#[❤︎] Aria
lovehollyberry · 1 year
FE Oc Week: Day 1
Some simple introductions of my Fire Emblem OCs for Fe Oc Week! I hope to post more detailed art and descriptions at a later time.
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Game: Fire Emblem Three Houses/Hopes
Initial Class: Commoner (pre timeskip), Dancer (post timeskip)
An odd, but charming student at Garrech Mach’s Officers Academy. Claims to be from Fodlan, yet knows little of its culture. For seeming so naive she is quite skilled at magic. She can often be found scouring the monastery searching for her soulmate. A member of the Blue Lions House.
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Game: Fire Emblem Three Houses/Hopes
Initial Class: Commoner (pre timeskip), Warlock (post timeskip)
A cold and distant student at Garrech Mach’s Officers Academy. Hailing from the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, she claims to be of nobility. Though she is often found sleeping, she is rather studious when awake. She tends to spend her waking hours in the monastery’s library. A member of the Blue Lions House.
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Game: Fire Emblem Fates
Initial Class: Dark Falcon
Retainer to Prince Leo of Nohr. Deeply devoted to her lord and won’t hesitate to cut down anyone in his way. Despite her dark clothing, she resembles a Hoshidan. The most likely to knit you a sweater if you say you are cold.
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Game: Fire Emblem Awakening
Initial Class: Cleric
A mysterious and otherworldly healer. Devoted to helping others, she decides to tag along with Chrom’s Shepherds. She’s a motherly figure to the other members of the Shepherds, despite looking younger than most of them. It’s said it would be best to not get on her bad side. The most level-headed of the army.
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Game: Fire Emblem Engage
Initial Class: Princess (personal class)
A noble of Firene and Prince Alfred’s betrothed. Despite her bashful demeanor she exudes an air of elegance. It’s rumored she’s a great singer, though very few have seen her perform. Due to her anxious nature, she constantly worries for Alfred’s safety. Has the biggest sweet tooth in the army.
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Game: Fire Emblem Engage
Initial Class: Dark Flier (personal class)
Mirae’s retainer and best friend. Amélie is sweet and empathetic, but you’d be sorely mistaken to think she’s a pushover. She is willing to go through great lengths for the people she cares about. The most likely to knit you a sweater if you say you are cold.
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luneariaa · 4 months
☆💙BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people you adore! Absolutely no pressure but. It's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out💙☆
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phillipsgraves · 2 years
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how do you keep going when the worst thing has happened?
[ vet, aerie, hilda, addie, rosie, and cress belong to @jendoe! ] [ template by @marivenah! ]
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🇦🇺 Australia ✒ Wednesday, 26 November 2014
The boys celebrate they won an award at the ARIAS
🙏 -> ziamresources
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🙏 -> eighteenziam
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deception-united · 3 months
What are ways to come up with names for fantasy worlds/countries/regions? I’m struggling a LOT with this
Hi! Thanks for asking and so sorry for the late response.
Places will usually be named for or after a significant person, god or deity, mythical creature or legend, natural element, historical event, abstract concept or virtue, in celebration of a major achievement, or to reflect the region's characteristics, climate, or features. As with most things, there are a number of ways to go about the naming process, but my go-to method is linguistic experimentation. When creating names for places, countries, events, or world, I like to use words from existing languages—particularly older ones, like Latin, Greek, or Old English—and playing around with prefixes, suffixes, or various conjugations until they sound right.
Here are some tips:
Modify endings: Feel free to adjust the endings for more phonetic appeal (for example, change "Terra-" to "Terri-" if it sounds better)
Blend words: Create compound words by blending whole words with prefixes or suffixes (e.g., "Aqua" + "polis" = Aquapolis)
Add consonants/vowels: Sometimes, adding a consonant or vowel between a prefix and suffix can make the name sound more natural. For instance, if you want to combine "Theo-" and "-aria", you might want to discard one of the vowels or add a consonant (for example, you could add a "t" to make it "Theotaria")
Here are a few in the aforementioned languages you might want to experiment with:
Luna-: moon
Terra-: earth
Magn-: great
Novi-: new
Sub-: under
Trans-: across
-ium: place or region
-or: agent or person
-is: neutral noun ending
-ensis: related to
Lunaris (Luna- + -ris): A moon-themed city or region
Terranova (Terra- + -nova): A new land or country
Magnor (Magn- + -or): A great or powerful place
Subterra (Sub- + Terra): An underground city or region
Theo-: god
Geo-: earth
Neo-: new
Hyper-: above
Paleo-: ancient
Poly-: many
-polis: city (e.g., Acropolis)
-cracy: rule or government (e.g., Theocracy)
-ther: place (e.g., Panether)
Theopolis (Theo- + -polis): A city dedicated to the gods
Neochron (Neo- + Chrono-): A new era or time period
Hyperion (Hyper- + -ion): A place above or exalted land
Polydia (Poly- + -dia): A land of many valleys or diverse regions
Old English:
Eald-: old (e.g.,
Beorht-: bright
Midd-: middle
Sūþ-: south
West-: west
North-: north
Old English suffixes:
-burg: fortress or town
-ham: home
-stede: place
-tun: settlement
-weald: forest
-dun: hill
-wic: village
Ealdorland (Eald- + -orland): An ancient land or old country
Beorhtwyn (Beorht- + -wyn): A bright or blessed place
Middgard (Midd- + -gard): The middle land or realm
Westfold (West- + -fold): A western region or land
Name generators:
You could also use online name generators, and either use one of them or modify it to better fit your world. Here are a few popular ones:
Fantasy Realm Names Generator
Name Generator
Seventh Sanctum Name Generators
Fantasy Name Gen
LegendKeeper Fantasy World Name Generator
DonJon's Fantasy Name Generator
Another method is portmanteaus—blending parts of two words together to create a new term. This can work with the most random, unrelated words; for example, you could combine "velvet" and "orion" to create the word "Velorian". There are really no rules involved.
Hope this was helpful! Happy writing ❤
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bloomingkyras · 6 months
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Meet The Contestant
Nephinae Orme @invisiblequeen Aria Mason @moonfromearth Felix Swift @simsinfinitylt Odin Sands @theosconfessions Adriadne Sterling @bakersimmer
Max Adler @aniraklova
*1st impression or I call it blind date,will be on 1st April with our 1st contestant.
tq sent this beautiful and handsome sims to compete in the BC. And good luck ❤
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nonono-zzz · 2 months
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うさみみちゃん🐰⸜❤︎⸝#バニーの日 pic.twitter.com/ABt9wgVpm0
— Aria (@ariacyu) August 2, 2024
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nukritus · 11 months
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Immortal Desires trio: Cas, Luca and Gabe. This is a gift for lovely @aria-ashryver , who always supports my arts, especially Immortal Desires related ones. Thank you very much, Aria! ❤❤❤
I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed drawing your beautiful boys. ❤
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angelap3 · 2 months
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“Lui è chi ha cantato Cristo in croce e ha dato i dieci comandamenti al commento di Tito, uno dei ladroni appesi.
Lui ha messo in musica un prigioniero che non voleva respirare la stessa aria dei secondini.
Lui cantava con voce di pozzo l'amore dei giorni perduti a rincorrere il vento.
Lui è chi ha tradotto Leonard Cohen, Georges Brassens, Bob Dylan in quell'impossibile, perfetta versione di "Avventura a Durango", capolavoro di trasferimento da una lingua a un'altra.
Lui è chi ha scritto che a morire di maggio ci vuole troppo coraggio, ha dato musica alla cattiva strada, ha squagliato la cioccolata dei dialetti, il genovese, il sardo, il napoletano dentro le ballate.
Lui è chi è stato legato a un palo dell'Hotel Supramonte dove ha visto la neve sopra un corpo di donna amato, addolcito di fame e ha ascoltato i racconti dei banditi e ha conosciuto una loro cura che nessun detenuto di questo Paese ha provato.
Lui è chi ha perdonato con gratitudine.
Lui è chi ha visto al collo di Teresa una lametta vecchia di cent'anni, lui sa che il dolore di Franziska taglia più di un coltello di Spagna. E sa il bosco dove Sally arrivò con il tamburello e sa il bisturi che corregge il sesso di Princesa, e la ragazza che si versa un cucchiaio di mimosa nell'imbuto di un polsino slacciato.
Lui è chi ha dato cantico ai drogati perché chiedessero: "e chi, chi sarà mai / il buttafuori del sole / chi lo spinge ogni giorno / sulla scena alla prime ore".
Lui è chi ha suonato i pensieri dei suicidi, il nasone di Carlo Martello, le fregole di un vecchio professore e la più concreta offerta di un paradiso, in vendita a via del Campo.
Lui è chi ha messo un giudice nelle mani esageratamente affettuose di un gorilla e ha lasciato che un pescatore sfamasse un assassino, e tacesse ai carabinieri.
Lui è chi cantò le lapidi di Spoon River dove Jones il suonatore mai rivolse pensiero al denaro, all'amore, al cielo.
Lui è chi ha voluto bene ai cuccioli del maggio che poi avrebbero azzannato i garretti dei potenti e avrebbero stabilito il record di carcere di una generazione italiana. Invano avvertiva gli altri: "per quanto voi vi crediate assolti / siete lo stesso coinvolti". Invano, perché gli altri si sono sempre assolti, da soli e definitivamente. Coinvolti restano solo lui, i caduti e i prigionieri senza fine. Sì, è stato il più grande, non solo per iscritto e in canto, ma per carattere, per dirittura d'urto contro la macchina luccicante di successo e carriera.
Lui solfeggiava con gli sconfitti, sbriciolava il loro pane ai passeri.
Dopo di lui la specie dei selvatici si è estinta. C'è il gran bazar degli ammansiti.
Non l'ho nominato, solo enumerato. Chi ha bisogno di guardare il suo nome, ha perso tempo a leggere fin qua.
Erri De Luca. ❤
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melonminnie · 2 years
Thanx for working on my request and can I hav part 3 of I became Villains family x reader where reader hav some sort of healing power which is very strong but she is not able to handle it.....and she heals momma valentine one time when she accidentally visited her and everyone except her knew about her power..... and using her power makes her sleepy and and she often snoozes around Papa and momma valentine which they found really adorable......and it's not my fault that I keep requesting ur too good at ur work..... take care lots of love ❤..
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Description<3: After the incident the House maids servants and others started noticing how the sick servants would feel better after interacting with the young lady, And soon recognize that she has healing powers except everyone has regonized them except the person with them!
Author note: YOUR REQUEST IS SO CUTEE? Thank you for requesting again I’m glad u like my writing!! I tried my best to write as specifically as the request I hope you enjoy it sorry for bad grammar! (PT1). (PT2) part 4 will be abt Vincent maybe or I might just end it here lmk
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A few weeks in the servants could no longer ignore how helpful you were!,They don’t mean with work or cleaning.
Once came a servant telling the others after talking to you he felt much better!,As he had a fever before and when talking to you,Suddenly it went away a day later.
Which was a miracle of course, But no one believed him.
Then came more and more servants one by one telling the others, That after talking to you they felt much better like they weren’t suffering anymore.
Soon the word spread threw out the entire mansion, Aria of course already knew about it, But sense her sister had come to the mansion she’d been unknowingly heal anyone that’s sick, or injured.
Aria wanted to keep her sister a secret she wanted to lock her away so that she wouldn’t help anyone, It worried her seeing you get tired so often from accidentally healing anyone that touched you or spoke to you, It only happened when you used energy and unfortunately you were very energetic. And it didn’t help that your powers were somehow advanced which meant you can practically do anything!.
Of course the maids around you didn’t want your little head to worry about your power, Your too young!!.
So when you caught wind of the sick grand duchess who probably didn’t have long to live, You wanted to see her. But when you asked about her the maids would brush it off or change the subject, It made you annoyed, “Why can’t I see the duchess” the pink haired girl thought dissatisfied.
This had been the 9th time she asked this week, The servants were slowly losing it with how many times you had asked about her, How did you even find out about her?.
“Hmmm” the girl hummed before standing up and gong to nearest maid and tugging her dress, “Oh! Young lady is there something you need” she smiled when she realized who tugged at her dress, “Yes” the girl answered immediately “How does the duchess look like” She questioned before sitting at the table with a pen and paper waiting for an answer.
The maid sat in front the girl “she has bright red eyes she also has beautiful long black hair” she said as she described the duchess to the girl who was trying to draw her to the best of her abilities.
“The duchess sounds really pretty” She exclaimed with sparkling eyes, “ will she ever get better” she asked with a hint of hope.
She contemplated on telling the girl the truth or lying, While contemplating the maid kept looking at her eyes. They were shining so bright, She felt as if she’d cry if she saw that sparkle die down.
“Of course” she chirped “she’ll get better very very soon” she reassured lying, The girls eyes got even brighter “That means I can see the duchess right?” She stood up and grabbed onto the ledge of the table.
Oh, she never thought about that, “Yes yes of course! You just need to wait for a little while”, The girl pouted she didn’t want to wait but she got an idea! “Okayyyy!” She smiled slightly sad.
After a few nights of planning and thinking, Y/n found out where the duchess’s bedroom is located, She decided to go in the evening because she realized people don’t go there in the evening mostly.
And luckily sense Aria was planning her wedding and the servants were helping her practically you can just sneak in.
Of course that’s what you did!,You snuck into Sabina’s bedroom before noticing a person sleeping which was her, you hurriedly went to her and glanced at her “Ohhh she’s rlly pretty” the girl whispered to herself.
She carefully touched the woman’s hair to look at her face fully, The girl was happy she did this, Of course she hoped she wouldn’t get caught.
“Your really pretty miss” she spoke as if she was awake.
The duchess wasn’t asleep she couldn’t sleep, She did hear sounds of footsteps she did hear the little girls voice, It was sweet, her heart was fluttering with happiness.
She felt as if her condition was getting better really better, as if she just had a fever and nothing more, not like she was on her death bed.
But the duchess wouldn’t dare open her eyes, Of course she heard about the little sister of aria, She never expected her to come in her room though.
She suspected that the reason she felt better was because of the girl in front of her, She knew in a matter of fact.
And a little while she heard the door click which meant she left, The woman quickly opened her eyes and sat upright staring at the door smiling.
After leaving the room, the girl suddenly felt really tired as if she could fall asleep anywhere, she rubbed her eyes and kept on walking till she bumped into someone.
“I see we’re walking without looking anymore huh?” Tristan voiced starring at the girl who didn’t respond but clung onto his leg and fell asleep.
A few seconds later he noticed she wasn’t responding and picked her up, He realized the girl was asleep and was contemplating on bringing her back to her bedroom.
then suddenly he remembered her request a few weeks ago about wanting to meet the duchess, So he did that and took her to the Sabina’s bedroom.
Upon arrival, Sabina already knew who the girl he was holding was.
“I thought I might drop by” he stated before walking closer and sitting on her bed with the pink haired girl still asleep.
“You look much better then a few days ago” he continued realizing her face had a lot more color then before, “Yeah and it’s all thanks to her” she said smiling, glancing at pink haired girl.
“Hm she already visited you then” he starred at the girl.
A little while later the duchess was still in recovery but was in a much better condition then before, After talking y/n finished talking to Aria who was sick she quickly ran out and headed to the dukes office.
Slowly she started to feel really really tired but she promised the duke she’d meet him today.
The girl knocked on the office door before entering, When entering she saw Tristan and Sabina sitting on chairs facing each other with food on the table. She ran and sat next to Tristan , She quickly fell asleep on his arm.
“Hmm who did she heal this time” Sabina questioned before eating the piece of cake in front of her. “Probably Aria” he replied before he smiled softly.
Sabina moved and held the sleeping kid before returning to her seat, “Adorable” she smiled softly while touching her hair.
Tristan smiled even more at the scene, If he could he’d want scenes like this to always be in his life
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shall-we-die · 1 year
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"Give up on your dreams and die." He said.
but my dream was to Die! so...
{Shall we Die together?}
Your positive answer? Yes? Good!
Well then, welcome to my rose garden~
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⊱❁【About Me】❧
[Aria || 19 || she/her || INTJ || Apr.24th || Taurus ]࿐
↳ My OC
⊱❁【About this blog】❧
➥ This surly is another writing blog.
➥ I'm not new here, I just deleted my previous blog cause of some problems...
➥ I may repost some of my works from my previous blog.
➥ It doesn't matter if I finished a game/manga or not, none of the posts will spoil anything.
➥ Requests are Closed now.
📍 Please pay attention, is the list you wanna request from closed or not? Because if it's closed, your request will be deleted.
꧁What I'll write࿐
↳ I usually write headcanons. They're easier to write. But you can also request scenarios.
↳ Character x Gn! or Fem! Reader
↳ Angst || Fluff || Hurt-Comfort
↳ Light! NSFW || Light! Yandere
📍I only write for characters that I feel comfortable with and understand better. I may write for all the characters in one fandom and choose only a few special characters in another one.
꧁What I won't write࿐
↳ Male! Reader (sorry I have no clue)
↳ Character x Character
↳ Anything that makes me uncomfortable or not suitable for this blog...
➥ With the help of tags, you can access any post or list you like. Sometimes some parts may not contain links, this means that I haven't yet posted anything on that topic.
➥ Each fandom has a masterlist. You can become a member of that fandom's tag list by commenting. Every post from that fandom will be tagged with your name so you don't miss it.
➥ Please pay attention to the warning signs. If you read something that is not appropriate for your age, I do not accept responsibility for it.
📍I would appreciate it if you could inform me of any mistakes in grammar or special names in my posts ❤
➥ and please, do not copy, repost, or translate any of my works.
➥ and If you're a hater (for any reason) this is the only way I can treat you 👍🏻❤ (not Sorry)
📍If you are unhappy with something, block me instead of insulting me. I'm too mentally exhausted to argue with anyone.
↷[Bungo Stray Dogs]༄
↷[Moriarty the Patriot]༄
↷[Jujutsu Kaisen]༄
↷[Obey me!= 7Brothers & Side characters]༄
꧁Special Parts࿐
📍Requests for these parts are closed.
↷[Fluff Alphabet]༄
↷[NSFW Alphabet]༄ (100+ followers event)
↷[Angst Alphabet]༄
↷[Yandere Alphabet]༄ (ongoing)
↷[Weekly Love Letters Masterlist]༄
↷[When you don't love them]༄
↷[Birthday Event]༄
➳ # 𝙰𝚛𝚒𝚊-𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗–[🐞]
➳ # 𝚀𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜–[❓]
➳ # 𝚂𝚞𝚋𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜–[📩]
➳ # 𝙰𝚛𝚒𝚊'𝚜 𝙼𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚋𝚘𝚡–[📮]
➳ # 𝙼𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝–[📕]
➳ # 𝙵𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏𝚢 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎–[🍓]
➳ # 𝙰𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝𝚢 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎–[❣]
➳ # 𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎–[🚫]
➳ # 𝙽𝚂𝙵𝚆–[💋]
➳ # 𝙴𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜–[🍬]
➳ # 𝙱𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜–[🎂]
➳ # 𝚆𝚎𝚎𝚔𝚕𝚢 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜–[💌]
➳ # 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝙸𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚜–[📢]
➳ # 𝙿𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚜–[💬]
➳ #𝚁𝚎𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚜–[💞]
➳ #𝙼𝚞𝚝𝚞𝚊𝚕𝚜–[🫂]
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lovehollyberry · 11 months
FE Oc Week: Day 2
Part II
After losing her home to a fire, a young Aria was left alone. Unsure of what to do, she wandered Nohr for a period of time before finding herself at the capital. It was there in Windmire that she met Leo. Aria, who was immediately smitten with Leo, leaped out to protect him from an assassination attempt. Although young, she was formidable and took down the attacker swiftly. Seeing her skill, Leo decided to take her as his retainer.  During the concubine wars, Aria would stay by Leo’s side as often as possible to protect him. Her closeness with the Prince earned her quite a few enemies, and horrible rumors soon spread. Despite it all, Aria wouldn’t hesitate to do anything for him. Even if it meant withstanding harsh gossip, difficult training, and sleepless nights, she would endure it, because she loved him.
As Leo’s retainers, Aria and Niles spend quite a bit of time with one another, often being sent on missions together. Initially a work relationship, they began to bond over their devotion to Leo. During their conversations they would find out that they have more in common than they first thought. Over time, their relationship would evolve into a friendship. At night, the two of them can be found gazing up at the night sky. They like to sit in silence, enjoying the peace and one another’s company. Sometimes, Aria’s light humming can be heard. However, they often butt heads when it comes to Niles’s crude and sadistic behavior. Aria always reprimands him when he says profane things in her presence. Niles, on the other hand, finds it quite amusing how flustered he can make her by saying such salacious things to her.
When Odin first appeared, Aria did not trust him. His odd character and the way he spoke made her wary of him. Once Odin became another one of Leo’s retainers her suspicions began to quell. By spending more time with him, she was able to learn of the caring and sincere part of Odin beyond the theatrics. Initially hesitant, she grew to trust and respect him, seeing him as a friend and ally she can rely on. Although she still cannot understand everything he says.
Despite being Mirae’s retainer, Amélie and Mirae are like sisters. They’ve known each other since childhood and were practically raised together. No matter what happens they know they can count on one another, and would do anything for the other. They often can be found singing together, creating sweet melodies that fill the air. Mirae, due to her shyness, has difficulty approaching and conversing with people. Oftentimes she will panic and shut herself away. Worried for her friend, Amélie comforts her and helps her through her anxiety. Amélie does her best to support Mirae, giving her the courage to put herself out there and talk with others. Amélie, in her appearance of being sweet and calm, tends to hide her more negative feelings. Because of their close friendship, Mirae is one of the only people she feels comfortable expressing her full emotions to. Mirae is always willing to listen to her friend, and remind her that her feelings are valid.
Mirae was promised to Alfred at a young age. A decision made because of the young prince’s condition. It took a while for them to finally meet, having only exchanged letters to one another. When that day came, Mirae found herself flooded deep with worry. What if the prince was mean and cold? What if he was a philanderer? Secretive? Cruel? The thoughts kept invading her mind. Worse, she would have to rule alongside him. Mirae had enough trouble asking someone to pass the salt, she had know idea how she would command a kingdom. Luckily, her fears were put to rest when she saw him. He was charming, if not a little dopey. Alfred ran toward her, handing her a large bouquet of flowers. It was so large in fact, she couldn't hold the entire thing. Her grasp on it slipped and she ended up covered in flowers. Mirae immediately grew embarrassed over her own clumsiness. She began to apologize profusely for ruining the bouquet he had gifted her. Tears swelling up in her eyes, she bowed her head in shame. Alfred, of course, wasn’t angry. Instead he grabbed one of the flowers, and brushing the hair that had fallen in her face aside, placed the flower in her hair.  “It’s alright,” He had said to her reassuringly. “I think you look rather pretty with the flowers in your hair, like a fairy princess!” Mirae stared at him before tears started rolling down her face. Alfred panicked, “Did I say something wrong?” he asked, concerned. She shook her head, smiling at him.  She started, unsure how to express how she felt. “No, um, I…” Mirae felt fortunate to be marrying someone as kind hearted as him. Steading her breath she tried again, “Thank you.”
As soon to be sister-in-laws, Mirae and Celine have gotten to know each other well. They enjoy spending time together chatting over some tea and cookies. Topics of their conversations range from the current happenings of Firene to exotic flowers of other regions. They both share in worry for Alfred’s health and concerns for the future. But, together vow to work towards a brighter, peaceful future for Elyos.
see Mirae under Amélie
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luneariaa · 3 months
CASS!! i don't think i could dedicate or express all the honor in reading works and writings like yours, i've never been so serious in my life! — all your work is beautiful, i feel inspired and grateful to meet and read the works of an extremely talented person 🥺🥺
please, continue with them!!
AWW OH MY GODDD YSAAAA THANK YOU SO MUCHHHH YOU'RE LITERALLY THE SWEETEST EVERR 😭😭💗💗💗💗‼‼ I COULD SAY THE SAME TO YOU!! honestly, you're one of my inspirations in writing for kenji,, your works are just so DELICIOUS and AMAZINGLY WRITTEN ❤❤❤‼‼ i'm in LOOOOVE with them so pls carry it on as well!!
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violettduchess · 1 year
Because your writings always leave me sighing because they're so amazing; can I request an afterglow with my gorgeous crimson-eyed fox prince?? 🦊 Please??? And thank you in advance love! ❤
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A/N: Here you are @nightfoxqueen 💜 Thank you for your patience! I hope you enjoy it!
Nokto Klein x reader
Spice level: one 🌶
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He doesn’t let you go. 
Despite the heat of your bodies and the slick sweat brought on by the ceaseless pounding of your heart, the winding and explosive unwinding of your muscles. 
Despite the fluttering of your breath as you chase the air you need to steady the bucking stallion that is your heart. 
Despite the clenching and unclenching of your fingers in the soft ends of his silvery hair. 
Despite it all, Nokto continues to hold you close against him, clinging to the ghost of your lovemaking, as if keeping you wrapped within the shelter of his arms might prolong that sphere of intimacy that has become so very precious to him. After all, it was you who expanded his knowledge beyond the carnal, into a realm where the emotional rules alongside the physical. A place where his heart is as essential as any other part of him.
And oh, does he love loving you. He wanders the garden of your body joyfully, tasting all it has to offer, his hands leaving no dip or curve, no mountain or valley untouched. 
He loves the physicality of you. Your weight when you’re above him, hands braced against his strong shoulders, your thighs bracketing his, the heat of you rolling through him like thunder. The soft brush of your hair when you bend down like a reed in the wind and press your lips to his neck, his jaw. The bite of your eager fingernails. The warm sensation of your tongue on his skin. Your scent surrounds him like the cool twilight of a summer night. Vaguely floral, mysterious, promising. Yes, he loves all this about you. 
But he also loves this moment, right now, when the earth is done quaking, when he can simply hold you, soft and spent and boneless with happiness, glowing with satisfaction. Because when he holds you close like this, your head resting on his chest, he knows you can feel his heart beating under your ear, calling out to you, singing a song of absolute devotion. The depth of his love for you astounds him. It wraps itself around his bones, flushes his pale skin pink, seeps its way into every crevice of his soul and brightens its darkest corners. 
He has so many dark corners.
His fingers slide over your bare back, passing over the vertebrae of your spine like a believer counting the rosary. All the divinity he ever needs is here, in his arms. Loving you has brought him grace. Peace. Clarity.
You shift, sliding your leg along his, your hand echoing the motion down his side and all thoughts of heaven vanish. The intent of your movements is anything but angelic......and his slow smile positively simmers with seduction.
He rolls over, bringing you with him, his body arching above yours so that he may get a final glimpse of you, your starry eyes alight with siren intent, your lips parted in a suggestive smile, before diving headfirst into the bacchanalian pleasure you offer so freely.
This, he thinks as he lowers his head, falling into the heady depths of your enticing kiss….this is another reason to keep you so close. 
The instant return to pleasure.
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Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @alixennial @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @ikemen-writer @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @aria-chikage @redheadkittys @tele86 @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @rhodoliteschaos @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @myonlyjknight @queen-dahlia @aceuuuuu @scorchieart @bubblexly
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raghadayyad · 19 days
Stop, please don't skip ✋
My campaign still 0/30000 😭
A small donation can make a big difference 🍉
Help me get out of the war and complete my education I'm still an 20 year old girl😞
I hope you helps me achieve my dreams as a Palestinian living in the midst of this destruction.🚨
I feel like my dream will never come true, my dreams are completely destroyed, I'm so sad🥺💔
I appreciate your support and assistance to Palestinian students who lost an academic year, and are now losing their second academic year due to the war.🇵🇸❤
@90-ghost @el-shab-hussein @sayruq @nabulsi @neptunerings @flower-tea-fairies @appsa @a-shade-of-blue @sar-soor @moayesh @commissions4aid-international @paper-mario-wiki @dlxxv-vetted-donations @gaza-evacuation-funds @writerqueenofjewels @the-ballerina-battle @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @just-browsing1222 @girlinafairytale @khanger @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @maoistyuri @dykesbat @acepumpkinpatrick @thetownwecallhome @tsaricides @feluka @brutaliakhoa @kordeliiius @queerstudiesnatural @the-bastard-king @aria-ashryver @malcriada @vakarians-babe @bat-luun @mangocheesecakes @violetlyra @nightowlssleep @self-hating-zionist @staretes @friendshapedplant @yokohama-crackhouse @omiteo777
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bloomingkyras · 5 months
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Solo Date Point Review (R1) + Blind Date Star Review (Final 5)
Creator comment:
Odin: Gemma found out that she really love to be around Odin and he make her feel the love that she never get before. he treat her well even when the incident at the house happen, Odin came and give her support.
Adriadne: This girl, she really like I don't care 😅. She always come and chat with Gemma even tho there's other contestant with them. But she proof that she's not weird and guess what she confess to Gemma that she had a crush on her 🤭. That 1 bonus for her too.
Felix: He still shy but he's really working on to get Gemma attention and He also being there for Gemma when the incident happen.
Max: hmm..the pieces still have on Gemma's heart. It's hard to heals.but hey, he already apologize. Gemma know that hard to be around with rivalry in the same house and I also don't blame him to get jealous.
Aria: Gemma love to be around her as a sisters. they have a lot of chit chat. But the romance, they still working on it.
Nephinae: I'm sorry, she had being eliminated for this round. Gemma found out that, It's hard for them to be together. They have romantic bar quite low and It's not Nephinae false, Gemma refused to be with her although she keep trying. hope she found her love after this. tq for sent her to be a part of this BC ❤.
*Odin, Max, Felix and Adriadne had a good friend sentiment with Gemma.
For solo date round 1, the point will be from the friendship and romance bar. This also will be including a comment from Gemma's podcasts from the previous post. See u guys in Solo Date R2. there will be 2 sims will be eliminated on the second round. They still will be a part of Gemma save file.
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