justashadetalkative · 5 months
e17 diamond c11 miriam a10 red (if u want. and pick ur fav options if u wanna! you dont need to do all of them lol)
Expression prompts | Closed for now!
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I think the only other character I’ve ever drawn with their tongue sticking out might be Gerou sdflksdhg
Can you tell I finally found some facial refs for Mirian
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“When was the last time you slept?” (Diamond or Mirian to Ash?)
Ash removed her reading glasses, letting out a deep, long breath as she glanced out the window. Her hand came up to rub her eyes, dragging inward to pinch the bridge of her nose.
"There is a chance I've let time get away from me," they stated simply, not admitting to any specific timeframe.
She turned away from the open books on her desk to face Mirian, huffing.
"I presume this means I am late for tea?"
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justassorted · 6 months
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A new icon! Might get changed again if I decide I don't like the way it looks, but for now, I wanted to update it to reflect the current active muses.
I figured I should go with something that doesn't look so similar to the @justatouchjaded icon, so I pulled together some character symbology instead of portraits. ^_^
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lgvalenzuela · 1 year
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A comission for @thereluctantherosrose! I love her because she always makes me draw things I have no idea about
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ocombatenterondonia · 5 months
Porto Velho inaugura mais um posto de combustível com bandeira Atem
A cidade de Porto Velho, em Rondônia, inaugura nesta quinta-feira (11) mais um posto de combustível com bandeira Atem, na avenida Guaporé, 5895, no bairro Agenor de Carvalho. Com três bombas sêxtuplas para gasolina comum, aditivada, álcool e S10, e uma loja de conveniência, o novo posto ganhou o nome das proprietárias, as irmãs Margarete e Mirian: Posto M M Kuriyama. Com mais de 20 anos de…
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gumdytoonsen · 2 years
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Fanart Anime Gacha Life From @rex3003
Mirian Anime Gacha Life Chibi Style
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happybdayvic · 2 years
Feliz aniversário, Vit! 
Que seu novo ciclo seja lindo e repleto de prosperidade, muita saúde, juízo, dinheiro pra somar com sua herança e papis (espero que empregados) pra você seguir colecionando. Que Deus te abençoe e te livre dos gays. 
Com carinho, Mi!
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gumdytoonses · 2 years
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Fanart Versión Anime Gacha Life Chibi para @rex3003
Mirian Versión Gacha Life Chibi
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godivaghoul · 1 year
I'm a bit down at the moment could you share with us another clip that make you laugh or that you really enjoy?
of course I got you friend!
this is a cinematic masterpiece that always make me laugh, Worthikids is a genius and his animation are both incredibly funny and well written and cool, he also make great music!
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fugamsemidei · 2 months
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"Shall I destroy myself for you, my love? Will you let me?
Can you hear me? Please, I need you to hear me.
Where are you? I don't want to hurt anymore..."
She cries she cries she cries, "Please come home! W-we can go home together!"
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isapolvorita · 9 months
So, it seems she was going to be the protagonist in the concepts of the story
I will pay to see that
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justashadetalkative · 2 years
Lewis takes the cookie. He's too hungover to argue with her. "So you're telling me, a cricket floured this cookie." His attempt at a joke is shaky and pale, sort of like him. Standing here in the biggest, blackest jacket he owns and squinting in the harsh light of day.
He's not really that weirded out by it. He's eaten trash, before, so like-
Whatever, he bites it, tastes it. His expression remains neutral.
"Uh. Thanks for that." He says, as appreciatively as he can manage. It's not every day some Lady You've Never Met chases you down and tells you to try this, it has crickets in it.
"It's... good." He looks between the tupperware in her hands and her expectant face. She probably baked them herself. He thinks to himself.
"Did you, like. Did you bake them?" He asks, not knowing what else he could possibly say.
Mirian snorts. "Like shrimp fried rice?" she hazards. She's heard that one before, somewhere. "Think that works better with a verb."
She brightens up considerably when the stranger does actually take a bite, and outright grins when he says it's good. "Right?? You wouldn't believe how many people aren't even willing to try it. Like, I get it, eating bugs is fuckin' weird to most folk--and I like them, but even I'm not gonna say cricket legs are a plus--but by the time it's flour, it's like. What are you even worried about?"
She laughs a bit at the question. "Yeah, I baked 'em. I think there's a company out there making... protein bars, or some shit like that, but not so much with the baked goods."
Mirian's rambling winds down a bit as she gives the man a closer look-over. He doesn't look well. "You want another? You look like you could use..." He looks like he could use a solid meal, or maybe somewhere to lay down. "...well, a bit of protein probably won't hurt, anyway."
A different possibility finally occurs to her, and she sighs, running her free hand down her face. "And you're allowed to tell me to fuck off, by the way. Like. Most other people do. I don't take it to heart, promise."
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violetsandshrikes · 2 years
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Pictured here is Mirian Silva, a name to know. She's a Galápagos local who runs an intiative called Jardines Botánicos (Botanical Gardens), preserving native and endemic plants on Santa Cruz Island. They also deliver native and endemic plants to Santa Cruz Island schools is another aspect of Mirian’s project. (article here)
“I want to contribute to preserving the iconic species of flora of Galápagos, such as matazarno, scalesia, miconia, orchids, and mangroves. We reforest them in green areas of local schools and colleges and thus contribute to the protection of unique plants in the world."
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justassorted · 1 year
Meta character design (( here too ))
Oooh okay let’s see.
Mirian was originally a bug alien type creature who was an NPC for an adventure I was running on an rp forum! So when I switched to designing her as a human, I made the potentially misguided attempt to try to keep her overall value scheme and a few other design hints? I.e. very pale eyes and somewhat darker skin, and big old glasses in place of the v. big mirrored eyes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
On the plus side, it has at least shaped her human backstory in interesting ways! Even if I somewhat regret the ocular albinism thing — it feels like a cop out to conveniently have her on the very upper end of good vision among people with albinism, there are enough misconceptions about albinism as it is. :’D I’ve been waffling about retconning it for years now.
Other than that it was all vibes based. I asked my brain “somewhat unhinged lesbian scientist?” and it went “Short. Short is good,” and here we are. xD
I already had purple and grey associated with rock creatures in my brain (my other OC Brian), so that was probably part of his overall color scheme. Goliath (?) from Gargoyles was probably haunting my subconscious, too, even though I’ve never watched more than an episode or two of the show. xD
But mostly, I was on a crest of my eternal “bat wings are versatile limbs! They grab things! And climb! And walk with them! And it’s neat!!” kick. So then I was having fun thinking about prehensile limbs in general, and gave him prehensile feet — because hey, wings, maybe they can hunt like raptors?
I also had Medusa on the brain — not literally, I don’t know much about the actual myth, but just… general petrification and turning things to stone thoughts. Thus the stinger (paralysis).
As for his human design, for whatever reason that’s… just what felt right the first time I started trying to sketch him and make picrews, hah. No thoughts head empty!
So this isn’t strictly visual design, but there were two things on my brain when I was first designing Oscar, and those were:
1) Duck Newton from TAZ Amnesty’s abysmal lying
2) Maurice from Disney’s animated Beauty and the Beast
Which. Mostly just informed his general flustered and blustery speech patterns in my head, hah. xD And idk how well that will be preserved in writing moving forward. As for his appearance… once again, it kind of just formed? Not a whole lot of conscious decision making.
The achondroplasia was very intentional, though. He was originally a D&D character, and I imagined him visually how I imagined him, but I also very much imagined him with a human attitude and cultural background. Plus I wanted the variant human stats for backstory & class building reasons. So… even in fantasy settings, he is definitely not a dwarf. :)
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veneskaa · 17 days
i'm so embarrassed every time i add another leonard cohen song to the fic playlist but it's not my fault that early cohen especially is so cassian andor coded
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slowandsweet · 11 months
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An antidote to the civilizational compulsions that rob human nature of nature. "Miriam Körner explores in Fox and Bear  a love letter to nature disguised as a modern fable of ecological grief and hope, partway between The Iron Giant and The Forest, yet entirely and consummately original, painstakingly illustrated in cut-out dioramas from reused and recycled cardboard, narrated with poetic tenderness and a passion for possibility". Source: Brain Pickings
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