#Mito Hanyuda
nanasis · 1 month
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akroglam · 2 years
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mobagewithweapons · 3 months
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mito hanyuda is wielding a sword!
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carlosyt14 · 1 year
You've got to be kidding! The squeakiel nobody asked for
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Part 1 | Part 3
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redhotmisa · 2 years
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tokyo7th · 2 years
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amyure · 5 years
7th Sisters staff commentary
This TL is from the t7s staff book volume 1, of comments from MKS-san (character designer) and Motegi-san (franchise director). Thanks Esh for the TL. - Nab
7th Sisters
MKS: For the legend group, rather than designing one person at a time, I crafted them as a whole group while keeping their balance in mind. From their heights to the sizes of their mouths, I make sure their personality is shown off from even only their looks.
Motegi: This was the first draft [referring to an illustration in the book]. I thought, “it’d be awesome if there were these unhesitating, cool idols, but come to think of it, that wouldn’t be a typical idol, eh... Ah, wait, what is an ‘idol’ again?” I remember starting to think about many things like that.
Nanasaki Nicole
MKS: I struggled the most with Nicole... Thinking of how to represent a ‘charismatic type’, it was finally completed after numerous redesigns. Anyway, since it’s a ‘Flashy! Strong personality!’ kind of theme, I put in highlights in her hair and made her stand out among the other characters. For a ‘Let’s deliver IDOL! SONGS!’ kind of thing, I put a speaker on her head. Of course, there is someone I modeled her off of... fufufu.
Motegi: As expected, this is Nicole-sama, beloved by everyone! I am sure that there is no idol that a domineering presence suits as good as her! At any rate, Nico is a completely self-reliant, independently functioning character. There is no character whose scenario is easier to write than her. By the way, it’s supposed to be a secret, but Nico’s memorial episode was the first episode written at the beginning of this project.
Wakaouji Rui
MKS: Bold! Her image is ‘the male role atop a mound of treasure’. I was quite undecided on her idol costume but I liked each concept. “On the contrary, the fact that a skirt doesn’t suit her is a good thing!” is what I thought as I was drawing her in uniform for her silver card.
Motegi: I am quite uncertain if Rui swings to the boys side or the girls’ side. And the result was as you see here! I want to hurry and make her wear female clothes...
Yusa Memoru
MKS: I am so glad her three layered haircut looks so gorgeous. Cunning! Her eyes were made bigger and rounder than anyone else’s! To be honest, clad in silver private clothes, by her decolletage one can see a glance of a shell... (comment erased by self-restraint)
Motegi: Yes. The Empress of Evil. I remember the concept was totally made first from Devil Memoru and the rest of the setting for the character followed. As expected, that would be really bad if it continued as is, so Angel Memoru was also created. Together with Nico, they formed a unit, “Missus of Conspiracy”. In private.
Misonoo Mana
MKS: Anyway, since it’s a “Glamorous & Healing Type Onee-san!”, her plump lips is a charm point. Because she loves to support others, she becomes an idol -> that means ‘Cheerleader!’ and thus I thought of that for her idol costume.
Motegi: I don’t think there exist any men who hate Mana-san! That’s the only thing that I want to say! [motegi...]
Hanyuuda Mito
MKS: Since the design started from a ‘7 octave crystal-like voice’ concept, from the very start the image of a mystical songstress was very strong. At first I tried to set her up with long permed hair, but to pursue more coolness, it turned into the current hair style. How her yellow eyes can exert a powerful stare is my favorite point.
Motegi: I forget whether or not the golden eyes were decided from the very start but on the very first time I saw her design I was shot down by the power of those eyes. Ah, by the way, in the background story, when she is angry, she’ll redde- Oi, wait, let me go, what are you doi-
Kotobuki Qruit
MKS: Because she is a ‘feral child’, I took the image of a lion cub. Double fanged teeth and well-tanned skin screams, “WILD!” At first, her hair was green but with the balance of the final six characters in mind, we toned it down to orange.
Motegi: Qruit also represents ‘freedom’, right... Ah, if you think about it, since all members of seventh would just move about as they please, to have them gather in one place is guaranteed to be chaotic. Just leaving a camcorder running backstage can be an episode.
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gachagachaart · 3 years
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starblushes · 7 years
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ily mito
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eshtarwind · 6 years
Tokyo 7th Sisters Character Commentary - Seto Ferb
Tokyo 7th Sisters have an array of cute and likeable girls and *seemingly* your stereotypical type notable in franchise which showcase a lot of girls, however I always find this game to take things a bit further and leaves these girls as more than the one face they were “sold as” in their character introduction. Since sometimes I find myself rambling about how deep their character are anyway, I decided to make a character commentary on them. Warning: They may contain SPOILER of their episodes or novels. This section is also directed for anyone who wants to know more of these girls, perhaps those who find their eyes fixated on one of em cuties.
Other character commentary:
Mimori Matsuri - Kawasumi Sisala - Shiratori Tomoe - Yukuhashi Ei - Yamai Sawori  - Echizen Murasaki -
Seto Ferb (瀬戸ファーブ)
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Leader and composer of Queen of Purple Unit, she is that cool-looking girl with that cool-looking light blue jacket bringing that cool looking bass behind her with a really refreshing, easy going rather breezy voice color. In her introduction, it is written how she has a rather mature aura, but may at times shows a really bright almost childish smile. The one notable feature that you must remember is SHE LOVES HER BASS. A. LOT. She also is very passionate about music, and very particular about it. She composes music and writes songs and got jobs to fill in music for commercial videos. She really looks up to Hanyuuda Mito, whom she calls Her Highness Hammi, and actually began delving deeper into music because of her.
May contain spoiler for episodes 1.5, 2.5, 3.0, and QoP novel.
Ferb is passionate about music. Ferb doesn’t talk much about things not of her interest but will be chirpy when it comes to music (QoP Novel). When she had to compose music for a commercial video for example she will go to great length to understand the essence she would need to capture in the music–so much, she is even willing to break her character to understand what is the meaning of different types of kawaii. When she had a certain singer in her mind for her song, she would go for her or none at all. Her passion could be seen in “her works”. If I were to use Mito’s words, which Ferb also takes into heart, “everything is conveyed in the song.”. She dislikes talking about her songs and would rather people to hear the song, as everything is laid out in the performance. Both Trigger and Fire and Rose showed that pretty well, how much of a passionate person she actually was under that cool composure. More on Trigger and Fire and Rose in this post, which also connect to QoP Novelization.
One Track Mind
Ferb is a pretty simple person when it comes to other aspect of her. She has a one track mind, which may make her seems egotistical as she would be fixated to what she was doing and often come off as insensitive, even if she did not wish to be so. She can be found losing in her own world and thoughts looking only straight ahead and overlook things around her. She would realize this later on and lament on this part of her, wishing she could have been more perceptive on her surrounding.
Straightforward and honest
Ferb doesn’t beat around the bush. If she thinks you are cute, she will say you are cute. If she apologizes, she will look straight and apologizes. This part of her is also what made a scene in one of the episodes where she said with a straight face to Kyoko how cute she was, and how Kyoko’s eyes so beautiful it feels like it swept her in–resulting in a flabbergasted and blushing Kyoko and later on, a crying Rona lol.
Lacking in social skill
Which also kind of a result of her straightforward personality, Ferb has no conversational ability. Matsuri commented how she converse half-heartedly to things she dislikes but chirpy when it comes to music. In QoP novel as well, Ferb hesitated and instead let Yumeno be the one to talk when things got awkward, since she did not know what to say. Also thanks to her one-track mind, she often overlook signs from her friends. She is by no means a bad person by the way.
Can be a bit of a tease
Especially when it comes to Yumeno. Ferb does not hesitate to “utilize” Yumeno’s infatuation on cute girls if she had to, and she also seems to take on the teasing side when Yumeno comes for a hug, a kiss, and so on.
Is actually, just a regular 17 years old girl
She has her down moments, has her doubts, her insecurity, which seems to not come out thanks her always rather placid face and also has her tendency to keep things alone and not talking about things.
Character Development
Throughout the course of 1.5, 2.5, and 3.0 Ferb’s rather asocial personality slowly improves. In 1.5, Ferb learns to look into the person she had in front of her (Murasaki) properly and see the important thing and the soul of her song, not the dream she has of Hanyuuda. In 2.5, Ferb, who lost her bass since it was confiscated by Shihainin, learned other things other than music, where over the course of two weeks she learned to appreciate chatting with friends or what she called “doing nothing” and socializing. In 3.0, Ferb learns things out side of her comfort zone, exploring the world of “kawaii” which she doesn’t really know well, all to broaden her understanding on music.
Ferb’s main development came in after QoP was out. In QoP Novel, Ferb was faced with her insecurities of being accepted the way she was, her insecurities that her music was not being accepted by her surrounding, and also to lean on to someone else for things she could not handle by herself. At the end of the novel, despite blaming her own weakness, she is shown to extremely treasure her band mates, filled with gratitude and learn to trust them and her own song. In QoP episode, after being in QoP, Ferb learns to actually enjoy things other than doing music and actually without having pushed to (like forcefully having her bass confiscated in 2.5 lol), she volunteered to help around cooking with Yumeno and Matsuri, enjoying time not around music. She also learned to confide more to her friends and be more open.
Echizen Murasaki (越前ムラサキ)
The first character that everyone will remember when it comes to Ferb will of course be Murasaki. The first person both know in Nanasis and quickly bond through having the same impression and same infatuation to Hanyuda Mito, Ferb and Murasaki are close as far as it comes to Music. They exchanged CDs and talked a lot about music. Ferb trusts Murasaki with her excellent singing ability and she chooses Murasaki for her songs, it was Murasaki or none at all. Murasaki also calls on Ferb’s assistance when she had a performance in her school and when things go down, finding Ferb to be the only person she could trust. In Miwako’s 2.5 Episode, Ferb also said Murasaki cooked her bento. In QoP Novel, however, it is shown deeper how originally, other than talking about Music they knew almost nothing of each other, and Ferb never even been to Murasaki’s home before the novel. During the time when they were left alone without Matsuri and Yumeno, they also spend most of the time in silence instead of talking. However, Murasaki expresses how she likes Ferb’s song, the reason why she would sing for her. In the end, Murasaki swore that she would never let Ferb doubt her own song and musicality. Their bond also appeared deeper when Ferb said she would be more open about her privates things as well, telling Murasaki that perhaps if she did have a relationship, she would tell her about it. Ferb extremely fond of Murasaki’s voice, seemingly upset when Murasaki practiced without her knowing, saying she “would like to know the voice she made” when she was not around.
Sakaiya Yumeno (堺屋ユメノ)
Yumeno was probably arguably among the few person that actually Ferb was comfortable to be with. Ferb develops respect on Yumeno for her superb guitar skill and her own comment in QoP novel said Yumeno was beautiful, socially perceptive, and great in guitar. Their deep interaction was in 2015 event, where they were paired with shihainin together for the first time. Ferb could deftly deflect all of Yumeno’s flirts and even utilizes it to keep Yumeno focus on the task instead of drooling over her all the time. Shihainin finds the unlikely pair to actually have a good chemistry with each other can work well. Ferb finds playing with Yumeno the extremely fun and commends Yumeno’s guitar style. Ferb was also the only one in QoP to be present when Yumeno lost her memories in her 2.5 episode. On QoP Novel, Ferb was shown to trust Yumeno very well and appreciates Yumeno’s companionship from beginning to the end, going so far as saying “someone she doesn’t deserve”. Yumeno was also the person who push Ferb to go forward and mend her relationship with Murasaki. In Ferb’s eyes, Yumeno was someone who continued to be beside her and walked alongside her and for Yumeno, Ferb’s nonchalant personality gave her a feeling of security, since being a genius she was, she was often lonely with people being overly conscious of her and ended up avoiding her as they thought they might be her nuisance.
Mimori Matsuri (三森マツリ)
Ferb’s interaction with Matsuri is more of a big sister and little sister interaction. Matsuri watches over Ferb in a more consoling manner, and Ferb trusts Matsuri for things she could not do herself. Matsuri noticed Ferb’s childish side concealed under her composure, she also noticed Ferb’s burden and took on drumming because she was worried of Ferb. Ferb was the one who ask Matsuri to took on drumming after noticing Matsuri’s impeccable sense of rhythm. She also holds Matsuri in high regard, not only for her drumming but also for her willingness to go all the way from 0 to drummer for the band. She saw Matsuri as a figure who watches over the band and walk in front of her, guiding her forward. Matsuri also taught Ferb to loosen up more and among the person Ferb actually willing to spend time with other than for music.
Aihara Miu (逢原ミウ)
Ferb and Miu’s interaction was more on 2.5, where Miu was chosen to be one of the persons who Shihainin chose to keep her in check when she did not have her bass. Miu’s easy going personality seems to do well in Ferb and although at first Ferb seems to be quite against the activity Miu was preferring to do, Miu’s genial personality seems to help Ferb in take in the activity. Miu would be the one who chirps, and Ferb who listens.
Katsuragi Kazumi (桂木カズミ)
Both being rather the quiet type, Kazumi was a buffer in the 2.5 episode trio. Ferb seems to connect to Kazumi better for being passionate on something and rather silent when it came to other things, compared to Miu whose personality clashed almost 100%. Kazumi’s approaches to the “social activity” perhaps help Ferb to ease to the new activity as well.They met again during Monaka’s 2.5 episode, though their interaction was rather minimal.
Uesugi Kyoko (上杉・ウエバス・キョーコ)
Ferb’s interaction with Kyoko is more on episode 3.0 where she tries to learn what Kawaii is. For Ferb, Kyoko is “kawaii”, understanding how “tsundere” is also part of Kyoko’s charm and commented on Kyoko’s eyes to be very beautiful. Kyoko seems to understand Ferb enough after regaining her composure, that the girl did not try being romantic other than merely trying to understand the concept of kawaii for music.
Orikasa Ayumu (折笠アユム)
Ferb’s interaction with Ayumu is on episode 3.0 where she was learning what is the meaning of Poekyun kawaii. They were close enough that they would do really rigorous lesson until Ferb understands, which helps in the CM song making, and Ferb also respects and feels gratitude to Ayumu for what she did.
Seto means “strait” or “channel”. Ferb did not seem to particularly mean anything for now (at least I don’t know), and Ferb herself acknowledge that her name sound strange, even if she doesn’t really care about it.
Ferb is weak in waking up the morning.
The reason Ferb picks up bass is because Hanyuuda Mito plays guitar. Upon asked why bass and not guitar instead if that was her reason, Ferb answered that if she picked guitar, then she would not be able to play together (with Mito).
Ferb’s VA, Hirose Yuuki, is an idol from an idol group AoP or Anime Ouen Project (anime supporting Project), which also fills in an OST for Osomatsu-san anime. Hirose’s signature color in the group is “orange”. Hirose is a good friend with Murasaki’s VA, Nomura Maiko and calls the later “Maiko-chan”, often going out together in their private time. Hirose was a member of light music club when she was still in highschool so is familiar with guitar and bass.
Ferb has the most “base card art” variation: Her school uniform, her school uniform+bag, her school uniform+bass+bag.
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nakarindx · 7 years
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Happy Birth Deathday Hanyuda Mito and L
あなたは次の ニコル。
They were killed by her.
And you’re next Nicole.
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akroglam · 4 years
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redhotmisa · 2 years
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tokyo7th · 3 years
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amyure · 6 years
Title: WORLD'S END Artist: SEVENTH SISTERS Lyrics: kz (livetune) / SATSUKI-UPDATE Composer: kz (livetune)
I don’t think I properly understand this song tbh… but I think it is portraying a form of conversations (else, the contradicting lines will not make sense). Anyway, I might edit this later. Thank you - Esh
Translations Not believing in impossible tomorrow is because the frozen yesterday caught ahold of our feet Even if the small prayers on these gathered fingertips are slowly going farther away
If these memories are disappearing like they’re shredded away They must have been definite
I will never lovin’ you no matter what I lost I want, even if this voice will not reach anyone I just want to scream at you It’s okay even if it’s not everything I want, even if there is nowhere to go to Now hands up & carry on Shout louder All I want is to break it for you again
The very few faint wishes left danced to the snowing sky and disappeared piece by piece To look for something that no one can see it’s because we don’t believe in anyone
The only difference is the disappearing memories Throw away the pure white
I will never lovin’ you even if someone laugh at us I want, even if these hands cannot catch this sky I will never trust in you I want to trust I want, the painted hand, just look at what we can touch before us Now hands up & carry on Shout louder All I want is break it for myself
Hold on Now where is the future that we wish for? I’ll never let you go again I know The forward wind is guiding us I’ll never let you go again If your self that can find my voice which you did not know yet really does exist over there
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 World’s end
I will never lovin’ you no matter what I lost I want, even if this voice won’t reach anyone I just want to scream at you it’s okay if it just reaches you I want, we should carry on the pride in our hearts and proceed Now hands up & carry on Shout louder All I want is to break it for you again
Romaji Mihatenu ashita wo shinjitenai no wa kogoeta kinou ga ashi wo tsukamu kara kasaneta yubisaki chiisana inori ga sukoshi zutsu tooku natte mo
tatoeba kizamu hodo ni kieteku omoi nara tashikana mono darou
I will never lovin’ you nani wo ushinatte mo I want kono koe ga dare ni todokanakutemo I just want to scream at you subete janakute ii I want mukau beki basho nante nai toshitemo Now hands up & carry on Shout louder All I want is break it for you again
Wazuka ni nokotta kasukana negai wa Yukizora ni matte chirijiri ni kieta Dare ni mo mienai mono sagashita no wa daremo shinjitenai kara
Tada hitotsu chigatta no wa nakushita omoi dake Junpaku wo sutete
I will never lovin’ you dare ga waratte mo I want kono sora ga kono te de tsukamenakutemo I will never trust in you boku wa shinjitai I want kakageta te fureta saki dake wo mite Now hands up & carry on shout loud All I want is break it for my self
Hold on Nozonda mirai wa ima doko ni aru? I'llnever let you go again I know mukai kaze ga michibiite kureta I’ll never let you go again Shiranakatta boku no koe wo mitsukerareru kimi ga soko ni iru nara
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 World’s end
I will never lovin’ you nani wo ushinate mo I want kono koe ga dare ni todokanakutemo I just want to scream at you kimi ni todokeba ii I want mune ni hokori kakagete susumu beki darou Now hands up & carry on Shout louder All I want is break it for you again
見果てぬ明日を信じてないのは 凍えた昨日が足を掴むから かさぬた指先  小さな祈りが 少しずつ遠くなっても
たてば刻むほどに 消えてく想いなら 確かなものだろう
I will never lovin’ you 何を失っても I want この声が誰に届かなくても I just want to scream at you すべてじゃなくていい I want 向かうべき場所なんてないとしても Now hands up & carry on Shout louder All I want is break it for you again
わずかに残った微かな願いは 雪空に舞って散り散りに消えた 誰にも見えないもの探したのは 誰も信じてないから
ただひとつ違ったのは 失くした想いだけ 純白を捨てて
I will never lovin’ you 誰か嘲笑っても I want この空がこの手で掴めなくても I will never trust in you 僕は信じたい I want 掲げた手 触れた先だけを見て Now hands up & carry on Shout louder All I want is break it for myself
Hold on 望んだ未来は今どこにある? I’ll never let you go again I know 向かい風が導いてくれた I’ll never let you go again 知らなかった僕の声を 見つけられる 君がそこにいるなら
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 World’s end
I will never lovin’ you なにを失っても I want この声が誰に届かなくても I just want to scream at you 君に届けばいい I want 胸に誇り掲げて進むべきだろう Now hands up & carry on Shout louder All I want is break it for you again
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redhotmisa · 2 years
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