pretty-overdose · 11 days
Reblog if you are an active 3d account in Sept 2024 so we can all follow each other 💗
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pretty-overdose · 11 days
had to eat today :( my mom got suspicious and my boyfriend was worried. i ate a 260 cal tv dinner (we're broke and don't have much other food :( ) so sadly a fast is a no go. still keeping low calories, though!
i haven't been feeling well lately, so i haven't exercised. tomorrow i'm going to try but i won't be too mean to myself if i can't. (don't want to get injured again, i'd rather get better faster so i can exercise more)
i feel like such a fake ana lol i can't wait to move out and be able to lie about what i eat better
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pretty-overdose · 12 days
chat im gonna fast for more than 2 days for the first time, posting this for accountability
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pretty-overdose · 12 days
the confusing part is that my boyfriend is chubby and i'm so attracted to him. fat people are often the subjects of my art. i truly, wholeheartedly believe every body is beautiful. i'm more body positive than the average person i think. i've seen people visibly heavier than me put themselves down and it breaks my heart because i see them as beautiful.
so why can't i feel that way about myself? why do i think disgusting things about myself? i hate it.
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pretty-overdose · 12 days
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pretty-overdose · 12 days
also yaaaay it's sweater weather ( ^ω^ ) now that i don't have to wear long sleeves or shorts i can reIap$e harder. maybe i can finally graduate from baby cuts
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pretty-overdose · 12 days
chat i fell off pretty hard but i'm back now, feel like shit but it's my fault
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pretty-overdose · 2 months
chat, when i purge nothing usually comes out, anyone got any advice
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pretty-overdose · 3 months
IM PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE SKIRTS I BOUGHT 2 YEARS AGO THAT WERE WAY TOO SMALL SO I HID THEM FIT ME NOW!! i still have so much left to go but it's nice to see it's working
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pretty-overdose · 3 months
whoever invented 0 cal soda is gonna get their ass ate
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pretty-overdose · 3 months
guess who's back
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pretty-overdose · 4 months
sometimes i wish my boyfriend wasn't so awesome and was a little meaner to me. he's so nice to me and reminds me to eat and really worries when i don't eat and it sucks!!! he reassures me he'll love my body no matter what and it sucks!!! now i eat to make him not worry and i could eat so much less if he was just a little mean to me!! (;´д`)
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pretty-overdose · 4 months
when i get skinny and start taking care of my skin and get the money to buy good clothes and get rid of my social anxiety and learn to be able to put on a dress without crying it is SO OVER FOR EVERYONE
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pretty-overdose · 4 months
currently doing this same thing </3 thanks for the reminder
I used to feel so much shame after binging that I would refuse to log it, and then I'd lose my streak. I feel like I'm not the only one who had done this so I'm here to remind you it's better to be honest about mistakes and be consistent with logging than to try and lie to yourself and feel like 'why am I making no progress?'
It is better to feel shame now than to feel resentment and confusion a couple of months down the line.
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pretty-overdose · 4 months
there is something deeply confusing about wanting to be so thin people worry about you while simultaneously being attracted almost exclusively to chubby guys. so i think i'm disgusting but i see so many posts insulting fat people and i'm like... ok more for me
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pretty-overdose · 4 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then send this to the askbox of the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers! :)
this is so fun!! thank you for the ask!!
5 things that make me happy are:
my cats even if they're batshit
strawberries!! they're so cute and pretty safe to eat :)
sanrio!! ll of the characters are so special 2 me
my 3ds too, i still play it daily and i have so many fun lil games on it
and finally, shojo romance is a big comfort of mine ><
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pretty-overdose · 4 months
hiii i'm home from the hospitaaaal (о´∀`о)
essentially i had to be hooked up to an iv for a few days due to body issues and dehydration, because of this i'll eat at maintenance for today and maybe tomorrow, but as soon as i'm feeling better i'll be back to my diet! ^^ゞ
on the plus side, i had to fast for 2 days and i feel completely ok with it! i'll definitely try fasting more regularly!! ♡
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