they would make a cute trio🥺 I’d like to imagine the three of them going on adventures together!
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lovehollyberry · 4 months
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🌊Mermaid Celestine🌊
Here is my OC Celestine as a mermaid! Her design is inspired by leafy seadragons. I decided to stick to her normal color palette, but used more teal colors to give her a more aquatic feeling.
The real question is, does she normally have pointy ears or is it just part of her mermaid design?
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lovehollyberry · 7 months
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✨🌹Happy Valentine’s Day!🌹✨
I couldn’t help but design a cute valentines outfit for my main oc! I had lots of ideas that I wanted to incorporate into the design and I think I pulled it off!
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lovehollyberry · 1 year
FE Oc Week: Day 1
Some simple introductions of my Fire Emblem OCs for Fe Oc Week! I hope to post more detailed art and descriptions at a later time.
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Game: Fire Emblem Three Houses/Hopes
Initial Class: Commoner (pre timeskip), Dancer (post timeskip)
An odd, but charming student at Garrech Mach’s Officers Academy. Claims to be from Fodlan, yet knows little of its culture. For seeming so naive she is quite skilled at magic. She can often be found scouring the monastery searching for her soulmate. A member of the Blue Lions House.
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Game: Fire Emblem Three Houses/Hopes
Initial Class: Commoner (pre timeskip), Warlock (post timeskip)
A cold and distant student at Garrech Mach’s Officers Academy. Hailing from the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, she claims to be of nobility. Though she is often found sleeping, she is rather studious when awake. She tends to spend her waking hours in the monastery’s library. A member of the Blue Lions House.
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Game: Fire Emblem Fates
Initial Class: Dark Falcon
Retainer to Prince Leo of Nohr. Deeply devoted to her lord and won’t hesitate to cut down anyone in his way. Despite her dark clothing, she resembles a Hoshidan. The most likely to knit you a sweater if you say you are cold.
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Game: Fire Emblem Awakening
Initial Class: Cleric
A mysterious and otherworldly healer. Devoted to helping others, she decides to tag along with Chrom’s Shepherds. She’s a motherly figure to the other members of the Shepherds, despite looking younger than most of them. It’s said it would be best to not get on her bad side. The most level-headed of the army.
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Game: Fire Emblem Engage
Initial Class: Princess (personal class)
A noble of Firene and Prince Alfred’s betrothed. Despite her bashful demeanor she exudes an air of elegance. It’s rumored she’s a great singer, though very few have seen her perform. Due to her anxious nature, she constantly worries for Alfred’s safety. Has the biggest sweet tooth in the army.
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Game: Fire Emblem Engage
Initial Class: Dark Flier (personal class)
Mirae’s retainer and best friend. Amélie is sweet and empathetic, but you’d be sorely mistaken to think she’s a pushover. She is willing to go through great lengths for the people she cares about. The most likely to knit you a sweater if you say you are cold.
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lovehollyberry · 9 months
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🎄✨Merry Christmas!✨🎄
After years of promising to draw her, Christmas Rosella is finally here! I did my best to make sure it was worth the wait. I hope you like how she turned out!
Does she look like she could be a new unit in Feh?
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lovehollyberry · 4 months
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A little doodle of Ivy as an Animal Crossing Villager!
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lovehollyberry · 4 months
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💖Mermaid Holly💖
I drew my main oc Holly as mermaid. I think her design turned out quite cute!
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lovehollyberry · 10 months
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With the upcoming Persona 3 remake I thought it was a good time to revisit trying to draw in the Persona art style.
(My thoughts under the cut)
For the first drawing (of my oc Mayumi) I used Yukari’s new artwork as a base to get the proportions right. I had to draw a lot of Mayumi’s design myself. Drawing her hair was difficult, but I think it turned out nicely.
The second drawing (of my oc Holly) I drew free hand without using official art as a base. Well I think some parts look good, I notice my tendency to draw the eyes too big.
The third drawing (of one of my Instagram followers oc) is a rougher sketch I did for further practice. Though it’s not quite like the Persona style, I like the way it mixes in my own style.
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lovehollyberry · 10 months
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✨❤️Persona 5 Tactica❤️✨
Here’s my attempt at replicating the new P5 game’s art style!
I drew my persona, Holly, in her phantom thief attire.
The lack of high quality images to study made it rather difficult to replicate, but hopefully it looks somewhat close.
Maybe I’ll try to draw Mayumi in this style also?
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lovehollyberry · 11 months
FE Oc Week: Day 2
Part I
It was during a training session one day that Felix began to take interest in Holly. They were paired up for a sparring match, and that’s when he noticed. The way she held her sword was different from other people he’d battled before, her entire technique was. Felix might have lost the match if it wasn’t for his constant training. Holly was already on her way out of the training grounds when he stopped her.  “Teach me.” He said to her flatly. She looked at him confused. This was one of, if not the first time he actually said something to her. Normally when she would attempt to talk to him he would just grunt or mumble something before walking away. Then again, her repeated pleas of “Please go to tea with me!” probably annoyed him greatly.  “Teach me to wield a sword like you do.” Felix explained, noticing her look of confusion. She stared up at him in shock. “You want me to teach you how to use a sword?” She asked, bewildered. Felix is already a master at the sword, she thought to herself. What could he possibly learn from me? If anything I should be asking him that! He looked at her, annoyed, “I want you to teach me your sword technique. It’s different from the ones used in Fodlan.”  Holly thought for a moment before responding. “Okay,” she chirped, a devilish grin spreading onto her face. “If…” she paused, “You agree to go on a date with me!”  Felix couldn’t believe what she just said, yet at the same time he could. Of course she would try to get a date out of it, she had been begging him ever since they met. Even though it would be pain in the moment, Felix was willing to endure it for new sword knowledge.  She giggled to herself, a triumphant look on her face knowing he couldn’t say no. “Well, do we have a deal?” She asked. After letting out a harsh sigh, he gave his response. “Deal.” It was through that interaction that Felix found himself spending more time with Holly. Slowly warming up towards her, and eventually, even catching romantic feelings for her. Though it may have started out as bothersome, her constant company became reassuring to him. When the time came and Edelgard declared war against the church, Holly found herself accompanying Felix to Fraldarius territory. She would continue to stay by his side until the end of the war.
Despite Hubert’s unapproachable personality and appearance, Holly continued to try and weasel her way into his heart. She had found his intellect impressive along with his skill with magic, begging him to teach her Fodlan magic. After a lot of pleading, puppy dog eyes, and crying fits, Hubert begrudgingly accepted.  It’s over the time they spent together, reading in the library and practicing at the training ground, that Hubert began to soften up towards her. One day, after a study session, Holly invited Hubert to tea. To her great surprise, he accepted. After learning of Hubert’s preference for coffee she made sure to prepare some for their next teatime along with her usual treats. On the other hand, Hubert found himself intrigued with Holly’s own magic capabilities, seeing her perform magic unlike that of Fodlan’s. That coupled with her odd behavior and lack of knowledge about Fodlan, made Hubert believe there may be more to her than meets the eye. No matter the case, her unusual magic would make her a useful ally in the Empire’s war against the church. In spite of their bonds with one another, when the time came for Edelgard to declare war against the church Holly was unwilling to follow Hubert and join the Empire. Though they both attempted to reason with one another, neither would falter in their beliefs. They’re forced to go their separate ways, leaving the lingering thoughts of “what if” on their minds.
With cold, icy attitudes the two of them didn’t get along very well at first. They would constantly argue, finding the smallest details to criticize. Words would be exchanged and they would storm off in opposite directions. Their ceaseless fighting became quite the ordeal for the Blue Lions and staff to deal with, eventually they had enough of it. It had gotten to the point where their inability to work together disrupted class. That’s when Byleth enlisted the help of the students to figure out a way to resolve the problem. Sylvain, who knew Felix best, immediately came up with a devilish idea to stop the fighting. Setting the plan in motion, he enlisted the help of Dimitri and Ingrid. Then the fun began. “Are you sure that it’s true?” Felix was walking into the training ground when he overheard Dimitri, Ingrid, and Sylvain talking. “I can only think so, after all why would she lie about such a thing?” It would seem they hadn’t noticed him enter. Felix didn’t mind, he wasn’t in the mood to stop and chat anyway. “You said you overheard her in the library right?” Felix continued walking towards the training weapons, but as he was reaching for a training sword he stopped. “Yes, she was speaking to Linhardt,” Ingrid clarified, “about Felix.” “Even despite his attitude, she likes him?” Sylvain remarked, shocked. “I know Felix means well, but he can be rather prickly at times.” “I find it hard to believe Rosella has fallen in love with Felix,” Dimitri mused. “Afterall, they are always arguing over something. It would seem more likely she despises him. Or, at the least, he dislikes her.” Felix found himself listening to their words, Rosella liked him? He tried to shrug it off. Whatever, why should I care about how she feels about me? It’s her problem. He picked up his sword. Ingrid continued, “That’s the thing though, she said she felt she needed to keep up the act between them because if she told him now he’d just scorn her.”  “That’s Felix for you, he can be pretty cruel at times. He’d probably have her running away in tears.” Sylvain said. I’m not cruel, Felix thought angrily. Sure he could be a little harsh sometimes, but he wasn’t cruel. Or at least, he didn’t think so. Trying to ignore them, Felix continued training. Dimitri let out a sigh, “If only Felix wasn’t so stubborn in his ways. Then maybe he’d be willing to give her a chance.” “Why don’t we just tell him about it?” Sylvain interjected. If only he realized, Felix mused, finding himself eavesdropping again. “Really Sylvain?” Ingrid said, stopping Sylvain. “ If we told him she’d only suffer more. We know Felix isn’t interested in a relationship. He would just mock her for her feelings.” Sympathizing Dimitri commented, “I can only imagine how miserable she must be keeping her feelings bottled up.” “Ah, the woes of unrequited love.” Sylvain joked. “I guess there’s nothing we can do huh?” The three of them started making their way to the doors, leaving Felix alone in the training grounds. “It would seem so.” Dimitri lamented. “Hey, maybe I could get her to fall for me instead?” Sylvain said, lightening the mood. “Sylvain!” Felix could hear Ingrid smack him in the distance. Left with his thoughts, Felix found himself thinking back on their conversation. For some reason it had stuck with him. Rosella liked him. Even as he continued to train, Felix kept thinking back to what they had said. Despite how he treated her, she had fallen in love with him. Him and all his faults. His thoughts were becoming consumed by it, the notion that Rosella was in love with him. I mean she’s not the worst person it could have been. He reasoned to himself. She’s not half bad when it comes to magic. She’s strong-willed, and intelligent, and… Felix groaned. Damn it, He had fallen in love with her.
With a shared interest in sleep, it’s no mystery why Rosella and Linhardt are great friends. As napping buddies, they’ll often be found asleep somewhere around the monastery. On the occasion they are awake, the two of them can often be found in the library. There they spend countless hours researching their interests and sharing whatever information of note they come across. Despite what others feel, they find each other’s blunt attitude and rational outlook much easier to be around.
When Rosella first arrived at the monastery Seteth did not pay much attention to her. It was only after he found out about her major crest of Macuil and mysterious circumstances that he began to take interest. She had told him she was a noble of the Holy Kingdom Faerghus, claiming to be the daughter of Marquis Hiver. The strange thing was, the bloodline of House Hiver had long since perished and their territory no longer existed. The area where it had once existed had since become the Itha Plains, a part of House Blaiddyd’s domain.  Seteth began to suspect that something, or more accurately, someone was involved in the odd events surrounding the girl. In hope to find answers, Rosella and Seteth decide to work together. 
The saint whose crest Rosella now bears. Originally born crestless, the oddity of suddenly having the crest of Macuil was frightening to her. Not only that, her memories leading until now were faint. She could only recall the moments before what she presumed was to be her death. Her consciousness had faded, and when she awoke everything around her was different. Years had passed, and yet she was still the same. Somehow her wounds had healed, and though a little sore, she was alive. Alive and unaging.
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