#Mischief Movie Night
styx-the-stick · 1 month
enjoy tonight's cast of mischief movie night dancing to hot to go by chappell roan :]
(filmed with @chaoticstrangerkit who is the person jon is aggressively staring at as they did the dance with him)
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vees-wax · 1 month
Jonathan-as-Oscar threatening to kick any audience member out who suggested Hull as the location, immediately followed by Ruth and Lauren setting it in Hull anyway.
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personinthepalace · 2 months
from Bryony Corrigan's The Other Palace instagram takeover
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stars-irises · 1 month
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A collection of some of my favourite Mischief Movie Night In facial expressions
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whoops-im-obsessed · 1 month
Everything I remember from mischief movie night last night!!
Last night (13/8/24) was 'In-Tents Love' a rom-com set in a summer camp for troubled youths featuring a Parisian anime scene. Because.. of course.
Henry Lewis Oscar!! Bro was having so much fun with this, he was just grinning at his castmates the whole time
Cast was Shields, Josh, Niall, Bryony, Susan and Ellie!
Started with someone suggesting Hull as a location which got a round of applause and Henry Lewis to say 'we never should have written that fucking line'
Whole cast were very scared by the anime suggestion
The movie started with a song which started with Niall singing 'IM TROUBLED' and everyone sung about what they'd done to end up here and that there's gonna be troubleeee for me! And troubleeee for you!
Shout out to the late comers in the front row who got pointed at and told there would be trouble for them
Niall (Bobby) hugs things so hard they die
Bryony (Mary Sue) sets stuff on fire and lives alone in a tent
Josh (Tommy) I actually don't remember
Susan (Sue?? Was referred mostly to as mystery girl) seemed to be there for no reason
And Ellie (token Penelope) stole 1000 bees
Shields (Richard) was in charge of the camp
After the song Bobby and Tommy had a conversation and it was implied that they would be the love interests until it was revealed that Bobby killed Tommy's dog by hugging it too hard, still were potential love interests until Bobby said 'how's dad?' And Oscar had to call a pause and yell 'THEYRE BROTHERS'
The other characters are getting to know each other by the river, Mary Sue sets a fire and Mystery girl (who maybe had a name by now idk) doesn't know what it is and kept touching it (fire admirably played by Niall and the blue cloth)
Its revealed that Penelope has a crush on Tommy! The others tell her she needs to go for it. She decides she's gonna give him a dead bee.
It is revealed in this scene that mystery girl is here for a reason and its actually because she has loads of underage sex
Cue Josh joined quickly by Shields and Niall chanting 'sex~' while doing a camp little dance
Cut to a directors (Josh) interview where he was asked why he decided to have 3 grown men chanting sex in the back of this scene and he said he went to an all boys boarding school and that's just what they did there. He was promptly arrested.
The girls sing a song about the birds and the bees which turned into a sing along chorus where we all had to go 'what about beeees? What about beeees? What about bees? And Birds!'
Bobby and Tommy are about to have a breakthrough and say they love eachother when Penelope goes along and interrupts the brotherly bonding by giving Tommy a dead bee on a piece of string as a ring. He is disgusted and then into it and they go on a date.
Bobby is heartbroken bc he has a crush on Penelope and Richard gives him some advice - you miss all the shots you don't take. During this they were playing basketball and Richard was very good and didn't let anyone else have a turn. When Bobby did have a turn he missed.
It turns out Richard read Bobby's diary to learn about his crush and the Parisian anime scene is him trying to find it - cue Shields doing dramatic moves and a strong French accent trying to find 'La Diary!!!' When he found it, it granted him 'POWER'
The bee was apparently 'Einstein's bee' and when asked to explain, the director said he sneezed on the keyboard and kept it in, he was then asked where the bodies were.
The next scene started with Tommy doing an odd ballet dance which Oscar promptly paused
Tommy and Penelope were on their date on a boat, during the set up for this scene Bryony whacked Ellie in the head with a walking stick (oops)
Penelope only knows how to row in circles
The two talk and Penelope is too eager, telling Tommy she loves him, he doesn't like this and jumps off the boat and swims away. Penelope gets stuck going in circles.
Cut to Bobby and Mary Sue having a nice chat, they decide to be friends and sing a song about how amazing it is to be friends! This is interrupted by Tommy who asks Mary Sue on a date and Bobby is broken hearted a second time
Neither Josh nor Susan remembered Mary Sue's name and tried several ways to get around it, interrupted by Oscar, until they ended up saying she had 'Marie energy'
Mary Sue and Tommy go on a fishing date where Mary Sue throws rocks into the river to kill the fish. Tommy says how much he likes her and She doesn't like it and runs away.
Penelope is distraught and goes to Richard for advice, she's upset that everyone is pairing off and she doesn't have anyone. There's an interlude where Richard is met by Lord Gerald who runs all of the summer camps and wanted to check up on him. It seems there may be something there until the police arrive questioning Richard's intentions - Oscar interrupts this so it doesn't descend into madness and the scene continues with Gerald repeating Richard's name several times, as up until this point he didn't have one.
When Gerald leaves, Penelope is upset because Richard was supposed to be giving her advice! He gives her the same advice as he gave Bobby and its a sweet scene until she eats the bee and spits it back out. She takes a shot with the basketball and also misses.
The girls meet up by the river again and agree that boys are bad. The mystery girl introduces the concept of lesbianism and Mary Sue has a bit of a realisation - this looks like it might turn into another song until Bobby interrupts to say Tommy is hanging off the balcony
Tommy is upset and claims the balcony is his safe space - everyone agrees this is not a very safe space actually.
They try to calm him down and Bobby eventually tells Tommy he loves him, they get Tommy down and they have a hug, which doesn't kill anything this time.
Its revealed that Richard has actually been reading everyone's diaries and was trying to get them all to have sex the whole time. He learns about the concept of familial love and decides to turn himself in
The kids decide they aren't gonna go back to their horrible home lives and that they're just gonna stay at camp actually, they learn they can choose their own family and its very sweet
It ends with a song about the birds and the bees again, which goes 'the birds and the bees, the bees and the bees! What ever you please at summer camp!'
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vinecovered-mech · 2 months
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Working on a mischief movie night bingo pls send ideas cuz it could use some improvement
gonna see it tnight im very excited (^o^)
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smallbitterman · 6 months
and what if i wanted to make a Mischief Theatre themed zine where people can collab on art/writings of any form??
would people actually want to take part in that?
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vanessaslifecoach · 5 months
i did a thing 😁
”bryony corrigan bringing mischief to movie night” - my first youtube video up now !! pls go and support and maybe i’ll make more …
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literary-lesbian · 1 month
summary of last night's mischief movie night!!! (26/08/24) (inspired by @whoops-im-obsessed)
Entitled "Renaissance Nightmare" (suggested by a child, other option was Medi-Evil Times), a horror/comedy with a monster set at a Ren Faire! (this is quite long)
cast was jon as oscar, hen, niall, josh, ruth, rhyanna and matt
both title and genre were suggested by children, and so jon was very annoyed about all swearing and the pants-shitting subplot
when asked for a genre a guy in the front row said "porno" very quickly and very loudly, and so jon frequently tried to steer the movie away from any and all suggestive elements
so it was about three brothers (matt, josh & niall) at a ren faire, matt was called jonathan and then bradley which led to his name becoming jonathan bradley
jonathan bradley's ren faire persona was Duke Craig and he had three scrolls for Decrees (and worked at qwik fit)(last year he shat his pants because of the mead)(this is unfortunately a recurring joke)
josh's character (unnamed) was King John and he had a sword
niall's character (unnamed) was called Princess Piss but oscar did not like this so he changed it to "the artist formerly know as princess" which is a great joke
they're all very dependent on their mother (rhyanna) and can't be trusted with money (niall's character compulsively throws it out of the window, josh's character bought a batmobile and jonathan bradley shits it out somehow)(he shits his pants a lot)
rhyanna did not realise they were in the car park and knocked on a door to enter the scene which led to a running joke about random doors at the faire
two ren faire workers, melissa (ruth) and the manager (hen) are worried about rumours about "a thing in the woods" (and also that jonathan bradley would shit his pants and die) (director's cut showed a scene of these rumours being created at the rumour mill, great joke from hen) but they wanted it to go ahead so they could earn £8000 from the 40 people attending PLUS "mead revenue"
best line of the whole show: "there's nothing quicker than a qwik fit shitter" (thanks hen)
there was a jig to open the faire
the brothers went to the jester's (hen) court - oscar paused and said that the jester would do intricate wordplay and puns - hen pranced around and told ZERO jokes but foretold much death
another character left the scene and IMMEDIATELY died (this was rewound because oscar found the abruptness hilarious), followed by the jester who did the exact same thing
jonathan bradley then shat his pants and was killed by the monster but crawled back to tell his brothers to hide in the woods (they'd all had their eyes removed btw)
niall + josh went to the woods and met two riddle monsters (matt + melissa) who were so focused on saying the same words at the same time that their riddle made no sense ("my first is in arm but not in leaf") so niall + josh literally just left the scene
they came to a troll bridge (hen) and clambered over him - oscar again reminding everyone about the children present + referencing porno guy
at the magic well (rhyanna) niall decided to go in to find out what happened to jonathan bradley - he confessed that he, too, shits his pants often. then josh confessed that he's the one doing the shitting and he shits THROUGH the other two. this scene was them talking about shitting and oscar pausing every two minutes to try and get them to stop (rhyanna was originally lunging to be the well but had to sit down because the pauses were so long)
in the well niall met the well monster (hen) who stole his eyes but he escaped to return to josh + their mother
the manager was panicking about all the death but melissa threatened him. he was forced to take up the jester's role.
josh decides to go into the well to find out what's happening. in the well is ruth. it's still unclear as to which character she was being. possibly the riddle monster.
he realises that in allowing his brothers to be attacked PLUS the shitting shenanigans, maybe HE'S been the monster all along. then the ghost of jonathan bradley strangles him so maybe JB was the monster. i think everyone had a different idea of who the real monster was
turns out melissa was the monster all along, she doesn't care about the £8000 and claims she could make the same amount "selling stuff on vinted". the manager is very upset that she doesn't care about the mead revenue and then she goes on a monster rampage, killing the manager and then everyone at the ren faire.
she goes to the magic well, who is her master? she has to kill niall or all the brothers can be resurrected
it turns out the well IS their mother, despite them having been in scenes together earlier in the movie
niall realises that at the ren faire you can be whatever you want to be and turns into a bigger, better monster than melissa (josh + jonathan bradley become part of him)
ends with an epic monster-off - the brothers vs ruth + hen + rhyanna
the brothers won and were resurrected. they all forgave each other for the shitting and realised they didn't need their mother anymore (which was good because she was dead)
ended with a nice song about brotherhood and then a reprise of the jig at the start of the faire :)
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trashpidgeon48 · 26 days
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As a follow up to my previous post about Harry Kershaw and Harry Styles, I made this horribly niche creation.
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styx-the-stick · 1 month
outtakes of the hot to go video 1: matt and harry desperately trying to remember how to do the dance
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vees-wax · 1 month
The Name’s Lewis. Henry Lewis.
Otherwise known as the time Henry Lewis (played by Harry Kershaw) and Harry Kershaw (played by Henry Lewis) were spies with a mission to kill Henry Lewis’ (played by Harry Kershaw) ex-wife - the daughter of Henry Shields (played by Nancy Zamit).
Except Harry Kershaw (played by Henry Lewis) double crossed Henry Lewis (played by Harry Kershaw) and used body swap technology to know look like Henry Lewis.
So there’s Harry Kershaw (previously played by Henry Lewis, now post body swap played by Harry Kershaw because he’s been changed to look like Henry Lewis - which means he looks like real life Harry Kershaw) and Henry Lewis (previously played by Harry Kershaw, now played by Henry Lewis because his ex wife used the technology to make him look like Harry Kershaw - real life Henry Lewis) and we’re nearly getting somewhere.
And then Harry Kershaw (played by Harry Kershaw but looking like Henry Lewis) is actually a triple agent and shoots and re-kidnaps Henry Lewis (played by Henry Lewis because he still looks like Harry Kershaw).
They bodyswap back into their original bodies so we have Henry Lewis (played by Harry Kershaw once again) and Harry Kershaw (played by Henry Lewis) - and you think that’s the end of it, there are thirty seconds left in the show.
Harry Kershaw (played by Henry Lewis, then Harry Kershaw, then Henry Lewis again) rips off his own skin to reveal that after all this time, he was actually - Jonathan Sayer.
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personinthepalace · 2 months
Everybody (Backstreet's Back) - Mischief Movie Night is Back!
Mischief Movie Night is currently playing at the Other Palace Theatre until 1 September 2024!
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stars-irises · 1 month
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Watch me draw literally the most obscure fanart I've ever made
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anniesfarce · 2 years
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full disclosure: i have not yet reached this one in my mmni watch but the armoire is inescapable
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