#Mister Moneybags Annie Besson
B Bracket - 1st Round
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Emojimania Eliminator Tournament’s B Bracket is completely live! Watch the the fights unfurl in real time, and vote in four exciting matches to influence the results! 
It’s the Greek Gladiator versus the Entrance of the Gladiators in B Bracket’s opening contest! Hál “The Ace” Grekko VS Gladys March, vote now:
Will the Space Jam be able to overcome the Swiss Bank, or will camp be foreclosed by the Mercenary Notary? Scoutmaster Cammy Parks VS Nio Folger, vote now:
Can That Bitch/Bastard’s enviable wealth and strength turn “Itadakimasu!” into “ItadakiSMASH!”? “Mister Moneybags” Annie Besson VS A. Keiko, vote now:
Biolence reigns supreme in the confrontation between the Bi-Sickle Champion and the Living Rockstar Legend! Cassiopeia Grekko VS Kidlat Nuñez, vote now:
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shakibone · 1 year
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B Bracket
Match 3
"Mister Moneybags" Annie Besson
A. Keiko
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“Mister Moneybags” Annie Besson
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Emojis: 🚹 💰
Name: “Mister Moneybags” Annie Besson
Pronouns: She/Her (He/Him when the mood strikes)
Nicknames (insulting): That bitch, that bastard
Nicknames (affectionate): That bitch, that bastard , Genderfuckery Icon, Queen, King
Character Profile: Daughter of the original Mister Moneybags, Annie Besson opted to keep her father’s nom-de-guerre wholesale rather than alter it into a variant like “Miss Moneybags” or “Madame Moneybags”. Proud inheritor of her father’s legacy, Annie Besson brings the same swaggering confidence to her work. Able to rouse the anger of any crowd with a well placed flex or cutting insult (garnished with a soupçon of a French accent), the modern Mister Moneybags makes a fine antagonist in any storyline. Unlike her father, Annie favours a hard-hitting Strong Style enriched with a variety of infuriating holds. Mister Moneybags’ preferred tactic is to target one spot of her opponent’s repertoire (be that the limb they need for their finisher or a weakspot) and to work it until she can end the match with one smug and devastating hold. Prospective opponents should be warned against challenging her confidence, however, as an enraged Mister Moneybags has been known to lose matches on a DQ by breaking her opponent’s limb. While laying her opponents out for months on end while they recover always incurs a heavy fine, they don’t call her Mister Moneybags for nothing. Indeed on several occasions she has simply tossed a wad of cash to the ref with a smug grin on her face while her injured opponent is being carted out on a hospital gurney.
Finisher: The Torture Rack (called the Torture 500), the Backbreaker (inhereted from her father, called the Bankbreaker). Bankbreaker into Torture 500 is a combination reserved only for her most hated foes.
Design: Just as I had decided to make a concerted effort to add more women to the roster… I rolled up the Mensroom and a Moneybag. Thus while the title “Mister Moneybags” immediately sprung to mind I decided to take it in a more Charlotte Flair inspired direction and have her be an inheritor to the mantle. Other than that my aim with Annie Besson was simply to create a BEEG BUFF WOMAN whom you would thank for breaking your arm, and I think I succeeded. The Mister Moneybags logo was fun to design as well, consisting of a dollar symbol and a mars symbol merged into one.
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Emojis: 🌆 🖥️
Name: C.T.P.C.
Pronouns: They/Them
Nationality: Netizen
Character Profile: Billed as “Hailing from The Internet”, C.T.P.C. is the company’s resident hacker. Living the cyberpunk aesthetic, C.T.P.C. constantly rails against corporate greed and those who play by “the system”. Thanks to their hacking skills they have managed to upset many bouts by overriding and taking control of the arena’s technical equipment, be that by turning out the lights in order to escape trouble, or by disrupting the entrances of their foes in order to throw them off their game. They consider their hacking to be a weapon of justice, however, such as when they aided Scoutmaster Cammy Park by igniting a wall of pyros at the top of the ramp which prevented “Mister Moneybags” Annie Besson’s goons from interfering in the match. On one memorable occasion they threatened to (and demonstrated their ability to) hijack the entire show’s broadcast if “Bitter Pill” Pat Pine wasn’t given the Pay-Per-View rematch against Chef Rattler he had been promised. And that’s the running thread throughout C.T.P.C.’s career: They’ve been a champion of justice, always using their Strong Hacking and their Strong Style in the aid of the downtrodden rather than for personal advancement.
Finisher: Tombstone Piledriver (called the Hard Driver)
Design: A cityscape at dusk and a computer desktop were definitely very hard to materialise into a character. While C.T.P.C. retains both original images on their vest as logos, I mainly used them to inspire the name (City PC) and from there their hacker aesthetic. As far as visuals are concerned, C.T.P.C.’s overall body type (and particularly their hair) is pulled from Kenny Omega. I haven’t decided if they wrestle in the mask and goggles yet, or take them off after their entrance…
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