mirorbo · 3 years
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[The Ball Family is Back!]
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manbehindtheshadows · 4 years
Sloppy Reunions--Ein/Miror B.
Eins fingers sloppily traced the lips of the empty shot glass in front of him. Eventually the uneven pressure of his finger knocked the glass down, watching it roll slowly into another empty shot glass. Half lidded eyes then drew their attention to a half-empty lowball in his other hand, swirling the clear golden beverage before taking a long swig. He hacked into his shoulder as the alcohol burned his throat. Blood rushed to his head, forming that pleasant buzz. The one thing that seemed to drown out that voice in his head. That’s all that mattered.
He noted a couple of bystanders take a double-take towards him as they were passing by. Probably former peons-- who knew. 
Either that or he really reeked of Galarian Scotch.
Ein adjusted his labcoat, ill-fitting more than ever since… back then. Damn that little bastard. His teeth gritted, hand tightening around the lowball before taking another angry swig, slamming the glass down on the table. The brat cost him both his prized pokemon and his job, but Ein would be damned if he was going to let the little shit escape retribution. 
He confirmed the shadow Shuckles location, he confirmed the owner, it was still very much here, displayed proudly on screen whenever the Deep King made his entrance. He knew that brat was going to come after it eventually, it was only a matter of when. Until then, there would be no rest for either him or his Pokemon. Ein was hellbent on training day in and day out until the day the two trainers were face-to-face on the field.
“Another Galarian Blastburn, sir?” Ein groggily turned his head to the bartender before haphazardly slapping a wad of pokedollars on the table. “Mn-- Cinnabar Fireblast this dime.” He managed to grumble somewhat coherently. Moments later, another glass was in front of him. Ein glanced back at the colosseum schedule-- Arceus, he still had a solid hour and a half before his battle. Plenty of time to sober up between then and now at least.
Ein was mid swig when he noticed… Why was there a massive pokeball floating in the crowd? 
No, wait-- Realization hit the inebriated scientist hard, inhaling his whisky and nearly choking on it, slamming the lowball onto the table. For fucks sake, why?! Out of all of the people he didn’t want to deal with right now-- why him?!
Ein grumbled when that godawful glitter suit became more and more visible, slowly approaching him. Ein took another swig of the Kantonese beverage, hacking as the alcohol burned yet again. No way was he dealing with that man sober.
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“I ffthough’ th-they only led professionals in ‘ere.” The intoxicated Ex-admin spat at his former co-worker passing by, “Did y’ manage t’ sneak pas’d segurity r’ somethin’? Th’ fugk you doin’ ‘ere?”
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ask-no151 · 4 years
[Okay Mun to Mun here a moment--I love that you made the Anon just a random grey Pokemon. Brilliant!]
AH, thank you but i can’t take credit for this one! i’m doing it to tie in with @ask-andante‘s blog!))
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darkheroclone · 6 years
[[I fucking snorted at "Who the fuck is Miror B?"]]
[I giggle-snorted at it. I think it’s safe to say that, if Wesley ever goes over to see Miror, the first thing that’s gonna come out of his mouth is probably somewhere along the lines of “So who the fuck are you again?” in a very blunt tone of voice.]
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luckstergal · 4 years
I’m not on main much anymore due to stress.
Did I miss anything important?
[logs back out to the Mirorbo blog]
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dittodoeschibis · 6 years
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“how do you draw a chibi version of a ten foot noodle man“, i ask myself, knowing full well that i won’t try googling the answer and just wing it
anyway, nostalgia time, because the very first blog i ever followed and was also kinda the reason i joined tumblr in the first place recently got a reboot and boy did i miss Dancing Queen
i’m gonna have to do a full art thing sometime instead of a quick half-assed chibi thing because everybody on that blog needs drawn, plus tomoaki
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askomni · 9 years
[What causes a Mew to be born of unusual color? Rare mutation? Or something more?]
[ Meadox carries the alternate colour gene down his descendants, so all kinds of mutations are possible through him (like Agnita’s very long fur, for example)
So a rare mutation is the best way to put it, yes :) ]
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mirorbo · 5 years
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manbehindtheshadows · 5 years
Making the Hard men Humble
“Professor Stein, I do not understand. I’ve followed your every step since the day I was able to make my first steps. I’ve followed your every order and every--” “Silence, Ein.” The young scientist, despite his face barren of any emotions, flinched as the older mans words cracked like a whip. “I would let myself be consumed by the rabid specimen in this facility before insulting my own legacy by letting a novice such as yourself be heir to my research.”
“Why?” Eins lips slightly stretched, his hands clutched in his frustration “Grandfather at least-” The boys cheek was met with the cold bony strike of his grandfathers hand. Next thing he knew, his scar ridden arms were clamped at the wrist before being violently jerked towards the lead scientist. “Boy...”  He exhaled slowly through clenched teeth. “My daughter may have cursed me by leaving me with an insufficient heir before passing, but not even the will of Arceus itself would ever force my hand to surrender what I have labored over for the last 40 years to some low life’s bastard child...”
It was always a challenge deciphering what was going on in the Cipher Admins head, but there was no hiding the clammy fists clutching his sleeves, the forced blank expression, the even stiffer than usual posture-- There was no hiding damaged pride of Ein Stein this time. 
For years, he had suffered at the idiocy of his fellow admins, and to finally have his point proven was exhilarating- Only to be immediately be shot down by a mere child. 
To have his absolute pride- his legendary Raikou- snatched from his possession in the blink of an eye was an absolute disgrace. But nothing- absolutely nothing- even compared to being dragged down to the levels of them. 
Arceus… He was going to have to be in the same room with these people wasn’t he? Evice and Nascour had requested an immediate summons at the new Realgam Tower- regarding the incident no doubt. His whole body felt heavy with dread as he moved forward towards the elevator taking him to the next hallway. Not even the new facilities breathtaking scenery could budge his focus on his impending doom.
His whole adult life he had fought tooth and nail to succeed over his grandfather- Cipher’s legendary Francis Stein- The name and face behind shadow pokemon- and now the lectures, the beatdowns, the reminders of how unworthy he was to even earn his place on the research team began flooding his mind. A wave of nausea and a sudden chill hit the pit of his stomach and the only thing he could hear was the struggle of his heavy, shuddered breathing. While others could only see a cold and deadpan administrator, behind the blank mask was a man begging for death over the humiliation he was about to experience. The rush of memories were cut short when the elevator doors opened, ushering him into the next room.
… Sweet Arceus, Venus and Dakim were already in the twice forsaken room.
He could already feel their eyes on him. 
He knew he was going to be torn down by Nascour and Evice, but he absolutely refused to be degraded by these two.
“Are you coming out of there or-”
Ein let the elevator doors close, unwilling to suffer the company of the other two. The elevator felt stationary for what felt like an eternity before he felt the mechanical components twitch, sending the elevator back to the previous room, hoping to Arceus it was either Nascour or Evice... unless... Arcues above, please no.
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shadowtrainerwesley · 6 years
mirorbo replied to your post “Hey Wes, I have a question. Is this a Pokemon? /holds up a platypus”
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“What? It does looked like a mutated Lotad. Oh, and now that I think about it, a weird brown Psyduck too.”
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asktheminees · 9 years
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[ @mirorbo @blukberryranch ]
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Your hair is absolutely fabulous, dear!~ A perfect sassy and elegant do for a fashionable sweetie like you!~
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mirorbo · 4 years
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[Benjiro Hana has become available for asks!]
[ ►Send a Question?◄ ]
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manbehindtheshadows · 4 years
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Let the music spin! It’s ya boi , Miror B.! All four admins are finally done!
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darkheroclone · 6 years
"I'm going to come here and tell you that I think this character you play sucks!" [[Cripes, man, this reminds me of when people RPed with Miror JUST because they wanted to be all "HA HA YOU SUCK" like why are people like that even GOING to character blogs in the first place? Axel is an amazing character and your development of your Axel in particular is amazing! Anon, if you don't have nothing nice to say, don't say nothing!!]]
[My god. I really hate people like that. I had a couple assholes do the same back when I first started out, though it was less “ha ha you suck” and more “delete this blog and make your own original oc” and other stuff I don’t care to remember.
Anyway, aw, thanks! I’m really glad to hear that, Lucks! Same goes to you too in regards to your Miror and his group! Cx]
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